HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010129Tariff Advice Application.pdfAg M/DVALE T HORE EXCHANGE,INC.P.O.BOX 7 e 2Ë0 EITHLEYCREER ROAD e M/DVALE,IDAHO83645 January 29,2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Boise,Idaho To the Commission: Midvale TelephoneExchange is please to submit for review and approval new local and accesstariffsfortelecommunicationsservicesprovidedinthestateofIdaho.These tariffs replace andsupercedeanyandallprevioustarifffilings. In the local access tariff,there are several changes to note.First,this tariff represents the mergerofSawtoothintoMidvaleTelephone.In cases where there were discrepancies in rates,we optedtousetheMidvalerate,thus making rates standard across all Midvale's exchanges.Second,several archaic services have been eliminated,such as Centrex and fire alarm systems (replacedby911services).Third,you'll notice the addition of a new vacation rate structure from astandard4monthsathalfrate,to an option of either half rate all the time for Seasonal customers,or the abilityto simply disconnect service,but save the phone number for futureuse.Althoughthiswilllikelyresultinanegligiblerevenuelost,we believe it will be made up for the reductioninstafftimecurrentlyrequiredtotrackvacationratecustomers,and thus there will be no attemptbyMidvaletorecoveranylossthroughtheIdahoUSFatthistime.Further,customers haverequestedthisrevisionandwebelievethatitmeetstheirneeds.Finally,the local tariff has beenreorganizedtomakeitamoreusefuldocumentforourstaff. The access tariff replaces Midvale's filing in the Idaho Rural Exchange Carrier tariff(administered by GVNW).This tariff includes the updated rates as mandated in IPUC ordernumber28420.Other than some minor re-organization (e.g.,placing all access rate componentsonthesamepage)and eliminating sections which simply do not apply to Midvale (e.g.,FeatureGroupC),this tariff is nearly identical to the Idaho Rural Exchange Carriers'tariff. Finally,we have been instructed that it is no longer necessary to sign every page of eachdocument.Thus this letter functions to authorize and present these tariffs for the Commission'sapproval.We appreciate your consideration,and encourage you to contact us should you haveanyquestions. Since ly, Karen J.Williams,Ph.D. Assistant Manager Establishedin1909WilliamsFamily Owned Since1943 Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:0 Scheduleof Ratesand ChargesTogether with Rules and Regulations Applicable to Telephone Service Provided in the Territory in the State of Idaho Served by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated P.O.Box 7 2205 Keithley Creek Road Midvale,ID 83645 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:I SECTION INDEX Index 1 Section Index 1SubjectIndex3 I.Definitions 6 II.General Rules and Regulations 11 Application 11ExplanationofSymbols12ObligationoftheCompany12UseofServicesandFacilities15EstablishmentandFurnishingofService17TelephoneDirectories19EstablishmentandMaintenanceofCredit19MinimumContractPeriodsandTerminationofService20PaymentforServicesandFacilities23SpecialServicesandFacilities23ResaleofServices24 III.Network Access Service 24 Access Line Service 24LocalMeasuredService26CustomCallingFeatures(CCF)27AdvancedCustomCallingFeatures(ACCF)30VoiceMailService41ServiceConnection,Move and Change Charges 44 Issued January29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number4 Original Sheet Number:2 SECTION INDEX,CONTINUED Payphone Service 46TrunkHuntingServiceArrangements52LongDistanceMessageRestriction53SeasonalServiceRates54NumberReservation54DirectoryListings54OffPremiseExtensionService57IntraexchangePrivateLine58ConstructionCharges58 IV.Lifeline 62 IV.Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program(ITSAP)Surcharge 65 VI.Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge 66 VII.Link Up 66 VIII.Concurrences 69 IX.Exchange Maps 69 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Conunission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:3 SUBJECT INDEX Access Line Service 6AdjustmentsofCharges14AdvancedCustomerCallingFeatures(ACCF)30Alterations18Application11ApplicationforService17 Change in TelephoneNumber 17Concurrences69ConnectionswithSubscriber-Owned Equipment 15ConstructionCharges58Credit,Establishment of 19CustomerCallingFeatures(CCF)27 Defacement of Premises 14Definitions6Deposits19Deposits,Interest to be paid on 20Directories19DirectoryListings54DiscontinuanceofService20 Equipment,Ownership and Use of 15EstablishmentandFurnishingofService17EstablishmentandMaintenanceofCredit19ExchangeMaps69ExplanationofSymbols12 General Rules and Regulations 19 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1 20T Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:4 SUBJECT INDEX,CONTINUED Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program 65IdahoUniversalServiceFundSurchage66IndiscriminateUseofFacilities16InterestPaidonDeposits20InterruptionofService13IntraexchangePrivateLine58InstallationCosts44ITSAP65 Language,Improper 16Lifeline62LineExtensions19Linkup66Listings,Directory 54LocalMeasuredService26LongDistanceMessageRestriction53 Maintenance and Repairs 18Maps69MinimumContractPeriods20MoveandChangeCharges44 Network Access Line Service 24NumberReservation54 Obligation of the Company 12OwnershipandUseofEquipment15Off-Premise Extension Service 57 Payment for Services and Facilities 23PaymentofService18PayphoneService46 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:5 SUBJECT INDEX,CONTINUED Reconnection Charge 20ResaleofServices24ResponsibilityforandUseofEquipment15RestoralofServiceCharge44 Seasonal Service Rates 53ServiceChargeforRestorationofService20ServiceConnection,Move and Change Charge 44SpecialServicesandFacilities23 Tampering with Equipment 16TelephoneDirectories19TelephoneNumbers17TelephoneAssistanceProgram65TerminationofService21TollRestriction53TrunkHunting52 Universal Service 66UnusualInstallationCosts20UseofServiceandFacilities16 Vacation Service Rates 53VoiceMailService40 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:6 I.DEFINITIONSAccessLine The circuit that travels from the Central Office to the subscriber's premise terminating attheprotectorthatprovidesdirectaccesstothelocalexchangeandthetollswitchingnetworks. Application A formal request for services and,once accepted,a contract between the company andthecustomer. Channel The electrical path provided by the Telephone Company between two or more locations. Circuit A channel used for the transmission of electrical energy in the furnishingof telephoneservice. Company Midvale TelephoneExchange,Incorporated. Connecting Company A corporation,association,partnership,or individual owning or operatingone or moreexchangesandwithwhomtrafficisinterchanged. Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) Any devices,apparatus and associated wiring provided by a subscriber for use withfacilitiesfurnishedbytheCompany. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,200I Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number4 Original Sheet Number:7 I.DEFINITIONS,CONTINUEDDirectDialing The capability for a subscriber to dial anywhere in the United States with a series ofnumberswithoutoperatorassistance. Extended Area Service (EAS) Local network services extended beyond the original exchange boundaries. Extra Listing Any directory listing of a name or information in connection with a subscriber accountbeyondthatwhichisprovidedwithregularservices. Foreign Exchange Directory Listing A directory listing in the directory of an exchange other than the exchange where service is furnished. Installation Charge A non-recurring charge made for the placing or furnishingof telephone services. Local Exchange The connections available within an exchange area typically served by a single switch,but which can be extended to include additional areas.The local exchange allowsconnectiontotheinterexchangenetwork. Local Exchange Service Telephone service furnished between subscriber stations located within the same localservicearea. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:8 I.DEFINITIONS,CONTINUED Local Measured Service Flat rate,measured service applied to calls within the local calling area. Local Message A communication between subscribers'stations within the same Exchange Area. Local Service Area That geographical area throughoutwhich a Subscriber obtains telephone service withoutthepaymentofatollcharge. Main Station A suitable telephoneinstrument or station connected to a network via an access linethroughaCentralOfficeandhasauniquetelephonenumber. Premises All of the building or the adjoining portions of a building occupied and used by the Subscriber;or all of the buildings occupied and used by the Subscriber as a place of business or residence,which are located on a continuous plot of ground not intersected by a public highwayor thoroughfare. Primary Station Synonymous with Main Station. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:9 I.DEFINITIONS,CONTINUED Private Branch Exchange (PBX) An arrangement of equipment used by a subscriber and connected directlyto a centralofficebymeansoftrunkaccesslines,from which connection is made to stations atvariouslocationsorcustomerpremises,thereby providing telecommunicationsbetweenthesestationsandalsocommunicationwiththegeneralexchangesystem. Private Line A circuit provided to furnish communication only between the two or more telephones directly connected to it,and not having connection with a central office. Public Telephone An exchange station,either attended or equipped with a payment (coin or credit card) device,which is installed for the convenience of the public at a location chosen oracceptedbytheCompany. Semi-Public Telephone A Semi-Public Telephone is an exchange station equipped with a payment device (credit card),designed for a combination of subscriber and public usage at locations more or lesspublicincharacter.Semi-Public telephone service is considered as a form of subscriber service. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:10 I.DEFINITIONS,CONTINUED Subscriber A person or agency subscribing for telephoneservice.As used in this Tariff,a separate Subscriber is involved at each location,or continuous property,where service isfurnished.One individual or firm therefore may be considered as two or more separate Subscribers,even in the same Exchange.The privileges,restrictions,and rates established for a Subscriber to any class of service are limited to the service at onelocation;and no group treatment of service at separate locations furnished to oneindividualorfirm,is contemplated or to be implied,except when definitely provided forintheschedules. Tariff The document filed by the Company with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,whichliststhecommunicationservicesofferedbytheCompanyandtheassociatedratesandcharges. Telephone Station A suitable telephone instrument,consisting of a transmitter,receiver,and associatedapparatus,so connected as to permit transmitting of and receiving telephonemessages. Toll Message A message from a calling station to a station located in a different local service area. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:11 I.DEFINITIONS,CONTINUED Toll Service Telephone service rendered by the Company or another carrier between patrons indifferentlocalserviceareasinaccordancewiththeratesandregulationsspecifiedin theapplicablecarrier's tariff or price list. Trunk A telephone communication channel between (a)two ranks of switching equipment in thesamecentraloffice,(b)between central office units in the same switching center,or (c)between two switching centers. H.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A.APPLICATION The rules and regulations specified herein apply to the local services and facilitiesofMidvaleTelephoneExchange,Inc.,hereinafter referred to as the Company.Failure on the part of the Subscriber to observe these rules and regulations of theCompany,after due notice of such failure,automatically gives the Company theauthoritytodiscontinuethefurnishingofservice.In the event of a conflict between any rate,rule,regulation or provision contained in these General RulesandRegulationsandanyrate,rule,regulation or provision contained in the specified tariffs,the rate,rule,regulations or provision contained in the specifictariffsshallprevail. These tariffs cancel and supersede all other tariffs of the Company issued andeffectivepriortotheeffectivedateofthesetariffs. Issued January 29,200 I EffectiveMarch 1,200 1 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williatus Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:12 H.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED B.EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C)Signifies a changed regulation. (D)Signifies a discontinued rate,treatment or regulation. (I)Signifies an increased rate or new treattnent resulting in increased rate. (K)To signify that material has been transferred to another sheet or place in the tariff. (M)To signify that material has been transferred from another sheet or place in the tariff. (N)Signifies a new rate,treatment or regulation. (R)Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates. (T)Signifies a change in text but no change in rate,treatment,or regulation. C.OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY 1.Availabilityof Facilities The Company's obligation to furnishtelephone service is dependent upon its abilityto secure suitable facilities and to provide such service without unreasonable expense. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:13 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED C.OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY,CONTINUED 2.Interruptionof Service An allowance will be made upon notice and demand to the Company forinterruptionofservicenotduetoSubscribernegligenceiftheinterruptioncontinuesformorethantwenty-fourhours from the time it is reported to or detected by the Company.The allowance will be the prorated portion ofthemonthlyratefortheservicemadeinoperative. The Company will credit a Customer's account by an amount equal to themonthlyrateforonemonthofbasicexchangeservice(Access Line Service),if the Customer reports an out-of-service condition,which hasdeterioratedservicetotheextentthattheCustomercannot make local calls or cannot receive local calls or cannot use the service forvoice-grade communications because of cross talk,static,or other transmission problems,and service is not restored (1)within sixteen hoursafterthereportoftheoutageiftheCustomernotifiestheCompanythattheserviceoutagecreatesanemergencyfortheCustomeror(2)withintwenty-fourhours after the report of the outage if no emergency exists, except that outages reported between noon on Saturday and 6:00 p.m.onthefollowingSundaymustberestoredwithinforty-eighthours or by 6:00p.m.on the followingMonday,whichever is sooner. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:14 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED C.OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY,CONTINUED 2.Interruptionof Service,Continued The credit will not apply to "out-of-service"conditions resulting from the willful neglect,misuse or abuse by the Customer.The credit will not apply to "out-of-service"conditions where the outage is in the Customer's inside wire or Customer's premises equipment.This credit will not apply to "out-of-service"conditions resulting from natural disasters,or circumstances beyond control and knowledge of the Company.This credit also will not apply to "out-of-service"conditions where service has been temporarily or permanently discontinued for nonpayment of bills. 3.Use of Connecting Company Lines Lines of other connecting companies may be used to reach points outside the Company area when suitable arrangements can be made. 4.Defacement of Premises The Company will repair or replace any defacement or damage of property due to installation,existence,or replacement of Company property,when the damage is the result of negligence of the Company. 5.Adjustment of Charges In case of over-billing,a refund will be made by the Company for the full amount of excess charges when the amount can be determined;when the amount cannot be determined from available records,the maximum refund will not exceed the estimated over-billing over a two year period. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:15 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED C.OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY,CONTINUED 5.Adjustment of Charges,Continued In case of under billing,the Company reserves the right tobackbillforthedeficiencychargesuptoaperiodoftwo years. D.USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES 1.Ownership and Use of Equipment All equipment and lines furnished by the Company are the property of theCompanyeventhoughlocatedontheSubscriber's premises.Companyagentsoremployeesshallhavetherighttoentersaidpremisesatanyreasonablehourtoinstallormaintainequipment,make collections,or remove equipment. The Company may refuse to install or maintain any service at locations,which are hazardous to Company employees.If such service is furnished, the Subscriber may be required to install and maintain such service,holding the Company harmless from any claims of damage by reason oftheinstallationandmaintenanceofthisservice. 2.Interconnection Policy Subscriber-provided terminal equipment may be used and Subscriber-provided communication system may be connected with the facilitiesfurnishedbytheCompanyfortelecommunicationsservicessubjecttoregulationsoutlinedinotherpartsofthistariff.In case any unauthorized attachment is made,the Company shall have the right to disconnect, suspend,or terminate the service. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incolporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:16 H.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED D.USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES,CONTINUED 3.Use of Subscriber Services Subscriber telephoneservice is furnished only for the use by the Subscriber,his or her family,and associates.The Companymay refuse toinstallorpermitsuchservicetoremainonpremisesofpublicorsemi-public character.The equipmentmay be installed at such locationsprovidedtheserviceislocatedsoitisnotaccessibleforpublicuse. 4.Tampering with Equipment The Company may refuse to furnishtelephoneservice when CompanyequipmentshowsanyevidenceoftamperingforthepurposeofobtainingservicewithoutpaymentofchargesapplicabletotheservicerenderedbytheCompany. 5.Use of Improper Language or Impersonation of Another The Company may refuse service to anyone who uses or permits abusive or obscene language over Company facilities or impersonates anotherindividualwithfraudulentormaliciousintent. 6.Indiscriminate Use of Facilities The Company may refuse to furnishservice for indiscriminate use offacilities,except in case of emergencies. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:17 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED E.ESTABLISHMENTAND FURNISHING OF SERVICE 1.Application for Service Application for service must be made on the Company's standard form,which becomes a contract when accepted in writing by the Company oruponestablishmentofservice.The Subscriber may be required to pay inadvanceallchargesforthefirstbillingperiodandconnectionchargeifapplicable.The conditions of such contracts are subject to all provisions ofthisandotherapplicabletariffs.Requests for additional service may bemadeorally,if provided in the original contract,and no advance paymentwillberequired.A move within the exchange area is not considered toterminatethecontractandordersforsuchmaybemadeorally. 2.TelephoneNumbers Telephonenumbers are assigned to the Company by the Federal Communications Commission,and in turn,are assigned to customers fortheestablishmentoftelephoneservice.The use of a telephonenumber by a customer does not establish property rights to that number,nor does itguaranteeservicethroughanyparticularcentraloffice.The Companyretainsfullresponsibilityfornumbersuntilsuchtimeasanumberistransferredtoanotherproviderthroughalocalnumberportability agreement.As such the Cmpany reserves the right to change numberswhenitisnecessarytocontinueadequatedeliveryofservice.WhenexistingserviceiscontinuedforanewCustomer,the telephonenumberassignedtotheformerCustomermayberetainedbythenewCustomeronly:(a)if the former Customer consents and properly notifies the Company in writing;and (b)if arrangements acceptable to the CompanyaremadebythenewCustomertopayalloutstandingchargesagainsttheservicetotheCompany. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:18 H.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED E.ESTABLISHMENTAND FURNISHINGOF SERVICE,Continued 3.Alterations The Subscriber agrees to notify the Company of any alterations,whichwillnecessitatechangesintheCompany's wiring;and the SubscriberagreestopaytheCompany's current charges for such changes. 4.Payment of Service The subscriber is required to pay all charges for services rendered by thecompany,both exchange and toll in accordance with provisions contained elsewhere in this tariff.The subscriber is responsible for all charges forservicerenderedatthetelephone,includingcollect charges. 5.Maintenance and Repairs The Company shall bear the expense of all repairs and maintenance of itsfacilities,except where damage or destruction of its facilities is due to theneglectoftheSubscriber.The Subscriber may not rearrange,remove,ordisconnectanyCompanyfacilitieswithoutconsentoftheCompany. 6.Line Extensions Lines will be extended to permanent Customers in accordance with theguidelinesestablishedintheConstructionChargesection.Where requiredbytheconditions,applicants may be required to provide to the Companysuitableprivateright-of-way parallel to the public highway. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:19 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED E.ESTABLISHMENTAND FURNISHINGOF SERVICE,Continued 7.Unusual InstallationCosts When special conditions or special requirements of the Subscriber involveunusualconstructionorinstallationcosts,the Subscriber may be requiredtopayareasonablyproportionateshareofsuchcost.Title to all facilitiesconstructedandpaidforwhollyorinpartbytheSubscriberisvestedintheCompany. F.TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES The Company will furnishto its subscribers,without charge,onlysuchdirectoriesasitdeemsnecessaryfortheefficientuseofthe service.Other directories will be furnished at the discretion of theCompanyatareasonablecharge. G.ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT 1.Deposits The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Regulations for allTelephoneCompaniesUndertheJurisdictionoftheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionpromulgatedinOrderNo.15290 in Case No.P-300-6 by theIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionandallamendmentstothoseruleswhichmaybehereafteradoptedbytheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission.Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business officeandareavailableforpublicinspection. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:20 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED G.ESTABLISHMENTAND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT, Continued 1.Deposits,Continued a.Interest to be Paid on Deposits Simple interest,at the rate provided by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,shall accrue from the date of deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer's telephonebill. 2.Reconnection Charge Where service has been terminated by the Company in accordance with IPUC Rules and Regulations,the regular non-recurring charges shall applyforreconnectionofservice. H.MINIMUM CONTRACTPERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE 1.Minimum Contract Periods Except as hereinafter provided,the minimum contract period for all services and facilities is one month at the same location.The length of contract for directory listings,where the listing actuallyappears in thedirectory,is the directory period.The directory period is from the day onwhichthedirectoryisfirstdistributedtothesubscriberstothedaythe succeeding directory is first distributed to subscribers.The Company mayrequireaminimumcontractperiodlongerthanonemonthatthesame location in connection with special (non-standard)types of arrangements of equipment,or for unusual construction necessary to meet special demands and involvingextra cost. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:21 H.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED H.MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE, Continued 2.Termination of Service -Subscriber's Request Service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the minimum contractperioduponnoticebeinggiventotheCompany,and upon payment of anyapplicableterminationcharges,in addition to any applicable charges dueforservicewhichhasbeenfurnished. In the case of service for which the minimumcontract period is one month,termination will require that charges due for the balance of theminimumperiodbepaid.In the case of directory listings where the listing has appeared in the directory or where a non-listed or non-publishedlistinghasbeenproperlyomitted,the charges are due to the end of the directory period,except that in the followingcases charges will be continued only to the date of the termination of the extra listing or proper omission with a minimum charge of one month: (1)The Contract for the main service is terminated. (2)The listed party becomes a Subscriber to some other class of service. (3)The listed party moves to a new location. (4)The listed party dies. For special equipment,the charges will be based on the individual circumstances in each case as agreed upon at the time of installation. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number4 Original Sheet Number:22 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED H.MINIMUM CONTRACTPERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE,Continued 2.Termination of Service -Subscriber's Request,Continued Contracts for periods longer than one month covering services whoseinstallationrequiredlineextensionsmaybeterminateduponpayment ofallchargesthatwouldaccruetotheendofthecontractperiod,or thecontractwillbetransferredtoanewapplicantwhoistooccupythesamepremisesandwillsubscribetotheserviceeffectiveonthedayfollowingterminationbytheoriginalSubscriber. Service may be terminated after the expiration of the initial contractperiod,upon the Company being notified,and upon payment of all charges due to the date of termination of the service. 3.Termination of Service by the Company The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Regulations for AllTelephoneCompaniesUndertheJurisdictionoftheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionpromulgatedinOrderNo.15290 in Case No.P-300-6 by theIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionandallamendmentstothoseruleswhichmaybehereafteradoptedbytheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission. Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business officeandareavailableforpublicinspection. Before disconnection service the Company shall make a good faith effort to notify the Customer.Subsequent to a Customer's account beingdelinquent,the Company shall serve written notice of disconnection on the Customer either by mail or personal deliveryof the notice to the Customer's address.Service shall not be disconnected prior to the eighth business day followingmailed notices or prior to 5 p.m.of the first business day followingfor personally delivered notices. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:23 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED I.PAYMENT FOR SERVICE AND FACILITIES The Subscriber shall pay for service and facilities monthlyin advance and shallpayforMovesandChangeswhenbilled.Failure to receive a bill does not relieve the Subscriber of the responsibility for payment in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. All bills for service are due and payable at the office of the Company on or before the 20 day followingthe post marked date of the statement of the month inwhichthebillisrendered.After the 20*day,bills are delinquent and subject to termination policy.If the bill is not paid when due,the Company may make a latepaymentchargeof1.5%and the Company may apply any deposit toward theoutstandingbalance. J.SPECIAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES Special services and facilities not ordinarilyused in the fumishingof telephone service and not otherwise provided for by the tariff schedules of the Company may be furnished or leased pursuant to special contract for such special service orfacilityforsuchperiodasmaybeagreedupon,provided such special service orfacilityortheusemadethereofisnotunlawfulanddoesnotinterferewiththetelephoneservicefurnishedbytheCompany.Special services are provided for each individualapplication as a custom-engineered system to satisfy and providefortheneedsofthatCustomer.Applicable charges will be determinedby the revenue requirements of the Company for each individual system.In the event any such special service or facility or the use made thereof interferes with thefurnishingofthetelephoneservicebytheCompany,the Company may terminate such contract and cease to furnish,such special service or facility after thirty dayswrittennoticetotheSubscriber;and provided furtherthat the commission mayterminatesuchcontractwhenever,in its opinion,public interest requires suchtermination. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:24 II.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS,CONTINUED K.RESALE OF SERVICES The Company shall deny service to a nonregisteredtelecommunicationscompanythatintendstousetheservicerequestedtoprovidetelecommunicationsforhire,sale,or resale to the general public within the state of Idaho.Anytelecommunicationscompanyrequestingservicefromalocalexchange companyshallstateinwritingwhethertheserviceisintendedtobeusedforintrastatetelecommunicationsforhire,sale,or resale to the general public. III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE A.ACCESS LINE SERVICE 1.Rates -Access Lines (includingLeased Lines) MonthlyRates Residence (R-1)Business (B-1) Midvale $24.10 $42.00YellowPine$21.63 $40.68 Warren $21.63 $40.68 Warm Lake $21.63 $40.68 Lakeview $21.63 $40.68 Stanley (Sawtooth)$21.63 $40.68 2.Conditions a.The above rates apply to the provision of Access Lines which,when connected to a suitable telephoneinstrument provide access to thetelephonenetwork. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:25 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED A.ACCESS LINE SERVICE,CONTINUED 2.Conditions,continued b.Instruments must be provided by the Subscriber,subject to the conditions described in the Connection With Subscriber-Owned Equipment portion of this tariff. c.Additional instruments may be attached to Access Lines.The Company reserves the right to limit the number of instruments connected to an access line if they cause interference with the normal operation of the line. d.Tone Dial service is provided only where the facilities are available. 3.Business Rates Apply: a.At any location where activities are of a business,trade,or professional nature. b.At any location where the listing of service at that location indicates a business,trade,or profession. c.Where only one Access Line is provided at a location,which is both a residence and a business. d.At schools,hospitals,libraries,churches,and other similar institutions. 4.Residence Rates Apply: a.At a private residence where business listings are not provided and telephone service is not used for the conduct of business. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:26 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED A.ACCESS LINE SERVICE,CONTINUED 4.Residence Rates Apply,Continued b.At the place of residence of a clergyman,physician,or other medicalpractitionerprovidedtheSubscriberdoesnotmaintainanofficeintheresidence. B.LOCAL MEASURED SERVICE Local Measured Service (LMS)is an exchange service where a regular monthlyrateisbilledtothecustomerforaccesstothelocalandtollnetworks.In additiontotheflatratemonthlycharge,local usage charges apply after an initial allotmentof90minutes. 1.Rates Monthly a.Residential $16.00 b.Business $28.00 c.Per minute charge for use over 90 minutes =$.03 2.Conditions a.Local Measured Service (LMS)must be applied to all lines underthe sameaccountnameoratthesamephysicaladdress.Regular and measured servicewillnotbothbeprovidedatthesamecustomerpremises. b.The LMS monthlyrate is billed in advance;the per minute rate is billed inaccordwiththetollperiod. c.Changes between LMS and regular access service are subject to standardserviceordercharges. d.Chargeable time begins when the connection is established and ends when thenetworkconnectionisreleased. e.Measured service is only available in conjunction with Extended Area Servicearrangement(i.e.,only in the Midvale exchange). Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:27 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED C.CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF) 1.Rates Monthly rate Residence Business Custom Calling Feature (CCF) Call Waiting $2.50 $2.50 Call Forwarding 2.50 2.50 Conference Calling (3-way)2.50 2.50 Speed Calling -8 numbers 2.50 2.50 Fixed Calling 2.00 2.00 Line Busy Call diversion 3.00 3.00 Package of two CCF 20%discount 20%discount Package of three CCF 30%discount 30%discount Package of four CCF 40%discount 40%discount Package of five CCF 50%discount 50%discount Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number4 Original Sheet Number:28 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED C.CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF),Continued 2.Conditions a.Custom Calling Services are available only to those customers who areservedfromaCentralOfficeequippedtoprovidesuchservices. b.When a service is programmed for both Conference Calling and CallWaitingonlyoneofthetwomaybeactivatedatanyonetime. c.When a service is programmed for both Call Waiting and Call forwarding only one of the two may be activated at any one time. d.A service may be programmed with any combination of the six customcallingservicesexceptthatserviceswithLineBusyCallDiversionmaynotbeprogrammedforCallWaitingorConferenceCalling. 3.Definitions Speed Calling -permits placing local and long distance calls to pre- selected telephonenumbers by dialing an abbreviated code.To add anumbertothecallinglist,the customer uses his own telephone. Call Waiting -a distinctive tone informs the telephoneuser that anothercallhasbeenplacedtohisorherline.By briefly depressing the hookswitch,the user will be connected to the second caller while holdingthefirst,subsequent depressions of the hookswitch will allow the user toalternatebetweencallers. Conference Calling -permits a telephoneuser to add a third party to anexistinglocalorlongdistancecall.It will also permit a telephoneuser toconsultprivatelywithathirdpartywhileholdingtheoriginalcall. Ìssued Januanj29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:29 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED C.CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF),Continued 3.Definitions,continued Call Forwarding -permits transfer of all incoming calls automatically to any dialable number.The number can be selected by the Customer each time Call Forwarding is activated or the call directed to the previously selected number.If the alternate location is not a local call the Customer will be billed for each call forwarded. Fixed Calling -after dial tone is obtained,if the caller does not commence dialing within a predeterminedlength of time,a call will automatically be placed to a number previously selected by the Subscriber. Line Busy Call Diversion -permits call to automatically be transferred to a predeterminedalternate number wheneverthe primary number is busy. The alternate number can be any dialable number and can be modified only at the Central Office.If the alternate location is not a free call the Customer will be billed for each call diverted. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:30 III.NETWORK ACCESSS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOMCALLING FEATURES (ACCF) 1.Rates Monthly Rate Per usage Rate Maximum Res Bus Res Bus Res Bus Automatic Callback $3.00 $3.00 $.75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00AutomaticRecall$3.00 $3.00 $.75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00CallFwdBusyIncoming$2.00 $3.00 Call Forward Don't Answer $2.00 $3.00 Call Forward Don't Answer Incoming $2.00 $3.00CallForwardingBusy$2.00 $3.00 Call Pick Up $2.00 $3.00CallPickUpDirected$2.00 $3.00CallerID-Number Only $4.95 $5.95CallerID-Name &#$5.50 $6.50 Caller ID -Per Call(*67)Blocking No ChargesCallerID-Per Line Blocking $1.00 $1.00 Caller ID -Per Call Unblocking No Charges Cancel Call Waiting (*70)No Charges Call Trace Automatic (COT)$1.00 $1.00ManualNoChargesDialCallWaiting$2.00 $2.00DistinctiveRinging/ Call Waiting Access $2.00 $3.00DoNotDisturb$2.00 $3.00 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:3 l III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),Continued 1.Rates Monthly Per Use Rate Rate Maximum Res Bus Res Bus Res Bus Make Busy $2.00 $3.00 Selective Call Acceptance $2.00 $3.50 Selective Call Forwarding $2.00 $3.50 Selective Call Rejection $4.00 $4.50 Stop Hunt $1.00 $1.00 Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding $.75 $.75 $6.00 $7.00 Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling $.75 $.75 $6.00 $7.00 Voice/Data Protection $2.00 $3.00 Voice/Data Protection Usage Sensitive $.75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00 Wake Up Service $2.00 $2.00 2.Conditions a.Advanced Custom Calling Features are available only to those Subscribers who are served from a Central Office equipped to provide such services. b.Calling Name and Number Deliver,Blocking and Anonymous Caller Rejection require an additional piece of Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) to fully activate feature. Issued January 29,200I EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:32 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 2.Conditions,continued c.Selective Call Forwarding,Selective Call Rejection,Selective Call Acceptance,and Distinctive Ringing/CallWaiting provide Customers with four different options for treating incoming calls.Each feature is capable of holding a list of up to 12 directory numbers (DNS)that should receive screening treatment.Once a Customer has programmed the list and turned on the feature,the switch will screen each incoming call and direct the call to the treatment specified by the feature. d.For those Advanced Custom Calling Features billed on a per usage basis excluding Call Trace,a maximum amount as listed above will be billed once the per usage charges reach or exceeds the maximum. e.From time to time,the Company may offer special promotions to its customers.These offerings will generally consist of a reduced price,a waiver of installation charges,or a free service with a purchase of another service.These offerings may be limited to certain dates and locations,and will be for limited time periods.When such an offering is made,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission will be notified and a copy of the offering notice will be provided to them. 3.Obligation of the Company a.Limitation of Obligation with Respect to Privacy Concerns The Company shall be held harmless by the Subscriber in cases where the Subscriber's telephonenumber is transmitted via the Caller ID CLASS Feature to another Subscriber who subscribes to that service,and the Subscriber has not blocked the transmission of his telephonenumber. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williarns Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:33 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 4.Obligation of the Subscriber Under no circumstances should any Subscriber to the Caller ID Advanced CustomCallingFeatureusetelephonenumbersdeliveredtotheCustomerforpurposesofmarketinganyservice,or for the sale of those numbers to any interested party.Permitted uses of the number information received through the Caller ID serviceinclude: Billing and collection,routing,screening,and completion of the originatingSubscriber's call or transaction,or for services directlyrelated to theoriginatingSubscriber's call or transaction. Caller ID informationcan be used only to market goods and services to existingCustomers,and only to market goods and services to existing Customers that aredirectlyrelatedtothosetheexistingCustomeralreadyuses. Notification of illegal procedures having been given herein,the Company shall beheldharmlessbyallpartiesincaseswhereSubscribersoftheCompanyusethisinformationinanunauthorizedmanner,as described above. 5.Definitions Automatic Callback -allows the Subscriber to automatically return a call to thenumberofthephonethatlastcalled.By dialing the access code (*66)push-button or 1166 rotary,the callback feature will automaticallydial the last calling number.The feature can be deactivatedby dialing (*86)push-button or 1186 rotary. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:34 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Automatic Recall -allows the Subscriber who calls a busy number to dial an access code (*69)push-button or 1169-rotary to be alerted,by way of a distinctivering,when the number is no longer busy.When the user picks up their phone,theywillbeconnectedautomaticallytothepreviouslybusynumber.To deactivate theAutomaticRecallfeature,the user can dial (*89)on a push-button phone or 1189 on a rotary phone. Call Forward Busy Incoming-allows a Subscriber to have incoming calls (thosewhichoriginateoutsidethegroup)forwarded to another number when the callednumberisbusy.The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#90)push-button (1190 rotary),and deactivatethe feature by dialing (#91)push-button (1191rotary). Call Forward Don't Answer Incoming-allows a Subscriber to have incoming calls(those which originate outside the group)forwarded to another number if the Subscriber does not answer after a preset number of ringing cycles which are setbytheCompany.The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#92)push-button and deactivatethe feature by dialing (#93)push-button. Call Forwarding Busy -allows a Subscriber to have all calls (incoming orintragroup)forwarded to a predetermined alternate number when the callednumberisbusy,i.e.the Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*90)push-button or 1190 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*91)push-buttonor 1191 rotary.The alternatenumber can be any dialable number and can be modifiedonlyattheCentralOffice.If the alternate location is not a local call,the Subscriber will be billed for each call diverted. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:35 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Call Pick Up -allows a subscriber to answer calls that are directed tootherphoneswithintheirpickupgroup.The access code to activate the feature is(*8)for a push-button phone. Call Pick Up Directed -allows a Subscriber to answer a call directed to anotherlinewhichhasbeenansweredorisringingbydialingapresetaccesscode(#60) and the telephone number of the line to be answered.Both the originating line and the line to be answered must be equipped with the feature. Call Trace (COT) Automatic (COT)-allows a Subscriber to have the last incoming numberautomaticallytraced.The results of the trace are not provided directlyto the Subscriber;they are output to the Company.The Company,at the Subscriber's request,will forward the results to the police after a casenumberhasbeenassignedbythepolice.The access code for this feature is(*57)push-button or 1157 rotary. Manual (COT)-allows a Subscriber to request the Company to trace incoming calls.This is usuallyin response involvinglaw enforcement entities. Caller ID -Name and Number -allows for the automatic deliveryof a calling party's name and telephonenumber to the called Customer,after the first ring butbeforethecallisanswered.The name and number are displayed on Customerprovidedequipment.The name displayed shall be the name associated with thecallingtelephonenumberasshownontheCompany's records.The Company,initsdiscretion,may abbreviate or limit that name for display purposes. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number·36 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Caller ID -Name and Number,continued The Company does not assure name accuracy,and it shall not be liable toanypartyforerrors,omissions or mistakes.The Company's sole obligationshallbetoreasonablycorrecterrorsinnameswhennotifiedinwritingofsucherrors. The callingtelephonename and number is only available in those areaswhereappropriatesignalingnetworkconnectionsexisttoforwardthecallingparty's name and number.The calling name and number is also notavailablewhenincomingcallshavebeenhandledbyanoperatororchargedtocreditcards.Number deliveryfor calls originated from a PBX willdisplaythemainPBXnumberonly.If the caller's number is a multi-partyline,or is blocked,the number will not be displayed. Caller ID informationtransmitted via Caller ID may not be sold or given toanotherpartywithoutthecaller's consent.Caller ID information may onlybeusedfor:a)routing or completion of calls,b)billingof calls,c)accountmanagementpurposes,d)services directly related to the call or transaction, e)verificationof calling party identity and f)marketing products orservicesthataredirectlyrelatedtothosepreviouslyacquiredbythe Subscriber from the number deliveryservices Subscriber.Caller ID Subscribers failing to comply with any of these conditions will have theirserviceterminated. Caller ID -Number -same as "Name and Number"except only the calling party'snumberisdelivered. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:37 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Caller ID Per Call (*67)Blocking -allows a Subscriber to block delivery of his/hernameandnumberwhencallingsomeonewithCallerIDcapabilities.The activationcodeforthisfeatureis(*67)push-button or 1167 rotary.This feature is providedfreeofchargefromsuitablyequippedcentraloffices. Caller ID -Per Line Blocking -provides a permanent indicator on a Customer'sline.Once block is established on the Customer's line,the private status can bedeactivatedbytheCustomeronapercallbasis. Caller ID -Per Call Unblocking-allows a Subscriber who has Caller ID -Per LineBlockingtounblockdeliveryofhis/her name and number when calling someonewithCallerIDcapabilities.The activation code for this feature is *82 (1182 rotary).This feature is provided free of charge where available. Cancel Call Waiting -allows the subscriber to cancel Call Waiting before or duringonetelephonecall.The Access code to cancel Call Waiting is (*70)push-button orl170rotary. Dial Call Waitine -allows a Subscriber with a line equipped with the feature todirectaCallWaitingtoneoraDistinctiveRingingsignaltoalineequippedwithDistinctiveRinging.The feature is activated by dialing a preset access code (#81)(1181 rotary)and the telephonenumber the line to which the signal is directed. Distinctive Ringing/CallWaiting Access -allows a subscriber to receive aDistinctiveRingingsignaloranaudibleCallWaitingtonefromalineequippedwithDialCallWaiting.If the call line is idle,a distinctive ringing signal will beheard.If the called line is busy,the called line receives a Call Waiting tone.The access code for this feature is (*8)push-button or 1181 rotary. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1 200 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:38 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Do Not Disturb -allows Subscribers to prevent incoming calls from ringing at theirstations.Only callers who have the Subscriber's Personal IdentificationNumber(PIN)can override the Do Not Disturb feature.To activate the feature,theSubscribercandial(*78)push-button or 1178 rotary.To deactivate the feature,theSubscribercandial(*79)push-button or 1179 rotary.Subscribers with push-buttonphonescanchangetheirPINbydialingtheaccesscode(#87)push-button or 1187rotary. Fixed Calling -after dial tone is obtained,if the caller does not commence dialingwithinapredeterminedlengthoftime,a call will automatically be placed to anumberpreviouslyselectedbytheSubscriber.If the number is long distance,theSubscriberisliableforanycharges. Make Busy -allows the line to appear busy,even when not engaged.To activatethefeature,dial (*58)push-button or 1158 rotary.Dialing (*59)push-button or1159rotarywilldeactivatethefeature. Selective Call Acceptance -allows Subscribers to specify a list of numbers fromwhichtheyarewillingtoacceptcalls.Calls from numbers not contained on the listareroutedtoanappropriateannouncement.The access code for this feature is(*84)push-button or 1184 rotary,and is used to add or delete numbers from thelistofacceptablecalls. Selective Call Forwarding -permits the Subscriber to create a list of callingnumbersthataretobecallforwarded.If a call is received from a DirectoryNumberonthescreeninglist,the call is forwarded to the designated forwardednumber.All other calls are treated nonnally.The access code for this feature is(*83)push-button or 1183 rotary. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:39 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED D.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Stop Hunt -allows a Subscriber to stop an existing hunt sequence at a designated point or line.The access code to activate the feature is (*50)push-buttonor 1150 rotary.To deactivate the feature,dial (*51)push-button or 1151 rotary. Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding -causes all calls attempting to terminate to a Subscriber's line to be directed to an alternate line,whether the Subscriber's line is busy or idle.The feature differs from standard Call Forwarding in that the Subscriber is charged on a usage basis rather than a flat rate basis.The access code to activate the feature is (*72)push-button or 1172 rotary.To deactivate the feature,the access code is (*73)push-button or 1173 rotary. Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling -allows a Subscriber to add a third party into an existing conversation by dialing an access code (*71)push-button or 1171 rotary. The feature differs from standard 3-Way Calling,in that the Subscriber is charged on a per usage basis rather than a flat rate basis.The access code to activate the feature is (*74)push-button or 1174 rotary.To deactivate the feature,the access code is (*75)push-buttonor 1175 rotary. Voice/Data Protection -allows a Subscriber to inhibit intrusion features (e.g.,Call Waiting and Operator Verification)when the Subscriber's line is busy.Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically caused by the interruption tones associated with such features.The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*97)push-button or 1197 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing(*98)push-button or 1198 rotary. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:40 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED F.ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF),CONTINUED 5.Definitions,continued Voice/Data Protection Usage Sensitive -allows a Subscriber to inhibit intrusionfeatures(e.g.,Call Waiting and Operator Verification)when the Subscriber's line is busy.Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically causedbytheinterruptiontonesassociatedwithsuchfeatures.This feature differs fromstandardVoice/Data Protection in that the feature remains in effect for the durationofonlyonecalluponactivation,and the Subscriber is charged on a per usagebasis.The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*94)pushbutton or 1194rotary. Wake Up Service -allows a Subscriber to dial an access code,receive a seconddialtone,and then dial a time at which a wake-up call is desired.At the enteredtime,a call is automatically attempted to that line and,when the call is answered,atoneoranoptionalannouncementisappliedtothatline.The Subscriber can accessthefeaturebydialing(*76)push-button and can cancel the request by dialing(*77)push-button. E.VOICE MAIL SERVICE 1.Rates Monthly Per Usage Rate Rate Basic:$3.95 One 1-minute greeting message Ten 1-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 7 days Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch I,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number4 Original Sheet Number:41 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED E.VOICE MAIL SERVICE,CONTINUED 1.Rates,continued Monthly Per Usage Rate Rate Basic +10:$5.95 One 2-minute greeting messageTwenty1-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 10 days Premium:$6.95 One 2-minute greeting message Twenty2-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 14 days Special Features (Business Subscriber Only): Out Calling $.75VoiceForms$5.95 2.Conditions Voice mail is offered from suitably equippedcentral offices only.Voice mail isnotofferedfromcentralofficesthatarenotequippedtooffertheservice.Voicemailisofferedtoresidenceandbusinesssubscribers,except Special Features,which are offered to business subscribers,and is offered as a service that canautomaticallyansweratelephonelineafteracertainnumberofrings,or as avoicemailboxwithaseparatetelephonenumberthatcallsmaybeforwarded to.For a voice mailbox,that calls can be forwarded to,the subscriber must also orderthecall-forwarding feature described above on the line that calls will beforwardedfrom.Rates apply as stated above for call forwarding. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch I,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:42 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED E.VOICE MAIL SERVICE,CONTINUED 2 Conditions,continued Voice mailboxes can store and save messages in differing degrees,dependingonthelevelofserviceorderedbythesubscriber.Credit for service interruption willbeprovidedifserviceisinterruptedforaperiodexceedingtwentyfour(24)hours.The credit shall be the monthlyamount for service divided by 30 days times thenumberofdaysthatserviceiscontinuallyinterrupted. The Telephone Company is not responsible for lost or dropped messages.Periodically,the Telephone Company will update the sofhvare supporting voicemailservice.Duringthis period,voice mail will not be operational.This periodwillnotexceed24hours;therefore,credit for service not received will not beallowedforregularsofhvareupgrades. Voice mail can be programmed to answer a subscriber's telephoneline after a setnumberofrings.A subscriber has access to a voice mailbox by dialing a seven-or ten-digit access number followed by a personal identificationcode.Thesubscribercanthenretrievemessagesandsavethemorerasethem.Thesubscribercanalsoprogramapersonalgreetingthatwillplaywhenvoice mailanswersatelephoneline. The standard mailbox features include forwarding to the mailbox on no answer(subscriber selectable for 2 to 5 rings),forwarding to the mailbox on busy line,and a new message indication (stutter dial tone). Subscribers using call waiting may not choose to have calls forwarded to voicemailonabusysignal.These subscribers will be interrupted with a call waitingtoneburstforasmanyringsasthesubscriberselectsfornoanswerforwarding.Ifthesubscriberdoesnotanswerthecallwaitingtone,the second caller will beforwardedtovoicemail. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:43 IH.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED E.VOICE MAIL SERVICE,CONTINUED 2 Conditions,continued From time to time,the TelephoneCompany may offer special promotions to itscustomers.These offerings will generally consist of a reduced price,a waiver ofinstallationcharges,or a free service with a purchase of another service.Theseofferingsmaybelimitedtocertaindatesandlocations,and will be for limitedtimeperiods.The Commission will be notified of any offering and a copy of suchofferingwillbeprovidedtotheCommission. 3.Definitions Voice Mail -a service using electronic receiving and storing capabilities toreceivecallsdirectedtoitandstoreinformationofferedbythecaller. Out Calling -a service that allows the subscriber to provide the callingparty notwishingtoleaveamessagewithadialtonesothatanotherlocalcallcanbemade.This is accomplished by a message instructing the caller to dial an access codewhich,when dialed,provides the local dial tone.Only local calls can be madethroughtheuseofthisaccesscode. Voice Messages and Menus -a service that provides facilities tocompose,send,and manipulate voice messages.It also allows thesubscriberwithassistancefromtheCompanytoestablishvoice menus or sets of actions to be offered to the calling party. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:44 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED F.SERVICE CONNECTION,MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES 1.Rates Business Residence Service Order $10.00 $10.00LineConnection$15.00 $15.00 Premise Visit $40.00 $40.00 2.Conditions a.These charges are intended to cover the expense incurred by theCompanyinconjunctionwiththefollowing: 1.Establishment of service; 2.Change in location of a service to other premises; 3.Transfer of service from one Customer to another; 4.Change of telephonenumber at Customer's request; 5.Installation of auxiliary equipment;or 6.Restoral of service disconnected for nonpayment or failure to establish credit. b.Charges shown are in addition to installationcharges shown underotherTariffschedules. c.Charges shown in this schedule are based on work being performedduringregularlyscheduledworkinghoursoftheCompany's employees.Work performed with overtime labor costs will beperformedatdirectcosttotheCustomer. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:45 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED F.SERVICE CONNECTION,MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES 2.Conditions,continued d.No charges will apply under the followingcircumstances: 1.Service to which no monthlyrates apply; 2.Public telephones installed at the initiative or option of the Company 3.Defmitions Service Order Applicable to work done in receiving,recording and processinginformationnecessarytoexecuteaCustomer's request for the establishment of service.It is also applicable for Customer's request for additions,moves or changes to existing service. Premises Visit Applicable if a Company employee must visit the Customer's premises to move or change a service drop or standard network interface at the Customer's request.Not applicable when a Company employee is on the Customer's premises for any other business purpose. Line Connection Applicable for work done in the Central Office or work involvingCentralOfficeequipmentnecessarytoprovideanetworkaccesslineormake changes to an existing network access line. If service requires work in more than one Central Office area,this charge applies for each office. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:46 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE 1.Rates Installation Monthly Charges Rates Instrumentimplemented actual cost Business rate Central office Implemented actual cost Business Rate Features: Coin signaling $2.21Callscreening$2.00Specialnumber$5.00 2.Conditions a.Payphoneservice includes lines to whichcoin,coinless,card reader or a combination of telephones may be attached. b.Payphone service is a business exchange access line composed of theservingcentralofficelineequipment,all outside plant facilities neededtoconnectthecentralofficewiththecustomer's premises,and thenetworkinterfacedevice(NID)at the demarcation point Thesefacilitiesarecompanyprovidedandmaintainedandprovideaccess toandfromthetelecommunicationsnetworkforlongdistanceserviceandlocalcalling. c.A maximum of one customer provided instrument implemented paytelephonemaybeconnectedtoanyoneinstrument. d.Extensions to a payphone service provider are not permitted. e.The multiline business subscriber line charge,in the interstate tariff,isapplicabletoallpayphonelines. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission |Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:47 IH.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE,Continued 3.Responsibility of the Customer a.The customer shall be responsible for the installation,operation and maintenance of the customer-provided instrument,plus all ancillaryequipment,such as booths,shelves,lighting, directories,etc.,used in conjunction with this service. b.The telephone instrument plus all ancillaryequipment must comply with the requirements of all applicable Federal,State and local laws and regulations concerning disabled,handicapped, and/or hearing impaired persons. c.The customer shall be responsible for the payment of charges for all local and toll messages originating from or accepted at this service,includingdirectory assistance calls. d.The customer is responsible for any taxes on the customer owned equipment or calls made from that equipment. e.The customer provided instrument must be registered in compliance with Part 68 of the FCC's Rules and Regulations or be connected behind an FCC registered protective coupler under Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations and have the following operational characteristics: 1.operator access without charge and without using a coin 2.directory assistance access 3.ability to complete local and toll calls 4.911 access where available at no charge,without using a coin 5.800/888 access without charge and without a coin 6.must allow any end user to access their preferred long distance carrier by dialing the appropriate long distance carrier access code.These codes must conform to the industrystandard formats of 10XXX or 101XXXX. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:48 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONESERVICE,Continued 3.Responsibility of the Customer,continued f.Instruments must be labeled or there must be posted in closeproximitytotheinstrument,information including: 7.Name,address and (local or toll free)telephone number oftheprivatepayphoneowner. 8.Procedure for reporting service difficultiesand method of obtaining refunds 9.A statement that the instrument is not owned by the Local Exchange company and that the charges for calls made ontheinstrumentarenotregulated 10.Dialing instructions 11.Operational characteristics such as pre-pay or post-pay 12.Emergency dialing information includingdial tone first,coin free 911,or other emergency access,and 13.Where calls are timed,the time limits per call. g.Customers who elect not to subscribe to Selective Class of Call Screening will be fully responsible for all calls billed to the customer's exchange access line.The company shall have noresponsibilitytoadjustanysuchchargesand/or release customerfrompayinganysuchcharges.Customer will hold the telephone company harmless from and against any liabilityor loss resultingfromallcallsbilledtocustomer's exchange access line. h.The customer is responsible for compliance with the FCC's rules and regulations and the State Commission's rules and regulations regarding the use of customer provided pay telephones. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:49 I III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE,Continued 4.Violation of Regulations a.Where any customer owned pay telephoneis in violationof this tariff,the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect thenetworkandwillpromptlynotifythecustomerinwritingoftheviolation. b.The customer shall immediately discontinue use of the customer owned pay telephone,or correct the violation and notify the Companyinwritingthattheviolationhasbeencorrected.The customer has five (5)days to convey written notification. c.Failure of the customer to discontinue such use or to correct theviolationwillresultinthesuspensionofthecustomerserviceuntil such time as the customer complies with the provisions of this tariff. 5.Instrument Implemented Payphone Service Instrument implemented payphone service is offered for use with a customer provided pay telephone.All attachments of a customer providedinstrumenttothenetworkmustbemadepursuanttotherulesandregulationssetforthinthisTariffandasrequiredbyStateandFederalcommissions. 6.Central Office Implemented Coin Line a.Central office implemented coin line provides coin signaling.It is alinesideconnectionfromthelocalexchangeswitchtothepointofdemarcationatthecustomerpremise. b.Features are additives to the operation of a flat rate access line thatprovideforCOimplementedcoinlineservice.The company offersthosefeaturesthatareprovidedbythefunctionalityoftheCompany'sswitches. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:50 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE,CONTINUED 6.Central Office Implemented Coin Line,continued c.Validation may be performed through Originating-linescreening (OLS).OLS enables operator service providers to determine whethertherearebillingrestrictionsontheexchangeaccesslinefromwhicha call originates.OLS service delivers codes on operator assisted calls to identify calls originating from privatelyowned payphones,inmate locations,and hotels/motels,etc.Rates for this service are found in the appropriate interstate access tariff,when facilities and services areavailable. d.CO Implemented coin line features are provided by the telephone company per the technology available from the company's facilities.It shall be the responsibility of the payphone owner to assure technical and operational compatibilitywith the coin line features offered by thetelephonecompany. 7.Features and Functions a.CO coin line signaling provides signaling on the line notifying the line that the called party has answered and provides an electrical signal on a CO Implemented line indicating to the payphone equipment tocollectorreturncoin(s)to the callingparty.This feature is an additivetotheCOimplementedcoinline. b.Special number assignment is a specific number requested by the customer.This service is available where facilities are available and it is technicallyfeasible to provide.This feature is an additive to the COimplementedcoinlineortotheinstrumentimplementedpayphone service. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:51 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE,CONTINUED 7.Features and Functions,continued c.Selective class of call screening will be provided where such facilities are available at the customer's option.Selective class of call screening treatment enables the customer to restrict outgoing operator handled calls placed over the telephonecompany's network from the service point to only those calls which are charged on a called telephone,a third number or a calling/credit card. 8.Definitions a.Billed number screening:allows the customer to identify to the telephone company that they will not accept any third-number and/or collect calls for billingto their telephone number.The Company places information regarding this screening restriction into a database that is normallyaccessed by operator service providers prior to such calls being completed.When customers have indicated that they do not wish to accept billing for any third-number or collect calls,the database will not validate charging for such a call.The operator service provider can then decide whether to complete the call based on this information provided in the database.Billed number screening can be ordered to screen third number billed calls,collect calls,or both. b.Central Office (CO)implemented coin line:Access line that provides coin signaling. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:52 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED G.PAYPHONE SERVICE,CONTINUED 8.Definitions,continued b.Demarcation point:The point of connection,provided and maintainedbythetelephonecompany,at which the station wiring becomes dedicated to an individual customer's use.For an individual customerdwelling,this point of connection will generally be the modular jack incorporated into the customer side of the Network Interface Device (NID);.The drop wire and the network protector will continue to beprovidedby,and remain the property of,the telephonecompany.The demarcation [point is usuallythe point at which the telephone company wiring connects with the customer's wiring. c.Network Interface Device (NID):A device wired between the telecommunications protector and the inside wiring to isolate the customer's equipment from the network. H.TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS 1.Rates Monthly Rate Optional Hunting Service per line or Trunk in a group so arranged $4.00 2.Conditions Trunk huntingservice arrangement is equipmentlocated in the Company's central office arranged to select the next available line of a Customer's group of hunting lines,when the line associated with the called number of the Customer is busy. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williarns Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Conunission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:53 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED I.LONG DISTANCE MESSAGE RESTRICTION 1.Rates Monthly Rate Long Distance Message Restriction -Residence $2.00 -Business $3.00 2.Conditions a.Long Distance Message Restriction -An arrangement whichpermitsLocalExchangeServicelineuserstodiallocalserviceareacallsbutpreventstheoriginationoflongdistancecalls. b.Long Distance Message Restriction -Local Exchange Service is providedforuseonlyonindividualnetworkaccessLineserviceandonlywheretheCustomerhasothernetworkaccessLineserviceonthesamepremises arranged for unrestricted use of the telecommunications network. J.SEASONAL SERVICE RATES 1.Rates Monthly Per Access Line:1/2 the Access Line Rate 2.Conditions a.To qualify for this service,customers must demonstrate that theycurrentlypayforfulltelephoneservice(not discounted as vacation or seasonal)at the same classification (residential/business)in anothertelephoneexchangebyproducingacopyofthemostrecentbillforsaidservice.Customers may be asked to produce additional copies ofbillsatanypoint,but no more than twice per year. b.Non-recurring service connection charges will be made for changes inservice. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch I 2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Conunission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:54 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED K.NUMBER RESERVATION 1.Rates Monthly Per Access Line:$4.95 2.Conditions Number reservation rate applies when a customer chooses to disconnect their service for any period of time,but wishes to reserve their telephonenumber for future use.Thenumberreservationratemaybebilledinadvance. L.DIRECTORYLISTINGS 1.Rates Monthly Rate Additional or Alternate Listing -Business $1.50 -Residence 1.00 DirectoryListings,Continued Cross Reference or Duplicate $1.00 Extra Lines,per line 1.00 Non-List 1.00* Non-Publish 2.00* Foreign Exchange 1.00 *Per Order #22377 Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:55 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED L.DIRECTORYLISTINGS,CONTINUED 2.Conditions The regulations for directory listings,as provided in this section,apply only tothatsectionofthedirectorycontainingtheregularalphabeticallistofnamesofsubscribers. A.Primary Listing One listing withoutcharge,termed the Primary Listing,is provided as follows: 1.For each separate subscriber service.When two or more mainstationlinesorPBXtrunklinesareconsecutivelyoperated,thefirstnumberofthegroupisconsideredtheprimarylisting. 2.For each semi-public service. 3.Non-listed telephonenumbers are listed in the informationfile,but are not listed in the company's directory.Theywill begivenoutuponrequest. 4.Non-published numbers are not listed either in the directory ortheinformationfileandarenottobegivenouttoanyoneunlessauthorizedbycourtoflaw. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:56 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED L.DIRECTORY LISTINGS,CONTINUED B.Restrictions Names in directory listings shall be limited to the following: 1.In connection with residence service: a.The individual names of the subscriber,or b.The individual name of a member of the subscriber's family,or c.The individual name of a permanentmember of the subscriber's household,or d.Dual (joint)listings for customers who share the same surname and reside at the same address. 2.In connection with business service. a.The individual name of the subscriber,or b.The name under which the subscriber is actually doing business,or c.The name under which a business is actuallybeing conducted by someone other than the subscriber and which the subscriber is authorized by such other to use,or d.The individual names of the officers,partners,or employees of the subscriber,or e.The names of departments when such listings are deemed necessary from a public reference viewpoint. The Company may require that the subscriber provide the Company with written permission for the insertion or continuance of listings.The Company may refuse to accept or may delete listings of a business that the subscriber claims to represent.The Company may refuse to accept or may delete a listing that includes the trade name of another. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:57 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED M.OFF-PREMISE EXTENSIONSERVICE 1.Rates Installation charge Monthly Rate Continuous Property Actual Cost No Charge Continuous Property-Applicable Additional Network Non-Recurring $4.00InterfaceCharges Non-Continuous Applicable ResidencePropertyNon-Recurring AccessEachLocationChargesLineRate 2.Conditions Off-premise extension service,where the extension is located in a differentbuildingonthesamecontinuouspropertyasthemainaccesslinetermination,maybeinstalledbytheCompany.The installation charge will be negotiated betweenthesubscriberandtheCompany.The subscriber is responsible for themaintenanceofanysubscriber-owned wiring.No recurring monthlycharge willapplyinthissituation.Continuous property extensions are defined as those wherethedroptotheadditionalaccesspointcomesdirectlyfromthepremisesofthemainaccesslineterminationanddoesnotcomeoutofthedistributioncable.Continuous property extensions requiring an additional network interface aredefinedasthosewherethedroptotheadditionalaccesspointcomesoutofthedistributioncableandrequiresanadditionalnetworkinterface.When off-premiseextensionserviceisprovidedonNon-continuous property,each location is treatedasanaccesslineterminationandtheapplicableaccesslinerateswillapplyateachlocation.Installationwill be performed based on all applicable non-recurringserviceconnectionelements. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMa ch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:58 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE,CONTINUED N.INTRAEXCHANGEPRIVATE LINE 1.Rates Installation MonthlyRate Per Channel Termination Actual Cost Business Access Line Rate 2.Conditions The Company will furnishand maintain Private Lines,where facilities areavailableandwithintheExchangeArea,for communication betweenstationsnotconnectedtothetelephonenetwork.The channel terminal ratewillapplyforeachterminationwithintheexchangearea. O.CONSTRUCTIONCHARGES l.Real Estate Subdivisions Line extensions into real estate subdivisions will be made by the Companyprovided60%of the estimated total cost of such extension is advanced totheCompanybythesubdivider.The amount so advanced will be refundedtothesubdividerwhen50%of the estimated total telephoneservices areconnectedwithinthesubdivisionduringaperiodoffiveyearsfromdate ofagreement.The subdivider shall notify the Company in writing when the50%hook-up has been attained.Final evaluation will be made by theCompany. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:59 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES,CONTINUED O.CONSTRUCTIONCHARGES,CONTINUED 2.Temporary or Speculative Service a.Line extensions and/or additions to provide service to an applicant engagedintemporaryorspeculativebusinesswillbemadeontheconditionthatapplicantpaystotheCompanythetotalcostoftheconstructionandremovalofthelinenecessaryinfurnishingtheservice,less the salvage value of thematerialused. b.If a Subscriber maintains for thirty-six consecutive months a serviceinstallationwhichwasoriginallyestablishedonatemporaryorspeculativebasis,and if his or her business or operation at the end of that time hasprovenitspermanencytothesatisfactionoftheCompany,there will berefundedtotheSubscriberanamountequaltothedifferencebetweenthepaymentmadeandthenormallineextensionchargewhichwouldhavebeenapplicableatthetimetheSubscriber's service was installed. c.In no event shall service installation be classed as temporary or speculativeformorethansixyears.Refund provisions apply at the end of not more thansixyears. 3.Saving Clause a.Arrangements may be made,other than as provided for above in this schedule,in the followingcases subject to prior authorization of the Idaho PublicCommission. b.Where the applicant requests a particular type of construction or a specificrouteforextensionstomeettheapplicant's special requirements and wheretheconstructionorroutesorequesteddiffersfromthenormalstandardsoftheCompanyandisnotrequiredbylaw. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Corunission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:60 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES,CONTINUED O.CONSTRUCTIONCHARGES,CONTINUED c.Line extensions involvingundergroundcrossings of railroads,highway orpowerlines,submarine cable,or along river crossings. d.Where construction is required to provide service on a seasonal basis,or toprovideForeignExchangeService,or to meet other unusual conditions. e.Any other line extension and/or additions involvingunusual ordisproportionatelylargeconstructionexpendituresascompared to the usuallineextension. 4.Connection with Subscriber-owned Equipment a.Local line access will be supplied at the rates described in the "Access LineService"section of this Tariff. b.Service Call:If a trouble report results in a service call and the trouble isfoundtobeintheCustomer-provided equipment the customer will be billedatarateof$40.00per hour. 5.Conditions a.Customer-provided terminal equipment or communication systems (CPE)used in conjunctionwith telephone service shall not interfere with any of theserviceofferingsoftheCompany,endanger Company employees or thepublic,damage or require the alteration of Company facilities,interfere withtheproperfunctioningofCompanyfacilities,or impair the operation of thetelephonenetwork.Upon notice from the Company that the CPE is causing orislikelytocausesuchhazardorinterference,the Customer shall makewhateverchangesarenecessarytocorrecttheproblem. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:61 III.NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES,CONTINUED O.CONSTRUCTION CHARGES,CONTINUED b.The Company shall not be responsible for the installation,operation maintenance of any CPE.The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of all Company charges for visits by the Company to the Customer premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from Customer-provided equipment or facilities. c.Where CPE is connected to Company facilities,the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing,operation and maintenance of such facilities in a manner suitable for telephoneservice.The Company shall not be responsible for the through transmission of signals generated by the CPE or,for the quality of,or defects in,such transmission,or the reception of signals by CPE. d.The Company shall not be responsible to the Customer if changes in any of the facilities,operations or procedures of the Company render any CPE obsolete or require modification or alteration of such equipment or otherwise affect its use or performance. e.Where CPE is used with telephone service in violation of any of these conditions,the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect the network and will promptlynotify the Customer of the violation in writing. The Customer shall discontinue use of the equipment or correct the violation. Written confirmation of the corrective action taken will be supplied to the Company within 10 days.Failure of the Customer to comply with these requirements shall result in suspension of the Customer's service until the Customer complies with the provision of this tariff. Issued Januarv 29,200 l EffectiveMarch 1,200 1 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williarns Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 i Original Sheet Number:62 IV.LIFELINE A.GENERAL Applicable to qualifyinglow-income subscribers to single partyresidentialserviceoftheCompany. B.RATES 1.Baseline Lifeline is a reduction or credit in the local service charges normallypaidbyqualifyinglow-income consumers.The reduction to the normalresidentialone-party rates are as follows: Residential Access Lines MonthlyCredit or Discount Federal Baseline Lifeline Reduction $3.50Federallyfundedreductioninlocalrate1.75 State Matching Local Rate Reduction $3.50FederalMatchingofStateReduction1.75 These reductions or credits are from the normal residential one-partyservicesubscribedtobytheconsumer.The Federal baseline lifelinereductionshallbeusedtowaivetheconsumer's Federal End-UserCommonLineChargeorSubscriberLineCharge. In addition to the above Federal Service Discount,the State mayprovideanadditionaldiscountforeligibleconsumers,pursuant toIdahocodeTitle56,Chapter 9.The State Discount is only provided ifitisfundedthroughtheState's Universal Service Fund or a surchargeuponcustomers. In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the servicesubscribedtobyeachindividual. Issued January 29,200l EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 I Original Sheet Number:63 IV.LIFELINE,CONTINUED B.RATES,CONTINUED 1.The followingservices are included: a.Single party,voice grade access to the Public Switched Network b.Access to emergency services c.Access to operator services d.Access to interexchange services,unless toll blocking is chosen e.Access to directory assistance f.Toll Blocking C.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1.An applicant must meet all of the followingcriteria in order to qualify forLifelineService: a.The consumer must meet eligibilityrequirements established in IdahoCode,Title 56,Chapter 9. b.To qualify for Lifeline Service,the consumer must be a head of householdandwhosegrossincomeisatorbelowonehundredandthirty-threepercent(133%)of the Federal Poverty Limit. c.The customer must be recertified annuallyby the appropriate state agency.d.The premises at which the residential service is requested is theapplicant's principle place of residence. e.There is only one telephone line serving the residential premises eligibleforthecredit.The residential premises shall consist of that portion of anindividualhouseorbuildingoroneflatorapartmentoccupiedbyasinglefamilyorindividualsfunctioningasonedomesticunit. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:64 IV.LIFELINE,CONTINUED C.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS,CONTINUED 2.Lifeline will not be furnished on a Foreign Exchange (FX)basis. 3.Lifeline service shall not be disconnected for non-payment of tollcharges. 4.If the consumer chooses "toll blocking",the company will not charge aservicedeposit.No toll blocking charges will be assessed to Lifelinesubscribers. D.FUNDING The total cost of providing the State Lifeline program shall be funded from amonthlysurchargetoeachbusinessandresidentialaccessline. Residences receiving Lifeline assistance are exempt from the uniformmonthlysurcharge. E.REGULATIONS 1.The Telephone Assistance Program credit will begin with the next billingcyclefollowingthedatetheCompanyreceivesnotificationofcustomerqualification. 2.The regular service connection charge,move and change charge,andregulationsapplicabletotheserviceofferingsspecifiedinthetariffwill apply.The service connection charge and move and change charge to change to orfromthisprogramduetoeligibilitystatuswillbewaived. Issued Januarv 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 OriginalSheet Number:65 IV.LIFELINE,CONTINUED E.REGULATIONS,CONTINUED 3.The lifeline credit will be subject to the followingrestrictions: a.Applicant must be head of household or person whose name thepropertyorrentalagreementresides. b.Lifeline credit will only be provided to the applicant's principleresidence. c.The credit will only be applicable for one single residential accessline. 4.The Company will offer Lifeline assistance only during such periods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company fromFederaland/or State revenue sources. V.IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONSSERVICE ASSISTANCEPROGRAM(ITSAP)SURCHARGEA.RATES The monthlysurcharge is set at the amount ordered by the Idaho Public UtilitiesCommission. B.CONDITIONS 1.A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute towardfundingfortheIdahoTelecommunicationsServiceAssistanceProgram(ITSAP)or the State-matching portion of the Lifelineprogram. 2.The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified,canceled,or changed by the Commission. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMa ch 1,2001 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:66 VI.IDAHO UNIVERSALSERVICE FUND SURCHARGE A.RATES The monthlysurcharge is set at the amount ordered by the IdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission. B.CONDITIONS A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute toward funding for an IdahoUniversalServiceFund. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified,canceled,orchangedbytheCommission. VII.LINK UP A.GENERAL Applicable to all residential customers of the Company who apply for basicresidentialservice,and meet the eligibilityrequirements detailed below. B.DESCRIPTION Link Up consists of a 50%discount,up to a maximumof $30 for new serviceconnectionchargestoconnectthecustomertothelocaltelephonenetwork.Discount may not be taken on service order or connection charges that pertain toderegulatedservicessuchasinsidewiringorterminatingequipment. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,200 I Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:67 VII.LINK UP,CONTINUED C.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1.An applicant must meet all of the followingcriteria in order to qualify forLinkUp. a.The consumer must meet eligibilityrequirements established by the Idaho Code,Title 56,Chapter 9. b.The consumer must participate in one of the followingprograms: 1.Medicaid 2.Food stamps 3.Supplemental Security Income 4.Federal public housing assistance 5.Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) c.The premises at which the residential service is requested is theapplicant's principal place of residence. d.There is only one telephone line serving the residential premises eligibleforthisdiscount.The residential premises shall consist of that portion of an individualhouse or building or one flat or apartment occupied by asinglefamilyorindividualsfunctioningasonedomesticunit. 2.Link Up will not be furnished on a Foreign Exchange (FX)basis. 3.Lifeline qualifyingcustomers are entitled to a fifty percent (50%)reduction oftheconnectionchargesonceeverytwelve(12)months. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,200 Issued by MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated i Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:68 VII.LINK UP,CONTINUED D.VERIFICATIONOF ELIGIBILITY l.The applicant shall provide proofthat he or she is participating,or is eligible toparticipate,in one of the participating public assistance programs or the LowIncomeHomeEnergyAssistanceProgram. 2.The verificationprovided by the applicant may include,but is not limited to,anyoneofthefollowing: a.A medical assistance card; b.A gas or electric bill showing participation in the Low Income Home EnergyAssistanceProgram; c.A copy of a current ADFC Services check;d.A food stamp card,and e.Other appropriate documentation showing eligibilityfor,or participation in,apublicassistanceprogramortheLowIncomeHomeEnergyAssistanceProgram. E.LINK UP ASSISTANCE WILL NOT APPLY TO: 1.Any business service. 2.Any optional residential services such as a custom-calling feature. 3.Any private line services whether for residential use or otherwise. 4.Deposits used for the establishment of credit. 5.Any monthlyrecurring charges. Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MidvaleTelephone Exchange,Incorporated Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number:69 VII.LINK UP,CONTINUED F.FUNDING The Company will offer Link Up Assistance only during such periods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company from Federal and/or State revenue sources. VIII.CONCURRENCES Midvale TelephoneExchange,Incorporated,and Sawtooth Telephoneboth concur in thefiledtariffsoftheMountainStatesTelephoneandTelegraphCompanydbaQWEST, together with amendments and successive issues thereof,for the purpose of providing message toll telephone service between its points when no other telephone companyjointlyprovidesthemessagetollservicewiththeCompany. IX.EXCHANGE MAPS The followingexchange maps are attached to this tariff. Midvale Yellow Pine Warren Warm Lake Lakeview Stanley Issued January 29,2001 EffectiveMarch 1,2001 Issued by Midvale Telephone Exchange,Incorporated By:Lane Williams Title:Manager MIDVALE EXCHANGEMidvoleTelephoneExchange,Inc. m,\r WARREN/BURGDORF EXCHANGEMidvoleTelephoneExchange,Inc. is t5 13 le t?Is 95 -----I 24 19 70 N N saT18N T18NT17N--11/N T17N T17N116NI16N ARM LAKE EXCHANGE EXCHANG BOUNDARY WARM LAKE/YELLOW PINE EXCHANGESMidvoleTelephoneExchange,Inc. TN T53NT52NT52N LAKEVIEW EXCHANGEMidvoleTelephoneExchange,Inc. S LE TBNSN STANLEY EXCHANGEMidvoleTelephoneExchange,Inc.