HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050421Motion to dismiss.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com ~r-'.I,:L~" C, t. j ~ L ' iLEO r7'1 r~=' tUns t,PR 20 Pti 4: 53 :., : FL~:I. UT1L\t'i ES' cof,fr-1i S SIGN Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adan1. sherr~qwest. com BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF IDAHO IN RE: PETITION OF MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., FOR ENFORCEMENT OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH QWEST CORPORATION QWEST CORPORATION' MOTION TO DISMISS Docket No. MTI-O5- Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") by and through its undersigned attorneys and pursuant to IPUC Rule of Practice and Procedure 56, files this motion requesting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) to dismiss McLeodUSA Telecommunication Services, Inc. McLeod') Petition for Enforcement of Interconnection Agreement with Qwest Corporation Petition ). On this same date, Qwest is also filing its Answer to the Petition. For the reasons set forth herein, the issues raised in McLeod's Petition are now moot and this case should be dismissed. 1 At most, McLeod's petition constitutes a request for a declaratory judgment, and it does not meet the standards for entry of a declaratory order. On April 1 , 2005, Qwest filed its response to McLeod's motion for emergency relief. In that response QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 1 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 BACKGROUND This docket was opened on March 30 2005, when McLeod filed its Petition, and emergency motion, seeking to prevent Qwest from demanding a security deposit and from discontinuing services or disconnecting McLeod pursuant to the parties' interconnection agreement ("ICA"2 McLeod filed its Petition and emergency motion after receiving a letter from Qwest on March 21 2005 , demanding a security deposit pursuant to the parties' ICA. Since filing its Petition, however, McLeod has engaged in discussions with Qwest about Qwest's demand for a security deposit. During those discussions, McLeod has assured Qwest that it would remain current on its monthly payments under the ICA's in each of the fourteen states in Qwest's region. McLeod's assurance to Qwest that it will remain current on its payment obligations under the ICAs in each state has satisfied Qwest's need for security. As a result, Qwest has withdrawn its March 21 , 2005 demand for a security deposit under the ICA. II.DISCUSSION The withdrawal of the demand for security under the ICA renders moot all of the issues and requests for relief presented in McLeod's Petition. In the second sentence of the Petition, McLeod defines the basis for commencing the case: "This Petition stems from a dispute between McLeodUSA and Qwest over Qwest's right under the interconnection agreement to demand security deposits from McLeodUSA for services provided under the Qwest argued that the issues in McLeod's Petition were not ripe, and that Qwest was prevented from demanding a security deposit from McLeod based on the temporary restraining order issued by the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Iowa. In addition to the information supporting Qwest's response, and as explained herein, Qwest also believes that the issues raised in McLeod's Petition are now moot. For that reason Qwest is now filing this Motion to Dismiss. In addition to its Idaho Petition, McLeod filed petitions against Qwest in the states of Arizona, Colorado Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming. A copy of Qwest's letter withdrawing the demand for a security deposit is attached as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by reference. QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 2 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 agreement, and to discontinue services to McLeodUSA should McLeodUSA not comply with Qwest's demand." Petition at p. 1. McLeod's Petition then asserts that Qwest's demand for security should have followed the dispute resolution provision of the ICA. Id. McLeod's "Request for Relief' found at page 11 of its Petition is also premised upon the March 21 2005 demand for security under the ICA: McLeodUSA asks the Commission to open a contested case proceeding based on this Petition, and following such hearings or procedures to which the Parties may be entitled, rule that Qwest may not demand a security deposit from McLeodUSA at this time. McLeodUSA further requests that in the event of a default under the Interconnection Agreement, Qwest must follow the dispute resolution provisions in the Interconnection Agreement and may not "suspend order activity, " " disconnect services " or terminate the Agreement until those dispute resolution procedures have been completed. Petition at 11 (Emphasis added). The references to the "demand for a security deposit at this time " and "in the event of a default " rest upon the March 21 2005 demand for a security deposit. Thus, the factual premise to McLeod's Petition, and for an interpretation of the parties' rights under the ICA, is Qwest's March 21 2005 demand for security. With Qwest's withdrawal of that demand there is no controversy between the parties under the ICA, and McLeod's Petition is moot. Furthermore, any request to resolve the issues on a prospective basis presents a claim that is not yet ripe for adjudication. If the Commission were to act on either request, it would be stepping into the prohibited area of advisory opinions. Because the circumstances giving rise to this controversy have been eliminated through Qwest's withdrawal of its demand for a security deposit, the Commission should now dismiss McLeod's Petition. Courts have historically refused to issue advisory opinions declaring that in order to properly invoke the court's jurisdiction, there must be a justiciable controversy. In determining whether such a controversy exists, the court looks to various QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 3 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 factors: (1) there must be an actual, present and existing dispute as distinguished from a dispute of a hypothetical or abstract character or one that is academic or moot; (2) the controversy must be definite and concrete, touching the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests; and (3) it must be a real and substantial controversy admitting of specific relief through a decree of a conclusive character, as distinguished from an opinion advising what the law would be upon a hypothetical state of facts. See Harris v. Cassia County 106 Idaho 513 516, 681 P. 2d 988 991 (1984) and cases cited therein. These judicial principles should guide the Commission in deciding whether it should expend its resources in hearing this dispute. McLeod's request that the Commission declare the parties' rights and obligations under the interconnection agreement , under some set of undefined future circumstances, is exactly the sort of advisory opinion that an Idaho court is prohibited from entering under the case law. Moreover, on April 11 , 2005 , McLeod withdrew its Petition in Minnesota. Although Qwest does not agree with the representations made in McLeod's Petition as to agreements between the parties, it is unclear why McLeod has not also withdrawn its petition here. Furthermore, McLeod's action in dismissing the Minnesota complaint demonstrates the absence of any real continuing controversy between the parties. III.CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Qwest requests an order of this Commission dismissing McLeod's Petition as moot. A copy of McLeod's Petition to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission withdrawing its complaint is attached as Exhibit 2, and is incorporated herein by reference. QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 4 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 DATED this 20th day of April, 2005.?t(v'i#~- Mary S. son Stoel Rives LLP Adam Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 5 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 20th day of April, 2005, I served the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 iiewell~puc .state.id. us Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 wstutzm~puc. state .id. us William Courter McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. 6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Peter Richardson (ISB #3195) Richardson & O'Leary 515 North 28th Street Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandoleary .com Attorney for McLeod Mark Trinchero (OSB #88322) Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1300 SW Fifth Avenue - Suite 2300 Portland, OR 97201-5682 Telephone: (503) 241-2300 Facsimile: (503) 778-5299 marktrinchero~dwt.com Attorney for McLeod QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO DISMISS - Page 6 Boise-183359.10029164-00012 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email ~~ c2Z/ Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP EXHIBIT EXHIBIT ., "'~.. Qwest Spirit of S,rvlce April 13, 2005 Via Overnight Mail Facsimile James LeBlanc Vendor Manager McLeod USA Telecom First Place Tower 15 E. 5th St, 5te. 1500 Tulsa, OkJahoma14103 Lauraine Harding Sr. Manager. Interconnect Negotiation McLeodUSA, Inc. 6400 C Street 5'N O. Box 3177 Cedar Rapids. IA 52406-1377 RE: Notice of Withdrawal of ICA Security Deposit Demands Dear SirlMadam, Qw8IIt Cor pcntIon 1801 Califomia Street Suite 2400 Der1ver, CO 00202Telephooe: 303-8964686 Facsirrile: 3.)3-896-S887 Larry CIvIl -- Direda', Ca '!'iEtf Relations Worldwide 'wlJholesale Marke1s This letter is to notify you that, based on assurances by McLeod that it will remain current on Its monthly payments under the ICAs, Qwest Corporation (IIQwesf') is withdrawing its Mardl 21, 2005 letters of demand for security deposit from McLeod USA Telecommunications Services, Inc. and its CLEC affiliates (coUectively, "McLeodUSA") under the Interconnection Agreements nCAs") between the parties. This withdrawal applies solely to the Interconnection agreement demands noticed for the States of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho. Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Or~lon. Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. This withdrawal does Jt affect the letters of default and demands for security deposit in connection with Owest tariffed ::;ervices and Cwest Communications Corp. services (dated March 18, 2005) In liugatio,n before the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. Qwest reserves all its legal rights with respect t() the security deposit demanded under those disputes and all other rights in that 1itigation. The withdrawal of the letters of demand for security und at the I nterconnection Agreements does not constitute an admission by Owest of the truth. accuracy or merit of any fact or principle of law asserted by McLeod, including but not limited to any purported interpretation of any term or condition of any the Interconnection Agreements. Owest does not waive and expressly reserves any and all rights to take any action with respect to any other security deposit demand. any notice of default or default, or any conduct taken in the future under the Interconnection Agreements. Sincerely, .. Cc: Ken Burkhardt. CFO . -.'-P--..,. EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 2 MOS BARNETT A Professional Associatlon I'lOt,US A. KULU III JAMtS Eo o'nCEN tDWARD L WII"EII WILHAM A. HAUG CItAlU.U IL rAkSONS,JR. II.IClWW j.JOHNSON KOREa! J. LUKES Mtotl!S A. aUSENSmNriIOMAS I., SHUAN I::DWARD J. BLOMME jEFFUY L WATSON ,IIOMASj. :iHIOVf:1I DI.Vltl r. J1!NDRZEJEK CURTIS D. s..mH April 1 t , 2005 MVE F. SENGER MITCHt:L1. K. cox M1CltAa.J. BMPlEY PfiER A. KOtLER IUCRAIID 1- KELJER XEVIN M. JUSCH ~USAN C. tllOlJf THOMAS A. JUDDDUNNE Y. GUCO CA55 5. wm. GLEN E. SCHUMANN J"'NNA a. SEV!AANCf.loCo CECIlIA JAY NANCY Jot. JUSKIS IAJllty 1.,,\ZA1I.US RONALD A. EtSENBDG PAUL B. ZlSLA BRIANT.GIl~ Re:J- MICHAr:L COlLOTON 1:RJCJ- ol.S~ JOSH'" G. MATDNOWsKl JAYMI;5 D. U-rrLfJOHNMICIiAEL R. NIXT JAMES F. MLDW1N DAVID S. JOHN~N fHILlP:J. YOUNG ARllIUI. W. DICK1fo15Oto1 Bt!N M. mNSOIIL Dear Dr. Haar:DAN uPSCHUIn J('JKN' K, &OSSMAN MARK B. tt:TERSON M.U.Cy .. FROsT IotA RSJIA S1' ocr MAnrEW w- tam TIMOTHY L. GUSTIN YURI 8. BBl'IDT EI./ZABETII II- IanNAT MELISSA A, lAB IAMES J, \lEDDD llitCHAn s. fONCJN ~~~;~~ Please calJ if there are questions regarding this filing. ANtHON"Y A. PORLAND CHRISTOPHER P. STALL , WIlE A. 1Cl'E1I'I trul oursTn F.S I! A. WIST JEffREY L, BOoaiSTEll'IEI. uSA A. HAS1l!1I. JULIA N. PATTON 01' COUNSEL rnOMAS E. MADlS IlIITUURj. GlASSMAN DAN LIPSCHUL Tl. 612.347.0306Lipschul~ss.bamett.com 4RO() Vk.lls Fargo Center 90 South Sevc;nth Stree:l Minneapolis. MN 55402r4129 Telephone: 612.347.0300 Facsimile 612.339,6686 www_moss-barnett.com Dr. Burl W. Haar Executive SecreWy Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 Seventh Place E Suite 350 Sl Paul, MN 55101-2147 ~PR \ 2. In the Matter of a Complaint by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. against Qwest Corporation for Demand of Security Deposit for an Approved Interconnect Agreem(:nt MPUC Docket No.P4211C-O5-523 Enclosed please find an original and fifteen copies of the Petition to Vvithdraw Complaint, Request for Expedited Proceeding and Request for Temporary Relief on behalf of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. in the above-entitled matter. Also enclosed is an Affidavit of Service. MOSS & BARNETT A Professional Association 175 JuJA:--Dan Lipschultz DUijh Enclosures cc: All parties of record 164692vl AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 58 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN In Re: In the Matter of the Complaint by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Servi~;, Inc. against Qwest Corporation for Demand of Security Deposit for an Approved Interconnection Agreement MPUC Docket No. Kim R. Manney, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states that on the 11 th day of April, 2005, copies of the Petition to Withdraw Complaint, Request for Expedited Proceeding, and Request for Temporary Relief on behalf of the McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. in the above referenced matter were hand delivered or mailed by United States first class mail, postage prepaid thereon, to the following: Dr. Burl W. Haar Executive Secretary MN Public Utilities Commission 121 Seventh Place E, Suite 350 St. Paul MN 55101 Curt Nelson Assistant Attorney General 900 NCL Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Linda Chavez Minnesota Department of Commerce 85 Seventh Place East, Suite 500 81. Paul, MN 55101 Jason Topp Qwest Communications200 S Fifth Street, Room 395 Minneapolis, MN 55402 William Courter McLeodUSA Telecom, Inc. Tech Park 6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 William Haas McLeodUSA Telecom, Inl;. Tech Park 6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 SWORN TO BEFORE ME this 11 th day of April, 2005 ~!iP7~ " Kim R. Manney ~ \)~~ NOT AR Y PUBLIC JEAN J. HUNSINGER Notary PubftC-MInoesOta My c~ Exp!rB6 Jan 31. 2Q1Q 7(iQ51Qvt STATE OF MINNESOTA BEFORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION LeRoy Koppendrayer Marshall J olmson Kenneth Nickolai Thomas Pugh Phyllis Reha Chair Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner In the Matter of a Complaint by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Servicest Inc. against Qwest Corporation for Demand of Security Deposit for an Approved Interconnect Agreement MPUC Docket ~~o.; P421/C-OS-523 PETITION TO WITHDRAW COMPLAINT, REQUEST FOR I~XPEDlTED PROCEEDING AND REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY RI~LIEF On March 31 2005 , McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc; . (" McLeodUSA" filed a Complaint, Request for Expedited Proceeding and Request for TempCirary Relief Complaint") with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) in response to Qwest Corporation s (,~Qwest") letter demanding payment Wlder the lntercoJmection Agreement ("ICA") of a secw'ity deposit of$2,O98,141.82 in Minnesota by 5:00 p.m. 011. Aprill, 2005, or risk having McLeodUSA's order activity suspended and services disconnect,~d. The Complaint seeks temporarily relief prohibiting Qwest from disconnecting service to McLeodUSA and its end-user customers or suspending order activity. The Complaint also seeks ;m expedited proceeding and order precluding Qwest from demanding a security deposit. l\.fcLcodUSA respectfully requests to withdraw its Complaint without prejudice based on Qwest's assurances in its April 5 2005 filing with the Commission e'Qwest Response )' that it will not disconnect service or suspend ordering activity without following the '1Jrocesses required for it to gain relief." Qwest Response at p. 4. Following the required processes would include c.ompliance with the ICA. including its dispute resolution procedures, and With State law Response ofQwest Corpora/ion to McLeodUSA Telecomm"nications Services, inc. Reque:;t!or Emergency Relief, dated April 5 2005. 764627v 1 regarding interconnecting carriers such as McLcodUSA and Qwest. It is M4;:,LeodUSAt understanding that state law precludes one carrier from discOIIDecting without prior Commission approvaL McLeodUSA may file an amended complaint or request for dispute resolution under its ICA. McLeodUSA would also like to take this opportunity to correct the rt~cord with regard to several assertions in the'Qwest Response. Specifically, in the second paragraph on page 5 Qwest asserts that it "could initiate the process of Section 26.12 regarding default. . u" In fact the ICA between McLeodUSA and Qwest does not include a Section 26.12 or any other provision establishing rights and procedures for declaring a default. Similarly, in the first paragraph on-page 6, Qwest cites Section 1 L9.1 of the ICA and asserts under that Section what it characterizes as its "unconditioned right to request such a deposit if McLeodUSA becomes a credit risk." In fact, the lCA does not contain a section 11.9.1. Nor does any provision of the current ICA grant Qwest an "unconditioned right" to a security deposit. To the contrary, Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the ICA set forth tenDS and conditions under which a security deposit may be required and McLeodUSA believes it has "satisfactory credit" with Qwest under those sections. In any event, whether and to what extend a security deposit may be: required is subject to resolution by the Commission under Section 11 of the rCA. Dated: April II t 2005 Respectfully submitted By / ~fh-... "4 Dan Lipschultz MOSS & BARNETI' A Professional Association Attorneys on Behalf of McLeod Telecommunications Servicl~s, Inc. 764627vl