HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050401Qwest response to motion.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adam.sherr~qwest.com F~t:E!\lED fjl FitC:U t._. lDr1J I'J'H -I fHi I i= h f)J . '. ",. .:. ". UflLIT !ES co ISS!ON BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF IDAHO IN RE: PETITION OF MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., FOR ENFORCEMENT OF INTER CO NNECTI ON AGREEMENT WITH QWEST CORPORATION Docket No. MTI-O5- RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF Qwest Corporation , (" Qwest"), by and through its undersigned counsel, responds to the McLeodUSA Telecommunication Services, Inc. ("McLeod") Motion for Emergency Relief ("Motion ) pertaining to its Petition for Enforcement of Interconnection Agreement with Qwest Corporation ("Petition ). Both documents were filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) on March 30 2005. Qwest responds that it is not necessary to hear McLeod's petition on an emergency basis and that any action by the Commission with respect to this matter should be stayed or dismissed. RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 1 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 BACKGROUND This Petition arises from McLeod's deteriorating financial condition, its refusal to provide adequate security, and its failure to live up to its financial obligations to Qwest. The genesis of the dispute arises from an unrelated issue between McLeod and Qwest Communications Corporation ("QCC"), regarding charges and payments pertaining to certain telecommunications traffic. In the course of that dispute, QCC exercised its lawful rights by withholding payments for charges it believes McLeod had incorrectly billed QCC. In retaliation, and even though Qwest was not involved in the McLeod-QCC dispute, McLeod refused to pay certain Qwest charges for Qwest's tariffed services in a current total amount of approximately $2.5 million. McLeod did not state any grounds for withholding such payments from Qwest and, indeed, had no basis for withholding payment for services provisioned by Qwest. Because of the significant amount of money McLeod wrongfully withheld from Qwest and because of recent public statements McLeod made about its bleak financial situation, Qwest became very concerned about its financial exposure to McLeod in the event McLeod files for protection from its creditors in bankruptcy court. On March 21 2005, Qwest sent a security deposit demand letter to McLeod pursuant to the parties interconnection agreement ("ICA") in each state. The Idaho letter is included as Exhibit A to this Response. 1 The Qwest demand letter requested that McLeod provide the specified deposit by April 1 or Qwest would commence the process of pursuing its remedies provided for under the ICA and applicable Idaho law. The requested deposit QC also sent payment and security demand letters for QC services purchased under the tariff, and QCC also sent payment and security demand letters. RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 2 Boise-182735.10029164-00012 was equal to the estimated billings for two months of McLeod services ordered under the ICA in the state of Idaho. The dispute between the parties' over payment and Qwest's right to demand a security deposit are the subject of litigation in Colorado and Iowa. On February 24 2005, QCC filed a complaint against McLeod in Colorado state court concerning the dispute, which has since been removed to federal court. On February 25 2005, McLeod sued Qwest and QCC in federal court in Iowa. On March 22 2005 , McLeod filed for a temporary restraining order ("TRO") in federal district court in Iowa seeking to prevent Qwest from demanding security deposits and payments and from terminating services to McLeod throughout the Qwest 14-state region. The court granted McLeod's motion and the TRO, which is in effect until April , 2005 , states in pertinent part that Qwest and QCC are "restrained from. . . terminating or threatening to terminate services to McLeodUSA or requiring security from McLeodUSA as a precondition to the start or continuation or any such services. . . . On March 30, 2005, McLeod filed the instant petition with this Commission requesting similar, if not identical relief to what the District Court previously granted in the TRO. McLeod seeks an order from this Commission that Qwest may not demand a security deposit, suspend order activity, or disconnect services, not just until April 1 st but until after ICA dispute resolution procedures have been completed. Further, McLeod requests this relief on an expedited basis. Qwest responds that McLeod is not entitled to the extraordinary relief that it has requested. RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 3 Boise-182735.10029164-00012 II.DISCUSSION The Commission Does Not Have the Authority to Grant the Relief Requested. As a threshold matter, it is not apparent that it is within the lawful authority of the Commission to grant the relief requested by McLeod. McLeod essentially seeks an order enjoining Qwest from enforcing a provision of the ICA. Idaho law does not permit the Commission to grant injunctive relief: The Utilities Commission cannot exercise a judicial power. The judicial power of this state is vested in the courts, and the legislature cannot vest judicial power in the public Utilities Commission. Humbird Lumber Company v. Public Utilities Commission 39 Idaho 505 , 513 228 P. 271 273 (1924) (citations omitted). While the relief McLeod seeks is not labeled an injunction, McLeod's Motion for Emergency Relief, amounts to a restraining order. As the Humbird case demonstrates the Idaho court will look to the effect of the relief, and not its label, in determining whether the scope of the Commission s powers has been exceeded: While it is not labeled an injunction, and is not in the language usually employed in a restraining order, it is nothing more nor less than a restraining order, an injunction. The power to issue a restraining order is judicial in character, and can only be exercised by the supreme court and the district courts. Id. 39 Idaho at 514, 228 P. at 274. The Commission has only such powers as has been granted by the legislature and in this instance the grant of the authority by the legislature does not allow for the exercise of equitable relief. Nor does Idaho Code 9 61-501, cited by McLeod, grant this Washington Water Power v. Kootenai Environmental Alliance 99 Idaho 875, 879, 591 P.2d 122 126 (1979). RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 4 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 Commission authority to enter injunctive relief. Section 61-501 instead provides a general grant of authority to the Commission to regulate public utilities. No Expedited Relief Is Warranted. Even if it were in within the authority of the Commission to order the relief requested by McLeod, such demand for expedited relief is premature and unnecessary. First, the TRO issued by the federal court in Iowa remains in effect until April 12, 2005 unless otherwise vacated by action of the court. Qwest has moved the Iowa court to have the Iowa proceeding transferred or stayed under the "first filed" doctrine. Qwest's "first filed" doctrine is essentially that because Qwest filed a claim in Colorado before McLeod filed its claim in Iowa, the proper forum to hear the dispute is the Colorado court. If the Court grants the "first filed" motion, by operation of law, the TRO would be dissolved. However, to protect against this result, the Court obtained assurances from Qwest counsel that if the stay or transfer were granted, the TRO issued by the Iowa Court on March 23 2005 will remain in effect until modified, extended or rescinded by the District Court in Colorado. Exhibit B to this Response Report to Court Regarding Transfer of Action to United States District of Colorado. Qwest is bound by the TRO until it expires on April 12, 2005 (if the case is not transferred) or until the Colorado court acts on the TRO if the case is transferred to Colorado. Qwest has not and will not take any action to demand a security deposit or terminate service while the TRO is in place, as the TRO expressly prevents such actions. The TRO specifically prohibits Qwest from "terminating or threatening to terminate services to McLeodUSA" and "requiring security from McLeodUSA as a precondition to the start or continuation of any such service." Exhibit B to McLeod Petition Mem. RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INc. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 5 Boise-182735.10029164-00012 Opinion at 1. McLeod asks this Commission "to rule that Qwest may not demand a security deposit from McLeod at this time " yet this request is fully covered by the TRO. In light of this, McLeod is protected by the TRO and McLeod has no basis for a claim that Qwest will disconnect service on April 1 , 2005 and, therefore no basis for emergency relief. Indeed, based upon this status, McLeod withdrew its request for emergency relief filed with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Exhibit C to this Response McLeodUSA 's Notice of Withdrawal of Its Motion for Emergency Relief Second, even if Qwest were not restrained by the TRO, emergency action by this Commission is not necessary because Qwest fully intends to comply with the ICA and applicable law in enforcing the security deposit. The Idaho letter made this clear in stating that if the security deposit is not received "Qwest will commence the process terminating the Interconnection Agreement, suspending order activity, disconnecting services, and/or any other remedy available to it under law or equity in the State of Idaho." Exhibit A to this Response Security Deposit Letter p. 1 (emphasis added). In Idaho, in accord with the ICA, Qwest could initiate the process in Section (A)3. regarding default, which would require another notice to McLeod, and thirty days for McLeod to cure the default, prior to Qwest seeking legal or equitable relief. It has never been, and is not now Qwest's intent to disconnect service to McLeod on April 1 , 2005. Consequently, McLeod's claim that Qwest is going to disconnect services to end users on April 1 , 2005 is completely unfounded. The issue underlying McLeod's request that the Commission step into this dispute in an extraordinary manner is the same the issue that is the subject of the TRO, and which is squarely before the federal court. Furthermore, McLeod has failed to exhaust all of its RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 6 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 normal contractual remedies. The Petition prematurely and unnecessarily seeks relief to which McLeod is not entitled. Qwest Has Demanded A Security Deposit In Accord With The ICA. Qwest does not believe that the Commission needs to rule on the merits of the security deposit demand, since there is no "emergency" to justify the extraordinary relief demanded by McLeod. Nevertheless, on the merits, McLeod is also incorrect. Qwest has unassailable grounds in the ICA to demand a deposit. The Idaho ICA states , " McLeodUSA has not established satisfactory credit with Qwest or if McLeodUSA is repeatedly delinquent in making its payments, Qwest may require a deposit to be held as security for the payment of charges." ICA Section (A)3.4.3. The evaluation of McLeod's credit status is an ongoing process. As the ICA states , " Qwest will determine McLeodUSA's credit status on previous payment history with Qwest or credit reports such as Dun and Bradstreet." ICA Section (A)3.4.3. The ICA, on its face, provides Qwest the unconditioned right to request such a deposit if McLeod becomes a credit risk. Under the circumstances described below, Qwest is taking a commonsense approach to protecting its interest in the event of a McLeod bankruptcy. Of primary concern to Qwest (and the triggering event for the security deposit demand) was McLeod's own 8-K filing on March 17, 2005 to the Securities & Exchange Commission wherein McLeod revealed that its revenues sharply declined in the fourth quarter of 2004; it had to seek forbearance from interest payments to its lenders; and it was seeking to sell the company. As the 8-K explained, McLeod's "Lenders have agreed to forbear from exercising any remedies as a result of certain specified defaults under the Credit Facilities anticipated by the Company during the forbearance period, including, without limitation RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 7 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 the failure to make scheduled amortization payments under the Credit Facilities and interest payments under the Credit Agreement." Exhibit D to this Response, p. 3. A press release coincident with the 8-K filing confirmed Qwest's worst fears: There can be no assurance that we will be able to reach an agreement with our lenders regarding a capital restructuring or continued forbearance and covenant relief prior to the end of the initial forbearance period on May 2005. There also can be no assurance that we will be able to identify a suitable strategic partner or buyer. . .. In the event these alternatives are not available to the Company, it is likely that we will elect to forgo making future principal and interest payments to our lenders. . . or, alternatively, the Company could be forced to seek protection from its creditors. Exhibit E to this Response McLeod Press Release p. 4 (Mar. 16, 2005) (emphasis added). On the news of the 8- K filing, McLeod's common stock plunged by almost half in one day. In light of McLeod's own statements of its financial risk and the likelihood of insolvency, Qwest-one of McLeod's largest creditors-would have been foolish to not have taken action to protect its interests. The credit risk posed by McLeod was exacerbated by the fact that McLeod wrongfully withheld nearly $2.5 million for Qwest tariffed services. McLeod argues that Qwest cannot base a security deposit demand under the ICA on the fact that McLeod had failed to pay its Qwest bills because the unpaid Qwest tariff charges were "invoiced separately" from services ordered under the ICA. McLeod Petition, at 6-7. The fact that the unpaid charges were contained in different McLeod accounts is of no consequence however, since Qwest has the discretion under the ICA to consider McLeod's overall credit profile in determining the security deposit requirement. The non-payment or late payment of any Qwest invoice, not just the ICA accounts would be relevant to any credit profile. Indeed in all commercial relationships, non-payment or late payments to RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 8 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 unrelated third party vendors are clearly relevant to a company s credit profile. Here there is nothing more commercially relevant than McLeod's admitted non-payment of other Qwest bills. To Qwest, in the event of a McLeod insolvency, it will make no difference which invoice was not paid; it will all end up wrongfully depriving Qwest of monies for services that it rendered to McLeod. For the foregoing reasons, McLeod's request for relief should be denied. Respectfully submitted this 1 st day of April, 2005. ~g~- Mary S. obson Stoel Rives LLP Adam Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 9 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 1 st day of April, 2005 , I served the foregoing RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 iiewell~puc.state.id. Weldon Stutzman Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 wstutzm~puc.state.id. William Courter McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. 6400 C Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Peter Richardson (ISB #3195) Richardson & O'Leary 515 North 28th Street Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandoleary .com Attorney for McLeod Mark Trinchero (OSB #88322) Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1300 SW Fifth Avenue - Suite 2300 Portland, OR 97201-5682 Telephone: (503) 241-2300 Facsimile: (503) 778-5299 marktrinc hero(fYd wi. com Attorney for McLeod Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email ,6tthlt:l/ ~;;~ Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP RESPONSE OF QWEST CORPORATION TO MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC. MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF - Page 10 Boise-182735.1 0029164-00012 XHIB IT to Response of Qwest Corporation to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Motion for Emergency Relief ' .. ..' '. ' Qwest.- .. Spirit of Service Gw8st Comnunications 1801 California Street Suite 2400 Denver. CO 80202Telephone: ~O3--a96-1250 Fat3nlle: 303-a96-8887 Steven Q. Hansen Vice President. Carrier Relations War1dwide Wholesale Maffiets March 21 . 2005 Via Overnight Mall Jam 8S LeBlanc Vendor Manager Mcleod USA Telecom First Piace Tower 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 1500 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Lauraine Harding Sr. Manager, Interconnect Negotiation McLeodUSA,lnc. 6400 C Street SW O. Box 3177 Cedar Rapids. IA 52406-1377 RE: Notice of Demand for 10 Interconnection Agreement S~urity Deposit Dear Sir/Madam This letter is to notify you that Owest Corporation rawest") requires a security deposit to continue the provisioning of services ordered by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services. Inc. and its CLEC affiliates (collectively. "McLeod USA") under the Interconnection Agreement between the parties 11 the State of Idaho. After investigation and review or Mcleod's unsatisfactory creditworthiness. recent public statements of McLeodUSA concerning its financial condition. history of late payments. and outSianding balances under the Interconnection Agreement and other agreements. tariffs. or accounts Qwest demands a deposit, based on Iwo months' average tolal billings under the Interconnection Agreement in the State of Idaho. to sareguard ONest's financial interests. The security deposit shall be in the form of a wire transfer of immediately avaifable funds or an Irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $971 870.45. It mu5t be received in ten (10) calendar days. tf the security deposit is not received by 5:00 .m. Mountain Standard Ti'ne on ril1 2005, Qwest will commence the process of terminating the Interconnection Agreement. suspending order activity, disconnecting services. and/or any other remedy available to it under law or equity in the State of Idaho. If payment is processed by wire. it should be directed to--- First National Bank of Omaha do Qwest Corporation Omaha NE 68197 ABA No.04000016 Owes! Bank Acet. No. 36204689 The deposit will be held for a period of at least twelve (12) months and will be maintained 11 accordance with the terms of the Interconnection Agreement or applicable law. Additional security may be required, . Page 2 M arct1 21 , 2005 as necessary and allowable under the interconnection Agreement or applicable law. Should disconnection occur, Qwest will require full payment of all outstanding charges and the posting of the security deposit, and late payment charges will app1y in accordance with the Interconnection Agreement. Additionally other charges may apply to have the account re-established. If service order processing is interrupted. all outstanding charges and the posting of the security deposit, including any additional past due amounts are due prior to restoration. OWes' reserves any and all rights and remedies it has under the Interconneclion Asreement and applicable law, including any remedies it may have if McLeod fails to meet lhe terms set forth abOve. Owest also reserves the right to request to increase the deposit or request additional deposits from Mcleod under any other agreements between Qv.rest and McLeod as well as under any other tariffs. Sincerely, ite\.-t-.fu~ .'lr~'l-'/ Dti Steven Hansen Vice President, Carrier Relations Cc: Ken Burkhardt. CFO EXHIBIT B to Response of Qwest Corporation to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Motion for Emergency Relief "';.. " Plaintiff IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA CEDAR RAPIDS DIVISION CASE NO.1 :05-cv-00039-MWB REPORT TO COURT REGARDING TRANSFER OF ACTION TO UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO MCLEOD USA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. QWEST CORPORATION AND QWEST COMMUNICATIONSCORPORATION Defendant. REPORT TO COURT REGARDING TRANSFER OF ACTION TO UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO As requested by this Court during the March 30,2005 telephonic hearing on Defendant Qwest's Motion to Stay or Dismiss, Qwest submits the following Report on its position regarding transfer to the United States District Court for the District of Colorado: Qwest and McLeod are currently subject to the terms of the temporary restraining order ("TRO") issued by this Court on March 23 2005. This TRO is scheduled to expire on April 12, 2005. Through its Motion to Stay or Dismiss filed with this Court on March 24, 2005 Qwest has requested that this action be dismissed or stayed pursuant to the ruling of the United States District Court for the District of Colorado in Qwest's first-filed parallel action, Civil Action No. 05-WM-506-0ES. In the March 30, 2005 telephonic hearing on Qwest's Motion to Stay or Dismiss this Court requested Qwest's position on the following issue: whether, if this Court decides to transfer this action to the District of Colorado, Qwest agrees to let the TRO issued by this Court on March 23,2005 to remain in effect until the TRO is modified, extended, or rescinded by the Colorado court. Through this Report, Qwest agrees that, if this Court stays this action or transfers this action to the District of Colorado, the TRO issued by this Court on March 23 , 2005 will remain in effect until the TRO is modified, extended, or rescinded by the District of Colorado. Qwest also requests that, as a condition of this agreement, Plaintiff McLeodUSA be required to cooperate with Qwest and to use its best efforts to ensure that a hearing on the existing TRO is quickly and expeditiously scheduled in the Colorado court. Respectfully submitted, Date: March 30.2005 Isl Amy L. Benson Sheila K. Tipton (PKOO05551) Dennis W. Johnson (PKOO02613) Amy M. Omvig (PKOOI8363) DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP 801 Grand Avenue, Suite 3900 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Tel: (515) 283-1000 Fax: (515) 283-1060 Email: tipton.sheilaCfYdorsey.com j ohnson. dennisCfYdorsey. com bj ork.amyCfYdorsey.com Amy L. Benson (admitted pro hac vice) Timothy R. Beyer (admitted pro hac vice) Brownstein Hyatt & Farber, P . 410 17tl1 Street, 22nd Floor Denver, Colorado 80202 Tel: (303) 223-1100 Fax: (303) 223-1111 Email: abensonCfYbhf-law.com tbeyerCfYbhf-Iaw. com ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS 5408\256\906196. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that on March 30. 2005 the foregoing instrument was electronically filed with the Court using the CM/ECF system and served upon all parties to the above case and/or to each of the attorneys of record herein at their respective addresses disclosed on the pleadings: By: Electronic Service AND lOR By: ~ U.S. Mail FAXHand OvernightDelivered CourierE-mail Other ISI Amy M. Omvig COPIES TO: Diane Kutzko Mark L Zaiger Richard S. Fry Shuttleworth & Ingersoll 115 Third Street, SE, Suite 500 O. Box 2107 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405-2107 Ky E. Kirby Richard M. Rindler Jon Frankel Swidler Berlin LLP 3000 K. Street, N., Suite 300 Washington, DC 2007 Alan E. Fredregill Heidman, Redmond, Fredregill, Patterson Plaza, Dykstra & Prahl, L. 701 Pierce St., Suite 200 PO Box 3086 Sioux City, IA 51101 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF EXHIBIT C to Response of Qwest Corporation to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Motion for Emergency Relief BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE ST ATE OF COLORADO Docket No. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPLAINT OF MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC.FOR ENFORCEMENT OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH QWEST CORPORATION MCLEODUSA'S NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ITS MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services Inc. ("McLeodUSA"), through its undersigned counsel, hereby provides notice that it may now withdraw its Motion seeking emergency relief from this Commission in connection with its Complaint filed in this docket. However, McLeodUSA also provides notice through this pleading that it will be required to seek separate interim relief from this Commission, albeit on a somewhat less expedited basis. On March 30, 2005, shortly after the Complaint was filed in this docket, a brief telephone conference/hearing was held, attended by the chief Administrative Law Judge, counsel for Qwest, and the undersigned counsel for McLeodUSA. During that telephone call, counsel for Qwest acknowledged that the Temporary Restraining Order issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Iowa ("Iowa TRO") prevented Qwest from taking the actions threatened in its March 21, 2005 letter, including the disconnection of Colorado subscribers served by McLeodUSA. Based upon this representation, and conditional upon receipt of written confirmation of these representations McLeodUSA agreed to file this withdrawal. On the morning of March 31 , 2005 , an additional telephonic hearing was held between the parties and the chief Administrative Law Judge. During that hearing, Qwest's counsel reported that Qwest had made assurances to the U.S. District Court Judge presiding over the federal case in Iowa, the Hon. Mark W. Bennett, that Qwest would continue to honor the terms of the Iowa TRO should a decision issue to transfer the Iowa federal case to Colorado, at least until such time as the U.S. District Court in Colorado has an opportunity to rule on a motion for a new temporary restraining order filcd by McLeodUSA. Qwest's counsel reiterated that a letter confirming his statements made at the previous afternoon s hearing, as well as this new information, would be forthcoming. The undersigned received the letter from Qwest via fax just before noon today. copy of that letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A. While the letter accurately reflects the commitments made by Qwest to the Iowa Court in connection with its request to transfer the federal case in Iowa to Colorado, it contains no mention of the commitments made orally to this Commission by Qwest counsel yesterday afternoon. Most notably, an oral commitment was made that Q\vest acknowledged not only the existence of the Iowa TRO, but that the scope of the Iowa TRO prevented Qwest from taking any action to discontinue the taking of orders from McLeodUSA or disconnecting services under the parties' Colorado Interconnection Agreement ('" Agreement" ). The letter contains no mention of this key commitment. Notwithstanding this deficiency in the written confirmation provided by Qwest McLeodUSA will nevertheless withdraw its Motion for Emergency Relief. Qwest counsel' verbal commitments were clear, and as he correctly pointed out, those commitments were made by a licensed attorney authorized to bind Qwest to those commitments.While the non- responsiveness of the letter is frustrating, it is inconceivable that Qwest would willfully violate the Iowa TRO and the commitments made to this Commission, and intentionally disconnect service to thousands of Colorado homes and businesses after assuring the Commission it would not do so. While the need for immediate Commission intervention has been averted McLeodUSA will need to seek additional relief from this Commission, albeit on a less expedited basis, to ensure that any claim of default made by Qwest can be disputed and resolved under the terms of the agreement. McLeodUSA' s concern is that Qwest may claim default relating back to its original security deposit demand, and attempt to circumvent the dispute resolution provisions of the Agreement and this Commission s jurisdiction to protect Colorado subscribers from disconnection without notice. Such a pleading will be filed as soon as practically possible. Respectfully submitted MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES By: Andrew R. Newell (#31121) KRYS BOYLE, P. 600 Seventeenth Street Suite 2700, South Tower Denver, Colorado 80202 (720) 889-2237 (303) 893-2882 anewell~krys boyle. COIn Counsel for McLeodUSA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that an original and 15 copies of the foregoing MCLEODUSA'S NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ITS MOTION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF was hand delivered this 31 st day of March, 2005, to the following addressee: Mr. Doug Dean, Director COLORADO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Logan Tower, Office Level 2 1580 Logan Street Denver, CO 80203 and a copy of the foregoing was mailed by depositing same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid this 31 st day of March, 2005 , with additional electronic courtesy copies to the chief Administrative Law Judge, as wen as to the following addressees: David McGann, Esq. Qwest Corporation 1005 17th St., Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 ames Greenwood, Director Colorado Office of Consumer Counsel 1580 Logan Street, Office Level 7 Denver, CO 80203 Steven Southwick G. Harris Adams First Assistant Attorney General 1525 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203 Paul Gomez Gary Witt Assistant Attorneys General 1525 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203 MAR 31 2005 11: 55 FR QWEST 3038966095 TO 930389~Exhibit A Qwest Spirit of Service Owest 1005171h Street, Sw. 21)0 Camet, eolot8do 80202 Prane SM.B98.3892 Fac8lm11e 3O3.896.6C85 Oavld.M~ann.qwlSt.com David W. McGann Corporate ColinseJ March 31, 2004 Via Fax:303.893..2882 Andrew R. Newell Krys Boyle, PC 600 Seventeenth Street Suite 2700, South Tower Denver Colorado, 80202 Re: McLeodUSA v. Qwest Dear Mr. Newell: When I returned. to the office after our conference call yesterday with Judge Isley, I learned some additional information not known to me at the time of our call. As I stated on our March 30, 2005 conference caB with Judge Isley, the Temporary Restraining Order CITRO") was entered on March 23, 2005 by Chief Judge Mark W. Bennett of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Iowa in Docket Number COS-OO39..MWB. By its tenns, the TRO is effective up to and including April 12, 2005. When we spoke I was noi aware of the faCt that yesterday afternoon the Court heard argument on a motion filed by Qwest to have the Iowa proceeding transferred or stayed under the "first filed" doctrine. Qwest s '1irst filed" argument is essentially that because Qwest filed a claim in Colorado before McLeodUSA filed its claim in Iowa, the proper forum to hear the dispute is the Colorado coun- If the Court grantS the "first filed" motion, by operation of law, the TRO would be dissolved. To protect against this result, the Court obtained assurance from Qwest s counsel that if the stay or transfer to Colorado were granted, the TRO entered on March 23, 2005 would remain in effeCt until it is modified, extended, or rescinded by the District of Colorado. Qwest requested that, as a condition of the agreement, McLeodUSA be required to cooperate with Qwest and to use its best efforts to ensure that a hearing on the existing TRO is quickly and expeditiously scheduled in the Colorado court. The Court indicated that it would rule by the end of the week on Qwest's "first filed" motion, and Qwest expects that if the motion is grante~ the Court win set out each of these stipulated conditions in the order, or will make some other accommodation to its mling to keep the no place until the Colorado court has a hearing. Based upon our discussions, the representations in this letter and Judge Isley s instructions to you, I understand that you will make a written request to withdraw your motion for emergency relief. MAR 31 2005 11: 56 FR QWEST 3038966095 TO 93038932882 Mr. Andrew R. Newell March 31" 2005 Page 2 Shou1d you have any questions1 do not hesitate to CC~Doug Hsiao Paul McDaniel I . EXHIBIT D to Response of Qwest Corporation to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Motion for Emergency Relief Page 1 of 26 ----- BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- Proc-Type: 2001, MIC-CLEAR Originator-Name: webmaster~www. sec. gov Originator-Key-Asymmetric: MFgwCgYEVQgBAQICAf 8 DSgAwRwJAW2 sNKK9AVtBzYZmr6 aGj IWyK3XmZv3dTINen TWSM7vrzLADbmYQaionwg5sDW3 P6oaM5D3 tdezXMm7 z 1 T+B+twIDAQAB MIC-Info: RSA-MD5, RSA, WP3 boucHo3 EUMC 3 34 50NGUz 9xwLFzyMndFJl VMj bP9 z i vshQ3 P5QK+xO4 / iD7v2h zrfOj 7 13g94oc3FTp+PwQw== ~SEC-DOCUMENT~OOOO950172-05-000823. txt : 20050317 ~SEC-HEADER~OOOO950172-05-000823. hdr. sgroI : 20050317 ~ACCEPTANCE-DATETIME~20050316191059 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0000950172-05-000823 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: 8-K PUBLIC DOCUMENT COUNT: CONFORMED PERIOD OF REPORT: 20050316ITEM INFORMATION: Entry into a Material Definitive AgreementITEM INFORMATION: Results of Operations and Financial Condi tion ITEM INFORMATION: Financial Statements and ExhibitsFILED AS OF DATE: 20050317DATE AS OF CHANGE: 20050316 FILER: COMPANY DATA: COMPANY CONFORMED NAME: CENTRAL INDEX KEY: STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: IRS NUMBER: STATE OF INCORPORATION: FISCAL YEAR END: MCLEODUSA INC 0000919943 RADIO TELEPHONE 421407240 1231 C OMMUNI CAT FILING VALUES: FORM TYPE: SEC ACT: SEC FILE NUMBER: FILM NUMBER: 8-K 1934 Act 000-20763 05687016 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET 1: STREET 2: CITY: STATE: ZIP: BUSINESS PHONE: 6400 C ST SW PO BOX 3177 CEDAR RAPIDS 52406 3193640000 MAIL ADDRES S : STREET 1: STREET 2: CITY : STATE: ZIP: 6400 C ST SW PO BOX 3177 CEDAR RAPIDS 52406 FORMER COMPANY: FORMER CONFORMED NAME: DATE OF NAME CHANGE: MCLEOD INC 19960403 ~ / SEC - HEADER::.- ~DOCUMENT~ ~TYPE:;..8- ~ SEQUENCE~ 1 ~FILENAME~ch503970. txt http://www .see.goy! .Archives/edgar/data/919943/000095017205000823/0000950172-05-0..3/31/2005 Page 2 of 26 .::TEXT;.. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20549 FORM 8- CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15 (D) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Date of report (Date of earliest event reported) March 16, 2005 MCLEODUSA INCORPORATED ~ - --- - - - --- -- -------------- - - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - ----- -- - - - -- ---- ---- - ---- --- -- ---- (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) DELAWARE - -- - -- ---- -- -- - --- -- - ----- - -- - - - - - - - - --- --- - ----- - - - -- -------- -- -- --- -- - - ----- (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation) 20763 42 -1407240 - ----- - - - -- -~------- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- ----~- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ----- ---- -- (Commission File Number)(IRS Employer Identification No. McLeodUSA Technology Park 4200 C. Street SW, P.O. Box 3177 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-3177 - ------- - --- -- ---- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- ---- - ------ - --------- - ----- - ----- -- --- (Address of Principal Executive Offices)(Zip Code) (319) 364-0000 - -- --- --------- ---------~---- - --- ------ -- ---- - - ------------ ----------- - --- ----- (Registrant I S Telephone Number, Including Area Code) - - --- ---- - ---- - ------ ------ - - - - - --- --- - -------- --------- -- - - -- -- ---- - ------ - --- (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report) Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of thefollowing provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below): I Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425) ! - 1 Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12) I Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2 (b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240 . 14d-2 (b) ) I Pre-conunencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4 (c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240 .13e-4 (c)) .c:PAGE;.. ITEM 1.ENTRY INTO A MATERIAL DEFINITIVE AGREEMENT http://www.see.goy! Archivesledgar/data/919943/00oo950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 3 of 26 On March 16, 2005, McLeodUSA Incorporated (li the Company") and certain of its subsidiaries (~I Subsidiary Guarantors ") entered into a Forbearance Agreement, among the Company, the Subsidiary Guarantors, the lenders thereto (II Lenders and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. ("Agent"), as Administrative Agent (the II Forbearance Agreement II ), which is hereby incorporated by reference and at tached hereto as Exhibit 10.1. The Forbearance Agreement relates to (1) the Credit Agreement dated as of May 31, 2000, as amended, among the Company, the Lenders and the Agent (the IICredit Agreementll ), (2) the Credit Agreement dated as of April 16, 2002, as amended, among the Company, the Lenders and the Agent (the "Exit Facility" and, collectively with the Credit Agreement, the "Credit Facilities ) and (3) the Subsidiary Guarantee Agreement dated as of May 31, 2000, as amended and restated as of April 16, 2002, among the Subsidiary Guarantors and the Agent. Pursuant to the Forbearance Agreement, the Lenders have agreed to forbear from exercising any remedies as a result of certain specified defaults under the Credit Facilities anticipated by the Company during the forbearance period, including, without limitation, the failure to make scheduled amortization payments under the Credit Facilities and interest payments under the Credit Agreement. The forbearance period, the purpose of which is to enable the parties to explore possible strategic transactions, runs through May 23, 2005. Theodore J. Forstmann, director and stockholder of the Company, and a General Partner in certain funds affiliated with Forstmann Little & Co. which collectively hold a controlling interest in the Company's voting securities, is a lender party to the Credit Agreement. ITEM 2. 02 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL CONDITION On March 16, 2005, the Company announced, among other things, its financial and operating results for the quarter and total year ended December 31, 2004 in press release, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 99. ITEM 9.FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXHIBITS Exhibi t No.Description - ---------------------- 10.Forbearance Agreement, dated as of March 16, 2005, among McLeodUSA Incorporated (the "Borrower ), each of the Subsidiaries of the Borrower listed on Schedule I thereto (the II Subsidiary Guarantors"), the financial institutions named on the signature pages thereto (together with their respective successors and assigns, the participant Lenders ) and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as agent for the Lenders (the Administrative Agent- 99.Press Release, dated March 16, 2005 ..::PAGE~ SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. MCLEODUSA INCORPORATED http://www .see.gov/ Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 4 of 26 Da ted: March 16 , 2 005 By:1st G. Kenneth Burckhardt -- -- --- - -- --- -- --- -- -- - ---- --- Name: G. Kenneth Burckhardt Title: Executive vice President andChief Financial Officer ~PAGE" EXHIBIT INDEX Exhibi t No.Description - ---------------------- 10.Forbearance Agreement, dated as of March 16, 2005, among McLeodUSA Incorporated (the " Borrower"), each of the Subsidiaries of the Borrower listed on Schedule I thereto (the Subsidiary Guarantors"), the financial institutions named on the signature pages thereto (together with their respective successors and assigns, the "participant Lenders ) and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as agent for the Lenders (the Administrative Agentll 99. ..:: TEXT,. ..:: DOCUMENT::- ..::DOCUMENT,. c:::TYPE,.EX- "'SEQUENCE::-2 c:::FILENAME"chi504388. txt c:::DESCRIPTION,.EXHIBIT 10. c:::TEXT::- Press Release, dated March 16, 2005 Exhibit 10. FORBEARANCE AGREEMENT FORBEARANCE AGREEMENT, dated as of March 16, 2005 (this IIAgreement" among (1) McLeodUSA Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the "Borrower" ), (2) each of the subsidiaries of the Borrower listed on Schedule I hereto (the Subsidiary Guarantors" ), (3) the financial institutions named on the signature pages hereto (together with their respective successors and assigns, the II Participant Lenders ) and (4) JPMorgan Chase Bank, N .A., as agent for the Lenders (the "Administrative Agent" ) . WITNESSETH: A. WHEREAS, the Borrower, certain Participant Lenders, the Administrative Agent and certain other financial institutions are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of May 31, 2000 (as amended, the 112000 Credit Agreement" ) ; B. WHEREAS, the Borrower, certain Participant Lenders, the Administrative Agent and certain other financial institutions are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of April 16, 2002 (as amended, the "2002 Credit Agreement," together with the 2000 Credit Agreement, the .Credit Agreements" C. WHEREAS, the Subsidiary Guarantors and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N .A. , as Collateral Agent for the Secured Parties, are parties to a Subsidiary Guarantee Agreement dated as of May 31, 2000, as amended and restated as ofApril 16, 2002 (the "Guarantee Agreement" http://www .see.goy! Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 5 of 26 D. WHEREAS, the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors have (i) advised the Participant Lenders they intend to retain as an officer of the Borrower a person reasonably acceptable to the Participant Lenders with the requisite expertise and scope of duties to validate and provide information regarding the Borrower and its Subsidiaries to the Lenders, prospective buyers and other parties, and to assist the Borrower in developing strategies relating to any restructuring or other strategic transactions (the Restructuring Officer ") and (ii) proposed a restructuring plan that is under discussion with the Participant Lenders (as such plan may be modified, the II Plan" ) ; E. WHEREAS, the Borrower has advised the Administrative Agent and the Lenders that the Specified Defaults (as defined in section I (b) below), including, without limi tation, the failure to make scheduled amortization payments under the Credit Agreements and interest payments under the 2000 Credit Agreement, will be occurring during the Forbearance Period (as defined in section 1 (a) below); and F. WHEREAS, in order to permit completion of the negotiation of the Plan and exploration of other possible strategic transactions, the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors have asked the Participant Lenders, and the Participant Lenders are willing, to forbear from exercising certain default-related remedies against the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors on account of the Specified Defaults for a limited period of time and upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the covenants and condi tions contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows~ Section 1. Defined Terms. Unless otherwise specifically defined herein, each term used herein which is defined in the Credit Agreements has the meaning assigned to such term in the Credit Agreements. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings specified below: (a) "Forbearance Period" means the period beginning on the date hereof and ending on the earliest to occur of (any such occurrence being a Termination Event" ) : (i) May 2 3, 2005; (ii) the occurrence of any Event of Default other than a Specified Default; (iii) any holder of Indebtedness or other obligations of $7 million or more of the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries shall take any action to collect or enforce any claim or to create or enforce any lien against the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, excluding the making of a demand or the assertion of a claim by a vendor or customer that is disputed in good faith by the Borrower or such Subsidiary in the ordinary course of business and with respect to which such vendor or customer has not obtained a lien or otherwise obtained the abili ty to collect or enforce such claim; and (iv) a breach of any term, condition or representation contained in this Agreement by the Borrower or the Subsidiary Guarantors. (b) "Specified Defaults " means existing or anticipated Events of Default, as listed in Schedule II hereto. http://www see.goy! Archivesledgar/data/919943/000095017205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/3112005 Page 6 of 26 Section 2. Acknowledgements and Undertakings. (a) The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors agree and acknowledge that the Specified Defaults will occur during the Forbearance Period and that certain of the Specified Defaults will constitute material Events of Default. (b) In addition to the information required to be furnished under the Loan Documents to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders (and without prejudice to sections 5.01 or any other provision of the Credit Agreements), the Borrower shall, as promptly as practicable, provide to the Administrative Agent any information reasonably requested by the Administrative Agent or the Lenders. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Borrower shall promptly provide to the Administrative Agent, in a form acceptable to the Administrative Agent, (i) on Tuesday of each week, a detailed forecast of receipts and disbursements for the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors providing, on a weekly basis, the Borrower I s good faith estimate of projected receipts and disbursements for the 13 weeks commencing wi the immediately following week, together with a reconciliation of such forecast against the forecast delivered the previous week and a reasonably detailed explanation of any variance between the current forecast and such previously delivered forecast; (ii) not later than the tenth day following the end of each calendar month, an operational report, including management's good fai th estimate of receipts and disbursements for such month, the cash balances of the Borrower and Subsidiary Guarantors as of the end of such calendar month, and an analysis of performance against projected performance as set forth in the phased business plan dated March 9 2005 previously delivered to the participant Lenders; (iii) on request of the Administrative Agent, and in any event on Monday of each week I a written update addressed to the financial advisor of the Administrative Agent regarding the status of the Borrower I S ef forts to sell all or any portion of its business, including, without limitation, a list of all contacts made with potential purchasers (including the identities of those contacted and the dates of such contacts), copies (if in writing) or descriptions (if not in writing) of any proposals, offers or indications of interest received by the Borrower or its attorneys or financial advisors, and any responses thereto by the Borrower or any such attorney or financial advisor i and (iv) direct access to the officers and employees, and books and records of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries (including the Restructuring Officer retained by the Borrower) to obtain such information as the Participant Lenders deem reasonably necessary to evaluate, negotiate and implement any restructuring plan and to verify and analyze to the reasonable satisfaction of the participant Lenders the matters referred to in subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iiil above. (c) As promptly as possible, and, in any event, not later than March 31, 2005 I the Borrower shall retain (and identify to the Administrative Agent) the Restructuring Officer. The scope of the Restructuring Officer I s engagement shall be reasonably acceptable to the Participant Lenders. From and after such retention, the Restructuring Officer shall continue to be actively employed by the Borrower at all times during the Forbearance Period and shall have direct access to all information I personnel and other resources necessary to the performance of his or her duties. http://www .sec.govl Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172.05-0...3/31/2005 Page 7 of 26 (d) The Borrower shall make all scheduled interest payments under the 2002 Credit Agreement at the non-default contract rate. (e) On or prior to the Forbearance Effective Date (as defined section 12 below), the Borrower shall pay to the Administrative Agent an advance of $1.5 million (the "Advance"~ on account of the Borrower obligations to pay expenses and other amounts under sections 9.03 of the Credit Agreements. The Administrative Agent shall be entitled to pay such amounts as they come due, including, without limitation, (i) the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel and financial advisors provided for in such sections and (ii) travel and other incidental expenses of Lenders actively participating with the Administrative Agent in restructuring discussions with the Borrower. The Borrower shall from time to time make further advances to the Administrative Agent, upon demand (and in any event within three business days), to restore the balance of the Advance held by the Administrative Agent to $1.5 million. (f) The Borrower shall furnish to the Administrative Agent prompt written notice of the occurrence of a Termination Event. (g) The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors acknowledge and agree that, under the Credit Agreements r as amended, they are not currently enti tIed to request any new Loans or Let ters of Credit. Section 3. Forbearance. (a) The participant Lenders agree that until the expiration of the Forbearance Period, the Participant Lenders will temporarily forbear (subject to the terms hereof) from the exercise of their default-related remedies under the Credit Agreements, Loan Documents or otherwise, against the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors solely to the extent the availability of such remedies arises exclusively from the Specified Defaults; provided that the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors shall comply during the Forbearance Period with all provisions, limitations, restrictions or prohibitions that would otherwise be effective or applicable under any of the Loan Documents during the continuance of any Default or Event of Default; provided further that the agreement of the Participant Lenders temporarily to forbear shall not apply to nor preclude any remedy available to the Administrative Agent or the Lenders in connection with any proceeding commenced under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, including without limitation, to any relief in respect of adequate protection or relief from any stay imposed under such law. (b) Upon a Termination Event, the agreement of the Participant Lenders hereunder to forbear from exercising their default-related remedies shall immediately terminate without the requirement of any demand, presentment, protest or notice of any kind, all of which the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors hereby waive. The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors agree that the Administrative Agent and the Lenders may at any time thereafter proceed to exercise any and all of their respective rights and remedies under any or all of the Loan Documents and/or applicable law, including, without limitation, their respective rights and remedies in connection with any or all of the Defaults and Events of Default including, wi thout limitationl the Specified Defaults. (c) For the avoidance of doubt. nothing herein limits the right of the Administrative Agent or the Lenders, including during the Forbearance Period, to take any action to preserve or exercise rights or remedies against parties other than the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors (RThird Party Rights II ). For purposes of the foregoing, the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors acknowledge and agree that execution and delivery of this Agreement shall constitute the making of any necessary demand or the giving of any http://www.see.goy! Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 8 of 26 necessary notice for purposes of preserving and/or permitting the exercise of any such Third Party Rights of the Administrative Agent and the Lenders. (d) Execution of this Agreement constitutes a direction by the Participant Lenders that the Administrative Agent act in accordance with its terms. Each participant Lender agrees that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Credit Agreements, the Administrative Agent shall not be required to act if directed against the Borrower or the Subsidiary Guarantors if such action is contrary to the terms of this Agreement. (e) The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors acknowledge and agree that the agreement of the Participant Lenders hereunder to forbear from exercising their default-related remedies with respect to the Specified Defaults shall not constitute a waiver of such Specified Defaults and that the Lenders expressly reserve all rights and remedies that the Administrative Agent and the Lenders now or may in the future have under any or all of the Loan Documents and/or applicable law in connection with all Defaults and Events of Default (including without limitation the Specified Defaults) Section 4. Interest Rate During the Forbearance Period. (a) The parties acknowledge that upon the occurrence of an Event of Defaul t, the Lenders have the right to accelerate the due date of the Loans under the Credit Agreements. In consideration of the forbearance provided hereunder, and notwithstanding any failure to accelerate the due date of the Loans, from and after the occurrence of any Event of Default (including any Specified Defaults) I principal of and interest on the Loans and all fees and other amounts payable by the Borrower shall bear interest at the default rate, as set forth in sections 2 .13 (c) of the Credit Agreements. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Participant Lenders are hereby advised that, during the Forbearance Period (i) the Borrower does not intend to pay interest in cash on a current basis under the 2000 Credit Agreement, and (ii) the Borrower intends to pay interest in cash under the 2002 Credit Agreement only at the pre-default rate. (c) Any interest accrued under the Credit Agreements that has not been paid in cash shall compound on each Interest Payment Date until paid. Section 5. Reference to and Effect upon the Credit Agreements. ta) Except as expressly set forth herein, all terms, conditions, covenants, representations and warranties contained in the Credit Agreements, and any other Loan Document, and all rights of the Administrative Agent and the Lenders and all obligations of the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors thereunder, shall remain in full force and effect. The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors hereby confirm that the Credit Agreements, and the other Loan Documents are in full force and effect. (b) Except as expressly provided herein, nothing contained in this Agreement and no action by, or inaction on the part of, any Lender or the Administrative Agent shall, or shall be deemed to, directly or indirectly (i) constitute a consent to or waiver of any past, present or future violations of any provisions of the Credit Agreements, or any other Loan Document, (ii) amend, modify or operate as a waiver of any provision of the Credit Agreements, or any other Loan Document, except as expressly set forth herein, of any right, power or remedy of the Administrative Agent or any Lender thereunder or (iii) consti tute a course of dealing or other basis for altering any obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Documents, or any other contract or instrument. (c) This Agreement shall constitute a Loan Document. http://www .sec.govl Archivesledgar/data/919943/000O950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 9 of 26 Section 6. Representations and Warranties. To induce the Administrative Agent and the Participant Lenders to execute and deliver this Agreement, the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors represent and warrantthat: (a) The execution, delivery and performance by the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action. This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors, enforceable against the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors in accordance with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar laws af fecting the enforcement of creditors I rights generally or by equitable principles relating to enforceability. (b) No approval, consent, exemption, authorization, or other action by, or notice to, or filing with, any Governmental Authority is necessary or required in connection with the execution, del i very or performance by, or enforcement against, the Borrower or the Subsidiary Guarantors of this Agreement. (c) As of the Forbearance Effective Date (as defined in section 12 below), no Defaults or Events of Default exist, other than the Specified Detaul ts. Section 7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New York. Section 8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. Section 9. Severability. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision in or obligation under this Agreement in any jurisdiction shall not affect or impair the validity I legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions or obligations under this Agreement or of such provision or obligation in any other jurisdiction. Section 10. Further Assurances. The Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors agree to take all further actions and execute all further documents as the Administrative Agent may from time to time reasonably request to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Section 11. Notices. All notices, requests and demands to or upon the respective parties hereto shall be given in accordance with sections 9. of the Credit Agreements. Section 12. Effectiveness. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date hereof on the date (the ~Forbearance Effective Date~) when the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the Administrative Agent shall have received from the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantors, and the Required Lenders under each Credit Agreement a counterpart hereof signed by such party or facsimile or other written confirmation (in fo~ satisfactory to the Administrative Agent) that such party has signed a counterpart hereof; (b) the Administrative Agent shall have received certificates of the chief financial officer of the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors certifying that, to the best of his knowledge, the representations and warranties made by the Borrower and the Subsidiary Guarantors pursuant to section 6 of this Agreement are true and correct on and as of the date of this http://www .sec.govl Archives/edgar/dataJ919943/000095017205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 10 of 26 Agreement; and (c) the Borrower shall have paid to the Administrative Agent in full the Advance referred to in section 2 (f) above. Section 13. Waiver of Jury Trial. EACH PARTY HERETO HEREBY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THI S AGREEMENT (WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY). EACH PARTY HERETO (A) CERTIFIES THAT NO REPRESENTATIVE, AGENT OR ATTORNEY OF ANY OTHER PARTY HAS REPRESENTED r EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT SUCH OTHER PARTY WOULD NOT IN THE EVENT OF LITIGATION r SEEK TO ENFORCE THE FOREGOING WAIVER AND (B) ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT AND THE OTHER PARTIES HERETO HAVE BEEN INDUCED TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT BY, AMONG OTHER THINGS THE MUTUAL WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN THIS SECTION. Section 14. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benef i t of the Borrower, the Subs idiary Guarantors, the Administrative Agent and the Lenders and their respective successors and assigns; provided that the Lenders (other than the Participant Lenders and their respective successors and assigns) shall not be bound by the forbearance granted hereunder. No Person other than the parties hereto and any other Lender and their successors and assigns s~all have any rights hereunder or be entitled to rely on this Agreement, and all third-party beneficiaryrights (other than the rights of any other Lender and its successors and assigns) are hereby expressly disclaimed. Section 15. Limitation on Assignments. In addition to, and without limi ling the requirements set forth in sections 9.04 of the Credit Agreements each Participant Lender agrees that it will not assign all, or any ratable part, of its Loans, commitments or other rights or obligations under the Loan Documents to any Person (other than a participant Lender) unless such Person shall have agreed to be bound by this Agreement (including the forbearance granted hereunder). Each Participant Lender agrees that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Credit Agreements, the Administrative Agent shall be entitled to withhold its consent to, and shall not be required to give effect to, any purported assignment of such Participant Lender I s Loans, Commitments or other rights or obligations under the Loan Documents if the conditions set forth in the previous sentence are not satisfied. ~PAGE:;. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written. MCLEODUSA INCORPORATED By: Is/ G. Kenneth Burckhardt ---- - ----~--- -- -------- -------- Name: Ti tIe:G. Kenneth BurckhardtExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer .c;: P AGE::- MCLEODUSA HOLDINGS, INC. http://www.see.goy! Archivesfedgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 11 of 26 By: /sl G. Kenneth Burckhardt ----- - ----- - - ---- -------- -- ------- Name: Ti tle;G. Kenneth Burckhardt Executive Vice President andChief Financial Officer oe::PAGE,. MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. By: /s/ G. Kenneth Burckhardt -- ---- - --- -- -- - - - - ---- - - - -- ~- -- --- Name:Title:G. Kenneth Burckhardt Execut i ve Vice President andChief Financial Officer ~PAGE~ MCLEODUSA NETWORK SERVICES, INC. By: /s/ G. Kenneth Burckhardt ------- - --- -- -- ---- -- -- - ---- - - -- --- Name:Title:G. Kenneth Burckhardt Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Of f icer .c:PAGE,. MCLEODUSA PURCHASING L. L. C . By: /s/ G. Kenneth Burckhardt -- ----- -- ---- -------- ----- -- ---- --- Name:Title:G. Kenneth Burckhardt Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer .c:PAGE~ MCLEODUSA INFORMATION SERVICES, INC. By:/s/ G. Kenneth Burckhardt ---- -- -- -- ---- --------- -- - - -- -- ----- Name: Ti tIe:G. Kenneth Burckhardt Executive Vice President andChief Financial Officer .c: PAGE~ JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N. A., as Administrative http://www .see.gov! Arehivesledgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 12 of 26 Agent By: /s/ Susan E. Atkins - -- - -- - - --- ---- - --- -- - - - -~ -- - - ----- Name: Susan E. Atkins Title: Managing Director JPMorgan Chase Bank NA --- - -------- - - -- ---- - --- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - --- Print Name of Lender By: s / Susan E. Atkins -------- - - - ----- - - -- -- -- - - -- - -- - --- --- Name: Ti tIe:Susan E. Atkins Managing Director Credi t Suisse First Boston - --------------------------- -------- ---- Print Name of Lender By: /s/ Didier Siffer - - - - -- -- -- - - -- ---- - - --- -- - - - - --- ---- Name:Title:Didier Siffer Director Credit Suisse First Boston ---- -- - -------- - --- -- ------ -- --- -- ----- Print Name of Lender By: /s/ Michael A. Crisci to --------- -- ---- ----- - ----- - ---- - --~-- Name:Title:Michael A. Crisci to Managing Director Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG ------- - - - ---- ---- -- ----- - -- ---- --- ---- --- Print Name of Lender By: Isl Kimberly Sousa -- -- -- ------ -- ---------- -- -- ---- --- ---- Name:Title:Kimberly Sousa Director Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG - - - ---- -------- --- --- ---- - --- ---- -- ---- - --- Print Name of Lender By: s/ Salvatore Esposito - -- --- - - ----- - ------ - -- -- -------- -- --- Name:Title:Salvatore Esposito Managing Director http://www .see.gov! Archiyes/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0 ...3/31/2005 Page 13 of 26 Bane of America Strategic Solutions, Ine. - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- - --- -- --- - -- -- -- - - -- --- - - -- -- Print Name of Lender By: / s I Thomas Biagg i --- - ---- -- -- - --- ----- - -- -- -- -- ---- - -- - -- Name: Ti tIe:Thomas Biaggi Senior vice President Commonwealth of Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Managemetn Board Pension Investment Committee of General Motors for General Motors Employees Domestic Group penion Trust Fidelity Management Trust Company, as Investment Advisor --- - - -- -- -- -- --- - -------- - - - -- -- - - -- --- --- pr i n t Name 0 Lender By: /s/ Geoffrey Johnson - - - ~ ---- - - - --- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - --- ----- Name:Title;Geoffrey Johnson Vice President Fidel i ty Advisor Series I: Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund Fidelity Securities Fund: Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund Fideli ty Advisor Series II: Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund ------ - ----- - - -- -- - - -- - --------- --- - ~ - -- --- Print Name of Lender By:Isl John H. Costello ---- --- -- -------------------- -- -- ----- Name: Ti tIe: John H. Costello Assistant Treasurer Jefferies & Co., Ine. - - ------- -------- - ------- - --- - - - - -- --- -- --- Print Name of Lender By:Is! Harrison A. Bubrosky ----------- ---------- - - -- --- - --- -- --~- Name: Ti tIe: Harrison A. BubroskyExecutive Vice President Bane of America Securities http://www.see.gov/ Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 1720S000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 14 of 26 LLC as Agent for Bank of America, N. - - - -- ---- - -- -- -- - - -------- --- -- - - ---- --- -- Print Name of Lender By; /s/Toby Gi Ibert -- -- - - -- -- -- - --- ---- -- - ----- - --- -- --- Name: Ti tIe: Toby Gi Ibert Associa te '" PAGE~ Theodore J. Fors tmann --- - --- -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- -- -- - - ---------- Pint Name of Lender By: 1st Theodore J. Forstmann ---- --- - - ---- -- - -- -- -- --~- ----- --- Name:Title: -::PAGE:;.. SCHEDULE I Subsidiary Guarantors 1. McLeodUSA Holdings, Ine. 2. McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. 3. McLeodUSA Network Services, Inc. 4. McLeodUSA purchasing L. L. C . 5. McLeodUSA Information Services, Ine. -:::PAGE:;.. SCHEDULE I I SPECIFIED DEFAULTS Section 2.05 (j). Any Default or Event of Default occurring underei ther Credit Agreement as a resul t of the failure by the Borrower to deposit cash in an account with the Administrative Agent pursuant to Section 05 (j) of such Credit Agreement. http://www .see.goy! .Arehivesledgar/data/919943/000095017205000823/0000950172-05-0..3/31/2005 10. 11. Page 15 of 26 Section 2.09. Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to pay to the Administrative Agent for the account of each Lender when due the then unpaid principal amount of each Term Loan of such Lenderas provided in Section 2.10 of the 2000 Credi t Agreement. Section 2.10. Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to repay Term Loans on the dates set forth in Section 2.10 of the 2000 Credit Agreement. Section 2.13. (a) Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to pay accrued interest on the dates and/or in the amounts specified in Section 2.13 of the 2000 Credi t Agreement. (b) Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2002 Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to pay on a current cash pay basis that portion of the interest representing the default rate interest required by Section 2.13 (c) of the 2002 Credi t Agreement. Section 5.01 (a). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to furnish to the Administrative Agent and each Lender financial statements reported on by independent public accountants of nationally recognized standing without a "going concern" or like qualification or exception and without any qualification or exception as to the scope of audit I as required by Section 5.01 (a) of such Credit Agreement. Section 5.01 (d). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to furnish to the Administrative Agent and each Lender a certificate ofaccounting firm as required by Section 5.01 (d) of such Credit Agreemen t . Section 5.01 (e). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to furnish to the Administrative Agent and each Lender a budget asrequired by Section 5.01 (e) of such Credit Agreement. Section 5.02 (a). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to furnish to the Administrative Agent and each Lender prompt written notice of any Specified Default. Section 5. 02(c). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to furnish to the Administrative Agent and each Lender prompt written notice of any development occurring after the Forbearance Effective Date as a consequence of the public disclosure of this Forbearance Agreement or any of the Specified Defaults that results in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, a Material Adverse Effect. Section 6.13. Any Default or Event of Default occurring after the Forbearance Effective Date under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to satisfy the requirements of Section 13 of such Credit Agreement. Section 6.17. Any Default or Event of Default occurring after the http://www .sec. gOY! Archi vesledgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 16 of 26 Forbearance Effective Date under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by the Borrower to satisfy the requirements of Section 17 of such Credit Agreement. Article VII, clause (a). Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement of the type described in clause (a) of Article VII of such Credit Agreement arising from the failure to make any payment when due after the Forbearance Effective Date. Article VII, clause (b). (a) Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement of the type described inclause (b) of Article VII of such Credit Agreement arising from the failure to pay interest when due after the Forbearance Effective Date. (b) Any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2002 Credit Agreement of the type described in clause (b) of Article VII of such Credit Agreement, but solely to the extent of the additional interest required to be paid hereunder and pursuant to Section 13 (c) of the 2002 Credit Agreement. (a) Any Default or Event of Detaul t occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement as a result of a Specified Default occurring under the 2002 Credit Agreement, or (b) any Default or Event of Default occurring under the 2002 Credit Agreement as a result of a Specified Default occurring under the 2000 Credit Agreement. Any Default or Event of Default occurring under either Credit Agreement as a result of the failure by any Subsidiary Loan Party to make any required payments under the Subsidiary Guarantee Agreement during the Forbearance Period as a consequence of another Specified Defaul t . .c:; /TEXT-;:. ~ / DOCUMENT-;:. ~DOCUMENT" ~TYPE;,.EX-9 9 .c:; SEQUENCE" 3 .c:;FILENAME;,.mc99. txt .c:;DESCRIPTION;,.EXHIBIT 99. .c:;TEXT-;:. r GRAPHIC OMITTED) Exhibit 99. McLeodUSA Reports Fourth Quarter and Total Year 2004 Results Continued strong operational performance but revenue declines Actively pursuing strategic partner or sale of the Company Entered forbearance agreement with Lenders to maintain liquidity Discussions for debt restructuring underway wi th Lender Commi ttee where recovery for preferred or common stockholders is unlikely CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - March 16, 2005 - McLeodUSA Incorporated (Nasdaq: MCLD) http://www .see.goy! ArchivesJedgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 17 of 26 one of the nation I s largest independent, competitive telecommunications services providers, today reported financial and operating results for the quarter and total year ended December 31, 2004. Total revenues for the quarter ended December 31,2004 were $162.6 million compared to $168.1 million in the third quarter of 2004 and $209.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. Revenues were down from the third quarter of 2004 due to a reduction in total access lines as new retail sales did not offset existing customer turnover; as well as, lower IRU sales and the impact of normal fourth quarter seasonality on long distance volume. Gross margin (1) for fourth quarter 2004 was $75.8 million compared to $74. million in the third quarter of 2004 and $93.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. Gross margin in the fourth quarter included approximately $6. million of rate settlements. Gross margin as a percent of revenue, including the impact of the rate settlements, was 46.6% versus 44.0% in the third quarter of 2004 and 44.6% in the fourth quarter of 2003. SG&A expenses for the fourth quarter of 2004 were $61.7 million compared to $62.5 million in the third quarter of 2004 and $77.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2003 as the Company continued to realize the benefit of its ongoing expense reduction programs. Adjusted EBITDA1 in the fourth quarter of 2004 was $14.1 million, including the $6.2 million of rate settlements, versus $11. million in the third quarter of 2004 and $16.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. Net loss from continuing operations for the quarter was $ (98.mill ion, or a loss per common share of $ (0.32), versus $ (352.8) million in the third quarter of 2004, which included a non-cash charge of $263.1 million related to the impairment of goodwill and intangible assets, and $ (56. million in the fourth quarter of 2003. The Company s strong operational performance continued in the fourth quarter of 2004. The customer satisfaction rating was 93%, billing accuracy was 99. and the Company continued to consistently achieve 99.999% network reliability, all in line with Company goals. Customer platform mix at the end of the fourth quarter 2004 was 71% UNE-L, 4% resale and 25% UNE-P versus 70%, 4% and 26%, respectively, at the end of the third quarter of 2004 and 65%, 5% and 30%, respectively, at the end of the fourth quarter 2003. The Company continued to migrate resale and UNE- customers to UNE-L and add new customers to the more profi table UNE-L platform. In January 2005, the Company reached an agreement with Qwest Communications for the continued provisioning and service of its UNE-P lines. Customer line turnover in the fourth quarter was 2.2% versus 2.4% in the third quarter of 2004 and 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2003. Business customer lineturnover was 2.0% in the fourth quarter of 2004 compared to 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2003. Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2004, were $716.2 million versus $869.0 million for the year 2003 primarily driven by the federally mandated access rate reductions of $43.3 million, lower long distance rates and volume of $40.1 million, and the decline in price and volume of local services of $48.0 million. Gross margin for the year ending December 31, 2004was $322.4 million versus $370.1 million in 2003 driven by the decline in revenues offset by increased profitability associated with the migration of the business to UNE-L and the favorable impact of the Company ongoing cost reduction initiatives. Gross margin as a percent of revenue for the year was 45.0% versus 42.6% in 2003. Total SG&A expenses for the year were $268. million and $312.2 million in 2004 and 2003, respectively, as the Company successfully executed its expense reduction and productivity improvement plans. Adjusted EBITDA was $54.0 million for year 2004 versus $57.9 million in 2003. Net loss for the year ended December 31, 2004 was $ (624.5) million http://www .sec.govl .Archivesledgar/data/919943/000095017205000823/0000950172-05-0.. . 3/31/2005 Page 18 of 26 versus $(295.7) million for the year ended December 31, 2003. Net loss for 2004 included a non-cash impairment charge of $263.1 million to recognize full impairment of goodwill and a partial impairment of the McLeodUSA trade name. The Company ended the year with $50.0 million of cash on hand which included a planned $20 million withdrawal from the exit credit facility in the fourth quarter. At December 31, 2004 the Company bad withdrawn a total of $100 million and had issued approximately $8 million of letters of credit against the $110 million funded exit credit facility. The Company was in compliance with all financial covenants at December 31, 2004. The Company's cash balancewas approximately $45 million as of March 15, 2005. Pursuit of Strategic Alternatives - -------- --- ----- - -------- --- ---- As an independent communications services provider, realizing the revenue growth benefi ts of operational excellence continues to be a challenge for the Company as it competes against large, financially strong competi tors wi well-known brands. Most recently, the FCC has finalized its unbundling rules and the communications industry consolidation has accelerated. With the recent merger announcements in the industry, the Company believes that the large telecommunications providers will likely become even more aggressive upon the closing of these transactions further challenging the Company s ability togrow revenue. In response, the Company s Board of Directors has authorized the Company topursue strategic al ternati ves. In support of these initiatives, the Company has hired Miller Buckfire Ying & Co., LLC and Gle~cher Partners, LLC as its financial advisors. The Company is now actively pursuing a strategic partner or a sale of the Company while also taking steps to maintain future liquidity, including evaluating a capital restructuring to reduce the current debt level enabling the Company to achieve posi ti ve cash flow going forward. The Company believes that its operational excellence combined with a highly trained workforce, state of the art product offerings and expansive network could provide strategic benefits to existing multi-state and regional telecom services providers. In addition, through the extensive cost reduction programs, which have been implemented over the past several years, the Company believes its wholesale product suite offers an attractive alternative to UNE-P providers for local access lines and competitive long distance services. In the interim, the Company has entered a forbearance agreement with its Lenders with respect to scheduled principal and interest payments on its loans under which the Lenders have agreed not to take any action as a result of non-payment by the Company of approximately $18.1 million of scheduled principal amortization and interest payments due on or before March 31, 2005 and any related events of default through May 23, 2005. Financial Restructuring - ----------------------- In light of the revenue outlook and the Company I s on-going cash requirements, the Company has also begun discussions related to a capital restructuring with its agent bank and a group of lenders acting as a steering committee for the lenders under its credit facilities. The Company and this committee are in negotiations related to terms of a capital restructuring which includes the conversion of a significant portion of the Company I s current ou~st~nding debt into equity. Under such a restructuring, the holders of the Company I s currentdebt would become equi ty shareholders of the Company with the current holders of the preferred and common stock unlikely to receive any recovery. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to reach an agreement http://www .sec.govl Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 19 of 26 with its lenders regarding a capi tal restructuring or continued forbearance and covenant relief prior to the end of the initial forbearance period on May , 2005. There also can be no assurance that the Company will be able to identify a suitable strategic partner or buyer or reach agreement with any such strategic partner or buyer on terms and conditions acceptable to the Company prior to the end of the initial forbearance period. In the event these alternatives are not available to the Company, it is likely that the Company will elect to forgo making future principal and interest payments to its lenders while it continues to seek an extended forbearance period or permanent capital restructuring from its lenders, or alternatively, the Company could be forced to seek protection from its creditors. While the Company continues to explore a variety of options with a view toward maximizing value for all of its stakeholders, none of the options presented to date have suggested that there wi 11 be any meaningful recovery for the Company 1 s current preferred stock or common stock holders. Accordingly, it is unlikely that holders of the Company's preferred stock or common stock will receive any recovery in a capital restructuring or other strategic transaction. The Company believes that by not making principal and interest payments on the credit facilities, cash on hand together with cash flows from operations is sufficient to maintain operations in the ordinary course without disruption of services. The Company does not expect that the exploration of the alternatives described above will negatively impact its customers or vendors. The Company remains committed to continuing to provide the highest level of service to its customers and to maintaining its strong supplier relationships. As a result of the activities described above the Company has delayed the filing of its Form lO-K with the SEC. The Company has completed its internal control review as required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and prepared to issue its Management I s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting stating that based on management I s assessment, management believes that as of December 31, 2004, the Company s internal control over financial reporting is effective. The Company expects that the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Report that will be issued in connection with the filing of Form 10-K will include comments with respect to the Company ability to continue as a going concern. Other recent highlights include: Ixl On January 3, 2005, the Company announced a five-year extension to its contract with the State of Iowa for operation and maintenance of the Iowa Communications Network. McLeodUSA will continue to operate the network from its Operations Center near Des Moines, perform field services and conduct network locate services statewide. This contract extension, expiring December 9, 2009, will result in recurring revenue to McLeodUSA of approximately $5 million annually. Ix I On December 20, 2004, McLeodUSA announced that its Preferred Advantage (R) Dynamic Integrated Access, which utilizes the next generation Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) switching architecture, is now generally available for sale. The service has been initiated in 24 markets to date and the Company s efforts are on track to provide service in 37 markets by April 30, 2005. The McLeodUSA Integrated Access product uses a secure IP network to offer integrated voice and data communications services over a single T-1 facility to customer locations. Customers receive up to 544 Mbps Internet access, high qual! ty voice service, 17 local calling features, the convenience of an easy-to-use web-based control panel , and the ability to add or change features andgenerate reports. http://www .see. gov Arc hi ves/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 20 of 26 Ixl On December 16, 2004, the Company announced a three-year renewable wholesale agreement wi th Mcr whereby McLeodUSA will enable MC! to provide local telephone services to its residential customers using McLeodUSA facilities. The agreement provides for MCr and McLeodUSA to migrate a minimum of 200,000 local lines onto the McLeodUSA UNE-L network by October 31, 2005. Abou t McLeodUSA - --------------- McLeodUSA provides integrated communications services, including local services, in 25 Midwest, Southwest, Northwest and Rocky Mountain states. The Company is a facili ties-based telecommunications provider with, as of December 31, 2004, 38 ATM switches, 39 voice switches, 699 collocations , 432 DSLAMs and 426 employees. As of April 16 2002, Forstmann Little & Co. became a 58% shareholder in the Company. Visit the Company s Web site at www.rncleodusa.corn (1) Non-GAAP Financial Measures - -----------------------~------ To provide further clarification, the Company has begun using the term Adjusted EBITDA as a replacement for EBITDA. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure used by management to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company s operating performance and to enhance the comparability between periods. EBITDA is an acronym for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA, as defined by McLeodUSA, further removes the effects of other income and expense, restructuring adjustments and impairment charges. Management removes the effects of other income and expense, restructuring adjustments and impairment charges from Adjusted EBITDA because it does not believe that such items are representative of the core operating results of the Company's ongoing competitive telecommunications activities. For a facilities-based telecommunications services provider like McLeodUSA with high initial capital investments required in order to gain entry to the industry, management believes that omitting depreciation and amortization from Adjusted EBITDA provides a relevant and useful measure of the Company' s core operating performance and enhances comparability between periods. Management believes that non-GAAP measures such as Adjusted EBITDA are commonly reported and used by analysts, investors and other interested parties in the telecommunications industry. Adjusted EBITDA is reconciled to net loss, the most comparable GAAP measure, within the table presented below. McLeodUSA' s use of Adjusted EBITDA may not be cDmparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies in the telecommunications industry. The use of Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to replace measures of financial performance reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. oe::TABLE~ ...:CAPTION~ Thre - - -- ---- -- ---- - ----- - --- (In millions)Dee 31, 2004 -------- - ----- - - --- oe::s:::-oe::c~ Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA: Net loss...... ....... ......... ....................... (98. 13.Interest expense..................................... Other nonoperating expense................. . . . . . . . . . . Restructuring adjustment............................. http://www .see.goy! Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 21 of 26 Impairment charge.................................... Depreciat ion and amortization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. ---------- --------- Adjusted EBITDA..................................14. -------------------------~~----~--------- (In millions)Dee 31, 2004 - - -- - -- - - -- -- ------ - --- -- - ----- - --- Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA: Net loss.................................................. Interest expense............................................ Other nonoperating expense........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restructuring adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impairment charge.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depreciation and amortization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 624 ( 0 263 356 Adjusted EBITDA.................. ...... .................------ - - - - ---- - ------------------------------------ ~ / T ABLE~ Gross margin is another financial measure that management uses to evaluate operating performance. Gross margin, which is calculated as revenues less cost of service, excludes depreciation and amortization expenses. Cost of service includes expenses directly associated wi th providing telecommunications services to its customers. Costs classified as cost of service include, among other items, the cost of connecting customers to the McLeodUSA network via leased facilities, the costs paid to third party providers for interconnect access and transport services, the costs of leasing components of network facilities and the cost of fiber related to sales and leases of networkfacili ties. Gross margin is reconciled to net loss, the most comparable GAAP measure, within the table presented below. c::TABLE~ ~CAPTION::.- Thre (In millions)Dee 31, 2004 ------- ------------ --- ----- ------ - ------ - --- c::S,..c:::C::.- Reconciliation of Gross Margin: Net loss.............................................(9B. 13.Interest expense..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other nonoperating expense.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restructuring adj ustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impairment chargeDepreciation and amortization.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selling, general and administrative.. . . ... ... .. .. .. .. 89. 61. ----------- -------- Gross Marg in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75. ----------------- ------------------- ------ (In millions)Dee 31, 2004 ---- - -------- -------- - ---- -- -------- http;/Iwww.see.goy! Archiyes/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 22 of 26 Reconciliation of Gross Margin: Net loss.................................................. Interest expense............................................ Other nonoperating expense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restructuring adjustment............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impairment charge........................................... Depreciation and amortization... .... .... .................... Selling, general and adminis trati ve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 624 ( 0 263 356 268 Gross Margin............................................ ------- -- -- ------ 322 ------------------------------------ .r.: /TABLE::.. Some of the statements in this press release include statements about our future expectations. Statements that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements " for the purpose of the safe harbor provided by Section 21E of the Exchange Act and Section 27A of the Securities Act. Such statements may include projections of financial and operational results and goals, including revenue, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, profitability, savings and cash. In some cases, you can identify these so-called .. forward-looking statements" by our use of words such as II may , " 1I will,II should, Ir "expect plan, " " anticipate," "believe,1I "estimate, " " predict, II "project, II "intend" or potential" or the negative of those words and other comparable words. These forward-looking statements are subject to known as well as unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations. Our expectations are based on various factors and assumptions and reflect only our predictions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statement include technological, regulatory, public policy or other developments in our industry, availability and adequacy of capital resources, current and future economic conditions, the existence of strategic alliances, our ability to generate cash, our ability to implement process and network improvements, our ability to attract and retain customers, our ability to migrate traffic to appropriate platforms and changes in the competitive climate in which we operate. These and other risks are described in more detail in our most recent Annual Report on Form lO-K filedwith the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information or otherwise. Contact: McLeodUSA Incorporated, Cedar Rapids, IA Investor Contact: Bryce NemitzPress Contact: Bruce TiemannPhone: ( 319 ) 790 - 7800 ~PAGE~ McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations(In millions, except per share data) (UNAUDITED) .(TABLE~ "'CAPTION~ http://www.see.goy! Archives/edgar/data/919943/00009S0 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0... Thr 3/31/2005 Page 23 of 26 ---------~- ----- December 31 , 2 - - - - - -- --------- .(; S :..(;c~ Revenue 162. Operating expenses: Cost of service (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below) Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Restructuring adjustment 86. 61. 89. ---------------- Total operating expenses 237 . 9 --- ------------- Operating loss (75. ---------------- Nonoperating (expense) income: Interest expense, net of amounts capi ta1izedOther (expense) income (13. (9. -- -------------- Total nonoperating (expense) income (22. -- - - --- --- - ---- Net loss (98. -- -- --- --- ------ Preferred stock dividend (0. -- - ------ - -- ---- Net loss applicable to common shares (98. -------------------------------- Basic and diluted loss per common share (0. --------------------~----------- Weighted average common shares outstanding 304. ----------------------- --------.(; / TABLE:. .(;PAGE~ McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations(In millions, except per share data) .c:TABLE~ .(;CAPTION~ ---------------- December 31, --------------- - (unaudited) .::5)0 .(; C :. Revenue 716. Operating expenses: http://www.see.gov! Archivesledgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 24 of 26 Cost of service (exclusive of depreciation shown separately below) Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Impairment charge Restructuring adjustment and amortization 393. 268. 356. 263. (0. ------------ Total operating expenses 281. ------------ Operating loss (565. ------------ Nonopera t ing expense: Interest expense, net of amounts capitalizedOther (expense) income (48. (10. ------------ Total nonoperating expense (58. -- -- ---- - --- Net loss (624 . ------------ Preferred stock dividend (2. - - -- --- - ---- Net loss applicable to common shares (627. ------------------------ Basic and diluted loss per common share (2 . 12 ----------------------- Weighted average cornmon shares outstanding 296. ---------~-------------- .c;:: / TABLE::. .c;::PAGE::. McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions) ..:::TABLE::o -c:CAPTION~ December 31, 2004 ----- --- ------------ (unaudi ted) ASSETS Current Assets c::S::.c:: C ;:. Cash and cash equivalents Trade receivables, net Prepaid expense and otherAssets held for sale 50. 58. 19. -------------- Total Current Assets 128. -------------- Non-current Assets Property and equipment, net Goodwill and other intangibles, net Other non-current assets 728. 144. 23. -------------- http://www.see.gov! Archives/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950172-05-0...3/31/2005 Page 25 of 26 Total Non-current Assets 897 . -------------- Total Assets 025. ---------------------------- LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabi Ii ties Current maturities of long-term debt Accounts payable Deferred revenue, current portion Other current liabilitiesLiabili ties related to discontinued 49. 39. 95.operations -------------- Total Current Liabilities 191. -------------- Long-term Liabilities Long-term debt, excluding current rnaturi ties Deferred revenue less current portion Other long-term liabilities 727 . 17. 61. -------------- Total Long-term Liabilities B06. -------------- Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock 75. Stockholders ' (Deficiency) Equity (46. -------------- Total Liabilities and Stockholders (Deficiency) Equity 025. ---------------------------- ~ /TABLE::o- c:; PAGE:;.. McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Selected Telecommunications Statistical Data c:;TABLE:;.. ~CAPTION::- --------- ---- ----------- 12/31/03. --- ---~-- --------------- c:; S:;..c:;C::- Active central offices 724 Collocations 663 Swi tches owned CO ATM / Frame Relay DSLAMs installed 435 http://www .see.goYI Archives/edgar/data/919943/000095017205000823/0000950172-05-0..3/31/2005 Page 26 of 26 Total Competitive: Customers Access Units / Customer 395,641 Revenue per Customer / Month Local Long di stance Private line & data 111. 31. 29. - - -- - -- - - -- --- --- - - ----- Total 172. ------------------------------------------~---- Platform Distribution Resale UNE-M/ P UNE - L 30% 65% ------------------------ Total 100% ---------------------------------~------------ Excluding impact of federally mandated access rate reduction local revenue per c TABLE;:. ..:/TEXT::-- DOCUMENT::-- .:; I SEC-DOCUMENT::-- -----END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- http://www .see.goy! Arc hi ves/edgar/data/919943/0000950 17205000823/0000950 172-05-0...3/31/2005 XHIB IT E to Response of Qwest Corporation to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Motion for Emergency Relief cIeod USA~ FOR IMMEDIA TE RELEASE McLeodUSA Reports Fourth Quarter and Total Year 2004 Results Continued strong operational performance but revenue declines Actively pursuing strategic partner or sale of the Company Entered forbearance agreement with Lenders to maintain liquidity Discussions for debt restructuring underway with Lender Committee where recovery for preferred or common stockholders is unlikely CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - March 16, 2005 McLeodUSA Incorporated (Nasdaq: MCLD), one of the nation s largest independent, competitive telecommunications services providers, today reported financial and operating results for the quarter and total year ended December 31 2004. Total revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2004 were $162.6 million compared to $168.1 million in the third quarter of 2004 and $209.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. Revenues were down from the third quarter of 2004 due to a reduction in total access lines as new retail sales did not offset existing customer turnover; as well as, lower IRU sales and the impact of normal fourth quarter seasonality on long distance volume. Gross marginl for fourth quarter 2004 was $75.8 million compared to $74.0 million in the third quarter of 2004 and $93.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2003. Gross margin in the fourth quarter included approximately $6.2 million of rate settlements. Gross margin as a percent of revenue, including the impact of the rate settlements, was 46.6% versus 44.0% in the third quarter of2004 and 44.6% in the fourth quarter of 2003. SG&A expenses for the fourth quarter of 2004 were $61.7 million compared to $62. million in the third quarter of 2004 and $77.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2003 as the Company continued to realize the benefit of its ongoing expense reduction programs. Adjusted EBITDAl in the fourth quarter of 2004 was $14.1 million including the $6.2 million of rate settlements, versus $11.5 million in the third quarter of 2004 and $16.5 million in the fourth quarter of2003. Net loss from continuing operations for the quarter was $(98.1) million, or a loss per common share of $(0.32), versus $(352.8) million in the third quarter of 2004, which included a non-cash charge of $263.1 million related to the impairment of goodwill and intangible assets, and $(56.6) million in the fourth quarter of 2003. The Company s strong operational performance continued in the fourth quarter of 2004. The customer satisfaction rating was 93%, billing accuracy was 99.9% and the Company continued to consistently achieve 99.999% network reliability, all in line with Company goals. Customer platform mix at the end of the fourth quarter 2004 was 71 % UNE-, 4% resale and 25% UNE-P versus 70%, 4% and 26%, respectively, at the end of the third quarter of 2004 and 65%, 5% and 30%, respectively, at the end of the fourth quarter 2003. The Company continued to migrate resale and UNE-P customers to UNE-L and add new customers to the more profitable UNE-L platform. In January 2005, the Company reached an agreement with Qwest Communications for the continued provisioning and service of its UNE-P lines. Customer line turnover in the fourth quarter was 2.2% versus 2.4% in the third quarter of 2004 and 2.% in the fourth quarter of 2003. Business customer line turnover was 0% in the fourth quarter of 2004 compared to 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2003. Total revenues for the year ended December 31 , 2004, were $716.2 million versus $869.0 million for the year 2003 primarily driven by the federally mandated access rate reductions of $43.3 million, lower long distance rates and volume of $40. million, and the decline in price and volume of local services of $48.0 million. Gross margin for the year ending December 31 , 2004 was $322.4 million versus $370. million in 2003 driven by the decline in revenues offset by increased profitability associated with the migration of the business to UNE-L and the favorable impact of the Company s ongoing cost reduction initiatives. Gross margin as a percent of revenue for the year was 45.0% versus 42.6% in 2003. Total SG&A expenses for the year were $268.4 million and $312.2 million in 2004 and 2003 , respectively, as the Company successfully executed its expense reduction and productivity improvement plans. Adjusted EBITDA was $54.0 million for year 2004 versus $57.9 million in 2003. Net loss for the year ended December 31 , 2004 was $(624.5) million versus $(295.7) million for the year ended December 31 , 2003. Net loss for 2004 included a non-cash impairment charge of $263.1 million to recognize full impairment of goodwill and a partial impairment of the McLeodUSA trade name. The Company ended the year with $50.0 million of cash on hand which included a planned $20 million withdrawal from the exit credit facility in the fourth quarter. December 31 , 2004 the Company had withdrawn a total of $100 million and had issued approximately $8 million of letters of credit against the $110 million funded exit credit facility. The Company was in compliance with all financial covenants at December 31 2004. The Company s cash balance was approximately $45 million as of March 15 2005. Pursuit of Strate!!ic Alternatives As an independent communications services provider, realizing the revenue growth benefits of operational excellence continues to be a challenge for the Company as it competes against large, financially strong competitors with well-known brands. Most recently, the FCC has finalized its unbundling rules and the communications industry consolidation has accelerated. With the recent merger announcements in the industry, the Company believes that the large telecommunications providers will likely become even more aggressive upon the closing of these transactions further challenging the Company s ability to grow revenue. In response, the Company s Board of Directors has authorized the Company to pursue strategic alternatives. In support of these initiatives, the Company has hired Miller Buckfire Ying & Co., LLC and Gleacher Partners, LLC as its financial advisors. The Company is now actively pursuing a strategic partner or a sale of the Company while also taking steps to maintain future liquidity, including evaluating a capital restructuring to reduce the current debt level enabling the Company to achieve positive cash flow going forward. The Company believes that its operational excellence combined with a highly trained workforce, state of the art product offerings and expansive network could provide strategic benefits to existing multi-state and regional telecom services providers. addition, through the extensive cost reduction programs, which have been implemented over the past several years, the Company believes its wholesale product suite offers an attractive alternative to UNE-P providers for local access lines and competitive long distance services. In the interim, the Company has entered a forbearance agreement with its Lenders with respect to scheduled principal and interest payments on its loans under which the Lenders have agreed not to take any action as a result of non-payment by the Company of approximately $18.1 million of scheduled principal amortization and interest payments due on or before March 31 2005 and any related events of default through May 23, 2005. Financial Restructurin!! In light of the revenue outlook and the Company s on-going cash requirements, the Company has also begun discussions related to a capital restructuring with its agent bank and a group of lenders acting as a steering committee for the lenders under its credit facilities. The Company and this committee are in negotiations related to terms of a capital restructuring which includes the conversion of a significant portion of the Company s current outstanding debt into equity. Under such a restructuring, the holders of the Company s current debt would become equity shareholders of the Company with the current holders of the preferred and common stock unlikely to receive any recovery. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to reach an agreement with its lenders regarding a capital restructuring or continued forbearance and covenant relief prior to the end of the initial forbearance period on May 23 , 2005. There also can be no assurance that the Company will be able to identify a suitable strategic partner or buyer or reach agreement with any such strategic partner or buyer on terms and conditions acceptable to the Company prior to the end of the initial forbearance period. In the event these alternatives are not available to the Company, it is likely that the Company will elect to forgo making future principal and interest payments to its lenders while it continues to seek an extended forbearance period or permanent capital restructuring from its lenders, or alternatively, the Company could be forced to seek protection from its creditors. While the Company continues to explore a variety of options with a view toward maximizing value for all of its stakeholders, none of the options presented to date have suggested that there will be any meaningful recovery for the Company s current preferred stock or common stock holders. Accordingly, it is unlikely that holders of the Company s preferred stock or common stock will receive any recovery in a capital restructuring or other strategic transaction. The Company believes that by not making principal and interest payments on the credit facilities, cash on hand together with cash flows from operations is sufficient to maintain operations in the ordinary course without disruption of services. The Company does not expect that the exploration of the alternatives described above will negatively impact its customers or vendors. The Company remains committed to continuing to provide the highest level of service to its customers and to maintaining its strong supplier relationships. As a result of the activities described above the Company has delayed the filing of its Form 10-K with the SEC. The Company has completed its internal control review as required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and is prepared to issue its Management's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting stating that based on management's assessment , management believes that as of December 31 , 2004, the Company s internal control over financial reporting is effective. The Company expects that the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Report that will be issued in connection with the filing of Form 10-K will include comments with respect to the Company s ability to continue as a going concern. Other recent highlights include: On January 3 , 2005 , the Company announced a five-year extension to its contract with the State of Iowa for operation and maintenance of the Iowa Communications Network. McLeodUSA will continue to operate the network from its Operations Center near Des Moines, perform field services and conduct network locate services statewide. This contract extension, expiring December 9, 2009, will result in recurring revenue to McLeodUSA of approximately $5 million annually. On December 20 2004, McLeodUSA announced that its Preferred Advantage(A) Dynamic Integrated Access, which utilizes the next generation Voice-over- Internet Protocol (VoIP) switching architecture, is now generally available for sale. The service has been initiated in 24 markets to date and the Company efforts are on track to provide service in 37 markets by April 30, 2005. The McLeodUSA Integrated Access produCt uses a secure IP network to offer integrated voice and data communications services over a single T-l facility to customer locations. Customers receive up to 1.544 Mbps Internet access, high quality voice service, 17 local calling features, the convenience of an easy-to- use web-based control panel, and the ability to add or change features and generate reports. On December 16, 2004, the Company announced a three-year renewable wholesale agreement with MCI whereby McLeodUSA will enable MCI to provide local telephone services to its residential customers using McLeodUSA facilities. The agreement provides for MCI and McLeodUSA to migrate a minimum of 200 000 local lines onto the McLeodUSA UNE-L network by October 31 2005. About McLeodUSA McLeodUSA provides integrated communications services, including local services, in 25 Midwest, Southwest, Northwest and Rocky Mountain states. The Company is a facilities-based telecommunications provider with, as of December 31 2004, 38 ATM switches, 39 voice switches, 699 collocations, 432 DSLAMs and 2 426 employees. As of April 16, 2002, Forstmann Little & Co. became a 58% shareholder in the Company. Visit the Company s Web site at www.mcleodusa.com Non-GAAP Financial Measures To provide further clarification, the Company has begun using the term Adjusted EBITDA as a replacement for EBITDA. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP fmancial measure used by management to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company s operating performance and to enhance the comparability between periods. EBITDA is an acronym for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA, as defined by McLeodUSA, further removes the effects of other income and expense restructuring adjustments and impairment charges. Management removes the effects of other income and expense, restructuring adjustments and impairment charges from Adjusted EBITDA because it does not believe that such items are representative of the core operating results of the Company s ongoing competitive telecommunications activities. For a facilities-based telecommunications services provider like McLeodUSA with high initial capital investments required in order to gain entry to the industry, management believes that omitting depreciation and amortization from Adjusted EBITDA provides a relevant and useful measure of the Company s core operating performance and enhances comparability between periods. Management believes that non-GAAP measures such as Adjusted EBITDA are commonly reported and used by analysts, investors and other interested parties in the telecommunications industry. Adjusted EBITDA is reconciled to net loss, the most comparable GAAP measure, within the table presented below. McLeodUSA's use of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies in the telecommunications industry. The use of Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to replace measures of fmancial perfonnance reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. (In millions) Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA: Net loss....................................................................... $ Interest expense .......................................................... Other nonoperating expense '.'.""""".'."'.""'."""'."'. Restructuring adjustment............................................ Impainnent charge...................................................... Depreciation and amortization.................................... Adjusted EBITDA ................................................ $ Dec 31, 2004 (98.1 ) 13. 89.4 14. (In millions) Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA: Net loss.... ... ......... ...... ...... .................. ..... ....... ..... ............ ......... Interest expense ....................................................................... Other nonoperating expense ".'.""'.""""""""""'.'."""""""'.' Restructuring adjustment......................................................... Impainnent charge................................................................... Depreciation and amortization................................................. Adjusted EBITDA ............................................................. $ Three months ended Sept 30, 2004 Dec 31, 2003 (352. 11.9 (56. (23. 1) (0. 263. 88. 11. 86. 16. (624. 48. 10. (0. 263. 356. 54. Year endedDec 31, 2004 Dec 31, 2003 (295. 35. (22. (0. 340. 57. Gross margin is another fmancial measure that management uses to evaluate operating performance. Gross margin, which is calculated as revenues less cost of service, excludes depreciation and amortization expenses. Cost of service includes expenses directly associated with providing telecommunications services to its customers. Costs classified as cost of service include, among other items, the cost of connecting customers to the McLeodUSA network via leased facilities, the costs paid to third party providers for interconnect access and transport services, the costs of leasing components of network facilities and the cost of fiber related to sales and leases of network facilities. Gross margin is reconciled to net loss, the most comparable GAAP measure, within the table presented below. (In millions) Reconciliation of Gross Margin: Net loss....................................................................... $ Interest expense .......................................................... Other nonoperating expense ....................................... Restructuring adjustment............................................ Impainnent charge ...............................,..................... Depreciation and amortization.................................... Selling, general and administrative....... "".""."""."'" Gross Margin """'.."""""""""""."""""""""""" $ Dec 31, 2004 (98.1) 13. Three months ended Sept 30, 2004 89.4 61.7 75. Dee 31, 2003 (352.(56. 11.9 (23. (0. 263. 88.86. 62.77. 74.93. (In millions) Year ended Dec 31, 2004 Dec 31, 2003 Reconciliation of Gross Margin: Net loss.................................................................................... $ Interest expense ......................................................"""""""'" Other nonoperating expense .................................................... Restructuring adjustment.... """""'" ............ ............. """""" ... Impairment charge.................................................""""""""" Depreciation and amortization...........................................""" Selling, general and administrative.......................................... Gross Margin ..................................................................... $ (624. 48. 10. (0. 263. 356. 268.4 322. 340. 312. 370. (295. 35. (22. (0. Some of the statements in this press release include statements about our future expectations. Statements that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" for the purpose of the safe harbor provided by Section 21 E of the Exchange Act and Section 27 A of the Securities Act. Such statements may include projections of fmancial and operational results and goals, including revenue, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA profitability, savings and cash. In some cases you can identify these so-called "forward-looking statements our use of words such as " " " will" "should" "ect" "lan " " antici ate " " believe " " estimate predict " " project " " intend" or "potential" or the negative of those words and other comparable words. These forward-looking statements are subject to known as well as unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations. Our expectations are based on various factors and assumptions and reflect only our predictions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statement include technological, regulatory, public policy or other developments in our industry, availability and adequacy of capital resources, current and future economic conditions, the existence of strategic alliances, our ability to generate cash, our ability to implement process and network improvements, our ability to attract and retain customers, our ability to migrate traffic to appropriate platforms and changes in the competitive climate in which we operate. These and other risks are described in more detail in our most recent Annual Report on Form lO-K filed with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information or otherwise. Contact: McLeodUSA Incorporated, Cedar Rapids, IA Investor Contact: Bryce Nemitz Press Contact: Bruce Tiemann Phone: (319) 790-7800 McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (In millions, except per share data) (UNAUDITED) Revenue Operating expenses: Cost of service (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below) Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Restructuring adjustment Total operating expenses Operating loss Nonoperating (expense) income: Interest expense, net of amounts capitalized (ijher (expense) income Total nonoperating (expense) income Net loss Preferred stock dividend Net loss applicable to common shares Basic and diluted loss per common share Weighted average common shares outstanding Three months ended December 31 2004 December 31,2003 162.209. 86. 61.7 89.4 116. 77. 86. (0.2) 279.4 (69. 237. (75. (13.(9. 9.2 23. (22.13.3 98.1 (56. (1.0) (98.57. (0.32)(0.20) 304.287. McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (In millions, except per share data) Revenue Operating expenses: Cost of service (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below) Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Impairment charge Restructuring adjustment Total operating expenses Operating loss Nonoperating expense: Interest expense, net of amounts capitalized ~her ( expense) income Total nonoperating expense Net loss Preferred stock dividend Net loss applicable to common shares Basic and diluted loss per common share Weighted average common shares outstanding Year ended December 31,2004 December 31, 2003 (unaudited) 716.869. 393. 268.4 356. 263. (0.2) 281.9 (565. 498. 312.2 340. (0.2) 151.4 (282.4) (48.2)(35. 22. 58.(13.3) 624.(295. (4. 627.4 (300.3) (1.07) 296.280.4 McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions) December 31, 2004 December 31, 2003 (unaudited) ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 50.56. Trade receivables, net 58.65. Prepaid expense and other 19.22.4 Assets held for sale Total Current Assets 128.146. Non-current Assets Property and equipment, net 728.007. Goodwill and other intangibles, net 144.446. Other non-current assets 23.29. Total Non-current Assets 897.1,484. Total Assets 025.630. LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabilities Current maturities of long-term debt 49.27. Accounts payable 39.30. Deferred revenue, current portion Other current liabilities 95.121.5 Liabilities related to discontinued operations 1.1 Total Current Liabilities 191.0 187. Long-term Liabilities Long-term debt, excluding current maturities 727.717. Deferred revenue less current portion 17.15. Other long-term liabilities 61.4 58. Total Long-term Liabilities 806.790. Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock 75.4 131.1 Stockholders' (Deficiency) Equity 46.521.7 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' (Deficiency) Equity 025.630. McLeodUSA Incorporated and Subsidiaries Selected Telecommunications Statistical Data 12/31/03 9/30/04 12/31/04 724 705 683 663 696 699 Active central offices Collocations Switches owned CO / LD ATM / Frame Relay DSLAMs installed 435 435 432 Total Competitive: Customers Access Units / Customer 395 641 356 938 348 258 Revenue per Customer / Month Local 111.18 102.04*99. Long distance 31.53 29.31. Private line & data 29.31.70 33. Total 172.163.164. Platform Distribution Resale UNE - M/P UNE- Total 30% 65% 100% 26% 70% 100% 25% 71% 100% Excluding impact of federally mandated access rate reduction, local revenue per customer was $104.