HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAVE_Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC.pdfVERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 1 This Price List, Verion Enterprise Solutions LLC, Idaho Price List No.5, replaces in its entirety NYNEX Long Distance d//a Verizon Enterprise Solutions Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 4, currently on îie with the Commission. VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC RESALE INTRASTATE TELECOMMICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST The Company's Registered Agent is: CT Corporation Systems 300 Nort 6th Street Boise, Idaho 83701 lfl Public Utilit ComisioOf of th Seet ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 4 2009 Bois, Idaho '.............J Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Sixth Revised Page 2 Cancels Fifth Revised Page 2 CHECK SHEET All pages of this price list are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original price list and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 1 Original 26 Original 51 First 2 Sixth * 27 Second 52 First 3 Sixth * 28 Original 53 First 4 Original 29 Original 54 First 5 Original 30 First 55 First 6 Original 31 First 56 First 7 First * 32 First 57 First 8 Original 33 First 58 First 9 Original 34 First 59 First 10 Original 35 First 60 First 11 Original 36 First 61 First 12 Original 37 First 62 First 13 Original 38 Second 63 First 14 Original 39 First 64 First 15 Original 40 Original 65 First 16 Original 41 First 66 First 17 Original 42 First 67 First 18 Original 43 First 68 First 19 Original 44 First 69 First 20 Original 45 First 70 First 21 Original 46 First 71 First 22 Original 47 First 72 First 23 Original 48 First 73 First 24 Original 49 First 74 First 25 Original 50 First 75 First * - indicates those pages included with this filing. Issued: April 21, 2011 Effective: May 2, 2011 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2011-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 2, 2011 Boise, Idaho VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Sixth Revised Page 3 Cancels Fifth Revised Page 3 CHECK SHEET, (Cont'd.) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 76 Second 101 Second 131 Original 77 First * 102 Original 132 Original 78 First 103 Original 133 Original 79 Third 104 Second 134 Original 80 Second 105 Original 135 Original 81 First 106 Original 136 Original 82 First 107 Original 137 Original 83 Second 108 Original 138 Original 84 Second 109 Original 139 Original 85 First 110 Original 140 Original 86 Original 111 First 141 Original 87 Original 112 Second 142 Original 88 Original 113 Original 143 Original 89 First 114 Original 144 Original 90 First 115 First 145 Original 91 First 116 Original 146 Original 92 First 117 First 147 Original 93 First 118 First 148 Original 94 Original 119 Original 149 Original 95 Original 120 Original 150 Original 96 Original 121 Original 151 Original 97 Original 122 Original 152 Original 98 Original 123 Original 153 Original 99 Original 124 Original 154 Original 100 Original 125 Original 155 Original 126 Original 156 Original 127 Original 157 Original 128 Original 158 Original 129 Original 159 Original 130 Original 160 Original 161 First 162 First 163 Original * - indicates those pages included with this filing. Issued: April 21, 2011 Effective: May 2, 2011 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2011-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 2, 2011 Boise, Idaho VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Definitions of Terms And Abbreviations 8 Section 2 - Regulations 11 Section 3 - Description of Serice and Rates 22 Section 4 - Miscellaneous Serces 88 Section 5 - Promotions 100 Section 6 - Obsolete Serice Offerings 101 Idaho Public Utlities Comission Office of the Seretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB i 4 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 5 PRICE LIST FORMT A. Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the price list. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14.1. B. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on fie with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of the various suspension periods and deferals the Commission follows in its price list approval process, the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the price list page in effect. Consult the check page for the page currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.1.A 2. 1. LA. 1 2. 1. LA. 1.(a) 2.1.1.A.l.(a).I 2.1.1.A.l.( a ).I.(i) 2.1.1.A.l.(a).I.(i).(l ) D. Check Sheets - When a price list filing is made with the Commission an updated check sheet accompanies the fiing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the price list, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There shall be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it. The price list user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a paricular page is the most current on fie with the Commission. Idaho Public Utiltie Comission Ofice of the seretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Bo, Idaho .J Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Origial Page 6 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Changes to this price list shall be identified on the revised page( s) through the use of symbols. The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) (D) (I) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) To signify a changed regulation. . To signify a discontinued rate or regulation. To signify an increase in rate or charge. To signify material relocated from one page to another without change. To signify a new rate or regulation. To signify a reduced rate or change. To signify a correction or reissued matter. To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. ldaho Public Utilties CDmiSSn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Bose, kI . ¡"""'.'- Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 First Revised Page 7 Cancels Original Page 7 APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST This price list contains the regulations, rates and charges applicable to the provision of interLATA and intraLATA intrastate long distance telecommunications services by Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC for the use of Customers transmitting messages within the State of Idaho, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). This price list is on file with the Commission, located at the Statehouse, Boise, Idaho 83720. In addition, this price list is available for review at Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC, located at One Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920. (T) (T) Issued: April 21, 2011 Effective: May 2, 2011 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2011-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 2, 2011 Boise, Idaho VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 8 SECTION 1 - DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVITIONS Access Coordination - Access Coordination is the functions performed by the Company for the coordination of the maintenance, trouble shooting and repair of the Access Local Loop. Access Line - A facility arangement which connects Customer's location to the underlyig carer's network switching center. Agency Coordination - Agency Coordination are the functions perormed by the Company acting as the customer's agent for the design, orderig, installation, pre-service testing and service tum-up of an Access Local Loop. When acting as the Customer's agent, the Company wil design the serice based on standard engineerig considerations. These considerations may not produce a minimum price configuration. Authorization Code - A numerical code, one or more of which are available to Customer to enable it to access Carier's Serice, and which are used by Carer both to prevent unauthorized access to its Service and to identify Customer for biling purposes. Multiple authoriation codes may be assigned to identify individual users on the account. Busy Line Verifcation Call - An operator-assisted call in which Customer requests operator assistance to deterine whether or not there is an ongoing conversation at the called number. Callng Card Call - An operator-assisted or automated call in which Customer places an intrastate call and requests that the charges for the call' be biled' to an authorization code rather than to the originating or terminating telephone number. Carrier - Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC. Carrier Identification Code (CIC) - A unique three (3) or four (4) digit code assigned to a carer and used to identify that carer to the Local Exchange Carer and for placing calls on a non-presubscribed basis. Carer's CIC is A6953". Collect Call - An operator-assisted intrastate call in which all usage sensitive charges and per call charges for the call are assessed against the called par rather than the calling par. Idaho Public Utilties Comisson Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB i 4 2009 Boise. Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 9 SECTION 1 - DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVITIONS, (Cont'd.) Commission - The Idaho Public Utilties Commission Conversation Minutes - For biling purposes, calls are biled based on Conversation Minutes, which begin when the called pary answers, as determined by answer supervision, and end when the calling pary disconnects. Customer - The company, individual, or other entity which orders or uses Service and is therefore responsible for the payment of charges due and for compliance with Carrier's price list. Emergency Interruption Call - An operator-assisted intrastate call in which Customer requests operator assistance to interrpt an ongoing conversation, regardless of whether or not the interrption is successfuL. Holidays - Holidays recognized by Carier include New Year's Day*, Marin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day*, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day*, Thanksgivig Day, and Chrstmas Day*. When any of the four asterisked (*) holidays falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the recognized holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday or the following Monday, respectively. Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) - Long Distace Telecommunication Serce offered pursuant to this price list. Off-Peak - All hours other than those included in the Peak period, as indicated below, or as otherwise described in the service offering description on this price list. Operator Assisted Call - An operator-assisted intrastate call the natue of which is not otherise descrbed by the specific definitions of operator-assisted calls provided herein. Operator Dialed Call - An operator-assisted intrastate call in which Customer has the abilty to dial all the digits necessary for call completion but instead accesses an operator and requests that the operator complete the calL. Idaho Public Utilties Comission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB i 42009 Boise, Idaho .. . ..1 Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 10 SECTION 1 - DEFIITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVITIONS, (Contd.) Peak - From 7:00 AM up to but not including 7:00 PM Monday though Friday, excluding recognized holidays as defined above or as otherwse described in the serice offering description on this price list. Person- To-Person Call - An operator-assisted intrastate call in which the caller specifies the name of a paricular person, departent, extension, or other recognizable entity and in which the caller is not biled for that call unless the specific person or entity named is reached. Point-Of-Presence (POP) - The actual (physical) location at which the network of the underlyig carier is accessed within the state or LATA. Service - Any or all intrastate service(s) provided by Carer pursuant to this price list. Third Number Biled Call- An operator-assisted intrastate call in which Customer requests that the charges for the call be biled to a telephone number other than the originating or terminating telephone number. Idaho Public Utilties Comission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho . .. .:, .,_~J Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 11 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Carrier 2.1.1 Service is fuished for intrastate telecommunications originating at specified points within the State ofIdaho under the ters and conditions of this price list. 2.1.2 Carer shall operate and maintain Serice provided hereunder in accordance with the ters and conditions set fort in this price list. 2.1.3 Carer neither owns nor operates telecommunications facilities within the State ofIdaho, but rather resells intrastate telecommunications services provided by other carers. Notwithstading the foregoing, Customer shall be considered a customer of Carer, and not a customer of any other carer. 2.1.4 Carer may, when authorized by Customer, act as Customer's agent for orderg dedicated Access Lines or facilities provided by other cariers to allow connection of Customer's locations to the network of an underlying carer. 2.1.5 Servce is provided on a monthly basis unless ordered on a longer term basis, and is available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 2.2 Limitations on Service 2.2.1 Serice is offered subject to the availabilty of the necessar facilities from the underlying carer and subject to the provisions of this price list. 2.2.2 Carer reserves the right to discontinue fuishing Service, or to limit the use of Serice, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, when Customer is using Serce in violation of the law or in violation of the provisions of this price list, or for non-payment by Customer. Idaho Public Utilties Comisson O1fice of the Seretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB142009 Boise, IdahO ,.".,j Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.2 Limitations on Service, (Cont'd.) 2.2.3 Service provided under this price list is directly controlled by Carer, and Customer may not transfer or assign the use of Service, except with the prior wrtten consent of Carier. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interption in the use or location of Service, and all regulations and conditions contained in this price list, as well as all conditions for Service, shall apply to all such peritted assignees or transferees. 2.2.4 Service may not be used for any unlawful purose. 2.2.5 Carier may require Customer to sign an application form furnished by Carer and to establish credit as provided in this price list, as a condition precedent to the initial establishment of Service. Carer's acceptace of an order for Service to be provided to an applicant whose credit has not been duly established may be subject to the deposit provisions descrbed in Section 2.9 of this price list. Carer may also require a signed authorization from Customer for additions to or changes in existing Serice for such Customer. An application for Service canceled by the applicant or by Carer prior to the establishment of Service is subject to the provisions of this price list. 2.3 Limitations on Liabilties 2.3.1 The liability of Carer for damages arsing out of mistaes, omissions, interrptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occurrng in the course of furnishing Servce and not caused by the negligence of the Customer commences upon activation of Servce and in no event exceeds an amount equivalent to the charges the Carer would make to the Customer for the period of Serice durig which such mistakes, omissions, interrptions, delays, erors or defects in transmission occur. Such liabilty does not include avoidable damage to Customer's premises. 2.3.2 Carrier shall not be liable for unlawfl use, or use by any unauthorized person, of its Serice, or for any claim arsing out of a breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted by Carrer. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Qifice of the Secretary G ACCEPTED FOR F1LlN fEB 1 4 2009 Boise. 'dano Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 13 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.3 Limitations on Liabilties, (Contd.) 2.3.3 Except as specified in Section 2.3.1, Carer shall not be liable for any failure of perormance due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, fires, meteorological phenomena, floods or other catastrophes, national emergencies, insuections, riots or wars, strkes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor diffculties, and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. With respect to the Serices, Carer hereby expressly disclaims all waranties, express or implied, not stated in this price list, and in paricular disclaims all waranties of merchantabilty and fitness for a paricular purpose. 2.3.4 The Carer shall not be liable for any act or omission of other carers whose facilities may be utilzed in establishing connections to points not reached by the Carer's facilities. The Customer shall indemnify and save harless the Carier from any third par claims for such damages referred to in Section 2.3.1. 2.3.5 The Carrer is not liable for any damages, including toll usage charges, the Customer may incur as a result of the unauthorized use of its telecommunications facilties. Such unauthoried use of the Customer's facilities includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls from Customer's premises, and the placement of calls through Customer-provided equipment which are transmitted or cared on the Carer's network. Customer is responsible for controlling access to, and use of, its own telecommunications facilities. 2.3.6 The included price list language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibilty to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the cour's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 2.4 Cancellation or Discontinuance of Servce by Carrier Without incurrng any liabilty, Carer may under the following conditions cancel Serce prior to commencement. Carier may also discontinue Service that is being fuished, provided that, unless otherwise stated, Customer shall be given fifteen (15) days wrtten notice of such cancellation or discontinuance of Serice. 2.4.1 For noncompliance with or violation of any applicable municipal, state or federal law, ordinance or regulation or noncompliance with or violation of any Commission regulation, provided that lesser notice may be required by order of rdaho Public Utilties Comissio such regulatory authorities. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 4 2009 Issued: Februar 4, 2009 Effective: Febru~" Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 14 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.4 Cancellation or Discontinuance of Service by Carrier, (Cont'd.) 2.4.2 For Customer's refusal to provide reasonable access to Carer or its agents for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by Carer. 2.4.3 For noncompliance with any of the provisions of this price list governing Serice. 2.4.4 For nonpayment of any sum due Carer for more than thir (30) days after deliver of an invoice to the custody of the U.S. Mail or other standard delivery servce. Cancellation of servce for nonpayment is subject to early terination liabilty obligations set fort in this price list. 2.4.5 Without notice, in the event of Customer's use of equipment in such a maner as to adversely affect Carier's equipment or Service to others. 2.4.6 Without notice, in the event of unauthoried or fraudulent use of Serice. Whenever Servce is discontinued for unauthorized use of Service, Carer may, before restorig Serce, require Customer to make, at its own expense, all changes in facilties or equipment necessar to eliminate unauthorized use and to pay to Carer an amount reasonably estimated by Carer as the loss in revenues to Carier resulting from such unauthorized use plus claims lodged against Carier by third paries. 2.4.7 Without notice, by reason of any order or decision of a cour or other goverent authority having jursdiction that prohibits Carer from furnishing Service to Customer. 2.5 Cancellation or Termination of Servce by Customer 2.5.1 Customer may cancel Service by giving notice to Carer up to the day Serice is scheduled to commence. 2.5.2 If Customer orders Serice which requires special constrction or facilties for Customer's use, and then cancels its order before Service begins, a charge shall be made to Customer for the non-recoverable portions of the expenditues or liabilties incured on behalf of Customer by Carer. 2.5.3 Carer shall have up to thir (30) days to complete a disconnect. Customer shall be responsible for all charges for 30 days, or until the disconnect is effected, whichever is sooner. This 30-day period shall begin on the day of receipt of notice from Cust0IIHahO Public Utilties Commisson Offce of the Secretary NG ACCEPTED FOR FlU FEB 1 42009 Bose, Idah Issued: February 4, 2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 15 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.6 Contract Service Arrangements Customer specific contract serice arrangements may be fuished in lieu of existing price list offerigs. 2.6.1 Rates, charges, term, and additional regulations, if applicable, for the contract servce arangement shall be developed on an individual case basis. 2.6.2 Unless otherwise specified, the regulations for contrct serce arangements are in addition to the applicable regulations and rates specified in this price list. 2.7 Restoration of Service The use and restoration of Service shall in all cases be in accordance with the priority system specifed in Part 64, Subpar D, of the Rules and Regulations ofthe Federal Communications Commission. 2.8 Payment and Biling 2.8.1 For biling of fixed charges, Serce is considered to be established upon the day which Carier notifies Customer of installation and testing of Customer's Servce. Fixed charges shall be biled monthly in advance and are due upon receipt. Customer shall be biled for all usage in arears. Rate changes shall be effective on the effective date of the rate change. 2.8.2 Serce is provided and biled on a monthly basis. Bils are due and payable upon receipt. Late payment fees for Customers who have their charges biled by an affliated local exchange company wil be the late payment fee applied by the affliated local exchange company to overdue charges. Customers that are not biled by an affliated local exchange company may be charged a late payment fee of 1.5% per month, or the maximum amount allowed by law, whichever is lower. The late payment fee wil apply to any overdue charges and wil begi to accrue no sooner than the 25th day after the biling date or as allowed by law. Collection fees on overdue charges apply in addition to all applicable late payment charges and shall begin to accrue when the Account is assigned to an outside collection agency. 2.8.3 The security of Customer's Authorization Codes is the responsibility of Customer. All calls placed using Customer's Authorization Codes or using facilities owned or controlled by Customer shall be biled to Customer and must be paid by Customer. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Orginal Page 16 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.8 Payment and Biling, (Contd.) 2.8.4 Carer reseres the right to examine the credit record of an applicant or Customer. A Customer whose Servce has been discontinued for non-payment of bils shall be required to pay any unpaid balance due to Carer before Serice is restored, and a deposit may be required. 2.8.5 Carer shall make no refud of overayments by Customer unless the claim for such overayment, together with proper evidence, is submitted within two (2) years from the date of the alleged overpayment. In calculating refuds, any applicable discounts shall be adjusted based upon the actual monthly usage after all credits or adjustments have been applied. 2.8.6 A charge shall apply whenever any check or draft for payment of Servce is not accepted by the institution on which it is wrtten. 2.9 Deposits 2.9.1 Each applicant for Serce may be required to establish credit. Any applicant whose credit has not been duly established may be required to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee of payment of charges at the time of application. In addition, an existing Customer may be required to make a deposit or increase a deposit presently held. Carer shall pay interest on deposits pursuant to applicable rules and regulations. 2.9.2 A deposit shall not exceed the estimated charges for two (2) month's Serice plus installation, and shall be retued: When an application for Serice has been canceled prior to the establishment of Serice. Such deposit shall be applied to any applicable charges, and the excess portion of the deposit shall be returned. At the end of six (6) consecutive months of a satisfactory credit history. Upon the discontinuance of Service. Carer shall apply the Customer deposit agaist any outstading balances due. If a credit balance exists, a refud shall be made to the Customer. The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves Customer from complying with the regulations with respect to the prompt payment of bils on presentation. Idaho Public Utilti ComisOl Office of the Secrety ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 Issued: Februar 4,2009 Boise Idabl) Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 17 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.10 Taxes and Fees 2.10.1 Servce may be subject to state and/or local taxes at the prevailing rates, if such service originates and terminates in the State ofIdaho. Such taxes are listed as separate line items on Customer's invoice, are not included in the rates and charges listed herein, and shall be paid by Customer in addition to the rates and charges stated in this price list. 2.10.2 To the extent that a municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of goverent, or Commission imposes upon and collects from Carer a gross receipts ta, occupation tax, license ta, perit fee, franchise fee, or regulatory fee, such taxes and fees shall, insofar as practicable, be biled pro rata to Customers receiving Serice within the terrtorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision, or local agency of government. 2.10.3 Pay Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97-371), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that origiate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company's serces, unless otherwise specified in this price list. The Pay Telephone Surcharge, which is in addition to standard price listed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company's service, applies for the use of the instrment used to access the Company serce and is unrelated to the Company's servce accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carers. The Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i.e., using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Pay Telephone Surcharge wil appear on the sae invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be biled on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. Rate per Call $0.50 Idaho Public Utilties Commi Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 4 2009 Issued: Februar 4,2009 Boise. Idao Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 18 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.11 Terminal Equipment Service may be used with or terinated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer- provided communications systems, such as a PBX or key telephone system. Such terinal equipment or communications systems shall be furnished by and maintained at the expense of Customer, except as otherise provided. Customer is also responsible for all costs at its premises incured in the use of Serce, including but not limited to equipment, wiring, electrcal power, and personneL. When such terminal equipment or communications systems are used, they shall in all respects comply with the generally accepted minimum protective standards of the telecommunications industr as endorsd by the Federal Communications Commission. 2.12 Interconnection Serice furnished by Carer may be connected with the serices or facilties of other carers. Customer is responsible for all charges biled by other carrers in connection with the use of Serice. Any special equipment or facilities necessar to achieve compatibilty between cariers are the sole responsibilty of Customer. Idaho Public Utilties ComissiOß Offce of the Secretar ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 4 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 19 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.13 Inspection, Testing and Adjustment 2.13.1 Carier may, upon reasonable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessar to deterine whether price list requirements are being complied with in the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer's or Carer's equipment. Carer may, without notice, interrpt Serce at any time, as necessar, because of a deparre from any of these requirements and may continue such interption until its requirements have been satisfied. 2.13.2 Upon reasonable notice, the facilties provided by Carer shall be made available to Carier by Customer for such tests and adjustments as may be necessar for their maintenance to a condition satisfactory to Carer. 2.13.3 Carer shall not be liable to Customer for any damages for Service interrption pursuant to this Section. Customer shall not be entitled to any credit for interrption of Serice pursuant to this Section when the interrption of Serice is less than two (2) consecutive hours. 2.14 Interruption of Service 2.14.1 It shall be the obligation of Customer to notify Carer of any interrption of Service. Before giving such notice, Customer shall ascerin that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission of Customer or is not in wirng or equipment connected to the terminal of Carer. Carrier liabilty for servce interrption is limited according to the provisions of Section 2.3 hereof. 2.14.2 When Servce is interrpted for two (2) hours or more, credit is allowed on demand to Carer, computed as set fort below, provided such interrption is not shown by Carer to have been caused by the negligence or wilful action of Customer, or any other person at the Customer's terminal location, or is not caused by the failure of Customer's equipment or power supply. 2.14.3 Credit is computed by multiplyig the monthly rate for Serice by the ratio that the number of hours in the period of interption bears to 720 hours. For the purose of this computation, each month shall be considered to have seven hundred twenty (720) hours. The credit shall be based upon the non-usage charges for the month durig which the interrption occured, excluding equipment and access line charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB i 42009 Bois Idaho Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: February 14,. 2009 .. .._1 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 20 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Contd.) 2.14 Interruption of Service, (Cont'd.) 2.14.4 An interrption is measured from the time Carer detects trouble or the Customer notifies Carer of the interrption by an expeditious means, until the trouble is cleared. Each interrption is considered separately for the purposes of establishing credit allowance. No credit shall be given for an interrption of Service ofless than two (2) hours. The credit for a biling period shall not exceed the monthly rate. 2.14.5 For puroses of credit computation, ever month shall be considered to have 30 days and ever day 24 hours. For all Company serces no credit shall be allowed for an interption of continuous duration of less than twenty-four hours. For serces biled on a usage basis, credits wil be limited to, at maximum, the price of the call that was in progress at the time of the service interrption. 2.15 Escalation and Problem Resolution Customers who are not satisfied with Carer's response to their inquires or who have unresolved biling or collection problems may escalate those unresolved matters to the Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC Escalation Offce, at the following address: Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC Escalation Offce 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300 - TXFBRB042A Dallas, Texas 75234 Telephone (800) 785-5624 Facsimile (800) 327-5182 Idaho Public Utilties Commissio Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Orginal Page 21 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.16 Other Rules 2.16.1 The Company reseres the right to discontinue servce, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changig regulations, rules or stadards of the Commission. 2.16.2 Demonstration or promotional calls of up to 10 minutes may be offered to existing or prospective Customers to demonstrate new serces at no charge to the Customer. Such offergs wil be limited to specific locations and dates and may include origiating and/or terminating restrctions. 2.16.3 From time to time, the Company may offer complimenta limited use phone cards (total value not to exceed $100) to potential business Customers who respond to, or are targeted by advertising or marketing campaigns. The Company may also offer complimenta limited use phone cards to existing or retuing Customers as an incentive to retain such Customers. The limited use phone card allows users to originate outbound, direct dialed domestic long distace calls via a toll free access number. All calls are rounded to the next higher full minute or unit. The limited use phone card shall expire on the date specified on the card, or in the absence of a physical card, on the date specified on the marketing material accompanyig the complimenta calling service offer. Idaho Public Utilties Commisson Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise. Idaho ,. l...., ..- .,~ .... Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 22 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTION AND RATES 3.1 General Presubscribed service is offered from locations sered with equal access end offces. The Company's service is available twenty-four hours per day, seven (7) days a week. All usage rates are expressed as rate per minute, unless otherise clearly indicated. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 4 2009 Boi98 Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Origial Page 23 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.2 Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive serices are based on the airline distance between the rate cente locations associated with the origiating and terinating points of the calL. The distace between the originating and terinating points is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates of the applicable rate centers as defined by Telecordia Technologies (formerly known as BellCore) and on fie with the FCC in NECA Tarff FCC No.4, in the following maner: Step 1 - Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the rate center of the origiating and the destination points. Step 2 - Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the rate centers. Obtain the difference between the "H" coordinates. Step 3 - Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Step 4 - Add the squares of the "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Step 5 - Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Step 6 - Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distace between the origiating and terinating rate centers of the call. (vi - vir +(h¡ - hJ2 10Formula: Idaho Public Utilties Comission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR fiLING fEB 1 4 2009 Bois Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 EffëCiive: Februar 14, 2009~':-'-' Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 24 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.3 Timing of Calls Biling for calls placed over the network is based in par on the duration of the call. 3.3.1 Timing for all calls begis when the called par answers the call (i.e. when two way communications are established). Answer detection is based on stadard industr answer detection methods, including hardware and softare answer detection. 3.3.2 Chargeable time for all calls ends when either par disconnects from the call, except in cases where the switching facilty is unable to detect called party disconnect. In such cases, the calling part controls the terination of the call. 3.3.3 Minimum call duration for biling puroses is one minute unless otherise specified in the individual rate schedules of this price list. 3.3.4 Calls are measured and biled in one minute increments on a per call basis, unless otherwise indicated in this price list. Fractional biling increments are rounded to the full biling increment as stated in the product description. 3.3.5 No charges apply to incomplete calls. An incomplete call is a station call in which the called station does not answer, or a person to person call in which the station does not answer or the requested person is unavailable, or a collect call for which the called par refuses to accept the charges. 3.3.6 Usage charges are computed on a per call basis. When computation of call charges result in fractional cents, the resulting charge is rounded to the nearest penny. Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 4 2009 Boise, Idaho .,.,_! Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Origial Page 25 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.3 Timing of Calls, (cont'd.) 3.3.7 Time-Of-Day Rate Periods Unless otherwise specified in the product description in this price list, the following time-of- day and day-of-week rate periods are applicable to all calls. Calls are biled based on the rate in effect for the actual time-of-day rate perod(s) durig which the call occurs. Calls that cross rate perod boundares are biled the rate in effect in that boundar for each portion of the call. A. Optional Calling Plans Time of Day Rate Perods The following time of day rate periods apply to optional calling plans, unless otherwise specified in this price list: Peak: Off Peak: 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM*, weekdays All other days and hours which are not included in Peak Rate Period above. Twenty-four hours per day, seven (7) days a week. Flat: B. Operator Services Time Of Day Rate Perod The following time of day rate periods apply to operator services calls, unless otherwise specified in this price list: Peak: Off-Peak: 7:00 AM - 7:00* PM, weekdays All other days and hours which are not included in Peak Rate Period above. * to, but not including Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Bo, lclbo ";. ....j Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 26 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.4 Long Distance Message Telecommunications Servce 3.4.1 General Description Long Distance Message Telecommunications (LDMTS) Service is the basic long distance serce offered to business Customers for outbound direct-dialed calling, utilizg Customer- provided switched access lines that are presubscribed to the Company. LDMTS serce may also be offered for casual (i.e. access code) calling where such servce is provided. Availabilty of this service is subject to the availabilty of biling capabilty. Calls are biled in one (1) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of (1) one minute. Any parial minute is rounded up to a full minute. Time Of Day Rate Perods Peak: Off-Peak: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM*, Weekdays 7:00 PM - 7:00 AM* Weekdays; all day on Weekends. 3.4.2 Rates and Changes Customer Dialed Direct Station-to-Station The Customer Dialed Direct Station- To-Station Class of Serce applies when the person origiating the call dials the telephone number desired without the assistance of an operator and the call is biled to the calling station. It does not include calls from public or semi-public coin telephones. Peak Off-Peak $0.4000 $0.400 * - to, but not including Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB i 42009 Bois Idaho _ _ ....~.:,. ..~_J Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 27 Cancels First Revised Page 27 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' FirmRate Plus Plan The FirmRate Plus Plan is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched Access Lines at one flat per minute rate. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched Access Lines.(D) This plan is an add-on service to the interstate FirmRate Plus plan. A Minimum Spend Level Charge applies to Customers subscribing to this plan as specified in the Company s interstate Product Guide. See www.verizonidregulatorv.com Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. Access Type/Call Type Switched Access Initial Increment 18 seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds (D) Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Orginal Page 28 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.5 FirmRate Plus Plan, (coutd.) 3.5.2 Termination Liabilty When the Customer terminates serce under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer's selected term commitment, a terination charge will be assessed. The terination charge is calculated by multiplyig 35 percent (35%) of the Customer's Minimum Spend Level Minimum Spend Level times the number of months remaining in the term. The early termination charge wil apply under the following circumstances: 1. When the Customer disconnects its entire account; or 2. When the Customer selects a shorter ter. The early terination charge wil not apply under the following circumstaces: 1. When the Customer's physical location changes, but the term plan is continued at the new location; 2. When the Customer negotiates the term plan for a longer term; 3. When the Customer moves to a jurisdiction where the Company is prohibited from offerig servce; 4. When the Customer changes plan prior to 60 days of serice; 5. When the Customer returns to the Company and the same ter lengt agreement as a result of a Winback program; or 6. When the Customer moves from a one or three year ter on Firte Plus Plan to either a one or thee year term on Firate Advantage Plan, FlexDistace Plan or Simple Options Plan. . At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer wil continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they choose to make a change, either to a different term commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different plan. If the Customer continues without changing, they wil stil be liable for the minimum usage guarantee to which they were originally subscribed. Idaho Public Utilties Comissn Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho -",~¡ Issued: Februar 4,2009 EffeCtive: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 29 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.5 FirmRate Plus Plan, (contd.) 3.5.3 Usage Rates Usage Rates are determined according to the Term Commitment selected by the Customer. A. Switched Access Outbound Rates Rate Per Minute: Month to Month $0.190 One Year Term $0.070 Three Year Term $0.060 B. Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Rate Per Minute: Month to Month $0.190 One Year Term $0.070 Three Year Term $0.060 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secetary ACCEPTED .FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4, 2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 30 Cancels Original Page 30 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 118. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi. Idallo .----,---,-,- . ,.._ Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 31 Cancels Original Page 31 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 119. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 JmtSII, Idaho --- --, '" ,-..-.--."..... -- Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 32 Cancels Original Page 32 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 120. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 ~,-,....,.- ... ... -"-'-~"~~."'-- ----- Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 33 Cancels Original Page 33 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 121. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idalso - ""-.. Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 34 Cancels Original Page 34 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 122. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boil', Idaho , --'-.., Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 35 Cancels Original Page 35 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 123. Idaho Public Utilities Commission ijffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 92009 Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 2220 I Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 36 Cancels Original Page 36 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 124, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Gffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 37 Cancels Original Page 37 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd. (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 125, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 -,.,,- ""'.,. ...'... - .. Issued: October 19 , 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 38 Cancels First Revised Page 38 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' FirmRate Advantage Plan General Description The FirmRate Advantage Plan is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom pre subscribed switched Access Lines at one flat per minute rate. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched Access Lines. Customers may select a one or three year term commitment in order to obtain lower rates. (D) This plan is an add-on service to the interstate FirmRate Advantage plan. A Minimum Spend Level Charge applies to Customers subscribing to this plan as specified in the Company interstate Product Guide. See www.verizonidregulatory.com The Customer who discontinues or cancels the Company s service, or whose service is refused, canceled or discontinued by the Company under this price list, shall forfeit eligibility for the discounted rates under this Option. The Customer who forfeits eligibility for this Option and remains pre subscribed to the Company s service will be charged the FirmRate Plus calling plan rates as specified in this price list. Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. Access Type/Call Type Switched Access (Month to Month) Switched Access (1 & 3 Year Term) Operator Assisted Initial Increment 60 seconds 18 seconds 60 seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds 6 seconds 60 seconds (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JULl-201O Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 39 Cancels Original Page 39 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' FirmRate Advantage Plan, (cont' Termination Liability When the Customer terminates service under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer s selected term commitment, a termination charge will be assessed. The termination charge is calculated by multiplying 35 percent (35%) of the Customer s Minimum Spend Level times the number of months remaining in the term. The early termination charge will apply under the following circumstances: When the Customer disconnects its entire account; or When the Customer selects a shorter term. The early termination charge will not apply under the following circumstances: When the Customer s physical location changes, but the term plan is continued at the new location; When the Customer negotiates the term plan for a longer term; When the Customer moves to a jurisdiction where the Company is prohibited from offering service; When the Customer changes plan prior to 60 days of service; When the Customer returns to the Company and the same term length agreement as a result of a Winback program; or When the Customer moves from a one or three year term on FirmRate Advantage Plan to either a one or three year term on FirmRate Plus Plan or FlexDistance Plan.(T) At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer will continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they choose to make a change, either to a different term commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different plan. If the Customer continues without changing, they will still be liable for the minimum usage guarantee to which they were originally subscribed. Idaho P~bfic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idtbo Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 40 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.7 FirmRate Advantage Plan, (cont'd.) 3.7.4 Rates and Charges A. Usage Rates Usage Rates are determined according to the Ter Commitment selected by the Customer. 1. Switched Access Outbound Rates Rate Per Minute: Month to Month $0.064 One Year Term $0.060 Thee Year Term $0.055 2. Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Rate Per Minute: Month to Month $0.064 One Year Term $0.060 Three Year Term $0.055 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Qitice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 Boise. Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 41 Cancels Original Page 41 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. ld3ho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho -". Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 42 Cancels Original Page 42 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. idaho Public Utilities CommiS'Si'o ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Bois8. Idano Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 43 Cancels Original Page 43 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 44 Cancels Original Page 44 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSQ, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 45 Cancels Original Page 45 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Bolst, ldatso Issued: October 19 2009 EffeCtive: October 29;"2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 46 Cancels Original Page 46 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F! LING OCT 2 9 2009 80iSQ, Idaho ._--- ... ,- ".._-, --... Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 47 Cancels Original Page 47 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 48 Cancels Original Page 48 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144, (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret8rY ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 49 Cancels Original Page 49 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret3ry ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho ---.., .-", .. ., , 0 " "'~~'-::""~ . , Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 50 Cancels Original Page 50 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 51 Cancels Original Page 51 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Bois8, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 52 Cancels Original Page 52 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Q.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Bolsi, IdahO ---- ,--",_. ...,..,.-----'"-- - , Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 53 Cancels Original Page 53 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 eo,., ldabo ..-.., .., Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 54 Cancels Original Page 54 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Issued: October 19 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Se"-retar'l ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG ,,' , OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho '--------, Effective: October 29 2009 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 55 Cancels Original Page 55 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 .., IdaM Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 56 Cancels Original Page 56 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Gffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 57 Cancels Original Page 57 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144, Idaho Public Utilities Commission O-ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI L!NG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 \..........-_'A"~"_ "- .-......--.. Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 58 Cancels Original Page 58 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING ,: OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 59 Cancels Original Page 59 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Frame Relay Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 126-144. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Gffice of the Sec!et3ry ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG , ";.,, OCT 2 9 2008 Boise, Idaho '----- Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 60 Cancels Original Page 60 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6. 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 61 Cancels Original Page 61 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8- Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho '-- ..-, '.,.. Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 62 Cancels Original Page 62 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 63 Cancels Original Page 63 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8- Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission QWce of the Secretmy ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho , ..----- -. Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 64 Cancels Original Page 64 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6. 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING OCT 2 9 2009 BcisI. ldalto Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) .._" . ",- ..- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 65 Cancels Original Page 65 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8- Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret~iY ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho .. Oo'" .. - "Oo---- , - , Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 66 Cancels Original Page 66 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fi liNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 67 Cancels Original Page 67 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8- Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 68 Cancels Original Page 68 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd. (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho "'_.,..." "', . Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 69 Cancels Original Page 69 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section 3. 9 are now found in Section 6. 8 Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secreta"; ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho ,,-_..._--..,..,..., Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 70 Cancels Original Page 70 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6. 8 Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 71 Cancels Original Page 71 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160, Issued: October 19 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Idaho Public UtHities CQmm\~;!Jo Office of the Secret,ny ACCEPTED FOR FI LI NG OCT 2 9 200~ Boise, Idaho '--- Effective: October 29, 2009 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 72 Cancels Original Page 72 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 8- Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Bo~SI, Idaho (M) (M) Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 --._,.........,. ' ---'----.'-'----,. ~,- -- Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 73 Cancels Original Page 73 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idaho _.,.._...,.._--_....,....,--- Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 74 Cancels Original Page 74 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6. 8 Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. Idaho Public UtiHhes CommiSSion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSQ, 'delto ..,_.._, .... .., ...-,..---,-.--..--. ".,... Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 75 Cancels Original Page 75 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) National Private Line Services previously located in Section are now found in Section 6.8 - Obsolete Service Offerings on Pages 145-160. (M) (M) Idaho P~bljc Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 92009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 76 Cancels First Revised Page 76 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service 10.1 General Description Business Unlimited Long Distance Service is an optional calling plan offered for unlimited outbound direct-dialed 1 + interLA T A interexchange voice calling and discounted Toll Free voice usage to Business Customers who also subscribe to qualifying local services trom their local exchange company, as described below. Business Unlimited Long Distance Service utilizes Customer-provided switched access lines that are presubscribed to the Company. To be eligible to receive this service, the Customer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Company at the time of subscription that he or she also subscribes to all qualifying local services and be subject to all restrictions regarding this service. This service is offered to both single line and multi-line customers subject to the restrictions noted below. (D) 10.Qualifying Local Services Customers must have both qualifying local services described below trom their local exchange company to qualify for Business Unlimited Long Distance Service. To qualify for Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, the customer must subscribe to a qualifying business dial tone service, business exchange service or digital centrex plus service on no more than 10 qualifying lines that include both: Unlimited local exchange calling, and Unlimited IntraLA T A toll calling. Such qualifying local business plans must provide the unlimited local and IntraLA T A calling for a flat rate monthly price. (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 First Revised Page 77 Cancels Original Page 77 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.10 Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont'd.) 3.10.3 Limitations of Service Business Unlimited Long Distance Service is not available with the following local/IntraLATA business services: FlexGrow type services, PBX trunks, ground start lines or trunks, ISDN services, remote call forwarding services, foreign exchange services, public telephone services, public access smart-pay lines, flexpath services, analog to digital conversion digital PBX services, WATS services or the equivalents of any such services. Business Unlimited Long Distance Service is only available to Customers who, at the time of service initiation, subscribe to twenty-five (25) or fewer qualifying business dial tone lines (voice grade or voice grade equivalent) from their local exchange company. Customers may discontinue their enrollment in Business Unlimited Long Distance Service at any time upon request to the Company. The Customer who discontinues or cancels the Company’s service or the local exchange carrier’s qualifying services or whose service is refused, canceled or discontinued by the Company under this price list or by the local exchange carrier shall forfeit eligibility for rates under this plan. The Customer who forfeits eligibility for this Business Unlimited Long Distance Service and remains presubscribed to the Company’s service will default to the plan on the main business account. If there is no other plan on the account or for single line accounts, the Customer will default to FirmRate Plus Plan, FirmRate Advantage Plan or FlexDistance Plan unless the Customer selects another Optional Business Service. (T) This service may only be used for voice applications and incidental non-broadcast facsimile usage, and may not be used for the transmission of data, for internet connections, or for any other non-voice application. This service may also not be used for resale, autodialing, predictive dialers, or facsimile broadcasting, blasting, or spamming. If the Customer uses this service for any non-eligible purpose, including but not limited to the examples noted above, the Company may immediately suspend, restrict or cancel the service without advance notice. The Company may also adjust the charges to FirmRate Plus Plan, FirmRate Advantage Plan or FlexDistance Plan as a result of the Customer's use of the service for non- eligible uses as set forth herein. (T) | | (T) This calling plan is only offered where billing and system capabilities exist. Issued: April 21, 2011 Effective: May 2, 2011 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2011-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 2, 2011 Boise, Idaho VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 78 Cancels Original Page 78 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.4 Rates and Charges Application of Charges A Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) is billed each month in advance and applies to each line presubscribed to the Company s Business Unlimited Long Distance Service. The MRC applies in full each month for each line regardless ofthe amount of qualifying usage. In the case of first and last month partial billing cycles, the MRC will be prorated based on the actual number of days the Customer had the service during the billing cycle. Only charges for direct dialed outgoing voice minutes of use are covered under the MRC for this plan. All other charges for usage and services, including but not limited to International calling, Directory Assistance services, Operator Assisted services, collect or person to person calls, 900, 700, 976 calls, calls to access information service, internet usage, fees and surcharges are not included as part of the MRC with this plan and will be charged separately. Discounted rates as described below apply to Toll Free usage. Such usage is charged separately and is not part of the unlimited usage provided under this plan. For Toll Free calls, partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. All calls are rated at 60 seconds for the initial increment, and 6 seconds for each additional increment. (D) (D) Rates Monthly Recurring Charge, per line $30. Toll Free, per minute $0. (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Third Revised Page 79 Cancels Second Revised Page 79 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.(Reserved For Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 80 Cancels First Revised Page 80 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.(Reserved For Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 81 Cancels Original Page 81 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.(Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 82 Cancels Original Page 82 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.(Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 83 Cancels First Revised Page 83 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Business Unlimited Long Distance Service, (cont' 10.(Reserved For Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 20 I 0- (D) (D) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 84 Cancels First Revised Page 84 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' FlexDistance Plan 11.1 General Description The FlexDistance Plan is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched Access Lines at one flat per minute rate, regardless of distance. A Monthly Usage Guarantee (MUG) applies to the monthly billing. The FlexDistance Customer may choose to commit to a higher spend level in exchange for a lower per minute usage rate. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched Access Lines. Customers may select a one or three year term commitment in order to obtain lower rates. (D) This plan is an add-on service to the interstate FlexDistance Plan. See www.verizonidregulatory.com. 11.Rates and Charges Billing Increments The billing increment is determined by the MUG selected by the Customer. Partial increments are rounded to the next increment. Switched Access Monthly Usage Guarantee $24. $40. $65. $150. $300. $500. $750. 000. 500. Initial Increment 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 30 Seconds 30 Seconds 30 Seconds 30 Seconds 30 Seconds 30 Seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 (D) Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 85 Cancels Original Page 85 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' FlexDistance Plan, (cont' 11.Rates and Charges, (cont' Monthly Usage Guarantee Customers whose total monthly long distance usage charges do not meet their subscribed Monthly Usage Guarantee level will be assessed the difference between their total long distance usage charges and their subscribed Monthly Usage Guarantee level. Direct dialed calls, Conference Connections audioconferencing usage, operator assisted calls, directory assistance calls, Toll Free calls and Monthly Recurring Charges, International Plan Monthly Recurring Charges, tree minute promotions and percentage discount promotions will contribute toward meeting the MUG. Only charges of the Company will contribute to the MUG. Taxes, surcharges, Federal Access Charges and charges billed by other carriers, including charges billed by Company s affiliates, on the Customer s bill will not contribute to the MUG. (D) Usage Rates are determined according to the Term Commitment and MUG selected by the Customer. Monthly Usage Guarantee $24. $40. $65. $150. $300. $500. $750. 000. 500. Month to Month Usage Rate Per Minute $0.060 $0.057 $0.055 $0.053 $0.051 $0.048 $0.047 $0.046 $0.045 1 Year Term Usage Rate Per Minute $0.057 $0.054 $0.052 $0.050 $0.048 $0.046 $0.044 $0.043 $0.042 3 Year Term Usage Rate Per Minute $0.051 $0.048 $0.047 $0.045 $0.043 $0.041 $0.040 $0.039 $0.038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 (D) Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 86 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.11 FlexDistance Plan, (cont'd) 3.11.2 Rates and Charges, (cont'd.) C. Supplemental Discount The Supplemental Discount is available to new and returning Customers who establish new serice with a one or three year term. Existing Customers who agree to modify their serce by accepting a new contract ter of one or thee years wil also be offered the Supplemental Discount. The Supplemental Discount applies to the cumulative usage each biling cycle and is at the percent shown below. Term Level One Year Three Year Supplemental Discount 25% 25% Idaho Public Utilities Commissiør Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 4 2009 Botse, Idahe Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: February 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 87 3.11 FlexDistance Plan, (contd) SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.)ldaho Public Utilties Commisson Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB i 4 20093.11.2 Rates and Charges, (cont'd.) D.Termination Liabilty Bose. Idahi When the Customer terminates serice under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer's selected term commitment, a termination charge wil be assessed. The terination charge is calculated by multiplying 35 percent (35%) of the Customer's Monthly Usage Guarantee multiplied times the number of months remaining in the term. Early terination charge wil apply in all instaces where the Flex Plan is terinated by the Customer, including: When the Customer disconnects its entire account; When the Customer selects a shorter ter; or When the Customer negotiates a reduction in their monthly spending commitment more than one level during a biling cycle. Early termination charge wil not apply under the following circumstaces: When the Customer's physical location changes, but the ter plan is continued at the new location; When the Customer negotiates the term plan for a longer term; When the Customer moves to a jurisdiction where the Company is prohibited from offerg serce; When the Customer changes plan prior to 60 days ofservice; When the Customer returns to the Company as a result of a Winback program; When the Customer reduces their ter monthly spend level one level during a biling cycle; or When the Customer moves from a one or thee year term on Flex Distance Serice to Unlimited Long Distace Servce. At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer wil continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they notify the Company of a change to a different ter commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different plan. If the Customer continues without notifyg the Company of any changes, the Customer wil remain liable for the MUG to which they were originally subscribed. Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 88 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 4.1 Directory Assistance Directory Assistance provides to the Customer available published telephone numbers of switched voice telephone serice subscribers based on name or name and address information provided by the Customer to the Directory Assistace operator. The Directory Assistace charge applies to each call by the Customer requesting Directory Assistace regardless of whether the Directory Assistace bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance wil provide the Customer with up to two telephone numbers per call. If the Customer should disconnect the call prior to being provided the two telephone numbers, the Directory Assistace charge is applicable. All applicable serice charges and surcharges apply in addition to the Directory Assistace charge specified below. If the Customer receives an incorrect telephone number and notifies the Company, a biling credit for Directory Assistance charges shall be provided. 4.1.1 Directory Assistance Rates Per Call $1.99 4.1.2 Directory Assistance Call Completion Rates When the Customer elects to have the Company automatically place the call to the requested number, a Directory Assistace with Call Completion Charge applies in addition to the Directory Assistance Charge, and in addition to all other applicable charges such as charges to transport and terminate the call. Per Completed Call $1.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 8o, Idah, Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 89 Cancels Original Page 89 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 161. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FfUNG OCT 2 9 2009 'Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 90 Cancels Original Page 90 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 162. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 91 Cancels Original Page 91 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved For Future Use) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 163. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOri FiUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 92 Cancels Original Page 92 4.4 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' Operator Services Operator Services allow Customers and Consumers to place calls using operator assistance for call completion or billing. Usage charges and an appropriate service charge will be assessed on a per call basis, as stated in this price list. For calls made using a Calling Card, acceptance of the card will be dependent upon the Company s ability to verifY the card as valid. Only those cards accepted by the Company may be used to bill the Company s services. The Company reserves the right to verifY acceptance of charges prior to billing to a third party number. 4.4. 4.4 4.4. (D) Operator Services may be used by a Customer and by an Aggregator and their respective Consumers (Le., patrons, guests, invitees or employees) to complete Operator Station, Person- to-Person, Collect, Third-Party, and/or Calling Card calls.(D) Charges for Operator Assisted Calls include two components: a usage-sensitive component and a fixed per-call service charge based upon the type of operator service provided. The usage-sensitive portion of the charge for an Operator Assisted Call is set forth in Section 4.4.7 below. The fixed per-call service charge portions ofthe charge for an Operator Assisted Call is set The Company reserves the right to validate the billing method of Customers through available Calling Card, called number, Third Party telephone number and room number verification procedures. Where a requested billing method cannot be validated, the Customer/Consumer may be required to provide an acceptable alternate billing method or the Company may refuse to place the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 93 Cancels Original Page 93 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' Operator Services, (cont' Per-Call Service Charges The following Per-Call Service Charges apply in addition to the charges specified in Section 4.4 Operator Services, and in addition to all other surcharges and fees, when applicable. When more than one service charge applies to the same call, only the higher of the two charges is applied. The following charges apply in all rate periods. (T) (D) Customer Dialed Calling Card Station $0. Operator Assisted Calling Card Station $3.45 Operator Assisted Station to Station:$4. Billed Collect: Billed to Third Party $4. $4. Operator Assisted Person to Person $9. Operator Dialed Surcharge:$1.50 * Formerly included in the operator dialed destination number rate. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 94 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANOUS SERVICES, (Contd.) 4.5 Operator Servces Usage Charges 4.5.1 General Description Calls are biled in one minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (1) minute. Any parial minute is rounded up to a full minute. There is no minimum monthly biling. 4.5.2 Ilates The Customer is charged for actual usage for each call. Rates are based on the time of day rate period durg which the call takes place and the duration. Usage Rates Per Minute: InterLATA Peak Off-Peak Initial Perod I Add'l Period Initial Period I Add'l Perod $0.8900 1$0.8900 $0.8900 1$0.8900 IntraLATA Peak Off-Peak Initial Perod I Add'l Perod Initial Perod I Add'l Period $0.8900 1$0.8900 $0.8900 1$0.8900 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 4 2009 Bolse. Idabe Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 95 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.6 Toll Free (e.g., 800-Type) Service Features Unless otherwise specified below, the following optional featues are available for all Toll Free serce plans offered by Company in this price list. Charges for specialized features, monthly recurng charges, and nonrecurg charges are set fort in the Company's federal rate schedules. 4.6.1 Toll Free Directory Assistance Listing Per Toll Free Number, per month $10.00 4.6.2 Enhanced Routing Plan Features Area Code Routing - Calls to the same toll free number are directed to the terinating location based on the originating area code. Area CodeÆxchange Routing - Calls are routed by originating area code and exchange to terminate to multiple serice groups or locations. Call Allocation - Allows Customers to define the routing of calls to multiple serce groups or locations on a percentage basis. The percentage is based on call attempts, not call completions. Day of Week - Allows inbound calls to be routed to multiple serice groups or locations on different days of the week. Day of Year - Allows calls to be routed to multiple serice groups or locations based on the date (monthday). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Orfce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Botse. ldahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 96 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.6 Toll Free (e.g., 800-Type) Service Features, (cont'd.) 4.6.2 Enhanced Routing Plan Features, (cont'd.) Time of Day - Allows calls to be routed to multiple service groups or locations based on a pre-defined time-of-day schedule. Charges are based on the number of features added or changed for each Toll Free number. Charge per Toll Free number per routing plan, per feature node: Nonrecuring Charge $10.00 Routing Plan Charges: Monthly Charge, per Toll Free number 1-3 Routing Plans 4-99 Routing Plans, Per routing plan $10.00 $10.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 BotSiI tdaht Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 97 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.6 Toll Free (e.g., 800-Type) Servce Features, (cont'd.) 4.6.2 Enhanced Routing Plan Features, (cont'd.) Command Routing Featue* Command Routing featue allows activation of alternate routing plans Per Alternative Route Plan Activation: Nonrecurrg Charge $50.00 4.6.3 Origination Features AN Blocking - Allows a Customer to block incoming calls from specific telephone numbers. Area Code/Exchange Selection - Allows a Customer to block incoming calls from specific areas codes (NAs) and exchanges (NXXs). Area Code Selection - Allows a Customer to block incoming calls from specific NP As. Extended Coverage - Allows a Customer to originate Toll Free calls from Canada. Nonrecurrg Charges: ANI Blocking, per 1,000 AN's Area Code Selection Area Code/Exchange Selection per NP A blocked at exchange level $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 * No longer offered to new Customers. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Botse, ldahe Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 98 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.6 Toll Free (e.g., 800-Type) Servce Features, (cont'd.) 4.6.4 Termination Features Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)** - Allows a Customer to terinate two or more toll free numbers to a single trnk group and to receive digits to identify the specific toll free number that was dialed. Overfow Serice** - Routes calls to a busy or out of serice Dedicated Access Line (DAL) to an alterate switched or dedicated number. Real-Time Automatic Number Identification** - Provides a dedicated access Customer with the toll free caller's telephone number in real-time as the call is delivered. Nonrecuring Charges: DNIS**, per Toll Free Number $10.00* Real-Time AN**, per Toll Free Number $10.00* Monthly Charges: Overflow Service**, per Toll Free Number $10.00 * $250.00 cap per àccount ** No longer offered to new Customers. I(laho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Batse. 'dabi Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 99 SECTION 4 -MISCELLANOUS SERVICES, (Contd.) 4.7 Employee Concessions No employee concessions are offered under this price list. 4.8 Special Promotions Carer may, from time to time, waive or var the rates and charges associated with cerin serces for promotional, market research, or other similar purposes. In no case, shall the resulting rates and charges exceed the rates and charges listed in this price list for the same services. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Bo1se, Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Original Page 100 SECTION 5 - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Promotions previously fied in this price list have been removed and are now submitted in letter form with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 Bo1se. Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 101 Cancels First Revised Page 101 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS Business Plan A Plan A is available to existing Customers only. Existing Customers relocating within the state, or adding new locations, may continue under this Plan. Existing Customers adding new lines to their systems may do so under this Plan. Business Plan A is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling from presubscribed switched or dedicated Access Lines at one flat rate. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched or dedicated Access Lines. Operator assisted calling is also available under this plan. Customers may select a one, two, or three year term commitment in order to obtain a lower rate. The International Savings Plan is available with this service. 1.1 Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. Initial Additional Access Type/Call Type Increment Increment Switched Access 18 seconds 6 seconds Dedicated Access 6 seconds 6 seconds (D) Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JULI-2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 102 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.1 Business Plan A 6.1.2 Termination Liabilty When the Customer terminates serce under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer's selected term commitment, a terination charge wil be assessed. The terination charge is $100.00. The early termination charge wil apply under the following circumstaces: 1. When the Customer disconnects their entire Account; or 2. When the Customer selects a shorter term. The early termination charge wil not apply under the following circumstances: 1. When the Customer's physical location changes, but the ter plan is continued at the new location; 2. When the Customer moves to a jursdiction where the Company is prohibited from offerig servce; 3. When the Customer renegotiates the ter plan for a longer ter; 4. When the Customer retus to the Company and the same term length agreement as a result of a Winback program; or 5. When the Customer moves from any grandfathered callng plan to Firte Plus, or to any calling plan with the same ter lengt. At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer wil continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they choose to make a change, either to a different ter commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different Plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Balse, Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Origial Page 103 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.1 Business Plan A, (cont'd.) 6.1.3 Usage Rates Usage Rates are deterined according to the Term Commitment selected by the Customer. A. Switched Access Outbound Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Thee Year Month Ter Plan Term Plan Ter Plan $0.1675 $0.1591 $0.1508 $0.1424 B. Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Thee Year Month Ter Plan Term Plan Ter Plan $0.1675 $0.1591 $0.1508 $0.1424 C. Dedicated Access Outbound Rates Term Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Thee Year Month Term Plan Ter Plan Ter Plan $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 D. Dedicated Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Three Year Month Term Plan Term Plan Term Plan $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 Idaho Public Utilties Commisson Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 8dlse, Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 104 Cancels First Revised Page 104 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont'd. Business Plan B Business Plan B is an optional calling plan offered only to existing Business Customers at locations existing prior to July 21 , 2001 for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched or dedicated Access Lines at rates which are dependent on the Customer s monthly usage guarantee (MUG) level. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched or dedicated Access Lines. Operator assisted calling is also available under this plan. Customers may select a one two or three year term commitment in order to obtain lower rates. Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded to the next increment. Access Tvve/Call Type Switched Access Dedicated Access Initial Increment 18 seconds 6 seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds 6 seconds (D) Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds Monthly Usage Guarantee All intrastate, interstate and international usage charges and applicable surcharges billed to the Customer under this plan contribute towards meeting the monthly usage guarantee. In addition, feature charges, directory assistance charges, operator usage and surcharges, and monthly recurring charges are contributory to the monthly usage guarantee. Taxes presubscribed line charges, carrier universal service charges, pay telephone use charges and other similar fees are not contributory. When the Customer s billing falls below the MUG in any full billing period, a shortfall charge will be applied which is equal to the difference between the Monthly Usage Guarantee and the actual contributory billing for that billing period. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 (D) Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 105 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Contd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (contd.) 6.2.3 Termination Liabilty When the Customer terminates serice under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer's selected term commitment, a terination charge wil be assessed. The terination charge is calculated by multiplying 35 percent (35%) of the Customer's Monthly Usage Guarantee multiplied times the number of months remaining in the term. The early termination charge wil apply under the following circumstances: 1. When the Customer disconnects its entire Account; 2. When the Customer selects a shorter ter; or 3. When the Customer negotiates a reduction in their monthly spending commitment more than one level durng a biling cycle. The early terination charge wil not apply under the following circumstances: 1. When the Customer's physical location changes, but the term plan is continued at the new location; 2. When the Customer negotiates the ter plan for a longer term; 3. When the Customer moves to a jursdiction where the Company is prohibited from offerig serice; 4. When the Customer changes plan prior to 60 days of serce; 5. When the Customer retus to the Company and the same ter lengt agreement as a result of a Winback program; 6. When the Customer moves from the two year ter on Plan B Servce to a one or thee year term on Plan D Servce; 7. When the Customer reduces their ter monthly spend level on level durg a biling cycle; or 8. When the Customer has encountered extremely poor servce, verified by higher management. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Bøí, Idah. Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. 5 Orgial Page 106 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Contd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (cont'd.) 6.2.3 Termination Liabilty, (Cont'd.) Once the Customer has reached the lowest Minimum Usage Guarantee level of Plan B, they may move to Plan C without incurrg a penalty. The Customer must move to the same ter commitment they subscrbed to on Plan B. At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer will continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they choose to make a change, either to a different ter commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different plan. If the Customer continues without changing, they wil stil be liable for the minimum usage guarantee to which they were originally subscribed. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 Bdise, Idahi Issued: February 4, 2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Origial Page 107 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Contd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (cont'd.) 6.2.4 Usage Rates Usage Rates are determined according to the Ter Commitment and Monthly Usage Guarantee selected by the Customer. A. Switched Access Outbound Rates Monthly Usage Month to Month One Year Term Two Year Term Thee Year Term Guarantee $100 $0.1670 $0.1587 $0.1503 $0.1420 $500 $0.1665 $0.1582 $0.1499 $0.1415 $1,000 $0.1660 $0.1577 $0.1494 $0.1411 $2,000 $0.1655 $0.1572 $0.1490 $0.1407 $3,000 $0.1650 $0.1568 $0.1485 $0.1403 $5,000 $0.1645 $0.1563 $0.1481 $0.1398 $7,500 $0.1640 $0.1558 $0.1476 $0.1394 $10,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $15,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $20,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $25,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $30,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $35,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $40,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $45,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $50,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $55,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $60,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING rEB 1 42009 Boise, Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 108 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont'd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (contd.) 6.2.4 Usage Rates, (cont'd.) B. Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Monthly Usage Month to Month One Year Ter Two Year Ter Three Year Ter Guarantee $100 $0.1670 $0.1587 $0.1503 $0.1420 $500 $0.1665 $0.1582 $0.1499 $0.1415 $1,000 $0.1660 $0.1577 $0.1494 $0.1411 $2,000 $0.1655 $0.1572 $0.1490 $0.1407 $3,000 $0.1650 $0.1568 $0.1485 $0.1403 $5,000 $0.1645 $0.1563 $0.1481 $0.1398 $7,500 $0.1640 $0.1558 $0.1476 $0.1394 $10,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $15,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $20,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $25,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $30,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $35,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $40,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $45,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $50,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $55,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 $60,000 $0.1635 $0.1553 $0.1472 $0.1390 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 BoSQ. Idahe ". ,:"t Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Original Page 109 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (cont'd.) 6.2.4 Usage Rates, (cont'd.) C. Dedicated Access Outbound Rates Monthly Usage Month to Month One Year Term Two Year Ter Thee Year Ter Guarantee $100 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $500 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $1,000 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $2,000 $0.1100 $0.1045 $0.0990 $0.0935 $3,000 $0.1095 $0.1040 $0.0986 $0.0931 $5,000 $0.1090 $0.1036 $0.0981 $0.0927 $7,500 $0.1085 $0.1031 $0.0977 $0.0922 $10,000 $0.1080 $0.1026 $0.0972 $0.0918 $15,000 $0.1075 $0.1021 $0.0968 $0.0914 $20,000 $0.1070 $0.1017 $0.0963 $0.0910 $25,000 $0.1065 $0.1012 $0.0959 $0.0905 $30,000 $0.1060 $0.1007 $0.0954 $0.0901 $35,000 $0.1055 $0.1002 $0.0950 $0.0897 $40,000 $0.1050 $0.0998 $0.0945 $0.0893 $45,000 $0.1045 $0.0993 $0.0941 $0.0888 $50,000 $0.1040 $0.0988 $0.0936 $0.0884 $55,000 $0.1035 $0.0983 $0.0932 $0.0880 $60,000 $0.1030 $0.0979 $0.0927 $0.0876 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idahe Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 110 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.2 Business Plan B, (cont'd.) 6.2.4 Usage Rates, (cont'd.) D. Dedicated Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Monthly Usage Month to Month One Year Ter Two Year Ter Thee Year Ter Guarantee $100 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $500 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $1,000 $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 $2,000 $0.1100 $0.1045 $0.0990 $0.0935 $3,000 $0.1095 $0.1040 $0.0986 $0.0931 $5,000 $0.1090 $0.1036 $0.0981 $0.0927 $7,500 $0.1085 $0.1031 $0.0977 $0.0922 $10,000 $0.1080 $0.1026 $0.0972 $0.0918 $15,000 $0.1075 $0.1021 $0.0968 $0.0914 $20,000 $0.1070 $0.1017 $0.0963 $0.0910 $25,000 $0.1065 $0.1012 $0.0959 $0.0905 $30,000 $0.1060 $0.1007 $0.0954 $0.0901 $35,000 $0.1055 $0.1002 $0.0950 $0.0897 $40,000 $0.1050 $0.0998 $0.0945 $0.0893 $45,000 $0.1045 $0.0993 $0.0941 $0.0888 $50,000 $0.1040 $0.0988 $0.0936 $0.0884 $55,000 $0.1035 $0.0983 $0.0932 $0.0880 $60,000 $0.1030 $0.0979 $0.0927 $0.0876 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise. Idahe Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 111 Cancels Original Page 111 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' E- Values Plan Service Values Plan Service is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched Access Lines. This Plan is offered to Customers that order outbound long distance service via the internet. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched Access Lines. Operator assisted calling is also available under this plan. Billing Increments Access Type/Call Type Switched Access Operator Assisted Usage Rates Initial Increment 18 seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds 60 seconds (D) 60 seconds Switched Access Outbound Rates Rate Per Minute:$0.1675 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 112 Cancels First Revised Page 112 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' 6.4 FirmRate (formerly tariffed as Business Plan C) FirmRate is offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched Access Lines at one flat rate. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched Access Lines. Customers may select a one, two, or three year term commitment in order to obtain a lower rate. The International Savings Plan is available with this service. This service is no longer available to new Customers. (D) This plan is an add-on service to the interstate FirmRate plan. A Minimum Spend Level Charge applies to Customers subscribing to this plan as specified in the Company s interstate Product Guide. See www.verizonidregulatory.com Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. Initial Additional Access Type/Call Tvpe Increment Increment Switched Access 18 seconds 6 seconds Dedicated Access 6 seconds 6 seconds (D) Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 113 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.4 FirmRate, (cont'd.) 6.4.2 Termination Liabilty, (cont'd.) When the Customer terminates serice under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer's selected term commitment, a termination charge wil be assessed. The terination charge is $100.00. The early termination charge wil apply under the following circumstances: 1. When the Customer disconnects their entire Account; or 2. When the Customer selects a shorter term. The early termination charge wil not apply under the following circumstaces: 1. When the Customer's physical location changes, but the ter plan is continued at the new location; 2. When the Customer moves to a jursdiction where the Company is prohibited from offerng serce; 3. When the Customer renegotiates the ter plan for a longer ter; 4. When the Customer returns to the Company and the same term lengt agreement as a result of a Winback program; 5. When the Customer moves from any grandfathered calling plan to Firte Plus, or to any callng plan with the same term length; or 6 When the Customer moves from a one, two or three year term on Firmate Serice to Business Unlimited Long Distace. At the expiration of the ter commitment, the Customer wil continue at the sae commitment and usage rate unless they choose to make a change, either to a different ter commitment/minimum usage guarantee or to a different Plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idahi Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No.5 Original Page 114 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.4 FirmRate, (cont'd.) 6.4.3 Usage Rates Usage Rates are deterined according to the Ter Commitment selected by the Customer. A. Switched Access Outbound Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Three Year Month Term Plan Ter Plan Term Plan $0.190 $0.180 $0.170 $0.170 B. Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Three Year Month Term Plan Ter Plan Ter Plan $0.190 $0.180 $0.170 $0.170 C. Dedicated Access Outbound Rates Term Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Thee Year Month Term Plan Term Plan Ter Plan $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 D. Dedicated Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Ter Plan Commitment Month to One Year Two Year Thee Year Month Term Plan Ter Plan Ter Plan $0.1700 $0.1615 $0.1530 $0.1445 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise. Idahi Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 115 Cancels Original Page 115 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' Business Block of Time Service (formerly tariffed as Business Plan F) General Description Business Block of Time Service is an optional calling plan offered for outbound direct-dialed 1 + interLA T A interexchange voice calling to Business Customers who also subscribe to qualifYing local services trom their local exchange company as described below. Business Block of Time Service utilizes Customer-provided switched access lines that are presubscribed to the Company. To be eligible to receive this service, the Customer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Company at the time of subscription that he or she also subscribes to all qualifYing local services and be subject to all restrictions regarding this service. This service is offered to both single line and multi-line customers subject to the restrictions noted below. Business Block of Time Service offers 400 minutes per month of calling per account. The 400 minutes can be used for all interLA TAl + interexchange direct dialed domestic calling calls and Toll Free service calls.(D) This plan is no longer offered to new Customers. Qualifying Local Services Customers must have both qualifYing local services described below trom their local exchange company to qualifY for Business Block of Time Service. To qualifY for Block of Time Service, the customer must subscribe to a qualifYing business dial tone service, business exchange service or digital centrex plus services that include both: Unlimited local exchange calling, and Unlimited IntraLATA toll calling. Such qualifYing local business plans must provide the unlimited local and IntraLA T A calling for a flat rate monthly price. Idaho Public Utilities Commis~ion Office of the Secretary 0 ACCEPTED FOR FI LING JUL 1- 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List NO.5 Origial Page 116 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS, (Cont'd.) 6.5 Business Block of Time Servce, (cont' d.) 6.5.3 Limitations of Servce Business Block of Time Serce is not available with the following loca1ltraLATA business services: FlexGrow tye servces, PBX trnks, ground star lines or trks, ISDN serces, remote call forwarding servces, foreign exchange serces, public telephone serces, public access smar-pay lines, flexpath services, analog to digital conversion digital PBX servces, W A TS services or the equivalents of any such serices. Business Block of Time Service is only available to Customers who, at the time of servce initiation, subscribe to twenty-five (25) or fewer qualifyg business dial tone lines (voice grade or voice grade equivalent) from their local exchange company. Customers may discontinue their enrollment in Business Block of Time Serce at anytime upon request to the Company. The Customer who discontinues or cancels the Company's servce or the local exchange carer's qualifyg services or whose service is refused, canceled or discontinued by the Company under this price list or by the local exchange carer shall forfeit eligibilty for rates under this plan. The Customer who forfeits eligibilty for this Business Block of Time Serice and remains pre subscribed to the Company's serice wil default to Firmate Plus Servce unless the Customer selects another Optional Business Serce. If the Customer uses this Servce for non-eligible purposes, including but not limited to resale, thee way calling, permanent interet connections, or autodialing, the Company may immediately suspend, restrct or cancel the Customer's service without advance notice. The Company may also adjust the charges to Firate Plus Service, described in Section 3.5, as a result of non-business use. This calling plan is only offered where biling and system capabilties exist. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idahi Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 117 Cancels Original Page 117 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' Business Block of Time, (cont' d. 5.4 Rates and Charges Application of Charges A Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) is billed each month in advance and applies to the whole account presubscribed to the Company s Business Block of Time Service. A fixed allotment of qualified calling minutes is included in the MRC as specified below. The MRC applies in full each month regardless of whether or not the full allotment of minutes is used, except in the case of partial billing cycles. In the case of first and last month partial billing cycles, the MRC will be prorated based on the actual number of days the Customer had the service during the billing cycle. Only charges for direct dialed outgoing voice minutes of use are covered under the MRC for this plan. All other charges for usage and services, including but not limited to, International calling, Directory Assistance services, Operator Assisted services, collect or person to person calls, 900, 700, 976 calls, calls to access information service, internet usage, fees and surcharges are not included as part of the MRC with this plan and will be charged separately. Multi-line accounts will share the 400 minutes among all lines presubscribed to Business Block of Time Service. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. All calls are rated at 60 seconds for the initial increment, and 6 seconds for each additional increment. Rates Minutes Allotted in Additional Per Monthly Recurring Monthly Recurring Minute Charge Charge Charge over Allotment $40.400 $0.070 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 1 - 2010 (D) (D) Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 118 Cancels Original Page 118 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' Sim pleOptions Effective 10/29/09, SimpleOptions calling plan is grandfathered and no longer available to new Customers. No moves, changes or additions will be allowed for existing Customers. SimpleOptions is an optional calling plan offered to Business Customers for outbound direct dialed calling trom presubscribed switched or dedicated Access Lines at rates which are dependent on the Customer s monthly usage guarantee. Inbound (toll tree) calling is also available for termination on switched or dedicated Access Lines. Operated assisted calling is also available under this plan. Customers may select a one or three year term commitment in order to obtain lower rates. This plan is an add-on www.verizonidregulatory.com. service the interstate SimpleOptions Plan.See Billing Increments The billing increment and minimum call duration of each call is determined by the access method selected by the Customer and the call type. Partial increments are rounded up to the next increment. Access Tvpe/Call Type Switched Access Dedicated Access Initial Increment 18 seconds 6 seconds Additional Increment 6 seconds 6 seconds (D) Operator Assisted 60 seconds 60 seconds Monthly Usage Guarantee All intrastate, interstate and international usage charges and applicable surcharges billed to the Customer under this plan contribute towards meeting the monthly usage guarantee. In addition, Conference Connections audioconferencing usage, Private Line and Data Services usage, feature charges, directory assistance charges, operator usage and surcharges, and monthly recurring charges are contributory to the monthly usage guarantee. Taxes presubscribed line charges, carrier universal service charges, pay telephone use charges and other similar fees are not contributory. Customers whose total monthly long distance usage charges do not meet their subscribed Monthly Usage Guarantee level will be assessed the difference between their total long distance usage charges and their subscribed Monthly Usage Guarantee level. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fi LING JUL 1 - 2010 (D) Issued: June 2, 2010 agist'. Idaho Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 119 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' Termination Liability When the Customer terminates service under this plan prior to the expiration of the Customer s selected term commitment, a termination charge will be assessed. The termination charge is calculated by multiplying 35 percent (35%) of the Customer s Monthly Usage Guarantee multiplied times the number of months remaining in the term. The early termination charge will apply under the following circumstances: When the Customer disconnects its entire account; When the Customer selects a shorter term; or When the Customer negotiates a reduction in their monthly spending commitment more than one level during a billing cycle. The early termination charge will not apply under the following circumstances: When the Customer s physical location changes, but the term plan is continued at the new location; When the Customer negotiates the term plan for a longer term; When the Customer moves to a jurisdiction where the Company is prohibited from offering service; When the Customer changes plan prior to 60 days of service; When the Customer returns to the Company and the same term length agreement as a result of a Winback program; When the Customer moves from the two year term on Plan B Service to a three year term on SimpleOptions Service; When the Customer reduces their term monthly spend level one level during a billing cycle; or When the Customer moves from a one or three year term on SimpleOptions Service to either Unlimited Long Distance Service or FlexDistance Service. At the expiration of the term commitment, the Customer will continue at the same commitment and usage rate unless they choose a different plan. If the Customer continues without changing, they will still be liable for the minimum usage guarantee to which they were originally subscribed. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 - Effective.:. October-.29~-2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' 6.4 Usage Rates Usage Rates are determined according to the Term Commitment and Monthly Usage Guarantee selected by the Customer. Switched Access Outbound Rates Monthly Usage Month to One Year Three Year Guarantee Month Term Term $50 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $100 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $250 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $500 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 500 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $10 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $15 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $20 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $30 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 32. (M) (M) Id8ho Public ' . Off! I :tles Commission ACCE PI- of the Secretary EO FOR FlUNG OCT 92009 80ise. Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: Octobe '20'09-'" ":- .-- Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 121 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' 6.4 Usage Rates, (cont' Switched Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Monthly Usage Month to One Year Three Year Guarantee Month Term Term $50 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $100 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $250 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $500 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 500 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $10 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $15 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $20 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 $30 000 $0.1400 $0.1330 $0.1190 Switched Access Outbound and Inbound (Toll Free) Supplemental Discount The Supplemental Discount is available to existing Customers with a one or three year term and a $3 000 or $5 000 Monthly Usage Guarantee. The Supplemental Discount applies to the cumulative usage each billing cycle and is at the percent shown below. Term Level One Year Three Year Supplemental Discount 25% 25% (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 33, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idak() """'-'-"'--"""--"" Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) I (T) I (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 122 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' 6.4 Usage Rates, (cont' Dedicated Access Outbound Rates Monthly Usage Month to One Year Three Year Guarantee Month Term Term $50 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $100 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $250 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $500 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1100 $0.1050 $0.0940 000 $0.1080 $0.1030 $0.0920 000 $0.1050 $0.1000 $0.0890 500 $0.0900 $0.0860 $0.0770 $10 000 $0.0850 $0.0810 $0.0720 $15 000 $0.0800 $0.0760 $0.0680 $20 000 $0.0750 $0.0710 $0.0640 $30 000 $0.0700 $0.0670 $0.0600 (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 34. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisa, Idaho ..---...... _.'0, .. "'-"-.... Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 123 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' 6.4 Usage Rates, (cont' Dedicated Access Inbound (Toll Free) Rates Monthly Usage Month to One Year Three Year Guarantee Month Term Term $50 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $100 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $250 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 $500 $0.1500 $0.1430 $0.1280 000 $0.1100 $0.1050 $0.0940 000 $0.1080 $0.1030 $0.0920 000 $0.1050 $0.1 000 $0.0890 500 $0.0900 $0.0860 $0.0770 $10 000 $0.0850 $0.0810 $0.0720 $15 000 $0.0800 $0.0760 $0.0680 $20 000 $0.0750 $0.0710 $0.0640 $30 000 $0.0700 $0.0670 $0.0600 (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 35, (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 124 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' Bundled Service Option General The Bundled Service Option is offered to SimpleOptions Customers who also subscribe to one of the following qualifying services offered by an affiliate of the Company. The eligible Customer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Company at the time of subscription to SimpleOptions that the Customer also subscribes to at least one of the qualifying services offered by a Company affiliate. Eligible Business Customers must subscribe to one ofthe following services: Centrex (e.g. Centrex Plus, CustoPAK , CustoFLEXSM, Centranet), ISDN PRI/IntellilinQ PRI (purchased with a term commitment), DSL, Private Line, Frame Relay, SMDS ATM or FlexGrow from an affiliate of the Company. These services are defined in the Company affiliate s applicable tariffs or contracts. Discontinuance of Qualifying Services The Customer who discontinues or cancels the Company s service, or who cancels the qualifying service of the Company s affiliate, or whose service is refused, canceled or discontinued by the Company under this price list or by the affiliate, shall forfeit eligibility for the discounted rates under this Option. The Customer who forfeits eligibility for this Option and remains presubscribed to the Company service will default to the basic SimpleOptions rates as specified in this price list. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 36. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 125 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' SimpleOptions, (cont' Bundled Service Option, (cont' General, (cont' Termination Liability Customers who wish to subscribe to this Bundled Service Option and who currently subscribe to SimpleOptions will be able to switch to the Bundled Service Option without incurring any Termination Liability, if applicable. Availability of this Bundled Service Option is dependent upon billing capabilities. Combination with other offers Customers who subscribe to this Bundled Service Option are not eligible to participate in promotions that would otherwise apply to SimpleOptions Customers, with the exception of promotions which waive the PIC change charge for new Customers. Usage Rates Customers who satisfy all eligibility requirements set forth above shall receive a monthly discount of 5% on all long distance usage charges, including international usage charges, beginning immediately after purchasing qualifying services. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 37. Idaho Public UtHities Commis$io!\ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 20lJ8 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) I (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 126 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR) (Available only to existing Customers, at existing locations, without modification) Description National Frame Relay Service (NFR) provides connectivity between multiple locations suitable for connecting local area networks or other wide area network applications. Access to the Company s NFR network is provided in two ways: 1) via direct access, dedicated, digital access line connections at speeds of 56Kbps or 1.536 Mbps to the NFR serving office; or 2) via Frame Relay exchange access. Ports furnished under this price list operate at speeds of 56/64, 128, 192 256 384 512, 768 Kbps and 1.024, 1.28 , 1.536 , 10 22 or 45 Mbps. NFR is offered within Idaho. Service is available for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. National Ports Provides connectivity within and between locations within the State. Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) Provides connectivity within the NFR network. PVCs are logical connections between two Ports with the NFR network. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 41, ~a 'Public Utilities Commissioo Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Bois", 'duRO _u_---, - -.. -.. .., Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 127 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont'd. Description, (cont'd. Committed Information Rates (CIRs) Defines the minimum data transfer rate available between two Ports logically connected by a PVC. Based on the overall NFR network capacity, the Customer may transmit data in excess of the CIR for a limited period of time. The maximum data transfer rate available between two logically connected Ports connected by a PVC is equal to the lower port speed of the two Ports - up to maximum of 22 Mbps. National Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC's) Provide connectivity (logical connections) between National Ports. Virtual Ports Provide connectivity for traffic that originates and terminates from or to a local frame relay network. Customers who have existing local Frame Relay can connect to the long distance Frame Relay network using a Virtual Port. Virtual Ports are available within and between the 48 contiguous states of the United States. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 42. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 ICaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 128 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' Responsibilities of the Customer The Customer must provide the following information to the Company when ordering NFR: The number and location of Ports ordered; The transmission speed of each Port; The CIR of each PVC; Burst Excess (Be) rate, if any; and The Port origination and destination of each PVC/ CIR. Local Access Charges Access Local Loop If the Company provides the Access Local Loop facilities, the facilities will be billed at rates based on recurring and nonrecurring charges for such Access Local Loop as established by the LEC tariffs or other Carriers' tariffs. When the Access Local Loop facilities are provided to the Customer by other carrieres), the Customer is responsible for all associated recurring and nonrecurring charges and for compliance with the providing Carriers' Terms and Conditions. The Customer is responsible for all charges associated with the access connection that is ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer from other carriers. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSt. Idaho ='=~ ',-, ., Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 129 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' Terms and Conditions Service Level Agreement (SLA) The SLA will be applied and measured over a calendar month as specified. These measurements represent the minimum level of performance that is acceptable and are set accordingly. SLA applies to National Ports and National PVCS only. Performance Objectives and Credit Allowances will apply for Customers who have five (5) or more nodes in service during the entire month. Objectives to be measured are: Network Availability MTTR Frame Delivery Transit Delay Calculations for the above objectives will be based on the Customer call to the Network Operations Center (NOC) to establish a trouble report. Outage time begins when the Customer reports the trouble and ends when the Company notifies the Customer that the problem has been resolved. A PVC or Port can only receive one service credit during anyone calendar month. PVCs that receive a credit for failure to meet Network Transit Delay or Frame Delivery Performance objectives will not be included in the calculation for Network Availability. Only National Ports, National PVCs and Company-provided local access are eligible for SLAs. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 44. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR F(UNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 130 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' Terms and Conditions, (cont' General Exclusions The following exclusions are not calculated in the SLA. A service outage that is not supported by a Company trouble ticket. New installation prior to acceptance by the Customer. Scheduled maintenance window with prior notifications. Force Majeure. Any act of omission, fault or negligence on the part of the Customer, its contractors, or any other entity over which the customer exercises control or has the right to exercise control. Any act or omission on the part of any third party with the exception of the Interexchange Carrier (IXC), Local Exchange Carrier (LEC), Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) or any Company agent or contractor contracted by the Company. The first month of service for the particular service element. Credits If the specified objectives are not met within the specified time frames, a 10% credit of the discounted Monthly Recurring Charges for all affected ports and PVCs, not to exceed $5 000, will be posted on the Customer s bill within two months of the Company s determination that the claim is valid. The credit will be applied to the appropriate elements affected by the outages (Le. Ports, PVCs and Company provided local access). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F! LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idako Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 131 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont'd. Terms and Conditions, (cont' Term Commitment Plans 1. Minimum Service Period The minimum service period for National Frame Relay Service is one year. Termination Liability If the Customer terminates service in whole or in part after the installation of the service but prior to completion of the service period, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the remaining months ofthe service period selected. The Customer that migrates their service to a Verizon affiliate will not incur termination liability. Termination Charge ' Remaining Months x Monthly Charge (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 46. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret3rY ACCEPTED FOR F! LING OCT 2 9 2009 BoislI, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) (TXM) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 132 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates NFR Revenue Pricing Plans 1. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment Monthly Revenue Commitment Plans are available for discounts based on the minimum revenue and term commitments selected by the Customer. The eligible NFR charges that will contribute to the Monthly Revenue Commitment Plan are the undiscounted Recurring Monthly charges for the following NFR components: National Ports, Non-US Ports, National PVC/CIR, International PVC/CIR. The Customer must commit to a period of either one, two, three, four or five years. The Customer must provide written notification to the Company to renew the original Revenue Pricing Plan at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the contract. Atthe end of the current term plan, the Customer may commit to a new term of one year or continue the service at month to month rates and will be charged the standard monthly recurring charges. Applicable Discounts Minimum Monthly Revenue One Two Three Four Five Commitment Year Year Year Year Year Term Term Term Term Term $0.00 - $2 000.13% 001 - $5 000.11%15% 001 - $10 000.11%14%17% $10 001 - $15 000.13%16%19% $15 001 - $20 000.10%15%18%21% $20, 001 - $25 000.11%17%20%23% $25 001 and greater 12%19%22%25% (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 47. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FfUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) (T) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 133 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' NFR Revenue Pricing Plans, (cont' 2. Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangement Customer specific prices will be made available to similarly situated Customers on a non-discriminatory basis. ICB's will also be used for other NFR in the case of non-standard service periods to provide additional discounts, and/or stabilization of rates over a contract life. As part of an ICB arrangement, the Company may offer to stabilize NFR pricing rates over the life of the contract. In such an arrangement, the ICB monthly rate is guaranteed against Company initiated increases and will apply for the entire duration ofthe ICB contract. In the event that an increase authorized by a regulatory agency is applied to the ICB price, the Customer may terminate the contract without incurring any termination liability charges. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 48. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F! LiNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho . ,.. .. ,.'" . Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 134 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' NFR Revenue Pricing Plans, (cont' Early Termination Charge When the Customer discontinues service under a Revenue Pricing Plan prior to the expiration of the commitment term, an Early Termination Charge will be assessed as follows. If the Revenue Pricing Plan is discontinued prior to the completion of the first year of the contract term, the Customer is liable for 100% of the minimum monthly revenue commitment for the unexpired portion of the first year of the term, plus 50% of the minimum monthly revenue commitment for the remaining portion ofthe applicable term. Ifthe Revenue Pricing Plan is discontinued after completion of the first year of the contract term, the Customer is liable for 50% of the minimum monthly commitment for the remaining portion ofthe applicable term. Early termination will not apply if the Customer enrolls in a new Revenue Pricing Plan with equal or greater revenue commitment and term commitment than the current plan. Payment of the total amounts owed by the Customer under this provision is due as a lump sum within thirty (30) days of the date the plan discontinued. The Customer that migrates their service to a Verizon affiliate will not incur termination liability. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 49. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fi LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. ldatto Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) (T) (T) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 135 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont'd. NFR Revenue Pricing Plans, (cont' Replacement Service If within sixty (60) days of the date the Customer issues its termination notice to the Company for a particular service, and the Customer orders replacement service, the Company shall waive the termination liability charges above for the service which was terminated by the Customer if the following conditions are met. When the replacement service is ordered by the Customer, such replacement service is specifically identified as being a replacement for the terminated service; and The monthly charges for the replacement service are equal to at least ninety percent (90%) of the monthly charges for the terminated service for which it is a replacement. Promotions From time to time, the Company may provide certain special promotional offerings to its Customers. These offerings may be limited to certain dates, time and locations. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 50. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O-ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 136 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' Speed 56/64 Kbps 128 Kbps 192 Kbps 256 Kbps 384 Kbps 512 Kbps 768 Kbps 1024 Kbps 1280 Kbps 1536 Kbps 4 Mbps 6 Mbps 10 Mbps 22 Mbps 45 Mbps $75. $159. $200. $226. $321.00 $395. $570. $730. $870. 000. $970. 160. 660. 910. 410. (M) (M) NFR Components and Rates (cont' National Port 1. Nonrecurring Charge, per National Port 56/64 Kbps 128 Kbps-1.536 Mbp $350. $550. Monthly Recurring Charges, per National Port (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 51.Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretar" ACCEPTED FOR F(UNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 137 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont'd. 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' National Permanent Virtual Connections/Committed Information Rate (PVC/CIR) I. Nonrecurring Charge Per DLCI, CIR in Kbps:$50. 2. Monthly Recurring Charge, per DLCI, CIR in Kbps 8 Kbps 16 Kbps 24 Kbps 32 Kbps 40 Kbps 48 Kbps 56 Kbps 64 Kbps 128 Kbps 192 Kbps 256 Kbps 320 Kbps 384 Kbps 448 Kbps 512 Kbps 576 Kbps 640 Kbps $11.00 $16. $20. $25. $30. $30. $40. $40. $70. $100. $130. $165. $195. $230. $270. $300. $335. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 52. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 138 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont'd. National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' National Permanent Virtual Connections/Committed Information Rate (PVC/CIR), (cont' 2. Monthly Recurring Charge, per DLCI, CIR in Kbps, (cont' Per DLCI, CIR in Kbps: 704 Kbps 768 Kbps 832 Kbps 896 Kbps 960 Kbps 1024 Kbps 1088 Kbps 1152 Kbps 1216 Kbps 1280 Kbps $390. $400. $505. $544. $582. $620. $659. $675. $710. $720. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 53. Idaho Public Utilities Commission O.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 139 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' National Permanent Virtual Connections/Committed Information Rate (PVC/CIR), (cont' Monthly Recurring Charge, (cont' Per DLCI, CIR in Mbps 2 Mbps 3 Mbps 4 Mbps 5 Mbps 6 Mbps 7 Mbps 8 Mbps 9 Mbps 10 Mbps 11 Mbps 12 Mbps 13 Mbps 14 Mbps 15 Mbps 16 Mbps 17 Mbps 18 Mbps 19 Mbps 20 Mbps 21 Mbps 22 Mbps (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 54. $326. $382. $510. $637. $765. $892. 019. 147. 274. $1,402. 529. 657. 784. 911.00 039. 166. 294. 421.00 549. 676. 803. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. IdaM Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 140 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' NFR Components and Rates (cont' Additional Nonrecurring Charges Expedite Charge At the Customer s request, the Company may attempt to advance the due date of the order for the installation of a NFR Port to a new negotiated due date. If the new date is met, or if charges are assigned to the Company by providing partner(s), whether or not the requested improved installation date is met, the following nonrecurring charge applies in addition to all other applicable nonrecurring charges and charges passed through by the local exchange carrier for the access connection. Per Expedited Port $500. PVC/CIR Change Charge The Customer may request to increase or decrease a PCV /CIR at any time after the service date. A PVC/CIR change charge applies for each change to a PVC/CIR. Per PVC/CIR Change $75. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 55. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fi liNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 141 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' NFR Components and Rates (cont' Additional Nonrecurring Charges, (cont' Change of Requested Service Date Charge If the Customer delays an order within five (5) calendar days immediately prior to the due date, a Due Date Change Charge will apply, regardless of the length ofthe delay. The Due Date Change Charge will apply in addition to all other applicable nonrecurring charges and any charges passed through by the relevant local exchange and/or IXC carrieres) for provisioning the local access connection. Per Delayed Port $150. If the Customer delays a due date by more than twenty (20) cumulative calendar days from the initial due date, the Customer will be billed for the service ordered commencing on the first day after the 20th cumulative calendar day. If the Customer is not ready on the due date and has not requested a delay prior to the due date, the service ordered will commence on the due date. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 56. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisa, 100110 Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 142 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' Additional Nonrecurring Charges, (cont' Port Speed Change Charge The Customer may request to increase or decrease port speed. A Port Speed Change Charge applies for each change. A change of the physical location of the Customer s premises that require a change to an existing Port connection is considered to be a disconnection and new installation of the Port(s) involved. Per Port Speed Change $100. Nonrecurring Charge Waiver The Company will waive the Nonrecurring Installation Charge for new Business Customers who subscribe to a one (1) year minimum term commitment of this service. This waiver applies to nonrecurring charges for National Ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and International Ports and PVCs. Customers who discontinue the Company s service prior to the expiration of their term commitment, or whose service is discontinued by the Company, will forfeit the credits associated with this waiver. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 57. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 143 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (co nt' d. 7.4 NFR Components and Rates (cont' Virtual Ports (US based) Speed 8 Kbps 16 Kbps 24 Kbps 32 Kbps 40 Kbps 48 Kbps 56 Kbps 64 Kbps 128 Kbps 192 Kbps 256 Kbps 320 Kbps 384 Kbps 448 Kbps 512 Kbps 576 Kbps 640 Kbps 704 Kbps 768 Kbps 832 Kbps 896 Kbps 960 Kbps 1024 Kbps 1088 Kbps 1152 Kbps 1216 Kbps 1280 Kbps Band T $6. $9. $18. $24. $30. $36. $35. $35. $65. $100. $135. $175. $200. $250. $275. $300. $325. $350. $375. $420. $450. $490. $575. $625. $708. $748. $793. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 58. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 144 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Frame Relay Service (NFR), (cont' Speed 2 Mbps 3 Mbps 4 Mbps 5 Mbps 6 Mbps 7 Mbps 8 Mbps 9 Mbps 10 Mbps 11 Mbps 12 Mbps 13 Mbps 14 Mbps 15 Mbps 16 Mbps 17 Mbps 18 Mbps 19 Mbps 20 Mbps 21 Mbps 22 Mbps Band T $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $50. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. (M) (M) 7.4 NFR Components and Rates, (cont' Virtual Ports (US based), (cont' (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 59. Idaho Public Utilities Commission ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 BoisliI, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 145 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services (Available only to existing Customers, at existing locations, without modification) The Company s National Private Line Services are provided as a family of bandwidth and data services which link Customers' locations and provide voice , data, video and other transmissions. These services are provided between two Customer designated premises, between a designated Customer premises and a Point of Presence (POP), or between POP's provided by the Company. Services DSO Services: DSO Service is a high quality digital bandwidth service with transmission capabilities of up to 64 kbps. A DSO channel provides the transmission oflow-to-medium speed analog and digital channels. DSO Service includes Digital Data Service (56 kbps to 64 kbps), Analog Data Service (19.2 kbps), and Analog Voice Service (64 kbps for voice communications). Fractional DS1/T1 Service (FDS1) FDS 1 is a high quality digital bandwidth service that provides medium to high speed transmission. This Service supports contiguous bit rate services for simultaneous two-way, digital transmission of voice, data, video, and image, and is available atthe following contiguous bit rates: 128 kbps 256 kbps 384 kbps 512 kbps 768 kbps (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 60. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!LlNG OCT 2 9 2008 Boise. IdtflO Issued: October 19 2009 "------- --... -.' . Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 146 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Services, (cont' DSlIT1 Service DS lIn service is a high quality digital bandwidth service that provides high speed 544 Mbps transmission. DS3/T3 Service DS3/T3 Service is a high quality digital bandwidth service that provides high speed 44.736 Mbps transmission over fiber optic facilities. Regulations Service Guarantee The Company provides Service Guarantees for PL Service. If service is not restored within specified time frames, the Company will issue a credit for the PL Service circuit interruption. Performance Objective The performance objective for PL Services from Customer s premises to Customer s premises is 99.96% circuit availability. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 61. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Botsa. IdaM Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 147 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Regulations, (cont' Service Guarantee, (cont' Boise, Id8~O Credit Allowances ~-_._-_., . . If a particular service is interrupted beyond a specified time, an appropriate credit will be provided as set forth below. For an interruption of four hours or more for each calendar day for a particular service, and if requested by the customer, the Company shall provide the customer with one (1) days credit for the particular service circuit recurring rates. The credit shall be based on a pro-ration of the number of out of service days to the number of days in the month. As an example, six out of service days/thirty (30) days in a month is equal to a 20% rebate of the monthly charges. Term Commitment Plans The minimum service period for PL Services is one year. A subscriber to PL Services must select a Term Commitment Plan period ranging from one year to three years. Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangement ICB's will be used for PL Services in the case of non-standard service periods volume discounts and/or stabilization of rates over a contract life. Termination Liability If the Customer terminates service in whole or in part after the installation of the service but prior to completion of the service period of a Term Commitment Plan or an ICB, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the remaining payments, i., the monthly charge times the remaining months of the service period selected, in a lump sum due upon termination of service. The Customer that migrates their service to a Verizon affiliate will not incur termination liability. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 62. Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (T) (T) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 148 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges Access Local Loop If the Company provides the Access Local Loop facilities, the facilities will be billed at rates based on recurring and nonrecurring prices for such Access Local Loops as established by the LEC tariffs or other Carrier tariffs. When the Local Access facilities are provided to the Customer by other Carriers, the Customer is responsible for all associated recurring and nonrecurring charges and for compliance with the providing Carriers' Terms and Conditions. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 63. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, (dafto Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 149 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC) The IOC is the dedicated transport and facilities between the Company POPs. The Company will waive the Nonrecurring Installation Charges for new Business Customers who subscribe to a two (2) year or three (3) year term commitment of this service. This waiver applies to the Inter-Office Channel (IOC) installation charges. Customers who discontinue the Company s service prior to the expiration of their term commitment, or whose service is discontinued by the Company, will forfeit the credits associated with this waiver. DSO Service Per IOC: Installation Charge $160. Monthly Charges: Mileage Fixed Per Mile $63.$0.14 51-100 $63.$0. 101+$65.$0. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 64. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSQ, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 150 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' FDS 1 Service Per IOC - 128 kbps: Installation Charge $160. Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $119.$0. 51-100 $119.$0. 101+$120.$0. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 65. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH r::IUf" OCT 2 9 2009 Boisa, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 151 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Installation Charge $160. (M) (M) Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' FDS I Service (cont'd. Per IOC - 256 kbps: Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $134.$0.36 51-100 $134.$0.36 101 +$137.$0.31 (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 66. Idaho Public Utilities Commission attire of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 152 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' FDSI Service (cont' Per IOC - 384 kbps: Installation Charge $160. Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $168.$0. 51-100 $168.$0. 101+$203.$0.45 (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 67. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 153 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Installation Charge $160. (M) (M) Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' FDSI Service, (cont' Per IOC - 512 kbps: Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $192.$0. 51-100 $192.$0. 101+$244.$0. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 68. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic~ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSQ, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 2220 I Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 154 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Installation Charge $160. (M) (M) Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' FDS 1 Service, (cont' Per IOC - 768 kbps: Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $226.$0. 51-100 $226.$0. 101+$326.$0. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 69, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 9 2009 Bois\!, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 155 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Installation Charge $800. (M) (M) Rates and Charges, (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' DSI Service Per IOC: Monthly Charges Mileage Fixed Per Mile $234.$1.81 51-100 $216.$2. 101 +$278.$1. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 70. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 BoiSQ, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 156 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Installation Charge:000. (M) (M) Rates and Charges (cont' Interoffice Channel (IOC), (cont' DS3 Service Per IOC: Monthly Charges: Mileage Fixed Per Mile $325.$15.14 51-100 $350.$13. 101+$400.$11.69 (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 71. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 157 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Circuit Nonrecurring Charge DSO $320. FDSI-128 Kbps $320. FDSI-256 Kbps $320. FDSI-384 Kbps $320. FDSI-512 Kbps $320. FDSI-768 Kbps $320. DSI $320. DS3 $400. (M) (M) Rates and Charges (cont' Access Connection A Nonrecurring Charge applies for each Access Local Loop. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 72. ld8ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 158 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' A Recurring Charge applies for each Access Local Loop: (M) (M) Rates and Charges (cont' Access Coordination Circuit Monthly Charge DSO $ 25. FDSI-128 Kbps $ 75. FDSI-256 Kbps $ 75. FDSI-384 Kbps $ 75. FDSI-512 Kbps $ 75. FDSI-768 Kbps $ 75. DSI $ 75. DS3 $400. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 73. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. IdahO Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 159 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges (cont' Agency Coordination A Nonrecurring Charge applies for each Access Local Loop for which the Company acts as the Customer s agent: Circuit Nonrecurring Charge per Access Local Loop DSO $100. FDSI-128 Kbps $100. FDSI-256 Kbps $100. FDSI-384 Kbps $100. FDSI-512 Kbps $100. FDSI-768 Kbps $100. DSI $100. DS3 $100. (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 74. ldafto Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 160 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' National Private Line (PL) Services, (cont' Rates and Charges (cont' Term Commitment Discounts Discounts apply to all recurring rate elements of the Company s National Private Line Service up to DS 1 level for one, two and three year Term Commitment Plans. Service Period Percent Discount Level One Year Term 10% Two Year Term 15% Three Year Term 20% DS3 Term Commitment Discounts Discounts apply to roc and Access Coordination Monthly Recurring Charges of the Company s National Private Line Service for one, two and three year Term Commitment Plans. Service Period Percent Discount Level One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term 15% (M) Materialfound on this page was previously located on Page 75. ldafto Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boisi, Idaho Issued: October 19 2009 Effective: October 29, 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 161 Cancels Original Page 161 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Oifice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 162 Cancels Original Page 162 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS LLC Idaho Price List No. Original Page 163 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (Cont' Dedicated Access When the dedicated access channel to access voice service is provided by the Company, the following rates apply. 10.1 Access Local Loop Terms and conditions are the same as specified in National Private Line Services. 10.2 T-1 Access Facility Terms, conditions and rates are the same as specified in National Private Line Services. 10.3 ISDN PRI Facility Terms, conditions and rates are the same as specified for Access Coordination in National Private Line Services. 10.4 Agency Coordination Terms, conditions and rates are the same as specified in National Private Line Services. 10.5 Term Commitment Plans Same as specified in National Private Line Services. (M) Material found on this page was previously located on Page 91. (M) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (M) l!Sabo Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 9 2009 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 19, 2009 Effective: October 29 2009 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-