HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150917Application.pdf4;,'i qrp L*, - ! l..t TO: ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") 47 2 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 ATTN: Grace Seaman, Utilities Analyst FROM: Paul L. Mattiola, Vice President - Taxes Verizon Communications, lnc. One Verizon Way P.O. Box 627 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 N /N-T: r s:-o I Date: 9/10/15 Re: Verizon Business ('VzB'), a,ka. Verizon Enterprise Sotutions 2Ol4ldaho Broadband Equipment lnvestment Credit (ldaho Form 68) lntroduction Verizon Business ("VzB") is submitting the following application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC")for qualification of broadband equipment in accordance with Procedural Order No.28784 (attached), in order to claim the Broadband Equipment lnvestment Tax Credit (ldaho Form 68) for capital asset additions in 2014. 1. Applic-aEt..lnfgrmation Verizon Business ("VzB") is a division of Verizon Communications, lnc. ("Verizon") and provides services to business and government entities, including advanced communications, information technology, networking, cloud computing and data storage, and data security. Questions regarding this application and its content should be directed to: Tom Florino Ernst & Young LLP Tom.Florino@ey.com 212-773-6436 Or 11,. Nick McGuirl Ernst & Young LLP Nick.mcguirl@ey.com 212-773-2591 2. Location of Broadband Equipment Please refer to the attached 2014 capital asset addition schedule. 3. Description of Broadband Services Verizon Business ("VzB) provides lP services and networks, as well as managed WAN and LAN services, in addition to other networking services. VzB also offers cloud and data center services. Additional products and services offered by VzB include wired and wireless voice, as well as a variety of data and lnternet services. 4. Broadband Network Transmission Rates Verizon Business ("VzB") broadband network infrastructure has data transmission rates no lower than 155M bits per second for subscriber downloads (receive) and uploads (send). This range exceeds the rate of at least 2O0,0OO bits per second to a subscriber (download/receive) and at least 125,OOO bits per second from a subscriber (upload/send), required under statute (ldaho Code S 63-30291). 5. List of Qualified Broadbdnd Equipment Please refer to the attached 2014 capital asset addition schedule. 6. lnstallation Dates - Qualified Broadband Equipment Please refer to the attached 2014 capital asset addition schedule. 7. Description of Broadband Equipment / Network Verizon Business ("VzB") has 88 asset additions in 2O14 (see schedule)that are "qualified broadband equipment," which is eligible for the 3olo Broadband Equipment lnvestment Tax Credit (ldaho Forrn 68) under ldaho Code S 63-30291. This qualified broadband equipment directly facilitates data transmission to and from service subscribers and is integral to the broadband network. The total 2014 tax credit claim is $22,529.6L P|ease see below and attached for further detail. zl Verizon Business ("VzB") 2014 ldaho Qualified Broadband Equipment Qualified Asset Summary Row Labels LJ co.qrrt ojglIEggFv" -911.:! ojr -Qook t Coits . Sum of,3% TAX GREDIT_ Broadband Fiber Amplif ier - Data Transmission Broadband Fiber Equip - Data Transmission Broadband Network Device,- Data Transmission Broadband Router Equip - Data Transmission Cable - Data Transmission Card Device - Data Transmission Digital Transmission Device - Data Network Electrical Equipment - Broadband Network Fiber Optic Cable - Data Transmission Multiplexer Signal Device - Data Transmission Network Monitoring Device - Data Transmission 11 3 11 4 2 2t 2 2 L 1 4 5 5 5 11 S s s s $ S S s $ S s s s 5 S S s s s $ s s s s S 5 s s s s 19es18.s5 88,793.7L 82,444.23 5,824.82 1,592.89 151,@8.25 5,25L.O2 2,292.59 26,726.05 1,040.51 3,736.U 58,801.87 24,774.14 24,UO.95 72,00L2\ 5,775.56 2,563.8L 2,473,33 t74.74 50.79 4,531.45 157.53 5&78 801.78 31;22 112.08 2,064.06 743.22 72L.23 2,160,04 Power Device - Data Fransmission Signal Amplifier - Data Transmission Signal Transponder - Data Transmission l:$!P gvt-.e :!-a-!1S99!r.ul s?.tl e L- Grand Total 88s 750,986.94 s 2zils.ot 8. Broadband Network Sqbscribers A. o/o and # of potential ldaho subscribers that could be served by the network;. 100o/o of allsubscribers B. o/o and # of potential non-ldaho subscribers that could be served by the network:. There are no non-ldaho customers that could be served with the broadband equipment placed in service. 9. St"alem*e nt C e rtif vi nq Q u a lif i c ati on of Eligi b le B ro a dbanC"Eqtttg1enl Verizon Business ("VzB") has reviewed the applicable statutes and regulations and hereby certifies that the attached 2014 capital asset addition schedule contains "qualified broadband equipment" that qualifies for the Broadband Equipment lnvestment Tax Credit (ldaho Form 68) under ldaho Code S 63-30291. Siqned and Certified:- /-^)/'1 r' /ed- - Date:?71a7/z or; 3l Verizon Business ("VzB") 2014 ldaho Qualified Broadband Equipment Qualified Asset Summary Bb Broadband Fiber Amplifier - Data Transmission Broadband Fiber Equip - Data Transmission Broadband Network Device - Data Transmission Broadband Router Equip - Data Transmission Cable - Data Transmission Card Device - Data Transmission Digital Transmission Device - Data Network Electrical Equipment - Broadband Network Fiber Optic Cable - Data Transmission Multiplexer Signal Device - Data Transmission Network Monitoring Device - Data Transmission Power Device - Data Transmission Signal Amplifier - Data Transmission Signal Transponder - Data Transmission Switch Device - Data Communication 11 53s 11 s4s 192,518.56 s 88,793.71 s 82,444.23 s 5,824.82 sS r,692.89 SS rsr,048.25 SS s,2s7.02 S 2,292.69 s 26,726.05 s 1,040.51 s 3,736.04 s 58,801.87 s 24,774.L4 s 24,040.95 s 72,00t.27 s 5,775.56 2,663.87 2,473.33 174.74 50.79 4,53!.45 157.53 58.78 801.78 37.22 112.08 2,064.06 743.22 721.23 2,760.04 2 21 2 2 1 1 4 5 5 5 11 5 s S s s s s s 1of1 a*aloaa Eo IItlr =(E -rJo mN $ FoN I oer- (UE coEooo6co; ooooxo o€6o E E o coa 8.EoNoEf6 f c6o EoP E 8.oc.qE.Eoo E .12c oco lo E oo foo E o-l5co o'ocoo6op looqo Ecco oocoN'co ooN'coEl6 o Io.Eoo E-oo,cooopcoo coocoO gala cs Ea EEEH zi-E s ,r-u EBtEEEEEIiEffiE *egE*i,E 5sFE:eB? 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CASE NO. GNR.T-01-10 oRDER NO. 28784 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Earlier this year the Legislature enacted and the Governor signed House Bill 377 authorizing income tax credits for the installation of qualiffing broadband infrastructure in Idaho. Idaho Code $ 63-30298(3XaXii). In particular, Section 63-3029I allows a taxpayer to receive an investment tax credit for eligible broadband equipment installed between January 1, 2001 and December 31,2005. "Qualified broadband equipment" is defined as those network facilities capable of transmitting signals that are at a rate of at least 200,000 bits per seconds (bps) to a subscriber and at least 125,000 bps from a subscriber . Idaho Code $ 63-30291(3)(b). To be eligible for the tax credit, the taxpayer must apply and obtain "from the Idaho public utilities commission an order confirming that installed equipment is qualified broadband equipment." Idaho Code $ 63- 30291(4). This section also provides that the Commission "may issue procedural orders necessary to implement this section." ,Id. PROCEDURAL HISTORY On June 14, 2001, the Commission issued a Proposed Order to implement its responsibilities under the broadband tax credit statute. IDAPA The Proposed Order identified informatiorr that should be contained in an application to determine whether the installed equipment is "qualified" broadband equipment. Persons interested in commenting on the Proposed Order were invited to subnrit written comnlents no later than July 5, 2001. The Commission received two comments.l 'On June 28,2001, Avista Comrrunications petitioned to intervene in this rnatter. Although it filed no colnments, Avista's Petition was sranted in a separate Order'. ORDER NO. 28784 THE COMMENTS Verizon Northwest and Qwest Corporation each filed brief comments. In its comments, Verizon "applaud[ed] the Commission's efforts to implement House Bill 377 and believes that this should help to speed deployment of broadband infrastructure in Idaho." Verizon recommended that infomration filed in response to paragraph Nos. 7 and 8 be considered as confidential information. Items 7 and 8 provide: 7. Provide a written description (including basic schematics or general drawings) of the relevant broadband network including a description of how the installed equipment is "an integral part" of a broadband network. 8. Quantifu the percentage and number of potential Idaho subscribers that could be served with the broadband equipment and the percentage and number of non-Idaho subscribers that will belcould be served by the broadband network. Proposed Order at 2. In its comments, Qwest agreed that "the information described in the Proposed Order is appropriate for determination of whether equipment is qualified broadband equipment." Qwest Comments at l. In particular, Qwest agreed with Item No. 4 in the Proposed Order which requires an application to state the transmission rate of the broadband network. The Company stated that its understanding of the phrase "qualified broadband equipment" includes items that arc necessary and integral for the broadband network to operate, but which are not parl of the actual transmission of the signal. Thus, Qwest agrees that an application should set oLrt the transmission rate for the network, and that the transmission rate does not apply to specific items of equipment. Qwest Comments at 2 (enrphasis added). DISCUSSION To implcnient olrr rcsponsibilitics undcr thc broadband tax credit, the Commission finds that it is appropriate to issue a procedural order regarding broadband equipment applications. Both comments suppor-ted adoption of a procedural order. Tuming to Verizon's conrments. we believe the Commission's existing Rules of Procedure provide appropriate protection for trade secret information contained in materials submitted to the Commission. See ILulc 67.03. IDAPA As for Qw'est's comnrents, thc Conimission amends Item ORDEI{ NO. 28781 No. 4 to reflect that it is the network of broadband equipment that must satisfr the transmission rates set out in ldaho Code $ 63-3029I(3Xb). Applicants shall submit the following information in applications when seeking an Order whether installed equipment is "qualified" broadband equipment. l. Name and address of applicant including the contact person in the event there are questions regarding the application and its content. Indicate whether the applicant is a telecommunications carrier, a commercial mobile service carrier, a cable or open video operator, a satellite carrier, or other type of wireless carrier. 2. Identify the area or location where the equipment is installed in Idaho. 3. Describe the type of broadband service(s) offered to the public in Idaho. 4. State the network transmission rate in bits per second at which subscribers to the relevant broadband network can receive and send (download and upload). Provide a specific list of the equipment or types of equipment that the applicant is requesting that the Commission determine is "qualified broadband equipment" as defined in ldaho Code $ 63-3029I(3Xb). List the brand, manufacturer, model numbers, or other distinguishing features of the installed equipment. Provide the date(s) or time period(s) when the broadband equipment was installed in Idaho. 7. Provide a written description (including basic schematics or general drawings) of the relevant broadband network including a description of how the installed equipment is "an integral part" of a broadband network. Quantify the percentage and number of potential Idaho subscribers tliat could be served with the broadband equipment and the percentage and numbcr of non-Idaho subscribcrs that will be/could be served by the broadband network. Enclose a statement certifying that the applicant has read the applicable statlrtes for broadband investment income tax credit and the applicant believes that the subject broadband equipment qualifies for tlre tax credit under ldaho Code \ 63-30291. 5. 6. 8. 9. OI{DhR NO. 28784 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that taxpayers subrnitting applications for the Commission to determine whether installed broadband equipment is eligible for the Idaho state tax credit must include the information set out in the body of this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. GNR-T-OI- l0 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. GNR-T-01-10. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See ldaho Code $ 61- 626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this /l# day of .luly 2001. ATTEST: Conrmission Secretary blsr'O:snrtOll0_dhl oRDl,R NO. 28784 MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER MISSIONER