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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100819Illustrative Tariff.pdfEXHIBIT 5 Ilustrative tarif DWT IS200100v2 0102802-000141 rVi 013 - (-. 10--0 ( Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.D.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.D.C. Title Sheet Competitive Local Exchange Carier Tariff Schedule Applicable to TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES of MOBILITIE, LLC For Statewide Service in Idaho Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT IS237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.D.C. Tarff No. 1 Original Idaho P.D.C. Sheet 1 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CHECK SHEET The Title Sheet and Sheets 1 through 23 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective sheet(s). SHEET Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 2 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Matter Sheet No. TITLE SHEET................................................................................................................. .......... Title CHECK SHEET.............................................................................................................................. 1 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT .................................................................................................... 3 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS .................................................................................................. 3 MUNICIPALITIES OR TERRTORIES SERVICED................................................................... 4 APPLICABILITY ........................................................................................................................... 5 AVAILABILITY OF THE COMPANY'S TARIFF ...................................................................... 5 SECTION 1 - RF TRANSPORT.SERVICE.................................................................................. 6 SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................8 SECTION 3 - GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS........................................................ 10 3.1 - Undertaking of Company.................................................................................... ............... 10 3.2 - Application for Service...................................................................................................... 10 3.3 - Contract or Agreements.............. ..................... ........................................ ........ ............. ..... 10 3.4 - Deposits....................... ....................................................................................................... 11 3.5 - Notices ............................................................................................................................... 11 3.6 - Rendering and Payment of Bils ........................................................................................ 12 3.7 - Disputed Bills................................................ .......................... ............... ................ ............ 13 3.8 - Cancellation of Service by Company................................................................................. 14 3.9 - Cancellation of Service By Customer..... ....................................... ...... .............................. 15 3.10 - Special Information Required on Forms.......................................................................... 15 3.11 - Credit Establishment........................................................................................................ 16 3.12 - Prorating of Bills.................. ........... ............ ....................... .............................................. 17 3.13 - Information to Be Provided to the Public ............... ......... ................. ....................... ........ 17 3.14 - Continuity of Service............................... ........... ............ ................................................. 17 3.15 - Use of Service......,.............................................................................. ............................. 17 3.16 - Limitations of Service.......... ....... ...................................................... ........ ..... ...... ............ 17 File Date:'Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 2 Competitive Local Exchange Carier 3.17 - Interconnection................................................................................................................ 18 3.18 - Liability of the Company.......... .............. ............... ..... .............................. ....................... 18 3.19 - Measurement of Service.... ............................. ...... ............. ................... .............. ............. 19 3.20 - Responsibilities of the Customer ............................ ................................ ......................... 19 3.21 - Special Construction........................................................................................................ 19 3.22 - Demarcation Points.......................................................................................................... 19 3.23 - Force Majeure .................................................................................................................. 19 3.24 - Disclaimer of Waranties ................................................................................................. 20 SECTION 4 - PROMOTIONS..............................................................................;......................20 File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 3 Competitive Local Exchange Carier PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This tariff contains all effective rates and rules together with information relating, and applicable to Mobi1itie, LLC ("Company"). The Company has been authorized by the Idaho Public Utility Commission ("PUC") to provide telecommunications services throughout the State of Idaho. The rates and rules contained herein are subject to change pursuant to the rules and regulations of the PUC. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) To signify changed listing, rule or condition which may affect rates or charges. (D) To signify deleted or discontinued rate, regulation or condition. (I) To signify a change resulting in an increase to a Customer's bil. (L) To signify that material has been relocated to another tariff location. (N) To signify a new rate, regulation, condition or sheet. (R) To signify a change resulting in a reduction to a Customer's bilL. (S) To signify matter appearing elsewhere or repeated for clarfication. (T) To signify a change in text but no change to rate or charge. (Z) To signify a correction. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 4 Competitive Local Exchange Carier MUNICIP ALITIES OR TERRTORIES SERVICED The Company's service is available statewide. The obligation of the Company to provide service is dependent upon its abilty to procure, construct, and maintain facilties that are required to meet the Customer's Service Order. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 5 Competitive Local Exchange Carrer APPLICABILITY This tariff sets forth the service offerings, rates, terms, and conditions applicable to the furishing of intrastate communications services by the Company within the State of Idaho. This tariff applies only for the use of the Company's services for communications between points within the State of Idaho; this includes the use of the Company's network to complete an end to end intrastate communication. AVAILABILITY OF THE COMPANY'S TARIFF A complete copy of the Company's current tariff is maintained at the Company's business offices located at: Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive Suite 200 Newport Beach, California 92660 This tariff is also available for public inspection at the Idaho Public Utility Commission. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 6 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier SECTION 1 - RF TRANSPORT SERVICE 1. Application of rates RF Transport Services rates apply to service furished to business customers. RF Transport Services are not available to residential customers. 2. RF Transport Service (A) General service offerings and limitations RF Transport Services utilze optical technology, including multi-wavelength optical technology over dedicated transport facilities to provide Customers with links to emit RF coverage. RF Transport Services connect Customer-provided wireless capacity equipment to Customer-provided or Company provided bi-directional RF-to-optical conversion equipment at a hub facility. The hub facility can be Customer or Company provided. The conversion equipment allows the Company to accept RF traffic from the Customer and then send bi-directional traffic transmission across the appropriate optical networks. At the remote end, Customer or Company provided RF-to-optical conversion equipment allows bi-directional conversion between optical signals and RF signals. RF signals can be received and transmitted at this remote node. Hence the Company provides optical transit services for RF signals. The fuishing of RF Transport Services requires certain physical arrangements of equipment and facilities of the Company and other entities and is subject to the availability of such equipment and facilities and the economic feasibility of providing such necessary equipment and facilities and the RF Transport Services. The specific limitations applicable to RF Transport Services are as follows: .All optical services are provided on single mode optical fiber. .Some optical services may be of a multi-wavelength nature. .Current wireless standards limit the distance between a hub' site and a remote node to 20km. .The optical loss between a hub site and a remote node must not exceed 18 dB. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 7 Competitive Local Exchange Carier (B) Minimum Term The minimum service term for RF Transport Service is five (5) years. (C) Schedule 1 - Rates and Charges For RF Transport Service The monthly recurring rates and nonrecuring charges for RF Transport Services are as follows Description Fee per Segment Nonrecurring connection charge Monthly recuring charge $100,000 $15,000 For purposes of this Tarff, Segment shall mean a one-way optical carrier between one (1) Customer hub site or remote node and another Customer hub site or remote node. The optical carrier is a single optical wavelength. The optical fiber can carry more than one wavelength. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 8 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS Chanel: A communications path between two or more points of termination. Commission: Idaho Public Utility Commission. Company: Mobiltie, LLC Customer: The person, firm, corporation or other entity that orders or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with tariff regulation. Customer Designated Premises: The premises specified by the Customer for origination or termination of services. Dedicated Access: Non-switched access between a Customer's premises and the point of presence of the Company's underlying carrier. Facilities: Any cable, poles, conduit, carier equipment, wire center distribution frames, central offce switching equipment, etc., used to provide services offered under this tariff. Holidays: The Company observes the following Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thansgiving Day, Christmas Day. Premises: A building or buildings on contiguous property, not separated by a public highway or right-of-way. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802.000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.c. Sheet 9 Competitive Local Exchange Carier RF: Radio Frequency. RAN: A radio access node. Transmission Path: An electrical path capable of transmitting signals within the range of the service offering. A transmission path is comprised of physical or derived facilities consisting of any form or configuration of plant used in the telecommunications industry. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 10 Competitive Local Exchange Carier SECTION 3 - GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 3.1 - Undertaking of Company The Company's services are fuished for telecommunications services originating and/or terminating in any area within the State of Idaho. The Company provides competitive access provider services to Customers for the direct transmission and reception of voice, data, and other types of communications. Services are offered via the Company's facilties (whether owned, leased, or under contract) in combination with resold services provided by other certificated carriers. The Company. is responsible under, this tariff only for the services and facilities the Company provides hereunder. Subject to availabilty, the Customer may use account codes to identify the users or user groups on an account. The numerical composition of the codes shall be set by Company to assure compatibilty with the Company's accounting and biling systems and to avoid the duplication of codes. The Company's services are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, subject to the availabilty of necessary service, equipment and facilities and the economic feasibilty of providing such necessary service, equipment, and facilities. 3.2 - Application for Service Service may be initiated only based on a written agreement between the Company and the Customer. To initiate a service request, the Customer must provide the following information: the Customer's name; an address to which the Company shall provide service; and a biling address (if different). The service application does not itself bind either the Customer to subscribe to the service or the Company to provide the service. Request for service under this Tariff wil authorize the Company to conduct a credit search on the Customer. The Company reserves the right to refuse service on the basis of credit history, and to refuse fuher service due to late payment or nonpayment by the Customer. Potential customers who are denied service must be given the reason for the denial in writing within 10 days of service deniaL. 3.3 - Contract or Agreements In lieu of the rates otherwise set forth in this Tariff, rates and charges, including installation, special construction, and recurring charges, may be established at negotiated rates on an Individual Case Basis (lCB), taking into account such factors as the nature of the facilties and services, the costs of construction and operation, and the length of File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 11 Competitive Local Exchange Carier service commitment by the Customer, as long as the rates and charges are not less than Carrier's costs of providing the service. Such arrangements shall be considered Special Pricing Arrangements, the terms of which wil be set forth in individual contracts or Customer Term Agreements. Specialized Pricing Arangement rates or charges wil be made available to similarly-situated Customers on comparable terms and conditions. Upon reasonable request, Carier wil make the terms of these contracts available to the Commission and its staff for review on a confidential and proprietary basis. 3.4 - Deposits The Company will not collect deposits from its customers. 3.5 - Notices Notices provided to the Customer by the Company shall be as follows: A. Rate Information (1) Rate information and information regarding the terms and conditions of ,service wil be provided upon request by a current or potential Customer. Notice of major increases in rates wil be provided in writing to Customers and postmarked at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the change. No Customer notice is required for minor rate increases or for rate decreases. Customers wil be advised of optional service plans in writing as they become available. In addition, Customers shall be advised of changes to the terms and conditions of service no later than the Company's next periodic biling cycle. (2) When Company provides information to a Customer that is in conflct with its tariffs, the Customer shall have the right to bring a complaint against the Company. B. Discontinuance of Service Notice (1) Notice by Customers Customers are responsible for notifying the Company of their desire to discontinue service on or before the date of disconnection. Such notice must be in wrting. (2) Notice by Company Notices to discontinue service for nonpayment of bils wil be provided in writing by first class mail to the Customer not less than 10 calendar days File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.c. Sheet 12 Competitive Local Exchange Carier prior to termination. Each notice wil include all of the following information: 1. The name and address of the Customer whose account is delinquent. 2. The amount that is delinquent. 3. The date when payment or arangements for payment are required in order to avoid termination."" 4. The procedure the Customer may use to initiate a complaint or to request an investigation concerning service or charges. 5. The telephone number of a representative of the Company, who can provide additional information or institute arrangements for payment. C. Change in Ownership or Identity Notice Company shall notify Customers in writing of a change in ownership or identity of the Customer's service provider on the Customers' next monthly billng cycle. D. Rules for Company Notices Notices the Company sends to Customers, or the Board, wil be a legible size and printed in a minimum point size type of 10 and are deemed made on date of presentation. 3.6 - Rendering and Payment of Bils File Date: A.Charges for service are applied on a recuring basis. Service is provided and biled on a monthly (30 day) basis. Months are presumed to have 30 days. The billng date is dependent on the biling cycle assigned to the Subscriber. Service continues to be provided for the minimum service term. B.The Customer is responsible for the payment of all charges for services furnished to the Customer. Charges are biled monthly in advance. The Company is not responsible for any telephone charges that may be incurred by the Customer in gaining access to the Company's network. C.Billng is payable upon receipt and past due thirty (30) days after issuance and posting of invoice. Bils not paid within thirty-two (32) days after the date of posting are subject to a 1.5 percent late payment charge for the unpaid balance, or the maximum allowable under state law. The late payment date wil be Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 13 Competitive Local Exchange Carier prominently displayed on the Customer's bilL. Company shall endeavor to credit payments within 24 hours of receipt to avoid assessing late payment charges incorrectly. D. The name(s) of the Customer(s) desiring to use service must be set forth in the application for service. 3.7 - Disputed Bils Biling disputes should be addressed to Company's customer service organization via telephone to 1-877-999-7070. In case of a biling dispute between the Customer and the Company as to the correct amount of a bil that canot be adjusted with mutual satisfaction, the Customer can make the following arangement: Prior to suspension or termination of service by the Company, the Customer may request, either orally or in writing, that the Company investigate and review the disputed amount. The Compåry wil comply with such request. The undisputed portion of the bil must be paid by the due date shown on the bil or the service wil be subject to suspension/termination if the Company has notified the Customer by written notice of such delinquency and impending suspension/termination. Company wil also advise the Customer in writing of the Board's formal and informal complaint procedures and that, if there is stil disagreement after the investigation and review by the Company and the Company's written findings to the Customer, the Customer may appeal to the Commission within 10 days of the date the Company mailed its findings to the Customer. The Company wil not suspend/terminate the Customer's service for nonpayment as long as the Customer complies with the procedures of this section. In order to avoid suspension of service and late payment charges, the disputed amount must be paid within foureen (14) calendar days after the date the Company notifies the Customer that the investigation and review are completed and that such payment must be made or service wil be interrpted. However, the Company wil not suspend service prior to the payment due date as shown on the bil. A customer may dispute charges and seek a credit for bils paid to the Company within two years of biling, commencing five (5) days after remittance of the bilL. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 14 Competitive Local Exchange Carier 3.8 - Cancellation of Service by Company A. The Company may discontinue service under the following circumstances: 1. Nonpayment of any sum. due to the Company for service more than 30 days beyond the date of the invoice for such service. In the event the Company terminates service for nonpayment, the Customer may be liable for all reasonable court costs and attorneys fees as determined by the PUC or by the Court; or 2. In the event of a condition determined to be hazardous to the Customer, to other Customers of the utilty, to the utilities equipment, the public or to employees of the utility; or 3. By reason of any order or decision of a cour or any other governental authority which prohibits the Company from furnishing such service; or 4. If the Company deems such refusal necessary to protect itself or third paries against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services without notice; or 5. F or unlawful use of the service or use of the service for unlawful purposes; or 6. Failure to post a required deposit or guarantee; or 7. A violation of, or failure to comply with, any regulation or condition governing the furnishing of service; or 8. If the Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customer's identity, address, creditworthiness, or past, current or planned use of Company's services. B. The Company wil provide the following notice of disconnection: 1.Written notice of the pending disconnection will be rendered not less than 10 days prior to the disconnection. Notice shall be deemed given upon deposit, first class postage prepaid, in the U.S. Mail to the Customer's last known address. 2.Service may be discontinued during business hours on or after the date specified in the notice of discontinuance. Service will not initially be discontinued on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or any other day Company service representatives are not available to serve Customers. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 15 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier C. Restoration of service The Customer may restore service by full payment in any reasonable manner including by personal check. However, the Company may refuse to accept a personal check if a Customer's check for payment of service has been dishonored, excepting ban error, within the last twelve months. There is a $35.00 charge for restoration of service after disconnection; if, however, the equipment necessary for service has been removed, the non-recurng fee wil apply. 3.9 - Cancellation of Service By Customer Customer may cancel service by providing written notice to Company thirty (30) days prior to cancellation. However, Customer may not cancel service prior to expiration of the initial five (5) year term. Customer is responsible for charges while stil connected to the Company's service and the payment of associated local exchange company charges, if any, for serviee charges. Any non-recoverable cost of Company expenditures shall be borne by the Customer if: A. The Customer orders service requiring special facilities dedicated to the Customer's use and then cancels the order before such service begins, before completion of the minimum period or before completion of some period mutually agreed with the Customer for the non-recoverable portions of expenditures; or B. Liabilities are incurred expressly on behalf of the Customer by Company and not fully reimbursed by installation and monthly charges; and C. Based on an order for service and construction has either begun or has been completed, but no service provided. 3.10 - Special Information Required on Forms A. Customer Bils The Company shall be identified on each bil. Each bil wil prominently display a toll-free number for service or billng inquiries, along with an address where the Customer may write. If the Company uses a biling agent, it wil also include the name of the biling agent it uses. Each bil for telephone service wil contain notations concerning the following areas, as applicable: When to pay your bil;(1) (2)Biling detail including the period of service covered by the bil; File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.c. Tariff No. 1 'Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 16 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (3) Late payment charge and when applied; (4) How to pay your bil; (5) Questions about your bil; (6) Network access for interstate callng; (7) In addition to the above, each bil shall include the following statement: "This bil is now due and payable; it becomes subject to a late payment charge if not paid within 30 calendar days of presentation date. . Should you question this bil, please request an explanation from Mobiltie, LLC" Company wil also advise the Customer in writing of the Board's formal and informal complaint procedures and that, if there is stil disagreement after the investigation and review by the Company and the Company's wrtten findings to the Customer, the Customer may appeal to the Commission within 10 days of the date the Company mailed its findings to the Customer. B. Deposit Receipts The Company shall provide the Applicant or Customer with a Deposit Receipt for any deposit received. The receipt shall show the Customer's name, service address, type of service, amount of deposit, rate of interest on deposit, date received, Company's name, and a statement of the conditions under which the deposit wil be refunded. The Company will refund the Customer's deposit even if the Customer has lost the receipt. 3.11 - Credit Establishment Each applicant for service shall provide credit information satisfactory to the Company or pay a deposit. Deposits may be avoided if the applicant: A.Provides credit history acceptable to the Company. Credit information contained in the applicant's account record may include, but shall not be limited to, account established date, 'can-be-reached' number, biling name, and location of curent and previous service. B.A cosigner or guarantor may be used providing the cosigner or guarantor has acceptable credit history with the serving Company or another acceptable local carier. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobilitie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 17 Competitive Local Exchange Carrier C. Company cannot refuse a deposit to establish credit for service. However, it may request the deposit to be in cash or other acceptable form of payment (e.g., cashier's check, money order, bond, letter of credit). 3.12 - Prorating of Bils Any prorated bil shall use à 30-day month to calculate the pro-rata amount. Prorating shall apply only to recurring charges. All nonrecuring and usage charges incured during the billng period shall be biled in addition to prorated amounts. 3.13 - Information to Be Provided to the Public A copy of this tariff schedule wil be available for public inspection in the Company's business office during regular business hours. Copies of the Company's tariff schedules are available to the public at nominal costs to recover photocopying, postage and/or transmission expenses. 3.14 - Continuity of Service In the event of prior knowledge of an interrption of service for a period exceeding one day, the Customers wil, if feasible, be notified in writing, by mail, at least one week in advance. 3.15 - Use of Service Service may not be used for any unlawfl purose or for any purose for which any payment or other compensation is received by the Customer, except when the Customer is a duly authorized and regulated common carrier. This provision does not prohibit an arangement between the Customer, authorized user or joint user to share the cost of service. The Company strictly prohibits use of the Company's services without payment or an avoidance of payment by the Customer by fraudulent means or devices including providing falsified callng card numbers or invalid callng card numbers to the Company, providing falsified or invalid credit card numbers to the Company or in any way misrepresenting the identity of the Customer. 3.16 - Limitations of Service Service is offered subject to the availabilty of the necessary facilities and/or equipment and subject to the provisions of this taiff. Company reserves the right not to provide service to or from a location where the necessary facilities or equipment are not available. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tarff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 18 Competitive Local Exchange Carier Company reserves the right to discontinue furishing the service upon its wrtten notice, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when Customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. Title to all facilities provided by Company under these regulations remains in Company's name. 3.17 - Interconnection Service furnished by Company may be interconnected with services or facilities of other authorized communications common cariers and with private systems, subject to the technical limitations established by Company. Any special interface of equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibilty between the facilities of Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer's expense. Interconnection between the facilties or services of other carriers shall be under the applicable terms and conditions of the other cariers' tariffs. The Customer is responsible for taking all necessar legal steps for interconnecting Customer-provided terminal equipment or communications equipment with Company's facilities. The Customer shall secure all licenses, permits, rights-of-way and other such arrangements necessar for interconnection. 3.18 - Liability of the Company A.The provisions of this rule do not apply to errors and omissions caused by wilful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of law. B.In the event an error or omission is caused by the gross negligence of the Company, the liabilty of the Company shall be limited to and in no event exceed the sum of $10,000. C.The liabilty of the Company for damages arsing out of mistakes, omissions, interrptions, delays, or errors, or defects in any of the services or facilities furished by the Company up to and including its Local Loop Demarcation Point, including exchange, toll, private line, supplemental equipment, alphabetical directory listings (excluding the use of bold face type) and all other services, shall in no event exceed an amount equal to the pro rata charges to the Customer for the period during which the services or facilities are affected by the mistake, omission, interrption, delay, error or defect, provided, however, that where any mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect in anyone service or facility affects or diminishes the value of any other service said liability shall include such diminution, but in no event shall the liability exceed the total amount of the charges to the Customer for all services or facilities for the period affected by the mistake, omission, interrption, delay, error or defect. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 19 Competitive Local Exchange Carier D. Errors in Transmitting, Receiving or Delivering Oral Messages by Telephone The Company shall not be liable for errors in transmitting, receiving or delivering oral messages by telephone over the lines of the Company and connecting utilities. 3.19 - Measurement of Service Charges for service are without regard to mileage. 3.20 - Responsibilties of the Customer A. The Customer is responsible for: placing any necessary service orders; complying with tariff terms and conditions; for assuring that users comply with tariff regulations; and for payment of charges for calls originated from the Customer's telephone lines. B. The Customer is responsible for aranging access to its premises at times mutually agreeable to Company and the Customer when required for installation, repair, maintenance, inspection or removal of equipment associated with the provision of Company services. C. The Customer is responsible for maintaining its terminal equipment and facilities in good operating condition. The Customer is liable for any loss, including loss through theft, of any Company equipment installed at the Customer's premises. 3.21 - Special Constrction Special construction charges apply where the Company fuishes a facility or service for which a rate or charge is not specified in the Company's tariffs. Charges wil be based on the costs incured by the Company (including retur) and may include: 1. non-recurring charges; 2. recurring charges; 3. termination liabilities; or 4. combinations of the above. 3.22 - Demarcation Points Services shall be provided to mutually agreeable points of demarcation. 3.23 - Force Majeure The Company wil not be liable for any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to cable dig-up by third pary, acts of God, civilFile Date: Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219vl 0102802-000141 Mobiltie, LLC 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Idaho P.U.C. TarìtfNo. 1 Original Idaho P.U.C. Sheet 20 Competitive Local Exchange Carier disorders, actions of governental authorities, actions of civil or military authority, labor problems, national emergency, insurrection, riots, war, fire, flood, and atmospheric conditions or other phenomena of nature, such as radiation. In addition, the Company wil not be liable for any failure of performance due to necessary network reconfiguration, system modifications for technical upgrades, or actions taken by any cour or governent agency having jurisdiction over the. Company. 3.24 - Disclaimer of Warranties THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRNTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRNTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. SECTION 4 - PROMOTIONS 4.1 Promotional Offerings - General Reserved for future use. File Date:Effective Date: Issued By: Yvonne Schroeder de Orr Tarif Manager DWT 15237219v1 0102802-000141