HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011022Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN RON LAW JEAN JEWELL DON HOWELL RANDY LOBB JOE CUSICK BEVERLY BARKER GENE FADNESS TONYA CLARK WORKING FILE FROM:ALDEN HOLM TERRI CARLOCK DATE:OCTOBER 22,2001 SUBJECT:MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE'S APPLICATION TOBORROW$5,692,309 DEBT;CASE NO.MID-T-01-2. RECOMMEND:APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Midvale TelephoneExchange,Inc.(Midvale;Company)requests authority to borrow $5,692,309in Rural Utilities Service (RUS)loans.The funds will be used to reimburse general funds expended for work that is already completed and that will be completed soon.The loan has been approvedby RUS with an interest rate of five percent (5%). The proposed loan proceeds will be used for and will partially reimburse general funds for the followingprojects:(1)extension of service to new customers,(2)the upgrade and replacement of inside and outside plant for the Stanley and Midvale exchanges in Idaho and the Cascabel,Arizona exchange,(3)the formation of three new exchanges (Millsite,Rio Verde and Silver Bell)in previouslyunserved areas in Arizona,and (4)related purposes.The expenditures per exchange and general areas total $861,245 in Midvale,$658,610 in Stanley,$1,000,494 in Cascabel,$893,133 in Millsite,$666,843 in Rio Verde,$600,765 in Silver Bell,$50,000 in permits and $961,218 in engineeringfees.Of the $5,692,309 total proceeds,$1,519,855 is projected to be used in Idaho.According to the Company,all of the loan proceeds will be used for only regulatedprojects.However,when Staff asked why the loan application clearly shows DECISION MEMORANDUM l OCTOBER 22,2001 that at least a portion of the proceeds will be used to fund Syringa items,the Company stated that Syringa will simply lease portions of the fiber extensions and sonet equipment,but that Midvale will own the installations.Any regulatorytreatment for projects associated with Syringa have not yet been addressed.Staff recognizes benefits associated with these projects but reminds the Company that Staff will make adjustments for unregulateditems in any rate proceeding.Staff will monitor the Syringa activity,switch credit,direct assignments,allocation and separation factors for ratemaking purposes. According to the Company,the loan application has been submitted to and approved by RUS with the only stipulation being that the Company purchase from the standard materials list. Midvale states that 85%of the work in Idaho is already finished and all the upgrades will be made by late spring or early summer of2002.The work in Arizona will begin as soon as the permitting process is completed this winter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this loan request conditioned on the same restrictions and filingrequirements made by RUS.Midvale should be required to file with the Commission Staff copies of the final loan documents and all required filings with the RUS as they are completed. Annual statements reflectingtotal balances outstanding and mortgage compliance calculations should also be filed with the Commission Staff. COMMISSION DECISION Should the request be approved with the above conditions? Should copies of all documents filed with RUS be filed with the Commission Staff? Alden Holm AH:gdk:i:udmemos/mid-t-01-2decision memo DECISIONMEMORANDUM 2 OCTOBER 22,2001