HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130425Application.pdfNicole C. Hancock, ISB No. 6899 Email: nchancock@stoel.com STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 •)fl o D-4 tI Attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") FOR A CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN DEFINED AREAS IN IDAHO FOR PURPOSES OF PARTICIPATING IN THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION'S MOBILITY FUND PHASE I PROGRAM CASE NO. TV £ k) -I- ) -Dl APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") FOR A CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN DEFINED AREAS IN IDAHO FOR PURPOSES OF PARTICIPATING IN THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION'S MOBILITY FUND PHASE I PROGRAM Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(2), New Cingular Wireless PSC, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") hereby submits this application for a conditional designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") in certain areas of Idaho so that it may participate in the Federal Communications Commission's ("FCC") Mobility Fund Phase I ("MFI") program. The MFI program will provide one-time support to wireless providers that commit to providing 3G or better mobile wireless voice and broadband service in census blocks where such services are unavailable.' This conditional ETC designation is necessary in order for AT&T Mobility to See generally Connect America Fund, et al., WC Docket No. 10-90, et al., 26 FCC Rcd 17663, at ¶J 301-478 (2011) (USF/ICC Transformation Order). I APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WI ESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T I MOBILITY") -1 ORIGINAL I 73729389.1 0047641-00002 participate in the MFI program in Idaho in the event that the FCC approves the transfer of certain licenses and assets from Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc. ("ATN") to AT&T Inc. On February 5, 2013, AT&T Inc. and ATN filed applications pursuant to sections 214 and 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to approve the transfer of spectrum licenses, leases, authorizations and other assets used in the operation of ATN's retail wireless businesses in 28 Cellular Marketing Areas in Idaho and 5 other states from ATN's wholly-owned subsidiary, Allied Wireless ("Allied"), to an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T .2 Last year, the FCC selected Allied as a winning MFI auction bidder in several census tracts in Idaho.3 In exchange for MFI support, Allied agreed to deploy 3G or better wireless service in the eligible census blocks of those census tracts within a defined period of time.4 While AT&T Mobility is an existing ETC in Idaho, most of Allied's winning MFI bids in Idaho are for census blocks outside of AT&T Mobility's ETC area. Thus, if the FCC transfers Allied's Idaho licenses and - assets to AT&T but AT&T Mobility is not an ETC in those former Allied areas, AT&T Mobility could not participate in the MFI program 5 For that reason, AT&T Mobility respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) grant this application on an expedited basis. 2 The parties have designated ULS Application Number 0005632405 as the lead application. Mobility Fund Phase lAuction Closes, Winning Bidders Announced for Auction 901, DA 12-1566, Attach. A (rel. Oct. 3, 2012), available at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs public/attachrnatch!DA- 12-1 566A1 .pdf. ' See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 54.1006. See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 54.1003(a) (providers must be ETCs in an area in order to receive MFI support for that area). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -2 73729389.1 0047641-00002 AT&T Mobility meets the statutory and regulatory prerequisites for ETC designation and the public interest would be greatly served by the Commission granting this application, thereby enabling AT&T Mobility to participate in the MFI program. We refer to this new ETC designation as the "AT&T Mobility MFI ETC designation" in order to contrast it with AT&T Mobility's existing ETC designation in Idaho. If the Commission grants this application, the FCC approves the transfer of Allied's licenses and assets to AT&T, and the FCC determines that AT&T Mobility is authorized to receive MFI support, AT&T Mobility will deploy 3G or better service in areas of Idaho that do not have this service today. AT&T Mobility requests that the Commission condition this MFI ETC designation on (a) the FCC approving the transfer of Allied's Idaho licenses and assets to AT&T and (b) the FCC authorizing AT&T Mobility to receive MFI support.6 If these two events do not occur, AT&T Mobility requests that the Commission deem this designation null and void as of the date that the FCC denies the transfer described in (a) or declines to authorize AT&T Mobility as described in (b), whichever event occurs earlier. Should either event occur, AT&T Mobility requests that the Commission nullify AT&T Mobility's MFI ETC designation without requiring any further action by AT&T Mobility. To the extent that the FCC authorizes AT&T Mobility to receive MFI support in some but not all of the areas listed in Exhibit A, discussed below, AT&T Mobility respectfully requests that the Commission nullify AT&T Mobility's MFI ETC designation in those areas where AT&T Mobility is not authorized to receive MFI support. AT&T Mobility's existing ETC designation in Idaho (Study Area Code 479006) will not be affected by any such nullification. Additionally, AT&T Mobility shall have no ETC service 6 See 47 C.F.R. § 54.1005(b)(3)(vi). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -3 73729389.1 0047641-00002 obligations associated with its MFJ ETC designation during the period of time between the grant of this conditional designation and either the date that the FCC deems AT&T Mobility authorized to receive MFI support or the date that its designation is rendered null and void. I. INTRODUCTION A.Company Overview AT&T Mobility is a national facilities-based provider of wireless voice, messaging, and data services. At the end of first quarter of 2013, AT&T Mobility had approximately 107.3 million wireless subscribers nationwide. AT&T Mobility has deployed the nation's largest 4G network and also offers access to the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. AT&T Mobility is a commercial mobile radio service ("CMRS") provider pursuant to the definition Of "mobile service" provided in 47 U.S.C. § 154(27). AT&T Mobility is a Delaware limited liability company whose principal place of business is located in Atlanta Georgia. The names and addresses of application and its parent entity are as follows: AT&T Mobility LLC 1025 Lenox Park Blvd NE Atlanta, GA 30319 AT&T Inc. 208 S. Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 B.Requested ETC Designated Area AT&T Mobility seeks this conditional MFI ETC designation for the areas listed in Exhibit A. Exhibit A lists the precise census blocks where the FCC selected Allied as the winning MFI bidder in Idaho. AT&T Mobility's MFI ETC designated area may not include APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -4 73729389.10047641-00002 other census blocks that may be located within the same census tract as the census blocks listed in Exhibit A.7 Moreover, to the extent that the FCC does not authorize AT&T Mobility to receive MFI support in certain census blocks listed in Exhibit A, AT&T Mobility will so inform the Commission and will request that the Commission nullify AT&T Mobility's MFI ETC designation in those specific census blocks. C. Commission Authority to Designate AT&T Mobility as an ETC Pursuant to Idaho Code § § 62-615(1) and (3), the Commission has jurisdiction and authority to designate carriers as ETCs as set forth in 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(1)-(2) and 47 C.F.R. § 54.201. II. AT&T MOBILITY MEETS THE STATUTORY AND REGULATORY PREREQUISITES FOR A CONDITIONAL ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER DESIGNATION As previously determined by the Commission and as demonstrated herein, AT&T Mobility meets the requirements for designation as an ETC as established under federal and Idaho law. In particular, AT&T Mobility: • is a common carrier;8 • will offer the services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms using its own facilities throughout its designated area;9 and Last year, the FCC forbore from section 21 4(e)(5) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and 47 C.F.R. 54.207(b) of its rules, requiring that the service area of an ETC conform to the service area of any rural carrier serving the same area. See Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90 etal., Second Report and Order, 27 FCC Rcd 7856 (2012). This relief applies to all petitioners seeking conditional ETC designations so that they may participate in the MFI program, just as AT&T Mobility is doing through the instant application. Consequently, the Commission is permitted, for MFI purposes, to designate AT&T Mobility an ETC in just the census blocks identified in Exhibit A. 847 U.S.C. § 214(e)(1). 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(1)(A). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -5 73729389.1 0047641-00002 • will advertise the availability of its supported services and charges therefore using media of general distribution. 10 Additionally, AT&T Mobility will: • comply with the service requirements applicable to the support that it receives; • and • satisfy the additional criteria established by the Commission in its ETC Requirements Order" for designation as an ETC, including: o certifying its commitment and ability to provide the supported services; o demonstrating the ability to remain functional in an emergency; o complying with all applicable service quality standards and consumer protection, including the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association's ("CTJA") Consumer Code for Wireless Service; o describing its local usage plans as well as the local usage plans of the incumbent local exchange carrier; and o complying with Tribal Notification Requirements. Furthermore, AT&T Mobility's designation as an ETC serves the public interest, by expanding the availability of 3G or better service if AT&T Mobility receives Mobility Fund Phase I support. This expansion will increase service availability in these areas. A. AT&T Mobility Is a Common Carrier A common carrier is defined by the Act as "any person engaged as a common carrier for hire, interstate or foreign communications by wire or radio ,12 The FCC has determined that 10 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(1)(B). ' See In the Matter of the Application of WWC Holding Co., Inc. dba CellularOne Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier That May Receive Federal Universal Service Support, Order No. 29841, Appendix pp. 1-3,IPUC Case No. WST-T-05-1 (served August 4, 2005) (hereinafter "ETC Requirements Order"). 12 U.S.C. § 153(10). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -6 73729389.10047641-00002 commercial mobile radio service is a common carrier service. 13 Therefore, AT&T Mobility meets the ETC requirement of a common carrier. B. AT&T Mobility Offers the Services Supported by the Federal Universal Service Support Mechanisms AT&T Mobility provides the services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms and will provide toll-limitation service for qualifying low-income consumers, as set forth below. 1.Voice Grade Access to the Public Switched Network or its Functional Equivalent 14 - AT&T Mobility meets this requirement through its provision of mobile voice communications service and interconnection to the public switched telephone network. 2.Local Usage - an amount of minutes of local use provided at no additional charge to end users.15 AT&T Mobility meets this requirement by providing rate plans with a certain amount of minutes that can be used to call from anywhere on the AT&T Mobility network to anywhere else in the United States at no additional charge. For example, customers that choose the AT&T Nationsm or FamilyTalksm pay a monthly charge for a bucket of minutes that can be used to call from anywhere on the AT&T Mobility network to anywhere else in the United States. 3.Access To Emergency Services - access to emergency services provided by local government or other public safety organizations, such as 911 and E911, to the extent the local government has implemented such services. 16 AT&T Mobility meets this requirement by providing 911 access to emergency services throughout its service area, and meeting all requests for E91 I service from local public service answering points ("PSAPs"). 4 Toll Limitation For Qualifying Low-Income Consumers - toll limitation means both toll blocking and toll control, or, if a carrier is not capable of providing both toll blocking and toll control, then toll limitation is defined as either toll blocking 13 C.F.R. § 20.9. 1447 C.F.R. § 54.10 1 (a). 15 C.F.R. § 54.101(a). 16 C.F.R. § 54.101(a). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -7 73729389.1 0047641-00002 or toll control.17 Upon implementing any Lifeline service offering that distinguishes between toll and non-toll calls, AT&T Mobility will offer toll limitation to qualifying low-income consumers at no additional charge. However, AT&T Mobility's typical service offerings do not distinguish between toll and non-toll calls and therefore toll limitation service is not applicable to such offerings. 18 AT&T Mobility is a facilities-based wireless telecommunications carrier with its own switching, cell sites, and associated telecommunications facilities in Idaho and, if the FCC approves the transfer of Allied's licenses and assets to AT&T, AT&T Mobility will acquire Allied's switching, cell sites, and associated telecommunications facilities in Idaho. AT&T Mobility will offer the supported services in the areas in which it receives MFI support, consistent with all applicable requirements. Moreover, AT&T Mobility will only receive MFI support in areas in which it controls radio licenses from the FCC. 19 C. AT&T Mobility Will Advertise the Availability of Its Universal Service Offerings and Charges for Such Offerings Using Media of General Distribution AT&T Mobility will advertise the availability of, and charges for, its supported services using media of general distribution. AT&T Mobility advertises its services through a combination of media channels such as television, radio, newspaper, print advertisements, retail 17 C.F.R. § 54.101 (a); 47 C.F.R. § 54.400(d). 18 In its Lifeline Reform Order, the FCC stated "[un this Order, we relieve ETCs of the obligation to offer TLS in the first instance if their Lifeline offering does not distinguish in the pricing of toll and non-toll calls, which may relieve many ETCs of the obligation to offer TLS." Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, et al., WC Docket No. 11-42, et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 12-11, ¶ 238 (rel. Feb. 6, 2012). AT&T Mobility has not previously sought and has no plans in the future to seek reimbursement for any toll limitation services provided to Lifeline customers 19 To participate in Mobility Fund Phase I the bidder must certify that it has access to spectrum in the relevant area for five years. 47 C.F.R. § 54.1003(b). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -8 73729389.1 0047641-00002 stores, direct marketing and the Internet. In addition, AT&T Mobility will undertake outreach initiatives designed to reach eligible low-income consumers and will include all required disclosures in its Lifeline advertising and outreach.20 D. AT&T Mobility Meets the Additional Requirements for Designation as an ETC 1.Compliance with Applicable Service Requirements If AT&T Mobility receives MFI support, it will comply with the service requirements applicable to the support that it receives, consistent with the FCC's and the Commission's rules. 2.Compliance with the additional criteria for ETC designation established by the Commission in its ETC Requirements Order. a. The Commitment and Ability to Provide Supported Services. If AT&T Mobility receives MFI support, it certifies that it will (a) provide service on a timely basis to requesting customers within service areas where AT&T Mobility's network already passes the potential customer's premises; and (b) provide service within a reasonable period of time, if the potential customer is within AT&T Mobility's licensed service area but outside its existing network coverage, if service can be provided at reasonable cost by (i) modifying or replacing the requesting customer's equipment; (ii) deploying roof-mounted antenna or other equipment; (iii) adjusting the nearest cell tower; (iv) adjusting network or customer facilities; (v) reselling services from another carrier's facilities to provide service; or (vi) employing, leasing or constructing an additional cell site, cell extender, repeater, or other similar equipment. 20 U.S.C. § 214(e)(1)(B); 47 C.F.R. §§ 54.201(d)(2), .405(b), (c). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -9 73729389.1 0047641-00002 AT&T Mobility is seeking an ETC designation conditioned on FCC approval of the transfer of Allied's licenses and assets to AT&T, and an FCC determination that AT&T Mobility is authorized to receive MFI support. In connection with its FCC application for MFI support, AT&T Mobility will detail the service improvements that can be accomplished with MFI funds. It requests that it be allowed to provide this information to the Commission on a confidential basis when it files this information with the FCC. AT&T Mobility believes the information filed with the FCC and the Commission will provide information sufficient to constitute its proposed network improvement plan as required by the ETC Requirements Order. 21 b. AT&T Mobility has the Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies. Pursuant to the Commission's ETC Requirements Order, an ETC applicant must demonstrate that it has a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, is able to re-route traffic around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. AT&T Mobility has a comprehensive emergency response plan in place. All of AT&T Mobility's cell sites within its ETC designated area in Idaho have permanent battery back-up power in the event that commercial power is lost. For outages that last an extended period of time, AT&T Mobility also has a number of portable generators that can be deployed and AT&T 2 1 The Commission has previously permitted providers seeking conditional ETC status for Mobility Fund I awards to provide bid information submitted to the FCC for MFI support as the network improvement plan. See, e.g., In the Matter of the Application ofAllied Wireless Communications Corporation, DBA Alitel Wireless for Conditional Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, Order No. 32590, IPUC Case No. ALL-T-10-01 (July 11, 2012). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -10 73729389.1 0047641-00002 Mobility's cell sites are equipped to accept "plug in" portable generators. Permanent generators are located at all switch locations. AT&T Mobility also has monitoring systems in place so that it quickly knows if any of its switches or cells sites are not functioning properly. Wireless carriers remain dependent on the wireline network, in many cases, to provide connectivity between the cell site and the switch, from switch to switch, and between the wireless network and the landline network. AT&T Mobility has available portable back-up microwave equipment to connect cell sites to the switching center in the event of a long term outage of leased landline facilities. AT&T Mobility also has a cell site on wheels ("COWs") for emergency or temporary deployment in Idaho. In addition, there is often overlapping coverage from more than one cell site in an area which may allow customers to get service from an adjacent cell site in case the closest cell site is not functioning properly. Further, AT&T Mobility has the ability to reroute traffic from its switches to the Public Switched Telephone Network ("PSTN"). Specifically, AT&T Mobility's switches have redundant and diverse paths to the PSTN. In the event of a facility failure on one path to the PSTN, calls are redirected to the redundant route without a major disruption in service. C. AT&T Mobility is Committed to Consumer Protection and Service. AT&T Mobility certifies that it will comply with all applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules including CTIA's Consumer Code for Wireless Service as it may be amended from time to time. d. AT&T Mobility's Local Usage Plans. Pursuant to the additional criteria established by the Commission in its ETC Requirements Order, attached as Exhibit B is a description of the proposed Local Usage Plans APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -11 73729389.1 0047641-00002 that AT&T Mobility will offer in its MFI ETC designated area as well as a description of the incumbent local exchange provider's local usage plans. e. AT&T Mobility Will Comply with Tribal Notification Requirements. AT&T Mobility will provide notice to any potentially affected tribal governments or tribal regulatory authorities as well as a copy of this application. III. DESIGNATING AT&T MOBILITY AS AN ETC IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST It is in the public interest to conditionally designate AT&T Mobility as an ETC in the requested areas in Idaho. Granting this conditional designation is a prerequisite for AT&T Mobility to participate in the MFI program. If AT&T Mobility is awarded MFI support in Idaho, it will bring 3G or better mobile services to areas of the state that currently lack this service. These areas are ones where market forces alone have proven to be insufficient to incent wireless carriers to make the investment necessary to deploy such services. Consistent with the goals of the MFI program, both local consumers and visitors traveling along the roads in the MFI census blocks will enjoy more consistent, high-speed data services instead of significant speed variations that can hamper the utility of any wireless data service. Moreover, eligible low-income consumers in these areas will be able to receive Lifeline service from AT&T Mobility. If AT&T Mobility obtains MFI support, consumers will have greater access to wireless telecommunications services, thereby advancing the basic goal of preserving and advancing universal service. If AT&T Mobility is successful in obtaining MFI support, consumers in these areas will experience significant health, safety, and economic benefits. It is self-evident that every time AT&T Mobility adds a cell site or increases channel capacity using high-cost support, the number of completed calls, including important health and safety calls, should increase. All APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -12 73729389.1 0047641-00002 wireless carriers are required to implement E911 in accordance with the Commission's rules Thus, new cell sites generally improve the coverage, reliability and performance of AT&T Mobility's E91 1 service. It would be difficult to overstate the important public safety benefit that will be realized by supporting improvement to critical wireless infrastructure Moreover, it is also evident that the deployment of high-quality wireless telecommunications infrastructure is essential to economic development in rural areas, as the FCC has recognized .22 IV. CONCLUSION For all the reasons stated above, AT&T Mobility respectfully requests that the Commission act expeditiously to conditionally designate AT&T Mobility as an ETC so that the FCC may authorize it to receive MFI support. DATED: April of, 2013. STOEL RIVES LLP 1A ,4a0 Iji'cole C. Hanoek 4ular Attorneys for New Wireless PCS, LLC 22 See, e.g., Rural Broadband Report, GN Docket No. 09-29, 24 FCC Rcd 12791, ¶ 75 (2009) (noting the creation of a Commission-Rural Utilities Service Joint Federal Rural Wireless Outreach Initiative in 2005 to "encourage greater access and deployment of wireless services to enhance economic development throughout rural America"). APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -13 73729389.10047641-00002 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on April A, 2013, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be hand delivered upon the following individual(s): Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-59 18 Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5918 JAI A Am ealtqL iico1e C. HancockA ci 1Attorney for Petiti6er APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") -14 73729389.1 0047641-00002 EXHIBIT A APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") FOR A CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN DEFINED AREAS IN IDAHO FOR PURPOSES OF PARTICIPATING IN THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION'S MOBILITY FUND PHASE I PROGRAM 160039501001075 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001103 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001104 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001105 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001114 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001117 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001118 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001119 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001120 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001124 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001128 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001136 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001138 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001139 -16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001140 16003950100 Adams ID 160039501001143 16003950100 Adams ID 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160499400004002 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004004 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004005 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004013 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004014 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004015 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004016 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004017 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004021 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004023 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004024 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004025 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004027 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004028 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004029 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004030 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004031 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004032 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004033 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004034 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004035 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004037 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004038 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004039 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004040 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004041 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400004042 16049940000 Idaho ID 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160499400005067 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005068 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005069 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005070 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005074 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005075 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005076 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005077 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005078 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005079 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005083 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005085 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005090 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005107 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005109 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005110 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005111 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005128 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005135 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005137 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005147 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005176 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499400005179 16049940000 Idaho ID 160499602004002 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004008 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004009 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004012 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004013 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004014 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004015 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004016 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004017 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004018 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004019 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004021 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004022 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004026 16049960200. Idaho ID 160499602004029 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004030 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004031 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004032 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004033 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004035 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004036 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004041 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004042 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004043 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004045 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004047 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004049 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004050 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004052 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004058 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004060 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004073 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004075 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004079 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004080 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004081 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004082 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004083 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004084 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004085 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004086 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004087 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004088 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004089 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004090 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004091 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004094 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004096 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004097 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004098 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004100 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004101 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004102 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004103 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004106 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004108 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004109 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004110 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004111 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004112 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004113 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004115 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004116 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004117 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004118 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004119 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004120 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004121 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004122 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004123 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004124 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004126 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004143 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004144 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004145 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004148 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004151 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004152 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004157 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004158 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004159 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004160 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004161 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004162 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004163 16049960200 Idaho ID 10499602004164 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004165 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004166 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004167 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004168 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004170 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004171 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004172 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004173 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004174 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004175 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004176 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004177 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004178 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004179 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004180 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004181 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004182 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004183 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004184 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004185 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004186 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004187 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004188 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004189 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004190 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004191 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004192 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004193 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004194 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004195 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004196 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004203 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004212 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004213 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004214 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004215 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004216 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004217 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004218 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004219 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004220 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004221 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004222 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004223 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004224 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004225 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004226 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004227 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004228 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004229 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004230 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004231 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004232 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004234 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004235 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004236 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004237 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004238 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004239 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004240 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004241 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004242 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004243 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004246 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004247 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004248 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004249 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004250 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004251 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004252 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004253 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004254 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004255 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004256 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004257 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004258 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004259 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004260 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004261 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004262 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004263 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004264 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004265 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004266 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004267 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004268 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004269 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004271 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004273 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004274 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004275 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004276 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004277 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004278 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004279 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004280 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004281 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004282 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004283 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004284 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004286 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004289 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004291 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004292 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004293 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004299 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004301 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004302 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004303 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004305 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004306 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004307 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004308 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004309 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004311 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004312 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004313 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004314 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004316 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004317 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004318 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004319 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602004322 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005067 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005071 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005072 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005085 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005095 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005096 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005097 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005100 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005101 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005102 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005104 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005105 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005106 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005107 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005108 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005109 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005110 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005111 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005112 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005113 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005114 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005115 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005116 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005117 16049960200 Idaho 1D 160499602005118 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005119 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005120 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005121 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005122 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005123 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005124 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005125 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005126 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005127 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005128 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005129 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005130 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005131 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005132 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005133 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005134 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005135 16049960200 idaho ID 160499602005136 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005137 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005138 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005139 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005140 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005141 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005142 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005143 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005144 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005145 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005146 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005147 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005149 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005155 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005156 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005157 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005158 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005160 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005161 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005165 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005166 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005167 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005172 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005175 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005177 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005178 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005179 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005180 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005181 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005182 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005184 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005188 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005190 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005191 16049960200 Idaho ID I 160499602005192 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005194 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005195 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005196 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005197 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005199 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005200 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005205 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005206 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005207 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005208 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005209 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005210 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005211 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005212 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005213 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005214 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005215 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005216 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005217 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005218 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005219 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005220 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005221 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005222 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005223 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005224 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005227 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005228 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005229 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005230 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005231 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005233 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005234 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005235 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005236 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005237 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005238 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005239 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005240 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005243 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005244 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005246 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005247 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005248 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005249 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005250 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005251 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005252 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005253 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005254 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005255 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005256 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005257 16049960200 Idaho ID 166499602005258 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005259 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005260 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005261 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005262 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005263 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005264 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005265 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005266 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005267 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005268 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005269 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005270 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005271 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005272 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005273 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005274 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005275 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005276 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005277 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005278 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005279 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005280 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005281 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005282 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005283 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005284 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005285 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005286 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005287 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005288 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005289 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005290 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005291 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005292 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005293 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005294 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005295 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005296 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005297 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005298 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005299 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005300 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005301 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005302 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005303 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005304 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005305 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005306 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005307 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005308 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005309 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005310 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005311 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005312 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005313 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005314 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005315 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005316 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005317 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005318 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005319 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005320 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005321 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005322 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005323 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005324 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005325 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005326 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005327 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005328 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005329 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005330 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005331 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005332 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005333 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005334 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005335 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005336 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005337 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005338 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005339 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005340 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005341 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005342 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005343 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005344 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005345 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005346 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005347 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005348 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005349 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005350 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005351 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005352 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005353 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005354 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005355 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005356 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005357 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005358 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005359 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005360 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005361 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005362 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005363 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005364 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005365 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005366 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005367 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005368 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005369 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005370 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005371 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005372 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005373 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005374 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005375 .16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005376 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005377 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005378 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005379 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005380 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005381 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005382 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005383 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005384 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005385 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005386 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005387 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005388 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005389 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005391 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005392 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005393 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005395 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005399 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005400 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005403 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005404 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005405 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005406 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005407 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005408 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005410 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005411 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005412 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005413 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005414 16049960200 Idaho ID 169499602005415 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005416 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005417 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005418 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005419 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005420 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005421 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005422 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005423 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005424 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005425 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005426 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005427 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005428 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005429 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005430 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005431 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005432 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005433 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005434 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005435 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005436 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005438 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005439 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005440 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005444 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005445 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005446 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005447 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005448 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005449 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005450 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005453 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005454 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005455 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005456 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005457 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005458 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005459 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005460 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005461 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005463 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005464 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005465 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005468 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005469 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005470 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005471 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005472 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005476 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005477 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005478 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005479 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005482 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005483 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005487 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005488 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005489 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005494 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005497 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005500 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005501 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005502 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005503 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499602005505 16049960200 Idaho ID 160499603001005 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001010 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001011 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001012 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001013 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001014 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001015 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603001016 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002050 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002055 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002062 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002063 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002065 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002067 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002068 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002070 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002080 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002083 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002084 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002085 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002086 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002087 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603602088 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002089 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002090 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002091 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002094 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002095 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002096 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002097 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002098 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002099 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002100 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002101 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002102 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002104 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002107 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002109 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002114 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002115 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002116 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002123 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002128 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002129 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002 130 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002131 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002132 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002133 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002135 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002136 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002 137 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002138 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002139 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002140 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002141 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002142 16049960300 Idaho ID 8 160499603002143 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002144 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002145 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002146 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002147 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002148 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002149 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002150 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002152 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002153 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002155 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002157 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002158 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002159 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002160 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002161 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002162 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002165 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002166 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002167 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002168 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002169 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002171 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002172 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002173 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002174 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002175 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002176 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002177 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002178 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002179 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002180 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002181 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002182 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002184 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002186 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002187 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002188 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002189 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002190 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002191 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002192 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002193 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002194 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002195 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002196 16049960300 Idaho ID .160499603002197 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002198 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002199 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002200 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002201 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002202 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002203 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002204 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002205 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002206 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002207 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002208 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002209 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002210 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002211 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002212 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002213 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002214 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002215 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002216 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002217 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002218 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002219 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002220 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002221 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002224 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002225 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002227 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002230 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002233 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002234 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002273 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002274 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002281 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002288 16049960300 Idaho ID 160499603002291 16049960300 Idaho ID 160599702002001 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002004 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002006 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002007 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002008 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002009 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002012 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002013 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002015 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002018 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002020 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002022 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002023 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002024 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002025 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002027 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002030 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002031 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002032 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002033 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002036 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002037 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002039 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002040 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002041 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002042 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002043 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002044 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002045 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002046 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002047 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002048 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002049 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002050 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002051 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002052 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002054 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002055 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002056 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002057 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002058 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002061 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002063 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002064 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002066 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002068 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002069 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002071 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002072 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002074 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002076 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002077 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002078 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002079 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002081 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002083 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002084 16059970200 Lem hi ID 160599702002088 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002089 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002091 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002094 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002095 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002097 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002098 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002099 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002165 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002169 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002170 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002171 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002173 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002175 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002176 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002177 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002178 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002179 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002316 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002324 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002325 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002328 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002329 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002331 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002332 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002339 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002340 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002341 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002342 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002344 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702002345 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003046 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003152 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003154 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003155 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003161 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003163 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003164 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003168 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003176 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003178 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003181 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003185 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003186 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003188 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003190 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003211 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003212 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003213 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003220 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003221 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003222 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003224 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003227 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003228 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003229 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003230 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003231 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003233 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003236 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003238 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003239 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003241 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003242 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003244 16059970200 Lernhi ID 160599702003245 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003246 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003251 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003252 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003253 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003255 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003260 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003262 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003263 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003265 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003266 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003268 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003270 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003271 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003272 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003273 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003296 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003297 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003298 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003299 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003300 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003301 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003306 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160599702003315 16059970200 Lemhi ID 160859703002000 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002001 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002002 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002003 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002004 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002005 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002006 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002007 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002008 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002009 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002010 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002011 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002012 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002013 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002014 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002015 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002018 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002019 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002020 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002021 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002022 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002023 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002024 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002025 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002026 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002028 160859703.00 Valley ID 160859703002029 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002030 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002032 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002033 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002034 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002035 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002036 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002037 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002038 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002039 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002040 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002041 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002042 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002043 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002044 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002045 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002046 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002047 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002048 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002050 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002052 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002053 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002054 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002057 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002058 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002059 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002060 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002061 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002064 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002065 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002066 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002067 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002069 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002070 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002088 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002089 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002090 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002091 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002092 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002093 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002401 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002402 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002406 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002407 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002410 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002414. 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002425 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002426 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002427 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002428 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002460 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002462 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002463 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002683 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002689 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002690 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002691 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002692 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002695 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002697 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002698 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002707 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002711 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002712 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002745 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002746 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002748 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002750 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002752 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002756 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002757 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002759 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002772 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002773 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002775 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002776 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002777 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002778 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002779 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002785 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002793 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002803 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002804 1S085970300 Valley ID 160859703002805 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002807 16085970300 Valley ID, 160859703002808 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002809 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002810 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002811 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002812 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002813 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002814 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002815 16085970300 Valley. ID 160859703002817 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002818 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002820 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002821 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002822 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002823 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002824 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002834 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002885 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002914 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002915 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002917 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002918 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002919 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002922 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002923 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002925 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002926 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002927 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002928 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002929 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002930 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002931 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002932 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002933 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002934 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002935 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002936 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002937 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002938 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002939 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002940 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002941 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002944 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002945 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002946 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002947 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002948 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002949 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002950 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002951 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002952 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002953 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002954 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002960 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002961 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002963 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002964 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002976 16085970300 Valley ID • 160859703002977 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002978 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002980 16085970300 Valley ID • 160859703002993 16085970300 Valley • ID 160859703002994 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002997 16085970300 Valley ID 160859703002999 16085970300 Valley ID EXHIBIT B APPLICATION OF NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ("AT&T MOBILITY") FOR A CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN DEFINED AREAS IN IDAHO FOR PURPOSES OF PARTICIPATING IN THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION'S MOBILITY FUND PHASE I PROGRAM