HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050509Application.pdf.... ..~. ff'- ~Et:Llvt .BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION \l" 1.;;.2 IN THE MA TTER OF THE APPLICATION OF Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Telecommunications Services Within the State of Idaho ",... .~ r,." t". t: ""' i.\ ' - :11 ~t:'t1oJWbulM i CASE NO. . ". .; \. :r" "., It, .. "" ." \ ';~ !~ : " C rll";;t..~, \ S slnf~ ,..... ii!,-'J v ;vi f( 0 -1: -()6 -0 ( APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc. , (" Applicant" or "MetTer') to provide local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 through -528 and IDAP A (Rules 111 & 112) as clarified by Procedural Order No. 26665 in Case No. GNR-96-4. The following general information and exhibits are furnished in support thereof: 1.)Applicant's legal name, address of its principal offices and telephone number are: Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc. 44 Wall Street, 6th Floor New York, New York 10005 212-607 -2000 The Applicant has no office located in the State of Idaho. The Applicant intends to provide resold and facilities-based local exchange service throughout the service areas of Qwest North, Qwest South and Verizon, initially utilizing the facilities of the incumbent LECs. Applicant is incorporated in the State of Delaware and is in good standing under the laws of that state. In addition, the Company is authorized to do business as a foreign corporation in the State of Idaho. Attached as Exhibit 1 to this Application is a copy of the Company s Certificate of Incorporation.A copy of Applicant's certificate of authority to transact business in Idaho is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. The name and business address of Applicant's registered agent for service in Idaho are: TCS Corporate Services, Inc. 5527 Kendall Street Boise, Idaho 83706 The names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of Applicant Owning the Greatest Number of Shares of Common Stock and the Number of Such Shares Owned by Each are: Name and Address Shares Owned Percentage of All Shares Issued & Outstanding Percentage of Voting Control Metropolitan Telecommunications Holding Corporation 100%100% Address: All of the shareholders can be reached through the company at the address listed in 1.) above. The names, addresses & ownership of Applicant's Officers and Directors are: Officers: Marshall Aronow, CEO David Aronow, President Andoni Economou, COO Directors: David Aronow Andoni Economou Each can be reached at Applicant's primary place of business and telephone number as follows: Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc. 44 Wall Street, 6th Floor New York, New York 10005 212-607-2000 The Name and Address of Any Corporation, Association, or Similar Organization Holding a 5% or Greater Ownership or Management Interest in Applicant are as follows: See answer to 4. above. The names and addresses of Subsidiaries Owned or Controlled by Applicant are as follows: Not applicable. Applicant initially proposes to provide resold local exchange servIces and to purchase unbundled network elements provided by existing LECs: Qwest North, Qwest South, and Verizon. Applicant has no current plans to install facilities in Idaho but may do so in the future, however, the nature and extent of the facilities to be utilized has yet to be determined. Applicant intends to provide all forms of intrastate local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services including: 1. Interexchange (switched and dedicated services): 1 + and 101 XXXX outbound dialing; 800/888 toll-free inbound dialing; Prepaid and Postpaid calling cards; Directory Assistance; and Frame Relay and other data services. 2. Local Exchange: Local Exchange Services for business and residence customers that will enable customers to originate and terminate local calls in the local calling area served by other LECs, including local dial tone and custom calling features. Switched local exchange services such as flat-rated and measure-rated local services; vertical services, Direct Inward and Outward Dialed trunks, carrier access, public and semi-public coin telephone services, and any other switched local services that currently exist or will exist in the future. Non-switched local services (e., private line) that currently exist or will exist in the future. Centrex and/or Centrex-like services that currently exist or will exist in the future. Digital subscriber line, ISDN, and other high capacity line services. Applicant seeks authority to resell and provide facilities-based/UNE interexchange and local exchange services initially throughout the State where provided by incumbent LECs, however Applicant does not intend to service areas serviced by any LECs which are eligible for a small or rural carrier exemption pursuant to Section 251 of the Federal Telecom Act of 1996. Applicant has no current plans to install facilities in Idaho. If MetTel installs facilities in Idaho, it would probably use the following or a similar configuration of equipment: MetTel will provide voice and high speed data services through a combination of the latest technology switching and transport media comprised of the Lucent Technology 5 ESS Generic 13 switch module ADSL/SDSL transport and Internet service equipment and the latest Optical multiplexer DAC' configurations. The switching system consists of a central processing and control complex capable of interconnection as a peer to the incumbent as well as competitive local exchange companies. The hub portion of the switch will interconnect with the public switched network on Signaling System SS7") or Feature Group D (9IFGD") facilities. The system s remote module capability will allow properties to be served in a manner that provides the exchange of appropriate signaling, control and calling/caller information to the network in accordance with network standards and specifications. Additionally, these services will be delivered over a combination of delivery mechanisms through incumbent local carriers' unbundled loop network, both copper and fiber and transport networks, as well as via MetTel constructed facilities. Applicant intends to provide service upon certification and finalization of interconnection agreements with the LECs. Copies of Metropolitan Telecommunications Holding Corporation s Consolidated Summary Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2004 and Consolidated Summary Income Statements for the one month and eleven months ended November 30 2004, Exhibit 3 , are being filed in a separately sealed envelope marked "Confidential and Proprietary 10.A map showing where Applicant is proposing to provide service is attached hereto as Exhibit 11.)A copy of Applicant's illustrative tariff is attached hereto as Exhibit 5. Applicant will file its proposed tariff establishing its proposed services and charges upon completion of interconnection and upon receipt of certification by the Commission. 12.Questions concerning this application and Applicant's tariff should be directed to Applicant' representative: Lance J.M. Steinhart, P. Attorney at Law 720 Windward Concourse, Suite 250 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Telephone) (770) 232-9208 (Facsimile) lsteinhart~tel ecomcounsel. com Customer Complaints and Inquiries are to be addressed to: Liliana Sanchez 44 Wall Street, 6th Floor New York, New York 10005 (877) 638-8351 (Customer Service) 13. 14. Applicant has not initiated interconnection or resale negotiations. Applicant has reviewed the laws and regulations of this Commission governing local exchange telecommunications services in Idaho and will provide service in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act. 15.Applicant will not require advance paYments or deposits, therefore, no escrow account is being filed. WHEREFORE, Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc., requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission enter an order granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc., to provide resold and facilities- based/UNE local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 through -528 and IDAPA Respectfully submitted thi day of ' 2005. METROPOLITAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INC. ance J.M. Steinhart Lance J.M. Steinhart, P. 720 Windward Concourse Suite 250 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Phone) (770) 232-9208 (Fax) lsteinhart~telecomcounsel.coln (E-mail) Attorney for METROPOLITAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INC. LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION EXHIBIT 2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS EXHIBIT 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXHIBIT 4 SERVICE AREA MAP EXHIBIT 5 ILLUSTRATIVE TARIFF EXHIBIT 1 - CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OCT-31-00 rUE 10:37 AM GERALD WE I NBERG P. c.FAX NO. 5184630079 P. 02/02 CERTIFICATE OF JNCORPORA TION METROPOLITAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO , INC. J.~IRBL The name the corporation METROPOLITAN TELECOMMUNICA TIONS OF IDAHO) INC. S.E~J).NP Its Registered Office is to be Jocated at 15 East North Street , Dover , Delaware 19901 in the county of Kent.The Registered Agent in charge thereof is IK Incorporating Services ) Inc. THIRJ)~TIle purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of Delaware. !t..X)ImT.U The amount of the total authorized capital 6tock of this corporation is Two Thousand, Five Hundred (2 500). common shares an of which shan be without par value. FI F...TI:I~The name and mailing address of the incorporator is as f ollowB : Katherine E. Mitchell90 State StreetAlbany. New York 12207 THE UNDERSIGNED , for the purpose of fanning a corporation under thelaws of the Stale of Delaware t do make file and record this Certificate and do certify that the facts herein are true t and I have accordinglyhereunto set my hand this 30th day of October I 2000. STATE OF DELAWARE SECRETARY OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONSFILED 09: 00 AM 10/31/2000 001549608 3309749 r41 ( rl!.l. f lu!!?!lJt Incorporator KATHERINE E MITCHELL90 State Street Albany ~ New York . ,.. --.... . "_d . --." EXHIBIT 2 - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS State of Idaho Office of the Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY METROPOLITAN TE,4E'yDM'ijt~ltin;AtlQNS OF IDAHO, INC. , . i' \;\ . /., :t; tF'~~m~iC!f1 ~~S I PETE T. C~~~Rft,US~."e:ctet~tyof $tafe'oftl9:~Sta~s"Q"'tdaho, hereby certify that an Appl icatiol'tlc)r c~ific~tJJOf AU ~;'~, Ulye~~d Pu, rsuatJt to the provisions of the Idaho Busir:\8ss qG~~J-a~i.~n~e("h~~";bee~"~~c~~~~:;fn tPt'is offi..ce and is found to conform to law. " :,, " '. ", ~.. ', ".. ,'" .. ' ,,'" ... ' :;:i ;:;/ '/':)".' ;-;;\''.';",;.;" " iFf, eeo RD I t(~~:~~~jU:~~~ . ;. ~~litrf(t;m~by law, I issue th Certificate of AuthO~ to~~s~j;;f.~~I' f' . . ~~~~~~hereto a duplicate of the application for ~Cfu.~~~tfC'~~~~ : "" .':'; ". " ., ., .. . .. . ;N,\i .:;' Dated: November 16, 2000 17' (!.~..- ,AJL,v~ SECRETARY OF STATE ~L) EXHIBIT 3 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION FILED AS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT 4 - SERVICE AREA MAP Li A," ~". -07/"23/97 t 16: 17 '5'208 334 3762 IDAHO PUC 141 002/002 LEGEND III Existing GTE Service Area Existing U S West North Service Area Existing U S West South Service Area EXHIBIT 5 - ILLUSTRATIVE TARIFF State of New York County of New York David Aronow , being first duly sworn , deposes and says that he/sheis the President of Metropolitan Telecommunications of Idaho, Inc., the Applicant in the proceeding entitled above, that he/she has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; that the same are true of his/her knowledge, except as to matters which are therein stated on information or belief , and to those matters he believes them to be true. V-" David Aronow President Subscribed 2005. Not and sworn to before this ('ill day of My Commission explres: ANDONI ECONOMOU Notary Public, State of New York No. 02EC5080357 Qualified in New York County Co'rr\r;"1~~si"'.\ni f=:\tl"' ,(,, j, "h7 .r"1),1'. ,.. '. "'V .J;, ,-A ..J.v,;:"v";'oj 0; , - ~Vv I D CLEC App