HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031125Application.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO - RECEIVED 0FILED ZaD) NOY 24 At" 9: 45 U i p", OrbitCom, Inc. UTILITIES COMt11SSIONApplication of For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Competitive Facilities-Based Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho Docket No. 0 j( B- '1-11 3- () ( APPLICATION OrbitCom, Inc. , (" OrbitCom " " Applicant" or "Company ) by its representatives and pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commissions Rules and Regulations, respectfully requests that the Commission grant it a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide facilities-based local exchange and interexchange telecommunication services in the State ofIdaho. In addition, the Company respectfully requests, pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commissions Rules arid Regulations, that if no request for hearing on this application is received within the specified time, the Commission exercises its discretionary authority to grant the requested certificate without such hearing. OrbitCom s purposes to offer facility-based local exchange services to consumers in the State ofIdaho utilizing combinations of unbundled network elements ("UNE'), specifically the unbundled network elements platform ("UNE- P") and resale products purchased from the incumbent local exchange provider. At some future date the Company may expand in facilities-based services via its own equipment; however, at present, the Company intends to concentrate upon provision of resale or through UNE combinations. Initially, OrbitCom will focus on providing local and long distance services to business customers, however services will be available to residential consumers as well. The goal will be to bring a full range competitive telecommunication choices to consumers in the State ofIdaho. In support of its Application, OrbitCom provides the following information: 1. The Applicant A. Corporate Information 1. OrbitCom is a privately-held corporation formed on December 20, 2000 under the laws of South Dakota. OrbitCom s principal address is: OrbitCom, Inc. 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107 Telephone: (605) 977-6900 Fax: (605) 373-9355 Toll Free: (866) 834-7837 A copy of Orbit Com s Articles of Incorporation is enclosed. 2. OrbitCom is authorized to transact business in Idaho as a foreign corporation. A copy of the Company s Certificate of Authority to Transact Business is also enclosed. The name and address of OrbitCom s registered agent in Idaho for service of process is: Monte Linafelter 4080 Meadow Wood Drive Meridian, ID 83642 3. Those persons specifically in charge of Orbitcom s Idaho operations are: Brad VanLeur, President Mike Powers, Vice-President Biographical information discussing the background and experience of these officers is appended as Exhibit A. The above listed individuals may be reached at the following address: 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107 Telephone: (605) 977-6900 Applicant's operations may be addressed to: Brad VanLeur, President OrbitCom, Inc. 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107 Telephone: (605) 977-6900 Toll Free: (866) 834-7837 B. Owners, Partners, or Corporate Officers 4. The following is a list of OrbitCom s owners and officers: Brad VanLeur, President 1321 Parkview PI, Brandon, SD 57005 Michael Powers, V. President 2398 S. Roosevelt Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Jim Perry 2608 Ridgeview Way, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 II. DESIGNATED CONTRACTS 5. The designated contact for this application is: Brad VanLeur OrbitCom, Inc. 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107 Copies of all correspondence, notices, inquiries and orders should be sent to the for-mentioned individual, who is the Applicant's contact person for all regulatory compliance. Consumer issues or customer complaints may be addressed to the following: Brad VanLeur OrbitCom, Inc. 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Telephone: (605)977-6900 Toll Free: (866) 834-7837 III. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS AUTHORITY REQUESTED 6. OrbitCom intends to operate as a provider of local exchange and long distance telecommunications services in the State ofIdaho. The Company is committed to provision a full range of competitive telecom services to both business and residential consumers, however OrbitCom plans to focus their marketing efforts towards business customers. 7. Currently, OrbitCom is certified to provide telecommunications in the State of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Montana and Nebraska. 8. By this Application OrbitCom seeks authority from the Commission to provide a full range of facilities-based local and long distance telecommunications services. The Company intends to market all forms of switched and dedicated telecommunications services, including data and internet services, through direct sales, employees and sales agents. The Company does not plan to market pre-paid calling cards, operator services or multi-level market. 9. With respect to the scope of its initial operations, OrbitCom proposes to operate in those areas of Idaho approved by the Commission for provision of competitive local exchange services. The Company respectfully requests permission to concur in the service area map of Qwest, already on file with the Commission. OrbitCom has successfully negotiated interconnection agreements with Qwest in all certified and approved states. The Company plans on negotiating an interconnection agreement with Qwest in Idaho. The Company will submit its agreements and Company final tariffs, pursuant to the Commission s procedures, once they become available. IV. DESCRIPTION AND FITNESS OF THE COMPANY 10. The Company will herein, demonstrate to the Commission that it is well qualified managerially, technically and financially to provide competitive telecommunication services for which authority is requested in the Application. OrbitCom s management team includes individuals with substantial experience in the successful development and operations of a telecommunication business. The Company is managed by persons with technical expertise in interexchange and CLEC networks. Further details regarding the business and operational experience of OrbitCom s officers and management are provided in Exhibit A. 11. As provided under seal as Exhibit B the financial statements of Orbit Com Officers and management has access to sufficient capital to fund the development and maintenance of its telecommunications operations in Idaho. V. PROPOSED TARIFF 12. All ofthe proposed local exchange services offered by OrbitCom in Idaho will be provided pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Company s local exchange service tariff. A draft tariff has been provided without rates and charges as Exhibit C. A final tariff will be provided after successfully negotiating an interconnection agreement with Qwest. VI. BILLING INFORMATION 13. The Company will bill all of its customers directly. All invoices sent to customers will bear the Company s name and provide a toll-free number for customer inquiries and complaints. VII. CUSTOMER SERVICE 14. OrbitCom will assist customers with billing questions between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P., Monday through Friday. Customer Service Representatives will also be available to assist customers with other questions and product offerings. OrbitCom will work with customers to resolve any complaints in a satisfactory manner. 15. Written inquiries from regulatory agencies and others will be handled by management ofthe Company. Written complaints will be properly reviewed researched and responded to in a reasonable time. 16. Service and maintenance issues will be dealt with 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, by calling toll free at (866) 834-7837. VIII. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 17. The Applicant agrees to abide by all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations entered and adopted by the Commission for competitive local carriers in Idaho. The Company will allow its local exchange customers to obtain interlata and intralata long distance service from other toll carriers as well as local operator services and directory assistance services from other providers on a non-discriminatory basis. Where the Company offers a service in a particular exchange, the Company will offer that service on a non-discriminatory basis to all customers in that exchange. The Company will provide its local customers with a local calling area that is at least as large in scope as the calling area of the incumbent local exchange carrier in the area. IX. PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS 18. Approval of this Application will serve the public interest and result in direct benefits to local and long distance customers in Idaho. The Company will excel in outstanding customer service and provide packaged services that are affordable and unique to the telecommunications industry. WHEREFORE, OrbitCom respectfully petitions this Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide competitive facilities-based local exchange and interexchange telecommunications service in the State of Idaho. Respectfully submitted OrbitCom, Inc. C-.,. By: '-- Z-- Brad VanLeur OrbitCom, Inc. 1701 N. Louise Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57107 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF VP TELECOM, INC. CANNOT SCAN BECAUSE OF POOR QUALITY SEE CASE FILE 11~Oz, / r1v." ~~V ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT t-~ ~~~ ~~c VP Telecom, Inc. THE UNDERSIGNED Officers and Directors ofVP Telecom, Inc. hereby adopt the following Articles of Amendment, pursuant to SDCL 47-8 through SDCL 47-, inclusive, of the South Dakota Business Corporation Act: ARTICLE I The name of the Corporation is VP Telecom, Inc. ARTICLE II The following Amendment ' to the Articles of Incorporation was adopted pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors and unanimously adopted by the Shareholders of the Corporation in the manner prescribed by the South Dakota Business Corporation Act: ARTICLE I: The name of this Corporation is OrbitCom, Inc. ARTICLE III The date of the adoption of the Amendment by the Shareholders was December 19, 2002. ARTICLE IV The number of Shares outstanding and the number of Shares entitled to vote thereon at the date of adoption was one hundred (100). The Corporation is authorized to issue only one (1) class of Shares. Accordingly, no Shares were voted or entitled to vote as a class. ~fCf/"tD ftt2J 1J2 8.0. SEe OF STI!Tt ARTICLE V The number of Shares voted for such Amendment was one hundred (100) and the number of shares voted against such Amendment was zero (0). The Corporation is authorized to issue only one (1) class of Shares. Accordingly, no Shares were voted or entitled to vote as a class. ARTICLE VI The Amendment does not provide for an exchange, re-classification, or cancellation of issued Shares. ARTICLE VII The Amendment does not effect a change in the amount of stated capital. Dated at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, this 19th day of December, 2002. By 2-- Brad VanLeur Its President and Director By MrChael C. Powers 1'-- --- Its Secretary and Director VERIFICATION BRAD V ANLEUR AND MICHAEL C. POWERS, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and state as follows: That we are the Directors and the President and Secretary, respectively, of VP Telecom, Inc. in the above matter; that we have read the within and foregoing Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of VP Telecom, Inc. which are subscribed by us; that we know and understand the contents thereof and have subscribed the same for the purposes therein set forth. Brad VanLeur ~-L- R--- chael C. Powers State of South Dakota : ss. County of Minnehaha On this the 19th day of December, 2002, before me, the undersigned Officer, personally appeared BRAD V ANLEUR AND MICHAEL C. POWERS who acknowledged themselves to be the Directors and President and Secretary, respectively, and Directors ofVP Telecom, Inc., a South Dakota Corporation, and that they being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing, in the name of the Corporation, as President and Secretary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I he lic :. State of outh Dakota 4-- i70:~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~Al NOTARY PUBLIC SOUTH DAKOTA f: """-,,, .....", ;Y,+c....~rq,%~~~~~~"",$i!~""r.r"~ My Commission Expires: LG\A:\JQ\ VP Telecom, Inc.\#ll 09-03-002\ARTICLES.AMEND\12-19- 09/17/03 09: 21 ~1 605 336 1000 QUAINTANCE LAW 141 002 605 336 1000 '-.J tate of Idah CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY ORBITCOM, INC. FilS Number C t50467 , BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the ~uthority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 18 August 2003 SECRETARY OF -STATE Received Time Sep.17. 9:23AM 202 r; APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE .,. OF AUTHORITY (For Profit) (Instructions on Back of Application) The undersigned Corporation applies for a Certificate of Authority and states as follows: 1. The name of the corporation is: Orbi tCom, Inc. 2. The name which it shall use in Idaho is:Orbi tCom, I nc. 3. It is incorporated under the laws of:South Dakota 4. Its date of incorporation is:December 20, 2000 5. The address of its principal office is: 1701 North Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SO 57107 6. The address to which correspondence should be addressed, if different from item 5, is: John C. Quaintance, Re istered A ent, State of South Dakota O. Box 2208 Sioux Falls, SO 57101-2208 7. The street address of its registered office in Idaho is:, 4080 Meadow Wood Drive Meridian 10 83642 Monte Linafe1ter and its registered agent in Idaho at that address is: 8. The names and respective business addresses of its directors and officers are: Name Office Address Brad VanLeur Di recto r / Pres i dent Treasurer 1701 North Loui se Avenue Sioux Falls, SO 57107 Mi chae 1 C Powers Oi rectorjV. President d Secre ary 1701 North Loui se Avenue lOUX s, Dated: July 31, 2003 SignaWre /2L Typed Name: rc:...Wt-1 L--e 0( Customer Acct # : (if using pre-paid account) Secretary of State use only Capacity:President ...; ~,.! N8'E 8 ~~ ~ .E~!J e-.g .~0 Q) Q)0 0 oc -;, .E 202 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (For Profit) (Instructions on Back of Application) The undersigned Corporation applies for a Certificate of Authority and states as follows: 1. The name of the corporation is: Orbi tCom, Inc. 2. The name which it shall use in Idaho is:OrbitCom, Inc. 3. It is incorporated under the laws of:South Dakota 4. Its date of incorporation is:December 20, 2000 5. The address of its principal office is: 1701 North Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SO 57107 6. The address to which correspondence should be addressed, if different from item 5, is: John C. Quaintance, Re istered A ent, State of South Dakota O. Box 2208 Si oux Fall s, SO 57101-2208 7. The street address of its registered office in Idaho is:, 4080, Meadow Wood Drive Meridian 10 83642 Monte L inafe 1 ter and its registered agent in Idaho at that address is: 8. The names and respective business addresses of its directors and officers are: Name Office Address Brad VanLeur Di rector/ Pres i dent d Treasurer 1701 North Loui se Avenue Sioux Falls; SO 57107 Mi chae 1 C Powers Di rector/V. President d S ecre ary 1701 North Loui se Avenue lOUX s, 5710 Dated: July 31, 2003 Signaturec--~ - Typed Name: 13 rc......l. .-e 0( Customer Acct # : Capacity:President (if using pre-paid account) Secretary of State use only "'-..; Ie-,..! N 8 'EO g ~~ ~ .2 ~ a! e.'.1!0 Q) Q) () () IX: -;;'.2 "'- (\j) ;tJ;"%11!~itt4ilC?';!i\\j)~n'Rf:1!~B!L'd'i'Wi'E~'~,tij':'00;J!"'E"Bl.'1iif&('0'%'J1tfJ%j,;~ii!)'!;$w.,J!LC(7J0gf,)2"iii'~"i":':f'\:?J:"ii",r&,;;?,,,11i:!"1'illi7,'C:r2"!'R1m.\m~""'.Gil:E"Th!..!J:ii7&t~1'~iiif";;:fJ1i'i1i",,;!til;'!i!Ii~!!i:iili~,,,~'Ihl\!;:~%'Wt~~:\?Ii;f"""J!5j v P TELECOM, INC. 1701 N. LOUISE AVE. SIOUX FALLS, SO 57107 PH. (605) 373-9336 FIRST PREMIER BANK 601 S. MINNESOTA AVE. SIOUX FALLS, SO 57104 2265 78-859/914 J 3-1 ) 2-c. if? i:s: PAY TO THE -.d. ORDER OF ev h v "1 (j) ./ ~L I--e. OJ- 2 j~Ui' ~I/"~ -L'-du I~- c.-t:-'0" ---- v-,.J ---.--'.--." DOLLARS MEMO /I / ?"" / ----~. 11800 2 2 b 5118 I:Og ~'-tOa5gal:~ 7 0 ~ 1 2 2 :1 g 7118 QUAINTANCE LAW OFFICE SUITE 600 SECURITY BANK BUILDING 100 NORTH PHILLIPS AVENUE SIOUX FALLSo SOUTH DAKOTA57104-6725 JOHN C. QUAINTANCE EMAI L qimqlopc.com DIRECT DIAL 605/333-7898 POST OFFICE Box 2208 SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA57101-2208 TELEPHONE 605/339-1000 FAX 605/336-1000 August 14, 2003 ij of the Secretary of State 7 O/West Jefferson , Basement West P. :. Box 83720 Bo\e , 10 83720-0080 ~: ~PPlication for Certificate of Authority (For Profit) ,/ U'FbitCom , Inc., a South Dakota Corporation Dear ladies an(j'Gentlemen: ----. Enclosed for filing with your office , please find duplicate originals of an APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (For Profit), Certificate of Good Standing issued by the South Dakota Secretary of State , and the Corporation s check in the amount of $100.00 for the required filing fee. Please forward the Certificate of Authority to our office if granted. Please contact our office with any questions , comments, or suggestions. Thank you. Sincerely yours QUAINTANCE LAW OFFICE P. \ - :;?n UnCIa M. Grotewold legal Assistant Enclosures: Duplicate Originals of Application Certificate of Good Standing $100.00 Filing Fee OrbitCom , Inc. Mr. Jim W. Pfeiffer, CPA Exhibit A Brad VanLeu:r===-=P:resident ORBITCOlYI IvIr. VanLeur has approximately sixteen (16) years experience in the telecommunications industry. Most recently lYlr. VanLeur was VP. Of Marketing and Operations Director for Advanced Communications. Advanced Communications was a Central U.S. CLEC with approximately $100 million in Revenue. Mr. VanLeur was in charge of more than 150 personnel, including all provisioning, repair, maintenance customer service, sales, etc. Prior to Advance Communications, Mr. VanLeur was VP and a partner in FirsTel Ine FirsTel was certified to do business as both and Interexchange and CLEC Telecommunication provider in SD, ND, LA, IVrN, NE and 'vVY. During this time tAr. VanLeur was instrumental in organizing the sales, billing services and switching platfonn for the Interexchange Business. Mr. VanLeur also int~oduced Wireless resale to FirsTel and helped it to become the 5th largest reseller in the U.S. for 'Western 'vVireless. 11. addition, Mr. VanLeur helped FirsTel to become one of the first CLEC'sapproved by the Commission to do business. Duri.:.ng L~is time he successfully negotiated an agreement with US WesT. and helped US West with important input to develop a successful wholesale program. Prior to FirsTeL l'vfr. VanLeur was DirecT.Or of ODerations in SD for LDDS/MCI -'- \VorldCom and was invol-ved with other start-ups (Long-Lines Tele-Tech, CompuTcl and Dial-Net) all or which were Interexchange carriers in which he held positions or General Manager and Sales Manager. 'iNith 1Ylr. VanLeur s prior experience we hope to demonstrate to the ComL-rnission that OrbitCom has the technical and managerial experience to successfully operate a telecommunications service. Biography MichaeS Cn PlOwers 2308 S. Roosevelt Ave. Sk~!lJX Fails, SD 57106 MkhaeR P~'wers s!art,ed h1J the COm"H.!!m1HCa1NCJ311s h1Jdustry iii1 1978 as a saHssma1!1l a!!1lraJ aa1ew saBles ma.!l"aagew for what was theau kJ1Jown as amJ 5&~nte:r:c~rui\ect \Company ITira S~(\j)ux faa~s, SiD, semng key iI3r:Jd PBX 'b3gephiD!111i8 systems to Dl!.Js5i11(esses ~iJi1 the iocan a!J"ea. He remaUl!1lierl thews i!MJ1iltH 19184 '\vvhe!1'11 he geft 1:0 take a posa'tfior.l as ge!rneraj ma!i1lagerr aiJi!d part cDW!rneir ,'Of :a s1~,;!!r'f up company caBned TieBe- Tedh, j!!1)c., lliril S~OtiJX fallBs, JotUJlJ1ae',cl 11:0 \,Olrovnde gOiJi1g dis!a!rnce, BOO seinJictes, alrud 1!:eieph;Oil1i8 sys\h:;!f\'ns 10 comp.:u1!ges ~n So(U!th Daikota.tHee solid lCompu-Teil tfD ~iaa-Ne'lt jn 1989. Mir. Powews rernaHtt'1led ;aict5ve ~n 1teuiE:c,ommu31Jka'\HomJs flOor severail years aft':~tr thai!: pe-(oV'i(cfiff~9 .ClO&llSOUIMitiil11g se\fVk~:es 'to V3irITm,JS teMephoniC reQ43t'SQ G;Ornpail1ffes ~ wihHe Dranchangou'fJ: a1riJ-IO 'the gaming ibiUJsaness. from 1993 'to 1995 he was pu-:esh:jernt a~riJ :CEO of C;OiIlciOrde Gaming Rap~d Cay, SD a pubdidy hekJ f~rm. Amoil1!g other things, C.ornc:orde financed, bum:, and operated a successful ga.mjng facmty for the Three Affmated Tribes JJn New Town, NO, Lmde3" his te~U!l"e. Yltij 1997 he f~iU1i?11ded a s~CC:eSSflU~ ~amHa11g c(Ompa~y ifJ11 Spoikane3 '!J'.~A. hll 1998 and 1999 rare served as regi(j)!na~ ciPerrai~~!rns ma~ager f:or AdvZlir11Ced CiDmmiUJinflCa"Ho!rns1 ;a ;;:n.!!bHdy traded c:Dmpany based In s~" !LiOiUJ~S1 Me, As iOperrzrt~olrns maii"\J;ageii", he siUJpepJ'Hsed bamng, ~:wstl:omeiJ se~ic:e, pn-iDvisHOinBliiI93 a:r\1d ihVJum1\",1!J1 resources TiCf J\dlvaJri1ced \CDmml!Jj!liJgCa ~3iDnyS '\Jvhich !pifiD)v~ded cre~hJua!i":I liiD!!11g ,fijjsitairncre ;Qin1G Cl.EC services for a seven state regBOiri1 w~ith appwmdmzrbeMY $30 0(1)0 11)(00 i~ aU1!!tlMai revenues. Mir. 1Pzowe:rs ~asa masi:ers ;degree J!Ii! 1;HJ.ilsjlJlless :ai!i!mHfi'1J~stiJ"a'tfiiOfn1 ;,rIT';Offi 'the U~hJe;(s~fJ:y ~~"f 5iOMit!h DakiDita 9 iatnJGJ ~s J~sl1:ed fin 1NhiO ~g~~ amiDU'Jg ,olUJ1!:st:aiITltdfi!ri1g AmeU"tlcaiJiJ b1UlSlli!ileSSlJuH~Ira. IDAHO TELEPHONE EXCHANGES AND COMPANY AREAS MAP SEE CASE FILE EXHIBIT C PROPOSED TARIFF SEE CASE FILE