HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191122Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: DANIEL KLI]IN DATE: N()VELBE,R 21,2019 RE:MILLENNIUM NETWORKS, LLC. FILED A PETITION FOR A SAFETY VALVE WAIVER OF FCC THRI]SHOLD REQUIREMENTS FOR NUMBER RESOURCES IN THE POCATELLO, IDAHO RATE CENTER; CASE NO, MNL-T-I9.OI. BACKGROUND On November 12,2019. the Commission rcceivcd a Petition for a Salety valve waiver of number resource guidelines from Millennium Networks. LLC. ("Millennium" or "Company"). The Safety Valve was filed fbllowing Somos'denial of the Company's Application lor additional numbering resource in the Pocatello rate centcr. In this Petition, Millennium indicated that on October 18. 201 9, it had requesled a full NXX and Local Routing Number (LRN) be opened lbr switch and trunking upgradcs in ils Pocatello ratc cenler. Millennium states that the Somos Application was denied due to the "Months to Exhaust'' (MTE) calculation for the rate center. According 10 the report, the M'l'E for thc Pocatello rate center exceeds the FCC guidetines.l STAFF ANALYSIS Staffhas reviewed the request for the Sal-ety Valve waiver ofthe "months to exhaust" threshold requirenrenls and helieves its request is reasonable for Millennium's business plan to upgrade facilities for the consumers o1'the Pocatello rate center. I To be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) I'or grorvth, "Months 1o Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00- 104, Section 52. l5(gX3Xiii)). DI]CISION M EMOI{NNDTJM NOVEMBER 2I.2OI9 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the waiver request lor the lull NXX-LRN be granted with the cavcal that any unused numbers be returned to the pooling administrator. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission agree? I)aniel K lein Udmcnx)s/MN L-'f- l9.01 Safel) Valve Millernrum 2DTCISION MEI\4ORANDUM NOVEMBER 2I.2OI9 ) '/)-t/^-y