HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181203Supplemental Application.pdfilrt p' Bolss,ldaho ax ETW(}RKS November 29. 2018 Diane Hanian Contnrission Secretary Idaho I')ublic Utilities Comrnission 47? W. Wa.shington Street Boise. Idaho 83702 ;/r,D-Y- t7-o/ Re: itietrillctt, LLC dba lnlerrnux Networkr Supplernental Stqtentent on Local Usage Pluns Dear Ms. l lanian. Per the commissir:n's request to our representative Caitlin O'Brien, ['d like to provide the fr:llowing statement on our services and request fbr more inlbrmation fiom the commission. Intermax is committed to olfering local usage plans comparable to those offered by the incumbent LECs in the service areas lor which it seeks ETC designation. Intennax's residential voice plan is typically S29.95 per montll fbr unmetered local and non-local callin-q. and additional features are provided at no extra charge, such as Caller ID with name and voicemail recording and storage. Internrax commits to continue offering a local usage plan comparable to that offered by the incumbent LECs within its ETC designated area to the extent still applicable in Idaho and thus satisfies this requirement lbr ETC designation as applicable. Please feel lree to contact us if you have any further questions, and we appreciate your assistance. Best regards. DEC 0 3 20tg funl t Michael R. Kennedy President, Ner.vmax, LLC dba Intermax Net*'orks cc: Caitlin O'Brien. Srnith and Malek 7400 Mineral Drive, Suite 300 Coeur d'Alene, ldaho 83815 - intermaxnetworks.com i'i ;: ldaho Public Utilities Commisston Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED DEC 0 3 20t8SMITH + M,A.LEK Boise,ldahoATTO R N EY5 CAITLIN E. O'BRIEN Anorney at Law caittin @sm ithmatek.com Admitted in ldaho and Washington December 3, 2018 Via U.S. Mail. Coeur dA[ene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Ptummer, ldaho 83851 Re: lntermax Networks To Whom lt May Concern: Ptease be advised that Newmax, LLC dba lntermax Networks ('lntermax") has received the winning bid from the Federat Communications Commlssion to provide tetecommunication seryices in certain geographic tocations one of which is within a portion of the boundaries of the Coeur dAlene lndian Reservation. A copy of the Petition is attached for your records. ln relation to providing services within the boundaries of the Coeur dAlene lndian Reservation, lntermax woutd like to engage the Coeur dAlene Tribe in discussions regarding the fottowing pursuantto 47 CFR 54.1004: (i) A needs assessment and deptoyment ptanning with a focus on Tribat community anchor institutions; (ii) Feasibitity and sustainability ptanning; (iii) Marketing services in a cutturatly sensitive manner; (iv) Rights of way processes, [and use permitting, faci[ities siting, environmentaland culturat preservation review processes; and (v) Comptiance with Tribat business and licensing requirements. Ptease contact Mike Kennedy, lntermax President, as soon as you are able so that lntermax and the coeur dAtene Tribe can begin working together in what we know wil.l be a mutuatly beneficial retationship. Ly IN E. O'BRIEN Attorney at Law 601 E. FRONTAVENUE I SUITr 504 I COTUR DAtrNE, r0 83814 I P 208.215.t4r1 | F.208.215.2416 CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED EUSINESS NAI\XE Please tvoe or orint leolblv. lnstructions are inclujod on bach of aoolication. FILED EFFECTIYE tT*,.at?d^flf Pursuant to Section 53-504, ldaho Code, the undersisned submits for filing a certificate of Assumed Business N"rr". l0 OCT I 5 All g: 3k 1. The assumed business name which the undersigned use(s) in the transaction of business is: lntennax Networks 2. The true name(s) and business. address(es) of the entily or individual(s) doing business under the assumed business name:Name Complete Address NewMax, LLC 7600 Mineral Drive, Suite 900 Coeurd'Alene, lD 83815 3. The general type of business transacted under the assumed business name is: I Retail Trade I Transportation and Public Utilities tr Wholesale Trade f Construction Services D Agriculture Manufacturing t] Mining Finance, lnsurance, and Real Estate 4, The name and address to which future correspondence should be addressed: Mike Kennedy, Presldent lntermax Networks address above 5. Name and address for tliis acknowledgment copy is (if oriā‚¬rrhen#4above)i Signature: Printed Name Stephen F C Manager Signature: Printed Name: Capacity/1rtle: Submit Certificate of Assumed Business Name and $25.00 fee to: Secretary of State 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise lD 83720-0080 208 334-2301 Secretary of gtato uao only IDAIIO $CR$RRY tr STRIEtA/ L$/eAlB OS s 66 Cl(: 9J18 CTr ffitE4l 8Hr l?{3278I t 35.80 = P5,08 ffiUll t$f f a 1t+28/L &reo 251 ARTICLES OF ORGANIZ/.flON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ],r,06sEp e0. Ar e: 0B (l nstructions on back of application)u"flmlmfif* 1. The name of the llmited liability company is: NewMax, LLC 2, The street address of the initial registered office is: 700 lronwood Orive, Suite 300, Coeur d'Alene, lD 83814 and the name of the initiat registered agentatthe abova address is: Stephen F. Meyer 3. The mailing address forfuture conespondence is: same 4. Management of the llmited liability company willbe vested in: Manager(s)or Membe(s) I gtease chect< $e approprtato box) 5. lf management ls to be vested ln one or more manager(s), list the name(s) and address(es) of at least one initial manager. lf management is to be vested in the member(s), list the name(s) and add ress(es) of at least one initial member. Name Addrcgs Stephen F. Meyer 700 lronwood Drive, $uite 300 9oeqtd'Alene, lD 83814 6. Signatureofat responsibl e for forming the limited liability company: Signature: Typed Name: StePhen F. Capaclty:Manager & Registered Agent Slgnature TypedName Capacity: fl. { r!t Secretary of Slate u3e only $6 I $on gHsrmr s ETnTELg9lEgleAOG OSIBB Glr P3719 CIt t{3962 }h 95t33I I tl0.l! r 188.18 &6nil UC I I Wrb Fom L35L{Lo?