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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCI Network Sesrvices Inc.pdfMCI Network Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Title Page Cancels 5TH Revised Title Page REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF CHARGES APPLICABLE TO INTRASTATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FURNISHED BY MCI Network Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Public UtiHtres tummissiow Office 'Of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 23 2006 Boise., Issued: 1/11/06 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: 1/23/06 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 42ND Revised Page No. Cancels 41 ST Revised Page No. CHECK SHEET The title page and pages 1-98 inclusive of this Tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original Tariff in effect on the date indicated. PAGE Title 34. REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 96. 96. 96. 96.4 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 96.4.4 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 96.4. 69.96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96.10. 96.10. 96. 96. 96. 96. 86.96. 86. 86. 86.4 86.100 101 Idaho P1Jblic Ub1ities 'COTnmtssM Office 1)f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 23 2006 42* New or Revised Pages Issued: 1/11/06 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Boise. I~no Effective: 1/23/06 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. APPLICABILITY This Tariff contains the Service offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of intrastate telecommunications Services within the State of Idaho by MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. (hereinafter "MCI WorldCom" or "Company Idaho Public Utiliti Comm -, , ISs/on Of!,ce ?!...the SecretaryACCEPTEU FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. CONCURRING, CONNECTING AND OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS CONCURRING CARRIERS: No Concurring Carriers CONNECTING CARRIERS: No Connecting Carriers OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS: No Participating Carriers Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .. - Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3rd Revised Page No. (C) (D) (I ) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) (Z) To signify changed regulation To signify discontinued material To signify rate or charge increase EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS To signify new material To signify material relocated without change in text or rate To signify reduction To signify reissued material To signify a correction To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHECK SHEET APPLICABILITY CONCURRING, CONNECTING AND OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS II. RULES AND REGULATIONS ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS ASSIGNMENT 23- 44- CANCELLATION FOR CAUSE BY COMPANY 35- CANCELLATION OF SERVICE BY A CUSTOMER CHANGE IN SERVICE ARRANGEMENT 33-34. COLLOCATION OF CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT CUSTOMER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE 23- INSPECTION INTERCONNECTION WITH OTHER CARRIERS LIABILITY 52- METHOD FOR CALCULATION OF AIRLINE MILEAGE 28- OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 25- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING M A'f 7 - 2001 801~e, I danG Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont' PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS RESTORATION OF SERVICE PAGE 4 1 - SPECIAL CUSTOMER ARRANGEMENTS SYSTEMS SECURITY T AX ADJUSTMENTS 50- 43- TESTING AND ADJUSTMENT TIME OF DAY RATE PERIODS USE OF SERVICE 36- III. TECHNICAL STANDARDS ACCEPTANCE TESTS APPLICATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS MAINTENANCE IV. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES APPLICATION OF NONRECURRING CHARGES 65- 75- BASE RATES - MONTHLY CUSTOMER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT 70- 72 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 16TH Revised Page No. Cancels 15TH Revised Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont' PAGE DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (DDS) DS-O (DIGITAL SlQ.NAL LEVEL 0) SERVIC~ DS-1 (DIGITAL S!GNAL LEVEL 1) SERVICE NONRECURRING CHARGES PRICE PROTECTION PLAN SCHEDULE OF ANCILLARY CHARGES 73- 74 80- DISCOUNTS 68- MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES LEC BILLED MEASURED SERVICSE 84- 96. CLASSIC CNC SERVICES 97- 99-100 CustomOne 96.4-96. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE 800 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE LEGEND 96.196. LOCAL ACCESS CHARGES NETWORK SERVICE PREPAID CALLING CARD OPERATOR SERVICES 96.13- 91- VOICE CARD SERVICE VYST A DIRECT VYST A 800 VYST A 800 DIRECT VYST A - ONE PLUS 90- 86- .._ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective~..M-ay7,...Q00 1 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. Cancels 8TH Revised Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont' PAGE WILMAXTM WILMAX UNIVERSAL 96.96. 97- WILPLUS I WILPLUS IITM 84-86. 86.86. WILPLUS III WILPLUS IVTM 86.4-86. 96. WILPLUS OPTIONAL FEATURES VI. SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFERING 96. Idaho Public Utitities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 aoiSt, Idaho . -. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Tariff, the following definitions will apply: Access Coordination Provides for the design, ordering, Installation, coordination, re-Service testing, Service turn-up and maintenance on a Company or Customer provided Local Access Channel. Administrative ChanQe A change in Customer billing address or contact name. AQQreQator Any person, partnership, association, joint stock company, trust corporation, governmental agency,or any other entity that in the ordinary course of its operations, makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises, for intrastate telephone ails using Company as theprovider of its Operator Services. Alternate Access Alternate Access is a form of Local Access except that the provider of the Service is an entity, other than the Local Exchange Carrier, authorized or permitted to provide such Service. Thecharges for Alternate Access may be subject to private agreement rather than published or specialTariff if permitted by applicable governmental rules. AMI Alternate Mark Inversion. Ancillary CharQes Charges for supplementary Services as set forth in Section IV herein both nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges.for which may consist of Annual Commitment The required level of aggregate charges for each consecutive twelve month period in the Service Commitment Period beginning with the first full bill cycle following theearliest of Service Date and each subsequent anniversary. Application for Service A standard Company order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical and other descriptiveinformation which will enable Company to provide a communication Service as required. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho . .. "" .." ' ..- Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No.1 0 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No.1 0 DEFINITIONS (Cont' ASR ASR (Access Service Request) means an order placed with a Local Access Provider for LocalAccess. Authorization Code One or more codes (consisting of 5 or more digits), made available to Metered Use ServiceCustomers to identify themselves as Customers entitled to access and use of Company Services. Authorized User A person, firm, corporation or other entity that either is authorized by the Customer to receive orsend communications or is placed in a position by the Customer, either through acts or omissions,to send or receive communications. B8ZS Bipolar with eight zero substitution. Bandwidth The total frequency band, in hertz , allocated for a channel. Bill Date The date on which billing information is compiled and sent to the Customer. Call A completed connection between the Calling and Called Stations. Called Station The telephone number called. Callinq Station The telephone number from which a Call originates. Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionOffIce 0'1 the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ._~~..,........ "--'.'."-'-"'." ...~._ Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 11 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 11 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Cancellation of Order A Customer initiated request to discontinue processing a Service order, either in part or in itsentirety, prior to its completion. Cancellation charges will be assessed for each Circuit-end orDedicated Access line canceled from an order prior to its completion by Company, under thefollowing circumstances: (1) if the LEC has confirmed in writing to Company that the Circuit-end orDedicated Access line will be installed; or (2) if Company has already submitted facilities orders toan interconnecting telephone company. Channel or Circuit A dedicated communications path between two or more points having a bandwidth or Transmission Speed specified in this Tariff and selected by a Customer. Collect Call A billing arrangement whereby the Called Station accepts the charges for the Call placed over the Company s Service. The person at the Called Station who accepts the Call is responsible for allcharges and is subject to the provisions of this Tariff. Collect Calls cannot be placed to a public or semi-public payphone. Company MCI World Com Network Services, Inc. Concentration and Seqreqation In the DCS Concentration/Segregation application the DCS equipment located in a Company Point- of-Presence is used to electronically multiplex/demultiplex DS-O or DDS level channels from a Customer s OS-1 level Interexchange Service or Local Access circuit and then electronically cross- connect those channels to OS-O/DDS level Interexchange Service or Local Access facilities. Thisapplication is Company s required alternative to the use of OS-1/0S-0 channel banks and DS-O levelelectrical distribution frames within Company Points-of Presence. The exact cross-connection of the OS-O/ODS channels must be specified at the time of order, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ,. .., .,. '" ..., Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No.1 2 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Consumer A person initiating any intrastate interLA T A telephone Call at an Aggregator location using Operator Services. Corporate Bill An optional billing feature associated with Measured Service which provides additional information on the Customer location or department making Call(s) on the monthly invoice for Measured Service. Customer The person , firm , corporation or other entity which uses, caused the use of, or allows the use of the Carrier s communication network and/or services and is thereby responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the Carrier s tariff regulations. A Customer is considered to be an account for billing purposes. If an entity orders Service in more than one city or requests theassignment of multiple account numbers, each such account is a separate Customer for billingpurposes. The term Customer also includes an entity that (1) has not presubscribed to Company Service, but accesses Company by dialing the access number 10555, or any other Company carrier identification code, (2) remains presubscribed to Company Service after its account(s) are removed from Company s billing system, subsequently continues to use Company s network, and is billed by a local exchange carrier for such use, (3) accepts responsibility for the charges associated with anOperator Services Call, or (4) otherwise uses Service for which no other Customer is obligated tocompensate Company. A Consumer may be considered to be a Customer. Customer Premises/Customer s Premises Locations designated by a Customer where Service is originated/terminated whether for its own communications needs or for the use of its resale customers. DCS DCS means Digital Cross-Connect System. DDS Service DDS means Digital Data Service which is an all digital dedicated Interexchange Service designed for full-duplex data transmission at a synchronous speed of 56 Kbps. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho _~... .. _.. ... ...-.,.... ' .. '.0, -. ...-..~ Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No.1 3 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No, 13 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Dedicated Access/Special Access Dedicated Local Access between the Customer s Premises or serving wire center and the Company s Point-of-Presence for origination or termination of Calls. Diversity Customer-designated routing which indicates a Customer designated departure from a Company primary route. Drop and Insert In this application, the multiplex equipment is used to electronically cross-connect OS-O/DDS level channels between Customer DS-1 circuits or cross-connect DS-1 level circuits between Customer DS-3 circuits at a common multiplex location and may also provide for the dropping and/or inserting of DS-O/ODS level channels at that common location for connection to OS-O level Local Access or Interexchange facilities. The DS-1 circuits may be a combination of OS-1 level Interexchange Services as DS-1 level Local Access facilities. The exact cross-connection of the channels between the Customer s circuits must be specified at the time of order. DS- DS-O means Digital Signal Level 0 Service and is a 64 Kbps signal. DS- DS-1 means Digital Signal Level 1 Service and is a 1.544 Mbps signal. DS-O with VF Access DS-O Service with VF local Access facilities provides for the transmission of analog voice and/ordata within 300 Hz to 3000 Hz frequency range. DS-O with DDS Access DS-O Service with DDS Local Access facilities provides for the transmission of digital data speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 or 56 Kbps. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ,..~- ..-..-., ~. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 14 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 14 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Due Date The Due Date is the date on which payment is due. ESF Extended Super Frame. Emerqency Service Company provides Consumers telephone access to public safety answering points in their localitiesthrough Company operators. When Company routes a Call to a public safety answering point or a governmental emergency service provider, this Service shall be known as Emergency Service. Exemption Certificate A written Customer designation which certifies that its dedicated facility should be exempted fromthe monthly Special Access Surcharge because the Service: (a)terminates on a device incapable of connecting Company s network with the local exchangenetwork; or (b)is associated with a Switched Access Service that is subject to Carrier Common Line charges; or (c)constitutes a Private Line facility used for Telex Service or radio or television transmissions, (d)is an open-end termination in a Local Exchange Carrier s switch of an FX line; or (e)is a termination that could not make use of a Local Exchange Carrier s common lines. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING NAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho - ..- ""'.' ....... Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No.1 5 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 15 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Expedite A Service order initiated at the request of the Customer that is processed in a time period shorterthan the Company standard Service interval. FCC Federal Communications Commission. Hierarchical Billinq A billing Feature associated with Measured Service approved by Company for joint use Service accordance with Section 11.6.03. Individual Case Basis Individual Case Basis (lCB) determinations involve situations where complex Customer-specificCompany arrangements are required to satisfactorily serve the Customer. The nature of suchService requirements makes it difficult or impossible to establish general Tariff provisions for suchcircumstances. When it becomes possible to determine specific terms and conditions for such offerings, they will be offered pursuant to such terms and conditions. Installation The connection of a Circuit, Dedicated Access line, or port for new, changed or an additionalService. Interexchanqe Service Interexchange Service means that portion of a communications channel between a Company-designated Point-of-Presence in one exchange and a Point-of-Presence in another exchange. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission . OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho ",., ..".~-, .. . . Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 16 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 16 DEFINITIONS (Cont' InterruPtion Interruption shall mean a condition whereby the Private Line Service or a portion thereof isinoperative (as defined in Company s FCC No.4 Tariff, Section IV.), beginning at the time of noticeby the Customer to Company that such Service is inoperative and ending at the time of restoration. See Section 11.10.04 set forth in this Tariff. Kbps Kilobits per second. LATA (Local Access Transport Area) A geographical area established for the provision and administration of communications Service of alocal exchange company. LEC Card The billing arrangement which enables the Consumer to bill Calls to an authorized calling card issued by a Local Exchange Carrier. Local Access Local Access means the Service between a Customer Premises and a Company designated Point-of-Presence. Local Access Provider Local Access Provider means an entity providing Local Access. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , . Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 17 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 17 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Local Exchanqe Carrier (,bg The local telephone utility that provides telephone exchange services. Mbps Megabits per second. Measured Service Telecommunications Service furnished to Customer under the terms and conditions of this Tariffbased on the within stated and applicable per minute Base Rate charges and/or any other perminute charges or set-up charges for other service set forth in Company tariffs filed at the federal and state levels. Multiplexinq Multiplexing, or "muxing," is the sequential combining of lower bit rate Private Line Services onto a higher bit rate Private Line Service for more efficient facility capacity usage or vice versa. DS-1/DS-0 (D4) Multiplexing: This is a Service provided by the Local Exchange Carrier at the Local Exchange Carrier wire center that allows for the multiplexing/demultiplexing of 24 VF or DS-O channels per DS-1 . M13 Multiplexing: M 13 Multiplexing includes the provision of M 13 multiplexing equipment in a Company-designated Point-of-Presence to perform the function of multiplexing or demultiplexing up to 28 DS-1 level Interexchange Services or Local Access circuits out of or into a single DS-level Interexchange Service or Local Access facility. Not available N/C No charge Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ,-"..., ,.. ,... - - ..,.., .' -. ,.~ Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No.1 8 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 18 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Nonrecurrinq Charqes Nonrecurring Charges are one-time charges. Operator Dialed Surcharqe Applies a surcharge to Operator Station and Person-to-Person rated calls when the customer hasthe capability of dialing all the digits necessary to complete a call , but elects to dial only thecompany operator and requests the operator to dial the called station. Operator Handlinq Fee A fee which applies to Calls which require the assistance of a Company operator. This charge mayvary depending upon the class of the Call selected by the Consumer or the Customer. Operator Services Operator Services means any intrastate telecommunications Service initiated from an Aggregatorlocation that includes as a component any automatic or live assistance to a Consumer to arrangefor billing or completion of an intrastate telephone Call through a method other than: (a) (b) automatic completion with billing to the telephone from which the Call originated; or completion through an access code used by the Consumer with billing to an accountpreviously established with the carrier by the Consumer. Payment Method The manner which the Customer designates as the means of billing charges for Calls using theCompanys Service. Person-to-Person A Service arrangement where the Consumer specifies to the Company operator a particular persondepartment, mobile station , extension, or office to be reached. If the original person, department,mobile station, extension, or office designated by the Caller is unavailable and the Caller requests oragrees to talk to any other party, the Call is still classed as a Person-to-Person Call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho "-'-._~. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective : May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. DEFINITIONS (Cont' Physical ChanQe The modification of an existing Circuit, Dedicated Access line or port, at the request of theCustomer, requiring some Physical Change or retermination. Point-of-Presence (fQE2 A Company-designated location where a facility is maintained for the purpose of providing accessto its Service. Primary Route The route which, in the absence of Customer-designated routing or temporary re-routing, would beused by Company in the provision of Service. Private Line A dedicated transmission channel furnished to a customer without intermediate switchingarrangements for full-time customer use. Private Line Service A dedicated full-time transmission Service utilizing dedicated access arrangements. Rate Center A specified geographical location used for determining mileage measurements. Requested Service Date The Requested Service Date is the date requested by the Customer for commencement of Serviceand agreed to by Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho _._. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 20 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Restore To make Service operative following an interruption by repair, reassignment, re-routing, substitutionof component parts, or otherwise, as determined by the carrier(s) involved. Route Diversity Two channels which are furnished partially or entirely over two physically separate routes. Service Service means any or all Service(s) provided pursuant to this Tariff. Service Commitment Period The term selected by the Customer and stated on the Service order during which Company will provide the Services subscribed to by the Customer. The term can be monthly or in the case of Private Line Services for a period of up to 5 years. Super Frame. Special Promotional OfferinQs Special trial offerings, discounts, or modifications of its regular Service offerings which theCompany may, from time to time, offer to its Customers for a particular Service. Such offeringsmay be limited to certain dates, times, and locations. Start of Service Date The Requested Service Date or the date Service first is made available by Company whichever islater. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ~ the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho .__. ' Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 21 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 21 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Station-to-Station A Service arrangement, other than Person-to-Person, which requires the assistance of a Companyoperator to complete the Call to the designated telephone number. Tariff The current Intrastate Services Tariff and effective revisions thereto filed by Company with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Technical Standards - Private Line Services Technical Standards for Private Line Services are governed by the Performance Specifications described in Section III of Company s FCC 4 Tariff. Third Party Billinq A billing arrangement by which a Call may be charged to an authorized station other than the Calling or Called Station. The entity agreeing to pay for the Call whether it is an existing Company Customer or not is responsible for all charges related to the Call. Transmission Speed Data transmission speed or rate, in bits per seconds (bps). Twelve O'Clock In designating time, 12:00 a.m. refers to 12:00 Midnight and 12:00 p.m. refers to 12:00 Noon. Two-Way Conversation A Two-Way Conversation is a telephone conversation between or among two or more parties. VF is voice frequency or voice-grade Service designed for private-line Service. Normal transmissionis in the 300 hertz to 3000 hertz frequency band. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .............. ....~,. ._.......",-.,., ....... Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 22 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 22 DEFINITIONS (Cont' Company Recoqnized National Holidays The following are Company Recognized National Holidays determined at the location of the originator of the Call, Holidays:In addition to Valentine s Day, the Company observes the following federally recognized holidays: New Year s Day Martin Luther King Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day, July 4th Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran s Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day The evening rate is used unless a lower rate would normally apply. When a Call begins in one rate period and ends in another, the rate in effect in each rate period applies to the portion of the Call occurring within that rate period. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . , . " .,.. - Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 .DescriPtion and Limitations of Services Intrastate Telecommunications Service is the furnishing of Company communicationServices contained herein between specified locations under the terms of this Tariff. Any member of the general public (including any natural person or legally organized entitysuch as a corporation , partnership, or governmental body) is entitled to obtain Service under this Tariff , provided that Company reserves the right to deny Service: (A) to any Customerthat, in Company s reasonable opinion, presents an undue risk of nonpayment and refusesto comply with the deposit requirements set forth in Section II. 7 .03 herein, (B) incircumstances in which Company has reason to believe that the use of the Service wouldviolate the provisions of this Tariff or any applicable law or if any applicable law restricts or prohibits provision of the Service, or (C) if insufficient facilities are available to provide theService (in such cases Company shall take reasonable efforts to accommodate the needs ofall potential Customers by means of facility improvements or purchases of capacity, if such efforts will, in Company s opinion, provide Company with a reasonable return on its expenditures), but only for so long as such unavailability exists. Company, when acting at the Customer s request and as its authorized agent, will makereasonable efforts to arrange for Service requirements such as special routing, Diversity,Alternate Access, or circuit conditioning. Service is offered in equal access exchanges subject to the availability of facilities and the provisions of this Tariff. Company reserves the right to refuse to provide Service to or fromany location where the necessary facilities and/or equipment are not available. Service may be discontinued upon written notice to the Customer if: the Customer is using the Service in violation of this Tariff; the Customer is using the Service in violation of the law or Commission regulation. Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionOffIce O'f the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . .- ,-" , .. . '....", Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7 , 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 24 II. 1 . RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Description and Limitations of Services (Cont' Service begins on the date that billing becomes effective and is provided on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month , 24 hours per day. For the purposes of computingcharges in this Tariff, a month is considered to have 30 days. Service will be provided until canceled, by the Customer on not less than thirty (30) days written notice from the date of postmark on the letter giving notice of cancellation. Nothing herein, or in any other provision of this Tariff , or in any marketing materials issuedby the Company shall give any person any ownership, interest, or proprietary right in any code or 800 number issued by the Company to its Customers. The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing Services or billing options, uponwritten notice, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control. Conditions beyond the Company s control include, but are not limited to, a Customer s having Call volume or acalling pattern that results, or may result, in network blockage or other Service degradationwhich adversely affects Service to the calling party, the Customer, or other Customers of the Company. Service may be discontinued by the Company, without notice to the Customer, by blockingtraffic to or from certain cities, or NXX exchanges, or by blocking Calls using certainCustomer authorization codes such as Calling Card codes, when the Company deems itnecessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its Service. The Company willrestore Service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk. Customers of the Company s Voice Card Service will be provided a replacement code in the event their initialcode is canceled. A maximum of 1 replacement code will be issued. At the request of private payphone owners, Company will arrange to have direct dial Calls blocked from thepayphone to all domestic locations. Company may refuse to accept Voice Card, LEC Card,Collect Calling, or Third Number Calls which it determines to be invalid and/or may limit theuse of these billing options to or from certain areas, cities or NXX exchanges in order to control fraud. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ............." Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 1 .Description and Limitations of Services (Cont' Toll access will not be provided to local 976 numbers because the proprietors of theServices offered through such numbers have not provided Company with a schedule of theircharges. Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive Service, notices may be given orally or in writing to the persons whose names andbusiness addresses appear on the executed Service order and the effective date of anynotice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing. By written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive notice and/or the address which such notice is to be delivered. In the event no Customer or Company address isprovided in the executed Service order, notice shall be given to the last known business address of Customer or Company, as appropriate. Other Terms and Conditions The name(s) of the Customer(s) desiring to use the Service must be stipulated in the application for Service. The Customer agrees to operate the Company provided equipment in accordance with instructions of the Company or the Company s agent. Failure to do so will void theCompany liability for interruption of Service and may make Customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to Section 11.2.03 below. Customer agrees to return to the Company all Company-provided equipment delivered toCustomer within five (5) days of termination of the Service in connection with which the equipment was used. Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered toCustomer, normal wear and tear only excepted. Customer shall reimburse the Company,upon demand, for any costs incurred by the Company due to Customer s failure to comply with this provision. A Customer shall not use any service mark or trademark of the Company or refer to theCompany in connection with any product, equipment, promotion, or publication of theCustomer without prior written approval of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . -., ,., ,.. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 26 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Other Terms and Conditions (Cont' In the event suit is brought or an attorney is retained by the Company to enforce the terms of this Tariff, the Company shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy,reimbursement for reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and otherrelated expenses incurred in connection therewith. The provision of Service will not create a partnership or joint venture between the Company and the Customer nor result in joint Service offerings to their respective Customers. The rate or volume discount level applicable to a Customer for a particular Service orServices shall be the rate or volume discount level in effect at the beginning of the monthly billing period applicable to the Customer for the particular Service or Services. When a Service is subject to a minimum monthly charge, account charge, port charge or other recurring charge or Nonrecurring Charge for both intrastate and interstate Service, only onesuch charge shall apply per account and that charge shall be the interstate charge. In the event that Service was provided for less than a month , monthly recurring charges will bepro-rated. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in Section V., the following Non- Measured Service charges including without limitation charges for Operator Services, Directory Assistance, Ancillary Charges, Optional Features, and Taxes do not contribute, nor are they eligible for, volume and/or term discount. Service requested by Customer and to be provided pursuant to this Tariff shall be requestedon Company Service order forms in effect from time to time or Customer s forms acceptedin writing by an authorized headquarters representative of Company (collectively referred toas "Service orders ). When the Customer places a Service order for any of the Services contained herein, the Customer must provide the Company with the Customer s name andaddress for billing purposes and a contact name if different from that of the Customer, If aCustomer places Service orders for multiple premises, the Customer must also provide theCompany with the contact name, telephone number, and address at each premises where Service will be installed. Each Service order shall reference this Tariff and, when acceptedin writing by Company, the Service order will be deemed to set forth the final operative obligations between Company and the Customer regarding the Services described therein tothe extent that it specifies the type of Service, quantity of Circuits, originating andterminating cities, originating telephone numbers, Requested Service Date, ServiceCommitment Period, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho -... ,......_-'.'.'..'.~ .'...... Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 27 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 27 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Other Terms and Conditions (Cont' if any, changes and other information necessary for Company to process the Service order.Any other items and conditions that are typed, printed or otherwise included in any Serviceorder shall be deemed to be solely for the convenience of the parties unless noted as anIndividual Case Basis (lCB) term or condition. No action by Company (including, withoutlimitation, provision of Service to Customer pursuant to such Service order) shall beconstrued as binding or estopping Company with respect to such term or condition , unlessthe Service order containing said specific term or condition has been signed by an authorized headquarters representative of Company and Customer. Company shall have noobligation except those as set forth in this Tariff or contained in Service orders and all otherrepresentations or agreements, oral or written, shall be of no effect. In the event theService orders and this Tariff are inconsistent, this Tariff shall prevail. If an entity other than the Company (e., another carrier or a supplier) imposes charges onthe Company in connection with a Service that entity s charges will be passed through tothe Customer also. The Service Commitment Period for any Service shall be established by the Service orderrelevant thereto and commence on the Start of Service Date. Upon expiration, each ServiceCommitment Period for such Service shall automatically be extended subject to writtennotice of termination by either Company or Customer as of a date not less than thirty (30)days after delivery of said notice to the other. The charges for Interexchange Serviceduring any such extension shall not exceed the then current Company month-to-month charges applicable to such Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ....._._,. .,-. . ..."-. . - -. - -. . Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 7TH Revised Page No. Cancels 6TH Revised Page No. 28 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liability Except as provided otherwise in this Tariff, the Company shall not be liable to Customer orany other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure isdue to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Company. Such causesshall include, without limitation , acts of God, fire, explosion , vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any law , order, regulation, direction , action or request of theUnited States government or of any other government or of any civil or military authority,national emergencies, insurrections , riots, wars, strikes, lockouts or work stoppages orother labor difficulties, supplier failures, shortages, breaches or delays, or preemption ofexisting Services to restore Service in compliance with Part 64, Subpart D, Appendix A, of the FCC's Rules and Regulations. With respect to the Services contained herein and except as otherwise provided herein, theCompanys liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the charge applicable to a oneminute Call to the Called Station at the time the affected Call was made. If the initialminute rate is higher than the additional minute rate, the higher rate shall apply. For thoseServices with monthly recurring charges, the Company s liability is limited to an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charges for the period during which Service was affected. Where the Company WilPlus II , WilPlus III, Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct, CustomOne orWilMAX Service is not made available on the date committed to the Customer, or cannototherwise be made available after the Company s acceptance of the Customer s Service order, or is provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) committed by the Company to the Customer, and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence of the Company, in such case the Company s liability, if any, will be limited to the lesser of (a)the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of such failure or failures, or (b) the sum of $1 000.00. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . ,.. ,.. " "', ..., ,.. Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7 , 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 11 TH Revised Page No. 29 Cancels 10TH Revised Page No. 29 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liability (Cont' The Company shall not be liable for the use or abuse of a Customer s WilPlus I, WilPlus II WilPlus III, Vysta One Plus, Vysta Direct, Voice Card, Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct Service, Network Service, Legend, CustomOne, WilMAX , WilPlus IV or other Service by any partyincluding, but not limited to, the Customer s employees or members of the public. "Use or abuse" includes , but is not limited to, any Calls placed by means of PBX-reorigination or anyother legal or illegal equipment, service or device. In the case of WilPlus II, WilPlus III,Vysta 800 and/or Vysta 800 Direct, CustomOne or WilMAX this also applies to third partieswho dial the Customer s 800 number by mistake. The Company shall not be liable for anyaction, such as blocking or refusal to accept certain Calls, that it deems necessary to takein order to prevent unlawful use of its Services. Compensation for any injury the Customermay suffer due to the fault of parties other than the Company must be sought from such other parties. The liability provided for above, shall, in each case, be in addition to anyamounts that may otherwise be due the Customer under this Tariff as a credit allowance for the interruption of Service. The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies (including any Company affiliate that is a participating or concurring carrier) furnishing aportion of the Service or facilities, equipment, or Services associated with such Service. The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer from: claims for libel , slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the materialdata, information, or otherwise arising out of the content transmitted via the Company s Service(s); patent infringement claims arising from combining or connecting the Company Channels with equipment and systems of the Customer; all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer in connection with any Service provided by the Company; defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a Customer resulting from the furnishing Installation, and/or removal of Channel facilities or the attachment ofinstruments, equipment and associated wiring on or from the Customer s Premises.No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agentsor employees of the Company; and Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office o-f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liability (Cont' claims arising out of the use of Services or associated equipment in an unsafe manner (such as use in an explosive atmosphere) or the negligent or willful act of any person other than the Company, its agents, or employees. The Customer is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for interconnecting the Customer provided terminal equipment with the Company facilities. The Customer shallensure that the signals emitted into the Company s network do not damage Companyequipment, injure personnel or degrade Service to other Customers. The Customer isresponsible for securing all licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection. In addition , the Customer shall comply with applicable LEC signal power limitations. The Company may rely on Local Exchange Carriers or other third parties for theperformance of other Services such as Local Access. Upon Customer request and execution and delivery of appropriate authorizing documents, the Company may act asagent for Customer in obtaining such other Services. Customer s liability for charges hereunder shall not be reduced by untimely Installation or non-operation of Customer provided facilities and equipment. The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made,instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or persons, for any personalinjury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the Installation, operation , failure to operate, maintenance,removal , presence, condition, location or use of such equipment where such Installationoperation, failure to operate, maintenance, condition, location or use is not the direct resultof the Company s negligence or willful action. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . . ',. . n. .0", Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liabilitv (Cont' The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of theterms or conditions herein, the waiver of any term or conditions herein, or the granting ofan extension of time for performance by the Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein. Each of the provisions shall remainat all time in full force and effect until modified in writing. The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person, firm or entity in anyrespect whatsoever as a result of mistakes, accidents, errors, omissions, interruptions,delays, or defects in Service (collectively "Defects ). Defects caused by or contributed to,directly or indirectly, by act or omission of Customer or its customers, affiliates, agents,representatives, invitees, licensees, successors or assigns or which arise from or are causedby the use of facilities or equipment of Customer or related parties shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company, and Customer shall pay to theCompany any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by the Company as a result thereof , including costs of Local Access Providers ' labor and materials.In addition, all or a portion of the Service may be provided over facilities of third parties,and the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity in anyrespect whatsoever arising out of Defects caused by such third parties. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, ACTUAL, PUNITIVE OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF ANY DEFECTS OR ANY OTHER CAUSE. THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY, IF ANY, WITH REGARDTO THE DELAYED INSTALLATION OF THE COMPANY'S FACILITIES OR COMMENCEMENTOF SERVICE SHALL NOT EXCEED $1,000. THE WARRANTY (SEE SECTION 11.10.HEREIN) AND THESE REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REMEDIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN THE EVENT OF AN INTERRUPTION IN SERVICE OR ANY DEFECT IN THE SERVICE WHATSOEVER, NEITHER COMPANY NOR ANY AFFILIATED OR UNAFFILIATED THIRD PARTY PROVIDER OR OPERATOR OF FACILITIES EMPLOYED IN THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, ACTUAL, PUNITIVE OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, 'daho . .'.' ,,. ..,. . ,.. . Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 32 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liability (Cont' For Private Line Services, if Company s failure of performance by reasons specified above shall be for thirty (30) days or less, Private Line Service shall not be subject to cancellation but an appropriate percentage of charges for the directly affected Service shall be abated for such Interruption of Service subject to provisions of Section 11.11 herein. If Company s failure of performance is for more than thirty (30) days, then the directly affected Private Line Service may be canceled by either Company or Customer without liability other than Customer s liability for payment for said Service provided prior to cancellation. With respect to the routing of Calls by Company to public safety answering points or municipal Emergency Service providers, Company s liability, if any, will be limited to the lesser of: (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of Company s action , or failure to act, in routing the Call, or (b) the sum of 000.00. In the event parties other than Customer (e., Customer s customers) shall have use of theService directly or indirectly through Customer, then Customer agrees to forever indemnify and hold Company and any affiliated or unaffiliated third-party provider or operator of facilities employed in provision of the Service harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, damages, assessments or payments which may be assertedby said parties arising out of or relating to any Defects. In the event that Company is required to perform a Circuit redesign due to inaccurate information provided by the Customer; or, circumstances in which such costs and expenses are caused by the Customer or reasonably incurred by Company for the benefit of the Customer, the Customer is responsible for the payment of all such charges. The above tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that alimitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law.Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility toadjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . _ Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 33 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Cancellation of Service by a Customer If a Customer cancels a Service order before the Service begins, before completion of the minimum period, or before completion of some other period mutually agreed upon by theCustomer and the Company, a charge will be levied upon the Customer for thenonrecoverable portions of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly on behalf of theCustomer by the Company and not fully reimbursed by Installation and monthly charges. If, based on a Service order by a Customer, any construction has either begun or been completed, but no Services provided , the nonrecoverable costs of such construction shall be borne by the Customer. Except as otherwise provided under Section 11.3 of this Tariff , if a Service order forInstallation is delayed for more than 30 days beyond the Due Date, and such delay is notrequested or caused by the Customer, the Customer may cancel the Service order withoutincurring cancellation charges. Customers who subscribe to Private Line Service are subject to the following cancellation charges upon cancellation of Service. In addition, the Customer is also liable for anycharges, expenses , fees, or penalties incurred by Company or its affiliated companies due tocancellation of local access plus any costs, expenses, or additional charges reasonablyincurred by Company on behalf of Customer as Customer s agent. If the Service Commitment Period is one (1) year or less , then the terminationcharge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the monthly charges in effect atthe time of cancellation for such canceled Service that otherwise would havebecome due for the unexpired balance of the Service Commitment Period. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .,...- . Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 34 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 34 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Cancellation of Service bv a Customer (Cont' If the Service Commitment Period for the Service canceled is longer than one (1) year and cancellation becomes effective prior to completion of the first year of theService Commitment Period, then the following applies. The cancellation chargeshall be an amount equal to the balance of the monthly charges in effect at the time of cancellation for the unexpired portion of first year of the Service CommitmentPeriod. in addition, Customer will pay twenty percent (20%) of the monthlycharges for the remainder of the Service Commitment Period beyond the first year;and If the Service Commitment Period for the Service canceled is longer than one (1) year and cancellation becomes effective after completion of the first year of theService Commitment Period, then the following applies. The cancellation chargeshall be an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the balance of the monthlycharges in effect at the time of cancellation for such canceled Service for theunexpired portion of the Service Commitment Period. Company s damages in the event Service is subject to cancellation by a Customerare difficult or impossible to ascertain. These provisions are intended to establishliquidated damages in the event of a cancellation by a Customer. The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, and upon thirty (30) days ' prior writtennotice, either Customer or Company shall have the right, without cancellation charge or other liability, to cancel the affected portion of the Service, if Company is prohibited bygovernmental authority from furnishing said portion , or if any material rate or termcontained herein and relevant to the affected Service is substantially changed by order ofthe highest court of competent jurisdiction to which the matter is appealed, the FederalCommunications Commission, or other local , state or federal government authority. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho .. ."" " Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 34. Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 34. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Cancellation of Service by a Customer (Cont Unless otherwise specifically provided for in Section \I herein with respect to a particular Service, Customers who subscribe to Wilplus Services subject to a Minimum MonthlyCharge are subject to the following cancellation charges upon cancellation of Service for the convenience of Customer, i.e., without cause, such as, would be the case for DefectiveService. In either case, the Customer is also liable for any charges, expenses, fees, orpenalties incurred by Company or its affiliated companies due to cancellation of LocalAccess plus any costs, expenses, or additional charges reasonably incurred by Company on behalf of Customer as Customer s agent. If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is one (1) year or less, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired balance of the Service Commitment Period (but in no event less than zero); If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective prior to completion of the first year of the Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amountequal to the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise would have become due forthe unexpired portion of first year of the Service Commitment Period plus fiftypercent (50%) of the balance of such Minimum Monthly Charge for the remainder of the Service Commitment Period beyond the first year; and If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective after completion of the first year ofthe Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise wouldhave become due for the unexpired portion of the Service Commitment Period. As Company s damages in the event of a cancellation are difficult or impossible toascertain, the foregoing provisions or any provisions set forth in Section \I hereinproviding for a cancellation charge are intended to establish liquidated damages inthe event of a cancellation of a Service and do not represent a penalty of any kind. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho .... ...,.' Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 35 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Cancellation for Cause bv the Company Upon nonpayment of any sum owing to the Company, or upon a violation of any of theprovisions governing the furnishing of Service under this Tariff, the Company may, uponwritten notification to the Customer, without incurring any liability, immediately discontinue the furnishing of such Service. Customer shall be deemed to have canceled Service as ofthe date of such disconnection and shall be liable for any cancellation charges set forth in this Tariff. Without incurring any liability, the Company may discontinue the furnishing of Service(s) toa Customer immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action isnecessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or Services under the following circumstances: if the Customer refuses to furnish information to the Company regarding the Customer s credit-worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications Services or its planned use of Service(s); if the Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customeridentity, address, credit-worthiness, past or current use of Customercommunications Services, or its planned use of the Company Service(s); if the Customer states that it will not comply with a request of the Company for reasonable security for the payment for Service(s); if the Customer has been given written notice by the Company of any past dueamount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Companycommunications Services to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used; immediately upon written notice to the Customer of any sum thirty (30) days past due; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . _ Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No, Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 36 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Cancellation for Cause bv the Company (Cont' immediately upon written notice to the Customer, after failure of the Customer to comply with a request by the Company for reasonable security for the payment of Service; seven (7) days after sending the Customer written notice if noncompliance with theterms and conditions of this Tariff is not corrected within the seven (7) day period; if the Customer refuses to pay for continued use of Company Services either via 10555 or another carrier access code once the Customer s account has been canceled. The discontinuance of Service(s) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay the Company for charges due and owing forService(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance. The remedies set forth herein shall not be exclusive and the Company shall at all times be entitled to all rights available to itunder either law or equity. Use of Service The Services offered herein may be used for any lawful purpose, including residential business, governmental , or other use. There are no restrictions on sharing or resale of Services. However, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff notwithstanding such sharing or resale and regardless of the Company s knowledge of same. The Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customerand only as set forth in Section 11.3 herein. The Customer shall not use nor permit others to use the Service in a manner that could interfere with Services provided to others or that could harm the facilities of the Company or others. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , ~-. , Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 37 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 37 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Use of Service (Cont' The Customer is responsible for the placement of Service orders for the Services describedherein as well as complying with the provisions of this Tariff. When the Customer places aService order for any of the Services contained herein, the Customer must provide theCompany with the Customer s name and address for billing purpose and a contact name ifdifferent from that of the Customer. If a Customer places Service orders for multiple premises, the Customer must also provide the Company with the contact name, telephonenumber, and address at each premises where Service will be installed. Customers may berequired to execute written Service orders as described in Section 11.1.12 and Sectionl1.2.herein. Service furnished by the Company, excluding WilPlus IV and Casual Calling, may bearranged for joint use or authorized use. The joint user or authorized user shall be permittedto use such Service in the same manner as the Customer, but subject to the following: One joint user or authorized user must be designated as the Customer. Thedesignated Customer does not necessarily have to have communicationsrequirements of its own. The Customer must specifically name all joint users orauthorized users in the application for Service. Service orders which involve thestart, rearrangement or discontinuance of joint use or authorized use Service will beaccepted by the Company only from that Customer and will be subject to allregulations of this Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . ., -' . ' . .., -.. . -,.. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 38 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Use of Service (Cont' All charges for the Service will be computed as if the Service were to be billed toone Customer. The joint user or authorized user which has been designated as theCustomer will be billed for all components of the Service and will be responsible for all payments to the Company. In the event that the designated Customer fails to pay the Company, each joint user or authorized user shall be liable to the Company for all charges incurred as a result of its use of the Company s Service. Each jointor authorized user must submit to the designated Customer a letter acceptingcontingent liability for its portion of all charges billed by the Company to thedesignated Customer. This letter must also specify that the joint or authorized user understands that the Company will receive a copy of the guaranty from the designated Customer. The Customer shall be responsible for allocating charges toeach joint user or authorized user. In addition to the other provisions in this Tariff, Customers reselling Company Services shall be responsible for all interaction and interface with their own subscribers or customers. Theprovision of the Service will not create a partnership or joint venture between Company and Customer nor result in a joint communications Service offering to the Customers of either Company or the Customer. Service furnished by the Company shall not be used for any unlawful or fraudulent purposessuch as: use of electronic devices, invalid numbers, and false credit devices to avoid payment for Services contained in this Tariff either in whole or in part; and to make Calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . ..' .- Issued: April 27 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 7TH Revised Page No. 39 Cancels 6TH Revised Page No. 39 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Use of Service (Cont' Nor shall Service be used for any purpose for which any payment or other compensation isreceived by the Customer except when the Customer is a communications common carrier,a resale common carrier, an enhanced or electronic Service provider who has subscribed tothe Company s Services. However, this provision does not preclude an agreement between the Customer, authorized user, or joint user to share the cost of the Service as long as thisarrangement generates no profit for anyone participating in a joint use or authorized usearrangement. , within 90 days of activation, a Customer s 800 number is used by callers only for testCalls, the Company, upon written notice, may make the 800 number unavailable for use. A Customer of Company WilPlus II, WilPlus III , Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct, CustomOne or WilMAX Services shall provide not less than ten (10) business days notice prior to implementation of special advertising or other new promotions likely to stimulate usage. If a Customer of the Company WilPlus II, WilPlus III, Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct,CustomOne or WilMAX Services is found to be non-compliant in passing back appropriateanswer supervision, the Company reserves the right to suspend Service temporarily and/or deny requests for additional Service. The Company shall give the Customer 10 days written notice via certified U.S. Mail of intent to suspend or deny Service due to such non-compliance. A Customer requesting WilPlus II, WilPlus III, Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct, CustomOne orWilMAX Service shall supply the following information when requesting Service: an initialtraffic forecast, identification of anticipated busy hour, identification of its geographicalmarketing target areas, and a schedule of marketing and promotional activities. A newtraffic forecast shall be submitted quarterly after Service is initiated. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .~. L."'~. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. Cancels 8TH Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Conti Use of Service (Cont' The Customer will be billed directly by the LEC for the Dedicated Access arrangementsselected by the Customer for the provisioning of WilPlus II, WilPlus III, Vysta Direct, Vysta800 Direct, Network Service - Option 2, Legend, CustomOne or WiIMAX. In those instanceswhere the Company at the Customer s request may act as agent in the ordering of such arrangements, the Company will bill the Customer Local Access charges in accordance with Section V.13 herein. In the course of furnishing Service Company may pay commissions to the third partymarketing entities of up to ten (10) percent of qualifying monthly usage revenues generatedby Company Customers to whom the third party has marketed Company Service(s). Theactual level of commission to be paid will be dependent on the nature and extent ofactivities engaged in by the third party on Company s behalf, including, without limitationinitial sales efforts, order coordination and processing, Customer Service, Service problemdetermination and resolution , billing coordination, billing dispute resolution, and collection orguarantee of collection of the amounts billed to Company Customers acquired by the third party. The commission payments may be remitted by the third party, in whole or in part,and in its sole discretion , to Customers to whom it has marketed Company Service(s). Use of Recording Devices Company s Services are not adapted to the use of recording devices and Customerswho use such devices to record two-way telephone conversations, or for otherpurposes, do so at their own risk. Neither Customer nor other entity may record a Two-Way Conversation except as permitted by applicable law. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . .. ... Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Payment ArranQements The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for Services furnished to theCustomer or its joint or authorized users. This includes payment for Calls or Servicesspecifically requested by the Customer, Collect Calls or Third Party Calls accepted at aCustomers number , Voice Card Service or LEC Card Calls or Calls originated at aCustomers number. This responsibility is not changed due to any use, misuse, or abuse ofthe Customer s Service or Customer provided equipment by third parties, the Customer employees, or the public. The Company s bills are due upon receipt. Amounts not paid within 30 days from the DueDate of the invoice will be considered past due. Customers will be assessed a late fee onpast due amounts in the amount of the lesser of one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) permonth or the maximum lawful rate under applicable state law. If a Customer presents anundue risk of nonpayment at any time, the Company may require that Customer to pay itsbills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or theequivalent of cash. In determining whether a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment, the Company shall consider the following factors: (A) the Customer s payment history (if any) with theCompany and its affiliates , (B) Customer s ability to demonstrate adequate ability to pay forthe Service, (C) credit and related information provided by Customer, lawfully obtained from third parties or publicly available, and (D) information relating to Customer s management,owners and affiliates (if any). Customers who present such an undue risk may be requiredat any time to provide the Company a security deposit, in cash or the equivalent of cash, upto an amount equal to the applicable Installation charges, if any, and/or up to two monthsactual or estimated usage charges for the Service to be provided. Such applicants orCustomers may also be required , at any time, whether before or after the commencementof Service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of theCompanys charges for its Services as Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , ~,.... Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 7TH Revised Page No. 42 Cancels 6TH Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Payment Arranqements (Cont' the Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments forService, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the Customers' assets, and similar arrangements. The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions. In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicantor Customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such paymentsin cash or the equivalent of cash. In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate provided for in the Rules and Requlations For All Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission shall be credited or paid to theCustomer while the deposit is held by the Company. At the Company s option, such deposit may be refunded to the Customer s account at any time. Disputes with respect to charges must be presented to the Company in writing within sixmonths from the date the invoice is rendered or such invoice will be deemed to be correctand binding on the Customer. If a LEC has established or establishes a Special Access surcharge, the Company will bill thesurcharge beginning on the effective date of such surcharge for Special Accessarrangements presently in Service. The Company will cease billing the Special Accesssurcharge upon receipt of an Exemption Certificate or if the surcharge is removed by the LEC, In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney s fees, in collecting,or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the Customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred. A Customer of the Company s WilPlus II , WilPlus III, Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct,CustomOne or WilMAX Service is responsible for payment for all Calls placed to or via the Customer s WilPlus II , WilPlus III , Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct, CustomOne or WilMAX Service number(s) including those placed by the Customer s employees, third parties orother members of the public. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .. . o. ... Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 43 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Payment Arranqements (Cont' If a Customer whose account has been closed has a credit balance remaining, the Companywill transfer the credit to another account of the Customer, if there is one, or will mail acheck for the balance to the Customer. An account maintenance charge of $5.00 permonth will be charged to those accounts which do not respond within 30 days to the Company s notification either on the final invoice or by letter of the credit balance or if thepost office returns the final invoice or letter as undeliverable. The Company will continue toassess this charge until the Customer requests a refund or the balance is exhausted. Promotional and other credits offered by Company in marketing its Services cannot be assigned. Such credits must be used by the person to whom they were offered or theperson who earned them under the provisions of the offer. The Installation charges set forth in this Tariff for Channel terminations contemplateInstallations made in normal locations and under normal working conditions. AnyInstallations made under other circumstances are subject to additional charges. In the event that a check or draft tendered by a Customer is returned, a fee of $15 willapply. The fee will be assessed when a check or instrument issued by a Customer isreturned without payment for any reason whatsoever, unless the return is a bank error , inwhich case documentary evidence is required to waive the fee. Assiqnment The obligations set forth in this Tariff shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of theparties hereto and their respective successors or assigns, provided, however, that the Customer shall not assign or transfer its rights or obligations without the prior writtenconsent of the Company. Tax Adjustments All stated charges in this Tariff are computed by the Company exclusive of any federalstate, or local use, excise, gross receipts, sales or privilege taxes, duties, fees, or similarliabilities (other than general income or property taxes) whether charged to or against theCompany or its Customer. Such taxes, fees, etc. shall be paid by the Customer in additionto the charges stated in this Tariff. All such taxes, duties, and fees shall each be shown asa separate line item on the Customer s monthly invoice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .~.'...,. ,..... '..... 1, ..' ... Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 10TH Revised Page No. Cancels 9TH Revised Page No. 44 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Tax Adjustments (Cont' 10. A surcharge is imposed on all charges for Service originating at addresses in states whichlevy a gross receipts tax on Company s operations. This surcharge is composed of a factor of the gross receipts tax and taxes imposed directly or indirectly upon Company as measured by the gross receipts payments or revenues of interstate access charge will shown as a separate line item on the Customer s monthly invoice. Pending the conclusionof any litigation challenging a jurisdiction s right to impose any tax, Company may elect toimpose and collect a surcharge covering such tax, unless otherwise constrained by court order or direction , or it may elect to waive any surcharge. If it has collected a surcharge ortax and the challenged surcharge or tax is found to have been invalid and unenforceable,Company will credit or refund such sums to each affected Customer if either Company hasretained such funds or Company has remitted such funds to the collecting jurisdiction andthe funds have been returned to Company. The surcharge will be shown as a separate lineitem on the Customer s monthly invoice. Allowance for Interruptions For WilPlus I, WilPlus II, WilPlus III , Vysta One Plus, Vysta Direct, Network Service, Legend,CustomOne, WilMAX and WilPlus IV a credit allowance will be made for that portion of Call which is interrupted due to poor transmission (e.g., noisy Circuit), one-way transmission (one party is unable to hear the other), or involuntary disconnection caused byDefects in the Company s Service. A Customer may also be granted credit for reaching awrong number. To receive a credit, the Customer must notify a Company Customer Service Representative and furnish information, including the Called Station, the Service subscribedto, the Defect experienced, and the approximate time the Call was placed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . - - 'd ' . Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7 , 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. Cancels 8TH Revised Page No. 45 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 10.Allowance for Interruptions (Cont' 011 Where a Call has been disconnected, the Customer will be given a credit allowanceequivalent to the charge for the initial minute of the Call made to reestablishcommunications with the other party. Where a Call has been interrupted by poortransmission or one-way transmission, the Customer will be given a credit allowance up toan amount equivalent to the charge for the last three minutes of the interrupted Call, or forthe entire Call if it lasted less than three minutes. A Customer who has reached a wrongnumber will be given a credit allowance equivalent to the charge for the initial minute of theCall to the wrong number if it reports the situation promptly to a Customer ServiceRepresentative of the Company. 012 From time to time, the Company will grant credits against usage charges in an amount not to exceed one month's average billing not to exceed $7.00 per Customer oraccount whenever the Company determines that such a credit is warranted due toconsiderations involving the delivery of past Service to the Customer or account receivingthe credit. For all of the Company s WilPlus II, WilPlus III , Vysta Direct, Vysta 800 Direct, Vysta 800Direct, Network Service, Legend, CustomOne and WilMAX which involve Dedicated Accesson either the originating or terminating end or both for which monthly recurring charges are applied and which may be interrupted for as much as several days, the Customer will begiven a credit allowance for an interruption of two consecutive hours or more, as follow: 021 When Service is interrupted for a period of less than two hours, no credit allowancewill be given. 022 When the Service s Dedicated Access line or lines associated with the Service areinterrupted for a period of two to twenty-four hours, a credit allowance in an amount equalto one thirtieth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , '.., " ..- Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 46 II. 10. RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Allowance for Interruptions (Cont' 023 When the Service s Dedicated Access line or lines associated with the Service areinterrupted for a period of more than twenty-four hours, a credit allowance in an amountequal to one thirtieth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given for eachtwenty-four hour period or fraction thereof. No credit allowances will be made for: Interruptions caused by the negligence of the Customer or others authorized by theCustomer to use the Customer s Service. Interruptions due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, or Services or Services not provided by the Company. Interruptions during any period which the Company or its agents are not afforded access to the premises where access lines associated with the Customer s Servicesare terminated. Interruptions during any period when the Customer or user has released the Serviceto the Company for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a Customer Service order. Interruptions during periods when the Customer elects not to release the Service for testing or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. Interruptions not reported to the Company. Non-completion of Calls due to network busy conditions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ., '. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No.4 7 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No.4 7 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 10.Allowance for InterruPtions (Cont' Company warrants that its Private Line Services will conform to the Technical Standards.Following Start of Service Date, if the Customer reports an Interruption in Service to Company at Company s Network Control Center and the affected Service is not Restored aswarranted within one-half hour of such report, Customer shall, upon request directed to theCustomers designated Company Customer Service representative, receive a credit at the rate of 1/1440 of the monthly recurring charges applicable to Service directly affected bysuch Interruption of Service for each half hour or major fraction thereof in excess of the firsthalf hour during which such Service fails to conform to the Technical Standards. If aportion of the Service fails to conform to the Technical Standards over a period of thirty(30) days, the Customer may notify Company in writing of its conditional intent to cancelsuch Service in accordance with the cancellation provisions herein. If, over a period ofthirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the Service fails to conform to the TechnicalStandards, the Customer may terminate the affected portion of the Service without acancellation charge at the expiration of the notice period. (See Cancellation of Service by Customer) . An interruption period begins when the Customer reports to the Company s CustomerService Representatives or for an Interruption in Private Line Services, the Network ControlCenter that the Service has been interrupted and releases it for testing and repair. Aninterruption period ends when the Service is Restored. If the Customer reports the Serviceto be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the Service is deemed tobe impaired, but not interrupted. If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during the period ofinterruption, the Customer is solely responsible for payment of the charges for the alternateService used. 'tlaho Public Utilities Commission Office ~ the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 11 TH Revised Page No. 48 Cancels 10TH Revised Page No. 48 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 11 .Directory Assistance . . '" ' Directory Assistance is available to Customers of the Company s WilPlus I, WilPlus IIWilPlus III, Vysta One Plus, Voice Card Service, Network Service, Legend, CustomOne, . WHMAX, Prepaid Calling Card and WilPlus IV. An undisclosed charge will be applied toeach Call for information as to any telephone number within the state. Up to two requestsmay be made on each Call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance chargeapplies to each Call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnishthe requested telephone number. The surcharge for Voice Card Calls will not be applied toDirectory Assistance Calls. 12.Method for Calculation of Airline Mileaqe The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) andHorizontal (H) coordinates of the serving wire centers associated with the Company s POPlocations. The method for calculating the airline mileage is obtained by reference to AT&T's Tariff F.C. No.1 0 according to the following formula: 1Y, - V U:!:J:bf where V 1 and H , correspond to the V&H coordinates of City 1 and V 2 and H 2 correspond tothe V&H coordinates of City 2. Example: City 1 City 2 5004 5987 1406 3424 (5004 - 5987)2 + (1406 - 3424)2 The result is 709.83 miles. Any fractional miles are rounded to the next higher wholenumber; therefore, the airline mileage for this example is 710 miles. Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionOffIce O'f the Secretary EPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , , .' ! Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 49 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 49 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 13.Time of Day Rate Periods - , Time of Day Rate Periods are determined by the time of day at the location of the CallingStation. The rates shown in Section V. herein apply as follows: DAY: PRIME: From 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday From 8:00 AM to 5:00 Monday-Sunday Monday - Friday and SundayEVENING: NIGHT/ WEEKEND: From 5:00 PM to 11 :00 PM NON-DA Y: From 11 :00 PM to 8:00 AM EverydayFrom 8:00 AM to 11 :00 PM Saturday From 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday From 5:00 PM to 11 :00 PM Monday - Friday and Sunday From 11 :00 PM to 8:00 AM Everyday From 8:00 AM to 11 :00 PM Saturday From 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday NON-PRIME:From 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM Monday - Sunday To but not including for all time periods shown. 14.Special Customer Arranqements In cases where a Customer requests a special or unique arrangement which may include engineering, conditioning, Installation, construction, facilities, assembly, purchase or leaseof facilities and/or other special Services not offered under this Tariff, the Company, at its option , may provide the requested Services. Appropriate recurring charges and/orNonrecurring Charges and other terms and conditions will be developed for the Customerfor the provisioning of such arrangements. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 15.Collocation of Customer Equipment The Company will consider requests from Customers or prospective Customers, on afirst-come, first-served basis, to collocate their equipment at the Company Points-of-Presence, subject to (1) the Company s current and forecasted physical space requirements,taking into account available space, at the Company Point-of-Presence, (2) any applicablelease or occupancy restrictions imposed on the Company, (3) the technical and operationalcompatibility of the Customer s equipment with the Company equipment and Services,(4) the Company s security and revenue requirements, and (5) terms and conditions towhich the Customer contractually will commit. 16.Systems Security Where Customers are permitted access to the Company s computer systems and data(hereinafter Systems) for the purposes of managing and maintaining theirtelecommunications system, they will adhere to the following: Customers may access the Company s systems only to the extent required by and incident to the administration and management of the Customer s telecommunications system. Customers may not disclose or use information which may be learned as a consequence ofaccess to the Company s Systems except as may be directly required to insure the properoperation of the Customer s telecommunications system. Customers must take allreasonable precautions to prevent any other person or entity who does not have a need to know from acquiring such information, Idaho Public Utilitie Office of the ~ s Commrssron CCE prE ecret~ry OR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 51 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 51 II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 16.Systems Security (Cont' Customers shall not in any manner or form disclose, provide, or otherwise make available, inwhole or in part, these Systems, documentation, any related material or any otherconfidential material except to those who have a need to know incident to the operation ofthe Customer s telecommunications system. These Systems remain the property ofCompany and may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise disseminated without the priorwritten permission of Company. Customers shall take all reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of Company Systems. Such precautions shall include the use of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)and passwords selected by and known only to the Customer s individual authorized users.Telephone numbers and dial-up access numbers assigned to the Customer by Company, PINs or any aspect of access and sign-on methodology used to access these Systems shall not be posted or shared with others under any circumstances. Customers shall follownormal logoff procedures prior to leaving a terminal unattended. Customers should reportany known or suspected attempt by others to unauthorized access of these Systems. In the event that a security access device assigned to a Customer for dial-up access is lost,stolen, or misplaced, the Customer must notify Company immediately. Access into theseSystems beyond that authorized may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho - ', , Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 17.ChanQe in Service ArranQement When a change in Service arrangement involves the continued use by the Customer of Channels furnished by the Company, Installation charges do not apply to the Channels continued in use. The minimum Service period for the Channels continued in use isdetermined from the Start of Service Date. 18.Inspection The Company may, upon notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary todetermine that the requirements of this Tariff are being complied with in the Installationoperation or maintenance of Customer or the Company equipment. The Company mayinterrupt the Service at any time , without penalty to the Company, because of departure from any of these requirements. 19.TestinQ and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the Channels provided by the Company shall be made available tothe Company for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary to maintain them in satisfactory condition; no interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. 20.Interconnection with Other Carriers Service furnished by the Company may be connected with Services or facilities of anothercarrier. Such interconnection may be made at the Company POP or entrance site, at a POP of another carrier, or at the Customer Premises, joint user, or authorized user. Service furnished by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office at the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .., .. ,. Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. II.RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 20.Interconnection with Other Carriers (Cont' Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities of the Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer expense. Upon the Customer s request and acting as its authorized agent, the Companywill attempt to make the necessary arrangements for such interconnection. 21.Customer Provided Equipment Customer Premises Circuit terminating equipment such as Channel Service units (CSU'and Multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets orsystems shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at the Customer expense, except as expressly provided otherwise in writing. 22.Restoration of Service The use and restoration of Service in emergencies shall be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D of the Federal Communications Commission s Rules and Regulations to theextent it is applicable, which specifies the priority system for such activities. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. III. 1 . TECHNICAL STANDARDS APPLICATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS Technical Standards for the Private Line Services are objectives for Company to follow and are set forth in Company s F.C. No.4 Tariff, Section III. MAINTENANCE Repair procedures will be initiated upon notification of trouble by internal networksurveillance systems or by notification of trouble and release of Service by Customer fortesting. ACCEPTANCE TESTS Company will verify that the Service is performing in a satisfactory manner prior to releaseto Customer. Customer will be allowed 24 hours to verify that the Service is performingwithin the relevant performance standards prior to Start of Service Date. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ' -. ". Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , , Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 56 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , ..,., Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - ZO01 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho ' ' Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services , Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office (Jf the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho . .. "'.,. .". ,'"... Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 61 Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 61 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho ,. . ' I Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 63 THIS PAGE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. THIS PAGE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No, Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. IV.PRIVATE liNE SERVICE OFFERINGS Private Line Service is offered in the form of communication facilities dedicated to the useof a specific Customer. Private Line Service is billed at predetermined monthly rates. Recurring charges are billed in advance of the month in which Service is performed.Nonrecurring Charges are billed in the month in which Service is performed. The varioustypes of Private Line Service are listed below. Depending on the term discount planselected as well as the optional features, other recurring and Nonrecurring Charges mayapply as described herein. Customers subscribing to Company s Private Line Service mayorder Service on a monthly basis or for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. Customers of each type of Private Line Service who subscribe for terms ranging from 1 to 5 years, inclusive,will receive a term discount in addition to an aggregate dollar volume discount as describedherein. Upon expiration of the selected Service Commitment Period, Service will continueon a monthly basis at the current charges for such monthly Service as set forth hereinunless canceled by the Customer or Company in accordance with the provisions of thisTariff. See Sections 11.4 and 11.5 herein for cancellation provisions. DS-O (DIGI AL SIGNAL LEVEL 0) SERVICE DS-O Service With VF Access DS-O Service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital Interexchange Channel Service. With analog Voice Frequency (VF) Local Access facilities, DS-O Service will support thetransmission of analog voice and/or data within the frequency range of 300 - 3000 Hz. DS-O Service with VF Access combines digital long-haul transmission withanalog Private Line Local Access. DS-O Service With DDS Access Company s DS-O Service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital Interexchange ChannelService. With DDS digital Local Access facilities, Company s DS-O Service may beutilized for the synchronous transmission of full duplex digital data at 2.4 , 4.8, 9. or 56 Kbps. DS-O Service with DDS digital Local Access provides End-to-End digitalService. In providing this Service, the source of synchronization for the End-to-EndCircuit is Customer provided equipment. Therefore, synchronization for the End-to-End Circuit is the responsibility of Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 66 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 66 IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' DIGITAL DATA SERV~ Company s DDS Service provides End-to-End digital Private line Interexchange Servicedesigned for use in data applications. This Private Line Service is provided with DDS Local Access facilities and is designed for full time synchronous transmission at 56 Kbps. providing this Service, synchronization for the IXC portion of the Service is matched to thesynchronization for the Local Access portion of the Service, as furnished by the applicableLocal Access Provider(s). DS-1 (DIGITAL SIGNAL LEVEL 1) SERV~ DS-1 Service is a high capacity point-to-point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full-duplex transmission of digital signals at a nominal speed of 1.544 Mbps. CUSTOMER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT Customer Premises Circuit terminating equipment such as Channel Service units (CSUs) and Multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets or systems shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at Customer expense in accordance with the rules and regulations in Section 1\ herein. FRACTIONAL T -1 SERVICE Fractional T -1 Services consists of 2 to 24 DS-O interexchange channels between the same2 Company points of presence utilizing DS-1 level local access facilities. A Digital Cross-connect System (DCS) is used to control the number of channels provided. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .,. -' Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 67 IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' BASE RATES - MONTHLY Rates set forth below are monthly recurring charges and apply to Interexchange Service only. Other charges which may be applicable are Nonrecurring Charges (Sections IV.1 0 and IV .11) and Ancillary charges (Sections IV .12 and IV .13). DS-O Service Mileaqe Monthly Rate Fixed Monthly Rate Per Mile or Fraction Thereof 0 - 50 51 - $ 93. $ 93. $ 205. $ 1. $ 1. $ . 101 - + 56 Kbps DDS Service Mileaqe Monthly Rate Fixed Monthly Rate Per Mile or Fraction Thereof 0 - 50 51 - $ 287. $ 287. $ 0. $ 0. 101 - +$ 287.$ 0. 03 DS-1 Service Mileaqe Monthly Rate Fixed Monthly Rate Per Mile or Fraction Thereof 0 - 50 51 - $2,085. 085. $ 3. $ 3. 101 +$2,085.$ 3. 04 Fractional T -1 Service Mileaqe Monthly Rate Fixed Monthly Rate Per Mile or Fraction Thereof 1 +$205.$ 0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , ., .,.. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 68 IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' DISCOUNTS The discount structures listed below are based solely on the Service Commitment Period selected by the Customer and stated in the Service order. The discount structure for DS-O Service is as follows: Min. $ MonthlyYear Years Years Years Years 500 10%11 % 000 10%11 %12% 500 10%11 %12%13% 10,00010%11 %12%13%14% 15,00011 %12%13%14%15% 20,00012%13%14%15%16% 00013%14%15%16%17% 00014%15%16%17%18% 45,00015%16%17%18%19% The discount structure for DDS Service is as follows: Min, $ MonthlyYear Years Years Years Years 500 10%11 % 000 10%11 %12% 500 10%11 %12%13% 00010%11 %12%13%14% 15,00011 %12%13%14%15% 20,00012%13%14%15%16% 25,00013%14%15%16%17% 35,00014%15%16%17%18% 45,00015%16%17%18%19% Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Idaho P~bl;c Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Effective: May 7 , 206f' . MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 8TH Revised Page No. Cancels 7TH Revised Page No. 69 IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' DISCOUNTS (Cont' 03 The discount structure for DS-service is as follows: Min. $ MonthlyYear Years Years Years Years 17%19%22%26%31 % 000 23%28%32%33%35% 10,00034%35%36%37%38% 20,00036%37%38%39%40% 30,00037%38%39%40%41% 00038%39%40%41%42% 50,00039%40%41%42%45% 04 The discount structure for Fractional T -service is as follows: Min. $ MonthlyY ear Years Years Years Years 500 10%11 % 000 16%17%19%20% 500 13%18%19%20%21% 10,00019%20%21%22%23% 20,00020%21 %22%23%24% 30,00021 %22%23%24%25% 00022%23%24%25%26% 00023%24%25%26%27% 05 Fractional T-Base Rate/Multi-Channel Discount: Number of Channels Discount 15% 20% 1 2 or More 35% Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionOffice O'f the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 1 ST Revised Page No. 69. Cancels Original Page No. 69. IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' PRICE PROTECTION PLAN Customers who select a Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service of one, two, three,four, or five years after June 1, 1996 are automatically enrolled in the Price Protection Plan asdescribed below. During the Service Commitment Period, Customer shall have the option to obtainthe discount schedule for such IXC Service which is equal to Company s then current discountschedule under this Tariff for IXC Service ("Published Price ) upon the following conditions of the Price Protection Plan. Under the Price Protection Plan, if at any time during the Service Commitment Period any discountrate on the applicable discount schedule is decreased ("New Discount Schedule ) for that Servicethe Customer will continue to be charged the discount i effect at the time the Service CommitmentPeriod was initially selected. If any discount rate on the applicable discount schedule is increasedNew Discount Schedule ), the Customer may obtain the affected Service with the New DiscountSchedule by executing a new Service Order for the Service in question subject to a ServiceCommitment Period which is equal to or greater than the Service Commitment Period of the originalService arrangement ("Revised Service Commitment Period" ). Any New Discount Scheduleavailable to Customer pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall become effective with thecommencement of the Revised Service Commitment Period as of a date not later than the first dayof the latest calendar month/billing period occurring within the sixty (60) days next followingCustomers execution and submission of the above-referenced new Service Order to Company. Customers who selected a Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service of one, two,three, four, or five years on or before Mav 31, 1996 are automatically enrolled in the ExistinQCustomerPrice Protection Plan as described below. During the Service Commitment Period,Customer shall have the option to obtain pricing for such IXC Service which is equal to Companythen-current pricing (i.e., Base Rates and discounts) under this Tariff for IXC Service ("Published Price)" upon the following conditions of the Existinq Customer Price Protection Plan. Under the Existinq Customer Price Protection, if at any time durinq the Service Commitment Periodthe Base Rates are increased for that Service the Customer will continue to be charqed at the BaseRate in effect at the time the Service Commitment Period was initially selected. Under the Existinq Customer Price Protection Plan, if at any time qurinq the Service Commitment Period any discount rate on the applicable discount scnedule is decreased ("New Discount~hedule ) for that Service the Customer will continue to pe charqed the discount in effect at tMtime the Service Commitment Period was initially selected. The Existinq Customer Price ProtectionPlan shall only be effective for the duration of the term of tne initial Service Commitment Period till:Interexchanqe Service that Customer selected before or on Mav 31, 1996 and shall not apply torenewals of same. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 70 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 70 IV.PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Installation Charges Charges apply when the Customer requests new or additional Service. Expedite Charges Company charges for the Expedited handling of the Service order. Company will pass along to the Customer any LEC Expedite charges associated with the Customer s request for Expedited Installation. Change of Requested Service Date A change of Requested Service Date charge applies when a change of Requested Service Date is the only requested modification to the original DSD. If the first requested change of the Requested Service Date is received more than ten (10) working days prior to the Requested Service Date, there will be no charge. If the Requested Service Date has been changed once already, or if the request is made within ten (10) days of the original Requested Service Date, a charge will apply. An ASR charge will be assessed whenever a change of Requested Service Date is requested on Service orders including Company-ordered Local Access. When the Customer requests that its Requested Service Date be extended, the new Requested Service Date must be within thirty (30) days of the previously set Requested Service Date. If the new Requested Service Date is more than thirty (30) days beyond the existing Requested Service Date or unknown, the Service order must be canceled and re-issued when a confirmed date is set. A charge for a change of Requested Service Date also applies when the Customer requests an earlier Requested Service Date that does not require an Expedite. Should an Expedite be required, the Expedite Charge supersedes the change of Requested Service Date charge. Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionOffice O'f the SecretaryCCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 71 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 71 IV. 10. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont' Change of Order Charges Charges apply when a Customer requests a modification to the information contained in the original Service order prior to Customer acceptance of the Circuit other than a change of Requested Service Date. Administrative Charges If an ASR must be submitted to the Local Access Provider as a result of changes to Customer records such as billing address change, billing contact change , etc., then the Customer will be charged an ASR charge. Interexchange Service Charges Charges apply if the change necessitates a modification of the interexchange portion of the Circuit. Local Access Service Charges Charges apply if the change requires a change in the original ASR or if a new ASR must be submitted. Order Cancellation Charges Charges apply for Service orders canceled prior to Customer acceptance. Thesecharges are intended to supplement any Service Cancellation charges set forth in Section II herein. Order cancellation charges are in addition to standard Installation charges. Change of Service Charges Charges apply to changes made after a Circuit has been accepted by the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Baise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 72 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 72 IV. 10. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont' Administrative Charges If an ASR must be submitted to the Local Access Provider as a result of Customer-requested changes in Service, the Customer will be charged an ASR charge. Re-engineering Charges Charges apply for orders that are re-engineered due to a Customer-requested change in local Service type. Changes which require only modification of Local Access, but do not affect Interexchange Service will only be charged for the ASR. Any LEC charges incurred because of the change will be passed on to the Customer. Multiplexing Re-arrangement Charges Charges apply when a Customer requests additional cross-connections, within a OCS or on the low side of an M 13, after Installation of initial equipment or changes to existing cross-connects. Roll-up Charges When Customers roll multiple DSO's over to a new OS-1 Interexchange or Local Access Service, or multiple DS-s over to a new OS-3 Interexchange or Local Access Service, Company will apply a single re-engineering and/or ASR charge, rather than charging for the re-engineering of each of the existing Circuits individually. Additional Installation/Maintenance Charges apply when the Customer requests Installation or Circuit changes during non-business hours. Charges apply when the Customer requests a technician at the Customer Premises or trouble that results from problems in the Customer s equipment. Charges apply when the Customer requests the provision of engineering design or other activities which are not normally provided as a part of the design and Installation of Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 73 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 73 IV. 11. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' NONRECURRING CHARGES 1 . SERVICE TYPE DS-DDS $400. $ 50. $100. $ 75. $ 25. $ 50. $200. $125. $ 50. $400. $250. $ 50. $200. $125. $ 50. $400. $250. $ 50. $150. $ 25. $ 50. N/C $ 25. N/C $ 25. $150. N/A $ 25. DS- $ 150. $ 25. $ 50. N/C $ 25. N/C $ 25 . $ 150. N/A $ 25 . $ 25.$ 25. $ 50.$ 50. N/A N/A $ 25.$ 25. $150.$ 150. N/A N/A $ 25.$ 25. $ 50. N/A $ 25. $150. N/A $ 25. $ 50. N/A $ 25. $ 150. N/A $ 25 . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Installation Charges: Per Interexchange Service: Per Local Access ASR: * # Order Expedite Charges: Per Interexchange Service: Per Cross Connect: Per Local Access ASR:# Change of Requested Service Date: First Change and at Least 10 Daysprior to Original Requested Service Date Per Interexchange Service orCross Connect: N/CPer Local Access ASR:# $ 50.Subsequent changes or within 10 days of original Requested Service Date: Per Interexchange Service: $200.Per Cross Connect: $125.Per Local Access ASR:# $ 50.Change of Order Charges (Pre-Start of Service): Administrative Changes: Per Local Access ASR:# Pre-Engineering: Per Interexchange Service: Per Cross Connect: Per Local Access ASR:# Post Engineering: Per Interexchange Service: Per Cross Connect: Per Local Access ASR:# Order Cancellation Charges: Pre-Engineering: Per Interexchange Service: Per Cross Connect: Per Local Access ASR:# Post-Engineering: Per Interexchange Service: Per Cross Connect: Per Local Access ASR:# Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MC! World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No.7 4 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 74 IV. 11 . PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont' DS- $ 25. $ 150. $ 25 . $ 500. $ 250. $2500. $1000. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho OS- SERVICE TYPE DOS Change of Service Charges (Post-Start of Service): Administrative Changes: Per Local Access ASR:# Re-Engineering Charges: Per Interexchange Service: Per Local Access ASR: Cross-connect Re-arrangement Charges Per DS 1 Cross Connect Not Associated with DCS or M13 $ 50. M 13 Re-arrangement Charges: Per DS-1 Connection $ 50. Maximum per M13 per Order $500. DCS Re-arrangement Charge: Per OS-O Connection $ 25. Maximum per DCS per Order $250. LEC 04 Channel Bank Per Special Access ASR# $100. Roll-up Charges (Re-engineering and Change of Cross-connects) Roll-up OS-O to OS-1 Interexchange Service Roll-up DS-O to OS-1 ASR' Roll-up OS-1 to DS-3 Interexchange Service Roll-up DS-1 to DS-3 ASR' $100. $400. $ 50. $ 25. $150. $ 25. Additional Installation/Maintenance/Engineering: During Normal Hours: $100.00/Hour Per PersonAfter Normal Hours: $125.00/Hour Per Person NOTES: Applicable LEC charges will be billed directly to Customer. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 75 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 15 IV. 12. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES Cross-Connect Charges: A cross-connect is an electrical connection made between two DS-1 Circuits on a DSX-cross-connect panel or two DS-3 Circuits on a DSX-3 cross-connect panel in a Point-of-Presence. Cross-connections between non-Company facilities andother facilities will be provided only for use with Company facilities and in conjunction with Interexchange Services provided by Company to the same Customer. Cross-connect charges are determined by the level and type of facilities beingconnected. Initial cross-connections will be provided at no additional charge when there is associated Interexchange Service of the same level. Charges for additional cross-connects after initial Installation, or reconfiguration of existing cross-connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges. For cross-connects within a DCS or MUX see Digital Cross-connect Service and M13 Multiplexing Service descriptions. DS-1/DS-O (D4) Multiplexing DS-1/DS-0 (D4) Multiplexing is a Service provided by the Local Exchange Carrier at the Local Exchange Carrier wire center that allows for the Multiplexing/Demultiplexing of DS-O level (analog or digital) Channels into or from DS-1 Channels. D4 Multiplexing charges are Local Exchange Carrier specific and are based on charges billed by the Local Exchange Carrier. Different charges apply for DS-1 to DS-O analog and DS-1 to DS-O digital Multiplexing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 76 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 76 IV. 12. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES (Cont' M 13 Multiplex Charges The M 13 Multiplexing Service provides for the provision of M 13 Multiplex equipment in a Company Point-of-Presence to perform the function of Multiplexing or Demultiplexing up to 28 DS-1 level Interexchange or Local Access Circuits out of or into a single DS-3 level Interexchange Service or Local Access facility. Pricing is on a per M 13 basis. M 13s will not be provided without associated IXC. Initial cross-connections necessary to establish this Service are included in the M pricing. Charges for additional cross-connects after initial Installation , or reconfiguration or existing cross-connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges. Pricing for DS-3 and DS-1 Drop and Insert applications is based on the number of M 13s utilized. When the Customer requires that Company be able to isolate and test individual DS-1 Channels on a DS-3 IXC connected to M 13 Multiplexing, a separate DS-3 subrate administration charge will also apply. M 13 Multiplexing Service is only available at approved Company, M13 equipment locations. Digital Cross-Connect Service (DCS) DCS can be used within the Company network for two basic applications, DS-1/DS-0 Drop and Insert Service and DS-1/DS-0 Concentration and Segregation. DCS equipment located in a Company Point-of-Presence is used to electronically multiplex/demultiplex DS-O level Channels from a DS-1 level IXC or Local Access Circuit and then electronically cross-connect those DS-O level Channels to either DS-O level IXC or Local Access or to a different DS-1 level Interexchange Service or Local Access. This application is Company s required alternative to the use of DS-1/DS-0 Channel banks and DS-O level electrical distribution frames within Company Points of-Presence. The exact cross-connection of the DS-O subrate Channels between the Customer s facilities must be specified at the time of Serviceorder. Any change in the specified cross-connection shall result in an additional Nonrecurring Charge. The charges for this Service reflect the DS-O leveladministration and maintenance necessary to support the Service adequately. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 77 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 77 IV. 12. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES (Cont' Digital Cross-Connect Service (OCS) (Cont' The charges for Digital Cross-Connect Service are applied per Customer DS- Interexchange Service or Local Access DCS termination. Initial DS- Cross-connections within the DCS necessary to establish this Service are included the pricing. Charges for additional cross-connects after initial Installation, or reconfiguration of existing cross-connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges. In cases where DS-1 Interexchange is terminated in OCS for connection to DS- level Local Access facilities, or when DCS is used for OS-1 Drop and Insert, a special OS-1 subrate administration charge will also apply. Charges for DCS Service must carry the same contract term as the associated OS-1 and/or DS-Q Level Service. Normal pricing applies for all associated Interexchange Services and LocalAccess. In cases where DS-1 Interexchange Services are terminated in DCS for connection to DS-O level Local Access facilities, the Subrate Administration charge will apply for each DS-O Channel. Sub-Rate Administration Charges Sub-rate administration charges reflect the additional administration and maintenance burdens when higher capacity Service is broken down into lower level Channels which require individual tracking, testing and maintenance. It is required on DS-3 level Interexchange Service with M 13 Multiplexing and OS-1 level Interexchange with attached OCS except when the Customer signs a waiver acknowledging that Company will not be responsible for testing and maintenance of the lower level Interexchange Channels. DS-3 sub-rate administration charges will apply when a OS-3 level Interexchange has associated M 13 Multiplexing equipment and the Customer requires Company to be able to test and maintain individual DS- level Channels within the DS-3 level Interexchange Service. OS-1 sub-rate administration charges are mandatory when a DS-1 level Interexchange Service is connected to multiple DS-O level Local Access Channels either through Company DCS or through LEC provided D4 Channel banks, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 78 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 78 IV. 12. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES (Cont' Sub-Rate Administration Charges (Cont' DS-1 sub-rate administration charges will also apply when Company DCS equipment is used to Drop and Insert Channels between DS-1 level Interexchange Service and the Customer requires Company to be able to test and maintain individual DS-O level Channels within the DS-1 level Interexchange Service. Charges for DS-3 and DS-1 sub-rate administration is per sub-rate Channel with a maximum charge per DS-1 or DS-3 level Interexchange Service. Where M 13 or DCS connections are to be made between different Customer s Services, the Customer ordering the connection will be charged" Echo Cancellation Service With this Service option , Company provides the echo cancellation equipment necessary to cancel the echo caused by the total cumulative physical length that Calls routed over the Circuit travel from origination to termination. Echo cancellation only applies to voice applications of DS-O Service with VF Access and DS-1 Service. Company will employ echo cancellation equipment free of charge on DS-O and DS-1 Services to be used for voice applications and with a Primary Route greater than 1,200 route miles. In cases where Customer-requested routing, or other arrangements cause the Circuit length to exceed 1 200 miles, the Customer will be charged for echo cancellation Service if such Service is ordered" Echo cancellation charges are applied per canceler and must carry the same contract term as their associated DS-O or DS-1 Interexchange Services. Echo cancellation Service provided on a temporary basis due to re-route around network blockage or disaster will not be charged to the Customer. Idftho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 79 Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 79 IV. 12. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' APPLICATION OF ANCILLARY CHARGES (Cont' Collocation Charges Collocation charges apply when a Customer contracts with Company to utilize space in CompanyPoint-of-Presence locations for placement of Customer owned and maintained equipment associatedwith Services Company provides. All pricing for collocation including: floor space, power, rack space, DSX-1 or DSX-3 cross-connect panels, etc., is priced on an Individual Case Basis dependenton Customer requirements and is subject to the provisions of Section 11.15. Integrated Service Digital Network Services Integrated Services Digital Network ("ISDN") Service integrates voice, data, and video communications Services via standard interfaces, allowing the Services to travel over common network channels. Through Primary Rate Interface ("PRI"), a Customer may share Local Accessfacilities between Company Message Telecommunications Services. PRI establishes Call-by-CallService Configuration, which dynamically allocates individual circuits within the PRI. Company ISDN PRI connects DS-1 level Local Access facilities to the Company network. The interfaceprovides 24 channels of 64 kbps each; the channels may be designated as either bearer (") orsignaling (li ) channels. The B channels are used to access Company Services supported over the PRI. The D channels are used to carry signaling and control information for the associated B channels. Backup D channels may also be designated to ensure multiple routes for signalling and control information. DS-1 level Local Access facilities are required to obtain ISDN Service. When ordering ISDN Servicea Customer must designate which channel will serve as the D Channel as well as which channel will serve as the Backup D Channel , if applicable. The Customer also has the option to specifywhich channels will receive ISDN Service and those which will not receive ISDN Service. After initial installation of the PRI, a Customer may add or delete groups of B channels in the DS-Local Access facility or may re-designate the D channel and/or the Backup D channel. Each timethe configuration of the channels within the DS-1 access facility is changed a Channelreconfiguration charge will be assessed. These charges are in addition to normal DS-1 LocalAccess charges and other Company recurring and non recurring charges. Charges relating to ISDNService are shown in Section IV .13. 7. and are not eligible for any volume or term discounts. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 80 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 80 IV. 13. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont SCHEDULE OF ANCILLARY CHARGES 1 . Non- Monthly Recurring RecurringCharQes CharQes Cross-Connect Charges (Per Cross-Connect): Non-Company DS-1 Interexchange Service to OS- Local Access or Alternate Access Facility or Other Non-Company DS-1 Facilities:$ 50.$250. Non-Company DS-3 Interexchange Service to DS-3 Local Access or Alternate Access or Other Non-Company DS-Facilities: $500.$250. Multiplexing Charges: DS-1/DS-0 (D4) Multiplexing Charges: Equal to Local Exchange Carrier interstateTariff charges DS-3/DS-1 M 13 Multiplexing Charges Per M 13 $250.$600. DS-1/DS-0 Digital Cross-Connect Service Charges: Use of Company DCS, per DS-1 termination 75.N/C Sub-Rate Administration Charges: DS-3 Sub-Rate Administration Per OS-1 Channel per end Maximum Per DS- 60. 000. N/C N/C DS-1 Sub-Rate Administration Per OS-O Channel per end Maximum Per DS- N/C N/C 25. 250. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 81 Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 81 IV. 13. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' SCHEDULE OF ANCILLARY CHARGES (Cont' Non- Monthly Recurring RecurringCharqes Charqes Echo cancellation Service (Per Canceler): DS-O Service with VF Access - All Contract Terms: Circuits less than 1 200 Route Miles $ 50.$ 30. OS-1 Service - All Contract Terms: Circuits less than 1,200 Route Miles $500.$250. Collocation Charges ICB ICB ISDN Service PRI Charges Primary Rate Interface, per DS-$3000.$100. Backup D Channel $ 0. $ 200. $ 0. $ 0.Channel Reconfiguration (B and/or D Channels) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 82 THIS PAGE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office crt the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 83 THIS PAGE RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 84 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 1 .WilPlus WilPlus I is a distance and time of day sensitive direct dial long distance Service. Customers may access WilPlus I either by dialing direct or by dialing 10555 or another . Company carrier access number. Duration of WilPlus I Calls (usage) are expressed inincrements of a minute and subject to a 1 minute minimum charge per Call. All Calls arerounded to the next highest minute. For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 4 minute Call. Time of Day and Holiday Discounts as described in Section 11.13 herein apply to the per minute usage charges stated below. Volume discounts as described below may also apply. Minimum Monthly Usage Charge: All Customers of WilPlus I are subject to a minimum monthly usage charge of $8.00 peraccount. If the total monthly billing for all WilPlus I Services contained in this Tariff and subscribed to by the Customer is less than $8., the Customer is billed $8.00, If the total monthly billing for WilPlus I is more than $8.00, the actual usage is billed. 02 Option I - Basic Long Distance 124 292 293+ Per Minute Usage Charges: Daytime Rates Limit Upper Mile First Minute Additional Minutes $0.2300 $0.2700 $0.3500 $0.4100 $ 0 .4400 $0.4700 $0.2200 $0.2300 $0.3000 $0.3600 $0.3900 $0.4200 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office O't the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho .. ,... Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 85 1 .WilPlus I (Cont' MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Evening Rates Per Minute Usage Charges: (Cont' Limit Upper Mile First Minute 124 292 293 + $0.2000 $0.2200 $0.2900 $0.3300 $0.3700 $0.4000 Night/Weekend Rates Limit Upper Mile First Minute 124 292 293+ $0.1600 $0.1600 $0.2300 $0.2700 $0.3000 $0.3200 Additional Minutes $0.1900 $0.2000 $0.2400 $0.2800 $0.3200 $0.3500 Additional Minutes $0.1600 $0.1600 $0.1900 $0.2300 $0.2700 $0.3000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 86 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 86 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 1 .WilPlus I (Cont' Option II - 800 Service The 800 Service Component of WilPlus I is an inbound W A TS Service which permits Callsto a Customer s Premises in one location from diverse geographical locations utilizing switched access arrangements between the Customer s Premises and Company s facilities.The WilPlus I Customer, rather than the calling party, is billed for each Call. Call duration(usage) is expressed 1 minute increments. All Calls are rounded to the next highest minute. Rate Per Minute Day Non-day Monthly Charge per 800#:$1. Volume Discounts: Volume discounts apply to those WilPlus I Customers whose total monthly billing for WilPlusI exceeds $99.99. Directory Assistance, Operator Services, and Voice Card Calls are notsubject to the discounts set forth below. DiscountTotal Monthly Minimums Day Eveninq/Niqht/Weekend $ 0.00 - $ 99. $100.00 - $199. $200.00 - + Example: If a Customer s total monthly bill is $150.00 for daytime calls , the Customer will receive a2% discount on $150.00. The discount is 2% of $150.00 or $3.00. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, 'daho 1 Non-Day is the same as Evening and Night/Weekend. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 86. Cancels 3RD Revised Page No. 86. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 1 .WilPlus I (Cont' Option III - Voice Card Service Voice Card Service allows Customers using 1-800-364-8989 to access Company telecommunications network to complete long distance Calls without the assistance of an operator and to charge those Calls to an authorized Calling Card issued by the Company tothe Customer. Duration of Voice Card Calls (usage) are expressed in increments of 6seconds subject to a 1 minute minimum charge per Call. All Calls are subject to a surcharge of $ .60 per Call in addition to the per minute usage charges below. Voice Card Service is not eligible for volume discounts. Rate Per MinuteDay $.Evening . 1 8Night/Weekend . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of' the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho .' , Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services , Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 86. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 86. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' WilPlus 112 WilPlus II is an inbound and outbound customized telecommunications service designed to provide a unified service for single or multi-location companies using multiple local access arrangements. Customers can select from switched, dedicated, and card origination andtermination access arrangements. WilPlus II is only available on an intrastate basis tocustomers who subscribe to WilPlus II's interstate service. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 6 second minimum per call. For example, a 5 secondcall would be billed as 6 seconds while a 20 second call would be billed as 24 seconds.Depending on the term selected the customer will receive the discounts set forth below. Minimum Monthly Usage Charge: All customers of WilPlus II are subject to a minimum monthly usage charge of $250 peraccount. If the actual monthly billing for all services contained in this tariff and subscribed to by the WilPlus II Customer is less than $250.00, the Customer is billed $250.00. If theactual total monthly billing for WilPlus II is more than $250.00, the actual usage is billed. Usage Charges: 021.Switched Access Rates: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day: $0.0228 Non-day : $0.0182 022 Dedicated Access Rates: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day: Non-day: $0.0139 $0.0111 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1 , 1994. Non-Day is the same as Evening and Night/Weekend. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 86. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 86. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' WilPlus 4 (Cont' Travel Card Service Allows WilPlus II customers to use an authorization code to access the Company networkto complete long distance calls without the assistance of an operator and to charge those calls to their authorization code issued by the Company to the Customer. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to an 1 minute minimum per call. All calls are subject to a $0.60 surcharge per call. Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day Non-day 0228 0182 Volume Discounts Volume Discounts as set forth below are available to those customers whose total monthly domestic usage including Travel Card equals or exceeds $ 250.00 per account per month. Discounts are not applicable to Directory Assistance, Operator Services, local loop charges, installation charges, account set-up fees, ancillary charges, or any Company charges associated with the installation and maintenance of dedicated access. See Section IV herein for Company charges associated with dedicated access. Month Monthly Aggregate 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Volume Month Discount Discount Discount 250.00 - 499. 500.00 -999.10% $1,000.00 -999.10%12% $2,000.00 +10%12%15% Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 86. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 86.4 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' WilPlus 1115 WilPlus III is an inbound and outbound customized telecommunications service designed to provide a unified service for single or multi-location companies using multiple local access arrangements. Customers can select from switched, dedicated, and card origination and termination access arrangements. WilPlus III is only available on an intrastate basis to customers who subscribe to WilPlus Ill's interstate service. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 6 second minimum per call. For example, a 5 second call would be billed as 6 seconds while a 20 second call would be billed as 24 seconds. Depending on the term selected the customer will receive the discounts set forth below. Minimum Monthly Usage Charge: All customers of WilPlus III are subject to a minimum monthly usage charge of $2,000. per account. If the actual monthly billing for all services contained in this tariff and subscribed to by the WilPlus III Customer is less than $2,000.00, the Customer is billed 000.00. If the actual total monthly billing for WilPlus III is more than $2,000.00, the actual usage is billed. Usage Charges: 031 Switched Access Rates: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day: $0.0228 Non-day : $0.0182 032 Dedicated Access Rates: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day: Non-day: $0.0139 $0.0111 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1 , 1994. Non-day is the same as Evening and Night/Weekend. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 86. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 86. V. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' WilPlus 1117 (Cont' Volume Discounts Volume Discounts as set forth below are available to those customers whose total monthly domestic usage including Travel Card equals or exceeds $ 2,000.00 per account per month.Discounts are not applicable to Directory Assistance, Operator Services, local loop charges, installation charges, account set-up fees, ancillary charges, or any Company charges associated with the installation and maintenance of dedicated access. See Section IV herein for Company charges associated with dedicated access. Month Monthly Aggregate 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Volume Month Discount Discount Discount 000.00 - $4,999.10% $5,000.00 - $9,999.10%12%14% $10 000.00 - $24,999.12%15%18% $25 000.00 - $49,999.10%16%18%21% $50,000.00 - $99,999.14%18%20%25% $100,000 +19%22%25%30% Travel Card Service Allows WilPlus III customers to use an authorization code to access the Company network to complete long distance calls without the assistance of an operator and to charge those calls to their authorization code issued by the Company to the Customer. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to an 1 minute minimum per call. All calls are subject to a $0.60 surcharge per call. Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction ThereofDay: $0.0228 Non-day:8 $0.0182 Idaho Public Utilities CommisSion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994. Non-day is the same as Evening and Night/Weekend. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 87 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Vysta - One Plus9 (Cont' Vysta - One Plus is a direct dial long distance Service for Customers whose total monthly billing exceeds $150.00. Customers may access Vysta One Plus either by dialing direct or by dialing 10555, Company s carrier access number. Duration of Vysta One Plus Calls (usage) are expressed in 6-second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 30 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds. There are no volume or Time of Day discounts for this Service. A basic feature of this Service is ASAP, the Account Support Advantage Package. The package includes Authorization Codes, Accounting Codes, Voice Card Service, and management reports. Usage Charges: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day Evening Night/Weekend $0.0270 $0.0210 $0.0210 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 88 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 88 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Vvsta Direct Vysta Direct is a long distance Service utilizing Dedicated Access arrangements between the Customer s Premises and Company facilities for Call origination. Call termination is completed through a combination of Company facilities and available LEC switched access arrangements. Duration of Vysta Direct Calls (usage) are expressed in 6-second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6-seconds. There are no volume or Time of Day discounts for this Service. A basic feature of this Service is ASAP, the Account Support Advantage Package. The package includes Authorization Codes, Accounting Codes, Voice Cards, and management reports. Usaqe Rates: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof $0.0131 Other Charges: 031 Port Charge $5.00 per port 032 Order Change $70. This charge applies to activating, deactivating, or moving Voice Cards, DAL' Channel banks, or T-1 ' 033 Magnetic Tapes Monthly Recurring Charge Per Account: $100. Set-Up Charge: $ 50. 034 Voice Cards (Channel Bank):$ 5.00 per Card 035 Cancellation Charge:$250. Applies only if canceled within 36 months of Start of Service Date. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 13TH Revised Page No. Cancels 12TH Revised Page No. 89 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Directory Assistance Directory Assistance is available to Customers of WilPlus I, WilPlus II, WilPlus III , Vysta One Plus, Voice Card Service, Legend, CustomOne, WiIMAX, Prepaid Calling Card and WilPlus IV. A charge of $ .66 will be applied to each call to Directory Assistance information whether or not the requested telephone number can be supplied. Charges for Directory Assistance do not count toward the Minimum Monthly Usage Charge for the Services noted above. See Section V .17..01.7. for WilMAX Enhanced Travel Card Directory Assistance rates. 800 Directory Assistance 800 Directory Assistance listing is available to Customers of Vysta 800, Vysta 800 Direct, and Legend at the following rates. Initial Install or Change Per Listing Per Month $20. $15. Customers of CustomOne will not incur an Initial Installation or Change Charge, but will incur a monthly Listing Charge of $15.00 per month. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho , - Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 90 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Vvsta 80011 Vysta 800 is an inward W A TS Service available only to Customers of Vysta One Plus which permits Calls to a Customer s Premises in one location from diverse geographical locations utilizing switched access arrangements between the Customer s Premises and Company facilities. The Vysta 800 Customer, rather than the calling party, is billed for each Call. Call duration (usage) is expressed in 6-second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 30 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds. Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof $0.0270 Monthly Location Fee: There is a $50.00 location fee per month for each Vysta 800 billing location established by the Customer. This fee applies in addition to all other rates and charges specified herein and is not subject to any Discounts. Vvsta 800 Direct 12 Vysta 800 Direct is an inward WATS Service which permits Calls to a Customer s Premises in one location from diverse geographical locations utilizing Dedicated Access between the Customer s Premises and Company s facilities. The Vysta 800 Direct Customer, rather than the calling party, is billed for each Call. Call duration (usage) is expressed in 6-second increments. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6-second increment and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. Rate per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Day Evening Night/Weekend $0.0153 $0.0153 $0.0153 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 8TH Revised Page No. 91 Cancels 7TH Revised Page No. 91 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Vvsta 800 Direct13 (Cont' Monthly Location Fee: There is a $20.00 location fee per month for each Vysta 800 Direct billing location established by the Customer. This fee applies in addition to all other rates and chargesspecified herein and is not subject to any Discounts. Other Charges: Account Set-Up Fee: $75. Port Charge: $5. 10.Operator Services Operator Services is the furnishing of Services for the completion of Calls by Consumersand Customers presubscribed to Vysta Plus , Vysta One Plus, CustomOne, WilMAX andWilPlus IV made with the assistance of a Company operator within the state including Aggregator sites and locations. Aggregators sites include, but are not limited to,hotels/motels, hospitals, businesses, military establishments, and locations of public, semi-public, or private pay telephones. There are four classes of operator-assisted Calls which are described below. LEC Card Charges for a long distance Call are charged to a valid LEC Card. In order to control fraud, the Company may refuse to accept a card that it determines or suspects to be invalid. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - ZO01 Boise. Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 92 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 10.Operator Services (Cont' Person-to-Person Charges apply when the Consumer specifies to the operator a particular party to be reached. That party may be a: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) a person a department a mobile station an extension an office If the original person , department, mobile station, extension , or office designated by the Consumer is unavailable and the Consumer requests or agrees to talk to any other party, the Call is still classed as a Person-to-Person Call. Station-to-Station Charges apply when the Consumer specifies to the operator a particular telephone number to be reached. The only Station-to-Station Service offered is Station-to-Station Collect. Collect The Consumer requests the operator to bill the charges to the Called Station or party who agrees to pay for all charges. Collect Calls can be either Person-to-Person or Station-to-Station. Third Party The Consumer requests the operator to bill the charges for a Call to a number other than that of the Calling or Called Station. The party at the number charges are to be billed toagrees to pay for all charges. In addition to the per minute usage rates specified below, an Operator Handling Fee also applies to each type of Call described above. Operator Handling Fees are set forth Section 111.10.02 below. When an operator-assisted Call includes the elements of morethan one class of Call, the Call is charged at the highest rated class. Coin sent paid Calls are not accepted by the Company. See Section V .17..01.8. for WilMAX Enhanced Travel Card Operator Service per minute charges and surcharges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 93 10. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 124 292 293+ Operator Services (Cont' Per Minute Charges The per minute charges billed to the Customer vary depending upon the time of day, distance, and duration of the Call. $0.2300 $0.3000 $0.3900 $0.4600 $0.4900 $0.5200 DAYTIME RATES Upper MileLimit First Minute Additional Minutes Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, tdaho Issued: April 27, 2001 $0.2300 $0.3000 $0.3900 $0.4600 $0.4900 $0.5200 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 94 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 10.Operator Services (Cont' Per Minute Charges (Cont EVENING RATES Upper MileLimit First Minute Additional Minutes 10 $0.230022 $0.300055 $0.3900124 $0.4600292 $0.4900 293 + $0.5200 $0.230~ $0.3000 $0.3900 $0.4600 $0.4900 $0.5200 I~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 8TH Revised Page No. Cancels 7TH Revised Page No. 95 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 10.Operator Services (Cont' Per Minute Charges (Cont' NIGHT/WEEKEND RATES Upper MileLimit First Minute Additional Minutes 124 292 293+ $0.2300 $0.3000 $0.3900 $0.4600 $0.4900 $0.5200 $0.2300 $0.3000 $0.3900 $0.4600 $0.4900 $0.5200 Operator Handling Fee In addition to per minute charges, Calls are subject to an Operator Handling Fee. Thischarge will be included with usage charges on a Customer s monthly invoice as set forth below: LEC Card $1. Operator Station Calls $2. Person-to-Person Calls $4. Third Party Billed $2. Operator Station Collect $2. Person-to-Person Collect $4. Operator Dialed Surcharge $1 .1 5Credit Card $1 . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. Cancels 8TH Revised Page No. 96 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 11 .Local Access Charqes Local Access charges are based on what the Customer would otherwise pay the LEC pursuant to such Carrier s intrastate access Tariffs for the same interconnection and/or Service. This rate information is obtained from the applicable LEC Tariff. 12.Network Service Network Service is a telecommunications service designed for direct dial outward calling from multiple customer locations to stations throughout the state and arranged so the customer receives a single bill for all locations. This service is only available to customers of Company s interstate Switched Origination , Switched Termination , or 800 OriginationService. This service has two options from which the Customer may choose. Option 1 uses switched access arrangements on both the originating and terminating ends. Option 2 uses dedicated access arrangements on the originating end and switched access on theterminating end. All calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. All calls are rounded to the next highest 6 second increment, i.e. 7 seconds would be billed as 12 seconds. Rate Per 6 Seconds Option 0196 Option 2 0122 Travel Card Service: Allows customers to use an authorization code to access the Company network to complete long distance calls without the assistance of an operator and to charge those calls to their authorization code issued by the Company to the Customer. All calls are billed at the rates set forth in Sec. V.12.01 Option 1 above. All calls are subject to a $0.25 surcharge per call excluding calls to directory assistance. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of May 1 , 1994. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 96. Cancels 5TH Revised Page No. 96. 13. V. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' LeQend15 legend is an inbound and outbound customized telecommunications service designed to provide a unified service for single or multi-location companies using multiple local access arrangements. Customers can select from switched, dedicated, and card origination and termination access arrangements. The customer must commit to having one domestic location using dedicated outbound service for the length of his service commitment. The Legend Service Package includes Directory Assistance, Account Codes, Time of Day Discounts, Customized Billing, Travel Card, and Operator Assistance. Legend is only available on an intrastate basis to customers who subscribe to Legend's interstate service. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 6 second minimum per call. For example, a 5 second call would be billed as 6 seconds while a 20 second call would be billed as 24 seconds. Depending on the term selected the customer will receive the discounts set forth below. Minimum Monthly Revenue Requirement: $150.00 per account UsaQe CharQes 031 Switched Access Rates: Rate Per 6 seconds or fraction thereof Day: $0.0255 Non-day16 : $0.0242 032 Dedicated Access Rates: Rate Per 6 seconds or fraction thereof Day: Non-day: $0.0139 $0.0130 0321 1 Installation CharQe: $400.00 per T- This charge applies in addition to all local exchange company charges and other Company charges set forth in Section IV herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Non-day is the same as Evening and Night/Weekend. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7 , 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 96. Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 96. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 13.LeQend17 (Cont' Discounts (Cont Volume Discounts as set forth below are available to those customers whose total monthly combined domestic and international usage including Travel Card Kbps equals or exceeds 000.00 per account per month. Discounts are not applicable to Directory Assistance, Operator Services, local loop charges, installation charges, account set-up fees, ancillary charges, or any Company charges associated with the installation and maintenance of dedicated access. See Section IV herein for Company charges associated with dedicated access. Month Monthly Aggregate 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Volume Month Discount Discount Discount $0.00 - $ 4,999. $ 5,000.00 - $19,999.10%15% $20,000.00 - $34 999.10%13%17% $35,000.00 - $49,999.10%13%17%20% $50,000.00 - $74 999.14%17%20%23% $75,000.00 - $99,999.17%20%23%26% $100,000 +20%23%26%30% Travel Card Service: Allows Legend customers to use an authorization code to access the Company network to complete long distance calls without the assistance of an operator and to charge those calls to their authorization code issued by the Company to the Customer. All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to an 1 minute minimum per call. All calls are subject to a $0.60 surcharge per call. Rate Per 6 seconds or fraction thereof Day: $0.0230 Non-day: $0.0180 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 96. Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 96. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 13.Leqend18 (Cont Operator Services: Operator Services are available to Legend customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V.9 herein. Directorv Assistance: Directory Assistance is available to Legend customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V.4 herein. 800 Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) is available only in conjunction with Legend inbound (800) service. Installation Charge per location: $500.00 per trunk group Early Termination Penalty Customers selecting a Service Term Commitment of one, two or three years who terminate Legend Service prior to the expiration of the commitment period will also pay an early termination charge equal to the difference between the amount of realized discounts under the Legend Service Discount Schedule and the following described adjusted discount. The adjusted discount is based upon the months of actual Service divided by twelve (12). If the product of the division is greater than 0 but less than 1, the Month to Month discounts would apply as the adjusted discount. If the product of the division is greater than 1 but less than 2, the One year discounts would apply as the adjusted discount. If the product of the division is greater than 2 but less than 3, the Two Year discounts would apply as the adjusted discount. 14.WilPlus Optional Features WilPlus Optional Features are specified in Company s Tariff F.C. No., Seciton IV and are provided pursuant to that tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of August 1, 1993. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 96.4 Cancels 4TH Revised Page No. 96.4 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne CustomOne is a high volume inbound and outbound customized telecommunications Service. It provides a comprehensive, unified Service for single or multi-location companies using switched, dedicated and Travel Card access. CustomOne is only available to customers of Company s interstate CustomOne Service. All intrastate inbound and outbound Calls are subject to a 6 second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 6 second increment. The applicable Base Rates for CustomOne are determined by Time of Day and Company Recognized Holidays. Subscribers to CustomOne have the option of Dedicated, Switched and Travel Card Access, and Dedicated and Switched Termination, with Volume Discounts and Time of Day Discounts. CustomOne Outbound Service Base Rates for intrastate CustomOne Outbound Service: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Intercity Switched Mileaqe Band 19 Access Dedicated Access Day Non-Day Day Non-Day 100+ $0.0250 0228 $0.0207 $0.0140 $0.01120207 .0140 .0112 CustomOne Inbound Service Intrastate Base Rates are as follows: Rate Per 6 Seconds or Fraction Thereof Intercity Switched Mileaqe Band 19 Access Dedicated Access Day Non-Day Day Non-Day 100+ $0.0223 0223 $0.0207 0207 $0.0140 $0.01120140 .0112 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Mileage is calculated by using the formula presented in Section 11.12. Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WoridCom Network Services, Inc.idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96. r.::tn"-AI~ ?NO RA\li~An P::tOA Nn ~f\ 4 1 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service CustomOne Enhanced 800 consists of the following components: Dialed Number Identification Service, Message Referral, 800 Ensure Service Restoration, Real Time ANI ("RTA"), Call Area Selection, Call Zone Routing, Exchange Routing, Time of Day Routing, Day of Week Routing, Day of Year Routing, Call Allocation, Call Distributor and Route Completion. Dialed Number Identification Service("DNIS" DNIS enables the identification of each 800 number called for Customers who have multiple 800 numbers. Customers receiving the destination call can identify the 800 number called and answer the call appropriately. DNIS delivers up to 10 Customer specified digits per 800 number to the Customer s site. The Customer may designate up to 1500 DNIS per DS-1 level connection. DNIS Pricinq Installation Charge (Nonrecurring) $400 per Service Group Charge for Change $40 Message Referral Message referral provides a message to inform callers the 800 number has been disconnected and/or has been changed. Callers are referred to the new 800 number when service is terminated on an existing 800 number. Message referral delivers the pre-recorded message to all incoming 800 calls for a maximum duration of six months. Messaqe Referral Pricinq Referral to a new Company 800 number N/C Referral to a non-Company 800 number maximum of six months $80 per month for a Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.~:mI"'.Ai~ ')NO RA\li~An P::IOA Nn q~ 4 ? MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' 800 Ensure Service Restoration 800 Ensure Service Restoration is available only on calls carried on Company Network. 800 Ensure Service Restoration guarantees 800 Service restoration within 30 minutes after a Service disruption. The Customer s downtime in the case of a Service disruption is minimized by routing calls to alternate destinations. If a CustomOne 800 number is unable to receive calls due to Service disruption , the Customer must notify Company s Network Control Center. Company will then respond within 30 minutes, by providing routing to a pre-selected alternate route for the 800 number experiencing failure. This guarantee is not applicable unless Customer has pre-selected alternate routing. Company s liability with respect to this guarantee is limited to rerouting Company Enhanced 800 Service exclusively, and does not include 800 services offered by other carriers in a multi-carrier configuration. II.800 Ensure Service Restoration Guarantee - if Company cannot restore 800 Service within 30 minutes of Customer notification to Company s Network Control Center, Company will, in addition to providing the routing to a pre-selected alternate route for the 800 number experiencing failure, credit Customer for portions of Enhanced 800 recurring charges which will be calculated and applied to the next invoice following Customer request for credit. A credit of one full day (24 hours) of Enhanced 800 recurring charges will be given for each reported outage of 24 hours or less. 800 Ensure Service Restoration PricingIII. Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$10 per routing group Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Activation Charge $40.00 per occurrence Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.~n"-AI~ ?NO RA\li~ArI P~gA Nn qf\ 4. ~ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' Real Time ANI ("RTA" AT A transmits the calling party number to the Customer s equipment when the call is answered. This feature requires either Feature Group 0 , IMT, PRI-ISON or T- connection. Company will not provide RT A if the calling phone subscriber has requested RT A blocking. II.Pursuant to state and/or FCC regulations, the Customer may use the ANI or billing information for billing and collection, routing, screening and completion of the originating telephone subscriber s call or transaction , or for services directly related to the originating telephone subscriber s call or transaction. Further, the Customer may not reuse or resell the ANI or billing information without first (a) notifying the originating telephone subscriber and (b) obtaining the affirmative consent of such subscriber for such reuse or sale. Finally, the Customer may not disclose, except as permitted in this Section 15..02.B.4.ii., any information derived from the ANI for purposes other than (a) performing the services or transactions that are the subject of the originating telephone subscriber s call, (b) ensuring network performance security and the effectiveness of call delivery, (c) compiling, using and disclosing aggregate information , and (d) complying with applicable law or legal process. III.RTA Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$300 per Service Group Charge for Change N/C Charge per ANI delivered $0. rdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 BfJise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4.4 r.~nI".AI~ ?NO RA\li~Arl P~gA Nn qn 4. 4. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' Call Area Selection Call Area Selection blocks calls from any country, state or specified NPA. This Service allows Customers to limit calls received to appropriate target markets. The Customer can define calls by either country, state, LATA, NPA, or NPA/NXX. The Charge for Change is incurred when Customer changes an area to be blocked, or when Customer has the option removed for the 800 number, or when Service is cancelled for the 800 number. Call Area Selection Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per 800 number Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $0. Call Zone Routing Call Zone Routing allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single 800 number placed from different routing groups terminate at different locations. A routing group can consist of any combination of NPAs, states or countries. The combination of all domestic routing groups should include the entire continental United States and any areas selected by extended call coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Call Area Selection. The monthly charge applies to each originating routing group defined for each 800 number. Call Zone Routing Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per Zone routing group Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $40.00 per Zone routing group Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r::lnl".AI~ ?NO RA\li~ArI P::IOA No qR 4 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' Exchange Routing Exchange Routing allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single 800 number placed from different routing groups terminate at different locations. A routing group can consist of any combination of NPA/NXXs. The combination of all domestic routing groups should include the entire continental United States and any areas selected by extended call coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Call Area Selection, The monthly charge applies to each originating routing group defined for each 800 number. Exchange Routing Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$400.00 per NPA/NXX routing group Charge for Change $400.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $40 per NPA/NXX routing group Time of Day Routing Time of Day Routing allows Customer to arrange for calls to a single 800 number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day. Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to forty-eight (48) time slots in a 24 hour day period. The time slots must be defined in 5 minute increments or multiples. The monthly charge applies to each time slot per day type per originating routing group for each 800 number. Time of Day Routing Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per 800 number Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $40.00 per time slot per day type Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r~nf".p.I~ ?NO Rp.\li~p.rI P~gP. No Qf\ 4. f\ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' Day of Week Routing Day of Week Routing allows Customer to arrange for calls to a single 800 number to be routed to different locations based on the day of week. Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for each day of the week with a maximum of seven day types. The monthly charge applies to each day type per originating routing for each 800 number. Day of Week Routing Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per 800 number Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $40.00 per day type per 800 number 10.Day of Year Routing Day of Year Routing routes calls by day of the week. This Service allows Customers to route calls from a single 800 number between multiple service centers based on the day of the year the call is made. Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for a maximum of fifteen (15) single days. Day of Year Routing Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per 800 number Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $0. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission . Office of the Secretary CCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Bojse, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. rAn"'-AI~ ?NO RA\li~ArI PAOA Nn qf1 4 7 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont 11 .Call Allocation Call Allocation allows Customer to route calls for each originating routing group to two or more terminating locations based upon Customer specified percentage basis. Customer must establish a calling pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total equals 100. The monthly charge applies to each allocation per time slot, per day type, per originating routing group for each 800 number. Call Allocation Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per 800 number Charge for Change $40.00 per occurrence Monthly fee $40.00 per time slot per day type 12.Call Distributor Call Distributor distributes calls evenly over all lines utilizing DS-1 level trunk group connections. This Service allows Customers to balance the incoming load of 800 traffic effectively between their on-site operators. This Service requires that Customers have DS-1 level dedicated access lines. Call Distributor Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$40. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.~nf'.F!I~ ?NO RF!\Ii~F!rl P~OF! Nn qf\ 4 R MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Inbound Service (Cont' CustomOne Enhanced 800 Service (Cont' 13.Route Completion Route Completion allows an 800 dedicated access line Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending the overflow to a pre-defined alternate routing group of dedicated access, W A Ts access lines, or switched access lines. Up to 99 alternate routing plans can be established. Route Completion will route traffic from dedicated access lines to dedicated access lines or dedicated access lines to switched access lines. Once traffic is routed to a switched access line, the call is terminated regardless of busy signal. Route Completion Pricing Installation Charge (Nonrecurring)$90.00 per routing group Charge for Change $40.00 per routing group, per occurrence Monthly fee $40.00 per routing group 14.Maximum Monthly Charge Customers receiving one or more of the following Enhanced 800 components will incur a maximum of $400 in monthly recurring charges per 800 number: Call Zone Routing, Time of Day Routing, Day of Week Routing, and Call Allocation. 15.Volume Term Discounts Only Real Time ANI delivery charges contribute and are eligible for volume and/or term discounts. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services , Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.::mr.p.I~ ?NO Rp.\Ii~p.rl P;:tOP. No qn 4. q MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Travel Service Voice Card Service Base rates for the Measured Service component of Voice Card Service Calls are the same as the CustomOne intrastate Outbound 100 + Intercity Mileage rate band rates as listed in Section V.15..01 and are billed in 6 second increments with a 6 second billing minimum per Call. Voice Card Service also offers the feature of # Reorigination. Rate Per 6 Second or Fraction Thereof Day: $0.0228 Non-Day: .0207 1 .# Reorigination # Reorigination allows Customer to dial additional numbers without ending the Voice Card session and without reentering the authorization code. No charge applies. Volume and Term Discounts All CustomOne Voice Card rates and charges are eligible for volume and/or term discounts. CustomCard Travel Card (CustomCard) Service CustomOne CustomCard Travel Card (CustomCard) Service offers the following standard features: Speed Dialing, # Reorigination, Conference Calling, Variable Credit Limits Message Store and Forward and Audiotext. Voice Mail is an optional feature of CustomCard Service. Customer will be billed the associated charges only for those features used, in addition the Base Rates listed below. Base Rates for the Measured Service component of CustomCard Service Calls are billed in 6 second increments with a 1 minute billing minimum per Call. In addition to the Base Rates, each completed Call will be assessed a set-up charge of $0.60. CustomOne CustomCard Service Base Rates Per Minute Base Rate $0.2280 $0.2066 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Day Non-Day Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.;::tn('.p-I~ ?NO Rp-\Ii~p-rl P;::tOP- Nn ~n 4. 10 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Travel Service (Cont' CustomCard Travel Card (CustomCard) Service (Cont' 1 .Speed Dialing Speed Dialing allows Customer to store frequently dialed numbers which are then retrieved by dialing only 1 digit. Customer is limited to 9 programmed numbers with a maximum of 11 digits each. Speed Dialinq Charqes Monthly Recurring Charge for Speed Dialing $0. # Reorigination # Reorigination allows Customer to dial additional numbers without ending the CustomCard session and without reentering the authorization code. The customer is assessed the standard set-up charge for each additional number dialed. # Reoriqination Charqes Standard set-up Charge per # Reorigination $0. Conference Calling Conference Calling allows Customer to use an operator to establish a telephone conference. No minimum time applies per conference call and conference calls can be set up in advance or on demand. New parties may be connected by the operator after the conference call has been established, and conferences can be comprised of up to 47 parties. More parties can be included by special arrangement. Base Rates do not apply for this feature. Conference Callinq Charqes Per Conferenced Party $2. Prime Hours * per Minute Charge $0.35 per party Non-Prime Hours per Minute Charge $0.20 per party * Prime Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p., C.T. - Monday through Sunday Idaho Public Utilities Commission . Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 &o~" ~daho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RO Revised Page No. 96.4. r.~nl".p-I~ ?NO Rp-\Ii~p-rl P~OP- Nn qn 4. 11 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Travel Service (Cont' CustomCard Travel Card (CustomCard) Service (Cont' Variable Credit Limits Variable Credit Limits allows Customer to set pre-determined spending levels for pre- determined time limits of Customer s choice. Customer may not exceed this pre- determined spending level. Variable Credit Limits CharQes Variable Credit Limits $0. Message Store and Forward Message Store and Forward allows Customer to prerecord messages for delivery up to 96 hours later to any telephone in the state. Messages are limited to 3 minutes in length. Company will attempt eight deliveries of the message at 15 minute intervals. MessaQe Store and Forward CharQes Per Delivered Message $1. Audiotext Audiotext allows Customer to access pre-recorded information on a variety of subjects. Audiotext PricinQ Charge Per Minute $0.40 Voice Mail Voice Mail is an electronic mailbox which allows Customer to retrieve messages left by others. Monthly Recurring Charge per Mailbox $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Voice Mail CharQes Charge per Minute $0. Boise, Idaho Volume and Term Discounts In addition to per minute and set up charges for CustomCard Service, the following enhanced features contribute and are eligible for volume and/or term discounts: Reorigination , Conference Calling, Message Store and Forward, Audiotext, and Voice Mail. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 96. r.;:Inr.p.I~ ~TH Rp.\Ii~p.rl P::IOP. Nn qn ~ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Switched Data Service (SDS) Switched 56/64 Kbps Service CustomOne Switched 56/64 Kbps Service is a dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 Kbps and 64 Kbps and is designed for applications that require intermittent high speed transmissions or switched capability by providing end-to-end digital transmission. CustomOne Switched 56/64 Kbps Service calls can originate on dedicated or switched access facilities. The access types used with CustomOne Switched 56/64 Kbps Service include DS-1, FT-1, and Company Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface (Company PRI), and where available Local Exchange Carrier Switched Digital Access (SDA), Local Exchange Carrier Integrated Services Digital Network Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Local Exchange Carrier Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface (LEC PRI). Switched 56/64 Kbps Service calls which originate via switched access facilities must utilize SDA , BRI or LEC PRI access. Customer must order such Local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier. SDA, BRI and LEC PRI are subject availability from the Local Exchange Carrier and may not be available in all locations. SOS calls which originate via dedicated facilities must utilize DS 1 , FT -1, or Company PRI access. Customer may choose to obtain Local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier, or Customer may designate Company to act as its agent in providing Local Access for Customer. Dedicated access to CustomOne Switched 56/64 Kbps Service is available at Company Points of Presence. Company PRI is an ancillary charge described in Section IV.13 herein. CustomOne Switched 56/64 Kbps Service terminates to Customer Premise Equipment ("CPE" ). The CPE must have the capability of dialing SOS calls, answering SDS calls, and allowing Customer to connect the applications into the 50S Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r.;:In/".p.I~ ~RO Rp.\Iic::p.n P~OP. No qf\!:; 1 IV.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Switched Data Service (SDS)(Cont' Switched 56/64 Kbps Service (Cont' CustomOne Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rates Usage charges will be on a per call basis with 6 second initial and 6 second additional billing periods per call. CustomOne Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rates Mileage Band Day Switched Non-Day Dedicated Day Non-Day 100 + $0.2754 $0.2754 $0.1470 $0.1241 $0.2754 $0.2754 $0.1470 $0.1241 CustomOne Switched Data Service Discounts CustomOne Switched Data Service charges will contribute to and are eligible for Discounts listed in Section IV.15..05. Both voice and data CustomOne revenue will aggregate to determine a CustomOne Customer s discount level. CustomOne Multirate ISDN Switched Data Service ("Multirate ISDN SDS" 1 .CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS is a dial-up service for transmitting data at a speed of times 64 Kbp; where N equals 1 to 24, resulting in a total bandwidth from 64 Kbps to 1 .536 Mbps in 64 Kbps increments. CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS calls can originate only on switched access facilities. The only access type available for use with CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS is Local Exchange Carrier Primary Rate Interface (LEC PRI). Customer must order such Local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier. LEC PRI is subject to availability from the Local Exchange Carrier and may not be available in all locations. CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS terminates to Customer Premise Equipment ("CPE" ). The CPE must have the capability of interfacing with the Local Exchange Carrier PRI access line, dialing SDS calls, answering SDS calls, and allowing Customer to connect the applications into the SDS Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r.::mr'.p.I~ ::tRD Rp.\Ii~p.n P~gP. No An ~ ? IV.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont CustomOne Switched Data Service (SDS)(Cont' CustomOne Multirate ISDN Switched Data Service ("Multirate ISDN SDS"(Cont' CustomOne Multirate ISDN Rates Usage charges will be on a per call basis with 6 second initial and 6 second additional billing periods per call. Call origination and termination is limited to locations with LEC PRI availability. Rates for CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS are calculated by multiplying the Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rate in Section IV.15..04.2 times the number of 64 Kbps channels utilized during each call. For example a call using 384 Kbps would be priced at 6 times the 64 Kbps rate because 384 Kbps is the equivalent of 6 64 Kbps channels. CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS Discounts CustomOne Multirate ISDN SDS charges will contribute to and are eligible for Discounts listed in Section IV.15..05. Both voice and data CustomOne revenue will aggregate to determine a CustomOne Customer s discount level. Idaho Public Utilities Commissionomc~ of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 96. r.;:! ~TH Rp"ic::pr! P;:!OP Nn qf\ f\ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont CustomOne Discounts Time of Day Discounts - Non-Day rates will apply, on a Call-by-Call basis, to all Inbound, Outbound and Travel Service Calls occurring during the Non-Day rate period, i., anytime except 8am to 5pm weekdays, and on Company Recognized Holidays. Volume Discounts - Volume Discounts, as set forth below, are available to those CustomOne Customers whose total monthly combined Measured Service equals or exceeds $500.00 per invoice. The discounts shown below are inclusive (apply to the first $1 of usage) and all Inbound, Outbound and Travel Service Calls and Travel Service set-up charges are eligible for discounts. Total Monthly Usaqe Volume Discount $500.00 - $999. 000.00 - $9,999. $10,000 + Pricing Plans 10% 15% CustomOne Pricing Plan - As set forth below , and in lieu of Volume Discounts described in Section V.15..05.B. discounts are available to CustomOne Customers based on the Annual Commitment Level and Service Commitment Period. The Annual Commitment applies to each consecutive 12 month period within the Service Commitment Period beginning with the First full bill cycle following the earliest Start of Service Date and each subsequent anniversary. The discounts shown below are inclusive (apply to the first $1 of usage) and all Inbound, Outbound and Travel Service Calls and Travel Service set-up charges, before promotional and other discounts, contribute and are eligible for discounts. Service Commitment Period1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 12.0% 14.0% 15. 15.0% 17.0% 19. 16.5% 19.5% 21. 17.5% 20.5% 22. 18.5% 21.0% 23. 19.0% 21.5% 24. 19.5% 22.0% 24. 20.0% 23.0% 26. 22.5% 25.5% 27. 23.5% 26.5% 28. 24.5% 27.5% 29. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Annual Commitment $6,000. $12 000. $24,000. $36,000. $60,000. $84 000. $120,000. $180,000. $240,000. $360,000. $480,000. Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI World Com Network Services , Inc. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont Idaho Tariff No. 3RD Revised Page No. 96. r.~nr'.Alc: ?ND RA\liC:An P~gA Nn qfi fi 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Discounts (Cont Pricing Plans (Cont' II.CustomOne Cross Product Pricing Plan - As set forth below, and in lieu of Volume Discounts and Pricing Plans described in Sections V.15..05.B. and C., discounts are available to CustomOne Customers based upon Customer s aggregate billing amount of CustomOne and Private Line Service, as described in Section IV herein. This CustomOneCross Product Pricing Plan is available for new CustomOne Customers and existing CustomOne Customers who increase their Annual Commitments. To qualify for the Cross Product Pricing Plan , Customer must commit to (i) a minimum of000 annual charges which may be any combination of CustomOne and Private line Services, and (ii) a minimum of a CustomOne one year Service Commitment Period.Company reserves the right to aggregate the Customer account for Private Line Service and the Customer and its affiliates accounts for Switched Service. To receive the Cross Product Pricing Plan, Customer must commit in writing to an AnnualRevenue Commitment ("ARC"). The ARC is calculated by adding the Customer anticipated annual discounted (net) private line recurring Interexchange charges multiplied by 1.25 to the Customer s anticipated CustomOne annual nondiscounted (gross) charges.The discount table in Section V.15..05.i. is used to determine the discount usingCustomers ARC and the Service Commitment Period. The discount will be applied to Customer s monthly CustomOne invoice. Customer s actualbilling will be reviewed annually to determine if Customer has met or exceeded the ARC. Ifupon annual review the sum of Customer s actual gross CustomOne usage plus netInterexchange charges is less than the ARC, Company will add an adjustment for the difference, the Under Utilization Fee as described in Section V.15..05., to Customernext invoice. Customer may increase the ARC , and must meet the new ARC by the end of the originalService Commitment Period. No decrease in the ARC will be allowed during the CustomOneService Commitment Period. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - ZO01 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No, 1 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r.~nr'.p.I~ ~RD Rp.\Iic:p.n P~OP. Nt) qn 7 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 15.CustomOne (Cont' CustomOne Discounts (Cont' 16. Early Termination Charges Cancellation Without Liability - A Customer may cancel a CustomOne Pricing Plan prior to its expiration without liability if the Customer subscribes to a new CustomOne Pricing Plan of equal or greater Annual Commitment and Service Commitment Period. II.Cancellation with Liability - Discontinuance of all Services furnished under the CustomOne Pricing Plan prior to its expiration is considered a cancellation of the Pricing Plan , and the Customer will be billed and required to pay an Early Termination Fee equal to the Under Utilization Fee as described in Section V.15..05.F. for the year of termination plus 35% of the Annual Commitment for each additional year of the Pricing Plan that remains unfulfilled. Service Commitment Period and Renewal Options - A Customer committing to a Pricing Plan may choose between 1,2, or 3 years. The Service Commitment Period will commence with the First full bill cycle following the earliest Start of Service Date for any Service, whether Inbound, Outbound or Travel Service and will automatically renew for an equivalent Service Commitment Period and Annual Commitment upon expiration of the Pricing Plan unless the Customer provides written notification to cancel the Pricing Plan, which must be received by Company, not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the Service Commitment Period. A Customer may renew or extend a Pricing Plan prior to expiration of the current Pricing Plan accordance with the provisions in Section V.15..05 D. Under Utilization Fee - At the end of any twelve month period of the Service Commitment Period, if a Customer has not met the Annual Commitment of the subscribed Pricing Plan the Customer must pay the difference between the Customer s actual usage and the Annual Commitment net of any Pricing Plan Discount for the Customer s subscribed Service. CustomOne Optional Features CustomOne Optional Features include WilSelect 800, Directory Assistance, Accounting Codes, Standard, Corporate Billing and Hierarchical Billing, Call Detail on Magnetic Tape or Diskette, and Telemanagement Reports as specified in Company s Tariff FCC No.5, Section IV. These Optional Features are provided pursuant to that Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 7TH Revised Page No. 96. r.:::In/".pl~ nTH Rp\li~prl P:::IOP Nn qn ~ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont'd) 17.WilMAX WilMAX Service is a telecommunications Service designed for calling from multiple Customer locations to stations throughout the state and arranged so the Customer receives a single bill for all locations. This service is only available to Customers of Company interstate WilMAX Service. WilMAX is comprised of two different product offerings, WilMAX Reseller Service and WilMAX Carrier Service. WilMAX Reseller Service WilMAX Reseller Service is comprised of Switched Service, Dedicated Access Service, 800 Service, Travel Card Service, Directory Assistance Service, Enhanced 800 Service and Switched Data Service. Switched and Dedicated Access Service Switched Service has switched access arrangements on both the originating and terminating ends; Dedicated Access Service has dedicated access arrangements on the originating end and switched access on the terminating end. The Customer may choose between either of these two Services. All Calls are billed in 6 second increments and are subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 second increment, e.g. 7 seconds would be billed as 12 seconds. Intrastate WilMAX rates for these Services are not subject to any term or volume discounts. Rates for both direct dial calling and 800 Service using either of these two Services are as follows. Rate per 6 Seconds Dav Non-Dav Switched Service Dedicated Access Service $0.0176 0094 $0.0162 0079 Basic Travel Card Service With Basic Travel Card Service, the Customer receives an Authorization Code issued by the Company. Customers may then use this Authorization Code to access the Company network to complete long distance Calls without the assistance of an operator and may charge those Calls to their Authorization Code. All Basic Travel Card Service Calls are billed at the rate set forth in Section V .17..01 for Switched Service. Basic Travel Card Service Calls are not subject to any term or volume discounts. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r.::mf'.p.I~ ~RD Rp.\Ii~p.rI P~gP. Nn ~:u~ R 1 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 17.WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Reseller Service (Cont' Enhanced Travel Card Service Enhanced Travel Card Service offers the following standard features: Speed Dialing, # Reorigination, Conference Calling, Variable Credit Limits, Message Store and Forward and Audiotext. Customer will be billed the associated charges only for those features used, in addition to the Base Rates listed below. Each completed Call will be assessed a set-up charge of $0.25. Base Rates for the Measured Service component of Enhanced Travel Card Service Calls are billed in 6 second increments with a 1 minute billing minimum per Call. Enhanced Travel Card Service Base Rates Rate per 6 Seconds Day Non-Day Base Rate $0.0176 $0.0162 Speed Dialing Speed Dialing allows Customer to store frequently dialed numbers which are then retrieved by dialing only 1 digit. Customer is limited to 9 programmed numbers with a maximum of 11 digits each. Speed DialinQ Charqes Monthly Recurring Charge for Speed Dialing $0. # Reorigination # Reorigination allows Customer to dial additional numbers without ending the Enhanced Travel Card session and without reentering the authorization code. The card is assessed the standard set-up charge for each additional number dialed. # Reoriqination Charqes Standard set-up Charge per # Reorigination $0. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r.::Inf'.AI~ ~RD RA\li~Arl P::IOA Nn qf\ R ? MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 17.WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Reseller Service (Cont' Enhanced Travel Card Service (Cont Issued: April 27, 2001 Conference Calling Conference Calling allows Customer to use an operator to establish a telephone conference. No minimum time applies per conference call and conference calls can be set up in advance or on demand. New parties may be connected by the operator after the conference call has been established, and conferences can be comprised of up to 47 parties. More parties can be included by special arrangement. Base Rates do not apply for this feature. Conference Callinq Charqes Per Conferenced Party $ 1 .40 Prime Hours * per Minute Charge $0.3763 per party Non-Prime Hours per Minute Charge $0.2820 per party * Prime Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p., C.T. - Monday through Sunday Variable Credit Limits Variable Credit Limits allows Customer to set pre-determined spending levels for pre- determined time limits of Customer s choice. Customer may not exceed this pre- determined spending level. Variable Credit Limits Charqes Variable Credit Limits $0, Message Store and Forward Message Store and Forward allows Customer to prerecord messages for delivery up to 96 hours later to any telephone in the state. Messages are limited to 3 minutes in length. Company will attempt eight deliveries of the message at 15 minute intervals. Messaqe Store and Forward Charqes Per Delivered Message $0. Audiotext Audiotext allows Customer to access pre-recorded information on a variety of subjects. Base Rates do not apply. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINGAudiotext Pricinq Charge Per Minute $0. MAY 7 - 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street , 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Bo~se, Idaho Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RD Revised Page No. 96. r.;:!nC".p-I~ ?ND Rp-\Ii~p-rl P;:!gP- Nn qf\ R ~ MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 17.WilMAX (Cont WilMAX Reseller Service (Cont' Enhanced Travel Card Service (Cont' Directory Assistance Directory Assistance provides telephone number information upon request. Each request is assessed a surcharge as shown below. An additional surcharge applies if the Customer chooses optional Call Completion by the operator. Base Rates apply for the Measured Service component of the operator completed call. Directory Assistance SurcharqePer Request $0.40 Call Completion by Operator $0.40 Operator Service Operator Service provides operator assistance for placing a call. Base Rates apply for the Measured Service component of the Operator Service call. Surcharges apply as shown below. Operator Service SurcharqeStation to Station $1.Person to Person $2. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 5TH Revised Page No. 96. r.;:ml".pl~ 4TH Rp\li~prl P~oP Nn qR q MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 17.WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Reseller Service (Cont' Directory Assistance Service Directory Assistance is available to WilMAX Customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V.6 herein. WilMAX Carrier Service WilMAX Carrier Service is comprised of Switched Service, Dedicated Access Service, Extended Network Termination Service, Extended Network 800 Service, Travel Card Service, Directory Assistance Service , Enhanced 800 Service and Switched Data Service. WilMAX Carrier Service is only available to Carrier Customers. Switched and Dedicated Access Service Switched Service has switched access arrangements on both the originating and terminating ends; Dedicated Access Service has dedicated access arrangements on the originating end and switched access on the terminating end. The Customer may choose between these two Services. All Calls are billed in 6 second increments and are subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 second increment, e.g. 7 seconds would be billed as 12 seconds. Intrastate WilMAX rates are not subject to any term or volume discounts. Rates for these service are as follows. Rate per 6 Seconds Day Non-Day Switched Service Dedicated Access Service $0.0176 0094 $0.0162 0079 Extended Network Termination Service Extended Network Termination Service is a direct dial long distance service for Customers utilizing dedicated access between the Customer s premise and Company facilities of at least a DS-1 level. Duration of Extended Network Termination Service Calls(usage) are expressed in 6 second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds. There are no discounts for intrastate Extended Network Termination Service. Rates Per 6 Second Increment $0.0094 $0.0079 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Day Non-Day Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 96. r.::In,,-p.I~ ~TH Rp.\Ii~p.rI P::IOP. Nn qR 10 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 17.WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Carrier Service (Cont' Extended Network 800 Service Extended Network 800 Service is a long distance Service utilizing dedicated access arrangements between the Customer s Premises and Company facilities for 800 Call origination. Call termination is completed through a combination of Company facilities and available switched access arrangements. Duration of Extended Network 800 Service Calls (usage) are expressed in 6 second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds" All calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds. There are no discounts for intrastate Extended Network 800 Service. Rates per 6 Second Increment Day Non-Day $0.0094 $0.0079 Basic Travel Card Service With Basic Travel Card Service, the Customer receives an Authorization Code issued by the Company. Customers may then use this Authorization Code to access the Company network to complete long distance Calls without the assistance of an operator and may charge those Calls to their Authorization Code. All Basic Travel Card Service Calls are billed at the rate set forth in Section V .17. ,02 for Switched Service. Basic Travel Card Service calls are not subject to any term or volume discounts. Enhanced Travel Card Service Refer to Section V.17 .01 WilMAX Reseller Service Enhanced Travel Card Service for description and rates of this service. Directory Assistance Service Directory Assistance is available to WilMAX Customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V.6 herein. WilMAX Switched Data Service (SDS) WilMAX Switched Data Service is available to Customers of either WilMAX Reseller or Carrier Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCi World Com Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No, 1 3RD Revised Page No. 96.10. r.~nl".p.I~ ?ND Rp.\Ii~p.rl P~OP. Nn ~~ 10 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 17.WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Switched Data Service (SDS)(Cont' Switched 56/64 Kbps Service 1 .WilMAX Switched 56/64 Kbps Service is a dial-up service for transmitting data speeds of 56 Kbps and 64 Kbps and is designed for applications that require intermittent high speed transmission or switched capability by providing end-to-end digital transmission. WilMAX Switched 56/64 Kbps Service calls can originate on dedicated or switched access facilities. The access types used with WilMAX Switched 56/64 Kbps Service include DS-, FT-1, and Company Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface (Company PRI), and where available Local Exchange Carrier Switched Digital Access (SDA), Local Exchange Carrier Integrated Services Digital Network Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Local Exchange Carrier Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface (LEC PRI). Switched 56/64 Kbps Service calls which originate via switched access facilities must utilize SDA, BRI or LEC PRI access. Customer must order such Local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier. SDA, BRI and LEC PRI are subject availability from the Local Exchange Carrier and may not be available in all locations. SDS calls which originate via dedicated facilities must utilize DS 1 , FT -1, or Company PRI access. Customer may choose to obtain local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier, or Customer may designate Company to act as its agent in providing Local Access for Customer. Dedicated access to WilMAX Switched 56/64 Kbps Service is available at Company Points of Presence. Company PRI is an ancillary charge described in Section IV.13 herein. WilMAX Switched 56/64 Kbps Service terminates to Customer Premise Equipment CPE" ). The CPE must have the capability of dialing SDS calls, answering SDS calls, and allowing Customer to connect the applications into the SDS Service, WilMAX Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rates Usage charges will be on a per call basis with 6 second initial and 6 second additional billing periods per call, WilMAX Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rates Rates Per 6 Seconds Switched Day Non-Day Dedicated Day Non-Day Base Rate $0.0185 $0.0170 $0.0104 $0.0083 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY '7 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 3RD Revised Page No. 96.10. r..~n('.p.I~ ?ND Rp.\Ii~p.rl P~OP. Nn ~f\ 1 n ? MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 17. WilMAX (Cont' WilMAX Switched Data Service (SDS)(Cont' WilMAX Multirate ISDN Switched Data Service ("Multirate ISDN SDS" 1 .WilMAX Multirate ISDN SDS is a dial-up service for transmitting data at a speed of N times 64 Kbp; where N equals 1 to 24, resulting in a total bandwidth from 64 Kbps to 1.536 Mbps in 64 Kbps increments. WilMAX Multirate ISDN SDS calls can originate only on switched access facilities. The only access type available for use with WilMAX Multirate ISDN SDS is Local Exchange Carrier Primary Rate Interface (LEC PRI). Customer must order such Local Access directly from the Local Exchange Carrier. LEC PRI is subject to availability from the Local Exchange Carrier and may not be available in all locations. WilMAX Multirate ISDN SDS terminates to Customer Premise Equipment ("CPE" The CPE must have the capability of interfacing with the Local Exchange Carrier PRI access line, dialing SDS calls, answering SDS calls, and allowing Customer to connect the applications into the SDS Service. WilMAX Multirate ISDN Rates Usage charges will be on a per call basis with 6 second initial and 6 second additional billing periods per call, Call origination and termination is limited to locations with LEC PRI availability. Rates for WilMAX Multirate ISDN SDS are calculated by multiplying the Switched Data Service 56/64 Kbps Rate in Section V .17 ..O3.A. 2 times the number of Kbps channels utilized during each call. For example a call using 384 Kbps would be priced at 6 times the 64 Kbps rate because 384 Kbps is the equivalent of 6 64 Kbps channels. WilMAX Enhanced 800 Service WilMAX Enhanced 800 Service is available to Customers of either WilMAX Reseller or Carrier Service. Route Completion Route Completion allows an 800 dedicated access line Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending the overflow to a pre-defined alternate routing group of dedicated access" W A Ts access lines, or switched access lines. All 800 numbers on a single dedicated line access must have the same alternate routing plan. Up to 5 alternate routing plans can be established. Route Completion will route traffic from dedicated access lines to dedicated access lines or dedicated access lines to switched access lines, Charge for Change $40.00 per routing group, per occurence Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Route Completion PricinqInsallation Charge $90.00 per routing group (Nonrecurring) Monthly fee $25.00 per routing group Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 4TH Revised Page No. 96. r::lnr.p.I~ ~RD ~P.\Ii~p.rl P::IOP. No qR 11 ""- MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 18.WilPlus IV WilPlus IV consists of three different product Options, Otpion 1 , Option 2 and Option 3. Each Option is comprised of One Plus, Outbound, Directory Assistance and Operator Service Components. Option 1 , Option 2 or Option 3 of WilPlus IV Service is only available to interstate customers of that Option. A Customer who selects Option 1 , Option 2 or Option 3 of WilPlus IV Service is not eligible for any other WilPlus IV Option while receiving Service under the selected Option. The applicable Base Rates for WilPlus IV, Option 1 Option 2 or Option 3 Service are distance sensitive and will be determined by Time of Day and Company Recognized Holidays. No Volume or term discounts apply to any Components of WilPlus IV, Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3 Service No Optional Features are available with WilPlus IV, Option 1 , Option 2 or Option 3 Service. WilPlus IV, OPtion 1 - Outbound Service Call Duration for all WilPlus IV , Option 1 Calls (usage) are expressed in one minute increments, with a billing minimum of one minute per Call. The Call Duration for all WilPlus , Option 1 Calls is rounded to the next highest minute. For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 4 minute Call. Base Rates per minute for the Outbound Service Component of WilPlus IV, Option 1 are set forth below and correspond to the time of day/day of week. Intercity Milea e Band Evenin ht/Weekend $0.2623 $0.2623 $0.2623 100 +2623 2623 2623 WilPlus IV, OPtion 2 - Outbound Service Call Duration for all WilPlus IV , Option 2 Calls (usage) are expressed in 6 second increments , with a billing minimum of 6 seconds per Call, The Call Duration for all WilPlus , Option 2 Calls is rounded to the next highest 6 second increment. Intercity Milea e Band Evenin ht/Weekend $0.0262 $0.0262 $0.0262 100 +0262 0262 0262 WilPlus IV, Option 3 - Outbound Service Base Rates for WilPlus IV , Option 3 Service are equal to those for WilPlus IV, Option Service found in Section V.18..01. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Rofse. idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street , 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 6TH Revised Page No. 96. r.;:Inl".p.I~ fiTH Rp.\Ii~p.rl P;:IOP. Nn ~f\ 1? MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 19.LEC Billed Measured Service LEC Billed Measured Service calling includes calls made by customers without an established account dialed:1) Using an accepted company access code (e., 10XXX) from a line notpresubscribed to the company; or2) From a line presubscribed to the company (i., when the customer does not have an established account and billing relationship with WilTel or another carrier using the WilTel network. Such LEC Billed Measured Service calls may be routed to the WilTel network when placed within the 48 contiguous United States. LEC Billed Measured Service calls accepted by the Company will be billed at the rates listed below. Per Minute Rates Mileage Band 1- 10 11- 22 23- 55 56-124 124-292 293+ DAY Initial Add' Minute Minute1700 $.07843100 .16664900 .36265700 .49005800 .50966200 .5194 EVENING Initial Add'Minute Minute1100 $.05252000 .11163200 .24293700 .32833800 .3414.4100 ,3480 NIGHT/WEEKEND Initial Add' Minute Minute 0800 $.0408500 .08662500 .18862900 .25482900 .26503100 .2701 Per Call Surcharqe Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI World Com Network Services , Inc.idaho Tariff No. 3RD Revised Page No. 96. rAnf"'.AIc:: ?ND RA\liC::An PAOA Nn qf\ 1 ~ 20. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Prepaid Callinq Card Prepaid Calling Card Service allows Customers who pay in advance to complete calls via a Company-provided 800 number printed on the Prepaid Calling Card. Calls to 700, 900, 950 or 800 numbers, other than the 800 number printed on the card, may not be completed with the card. Prepaid Calling Card Service card balances will be reduced and depleted based upon customer usage. Customer will be given notice one minute before the available card balance is depleted, based on the terminating location of the call. When the available balance is depleted, the call will be terminated. Prepaid Calling Card Service cards are non-refundable and will expire on the date specifiedon the card, carrier or package in which the card is included. Three types of Prepaid Calling Cards are offered: Basic Promotional Prepaid Calling Card, Enhanced Promotional Calling Card and Standard Prepaid Calling Card. Basic Promotional Prepaid Callinq CardA. Basic Promotional Prepaid Calling Card ("Promotional Card") Service offers direct dial Outbound Service and Directory Assistance. Promotional Card Service will be used for Customer s promotional purposes only, and the cards will be distributed through Customer s outlets and products. All advertising and promotional materials whichrefer to the Customer and the Company shall be jointly approved. Promotional Cards are available in whole dollar denominations up to $100. Calls placed via Promotional Card Service are billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum initial period. A standard per minute rate is charged with no time- of-day discount. No Operator Service calls may be completed with the card. Rates are as follows. Per Minute Standard Rate $0. Volume Discounts - Volume discounts , as set forth below, are available to Customers whose total purchase of Promotional Cards equals or exceeds $10,000. Promotional Card revenue does not contribute to and is not eligible for any other discounts for Service provided by the Company. Total Purchase Volume Discount $10,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$199,999 $200 000-$499,999 $ 500,000- $999 ,999 000 000 +10% No credit allowances apply to calls which are interrupted due to poor transmission, one-way transmission , or involuntary disconnections caused by Defects in Service. No credit allowance will be given to a user reaching a wrong number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street , 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 MCI WoridCom Network Services, Inc. 4TH r.;:tnf'.p..I~ ~RD idaho Tariff No, Revised Page No. 96. R P.. \/i ~P..rl Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAY 7 - 2001 MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Prepaid Callinq Card (Cont'20. Basic Promotional Prepaid Callinq Card (Cont'E. When purchasing Promotional Card Service, Customer may specify Single Namb&rdir.~ Termination. This feature limits termination of calls placed by holder of the card to a telephone number designated by the Customer, No charge applies for this feature. Directory Assistance is available to holders of the Promotional Card at the rates andcharges set forth in Section V,6. herein. Customer may elect the Customized Greeting feature which callers will hear upon dialing the 800 access number. The maximum length of a Customized Greeting is 2 minutes. Customized Greeting Charge $600 Set-up charge Enhanced Promotional Prepaid Callinq Card Enhanced Promotional Prepaid Calling Card ("Enhanced PFomotional Card") Serviceoffers direct dial Outbound Service, Directory Assistance and limited OperatorService. Enhanced Promotional Card Service will be used for Customer promotional purposes only, and the cards will be distributed through Customer outlets and products. All advertising and promotional materials which refer to the Customer and the Company shall be jointly approved. Enhanced Promotional Cards are available in whole dollar denominations up to $100.Calls placed via Enhanced Promotional Card Service are billed in one minuteincrements with a one minute minimum initial period. A standard per minute rate is charged with no time-of-day discount. Rates are as follows. Standard Rate Per Minute $0. Limited Operator Service is available with Enhanced Promotional Card Service.Operator Service may be used to complete a call placed via rotary telephone or for informational assistance in completing a call. No third party billed or collect calls may be completed by Operator Service. In addition to applicable per minute charges shown in Section V.20..02.B. above, a surcharge of $1.50 will be appliedfor each instance of use. Volume Discounts - Volume discounts, as set forth below, are available toCustomers whose total purchase of Enhanced Promotional Cards equals or exceeds $10,000. Enhanced Promotional Card revenue does not contribute to and is noteligible for any other discounts for Service provided by the Company. Total Purchase Volume Discount $10 000-$49,999 1 % $50 000-$99,999 $100 000-$199 999 $200 000-$499,999 $500,000-$999 999 000 000+ 10% No credit allowances apply to calls which are interrupted due to poor transmission, one-way transmission, or involuntary disconnections caused by Defects in Service. No credit allowance will be given to a user reaching a wrong number. Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. 4TH r.;:!nf'.pl~ ~ Idaho Tariff No. Revised Page No. 96. Rp\li~prl P;:!gP Nn qf1 1 ~ Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 20. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Prepaid Callinq Card (Cont Enhanced Promotional Prepaid Callinq Card (Cont' When purchasing Enhanced Promotional Card Service, Customer may s~~v ~le Number Termination. This feature limits termination of calls placed by holder of the card to a telephone number designated by the Customer. No charge applies for thisfeature, Directory Assistance is available to holders of the Enhanced Promotional Card at therates and charges set forth in Section V, 6 herein. Customer may elect the Customized Greeting feature which callers will hear upon dialing the 800 access number. The maximum length of a Customized Greeting is 2 minutes. Customized Greeting Charge $600 Set-up charge Standard Prepaid Callinq Card Standard Prepaid Calling Card ("Standard Card") Service includes direct dial Outbound Service, Directory Assistance and limited Operator Service. Standard Cards are available in whole dollar denominations up to $100. Calls placed via Standard Card Service are billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum initial period, A standard per minute rate is charged with no time- of-day discount. Rates are as follows. Per Minute Standard Rate $0.41 Limited Operator Service is available with the Standard Card. Operator Service maybe used to complete a call placed via rotary telephone or for informational assistance in completing a call, No third party billed or collect calls may be completed by Operator Service, In addition to applicable per minute charges shown in Section V.20..03.B. above , a surcharge of $1.50 will be applied for each instance of use. Volume Discounts - Volume discounts, as set forth below, are available toCustomers whose total purchase of Standard Cards equals or exceeds $10,000,Standard Card revenue does not contribute to and is not eligible for any other discounts for Service provided by the Company. Total Purchase Volume Discount$10 000 $49 99 1 %$50 000-$99,999 $100 000-$199,999 $200,000-$499 999 $500 000-$999,999 000 000 + 10% A credit allowance not to exceed one minute will be given to calls which areinterrupted due to poor transmission, one-way transmission , or involuntarydisconnections caused by Defects in Service. To receive credit, Customer mustnotify a Company Customer Service Representative of defective Service. No creditallowance will be given to a user reaching a wrong number. Issued: April 27, 2001 Effective: May 7, 2001Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. 97 r.;:tnf'.pl~ RTH Rp\li~prl P;:tOP Nn ~:n MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 20. Prepaid Callinq Card (tont' 03 Standard Prepaid Callinq Card (Cont'F. When purchasing Standard Card Service, Customer may specify Single NumberTermination. This feature limits termination of calls placed by tiolder of the cprd toa telephone number designated by the Customer. No charge applies for this feature. Directory Assistance is available to Customers of the Standard Card at the rates andcharges set forth in Section V.6, herein, Customer ma)! elect the Customized Greeting feature which callers will hear upon di91ing the 800 access number, The maximum length of a Customized Greeting is 2minutes, Customized Greeting Charge Classic Classic Service is a telecommunications Service designed for calling Tfrom multiple Customer locations to stations throughout the state and arranged so theCustomer receives a single bill for all locations. THIs service is only available to Customerswho subscribe to Companyinterstate Classic Service and who are authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to provide telecommunication Service in the stateto the general public on a public utility basis. Classic Service is comp-rised of two different product offerings, Classic Reseller Serviceand Classic Carrier Service. 01 Classic Carrier Service Classic Service is com.J)rised of 1 + and Inbound Toll Free Service, Termination Service Origination Service, Switched Service, Dedicated AccessService, Travel Card Service, and Directory Assistance Service. All services areavailable to Carrier Customers. Termination Service and Origination Service are notavailable to Reseller Customers. Switched and Dedicated Access Service Switched and Dedicated Access Service Rrovide both Call Origination and CallTermination, Switched Service has switched access arrangements on both theoriginating and terminating ends; Dedicated Access Service has dedicated accessarran.Qements on the originating end and switched access on the terminatin,g end.The Customer may choose between these two Services. All Calls are billed-in 6second increments and are subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds. AllCalls are rounded to the next highest 6 second increment, e.g. 7 seconds would billed as 12 seconds,Intrastate Classic rates are subject to term or volume discounts. Rates for these services are as follows: Rate Per Minute $600 Set-up charge 21. Day Switched Service $0.1335 $0,1198Dedicated Access Service 0,0896 0.0735 Basic Travel Card Service With Basic Travel Card Service, the Customer receives an Authorization Code issued by the Company, Customers may then use this Authorization Code to access theCompany network to complete 10n!,1 distance calls without the assistance of anQperator and may charge those calfs to their Authorization Code. All Basic TravelCard Service calls are Dilled at the rate set forth in V .17.02 for Switched Service.Basic Travel Card Service calls are not subject to any term or volume discounts. Non-day * All references to WilMax Service set forth in the Rules and Regulation Section of this tariff also apply to ClassIc Service. Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27 , 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez , Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001 MCI World Com Network Services , Inc,Idaho Tariff No. 9TH Revised Page No. 98 r.:::Inr'.p.I~ RTH Rp.\Ii~p.rl P:::IOP. Nn qR MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont 21.Classic (Cont' Classic Carrier Service (Cont' Enhanced Travel Card Service Refer to Section V,17.01 WilMAX Reseller Service EnhancedTravel Card Service for description and rates of this service. Directory Assistance Service Directory Assistance is available to Classic Customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V,6 herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 B1Jise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 1 ST Revised Page No. 99 r.;:ml".AI~ nrioin::ll P::IgA Nn ~q MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' 23. CNC Service CNC offers 1 + outbound, inbound "800" and travel card service to its Customers. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate service. CNC Outbound Service - Connect Idaho Plan Connect Idaho Plan allows Customers to place direct dialed calls to terminating locations.Customers are presubscribed to the CNC network. Calls are placed by dialing " 1 +" and the destination telephone number, including the area code if applicable. Customers may accessDial" 1" Service through switched or dedicated access facilities. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period of one (1) minute. Connect Idaho service is offered in conjunction with Connect USA Service. Switched Access Volume Discounted Rate Term /Volume Plan Residential Service Major Accounts Wholesale " B" Wholesale " Per Minute Rates $0.2311 $0.2219 $0.2136 $0.2080 Dedicated Access Volume Discounted Rate Term /Volume Plan Residential Service Major Accounts Wholesale " Wholesale " A" Per Minute Rates N/A N/A $ O. 1 1 $0.1110 CNC Inbound "800" Service CNC 800 Service is an inward W A TS service. It permits termination of intrastate calls from diverse geographic locations to Customer local exchange lines or to dedicated accessfacilities. With CNC 800 Service, the Customer is billed for the call rather than the call originator. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period of one (1)minute. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate service. Switched Access Volume Discounted Rate Term /Volume Plan Residential Service Major Accounts Wholesale " Wholesale " Per Minute Rates $0.2311 $0.2219 $0.2136 $0.2080 Dedicated Access Volume Discounted Rate Term /Volume Plan Residential Service Major Accounts Wholesale " Wholesale " A" Per Minute Rates N/A N/A $0.1140 $0.1110 Idaho Public UtilitieOff mmlsslon ACCE PTE the Secretary FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001CNC 800 Monthly Charqe Monthly Recurring Fee $5.f" ,tlO/se Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (Cont' Idaho Tariff No. 1 ST Revised Page No. r;::!nt"'.pl~ nrioin;::!1 P;::!OP Nn 100 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 200123.CNC Service (Cont' Travel Card Service Boise, Idaho Travel Card Service offers CNC Customers the ability to place calls while away from the home or office using a special access code and personal identification number. Usage charges and a per call charge , as defined below , applies. Per Minute Rates Term /Volume Plan Residential Service Major Accounts Wholesale " Wholesale " Per Minute Rates $0.2311 $0.2219 $0.2136 $0.2080 Per Call Charqe $0. Directory Assistance Service Directory Assistance is available to CNC Customers at the rates and charges set forth in Section V.6 herein. Term / Volume Discounts The following Term and/or Volume discounts apply to all CNC services. Term discount Customers must sign a contract which details the length of term and the type of service offered in the contract. Volume discounts will be calculated for the entire Customer account based upon the combined usage of all Connect Idaho, CNC "800" and Travel Card usage. The volume discount level will be set annually by the Company and the Customerand will not change be reduced during the year, Should the Customers usage increase overthe anticipated usage, the Company and Customer may agree to move the Customer to thenext higher discount level. CNC Wholesale " CNC Wholesale " A" is offered to Customers who commit to a three (3) year term plan with commitments of over $100 000 of usage per month. Specific rates as provided in Sections 23..01, .02 and .03 apply. CNC Wholesale " CNC Wholesale "B" is offered to Customers who commit to a two (2) year term plan with commitments of over $50 000 of usage per month or a three (3) year plan withcommitments of over $29,000 per month. Specific rates as provided in Sections V.23.. 02 and .03 apply. CNC Major Accounts CNC Major Accounts is offered to Customers who commit to a one year term with commitments of over $20 000 of monthly usage or a two (2) year term plan with commitments of over $12,500 of usage per month or a three (3) year plan with commitments of over $5 900 per month. Specific rates as provided in Sections V.23..01, 02 and .03 apply. Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco , CA 94105 Effective: May 7, 2001 MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.Idaho Tariff No. 1 ST Revised Page No.1 01 r:=tnr-.plc:: nrioin:=tl P:=tOP Nn 101 VI.SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFERING The Company may from time to time engage in Special Promotional Offerings or trial Service offerings limited to certain dates, times, or locations designed to attract new subscribers or to increase subscriber awareness of a particular Tariff offering. loaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 7 - 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: April 27, 2001 Issued by: Erik Sanchez, Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Effective: May 7 , 2001