HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTI Telecom Inc.pdfNTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 1 TITLE SHEET NTI TELECOM, INC. TARIFF NO. This tariff contains the description, regulations and ratesapplicable to the furnishing of telecommunications service for by NTI TELECOM , INC. with principal offices at 101 Convention CenterDrive, Suite P-125 , Las Vegas , Nevada 89109. This tariff is onfile with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), andcopies may be inspected during normal business hours at theCompany's principal place of business. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom , Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 daho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P. U . C. No. Original Sheet 2 CHECK SHEET All sheets of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective sheet s). Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Sheet Revision Sheet Revision OriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginal OriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginal ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG P-125 JUL 3 - 1997Sui te Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Sheet................................................... 01 Check Sheet................................................... 02 Table of Contents............................................. 03 SYmbO 1 s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tariff Format................................................. 05 Section 1:Definitions and Abbreviations.................... . Section 2:Rules and Regulations............................ . Section 3:Description of Service............................ Section 4:Rates and Charges................................. 26 ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 4 SYMBOLS The following are the only sYmbols used for the purposes indicated below: D -Deleted or Discontinued I -Change Resulting In A Rate Increase M -Moved From Another Tariff Location N -New Material R -Change Resulting In A Rate Reduction T -Change In Text or Regulation Change In Rate or Charge But ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE : ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 5 TARIFF FORMAT Sheet Numbering Sheet numbers appear in the upper-rightcorner of the sheet. Sheets are numbered sequentially.However , new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in theupper-right corner of the sheet. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the Commission. For example, 4th Revised Sheet 34 cancels 3rdRevised Sheet 34. Paragraph Numbering Sequence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level of coding. 1.1.1. LA.1. LA. 1.1.1.A.1. (a)1.1.A.1. (a). l. (a) .I. (i) l. (a) .I. (i). (1) Check Sheets When a tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new sheets are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other sYmbols used on this sheet if these are the only changes made to it (i. e., the format, etc., remains the same just revised revision levels on some sheets). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current sheet on file with the Commission. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 o Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997Suite P-125 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 6 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.1 Defini tions: Aggregator - Any person or entity that , in the ordinary course ofits operations , makes telephones available to the public or to End Users of its premises for telephone calls using a provider ofoperator services. Authorized User - A person, firm , corporation , or other entityauthorized by the customer to receive or send communications. Busy Hour The two consecutive half hours during which thegreatest volume of traffic is handled. Cancellation of Order - A customer-initiated request to discontinueprocessing a service order , either in part or in its entirety,prior to its completion. Carrier - NTI Telecom, Inc.otherwise.( "NTI" ), unless specifically stated Collect Call - A billing arrangement whereby the charge for a call may be charged to the called party, provided the called partyverbally accepts the charge or keys in a positive responseacknowledging acceptance of the charges. Company - NTI Telecom, Inc.otherwise.( "NTI" ), unless specifically stated Completed Calls Completed calls are calls answered on thedistance end or where necessary, positively accepted by the called party. (i. e. person-to-person and Collect calls. Customer - The person , firm , corporation , or other entity whichorders or uses service and is responsible by law for paYment for communication service from the telephone utility. Customer Provided Equipment - Terminal equipment provided by acustomer. Day Rate Period 8: 00 a.Friday.through 4: 59 p. m., Monday through Delinquent Account - An account for which a bill or paYmentagreement for regulated services has not been paid in full on or before the last day for timely paYment. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , President NTI Telecom , Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125, Idaho ~ubllc at es Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 7 Defini tions:continued)1.1 Directory Assistance - Directory Assistance Service consists ofsupplying listed telephone numbers to requesting customers.Directory Assistance personnel do not complete calls to requested telephone numbers. Due Date - The last day for paYment without unpaid amounts being subject to a late paYment charge. End User - The person using the Company's operator services who isul timately responsible for paYment for these services. Evening Rate Period - 5: 00 p.m. through 10: 59 p., Sunday throughFriday. Holidays Carrier I s recognized holidays are New Year'Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgi ving Day andChristmas Day. Holiday Rate Period - The Evening Rate will apply to calls made on Carrier recognized Holidays listed herein, provided, however, that calls made on Holidays during the Night/Weekend Rate Period shall be billed at the lower of the Evening Rate and the Night/WeekendRate. Hospitality Service Customers Hotels, motels, health care institutions, dormitories and other establishments whose patrons, guests or occupants have telephone instruments made available fortheir individual use. Typically these instruments will be configured as extensions behind PBX equipment. Measured Use Service - The provision of long distance measured time communications telephone service to customers who access thecarrier I s services at its switching and call processing equipment by means of access facilities obtained from another carrier by the customer or otherwise provided at its own expense (the customer is responsible for arranging for the access line). Message - A completed telephone call by a customer or end user. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom , Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 lic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 8 1.1 Definitions:(continued) Night/Weekend Rate Period 11:00 p.m. through 7:59 a.m.; 8:00m. through 10:59 p.m. Saturday; and 8:00 a.m. through 4:59 p.Sunday. Normal Business Hours 8: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Pay Telephone - A telephone instrument equipped with a device that allows a charge to be made for each call. Operator assisted long distance service is offered by the Carrier through providers ofcustomer-owned pay telephones. Pay telephone instruments may beconfigured to accept or not accept coins, to read magnetically encoded cards or be a hybrid thereof. person-to-person Call - A call whereby the caller specifies to the Company operator a particular person to be reached, or a particularstation, room number , department or office to be reached through a PBX attendant. Premises - The space occupied by an indi vidual customer in abuilding, in adjoining buildings occupied entirely by thatcustomer, or on contiguous property occupied by the customer separated only by a public thoroughfare, a railroad right of way ora natural barrier. Subscriber - The person, firm , partnership, corporation or other enti ty who owns , leases or manages the pay telephone , PBX or other switch vehicle from which an End User places a call utilizing the services of the Company. Terminal Equipment All telephone instruments, including pay telephone equipment, the common equipment of large and small key and PBX systems and other devices and apparatus, and associatedwiring, which are intended to be connected electrically, acoustically or inductively to the telecommunication system of the telephone utility. Third Party Billed Call - A billing arrangement by which the charges for a call may be billed to a number that is different from the calling number and the called number. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom , Inc.101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 !J!l Util ies ommission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 9 1.2 Abbreviations: FCC - Federal Communications Commission IXC - Interexchange Carrier LATA - Local Access Transport Area LEC - Local Exchange Carrier MTS - Message Toll Service PBX Private Branch Exchange SAL Special Access Line V&H Vertical and Horizontal WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE : ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idaho Publj(; tlliiilies Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 10 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Carrier Undertaking Carrier provides long distance message toll telephone service to customers for their direct transmission of voice , data, and other types of telecommunications. Communications originate when the customer accesses Carrierdirectly or through the facilities of the local service carrier via one or more access lines, equal access or on adial-up basis. Carrier may act as the customer's agent forordering access connection facili ties provided by other carriers or entities when authorized by the customer, to allow connection of a customer's location to the Carrier network. The customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangements. The Company's services are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise stated in this tariff , and are available twenty-four(24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Limi tations on Service ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , President NTI Telecom , Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Service is offered subject to the availability ofthe necessary facilities and/or equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff. Carrier reserves the right to discontinuefurnishing service upon wri tten notice when necessi tated by conditions beyond its control or when the customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff or in violation of the law. Ti tIe to any equipment provided by Carrier underthese regulations remains wi th Carrier. Prior written permission from the company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions for service. Suite P-125: Idaho I"'UDIIC tlti!iLit:::.Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 11 Use of Service Service may not be used for any unlawful purposes. The minimum period for service is one month (30 days), unlessotherwise noted in the customer's service agreement. Limi tation of Liability The language set forth below does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law.Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it isa court'responsibility to adjudicate negligence andconsequential damage claims. It is also the court'responsibili ty to determine the validity of the exculpatoryclause. The liability of the carrier for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays errors or defects in transmission occuring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the carrier commences upon activation of service and in noevent exceeding an amount equi valent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the periodof service during which the mistake , omissioninterruption, delay, error or defect transmission occurred. For the purpose of computing such amount , a month is considered tohave 30 days. The carrier is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service. Carrier shall be indemnified and held harmless by the customer against all other claims arising outof any act or omission of the customer inconnection wi th any service provided by thecarrier. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 8oise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 12 continued)Limi tation of Liability The carrier shall not be liable for and thecustomer indemnifies and holds the carrier harmless from any loss claims, demands, sui ts, or otheraction or liability, whether suffered, madeinsituted or asserted by the customer or by any other party or persons, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for anyloss, damage defacement or destruction of thepremises of the customer or any other property,whether owned by the customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation , operation, failure to operate,maintenance , removal, presence, condition, locationor use of the equipment or wiring provided by the carrier where such installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, condition, location or useis not the direct resul t of the carrier'negligence. No agents or employees of other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employeesof the carrier. Interruption of Service A credit allowance for interruptions of service which are not due to Carrier's testing or adjusting, to the negligence of the customer, or to the failure of the channels, equipment,and/or communications systems provided by the customer, aresubject to the general liability provisions set forth herein. It shall be the obligation of the customer to notify Carrier of any interruption in service. Before giving such notice, the customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being causedby any action or omission by or wi thin the customer's controland is not in wiring or equipment connected to the Carrierterminal. Restoration of Service The use and restoration of service in emergencies shall be in accordance with the Part 64 Subpart D of the FederalCommunications Commission'Rules and Regulations which specifies the priority system for such activities. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 M IJ lc tilities Commission QUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997Suite P-125 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P. U. C. No. Original Sheet 13 Customer Responsibility All customers assume general responsibilities inconnection with the provisions and use of Carrier I sservice. When facilities equipment, and/orcommunication systems provided by others areconnected to Carrier'facilities, the customer assumes additional responsibilities. All customers are responsible for the following: The customer is responsible for placing orders for service , paying all charges for service rendered by Carrier and complying with all ofCarrier's regulations governing the service. The customer is also responsible for assuring that its users comply with regulations. When placing an ordercustomer must provide:for service the The name (s) and address (es) of the person ( s) responsible for the paYment of service charges. The name(s) , telephone number(s) , and address ( es) of the customer contact person ( s) . Maintenance, Testing, and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the equipment provided by Carrier shall be made available to Carrier for suchtests and adjustments as may be necessary tomaintain them in satisfactory condi tion. interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic~ of the SecretaryACCEPl ED FOR FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P. u. C. No. Original Sheet 14 Deposi ts Applicants or Customers whose financial conditionis unknown or unacceptable to Carrier may berequired to pay a deposit. If actual usage data is available for the customer at the same or similar premises , the deposit amount shall be calculated using the customer'average bill for the mostrecent twelve (12) month period. If actual usage data is not available , the deposit amount shall be based on the average bills of similar customers and premises in the system. In no event will a deposit exceed two (2) month's actual or estimated usage ascalculated above. If customer fails to pay forservice or equipment, the deposit will be applied to the outstanding balance. If, at any time,Carrier feels that the customer has established satisfactory credit, the Carrier will refund theamount of the deposit. In any event, deposits or remaining balance thereof will be returned upontermination of service. Interest will be paid on deposits in accordance wi th the rules prescribed by the Commission. Credit Allowance Credit for failure of service or equipment will be allowed only when failure is caused by or occurs inequipment owned, provided and billed for, byCarrier. Credit allowances for failure of service or equipment starts when the customer notifies Carrier of the failure or when Carrier becomes aware of the failure and ceases when the operation has been restored and an attempt has been made to notify the customer. The customer shall notify Carrier of failuresof service or equipment and make reasonable attempts to ascertain that the failure is not caused by customer provided facilities, anyact, or omission of the customer or in wiring or equipment connected to the terminal. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom , Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 15 Credit Allowance continued) Only those portions of the service or equipment operation disabled will be credited. No credit allowances will be made for: Interruptions of service resulting from Carrier performing routine maintenance; Interruptions of service for implementation of a customer order for a change in the service; Interruption caused by the negligence of the customer or his authorized user; Interruptions of service because of thefailure of service or equipment due to customer or authorized user providedfacilities. Cancellation by Customer If a customer orders services requiring specialequipment and/or facilities dedicated to thecustomer I s use and then cancels his order before the service begins , a charge will be made to the customer for the non-recoverable portions of expendi tures or liabilities incurred expressly on behalf of the customer by Carrier and not fully reimbursed by installation and monthly charges. If,based on such an order , any construction has either begun or been completed, but no such servicesprovidedthe non-recoverable cost of such construction shall be borne by the customer. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idaho Public Utilities Commissiol Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILIN JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 16 PaYment and Billing Each customer bill will set forth the company'name, address and toll free telephone number and will list the charges for individual calls made. All taxes will be listed as separate line items. The date after which a penalty may apply to the gross amount shall be indicated on the customer I s bill. Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis. Payment is due upon receipt. PaYment will be considered timely if paid within days after the bill is rendered. The bill shall be considered rendered when deposited in the U. S. mail with postage prepaid. In the event of a dispute concerning a bill, Customer must pay a sum equal to the amount of the undisputed portion of the bill and proceed wi th complaint procedures set forth in thistariff. The customer is responsible for paYment of all charges for service furnished to the customer under this tariff. Charges based on actual usage during a month will be billed monthly inarrears. Customer is responsible for paYment of any state and local taxes (i. e. gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) whichwill be listed as separate line items and which are not included in the quoted rates. Customers failing to pay a bill for services by the due date will be charged a one-time late paYment penalty on the amount owed for such services. Any paYment received by the customer will first be applied to the bill for services rendered. Application of Charges The charges for service are those charges in effect during the period in service was furnished. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 suite P-125 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 17 Customer Complaint Procedure Carrier will resolve any disputes brought to its attention as promptly and effectively as possible. Customer Service Representatives can be reach viaan 800 telephone number stated on all customerbills. Any unresol ved disputes may be directed to the attention of the Commission. In the event of a dispute concerning an invoice, the customer must pay a sum equal to the amount of the undisputed portion of the bill and notify the Company of the disputed portion. Carrier Responsibility Calculation of Credit Allowance Pursuant to limi tations set forth herein , when service is interrupted the credit allowance will be computed on the following basis: No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of less than two hours. When a minimum usage charge is applicable andthe customer fails to meet a usage minimumcredit, the outage shall be applied against that minimum equal to 1/360th of the monthly minimum charges associated with the portion of service disabled for each period of two hoursor major fraction thereof that the interruption continues beyond two hours. Carrier will try its best to resolve any disputes properly brought to its attention. Unresol ved disputes may be directed to the attention of the Commission. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 1~3ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise. Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet Cancellation of Credit Where Carrier cancels a service or the provision equipment and the final service period is less than the monthly billing period, a credit will be issued for any amounts billed in advance, prorated at 1/30th of the monthly recurring charge for each daythe service was rendered or the equipment wasprovided. This credit will be issued to the customer or applied against the balance remaining on the customer's account. Disconnection of Service by Carrier Carrier, upon 10 days written notice to thecustomer, may discontinue service or cancel an application for service wi thout incurring anyliabili ty for any of the following reasons: Non-paYment of any sum due to Carrier for service for more than thirty days beyond the date of rendi tion of the bill for suchservice; A violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff; A violation of any law, rule, or regulation of any government authority having jurisdiction over the service; or Carrier is prohibited from furnishing servicesby order of a court or other governmentauthority having jurisdiction. Carrier may immediately terminate service wi thout notice if a dangerous condition exist which could subject a person to imminent harm. Fractional Monthly Charges Charges for a fractional part of month are calculated by counting the number of days in the billing period before service was discontinued. Divide the number of days by thirty days and then multiply by the monthly charge. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc.101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997Suite P-125 Boise. Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P. U. C. No. Original Sheet 19 Special Conditions Governing Operator Services Company Obligations When providing Operator Services to Aggregators, the Company will: 1 ) 2 ) Notify the End User of the operator services carrier handling the call. Inform the End User, upon request, of the rates to be charged and explain the method of billing, at no charge. 3 )Not charge for telephone calls. unanswered incomplete 4 )withhold paYment of commission or other compensation to a subscriber who engages in blocking 800 , 950 and 10XXX access calls. Rate and bill calls from their actual point oforigination, unless the End User consents to a different arrangement. 5 ) 6 )All 0- or 911 emergency calls will immediately defaulted to the LEC for properhandling. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997Suite P-125 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 20 Aggregator Obligations 2 ) An operator service subscriber is required to post information (tent cards) on or near the telephone notifying the End User of thefollowing: 1 )The Company' number.name address,and toll-free statement disclosing that the rate information is available upon request and that the End User has the right to access anothercarrier and obtain instructions from the preferred carrier on receiving access. 3 )The address of the Federal CommunicationCommission'Common Carrier Bureau' Enforcement Division will be posted for EndUsers wishing to file operator services complaints related to interstate calls, and the address of the Commission for intrastatecalls. Aggregators are prohibited from blocking 800,950 and 10XXX access calls on presubscribed telephones. An aggregator shall not charge higher rates for calls accessing the operatorservice provider via 800, 950 and 10XXX numbers than those rates charged for callsusing the pre subscribed operator serviceprovider. The operator service subscriber must provide Carrier with current local emergency numbersfor police, fire and ambulance for eachlocation. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Idaho ~!c utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOF~ FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 -1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 21 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES Timing of Calls The customer I s monthly usage charges for Carrier service are based upon the total number of minutes the customer uses and service options subscribed to. Chargeable time begins when the connection is established between the calling station and the called station or PBX. Chargeable time ends when the either party "hangs up. There are no charges incurred if a call is not completed. Start of Billing The Start of Service date is the first day which service is actually provided to the customer. The End of Service date is the last day or any portion thereof that service is provided to customer. Interconnection Services furnished by Carrier may be interconnected wi services or facilities of other authorized communications common carriers and with private systems, subject to thetechnical limi tations established by Carrier. Service furnished by Carrier is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers. Any special interface equipment of Carrier and other participating carriers shall be provided at the customer's expense. The customer is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for interconnecting his customer-provided terminal equipment or communications systems wi th Carrier's. The customer shall secure all licenses, permits, right-of-ways, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , President NTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 lic Utilities Commission Offic~ of the Secretary ACCEPl ED FOR F!UNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 22 Terminal Equipment Carrier I S service may be used with or terminated in customer provided terminal equipment or customer provided communication systems , such as teleprinters, handsets, or data sets. Such terminal equipment will be furnished and maintained at the expense of the providing customer, except as otherwise agreed in advance and in writing. The customer is responsible for all costs at their premises, including personnel, wiring,electrical power, and the like incurred in the use ofCarrier's service. When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the generally accepted minimumprotective cri teria standards of the telecommunicationsindustry . Calculation of Distance Usage charges are generally flat rated. However, if a rate is based on the airline mileage between points, the calculations are made as follows: The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. The company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and horizontal coordinates defined by AT&T in its FCC tariff No. 10. Formula:(VI - V2)2 + (HI - H2)2 Minimum Call Completion Rate The customer can expect a call completion rate of 99% per 100 calls attempted during peak use periods for all Feature GroupD (1+) services. Special Services For the purpose of this tariff , a Special Service is deemed to be any service requested by the customer for which there is no prescribed rate in this tariff. Special Services charges will be developed based on the cost of furnishing such services and submitted to the Commission for prior approval. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 23 Service Offerings Carrier provides Message Toll Service or MTS, Inbound 800 Service and Travel Card Service. The customer's total monthly use of Carrier's service is charged at the applicable rates per minute set forth herein. Message Toll Service (MTS) "I +" Dialing is achieved by customer's telephonelines being programmed by the local telephone company (LEC) to automatically route 1+ calls to the Company's network. 800 Service 800 Service is virtual banded inbound toll servicewhich permi ts calls to be completed at the subscriber's location without charge to the callingparty. Access to the service is gained by dialinga ten digit telephone number which terminates at the customer'location. 800 services originate via normal shared use facilities and are terminatedvia the customers' local exchange service accessline. Carrier will accept a prospective 800 service customer's request for up to ten (10) 800 telephone numbers and will reserve such number (s) on a first come first serve basis. All requests for 800 number reservations must be made in writing, dated and signed by a responsible representative of thecustomer. Carrier does not guarantee the availability of number(s) until assigned. The 800 services telephone number ( s) so requested, if found to be available , will be reserved for and furnished to the eligible customer. If a customer who has received an 800 number does not subscribe to 800 service within 90 days, the company reserves the right to make the assigned number available for use by another customer. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idah0 Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOIi FlUNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 24 Travel Card Service Allows subscribers who are away from home or office to place calls by gaining access to the Carrier' network via an 800 number and personal identification number issued by the Company. Directory Assistance The Company will Directory Assistance to assist customers in obtaining listed telephone numbers. The Company will provide listed telephone numbers to requesting customers at a per call charge. Residential customers shall be provided with a record of the date and time of each directory assistance call made from their residence. Operator Service Carrier provides the following 0+ operator services in accordance with the provisions set forth in thistariff: Station-to-Station Call is completed with caller paying for the call. person-to-Person Call completed to specified person with caller paying for thecall. Collect Calls - Called party billed for thecall. Third Number Billed - The call is billed to a home or other telephone number. Customer Dialed Calling Card and Credit CardCalls- Call is completed without the use ofan operator with the call billed to the calling card or credit card account. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idah0 Public Utilities Commission Office of the S8cretary ACCEPTED FOf~ F!LlNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 25 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES 1. Usage Charges and Billing Increments Usage Charges Unless flat rated, usage charges are determined by the time of day rate periods and minutes of use within each rate period. The rate period is determined by the time and day of call origination at the customer's location. Billing Increments Unless stated otherwise , usage is billed in an initialone minute increment and in second increments thereafter. Partial seconds of use are rounded to the next highest 6 second increment. Rounding Unless stated otherwise , all calls are rounded to thenext highest billing increment. Fractional cents will be rounded to the next highest whole cent. Volume Based Plan Enrollment Placement into various Plans is dependent upon prioractual monthly usage or estimated monthly usage. Movement from the inital Plan of enrollment to the next, higher usage lower rate plan is effectuated uponcustomer request. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission . - Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise. Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P. U . C. No. Original Sheet 26 MTS Rates Rates Per Minute: PEAK OFF PEAK Rate Per Rate PerPlanMonthlUsaMinuteMinute Plan I 0 - $$0.2000 $0.2000Plan II $ 50 - $$0.1900 $0.1600Plan III $100 - $ 149 $0.1850 $0.1600Plan IV $150 - $ 199 $0.1800 $0.1600Plan V $200 - $ 249 $0.1750 $0.1600Plan VI $250 - $ 299 $0.1700 $0.1600Plan VII $300 - $ 349 $0.1600 $0.1500Plan VIII $350 - $ 399 $0.1650 $0.1500Plan IX $400 - $ 449 $0.1550 $0.1500Plan X $450 - $ 499 $0.1500 $0.1500Plan XI $500 - $ 549 $0.1450 $0.1400Plan XII $550 +$0.1400 $0.1400 One-time installation fee of $50.00. Monthly recurring charge of $7.50 per line. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOFc FiUNG JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 27 800 Service Rates Rates: PEAK OFF PEAK Rate Per Rate PerPlanMonthlUsaMinuteMinute Plan I 0 - $$0.2000 $0.2000Plan II $ 50 - $$0.1900 $0.1600Plan III $100 - $ 149 $0.1850 $0.1600Plan IV $150 - $ 199 $0.1800 $0.1600Plan V $200 - $ 249 $0.1750 $0.1600Plan VI $250 - $ 299 $0.1700 $0.1600Plan VII $300 - $ 349 $0.1600 $0.1500Plan VIII $350 - $ 399 $0.1650 $0.1500Plan IX $400 - $ 449 $0.1550 $0.1500Plan X $450 - $ 499 $0.1500 $0.1500Plan XI $500 - $ 549 $0.1450 $0.1400Plan XII $550 +$0.1400 $0.1400 One-time installation fee of $50.00. Monthly recurring charge of $7.50 per line. Travel Card Service Rates Plan Monthl y Usage PEAK Rate Per Minute OFF PEAK Rate Per Minute Plan IPlan IPlan II 0 - $ 149 $150 - $ 299 $300 + $0.3500 $0.2500 $0.2100 $0.2500 $0.2500 $0.2100 Usage is billed in one minute increments with partial usage rounded up to the next highest whole minute. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, President NTI Telecom , Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Uti!ities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!UNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 28 Directory Assistance $0.50 per call. Returned Check Charge Any customer issuing check ( s ) which are returned to the Company due to insufficient funds, closed account, apparent tampering, missing signature or endorsement, or for any other reason will be charged $15.00 per check. Special Promotions Carrier may from time to time offer special promotions to customers upon prior Commission approval of such promotion. InterLATA and IntraLATA Operator Service Plans Operator Service Per Call Charges Station-to-StationPerson-to-Person Third Party Billed Operator Assisted Calling Automated Calling Card Dial Assist Card $2. $3. $2. $2. $1. 05 $1. 00 Operator Service Charges are not subject to time-of-day discounts. Calls having elements of more than one type of callwill be charged the highest charge applicable tothat call. The charges stated above are in addition to any rates per minute set forth below. ISSUED: June 19 , 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret8fY ACCEPTED FOr~ FlUNG Suite P-125 JUL 3 - 1997 Boise. Idaho NTI TELECOM , INC.Idaho P.C. No. Original Sheet 29 Operator Service Rates Per Minute PLAN Rate Mileage Day Initial Addt.Initial Evening Addt. 1 -0900 0700 0670 0525 - 22 1200 1100 0900 0825 - 28 1600 1600 1200 1200 .;.. 34 1800 1800 1500 1500 - 41 2097 1899 1751 1728 - 51 2199 2199 1751 1744 - 66 2800 2700 1823 1748 - 81 2900 2899 1886 188682 -105 2900 2900 1887 1887 106 - Over 3099 2999 2108 2031 Night/WE Initial Addt. 0540 0420 0720 0660 0960 0960 1200 1200 1620 1500 1680 1680 1729 1729 1729 1729 1729 1729 1735 1735 partial usageUsage is billed in one minute increments with rounded up to the next highest whole minute. Rates stated above are regardless of holidays. applicable seven days per week, Property Surcharge:up to $1.00 per call. PLAN RateMileage Initial 1 - 17 18 - 22 23 - 28 29 - 34 35 - 41 42 - 51 52 - 66 67 - 81 82 - 105 106 - Over 0900 1200 1600 1800 2097 2199 2800 2900 2900 3099 Addt. 0700 1100 1600 1800 1899 2199 2700 2899 2900 2999 Usage is billed in one minute increments with partial usage rounded up to the next highest whole minute. Property Surcharge:up to $2.00 per call. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE : ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts , President NTI Telecom , Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret3ry ACCEPTED FOF1 F!LlNG JUL 3 - 1997Suite P-125 Boise, Idaho NTI TELECOM, INC.Idaho P. U . C. No. Original Sheet 30 Operator Service Rates Per Minute PLAN Flat Rate of $0.3300 per minute for all services. Property Surcharge:up to $2.25 per call. Usage is billed in one minute increments with partial usage rounded up to the next highest whole minute. ISSUED: June 19, 1997 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: Michael Gorts, PresidentNTI Telecom, Inc. 101 Convention Center Dr. Las Vegas , Nevada 89109 Suite P-125 Idahe Pllblic Utilities Commission Office of tile Secretarv ACCEPTED FO~~ FfUNG JUL :1 - 1997 8:Qi~,