HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030806Application.pdf-- . '(.' ;:'1 ;' - Conley Ward (ISB No. 1683) GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone No. (208) 388-1200 Fax No. (208) 388-1300 '--- -- "n1 '1 I: v~;Ji-J 1'1 UTiL:iiC:S CO!'ir-HSS:ON Attorneys for Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. s :\MACS\CEW\MIDV ALE\Broadband\Application ,2002 ,rtf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MillV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC. FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION Case No. MJlJ' i-Clj./(J I APPLICATION OF MIDV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. ("Midvale ), by and through its attorneys, Givens Pursley LLP, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission Order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Midvale states as follows: Midvale is an incumbent local exchange carrier that provides both basic local exchange and advanced telecommunications services to its customer/patrons in Washington and Valley Counties, Idaho. During the calendar year 2002 , Midvale made certain investments that constitute qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit "" attached hereto, describes Midvale s qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission s Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-01-10. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: APPLICATION OF MIDV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE- ORiGiNAL Conley Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street, Ste. 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 (208) 388-1219 cew0J,gi v enspursl ey. com John Stuart Midvale Telephone Exchange Inc. 2205 Keithley Creek Road O. Box 7 Midvale, ill 83645 (800) 462-4523 i ohn0J,ruralnetworknet Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter, and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. requests that the Commission issue its Order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit "A" constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029(1), Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of August 2 0 Con ey War GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. APPLICA nON OF MIDV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE- 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the !ii&day of August 2003, I caused to be hand delivere~ a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 APPLICA nON OF MIDV ALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE- 3 EXHIBIT" Ju 1 29 03 01: 34p M I DVALE TELEPHON 208 355 2222 Idaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application 2002 Company Information Name of company: Address: Type of company: Contact person: Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc. PO Box 7, Midvale, Idaho, 83645 ILEC John Stuart Equipment Description Broadband service offered: Network description: Transmission rate: Number and percent of customers served: Equipment list: ADSL DSL service is provided through a network of remotes using APC equipment. The broadband services are routed to the Internet service provider via a DSLAM uplink Max upstream 512 k / downstream 1.5 meg As of 12/3112002 11 customers & 1.2 % See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the 'equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-3029L. Jo A Stuart Ju 1 29 03 01: 35p M I DVALE TELEPHON 208 355 2222 Midvale Telephone Exchange Idaho DSL Description Part #Quanity Unit Cost Total Work Order Drv1AX Shelf 0210-0122 $2,000.$14 000.02IDRUS Expansion Unk Controter 0101-0028 ,,------ $445.$890.D2IDRUS Expansion Bank Controler 0101-0029 $445.$890.02IDRUS Fiber Optic Transceiver 0120-0040 355.$16,260.02IDRUS Local Power Supply Unit 0101-0019 $365.$730.02IDRUS Central Proce..o::slng Unit 2.0101-0027 295.$12,950.02IDRUS TlX-XCVR (uplink)0120-0123 $470.170.021DRUS Remote Power Supply Ul!it 0101-0006 $565.780.02IDRUS ADSL G-Ute 0110-0153 047.$0.02IDRUS $57,670. DSL Upgrades Description Part #Quanity Unit Cost Total ---- DMAX Shelf 0210-0122 $2,000.$0.02IDDSL ExPansion Unk Controler 0101-0028 $445.$0_02IDDSL ADSL G-Lite 0110-0153 $2,205.$17,640.02IDDSL Expansion Batik Controler 0101-0029 $445.$0.02IDDSL Aber Optic Transceiver 0120-0040 $1,355.$0.02IDDSL Local Power Supply Unit 0101-0019 $365.$0.02IDDSL Central ProcessinG Unit 2.DI01-0027 265,l,!) ,.$2 530.02IDDSL , ----. Remote Power Supply Unit 0101-00O6 $565.$0.02IDD5L 0C3 FO Uplink Concentrator 0120-0129 $1,976.$3,952.02IDDSL T1 ASYNCH. CHNL Unit (DSX)OUO-0193 $431.65 726.02IDDSL Tl HDSL i ~nscriever 0120-0012 $970.$6,791.OZIDDSL CPU-3 With All'1 Software 0101-0065 $3,000.$12 000.02IDDSL Let Pots Channel Unit 0110-0150 $397.386.02IDDSL T1-HDSI TransceIver 0120-0128 $833.831.00 02IDDSL ..--- $52.857. TOTAL $110 527. DSL wookbook 2002