HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190215Decision Memo.pdfIIE DECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: DANIEL KLEIN DATE: FEBRUARY 14,2019 THE 2016 & 2017 BROADBAND EQUIPMENT TAX CREDTT APPLICATION FOR MILLENNTUM NETWORKS, LLC; CASE NO. I\INL-T-l8-O I. I}ACKGROUNI} In 2001, House Bill377 rvas enactcd authorizing income tax credit for the installation of qualifyirrg broadband infrastructure in Idaho. Idaho Code $ 63-30298(3XaXii). In particular, Section 63-30291allows a taxpayer to receive an investment tax credit for eligible broadband equipment installed during a calendar year. Qualified broadband equipment is detined as "those network facilities capable of transmitting sigr"rals at a rate of at least 200.000 bits per seconds (bps) to a subscriber and at least 125.000 bps from a subscriber;' Idaho Code $ 63-3291(3Xb). If the equipment is installed by a telecommunications carrier, it must also be "necessary to the provision of broadband sen'ices and an integral part of a broadband netlork." Idaho Code $ 63-30291(3)(bxi). To be eligible for ths tax credit. the taxpayer must obtain from the Commission an Order confirming that the installed equipment meets the statutory definition of qualified broadband equiprnent. Procedural Order No. 28784 and ldaho Code $ 63-30291(4). Once the Commission has determined thc installed equipment is eligible for the broadband equipment tax credit, an order along with the original Application is fonvarded to the ldaho Tax Commission. DECISION MEMORANDUM TEBRUARY 14,2019I THE APPLICATION On December 18.2018, the Commission received an Application from Millennium Networks, LLC ("Millennium" or "Company"), seeking approval of the equipment for the broadband tax credit installed during calendar years 2016 and?017 . In the Application, Millennium states that it installed equipment associated with Cable Modem and High Speed l]roadband services with transmission rates of l5 to 60 Mbps upstream and 3 to l0 Mbps downstream, which exceeds the required rates of 200,000 bits per second to a subscriber and l?5,000 bits per second from a subscriber. The Company asserts that more than 50% olits Idaho subscribers have access to the broadband network. The Company invested approximateiy $1,525,854.88 in2016and approximately$1,006,091.85 in20l7 inqualilyingbroadband equipment that it confirms is integral to the broadband network. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMETI.IDATION Staff has revierved and audited the list of proposed broadband equipment and believes the identified equipment qualifies for the investment tax credit pursuant to Procedural Order Ncr. 28784 and ldaho Cacle $ 63-30291(3)(b). Stafl therefbre, recommends that the Commission issue an Order confirming the equipment is qualified broadband equipment and forward the approving Order along with a copy of the original Application to the ldaho Tax Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission rvish to issue an Ordsr confirming the equipment identified in Case No. MNL-T-18-01 is qualitied broadband equipment as defined in ldaho Code $ 63-3029I(3Xb) and forward it to the ldaho"l"ax Commission? Daniel Klein [ ]dmcmosil\,llri L-1'- 1 8-0 1 20 l tl M i l lcn iunr Nclvorks Ll.C llroadbnnd'I'ax Credit DIICISION MEMORANDUI\4 a F'EBRUARY I4,2OI9