HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080429Application.pdfBOULT. CUMMINGS ~ CONNERS. BERRYPLc RECEl\tED APR 29 AM to: 39 Rose Mulvany-Henry (615) 252-4634 Fax: (615) 252-4713 Email: rhenryi1boultcummings.com i +0 FJtJ£1,L1C UTILllES COr"iMISSION April 28, 2008 Via Federal Express MNT-T-Dca-of Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Re: Application of Momentum Telecom, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based Local Exchange and Resold Interexchange Telecommunications Services within the State of Idaho Dear'Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed, on behalf of Momentu Telecom, Inc. ("Momentum"), an original and seven (7) copies of Momentum's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based Local Exchange and Resold Interexchange Services. An electronic version of the Ilustrative Tarff contained in this Application is also included on the enclosed disk. Please note that the stockholder and financial information attached as Exhibits C and E to the original copy of the application are proprietar and confidential information and thus are being submitted under seaL. Momentu respectfully requests that the information be accorded confidential treatment and that it not be made a par of the public record or otherwise be made available for public disclosure. This information is provided in a sealed envelope attached only to the original copy of the application. Please date stamp and return the enclosed extra copy of this fiing in the self-addressed, postage-prepaid envelope provided. Should you have any questions concerning this mater, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (615) 252-4634. Very truly yours, BOULT, CUMMINGS, CONNERS & BERRY, PLC By: 1i W '111 JUl.' /fA Rose Mulvany-Henr 1821319 vI 1021687°21 4/28/2008 LAW OFFICES 1600 DIVISION STREET. SUITE 700 . P.O. BOX 3425 . NASHVILLE. TN. 37203 TELEPHONE 615.244.2582 FACSIMILE 615.252.6380 ww.boultcummings.com Rose Mulvany-Henry Boult Cummings Conners & Berr i 600 Division Street, Suite 700 Nashville, Tennessee 37203 (615) 252-4634 (615) 252-4713 (fax) , Attorney for Momentum Telecom, Inc. iOBEFORE THE UTiUT IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. tjlt y: t-08 -õ IMomentum Telecom, Inc. For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Competitive Local Exchange and Interexchange Services within the State of Idaho APPLICATION OF MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Momentu Telecom, Inc. ("Momentum" or "Applicant"), by its undersigned attorneys, and pursuant to Titles 61 and 62 of the Idaho Code and IDAPA (Rules 111 & 112) as clarified by Procedural Order No. 26665, hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to authorize Momentum to provide facilities-based local exchange services and resold interexchange services in the State of Idaho. In support of its application, Momentu provides the following: I. Proposed Services Momentum seeks authority to provide facilities-based local exchange services and resold interexchange services throughout the State of Idaho. Momentum, a wholly-owned subsidiar of MBS Holdings, Inc., does not currently offer services in Idaho but does offer local and interexchange telecommunications services to approximately 40,000 retail end user customers in the Southeastern states of: Alabama, Florida, 1819554 vI 102\68-02\ 04/28/08 \ Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Additionally, Momentum is certified to provide the telecommunications services sought through . this application in Arkansas, Ilinois, Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin and applications are pending for the same in Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Veront and Washington. Upon initiation of servces in Idaho, Momentum wil comply with all applicable Commission rules, regulations and standards, and wil provide safe, reliable and high-quality telecommunications services. Specifically, Momentum proposes to offer wholesale switching and interconnection services to small cable providers and other such similarly situated wholesale customers. Momentum wil utilize its own soft switches and media gateways in conjunction with its wholesale customers' "last mile" portion of the network which typically consists of hybrid fiber coaxial facilities. Momentum wil interconnect with the applicable Incumbent Local Exchange Carer ("ILEC") to offer competitive alternatives in telecommunications services to consumers in Idaho through a business model in which Momentum, together with other competitive service providers, wil provide local voice service to its wholesale customers' end users. While the cable company wil provide the "last mile" portion of the network which includes the cable company's hybrid fiber coax facilities, Momentum wil provide all public switched telephone network interconnection utilizing Momentum's switch and the interconnection agreements Momentum wil be negotiating with the applicable ILECs. 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 2 - II. Form of Business Momentum is a competitive provider of local and long distance phone servces. Momentum is currently authorized to provide traditional local and interexchange telecommunications services to approximately 40,000 retail end user customers in the Southeastern states of: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Additionally, Momentu is certified to provide the telecommunications services sought through this application in Arkansas, Ilinois, Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin and applications are pending for the same in Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Washington. Momentum has not been denied,requested certification in any jurisdiction. 1. Momentu Telecom, Inc. is a corporation organized and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware. 2. Momentum may be reached at its principal place of business: Momentum Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Momentum does not currently have a principal business address within the State ofIdaho. 3. Momentum's Certificate ofIncorporation are attached hereto as Exhibit A. 4. A Certificate of Authority to transact business in Idaho is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 5. Momentum's registered agent for service in Idaho is: 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 3 - CT Corporation System 1111 W Jefferson, Ste 530 Boise, Idaho 83702 6. A summary of the stockholders holding a 5% or greater interest in Momentum is provided under seal as Confidential Exhibit C. 7. The Officers of Momentu are: Alan Creighton, President/Chief Executive Officer Momentum Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35242 Dennis Lipford, Vice President, FinanciallTreasurer/ChiefFinancial Officer Momentu Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35242 Charles E. Richardson III, Vice President & General Counsel Momentum Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35242 8. The Director of Momentum: Alan L. Creighton Mr. Creighton may be contacted at Momentu's headquarers located at 2700 Corporate Drive, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama 35242. 9. Momentu is a wholly-owned subsidiar ofMBS Holdings, Inc. 10. Momentum has no subsidiaries. 1 1. Correspondence pertaining to this Application should be directed to: Rose Mulvany Henry Boult, Cummings, Conners & Berr, PLC 1600 Division Street, Suite 700 Nashvile, TN 37203 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 4- (615) 252-4634 (phone) (615) 252-4713 (fax) rhenry(fboultcummings.com III. Telecommunications Service 1. Momentum intends to begin providing service in Idaho within sixty days after it obtains authorization from the Commission to do so. 2. Momentum intends to offer wholesale switching and interconnection services to cable providers and other such similarly situated wholesale customers. Accordingly, Momentum does not, at this time, intend to offer services to residential customers in the State of Idaho. IV. Service Territory 1. Momentum intends to provide services on a statewide basis in the State of Idaho. Initially, Momentum seeks to provide its serices in the geographic areas currently served by Qwest Communications and Verizon. Momentum wil mirror the basic local calling scopes of the incumbent local exchange carers. 2. Momentum intends to offer facilities-based local exchange services and resold interexchange services. Momentum will utilze its own soft switches in conjunction with its wholesale customers' "last mile" portion of the network. The soft switch wil be located out of . state and, if necessar, media gateways wil be located at the applicable cable company's head end location, which wil vary by provider. v. Technical and Managerial Oualifcations Momentum possesses the technical and manageral qualifications necessar to operate as a competitive local exchange carer within the State of Idaho. Curently, Momentu provides telecommunications services in several states and possesses considerable telecommunications 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 5 - expertise. Biographical summares of the technical and managerial experience of' the key members of Momentum's management team are attached hereto as Exhibit D. . VI. Financial Information Momentum is well-qualified financially to operate and expand its business. Financial information demonstrating Momentum's financial qualifications is provided under seal as Confidential Exhibit E. VII. "Illustrative" Tariff Filigs Momentum's Ilustrative Tariff is attached hereto as Exhibit F. Momentum wil file its proposed tarff establishing its proposed services and charges upon completion of interconnection and upon receipt of certification by the Commission. VIII. Customer Contacts 1. The individual responsible for consumer inquiries and complaints from the public is: Teri Hennington Regulatory Manger Momentum Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35242 Telephone: (205) 978-3445 Fax: (205) 978-3402 E-mail: thennington(fmomentumtelecom.com 2. A toll-free number for customer inquiries and complaints is 1-877-271-0236. 3. The individual designated as a contact for the Commission Staff for resolving complaints, inquires and matters concernng rates and price lists or tarffs is: Peggy McKay Vice President of Operations Momentum Telecom, Inc. 2700 Corporate Drive Suite 200 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 6 - Birmingham, AL 35242 Telephone: (205) 978-4410 Fax: (205) 978-4401 E-mail: pmckayCã)momentumtelecom.com ix. Interconnection Agreements Momentu has not yet negotiated an interconnection agreement with any incumbent local exchange carrer. Momentu wil fie the same for approval with the Commission at the time that one has been negotiated and executed by the paries. x. Compliance with Commission Rules Momentu has reviewed the laws and regulations of this Commission governing local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services in Idaho and wil provide service in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act and such laws, rules and regulations are applicable to the services sought to be provided by Momentum in Idaho. Attached hereto is a sworn verification executed by Momentum stating that Momentu agrees to comply with all applicable Idaho laws and Commission rules and regulations, to the extent they are applicable to the services sought to be provided by Momentum in Idaho. xi. Escrow Account or Security Bond At this time, Momentum does not intend to require advance deposits from its customers. Should Momentum require advance deposits at any point in the futue, Momentum wil submit to the Commission a signed copy of an escrow account with a bonded escrow agent or a security bond. xii. Public Interest Standard Grant of this Application and Momentu's entr into the local telecommunications marketplace within Idaho wil serve the public interest in a variety of ways. As demonstrated 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 7 - above, Momentum is technically and financially qualified to provide telecommunications services in Idaho, and the public interest wil be served by expanding the availability of competitive telecommunications services in Idaho, thereby enhancing the telecommunications infrastrcture in Idaho and facilitating economic development. Additionally, grant of this Application wil benefit the public because the presence of Momentum in the market wil increase the incentives for other carrers to operate more efficiently and offer more innovative services. Thus, grant of the instant Application wil serve the public interest. XIII. Conclusion This Application demonstrates that Momentum Telecom, Inc. possesses the technical, financial and managerial resources to provide local exchange and interexchange services in Idaho. WHEREFORE, Momentum Telecom, Inc. requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission enter an order granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Momentum Telecom, Inc. to provide facilities-based local exchange services and resold interexchange telecommunications services. Respectfully submitted, aura Dudney, Esq. Rose Mulvany-Henr, Esq. 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 - 8 - Dated this ~~ day of April, 2008 1819554 vI 102168-021 4/28/2008 Boult, Cumings, Conners & Berr, PLC 1600 Division Street, Suite 700 Nashvile, TN 37203 Telephone: (615) 252-4634 Email: rhenr(fboultcummings.com Attorneys for Applicant Momentum Telecom, Inc. - 9- STATE OF ALABAM ) ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SHELBY VERIFICATION I, Charles E. Richardson III, state that I am the Vice President and General Counsel of Momentum Telecom, Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Momentum Telecom, Inc.; that the foregoing Application was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are tre and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. As required by Idaho Code § 61-406 and by the Commission Procedural Order No. 26665 in Case No. GNR-T -96-4, the Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable state laws and Commission rules and regulations. Name: Charles E. Richardson III Title: Vice President & General Counsel Company: Momentu Telecom, Inc. 1833697 vI 102168-021 04/25/08 - 1 - Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D ExhibitE Exhibit F Exhibit G Verification 1819554 vI LIST OF EXHIBITS Certificate of Incorporation Certificate of Authority to Transact Business Stockholders (CONFIDENTIAL - Submitted Under Seal) Management Team Biographies Financial Statements (CONFIDENTIAL - Submitted Under Seal) Ilustrative Tarff Proposed Service Area Map List of Exhibits EXHIBIT A MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Certficate of Incorporation (see attached) 1819554 vI Exhibit A PAGE 1 '1 :First State HAIBT SJ.ITSWINtJSOR,SBCøTARYOF STATE OF IJl1!1šSIJAIJB OF DULYDBLAWAR, DO B'BRRBY CER'r!J! "MOMETUM TEUCOM,INC.tt TBB LAWS OF TIm STATE OF DELWA AN is ININCORPORATED GOD STANDING AN HA A LEGA CORPORM EXIS'rENCB SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF TIm EIGH'PH 2008. OF APRIL, ~~ Harriet smit Windr, ~retary of State AUTHENTICATION: 6508982 DA!'E: 04-08-08 3216570 8300 -080401647 You mayat; corp.this certi£icat: OG,li.i. gov! aut:bwr. sbt: EXHIBITB MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Idaho (see attached) 1819554 vI Exhibit B IDSOS CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE Page 1 of 1 State of Idaho I¡Office of the Secretary of statell CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE OF MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. File Number C-L 761 77 I, BENYSURSA, Secretary of State of the State ofIdaho, hereby certify that I am the custodian of the corporation records of this State. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the records of this offce show that the above-named corporation was incorporated under the laws of DELAWARE and filed to transact business in Idaho on 12/11/2007. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the corporation is in goodstanding on the records of this office. Dated: 4/24/2008 10:15 AM ft~ SECRETARY OF STATE Authentic Access Idaho Document ( http://ww__Çlççs:ssi.dahQ,Qrg-nulilk/pmiaViiiitli_enticllleJimil ) Tag: b5ae5f5ff8d7 4087 43c 1 e3203e282a2ge3d6d4e8e45abf45140d86b67fcbge8165778523c38b 12fe https://www.accessidaho.org/secure/sos/corp/cert.html 4/24/2008 CONFIDENTIA EXHIBIT C MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Confidential Stockholder Summary Filed Separately Under Seal 1819554 vI Exhibit C EXHIBITD MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Technical and Managerial Qualifications of Momentum's Key Personnel Alan' L. Creighton, President & CEO After graduating from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and a minor in Computer Science, Alan Creighton joined BellSouth Advanced Systems, where he won the Presidential Circle of Excellence Award for his achievement in sales. In his first starp, Alan worked with NuCel, Inc., a wireless telecommunications company that built entire cellular systems for independent owners ofMSAs. Alan moved into the managed care industry where he helped create and build significant businesses in terms of members, revenues and valuations. During his tenure at Complete Health, he served in management positions, including Vice President of development, regional Vice President and President focusing on development and sales. Complete Health became a regional managed care plan which was later acquired by UnitedHealthcare. :m";":::m,,,,:,:,,,:,,,,,,:~1i.,,,,:,:,:,:.'.,::,"";!k,)'".;::"é,,,,,.,,.t- ,.:......,'-~-,-,-,.J""."",,¡L,:N,\,:~,,:;A\'*,..iihßW'i,d"'.....:-.-,.,..-...k,.".:.,w.y..-" -.".;Ú.Z".kkAii:StmL wax Ii" ,~, ,tu "" ...,,.,,_,.,..:;,...,,.,,, -...,+:.,"x ",,;M:;;;x:;",~w:,~R Charles E. (Rck) Richardson III, Vice President & General Counsel Rick Richardson brings Momentum Business Solutions several years of experience in the cable and Internet industry, most recently with High Speed Access Corporation. Mr. Richardson also served as chief counsel for Birmingham Steel and American Calculator, $ 1 bilion and $ 1 00 miliçm companies, respectively. Mr. Richardson received his undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama and his J.D. from the University of Alabama School of Law. In addition, he completed Anglican Studies at Yale University and Berkeley Episcopal Divinity SchooL. "."":;,_..:t,..",.",.;¡¡',_,..-Ä.,"" ,&~~-h ,.".."m))\!\,.;.,.,.",t .",A.,.",.,.:.Lz,...3....,..,.,,',.;..w.;.dA:l"ii":",,::,;¡,A,,.Ú,::,h+A::~A:'''M ".1A.,_.,,_.:.,;._._:.,+_._._,_._._:.,..;,, ii"JLWit ,.. ,_~___;.__.._._....j._ '-. Dennis E. Lipford, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Dennis E. Lipford came to Momentum Business Solutions as Vice President of finance from one ofthe nation's largest health care organizations, UnitedHealthcare. While at United, Dennis held ~enior level positions in finance, operations, and network development. Most recently, he was Vice President of contracting and governent programs. Prior to his career with United, Dennis was a CPA with Ernst & Young, a public accounting firm. Denns holds a B.S. in Accounting from Aubur University. ;".";.;_:,,.:;,,:';.:',:,t;.;~N_,.:.:;~.;:',.,-..,- R;;.:,.;;:+-.a,,,m,-h,::.,,,.,.,~&I~,,,,,\,)M)f,ff.iit....L ;:,..;;.d:.""";,,.\i.4WhNc.LX)jlA'.. - .',A-KlH.',.,(... '\,,,),\I:;oi\\\:U,ztLt&& Hilaire B. deSa, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Mr. deSa spent 19 years in Information Technology after receiving his Masters .spanng both System and Application environments in the Educational, Defense, ISP and Teleçommunications industries. Before joining Momentum Business Solutions Mr. deSa was a Senior Technical Manager for BellSouth Telecommunications. He was key in the deployment of Bell South's Microsoft based server environment. With the transition from BellSouth to Electronic Data Systems Mr. deSa was Project Manager and Team lead at the BellSouth 1819554 vI Exhibit D Distributed Systems Management Center in Birmingham Alabama. This center was responsible for monitoring all Microsoft based server class machines in the BellSouth Network. , ,.",.".~,:,:.:,:,:.:,:".:".:,~x_,__t..,.mu,.,.,.,,,;;,:,,,,M~ """,,,..,,,.:.,.,,:,,,,..,,,,,~,,,,:,:,,,;;,-,--,-_.,,._.,.0..1 C'C'o.".,.""."h-,ttà::U;:hHR.,.".:.".:.:.,."';;¡.,,,:o;;;;øi..,'.~ Peggy McKay, Vice President, Operations Ms. McKay graduated from the University of Alabama in Birmingham with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Ms. McKay has 35 years experience in the telecommunication industr, including positions at AT&T and BellSouth. Ms. McKay retired from BellSouth in May of 2000. Ms. McKay joined the BellSouth Interconnection Sales team as Director in 1997, which supported the Competitive Local Exchange Carrers (CLECs). She managed the Complex Resale Support Group, which received and processed complex resale orders from CLECs. She then managed a team responsible for supporting the CLECs, which included subject matter experts in the areas of operational support system (OSS) interfaces, local interconnection truing, biling, local number portability, unbundled network elements, and collocation. After retiring, Ms. McKay was contracted by BellSouth to develop and deliver training to CLECs on subjects, to include collocation, unbundled network elements, LENS, and switched port loop combinations. 1819554 vI Exhibit D CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT E MOMENTUM TELECOM, INC. Confidential Financial Statements Filed Separately Under Seal 1819554 vI Exhibit E