HomeMy WebLinkAboutNet Talk.Com Inc IXC Price List.pdfNET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 1 (888) 638 0012 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 1 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 NET TALK.COM, INC. TELECOMMUNICA nONS PRICE LIST IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of interexchange telecommunications services provided by NET T ALKCOM, INc., within the State ofIdaho. Registered Agent in Idaho: Incorp Services, Inc. 921 S.Orchard St. Boise, ill 83705 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J UN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho o. . NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 2 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 CHECK SHEET Pages, as listed below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original Price List and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * - indicates those pages included with this filing Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 3 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet ..................................................................................................................................... Table of Contents............................................... .............................................................................. Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... Price List Format ............................................................................................................................ 5 Application of Price List.................................................................................................................. 6 Service Area Map ............................................................................................................................ 7 Section 1 - Terms and Abbreviations............................................................................................... Section 2 - Rules and Regulations ................................................................................................. 10 Section 3 - Service Descriptions and Rates ................................................................................... 26 Section 4 - Promotions................................................................................................................... 28 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 4 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C)Changed regulation. (D)Delete or discontinue. (I)Change Resulting in an increase to a Customer s bill. (M)- Moved from another Price List location. (N)- New. (R)Change resulting in a reduction to a Customer s bill. (T)Change in text or regulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 5 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 PRICE LIST FORMAT A. Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the Price List. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. B. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the Price List page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the page currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 2. 1. LA. 2. 1. LA. 1. (a). (a). A.1.(a).I.(i). A.1.(a).I.(i).(1 ). D. Check Sheets - When a Price List filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the Price List filing. The Check Sheet lists the pages contained in the Price List, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some pages.) The Price List user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho ., . NET TALK.COM, INc. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 6 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST This Price List contains the regulations and rates applicable to the furnishing of intrastate resale common carrier communications service by NET T ALKCOM, INC. within the State of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 7 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SERVICE AREA MAP NET T ALKCOM, INC. will provide intrastate service throughout the State ofIdaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INc. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 8 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 1- TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or End User upon access to the Company s system to notify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use of his or her assigned Authorization Code. Authorized User - A person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who is authorized by the Customer to be connected to and utilize the Carrier s services under the terms and regulations of this Price List. Commission - Refers to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Company or Carrier - NET TALK COM, INC. unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Customer - A person, fIrm, partnership, corporation or other entity which arranges for the Carrier to provide discontinue or rearrange telecommunications services on behalf of itself or others; uses the Carrier telecommunications services; and is responsible for payment of charges, all under the provisions and terms of this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 9 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' End User - Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity which uses the services of the Company under the provisions and regulations ofthis Price List. The End User is responsible for payment unless the charges for the services utilized are accepted and paid by another Customer. Equal Access - Where the local exchange company central office provides interconnection to interexchange carriers with Feature Group D circuits. In such end offices, Customers can presubscribe their telephone line(s) to their preferred interexchange carrier. LATA - Local Area of Transport and Access. LEC - Local Exchange Company. Personal Identification Number (PIN) - See Authorization Code. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits and the connection to the Customer is a LEC-provided business or residential access line. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. NET TALK - Used throughout this Price List to refer to NET TALK COM, INC.. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 10 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of Net Talk Nationwide Pro Tel's services and facilities are furnished for communications originating throughout the State of Idaho under terms of this Price List. Nationwide Pro Tel installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided Herein under in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this rate sheet. Nationwide Pro Tel may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Nationwide Pro Tel network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services are provided on a monthly basis, unless otherwise stated in this Price List. Services are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 2 Use Services provided under this Price List may be used by the Customer for any lawful telecommunications purpose for which the service is technically suited. The services the Company offers shall not be used for any unlawful purpose or for any use as to which the Customer has not obtained all required governmental approvals, authorizations licenses, consents and permits. The Company may require applicants for service who intend to use the Company s offerings for resale, shared and/or joint use to file a letter with the Company confirming that their use of the Company s offerings complies with relevant laws and the Commission s regulations policies, orders, and decisions. 4 A Customer may transmit or receive information or signals via the facilities of the Company. The Company s services are designed primarily for the transmission of voice-gradetelephonic signals, except as otherwise stated in this Price List. A user may transmit any form of signal that is compatible with the Company s equipment, but the Company does not guarantee that its services will be suitable for purposes other than voice-grade telephoniccommunication except as specifically stated in this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 11 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations The Company reserves the right to discontinue service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this Price List, or in violation ofthe law. Service is offered subject to the availability ofthe necessary facilities and equipment, or both facilities and equipment, and subject to the provisions of this Price List. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Service may be limited or discontinued by the Company, without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain countries, cities, or NXX exchanges when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. Service will be restored as soon as it can be provided without undue risk. The Company reserves the right to limit or to allocate the use of existing facilities, or of additional facilities offered by the Company, when necessary because of lack of facilities, or due to some other cause beyond the Company s control. 6 To the extent that any conflict arises between the terms and conditions of a service agreement or other contract and the terms and conditions of this Price List, the Price List shall prevail. Title to all equipment provided by the Company under this Price List remains with the Company. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INc. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 12 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 4 Assignment and Transfer All facilities provided under this Price List are directly or indirectly controlled by Net Talk Communications Corp. and neither the Customer nor Subscriber may transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. All regulations and conditions contained in this Price List shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Such transfer or assignment when permitted, shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Customer may request Carrier to assign one or more sub-accounts for billing purposes, and to direct sub-account invoices to Customer s affiliates or other designated entities for payment. Such requests shall not affect the liability of the Customer, who shall remain solely liable to the Company for payment of all invoices for service requested and obtained by Customer, whether invoiced by the Company to the Customer, the Customer s affiliates, or other designated entities. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 13 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company 1 NET T ALKCOM, INC.s liability for damages arising out of mistakes, interruptions omissions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission which occur in the course of furnishing service or facilities, in no event shall exceed $100.00 or an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer, whichever is less, for the period during which the faults in transmission occur. Except as set forth above, the Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, actual, punitive or any other damages, or business interruption, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any defects or any other cause. In the event of an interruption in service or any defect in the service whatsoever, neither the Company nor any affiliated or unaffiliated third party provider or operator of facilities employed in the provision of the service shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, actual, punitive or any other damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever. Moreover, any such mistakes, omissions interruptions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission or service, which are caused or contributed to by the negligence or willful act of the Customer, or Authorized User, or joint user, or which arise from the use of Customer provided facilities or equipment shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage), for any interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect in any service, facility or transmission provided under this Price List, if caused by any person or entity other than the Company, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by an Act of God, fire, war, civil disturbance, or act of government, or by any other cause beyond the Company s direct control. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 14 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' Indemnification - The Company s liability, if any, for its gross negligence or willful misconduct is not limited by this Price List. With respect to any other claim or suit by a Customer or by any others, the Customer indemnifies and saves harmless the Company against claims, losses or suits for injury to or death of any person, or damage to any property which arises from the use, placement or presence of the Company s equipment, facilities and associated wiring of the Customer s premises and further the Customer indemnifies and saves harmless the Company against claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy or the infringement of copyright arising directly or indirectly from the material transmitted over the facilities of the Company or the use thereof by the Customer; against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with or using in connection with, facilities furnished by the Company and apparatus, equipment and systems provided by the Customer; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer in connection with the services or facilities provided by the Company. No agents or employees of other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company. Defacement of premises: No liability shall attach to the Company by reason of any defacement or damage to the Customer s premises resulting from the existence of the Company=s equipment or facilities on such premises, or by the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of the negligence of the Company or its employees. The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other entity furnishing a portion of the service or any acts or omission of the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 8 -, 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 15 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' Service furnished by the Company may be interconnected with the services or facilities of other carriers or private systems. However, service furnished is provided solely by the Company and is not ajoint undertaking with other parties. The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss , or refund as a result ofloss or theft Personal Identification Numbers issued for use with the Company s services. The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including usage charges, that the Customer may incur as a result of the unauthorized use of authorization codes of communications equipment. The unauthorized use of communications equipment includes but is not limited to, the placement of calls from the Customer s premises, and the placement of calls through equipment controlled and/or provided by the Customer that are transmitted over the company s network without the authorization of the Customer. The Customer shall be fully liable for all such usage charges. The included Price List language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 16 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Responsibility All Customers assume general responsibilities in connection with the provisions and use of the Company s service. When facilities, equipment, and/or communication systems provided by others are connected to the Company s facilities, the Customer assumes additional responsibilities. All Customers are responsible for the following: The Customer is responsible for placing orders for service, paying all charges for service rendered by the Company and complying with all of the Company regulations governing the service. The Customer is also responsible for assuring that its users comply with regulations. When placing an order for service, the Customer must provide: The names and addresses of the persons responsible for the payment of service charges, and The names, telephone numbers, and addresses of the Customer contact persons. The Customer must pay the Company for the replacement or repair of the Company s equipment when the damage results from: The negligence or willful act of the Customer or user; Improper use of service; and Any use of equipment or service provided by others. After receipt of payment for the damages, the Company will cooperate with the Customer in prosecuting a claim against any third party causing damage. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 17 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Responsibility, (Cont'd. Billing and Payment For Service Responsibility for Charges The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer for transmission of calls via the Company. In particular and without limitation to the foregoing, the Customer is responsible for any and all cost(s) incurred as the result of: any delegation of authority resulting in the use of his or her communications equipment and/or network services which result in the placement of calls via the Company; any and all use of the services provided by the Company, including calls which the Customer did not individually authorize; any calls placed by or through the Customers equipment via any remote access feature(s); Charges for installations, service connections, moves and rearrangements are payable upon demand to the Company or its authorized agent. Billing thereafter will include recurring charges and actual usage as defined in this Price List. Disputed Charges Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company or its billing agent in writing within twenty (20) days of the closing date printed on the invoice or statement issued to the Customer. Adjustments to Customers' account shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Should the Customer be dissatisfied with the disposition of a complaint, the Customer may appeal to the Commission Customer s may contact the Commission at the following address and telephone number: 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702, 800-432-0369. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Issued: 2/27/09 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 18 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Responsibility, (Cont' Taxes and Fees All state and local taxes (e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are not included in the rates under this Price List, but shall be listed as separate line items on the Customer s bill. To the extent that a municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of government, or commission imposes and collects from the Company a gross receipts tax, occupation tax, license tax, permit fee, franchise fee, or regulatory fee, such taxes and fees shall, as allowed by law, be billed pro rata to the Customer receiving service from the Company within the territorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of government. Service shall not be subject to taxes for a given taxing jurisdiction if the Customer provides the Company with written verification, acceptable to the Company and to the relevant taxing jurisdiction, that the Customer has been granted a tax exemption. The Company may adjust its rates or impose additional rates on its Customer to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities to collect from or pay to others in support of statutory or regulatory programs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 119 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D. Customer Responsibility, (Contt Late Payment Fees A late payment fee of 1.5% per month will be charged on any past due balance. Any applicable late payment fees will be assessed according to the terms and conditions of the Company or its billing agent and pursuant to Idaho state law. Return Check Charge The Company will assess a return check charge of up to $25., whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution on which it is written. This charge applies each time a check is returned to the Company by a bank for insufficient funds. At the discretion of the Company, the insufficient funds check charge may be waived under appropriate circumstances (e., a bank error). 6 Deposits The Company does not collect Customer deposits. 7 Advance Payments The Company does not require advance payments for service. Cancellation by Customer Customers may cancel service verbally or in writing at any time. The Company shall hold the Customer responsible for payment of all charges, including fixed fees, surcharges, etc. which accrue up to the cancellation date. Charges may be avoided by dialing another carrier access code. In the event the Customer executes a term commitment agreement with the Company, the Customer must cancel service and terminate the agreement in accordance with the agreement terms. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 20 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Interruptions 1 An interruption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative and, if necessary, releases it for testing and repair. An interruption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. Credits for service outages or interruptions are subject to the regulations listed below. 2 If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be interrupted but declines to release it for testing and repair, or refuses access to its premises for test and repair by the Company, the service, facility or circuit is considered to be impaired but not interrupted. No credit allowances will be made for a service, facility or circuit considered by the Company to be impaired. Credit allowances for interruption periods which are not due to the Company s testing or adjusting, to the negligence of the Customer, or to the failure of channels, equipment and/or communications systems provided by the Customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in this Price List. It shall be the obligation of the Customer to notify Company immediately of any interruption in service for which a credit allowance is desired by Customer. Before giving such notice, the Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not within his or her control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any, furnished by Customer. The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of service charges based upon time and materials for visits by the Company s agents or employees to the premises of the Customer when the service difficulty or trouble report results from the use of equipment or facilities provided by any party other than the Company, including but not limited to the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 8 - 2009 Boise. Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100NW 163rdDr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 21 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Interruptions, (Cont' For purposes of credit computation every month shall be considered to have seven hundred and twenty (720) hours. For services with a monthly recurring charge, no credit shall be allowed for an interruption of continuous duration of less than four (4) hours. The Customer shall be credited for an interruption offour (4) or more hours at the rate of 1I720th of the monthly charge for the services affected for each hour that the interruption continues. The formula used for computation of credits is as follows: Credit = A/720 x B A = outage time in hours (must be 4 or more) B = total monthly recurring charge for affected service. For usage sensitive long distance services, credits will be limited to, a maximum, the price of the Initial Period of the individual call that was interrupted plus any per call charges or surcharges required to reconnect the caller. Jti"ho Public Utilities Commission Oiiice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 8 -, 2009 Boise. Idaho -..- NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 22 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Cancellation or Termination of Service by Customer Customers of presubscribed long distance services may cancel service at any time by providing NET T ALKCOM, INC. with written or verbal notification. The Company shall hold the Customer responsible for payment of all bills for service furnished until the cancellation date specified by the Customer or until the date that the cancellation notice is received, whichever is later. Cancellation or Termination of Service by Company For nonpayment: The Company may terminate service to a Customer or Subscriber for nonpayment of undisputed charges upon five (5) days written notice to the Customer or Subscriber without incurring any liability for damages due to loss of telephone service to the Customer or Subscriber. 2 NET TALK COM, INc. may refuse or discontinue service under the following conditions provided that, unless otherwise stated, the Customer shall be given five (5) days notice to comply with any rule or remedy any deficiency: For non-compliance with or violation of any State, Municipal, or Federal law ordinance or regulation pertaining to telephone service. F or use of telephone service for any purpose other than that described in the application. For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to Net Talk or its agents for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by NET T ALKCOM, INC. or its agents. For noncompliance with or violation of Commission regulation or Net Talk rules and regulations on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Issued: 2/27/09 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 23 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Cancellation or Termination of Service by Company, (Cont' Continued Without notice in the event of Customer, Subscriber or Authorized User use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect NET T ALKCOM, INC.' s equipment or service to others. Without notice in the event of tampering with the equipment or services owned by NET TALK COM, INC. or its agents. Without notice in the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, NET T ALKCOM, INC. may, before restoring service, require the Customer or Subscriber to make, at his or her own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss in revenues resulting from such fraudulent use. Without notice by reason of any order or decision of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction which prohibits Company from furnishing such servIces. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 24 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Interconnection Service furnished by NET T ALKCOM, INC. may be connected with the services or facilities of other carriers. Such service or facilities are provided under the terms, rates and conditions of the other carrier. The Customer is responsible for all charges billed by other carriers for use in connection with NET TALK COM, INC.'s service. Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between carriers is the responsibility of the Customer. 11 Terminal Equipment The Company s facilities and service may be used with or terminated in terminal equipment or communications systems such as a PBX, key system, single line telephone, or pay telephone. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer. The Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her premises, including personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of NET TALK COM, INC.'s service. When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the generally accepted minimum protective criteria standards of the telecommunications industry. Inspection, Testing and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the facilities or equipment provided by the Company shall be made available to the Company for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary for their maintenance in a condition satisfactory to the Company. No interruption allowance shall be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made, unless such interruption exceeds twenty-four hours in length and credit for the interruption is requested by the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING' Boise. Idaho JUN 8 - 2009 NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 25 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 900, 976 and 700 Numbers The Company does not provide 900, 976 or 700 number services. Customer calls placed to these numbers are routed to the local or long distance carrier providing the service. Customers may contact their local exchange carrier or the carrier providing the service to request blocking of access to these numbers. 14 Other Rules The Company may temporarily suspend service without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain cities of NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Personal Identification Numbers when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. The Company will restore service as soon as service can be provided without undue risk. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 -2009 Boise. Idaho NET T ALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 26 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 1 General NET T ALKCOM, INc. provides long distance service to Customers for communications originating and terminating throughout the State of Idaho. Timing of Calls The Company does not offer time sensitive calls. 3 Holidays The Company does not offer rate discounts for calls placed on state of federal holidays. 4 Rate Periods The Company does not rate calls based on time-of-day. 5 Calculation of Distance The Company does not rate calls based on distance. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FlUNG JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 27 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective:June 8 2009 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES, (CONT' Direct Dial Service Direct Dial Service rates apply when the Customer dials the telephone number without the assistance of an operator and the call is billed to the calling number. Usage is billed in one (1) minute increments with a one (1) minute minimum period. Per Minute Usage Rate All Times of Day $0.25 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUN 8 -2009 Boise, Idaho .. NET TALK.COM, INC. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 28 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES, (CONT' Public Telephone Surcharge Does not apply in Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 8 - 2009 Boise, Idaho NET TALK.COM, INc. A. Kyriakides, Pres. 1100 NW 163rd Dr. N. Miami, FL 33169 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 29 Issued: 2/27/09 Effective: June 8 2009 SECTION 4 - PROMOTIONS Demonstration of Service From time to time the Company may demonstrate service for potential Customers by providing free use of its network on a limited basis for a period of time, not to exceed one (1) month. Demonstration of service and the type, duration or quantity of service provided will be at the Company s discretion. Promotions - General From time to time, the Carrier may provide promotional offerings to introduce a current or potential Subscriber to a service not being used by the subscriber. These offerings may be limited to certain dates, times or locations and may waive or reduce recurring or non-recurring charges. The Commission will be notified of all promotions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING' JUN 8 -2009 Boise, Idaho