HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190115Reply Comments.pdfStephen E. Coran Lerman Senter PLLC 2001 L Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington,DC 20036 (202) 416-6744 scoran@l erm ansenter. com Counsel to Newmax,LLC dba Intermax Networks BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION r';tlr*.ll,lt/iI-rI r 1,_ L_,I t.. I \r i._ LJ .L , l'llJ iq fi[{ o,.,, . u i.,r Ul $fi ;: . ,, "rl- j'l.lr i;:,;iri IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IYEWMAX, LLC DBA INTERMAX NETWORKS FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER cAsE NO. NEW-T-r8-0r NEWMAX, LLC DBA INTERMAX NETWORKS REPLY COMMENTS ) ) ) ) ) Newmax, LLC dba Intermax Networks ("lntermax"), by counsel and pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and Order No. 34220, hereby submits its Reply Comments in the above-captioned proceeding.l As further discussed below, the Protest and Comment and Request for Hearing ("Tribe Comments") filed on January 8,2019 by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe (the "Tribe") does not present issues material to the Commission's consideration of Intermax's application ("Application") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") and, accordingly, does not require a hearing or further proceedings.2 The Commission should instead accept the recommendations of its Staff, which found that the Application "is in the public interest and should be approved."3 ' Ord". No.34220 was adopted on December 19,2018 and provided notice of modified procedures and set January 15,2019 as the deadline for Intermax to file Reply Comments. ' Intermax does not challenge the Tribe's request to intervene or its claim to standing with respect to the four Census Blocks located on the Tribe's reservation (Census Blocks I6009940005, 160559400001, 16055940002 and 1655940003) (the "Tribal Blocks"). 3 Comments of the Commission Staff, filed Jan. 8,2019 ("StaffComments"), at 5. Intermax appreciates the StafPs diligence and support. 1 Discussion THE TRIBE'S ARGUMENTS DO NOT REQUIRE A HEARING AND SHOULD BE REJECTED The Tribe makes a number of claims, none of which wamants a hearing or further proceedings to resolve, and none of which calls into question Intermax's eligibility to be designated as an ETC. First, the Tribe alleges that Intermax failed to commit to providing Lifeline services as required by Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") ruies and that this omission requires a hearing to resolve.a However, in its Application, Intermax stated that it "satisfies or will within a reasonable time after designation, satisfy all the relevant requirements for designation as an ETC specified in federal law and those under state law."S It was not necessary for Intermax to specifically list in its Application every legal requirement to which it is subject, and Commission Staff did not request such a specific statement in advance of its recommending approval of the Application. To the extent any question remains,Intermax affirms that it will offer Lifeline services as required by FCC rules and does not object to the inclusion of such a requirement as a condition to approval of the Application.6 No hearing is required. Second, there is no requirement that, as a condition to approval of its Application, Intermax must cletermine which of its own faciiities it will use for Lifeline.T Federal statute permits ETCs to offer the supported service "either using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of another carrier's services."8 But nowhere is this right expressed as a prerequisite to obtaining ETC approval. To the extent different rules apply for facilities located o Tribe Comments at 2. 5 Application at 5. 6 See47 C.F.R. $$ 54.101(d)and 54.405(a);47 C.F.R. SubpartE. 'Tribe Comments at2-3.I See 47 U.S.C. $ 21a(e)(1(A). 2 I. on Tribal lands, the Tribe has cited no basis by which it believes that Intermax will not comply. No hearing is required. Third, there is no prerequisite for Intermax to register to do business with the Tribe and receive a business license to operate on Tribal lands prior to obtaining ETC status, as the Tribe contends.e When Intermax is ready to do business in the Tribal Blocks, it will of course obtain whatever permits are necessary, as required by FCC rules.l0 There is no basis to hold the Application in abeyance. Fourth, the Tribe complains that Intermax did not comply with the Tribal consultation provisions of the FCC's rules.r ' But the FCC rule it cites, 47 C.F.R. $ 54.1004(d), does nor apply to the Connect America Fund ("CAF") program - it applies to the Mobility Fund, which is a separate universal support program and is therefore inapplicable to Intermax's CAF Phase II obligations.'' Th" CAF Phase II rules appear in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.301 et seq. whereas the Mobility Fund rules appear in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.1001 et seq. With respect to Intermax's relationship with the Tribe, 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(a)(5) requires CAF Phase II recipients to include in their annual reports information about their service on Tribal lands"[tJo the extent the recipient serves Tribal lands."t3Intermax is not a CAF recipient at this time, nor is it serving Tribal areas at this time. When it provides service on Tribal lands, it will be subject to reporting requirements under FCC and State rules, but it is not subject to consultation obligations as a condition to receiving ETC designation. Even if there is a federal notice or consultation requirement that Intermax did not e Tribe Comments at 3. t0 See 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(aXsXv) (requiring CAF Phase II recipients to obtain required licenses and approvals to conduct business on Tribal lands).rr Tribe Comments at4-5. '2 The reference to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.1004(d) appears to stem from Intermax's citation to that rule in its November 29,2018 Application supplement, an error that has been unfortunately repeated in subsequent filings by both Commission Staffand the Tribe. Intermax apologizes for this error. '' 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(a)(5) (emphasis added). Tribal authorities atso are entitled to notice if CAF Phase II recipients do not meet prescribed build-out milestones. ,See 47 C.F.R. $ 54.320(d). 3 follow, violation of an FCC rule is a question for the FCC to consider, not the Commission in its review of Intermax's ETC eligibility. Further, the Tribe cannot claim that it was prejudiced given its filing of the Tribe Comments and the engagement with the Tribe that Intermax initiated in December 2018. There is no basis to hold the Application in abeyance. Fifth, there is no basis for the Commission to withhold approval of Intermax's Application simply because the Tribe's subsidiary Red Spectrum, LLC ("Red Spectrum"), has filed an application for ETC designation with the FCC.14 Under the terms of the CAF Phase program, there will be only one CAF Phase II recipient in a given census block, so there will not be "a competing ETC designation" at the census btock level, asthe Tribe implicitly asserts.l5 But even if there were more than one ETC for the same census block, the Tribe fails to explain why this would be contrary to the public interest and require a hearing on the subject Application. Properly considered, the Tribe presents no basis for a hearing, no basis for the Commission to hold its Application in abeyance, and no basis for rejection of the Application. ro Tribe Comments at 5-6. Intermax notes that Red Spectrum's ETC application seeks ETC status "for the Tribe and Red Spectrum's entire service area, which are the boundaries of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation." Petition of Red Spectrum LLC for Designation as an Eligible Teiecommunications Carrier, WC Docket No. 09-197 (filed Sept. 12,2018), at 12. The FCC determined that this application "seek[s] designation outside the CAF-eligible census blocks as a Lifetime-only ETC." Public Notice, "Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Becoming Eligible to Receive Connect America Fund Phase II Auction support, DA l8-1019 (rel. Oct.3,2018), at4n.2 (emphasis added). The geographic areasubjectto ETC designation is limited to the combination of census blocks for which the applicant was the high bidder at Auction 903, not the boundaries of the Reservation. See Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization et al.,31FCC Rcd 3962,3974,4074-75 (2016) (requiring all high-cost recipients to meet Lifeline obligations in all areas where they deploy a network pursuant to a broadband service obligation and are commercially offering qualifuing service). At their option, CAF auction winners may seek designation outside of such area to offer "Lifeline-only" services, but ETC status does not extend outside the 50 census blocks for which Red Spectrum was the winning bidder and thus cannot create CAF-supported competition in the same census blocks. '' Tribe Comments at 6. 4 II.THE COMMISSION SHOULD FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF ITS STAf,'F AND APPROVE THE APPLICATION In its Comments, Commission Staff cites its review of the Application under applicable federal and state laws.16 Based on this review, the Staff found that Intermax satisfies the public interest considerations and meets other commitments such as functionality in emergencies, provision of service as a common carrier, advertising and consumer protectio.r.'' Co*mission Staff frrther concluded that Intermax "will provide all universal services supported by the federal USF throughout its service territory; it has addressed all of the public interest questions that accompany an ETC Application; and it will provide a local usage plun."l8 It accordingly "believes Intermax's Application for designation as an ETC in Idaho is in the public interest ad should be approved."le Nothing in the record suggests a contrary conclusion, and the Commission therefore should approve the Application. Conclusion The Tribe makes a number of arguments, none of which warrants further Commission proceedings. The Commission should accept the recommendations of its Staff and expeditiously approve the Application. Respectfully submitted this 15th day of January, 2}lg. E. Coran Counsel to Newmax,LLC dba Intermax Networks 'u StaffComments at 2-3t' Id. at3-s.tr Id. at s. " Id. 5 Certificate of Service I hereby certify that I have this 15th day of January,2019, served the foregoing Reply Comments of NewmaxrLLC dba Intermax Networks, in Case No. NEW-T-I8-01, by email and first class U.S. mail to the following: Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 diane.hanian@puc. idaho. gov Sean Costello, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 sean.costello@puc. idaho. gov Eric Van Orden, Office of Legal Counsel Coeur d'Alene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer,Idaho 83851 ervanorden@cdatribe-nsn. gov Valerie Fasthorse, Director, Information Technolo gy Coeur d'Alene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer,Idaho 83851 vj fasthorse@cdatribe-nsn. gov E. Coran