HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190212Supplemental Reply Comments.pdfStephen E. Coran Lerman Senter PLLC 2001L Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 416-6744 scoran@lermansenter. com Counsel to Newmax,LLC dba lntermax Networks BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REf,EIVED ?0 i9 FtB I 2 At{ l0: 39 \-EC IN TIIE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF NEWMAX,LLC DBA INTERMAX ) NETWORKS FOR DESTGNATTON AS AN ) ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUMCATIONS )CARRIER ) cAsE NO. NEW-T-18-01 NEWMAX,LLC DBA INTERMAX IYETWORKS SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY COMMENTS Newmax, LLC dba Intermax Networks ("Intermax"), by counsel and pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and Order No. 34237, hereby submits its Supplemental Reply Comments in response to the Supplemental Comments submitted by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe (the "Tribe") on February 7,2019 inthe above-captioned proceeding.l Like its initial Comments in this proceeding, the Tribe presents no basis for the Commission to deny, condition or delay grant of Intermax's application for eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") designation ("Application"), or to conduct a formal hearing. In light of the fast- approaching February 25,2019 deadline established by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") for obtaining and reporting ETC designation, Intermax respectfully requests expeditious grant of its Application. ' O.de. No. 34237 was released on January 2g,2}lg and established February l5,2}lg as the deadline for lntermax to file Supplemental Reply Comments. 1 A. Lifeline As its first argument, the Tribe attempts to pit Intermax's ETC Application and its Lifeline commitment against the "backdrop"2 of a recent D.C. Circuit appellate decision remanding certain of the FCC's Lifeline rules.3 To the extent the Tribe suggests that FCC rulemaking proceedings and the Court's remand somehow affect this Commission's decision of whether grant of the Application is in the public interest, it is sorely mistaken. The rulemaking process related to the Lifeline rules is not a consideration when determining Intermax's commitment to comply with Commission rules, and abide by its commitment to provide Lifeline service in its supported census blocks. It is a requirement of the FCC's Connect America Fund ("CAF") rules that Intermax offer Lifeline services to its supported census blocks, and Intermax has committed to do that on two occasions. First, in its Application, lntermax stated that it "satisfies or will within a reasonable time after designation, satisfy all the relevant requirements for designation as an ETC specified in federal law and those under state law."4 This includes Lifeline, to the extent required by FCC rules. Second, in its earlier Reply Comments, Intermax confirmed that: "To the extent any question remains, Intermax affrrms that it will offer Lifeline services as required by FCC rules and does not object to the inclusion of such a requirement as a condition to approval 2 Tribe Supplemental Comments at 3. 3 See National Lifeline Association v. FCC,Nos. l8-1026, l8-1080, D.C. Circuit, issued Feb. 1, 2019, Slip Op. Notably, the passage quoted by the Tribe refers to relinquishment of Lifeline service by "major facilities-based carriers." See Tribe Supplemental Comments atZ, quoting Nat'l Lifeline Ass'n at27. Under any definition, lntermax is not a "major facilities-based carrier" or a "traditional" carrier and cannot therefore be tainted with their purported shortcomings. a Application at 5. 2 of the Application."5 The Commission should reject the Tribe's disingenuous attempt to impose a higher standard for Intermax than is required by law.6 Intermax appreciates that the state of Lifeline is somewhat in flux and that there is a need for such service in the four supported census blocks on the Tribe's reservation. Intermax takes seriously its obligations as a CAF auction winner and understands the consequences of non- compliance. Intermax looks forward to further engagement with the Tribe to deploy CAF- supported services in the four census blocks, including Lifeline service. B. Adequate Service The Tribe alleges that Intermax has fallen short in its engagement with Tribal leaders and has not explained the "vital services" it will provide to the reservation."T It alleges that Intermax has not met the Commission's public interest test and that Intermax can only meet that burden through a hearing.s When considering the "unique advantages and disadvantages" of Intermax's service offering, "commitments" regarding service quality and Intermax's ability to provide the service in a "reasonable time frame," the Commission looks to the record in this proceeding and applicable law. Here, the Application demonstrates the advantages of providing broadband and voice services in the supported census blocks, includes commitments on service quality and is subject to the FCC's build-out milestones. Importantly, Commission Staffhas concluded on at least two occasions that the Application is consistent with the public interest and should be 5 Reply Comments at 2. 6 The Tribe makes a thinly-veiled attempt to discredit Intermax by claiming that its counsel "to the best of our knowledge, is not licensed to practice law in Idaho or admittedpro hac vice for this proceeding." Tribe Supplemental Comments at 4. Undersigned counsel confirmed with Commission staffthat the Modified Procedure applicable to this proceeding constitutes an "administrative proceeding" under Rule 043 that does not require admission to the Idaho State Bar or admission pro hac vice. 'Tribe Supplemental Comments at 6. In its Reply Comments,lntermaiexplained that it had fully complied with applicable FCC Tribal engagement rules. ,See Reply Comments at3-4. E ^See Tribe Supplemental Comments at 6. aJ granted.e If in the future Intermax does not meet its commitments, it will be subject to applicable FCC rules and enforcement and remediation procedures.l0 Those procedures, not a Commission hearing to delay action on Intermax's state ETC status, are controlling. C. Conclusion Having had trvo bites of the apple, the Tribe has presented no reason for the Commission to conduct a hearing or to further delay grant of Intermax's Application. The Commission should expeditiously grant the Application in suffrcient time for Intermax to report to the FCC by its February 25,2019 deadline that it has received ETC designation for all of its supported census blocks in Idaho. Respectfully submitted this l2n day of February,2}lg. E. Coran Counsel to Newmax,LLC dba lntermax Networks e See Decision Memorandum of Sean Costello, Deputy Attorney General (Jan. 18, 2019); Comments of the Commission Staff(filed Jan. 8,2019). to See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. $ 54.320. i 4 Certificate of Service I hereby certifu that I have this l2th day of Febru ary , 2019, served the foregoing Supplemental Reply Comments of Newmax, LLC dba Intermax Networks, in Case No. NEW-T-18-01, by email and first class U.S. mail to the following: Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 diane.hanian@puc. idaho. gov Sean Costello, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 sean.costello@puc.idaho. gov Eric Van Orden, Office of Legal Counsel Coeur d'Alene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer,Idaho 83851 ervanorden@cdatribe-nsn. gov Valerie Fasthorse, Director, Information Technology Coeur d'Alene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer,Idaho 83851 vj fasthorse@cdatribe-nsn. gov E. Coran