HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101019Application.pdf..c:2-(!-a:o Cynthia A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P. O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone No. (208) 388-1200 Fax No. (208) 388-1300 Ri:""E'\I-". i-L Ie" tu 2DW OCT 19 PH 4: 33 Attorneys for Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated 994038JDO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED FOR AUTHORITY TO BORROW FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE ("RUS") IN AN AGGREGATE AMOUN NOT TO EXCEED $1,359,720. Case No. M i: D- -+ - 10- 0 .: APPLICATION OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHAGE, INCORPORATED Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated ("Midvale" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Givens Pursley LLP, makes ths Application pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-901 for authority to execute three LoanGrant and Securty Agreements for a loan amount not to exceed $1,359,720 in the aggregate with the United States of Amerca Rural Utilities Serice ("RUS") Broadband Intiatives Program. In support of its Application, Midvale states as follows: 1. Applicant is a certificated telephone corporation organized under the laws of the state of Idaho providing telecommuncation serices including local exchange serce within the state of Idaho. 2. All notices and communications with regard to this Application should be sered upon: APPLICATION OF MilVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED - 1 Cynthia A. Melilo GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P. O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 cam(fgivenspurley.com Steve Child Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorprated 2205 Keithley Creek Road Midvale, ID 83645 Steve.child(fmtecom.com 3. The proposed RUS financing consists of thee separte loangrant components. The first is for a grant in the amount $888,420 and a 23-year ter loan in the amount of $380,751. The second is for a grant in the amount $1,502,769 and a 23-year ter loan in the amount of $644,045. The third is for a grant in the amount $781,488 and a 23-year term loan in the amount of $334,924. The grants shall be unsecured and the loans, in the aggregate amount of $1,359,720, are to be secured by a shared first mortgage lien with Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative ("RTFC"). The proceeds of these loans wil be used to finance the construction of fiber to the home broadband infrastrcture in the areas of Henderson Valley, Arzona; Stanley, Idaho; and Young, Arzona ("Projects"). 4. The proposed transaction is consistent with the public interest. Constrction of the broadband facilties wil enable Midvale to provide broadband servces to areas that are at least 75% rual. 5. A copy of the Applicant's most recent Anual Report showing the authorized and outstanding classes of Applicant's securties is on fie with the Commission, and the Applicant respectfully requests the Commission take offcial notice thereof. Cerified copies of Applicant's Board of Directors' resolutions authorizing the proposed trsactions are attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6. A Proposed Order granting this Application is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 7. Notice of ths Application wil be published within seven days in The Idaho Statesman (Boise). A copy of ths Notice is attached as Exhibit C. APPLICATION OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED - 2 8. Applicant submits that the public interest does not require a hearng on ths matter, and it requests that the Commission process this Application and deterine this matter by Modified Procedure, pursuant to Rule 23 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. In the event the Commission deterines that formal proceedings on this Application are necessar~ Applicant stands ready for immediate hearng. 9. Applicant has therefore attached its filing fee, calculated puruant to Section 61-905, Idaho Code, in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SEVENT-SIX DOLLARS ($376.00). WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests an Order of this Commission: 1. Granting the foregoing Application of Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated to execute and deliver to RUS thee separate LoanGrant and Securty Agreements for a loan amount not to exceed $1,359,720 and a Restated Mortgage, Securty Agreement an Financing Statement; and 2. Granting such other relief as the Commission dees just and reasonable in this matter. DATED this 19th day of October 2010. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP By C~aYl Cynthia A. Melilo Attorneys for Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated APPLICA nON OF MiVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 19th day of October 2010, I caused to be sered a tre and correct copy of the foregoing document by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 o~oo U.S. Mail Hand Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile ~~ay¡ Cyntha A. Melilo APPLICAnON OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED - 4 EXHIBIT A SECRETARY'S CERTIFCATE I, Linda Klind , do hereby certify that: I am the secreta of îdvale Telephone Exch (hereinafter called the "Corpration"), the following are tre and correct copies of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at the special meetig held Sept. 23, ~. ~" ~. , 20 J 0 , and entered in the minute book of the Corporation; the meeting was duly and reguarly called and held in accordance with the bylaws of the Corporation; the executed LoanGrant and Securty Agreement, Note and Pledged Deposit Account Control Agreement are tre and exact copies of the forms thereof authoried and approved by the Board of Directors to be executed, and none of the following resolutions has been rescinded or modified: RESOLUTIONS RESOLVED that the Corporation borrow from the United States of Amerca (the "Governent"), acting though the Adminstrtor of the Rural Utilties Service ("RUS"), an amount not to exceed $644,045, ("Loan") to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the Corporation accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $1,502,769 ("Grant") from the Governent, actg through RUS, to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the President is authorizd on behalf of the Corporation to execute and deliver under its corporate seal, which the secreta is directed to affx and attst, as many counterpars, respectively, as shall be deemed advisable of loangrant documents, includig a loangrant and security agreement, note, pledged deposit account control agreement and . fiancing statements, as required by RUS; RESOLVED that a separte account (hereinafter called the "Pledged Deposit Account"), be opened in Well S Farr (Name of Ban), and all proceeds of the Loan and Grat shall be deposited in sue account which shall be pledged to the Governent and held in accordance with the provisions of the loangrant and securty agreement and the pledged deposit account control agreement; and RESOLVED that the offcers of the Corporation be, and each of them is authorized in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute all such instrents, make all such payments and do all such other acts as in the opinion of the offcer or offcers acting may be necessar or appropriate in order to car out the puroses and intent of the foregoing resolutions; and I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT each member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was fushed with notice of said meeting in compliance with the bylaws of the Corporation. I FUTHR CERTIFY THAT the date of actul execution of the loangrt documents referred to above is September 23 ,2010 I FUTHR CERTIFY THT the following are the naes and signatues, respectively, of the offcers of the Corporation identified below who validly held and occupied their respective positions on said date of actl execution of the documents. Offce President Vice President Secreta Treasurer Name tttÛJs:~Lt~ t/ivld £Jbfl7?~ 23rd IN WITNESS WHREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affxed the seal of the Corporation this day of September (Cotprate., Stal) ,20~.~~¿ SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE Midvale I, Linda Klind , do hereby certfy that: I am the secreta of Te 1 epbope Excb (hereinafer called the "Corporation"), the following are tre and correct copies of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at the special meeting held Sept. 23 ,20 10 , and entered in the minute bok of the Corporation; the meetig was duly and reguarly called and held in accordance with the bylaws of the Corporation; the executed LoanGrant and Security Agreement, Note and Pledged Deposit Account Control Agreement are tre and exact copies of the forms thereof authorid and approved by the Board of Directors to be executed, and none of the following resolutions has been rescinded or modified: RESOLUTIONS RESOLVED that the Corporation borrow from the United States of America (the "Governent"), acting though the Adminstrator of the Rural Utilities Servce ("RUS"), an amount not to exceed $334,924, ("Loan") to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the Corporation accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $781,488 ("Grant") from the Governent, acting though RUS, to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the President is authoried on behalf of the Corporation to execute and deliver under its corporate seal, which the secreta is directed to aff and attest, as many counterpar, respectively, as shall be deemed advisable of loangrt documents, including a loangrant and securty agreement, note, pledged deposit account control agreement and fiancing statements, as required by RUS; RESOLVED that a separate account (hereinafter called the "Pledged Deposit Account"), be opened inwelJ 5 Fargo (Name of Ban), and all proceeds of the Loan and Grant shall be deposited in such account which shall be pledged to the Governent and held in accordace with the provisions of the loangrant and securty agreement and the pledged deposit account control agreement; and RESOLVED .that the offcers of the Corporation be, and each of them is authorized in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute all such instrents, make all such payments and do all such other acts as in the opinion of the offcer or offcers actig may be necessar or appropriate in order to car out the puroses and intent of the foregoing resolutions; and I FURTHR CERTIFY THAT each member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was fuished with notice of said meeting in compliance with the bylaws of the Corporation. I FURTHR CERTIFY THAT the date of actul execution of the loangrant documents referred to above is September 23 ,2010 I FURTHR CERTIFY THAT the following ar the names and signatues, respectively, of the offcers of the Corporation identified below who validly held and occupied their respective positions on said date of actl execution of the documents. Offce Secreta Name~~ø.. Co~ leT IJa12J L-1Vl~ Kj ,'V\d- ~wt2KG~ President Vice President Treasurer IN WlTNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affxed the seal of the Corporation ths 23rd day of September ,20 10 ~!d (Corpora Se¡il) SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, Liiida Kliiid ' do hereby certify that: I am the secreta of 1idvale Telephone Exch (hereinafter called the "Corporation"), the follòwig are tre and correct copies of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at the special meeting held Sept. 23 , 20.l, and enterd in the minute book of the Corporation; the meetig was duly and regularly called and held in accordace with the bylaws of the Corporation; the executed LoanGrat and Security Agreement, Note and Pledged Deposit Account Control Agreement are tre and exact copies of the forms thereof authorized and approved by the Board of Directors to be executed, and none of the following resolutions has been rescinded or modified: RESOLUTIONS RESOLVED that the Corporation borrow from the United States of America (the "Governent;'), actig though the Administrtor of the Rurl Utilties Service ("RUS"), an amount not to exceed $380,751, ("Loan") to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the Corporation accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $888,420 ("Grant") from the Governent, actig though RUS, to be used for such puroses as approved by RUS, and RESOLVED that the President is authorizd on behalf of the Corporation to execute and deliver under its corporate seal, which the secreta is directed to affx and attest, as many counterpars, respectively, as shall be deemed advisable of loangrant documents, including a loangrt and security agreement, note, pledged deposit account ccmtrol agreement and fiancing statements, as required by RUS; RESOLVED that a separate account (hereinafter called the "Pledged Deposit Account"), be opened in Wells Fargo (Name of Ban), and all proceeds of the Lòan and Grant shall be deposited in such account which shall be pledged to the Goverment and held in accordace with the provisions of the loangrant and security agreement and the pledged deposit account control agreement; and RESOLVED that the offcers of the Corporation be, and each of them is authorized in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute all such instrents, make all such payments and do all such other acts as in the opinion of the offcer or offcers acting may be necessar or appropriate in order to car out the puroses and intent of the foregoing resolutions; and I FUTHER CERTIFY THAT each member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was fuished with notice of said meeting in compliance with the bylaws of the Corporation. I FURTHER CERTIF THT the date of actual execution of the loangrant documents referred to above is September 23 ,20 10 . I FUTHER CERTIFY THAT the following are the names and signatues, respectively, of the offcers of the Corporation identified below who validly held and occupied their respective positions on said date of actual execution of the documents. Offce Name - Secreta ~~t;'ût~~t,ç _L, V\dtL Vlì V' d.,.f;/lIlA KGf5, President Vice President Treasurer IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affxed the seal of the Corpration this 23rd day of September ,20~.~dæ;c Sec ta (Çorpora~ Seal)/ : i \ \ \ EXHIBITB Cynthia A. Melilo (ISB No. 5819) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Banock Street P. O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone No. (208) 388-1200 Fax No. (208) 388-1300. Attorneys for Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated 994148_ L.OO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED FOR AUTHORITY TO BORROW FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE ("RUS") IN AN AGGREGATE AMOUN NOT TO EXCEED $1,359,720. Case No. ORDER On October 19, 2010, Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated (hereinafter "ApplicanC), filed an Application for Loan Approval with this Commission requesting authority to execute three LoanGrant and Securty Agreements for a loan amount not to exceed $1,359,720 in the aggegate with the United States of Amerca Rural Utilities Serice ("RUS") Broadband Initiatives Program. In support of said Application, Applicant alleges that the proposed RUS loan proceeds wil be used to finance the constrction of fiber to the home broadband infrastrctue in the areas of Henderon Valley, Arzona; Stanley, Idaho; and Young, Arizona ("Projects"). After examining the Application and supporting documents and being fully advised in the premises, the Commission hereby finds that a hearng in this matter is not required and that the proposed transaction is consistent with the public interest and the Applicant's proper perormance of its duties as a public utilty. ORDER-l IT is THEREFORE ORDERED that the Application of Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated, for authority to execute three LoanGrant and Securty Agreements with RUS for a loan amount not to exceed $1,359,720 in the aggregate and a Restated Mortgage~ Securty Agreement an Financing Statement be, and the same is hereby granted. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission this _ day of 2010. Jim D. Kempton, President Marsha H. Smith, Commissioner Mack A. Redford, Commissioner ATTEST: ORDER-2 EXHIBITC , . LEGAL NOTICE OF MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO BORROW FUNDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 19,2010, Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated completed and fied with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission an Application for authority to borrow up to $1,359,720 from the United States of Amerca Rural Utilties Serice and, in connection with the borrowing, to execute thee separate Loan/Grant and Securty Agreements and a Restated Mortgage, Securty Agreement and Financing Statement. The Application is on file and is available for public inspection at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Any person desiring to comment on said Application must fie petitions or protests with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission within fouree (14) days of the filing date. If no protests are received withn this time limit, the Commission may consider the Application and enter its Order without setting the matter for hearing. If wrtten protests are filed with the Commission withn the time limit set, the Commission wil consider the same and, in its discretion, may set a hearng. Petitions or protests must be fied with: Jean Jewell, Secretar, Idaho Public Utilties Commssion, Statehouse, Boise, Idaho 83720. Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission