HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050421Answer to McLeod petition.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com r;:ECE1VED iLED r-I i__,.4 7f1ijt:: Apr1 .... . U \...tI i'h' f'\ ,/ ",4. .. J;.. II if- . - ;u ;. ... . , ir' UfiL1TIES c'O~n"1'SSlON Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adan1.sherr~qwest.com BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF IDAHO PETITION OF MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., FOR ENFORCEMENT OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH QWEST CORPORATION ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION IN RE:Docket No. MTI-O5- Qwest Corporation (Qwest), though its undersigned attorneys of record, hereby answers and responds to the Petition of McLeod USA Telecommunications Services, Inc. for Enforcement of Interconnection Agreement with Qwest Corporation ("Petition RESPONSE TO INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH With regard to the allegations and statements of McLeod USA Telecommunications Services, Inc. ("McLeod") contained in the Petition s lengthy first paragraph, Qwest responds that the case arises from McLeod's deteriorating financial condition and its failure to live up to its financial obligations to Qwest. The genesis this controversy may be found in an unrelated dispute between McLeod and Qwest ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 1 Boise-183290.l 0029164-00012 Communications Corporation ("QCC"), regarding charges and payments pertaining to certain telecommunications traffic. In the course of that dispute, QCC exercised its lawful rights in withholding payments for charges it believes McLeod had incorrectly billed QCC. In retaliation, and even though Qwest was not involved in the McLeod-QCC dispute, McLeod refused to pay certain Qwest charges for Qwest tariffed services in a current total amount of approximately $2.5 million. McLeod did not state any grounds for withholding payments from Qwest and, indeed, had no basis for withholding payment for Qwest-provisioned services. Because of the significant sum McLeod has wrongfully withheld from Qwest and because of recent public statements McLeod has made about its bleak financial situation Qwest became very concerned about its financial exposure to McLeod in the event McLeod files for protection from its creditors in bankruptcy court. Of primary concern to Qwest (and the triggering event to the security deposit demand), was McLeod's 8- filing on March 17, 2005 to the Securities & Exchange Commission wherein McLeod revealed that its revenues sharply declined in the fourth quarter of 2004; it had to seek forbearance from interest payments to its lenders; and, it was seeking to sell the company. As the 8-K explained, McLeod's "Lenders have agreed to forbear from exercising any remedies as a result of certain specified defaults under the Credit Facilities anticipated by the Company during the forbearance period, including, without limitation, the failure to make scheduled amortization payments under the Credit Facilities and interest payments under the Credit Agreement.,,1 A press release coincident with the 8-K filing confirmed Qwest's concerns: See Exhibit D to Qwest's Response to McLeod's Motion for Emergency Relief at 3. ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 2 Boise-183290.1 0029164-00012 There can be no assurance that we will be able to reach an agreement with our lenders regarding a capital restructuring or continued forbearance and covenant relief prior to the end of the initial forbearance period on May 23 2005. There also can be no assurance that we will be able to identify a suitable strategic partner or buyer. . .. In the event these alternatives are not available to the Company, it is likely that we will elect to forgo making future principal and interest payments to our lenders. . . or, alternatively, the Company could be forced to seek protection from its creditors. McLeod Press Release (Mar. 16 2005) (emphasis added). On the news of the 8-K filing, McLeod's common stock decreased by almost half in one day. In light of McLeod's own statements of its financial risk and the likelihood of insolvency, Qwest -- one of McLeod's largest creditors -- took reasonable steps to protect its legitimate interests. Qwest admits that on March 21 2005 , it sent a letter to McLeod demanding security for services provided under the interconnection agreement. Qwest asserts that its demand for security is supported by the parties ' interconnection agreement and by state law governing commercial transactions and contracts implied in every contract. Qwest denies McLeod's allegation that all procedures for dispute resolution in the interconnection agreement must be satisfied before Qwest may exercise its rights under the interconnection agreement to demand security, issue a notice of default, or exercise any of its other rights and remedies as stated in the interconnection agreement. II.ANSWER TO THE PETITION Jurisdiction Qwest admits the allegations in paragraph 1 of the Petition. This document was provided as Exhibit E to Qwest's Response to McLeod's Motion for Emergency Relief filed April 1 , 2005. ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 3 Boise-183290.10029164-00012 Qwest admits the allegations in the first sentence of paragraph 2 of the Petition. Qwest is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegation that all relevant portions of the interconnection agreement have been attached to the Petition, and therefore deny the same. Qwest states that the averments in paragraph 3 constitute conclusions of law and, as such, do not contain factual allegations that require an answer. Subject to the foregoing, Qwest asserts that state commissions have authority to interpret and enforce interconnection agreements to the extent granted by the Telecommunications Act, to the extent granted under state law, and subj ect to the terms of interconnection agreements. Qwest also asserts that certain issues raised by McLeod in its Petition are not ripe for Commission consideration. Qwest states that the averments in paragraph 4 constitute conclusions of law and, as such, do not contain factual allegations that require an answer. To the extent that an answer is deemed required, however, Qwest denies each and every allegation contained in paragraph 4 of the Petition. Subject to the foregoing, Qwest states that on March 22, 2005, McLeod filed for a temporary restraining order ("TRO") in federal district court in Iowa seeking to prevent Qwest from demanding security deposits and payments and from terminating services to McLeod. The Iowa court granted McLeod' motion and the TRO, which was in effect until April 12, 2005, and stated in pertinent part that Qwest and QCC are "restrained from. . . terminating or threatening to terminate services to McLeodUSA or requiring security from McLeodUSA as a precondition to the start or continuation or any such services. . . ." The restraining language in the order issued by the Iowa federal court is broad and does not exclude services provided under ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 4 Boise-183290.1 0029164-00012 interconnection agreements. Accordingly, McLeod injected into the Iowa TRO proceeding the issues relating to payment, security deposits, and termination of services provided under the interconnection agreements. Thereafter, on April 1 , 2005, the Iowa federal court transferred the case to the Colorado federal court after Qwest assured the Iowa federal court that Qwest would not disconnect services or stop taking orders unless the Colorado federal court vacates, modifies or otherwise changes the existing TRO. Accordingly, the protections of the TRO are still in effect until the Colorado federal court vacates, modifies or otherwise changes it. In addition, certain issues raised by the Petition are not ripe. Further, on April 13, Qwest withdrew its demand for security under the interconnection agreement, thus rendering moot McLeod's claims and requests for relief. Accordingly, there is no actual case or controversy before the Commission. Qwest states that the averment in paragraph 5 constitutes a conclusion of law and, as such, does not contain factual allegations that require an answer. Subject to the foregoing, for the reasons stated in Qwest's answer to paragraph 4 of the Petition Qwest further denies that the Commission has jurisdiction to consider this Petition. Parties Qwest admits the allegations contained in paragraph 6 of the Petition. Qwest admits the allegations contained in paragraph 7 of the Petition. Statement Of Facts In answer to paragraph 8 of the Petition, Qwest denies that the terms of the interconnection agreement do not allow Qwest to demand a security deposit and Qwest incorporates its response to the Introductory Paragraph of McLeod's Petition. In further response to paragraph 8, Qwest states that it has withdrawn its demand for security thus ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 5 Boise-183290.l 0029164-00012 rendering moot the allegations contained in this paragraph. Qwest denies each and every remaining allegation contained in paragraph 8. Answering paragraph 9 of the Petition, Qwest denies that its conduct is in violation of its interconnection agreement or any of its tariffs. In further answer to paragraph 9, Qwest states that the Opinion and Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Iowa federal court speaks for itself and denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 9. 10.Answering paragraph 10 of the Petition, Qwest asserts McLeod has improperly failed to separate issues regarding Qwest and QCC, and it is McLeod's failure that serves as the background to disputes between the parties. Qwest denies that it has merged issues regarding QCC or Qwest tariffed services with rights under the interconnection agreement. Qwest admits that McLeod has paid its invoices for services provided by Qwest under the interconnection agreements, but Qwest denies that McLeod has performed all of its obligations under the interconnection agreement, which include posting of adequate security in light of McLeod's own admissions of financial instability. Qwest denies each and every remaining allegation contained in paragraph 10. 11.Qwest admits the allegations contained in paragraph 11 of the Petition. 12.Answering the allegations of paragraph 12 of the Petition, Qwest states that the Demand Letter speaks for itself. In further answer to paragraph 12, Qwest asserts that on April 13, 2005 it withdrew the Demand Letter rendering moot McLeod's claims in this Petition and its allegations regarding the Demand Letter. 13.Answering paragraph 13 of the Petition, Qwest states that the Demand Letters for Idaho and the other thirteen in-region states speak for themselves. Qwest also ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 6 Boise-183290.10029164-00012 asserts that on April 13, 2005 it withdrew the Demand Letter rendering moot McLeod' claims in this Petition and its allegations regarding the Demand Letter. 14.Answering paragraph 14 of the Petition, Qwest states that the Demand Letter speaks for itself. Qwest also asserts that on April 13, 2005 it withdrew the Demand Letter rendering moot McLeod's claims in this Petition and its allegations regarding the Demand Letter. 15.Answering paragraph 15 of the Petition, Qwest states that the Demand Letter speaks for itself. In further answer, Qwest asserts that on April 13 , 2005 it withdrew the Demand Letter rendering moot McLeod's claims in this Petition and its allegations regarding the Demand Letter. Qwest also asserts that the terms of the Interconnection Agreement allow Qwest to demand a security deposit and that Qwest' demands for security and other remedial procedures under the interconnection agreement are not conditioned upon first invoking the dispute resolution process of the interconnection agreement. Qwest denies each and ev~ry remaining allegation contained in paragraph 15. 16.Answering paragraph 16 of the Petition, Qwest states that McLeod' March 22 2005 response speaks for itself. 17.Answering paragraph 17 of the Petition, Qwest states that McLeod' March 24, 2005 response speaks for itself. 18.Qwest denies the allegations contained in paragraph 18 of the Petition. 19.Answering paragraph 19 of the Petition, Qwest states that McLeod' allegations contained therein are vague and incomplete, or constitute conclusions of law and therefore Qwest denies the same. ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 7 Boise-183290.l 0029164-00012 20.Answering paragraph 20 of the Petition, Qwest is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth the allegation that McLeod has never" been delinquent in payments to Qwest for services provided to McLeod under the interconnection agreement and therefore denies the same. In further answer, Qwest admits that services provided under the interconnection agreement are invoiced separately from service provided under either Qwest's tariffs or the QCC Wholesale Service Agreement. Qwest admits that with respect to the most recent invoice for services provided under the interconnection agreement on the date of this Answer McLeod is current. 21.Answering paragraph 21 of the Petition, Qwest denies that the terms of the interconnection agreement did not allow Qwest to demand a security deposit under the circumstances. Qwest also asserts that on April 13 , 2005 , it withdrew the Demand Letter rendering moot McLeod's claims in this Petition and its allegations regarding the Demand Letter. As to the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 21 , the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves. 22.Answering paragraph 22 of the Petition, Qwest states that the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves. 23.Answering paragraph 23 of the Petition, Qwest admits that with respect to the most recent invoice for services provided under the interconnection agreement on the date of this Answer, McLeod is current but Qwest denies each and every remaining allegation contained in paragraph 23. 24.Answering paragraph 24 of the Petition, Qwest states that the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves and denies each and ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 8 Boise-183290.10029164-00012 every remaining allegation contained in paragraph 24. Answering paragraph 25 of the Petition, Qwest states that the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves and denies each and every remaining allegation contained in paragraph 25. 25.Qwest denies the allegations contained in paragraph 26 of the Petition. 26.Answering paragraph 27 of the Petition, Qwest states that the averments contained therein constitute conclusions of law and do not contain allegations of fact that requIre an answer. 27.Answering paragraph 28 of the Petition, Qwest admits that McLeod would have thirty days to cure a default but Qwest denies each and every remaining allegation contained therein. 28.Answering paragraph 29 of the Petition, Qwest states that the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves and denies each and every other allegation contained therein. 29.Answering paragraph 30 of the Petition, Qwest states that the cited provisions of the interconnection agreement speak for themselves and denies each and every other allegation contained therein. 30.Qwest denies the allegations contained in paragraph 31 of the Petition. III.QWEST'S AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES McLeod's claims and requests for interim and other relief have been rendered moot. McLeod's claims and requests for interim and other relief are not ripe for decision. Due to McLeod's own actions, issues raised by McLeod's Petition and its requests for interim and other relief are the subject of the action before the United States ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 9 Boise-183290.10029164-00012 District Court for the District of Colorado, and in the interests of judicial efficiency and to avoid potentially conflicting orders, this Commission should dismiss, stay, or defer this case pending further proceedings before the federal court. Requested Relief With Qwest's withdrawal of its March 21 2005 demand letter under the interconnection agreement, McLeod's allegations, claims, and requested relief are rendered moot. Qwest, therefore, requests an order of the Commission denying McLeod's requested relief. Dated this 20th day of April, 2005. ~fkh- Mary S. bson Stoel Rives LLP Adam Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 10 Boise-183290.l 0029164-00012 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 20th day of April, 2005 , I served the foregoing ANSWER TO McLEOD PETITION upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 j iewell~puc .sta e.id. us Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 wstutzm~puc.state.id. us William Courter McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Peter Richardson (ISB #3195) Richardson & O'Leary 515 North 28th Street Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandoleary .com Attorney for McLeod Mark Trinchero (OSB #88322) Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1300 SW Fifth Avenue - Suite 2300 Portland, OR 97201-5682 Telephone: (503) 241-2300 Facsimile: (503) 778-5299 marktrinchero~dwt.com Attorney for McLeod ANSWER TO MCLEOD PETITION - Page 11 Boise-183290.10029164-00012 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP