HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010719Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM -\ TO:COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL LYNN ANDERSON JOE CUSICK CAROLEE HALL WAYNE HART BIRDELLE BROWN BEVERLY BARKER RON LAW TONYA CLARK WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:JULY 19,2001 RE:NEW ACCESS TARIFF AND LOCAL EXCHANGE TARIFF FILED BYMIDVALETELEPHONEEXCHANGE,INC. On January 29,2001,the Commission received a filing for a new local exchange tariff on behalf of Midvale Telephone Exchange,Inc.(Midvale).Midvale is a Title 61 telephone company serving approximately one thousand customers in six exchanges around Idaho. According to the accompanying cover letter,the new tariff will replace Midvale's existing local exchange tariff and Sawtooth Telephone Company's local exchange tariff.These companies merged in December 1999 (See Order No.28233). Since the Company filed its proposal,it has agreed to modify it in regard to a proposed vacation rate.Thus,the Company filed a new cover letter on June 23,2001,asking that the new local tariff,as revised,become effective July 23,2001. THE NEW LOCAL TARIFF The proposed local exchange tariff contains the same rates that are currentlyin the Midvale local exchange tariff in almost every case.Very few customers in the Sawtooth exchange DECISION MEMORANDUM l JULY 19,2001 (Stanley)may see minor rate changes as the old Sawtooth Telephone tariff is consolidated into the new Midvaletariff.Staffreviewed these rate changes and found them to be on optional services and typically favor the customer.Also,Staffs analysis shows the revenue impacts for the Company will be minimal.Also,by merging Sawtooth Telephone and Midvale Telephone,many archaic services,such as Centrex and fire alarm systems,have been eliminated. Midvale also is proposing a new structure for vacation service.The existing vacation service allows one period of up to four months of the year to be billed at half the local residential rate.The local rate for exchanges with the existing vacation service is $21.63 per month.Duringthevacationperiod,no incoming or outgoing calls are provided and there is a connection charge ($25.00)when full service is reestablished. The vacation service Midvale initiallyproposed in its new tariff allows the option of either 50%off the local rate all year long or the ability to disconnect service for any period of time,but retain the phone number for futureuse.The Company proposed to offer these vacation service alternativesto both residential and business customers that qualify.To qualify for the first option, customers must demonstrate that they currentlypay for full telephoneservice in another exchange. During the proposed vacation service,customers would be able to both send and receive calls. Under the second option,customers pay a monthlynumber reservation fee of $4.95. Staff reviewed the new proposed vacation structure and discussed its concerns with the Company.Staff is generally concerned about a vacation rate that might be so attractive that it encourages customers to migrate to this service and thereby decrease the Company's revenues.Midvale believes the revenue loss will be minimal and anticipates reduced administrative expenseswilloffsetanyrevenuelosses.Nonetheless,Midvale agreed to revise its proposal and set vacation rates at 75%of the local rate ($16.23 residential and $30.51 business),and also agreed that itwouldnotseekrecoveryofanyrevenuelossassociatedwithvacationservicethroughtheIdaho USF. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed Midvale's new local exchange tariff and does not object to it,as revised,by setting the rate for vacation service at 75%of the local rate,with the provision that Midvale Telephonenot seek Universal Service Funds related to any vacation service revenue losses.Staff DECISIONMEMORANDUM 2 JULY 19,2001 further recornmends a review of Midvale's vacation service and revenues after one year of the revised structure. COMMISSION DECISION Should the Commission approve Midvale's new local exchange tariff,as revised,including the provision to establish vacation service at 75%of the local rate? Doug Cooley DC:gdk:i:udmemos/new midvale tariff2 DECISIONMEMORANDUM 3 JULY 19,2001