HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120223Warranty Notification.pdfRECEIVED Cynthia A. Melilo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, Idaho 83704 (208)-577 -57 4 7 camæicamlawidaho.com ion FEB 23 AM 8: 39 iDP\HO F~lJt;L¡iç~ ~ e- t UTILITiES COMMISSION February 22, 2012 mfD,-T-JI-:i Via United States Mail Terri Carlock, Section Supervisor Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washihgton P.O. Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 Re: Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated - Order No. 32433 Dear Ms. Carlock: Pursuant to our conversation, attached is a hard copy of the documents (including my original letter) that I previously emailed to you in connection with the above referenced matter. I am submitting the hard copies so that the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust can be kept confidentiaL. They are included in the package on yellow paper. If you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed, or if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,:'~ll~ Cynthia A. Melilo CAM Enclosures CAM to Terri Carlock re Midvale Weiser purchase (2-22-12) RECEIVED Cynthia A. Melilo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, Idaho 83704 2012 FËB 23' AM 8; 39 (208)-577 -57 4 7 camæicamlawidaho. com iDAHO PJ2,;.(~ UTILITIES COMrv~jSSION February 13, 2012 Via Electronic Mail (terri. carlockcæpuc. Idaho.gov) Terri Carlock, Section Supervisor Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. WaShington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 Re: Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated - Order No. 32433 Dear Ms. Carlock: Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") Order No. 32433, which granted Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated's application for authority to issue securities in connection with the purchase of certain property in Weiser, Idaho from Delos N. Lee and Barbara V. Lee, Trustees of the Lee Family Trust, Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated was required to file with the IPUC copies of final loan approval and final documentation; a copy of any executed collateral documentation; and the "Report of Securities Issued." The purchase consisted of seller carryback financing so there are no loan approvals or other documentation in connection therewith. Additionally, there is no "report of securities issued." Enclosed herewith is promissory note evidencing the carryback financing and a deed of trust. I have also attached the warranty deed conveying the property to Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated. Order No. 32433 also granted authority to issue securities in connection with the purchase of certain properties from Lane Willams. Those purchases have not yet been finalized. i wil send documents to you at that time. If you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed, or if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Se~fl Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures cc: Steve Child (via electronic mail) CAM to Terri Carlock re Midvale Weiser purchase ''"219164~ WARRANTY DEED Instrument # 218164 STATE OF IDHO, COUNTY Of WASHINGTON1-22 09:50:li No. alP..: SRlIort'r: AMERITITLI!~.BETTY J THOM 22liEx-o Recorer De ... 10: 0E 1511Ji For good and valuable consideration, the reipt and sufciency of which are hereby acknowledged, Delos N. Lee and Barbara V. Lee, truste of the Lee Family Tftst uId December 17, 200 (-Grantor") , doe herey grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporate, an Idaho corpration ("Grante-), whose addres is 225 Keithley Crek Road, Midvale, Idaho 8364 that certain real propert located in Washington County, State of Idaho and legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hero and made a part by reference (the -Preis-). TOGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in anywse appertining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and pro theref; and all estate, right, tie, and interest in and to the Premises, as well in law as in equity. TO HAVE AND TO HOL.D the Premise wih its appurtenances, unto Grantee, its succssors, heirs and assigns, forever. SUBJECT TO the easements, rections and conditions set forth on Exhibit B to this Warrant Deed attched hereto and incorporaed herein (the "Pemiltted Exceptions-). AND Grantor does hereby covenant to and wit Grantee, and its succssors and assigns forever, that Grantor is owner in fee simple of th Premises; that Grantor has a good right to convey the fee simple; that the Premises Is fre frm any and all liens, claims, encumbrance or other defects of title except the Pemiited Exceptions; that Grantor shall and wil warrnt and defend. the quiet and peaceful possession of said Premises by Grante, and its succsors and asigns forever, against all other claims whatsver; and that Grantor and its heirs and assigns wil, on demand of the Grantee or its heirs or assigns, exece any instrument necery for the further assurance of the title to the Premises that may be reasonably reuired. EXHIBITB-1 i ".219164 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has cause these presents to be executed this\Ç;..dayof S? h!D~012 Delos N. Lee and Barbara V. Lee, truste of the Lee Family Trust, uId December 17, 2002 ~Yildl ~-l Delos N. Lee, Trustee l3aJ Ý r& ¿-AMu¿ Barbara V. Lee, Trustee EXHIBIT B-2 !' .. 219164 STATEO_ ) S8. County of .. "' On this , ~ day of January, 2012, beore me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Delos N. Lee, kno to me to be a truee of Delos N. Le and Barbara V. Lee, trustees of the Lee Family Trust, uId Deceber 17, 2002, the trust that executed the foreoing instrument or the persn who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said trust, and acknoweded to me that such trt execed the same., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afxed my ofcial seal the day and year firs abve wrtten. "i.HUtlll.~~~'"~"'.....~~~_I...... ~ 'r' .~,:, ~.. .:' '. ..\\,.."'1- . '. . '"-I'" '. \ .... .. .. .":'. ,i:. .... ..-.,. .:.: f' .. = ..S~ . .. ." ::10". 0""',~........ ~"1/..C/ \,' '"Ir It;.", No Ii Residing at My commission expires: STATEOF~O ) ) ss.Count of n) On this lD~ day of January, 2012, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeare Barbara V. Lee, known to me to be a trustee of Delos N. Lee and Barbra V, Lee, trues of the Lee Family Trust, uId Decmber 17, 2002, the trust that executed the foreoing instrument or the person who excuted the foregoing instrment on behalf of said trust, and acknowedged to me that such trust execud the same.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afxed my ofcial seal theday and year first above wren. ('"","Miii ' \~..\ II" ,~. ....-.... ~" $~' .í ~.",,: (O'..i;:' I.J~' .... \~:.. I" ,: =.. .... ,..~~o.. :. ...~. ,.. ..'. '. .. ~~. ..... ... ~ "..0:......... ,""i ~ ..''IIIJI~."'\ EXHIBIT B-3 '..219164 EXHIBIT A Legal Description to the Warrnty DMd Lot 11. 12, 13 and 14 of Block 35 of Watlington's Additon to the Cit of Weiser, Idaho, as the same are shown on the ofcial plat thereo recrded in the real propert rerds of Washington County, Idaho (the ~Propert~) EXIBITB-4 .. ..2191 64 glHIBITB Permitd Exceptions to the Warrnty Deed EXIBITB-5