HomeMy WebLinkAboutMidvale Telephone Company.pdf Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 0 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO Schedule of Rates and Charges Together with Rules and Regulations Applicable to Telephone Service Provided in the Territory in the State of Idaho Served by Midvale Telephone Company P.O. Box 7 2205 Keithley Creek Road Midvale, ID 83645 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 1 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO SECTION INDEX Index 1 Section Index 1 Subject Index 3 I. Definitions 6 II. General Rules and Regulations 11 Application 11 Explanation of Symbols 12 Obligation of the Company 12 Use of Services and Facilities 15 Establishment and Furnishing of Service 17 Telephone Directories 19 Establishment and Maintenance of Credit 19 Minimum Contract Periods and Termination of Service 20 Payment for Services and Facilities 23 Special Services and Facilities 23 Resale of Services 24 III. Network Access Service 24 Access Line Service 24 Local Measured Service 26 Custom Calling Features (CCF) 27 Advanced Custom Calling Features (ACCF) 30 Voice Mail Service 41 Service Connection, Move and Change Charges 44 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 2 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO SECTION INDEX, CONTINUED Payphone Service 46 Trunk Hunting Service Arrangements 52 Long Distance Message Restriction 53 Seasonal Service Rates 54 Number Reservation 54 Directory Listings 54 Off Premise Extension Service 57 Intraexchange Private Line 58 Construction Charges 58 IV. Lifeline 62 IV. Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) Surcharge 65 VI. Idaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge 66 VIII. Concurrences 69 IX. Exchange Maps 69 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 3 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO SUBJECT INDEX Access Line Service 6 Adjustments of Charges 14 Advanced Customer Calling Features (ACCF) 30 Alterations 18 Application 11 Application for Service 17 Change in Telephone Number 17 Concurrences 69 Connections with Subscriber-Owned Equipment 15 Construction Charges 58 Credit, Establishment of 19 Customer Calling Features (CCF) 27 Defacement of Premises 14 Definitions 6 Deposits 19 Deposits, Interest to be paid on 20 Directories 19 Directory Listings 54 Discontinuance of Service 20 Equipment, Ownership and Use of 15 Establishment and Furnishing of Service 17 Establishment and Maintenance of Credit 19 Exchange Maps 69 Explanation of Symbols 12 General Rules and Regulations 19 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 4 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO SUBJECT INDEX, CONTINUED Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program 65 Idaho Universal Service Fund Surchage 66 Indiscriminate Use of Facilities 16 Interest Paid on Deposits 20 Interruption of Service 13 Intraexchange Private Line 58 Installation Costs 44 ITSAP 65 Language, Improper 16 Lifeline 62 Line Extensions 19 Listings, Directory 54 Local Measured Service 26 Long Distance Message Restriction 53 Maintenance and Repairs 18 Maps 69 Minimum Contract Periods 20 Move and Change Charges 44 Network Access Line Service 24 Number Reservation 54 Obligation of the Company 12 Ownership and Use of Equipment 15 Off-Premise Extension Service 57 Payment for Services and Facilities 23 Payment of Service 18 Payphone Service 46 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 5 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO SUBJECT INDEX, CONTINUED Reconnection Charge 20 Resale of Services 24 Responsibility for and Use of Equipment 15 Restoral of Service Charge 44 Seasonal Service Rates 53 Service Charge for Restoration of Service 20 Service Connection, Move and Change Charge 44 Special Services and Facilities 23 Tampering with Equipment 16 Telephone Directories 19 Telephone Numbers 17 Telephone Assistance Program 65 Termination of Service 21 Toll Restriction 53 Trunk Hunting 52 Universal Service 66 Unusual Installation Costs 20 Use of Service and Facilities 16 Vacation Service Rates 53 Voice Mail Service 40 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 6 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS Access Line The circuit that travels from the Central Office to the subscriber's premise terminating at the protector that provides direct access to the local exchange and the toll switching networks. Application A formal request for services and, once accepted, a contract between the company and the customer. Channel The electrical path provided by the Telephone Company between two or more locations. Circuit A channel used for the transmission of electrical energy in the furnishing of telephone service. Company Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated. Connecting Company A corporation, association, partnership, or individual owning or operating one or more exchanges and with whom traffic is interchanged. Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) Any devices, apparatus and associated wiring provided by a subscriber for use with facilities furnished by the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 7 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS, CONTINUED Direct Dialing The capability for a subscriber to dial anywhere in the United States with a series of numbers without operator assistance. Extended Area Service (EAS) Local network services extended beyond the original exchange boundaries. Extra Listing Any directory listing of a name or information in connection with a subscriber account beyond that which is provided with regular services. Foreign Exchange Directory Listing A directory listing in the directory of an exchange other than the exchange where service is furnished. Installation Charge A non-recurring charge made for the placing or furnishing of telephone services. Local Exchange The connections available within an exchange area typically served by a single switch, but which can be extended to include additional areas. The local exchange allows connection to the interexchange network. Local Exchange Service Telephone service furnished between subscriber stations located within the same local service area. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 8 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS, CONTINUED Local Measured Service Flat rate, measured service applied to calls within the local calling area. Local Message A communication between subscribers’ stations within the same Exchange Area. Local Service Area That geographical area throughout which a Subscriber obtains telephone service without the payment of a toll charge. Main Station A suitable telephone instrument or station connected to a network via an access line through a Central Office and has a unique telephone number. Premises All of the building or the adjoining portions of a building occupied and used by the Subscriber; or all of the buildings occupied and used by the Subscriber as a place of business or residence, which are located on a continuous plot of ground not intersected by a public highway or thoroughfare. Primary Station Synonymous with Main Station. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 9 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS, CONTINUED Private Branch Exchange (PBX) An arrangement of equipment used by a subscriber and connected directly to a central office by means of trunk access lines, from which connection is made to stations at various locations or customer premises, thereby providing telecommunications between these stations and also communication with the general exchange system. Private Line A circuit provided to furnish communication only between the two or more telephones directly connected to it, and not having connection with a central office. Public Telephone An exchange station, either attended or equipped with a payment (coin or credit card) device, which is installed for the convenience of the public at a location chosen or accepted by the Company. Semi-Public Telephone A Semi-Public Telephone is an exchange station equipped with a payment device (credit card), designed for a combination of subscriber and public usage at locations more or less public in character. Semi-Public telephone service is considered as a form of subscriber service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 10 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS, CONTINUED Subscriber A person or agency subscribing for telephone service. As used in this Tariff, a separate Subscriber is involved at each location, or continuous property, where service is furnished. One individual or firm therefore may be considered as two or more separate Subscribers, even in the same Exchange. The privileges, restrictions, and rates established for a Subscriber to any class of service are limited to the service at one location; and no group treatment of service at separate locations furnished to one individual or firm, is contemplated or to be implied, except when definitely provided for in the schedules. Tariff The document filed by the Company with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, which lists the communication services offered by the Company and the associated rates and charges. Telephone Station A suitable telephone instrument, consisting of a transmitter, receiver, and associated apparatus, so connected as to permit transmitting of and receiving telephone messages. Toll Message A message from a calling station to a station located in a different local service area. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 11 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO I. DEFINITIONS, CONTINUED Toll Service Telephone service rendered by the Company or another carrier between patrons in different local service areas in accordance with the rates and regulations specified in the applicable carrier’s tariff or price list. Trunk A telephone communication channel between (a) two ranks of switching equipment in the same central office, (b) between central office units in the same switching center, or (c) between two switching centers. II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. APPLICATION The rules and regulations specified herein apply to the local services and facilities of Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Company. Failure on the part of the Subscriber to observe these rules and regulations of the Company, after due notice of such failure, automatically gives the Company the authority to discontinue the furnishing of service. In the event of a conflict between any rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in these General Rules and Regulations and any rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in the specified tariffs, the rate, rule, regulations or provision contained in the specific tariffs shall prevail. These tariffs cancel and supersede all other tariffs of the Company issued and effective prior to the effective date of these tariffs. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 12 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED B. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) Signifies a changed regulation. (D) Signifies a discontinued rate, treatment or regulation. (I) Signifies an increased rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate. (K) To signify that material has been transferred to another sheet or place in the tariff. (M) To signify that material has been transferred from another sheet or place in the tariff. (N) Signifies a new rate, treatment or regulation. (R) Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates. (T) Signifies a change in text but no change in rate, treatment, or regulation. C. OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY 1. Availability of Facilities The Company's obligation to furnish telephone service is dependent upon its ability to secure suitable facilities and to provide such service without unreasonable expense. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 13 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED C. OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY, CONTINUED 2. Interruption of Service An allowance will be made upon notice and demand to the Company for interruption of service not due to Subscriber negligence if the interruption continues for more than twenty-four hours from the time it is reported to or detected by the Company. The allowance will be the prorated portion of the monthly rate for the service made inoperative. The Company will credit a Customer’s account by an amount equal to the monthly rate for one month of basic exchange service (Access Line Service), if the Customer reports an out-of-service condition, which has deteriorated service to the extent that the Customer cannot make local calls or cannot receive local calls or cannot use the service for voice- grade communications because of cross talk, static, or other transmission problems, and service is not restored (1) within sixteen hours after the report of the outage if the Customer notifies the Company that the service outage creates an emergency for the Customer or (2) within twenty-four hours after the report of the outage if no emergency exists, except that outages reported between noon on Saturday and 6:00 p.m. on the following Sunday must be restored within forty- eight hours or by 6:00 p.m. on the following Monday, whichever is sooner. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 14 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED C. OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY, CONTINUED 2. Interruption of Service, Continued The credit will not apply to "out-of-service" conditions resulting from the willful neglect, misuse or abuse by the Customer. The credit will not apply to "out-of- service" conditions where the outage is in the Customer’s inside wire or Customer’s premises equipment. This credit will not apply to "out-of-service" conditions resulting from natural disasters, or circumstances beyond control and knowledge of the Company. This credit also will not apply to "out-of-service" conditions where service has been temporarily or permanently discontinued for nonpayment of bills. 3. Use of Connecting Company Lines Lines of other connecting companies may be used to reach points outside the Company area when suitable arrangements can be made. 4. Defacement of Premises The Company will repair or replace any defacement or damage of property due to installation, existence, or replacement of Company property, when the damage is the result of negligence of the Company. 5. Adjustment of Charges In case of over-billing, a refund will be made by the Company for the full amount of excess charges when the amount can be determined; when the amount cannot be determined from available records, the maximum refund will not exceed the estimated over-billing over a two-year period. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 15 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED C. OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY, CONTINUED 5. Adjustment of Charges, Continued In case of under billing, the Company reserves the right to backbill for the deficiency charges up to a period of two years. D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES 1. Ownership and Use of Equipment All equipment and lines furnished by the Company are the property of the Company even though located on the Subscriber's premises. Company agents or employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour to install or maintain equipment, make collections, or remove equipment. The Company may refuse to install or maintain any service at locations, which are hazardous to Company employees. If such service is furnished, the Subscriber may be required to install and maintain such service, holding the Company harmless from any claims of damage by reason of the installation and maintenance of this service. 2. Interconnection Policy Subscriber-provided terminal equipment may be used and Subscriber-provided communication system may be connected with the facilities furnished by the Company for telecommunications services subject to regulations outlined in other parts of this tariff. In case any unauthorized attachment is made, the Company shall have the right to disconnect, suspend, or terminate the service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 16 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES, CONTINUED 3. Use of Subscriber Services Subscriber telephone service is furnished only for the use by the Subscriber, his or her family, and associates. The Company may refuse to install or permit such service to remain on premises of public or semi-public character. The equipment may be installed at such locations provided the service is located so it is not accessible for public use. 4. Tampering with Equipment The Company may refuse to furnish telephone service when Company equipment shows any evidence of tampering for the purpose of obtaining service without payment of charges applicable to the service rendered by the Company. 5. Use of Improper Language or Impersonation of Another The Company may refuse service to anyone who uses or permits abusive or obscene language over Company facilities or impersonates another individual with fraudulent or malicious intent. 6. Indiscriminate Use of Facilities The Company may refuse to furnish service for indiscriminate use of facilities, except in case of emergencies. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 17 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE 1. Application for Service Application for service must be made on the Company’s standard form, which becomes a contract when accepted in writing, or electronically, by the Company or upon establishment of service. The Subscriber may be required to pay in advance all charges for the first billing period and connection charge if applicable. The conditions of such contracts are subject to all provisions of this and other applicable tariffs. Requests for additional service may be made orally, if provided in the original contract, and no advance payment will be required. A move within the exchange area is not considered to terminate the contract and orders for such may be made orally. 2. Telephone Numbers Telephone numbers are assigned to the Company by the Federal Communications Commission, and in turn, are assigned to customers for the establishment of telephone service. The use of a telephone number by a customer does not establish property rights to that number, nor does it guarantee service through any particular central office. The Company retains full responsibility for numbers until such time as a number is transferred to another provider through a local number portability agreement. As such the Company reserves the right to change numbers when it is necessary to continue adequate delivery of service. When existing service is continued for a new Customer, the telephone number assigned to the former Customer may be retained by the new Customer only: (a) if the former Customer consents and properly notifies the Company in writing; and (b) if arrangements acceptable to the Company are made by the new Customer to pay all outstanding charges against the service to the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 18 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE, Continued 3. Alterations The Subscriber agrees to notify the Company of any alterations, which will necessitate changes in the Company's wiring; and the Subscriber agrees to pay the Company's current charges for such changes. 4. Payment of Service The subscriber is required to pay all charges for services rendered by the company, both exchange and toll in accordance with provisions contained elsewhere in this tariff. The subscriber is responsible for all charges for service rendered at the telephone, including collect charges. 5. Maintenance and Repairs The Company shall bear the expense of all repairs and maintenance of its facilities, except where damage or destruction of its facilities is due to the neglect of the Subscriber. The Subscriber may not rearrange, remove, or disconnect any Company facilities without consent of the Company. 6. Line Extensions Lines will be extended to permanent Customers in accordance with the guidelines established in the Construction Charge section. Where required by the conditions, applicants may be required to provide to the Company suitable private right-of- way parallel to the public highway. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 19 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE, Continued 7. Unusual Installation Costs When special conditions or special requirements of the Subscriber involve unusual construction or installation costs, the Subscriber may be required to pay a reasonably proportionate share of such cost. Title to all facilities constructed and paid for wholly or in part by the Subscriber is vested in the Company. F. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES The Company will furnish to its subscribers, without charge, only such directories as it deems necessary for the efficient use of the service. Other directories will be furnished at the discretion of the Company at a reasonable charge. G. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT 1. Deposits The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Regulations for all Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission promulgated in Order No. 15290 in Case No. P-300-6 by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business office and are available for public inspection. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 20 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED G. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT, Continued 1. Deposits, Continued a. Interest to be Paid on Deposits Simple interest, at the rate provided by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, shall accrue from the date of deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer’s telephone bill. 2. Reconnection Charge Where service has been terminated by the Company in accordance with IPUC Rules and Regulations, the regular non-recurring charges shall apply for reconnection of service. H. MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE 1. Minimum Contract Periods Except as hereinafter provided, the minimum contract period for all services and facilities is one month at the same location. The length of contract for directory listings, where the listing actually appears in the directory, is the directory period. The directory period is from the day on which the directory is first distributed to the subscribers to the day the succeeding directory is first distributed to subscribers. The Company may require a minimum contract period longer than one month at the same location in connection with special (non-standard) types of arrangements of equipment, or for unusual construction necessary to meet special demands and involving extra cost. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 21 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED H. MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE, Continued 2. Termination of Service - Subscriber’s Request Service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the minimum contract period upon notice being given to the Company, and upon payment of any applicable termination charges, in addition to any applicable charges due for service which has been furnished. In the case of service for which the minimum contract period is one month, termination will require that charges due for the balance of the minimum period be paid. In the case of directory listings where the listing has appeared in the directory or where a non-listed or non-published listing has been properly omitted, the charges are due to the end of the directory period, except that in the following cases charges will be continued only to the date of the termination of the extra listing or proper omission with a minimum charge of one month: (1) The Contract for the main service is terminated. (2) The listed party becomes a Subscriber to some other class of service. (3) The listed party moves to a new location. (4) The listed party dies. For special equipment, the charges will be based on the individual circumstances in each case as agreed upon at the time of installation. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 22 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED H. MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE, Continued 2. Termination of Service - Subscriber’s Request, Continued Contracts for periods longer than one month covering services whose installation required line extensions may be terminated upon payment of all charges that would accrue to the end of the contract period, or the contract will be transferred to a new applicant who is to occupy the same premises and will subscribe to the service effective on the day following termination by the original Subscriber. Service may be terminated after the expiration of the initial contract period, upon the Company being notified, and upon payment of all charges due to the date of termination of the service. 3. Termination of Service by the Company The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Regulations for All Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission promulgated in Order No. 15290 in Case No. P-300-6 by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in the business office and are available for public inspection. Before disconnection service the Company shall make a good faith effort to notify the Customer. Subsequent to a Customer’s account being delinquent, the Company shall serve written notice of disconnection on the Customer either by mail or personal delivery of the notice to the Customer’s address. Service shall not be disconnected prior to the eighth business day following mailed notices or prior to 5 p.m. of the first business day following for personally delivered notices. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 23 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED I. PAYMENT FOR SERVICE AND FACILITIES The Subscriber shall pay for service and facilities monthly in advance and shall pay for Moves and Changes when billed. Failure to receive a bill does not relieve the Subscriber of the responsibility for payment in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. All bills for service are due and payable at the office of the Company on or before the 20th day following the post marked date of the statement of the month in which the bill is rendered. After the 20th day, bills are delinquent and subject to termination policy. If the bill is not paid when due, the Company may make a late payment charge of 1.5% and the Company may apply any deposit toward the outstanding balance. J. SPECIAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES Special services and facilities not ordinarily used in the furnishing of telephone service and not otherwise provided for by the tariff schedules of the Company may be furnished or leased pursuant to special contract for such special service or facility for such period as may be agreed upon, provided such special service or facility or the use made thereof is not unlawful and does not interfere with the telephone service furnished by the Company. Special services are provided for each individual application as a custom-engineered system to satisfy and provide for the needs of that Customer. Applicable charges will be determined by the revenue requirements of the Company for each individual system. In the event any such special service or facility or the use made thereof interferes with the furnishing of the telephone service by the Company, the Company may terminate such contract and cease to furnish, such special service or facility after thirty days written notice to the Subscriber; and provided further that the commission may terminate such contract whenever, in its opinion, public interest requires such termination. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 24 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO II. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS, CONTINUED K. RESALE OF SERVICES The Company shall deny service to a nonregistered telecommunications company that intends to use the service requested to provide telecommunications for hire, sale, or resale to the general public within the state of Idaho. Any telecommunications company requesting service from a local exchange company shall state in writing whether the service is intended to be used for intrastate telecommunications for hire, sale, or resale to the general public. III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE A. ACCESS LINE SERVICE 1. Rates - Access Lines (including Leased Lines) Monthly Rates Residence (R-1) Business (B-1) Midvale $25.76 $40.54 Yellow Pine $25.76 $40.68 Warren $25.76 $40.68 Warm Lake $25.76 $40.68 Lakeview $25.76 $40.68 Stanley $25.76 $40.68 2. Conditions a. The above rates apply to the provision of Access Lines which, when connected to a suitable telephone instrument provide access to the telephone network. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 25 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED A. ACCESS LINE SERVICE, CONTINUED 2. Conditions, continued b. Instruments must be provided by the Subscriber, subject to the conditions described in the Connection With Subscriber-Owned Equipment portion of this tariff. c. Additional instruments may be attached to Access Lines. The Company reserves the right to limit the number of instruments connected to an access line if they cause interference with the normal operation of the line. d. Tone Dial service is provided only where the facilities are available. 3. Business Rates Apply: a. At any location where activities are of a business, trade, or professional nature. b. At any location where the listing of service at that location indicates a business, trade, or profession. c. Where only one Access Line is provided at a location, which is both a residence and a business. d. At schools, hospitals, libraries, churches, and other similar institutions. 4. Residence Rates Apply: a. At a private residence where business listings are not provided and telephone service is not used for the conduct of business. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 26 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED A. ACCESS LINE SERVICE, CONTINUED 4. Residence Rates Apply, Continued b. At the place of residence of a clergyman, physician, or other medical practitioner provided the Subscriber does not maintain an office in the residence. B. LOCAL MEASURED SERVICE Local Measured Service (LMS) is an exchange service where a regular monthly rate is billed to the customer for access to the local and toll networks. In addition to the flat rate monthly charge, local usage charges apply after an initial allotment of 90 minutes. 1. Rates Monthly a. Residential $16.00 b. Business $28.00 c. Per minute charge for use over 90 minutes = $.03 2. Conditions a. Local Measured Service (LMS) must be applied to all lines under the same account name or at the same physical address. Regular and measured service will not both be provided at the same customer premises. b. The LMS monthly rate is billed in advance; the per minute rate is billed in accord with the toll period. c. Changes between LMS and regular access service are subject to standard service order charges. d. Chargeable time begins when the connection is established and ends when the network connection is released. e. Measured service is only available in conjunction with Extended Area Service arrangement (i.e., only in the Midvale exchange). IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 27 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED C. CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF) 1. Rates Monthly rate Residence Business Custom Calling Feature (CCF) Call Waiting $2.50 $2.50 Call Forwarding 2.50 2.50 Conference Calling (3-way) 2.50 2.50 Speed Calling – 8 numbers 2.50 2.50 Fixed Calling 2.00 2.00 Line Busy Call diversion 3.00 3.00 Package of two CCF 20% discount 20% discount Package of three CCF 30% discount 30% discount Package of four CCF 40% discount 40% discount Package of five CCF 50% discount 50% discount IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 28 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED C. CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF), Continued 2. Conditions a. Custom Calling Services are available only to those customers who are served from a Central Office equipped to provide such services. b. When a service is programmed for both Conference Calling and Call Waiting only one of the two may be activated at any one time. c. When a service is programmed for both Call Waiting and Call forwarding only one of the two may be activated at any one time. d. A service may be programmed with any combination of the six custom calling services except that services with Line Busy Call Diversion may not be programmed for Call Waiting or Conference Calling. 3. Definitions Speed Calling – permits placing local and long distance calls to pre-selected telephone numbers by dialing an abbreviated code. To add a number to the calling list, the customer uses his own telephone. Call Waiting - a distinctive tone informs the telephone user that another call has been placed to his or her line. By briefly depressing the hookswitch, the user will be connected to the second caller while holding the first, subsequent depressions of the hookswitch will allow the user to alternate between callers. Conference Calling - permits a telephone user to add a third party to an existing local or long distance call. It will also permit a telephone user to consult privately with a third party while holding the original call. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 29 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED C. CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (CCF), Continued 3. Definitions, continued Call Forwarding - permits transfer of all incoming calls automatically to any dialable number. The number can be selected by the Customer each time Call Forwarding is activated or the call directed to the previously selected number. If the alternate location is not a local call the Customer will be billed for each call forwarded. Fixed Calling - after dial tone is obtained, if the caller does not commence dialing within a predetermined length of time, a call will automatically be placed to a number previously selected by the Subscriber. Line Busy Call Diversion - permits call to automatically be transferred to a predetermined alternate number whenever the primary number is busy. The alternate number can be any dialable number and can be modified only at the Central Office. If the alternate location is not a free call the Customer will be billed for each call diverted. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 30 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESSS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF) 1. Rates Monthly Rate Per usage Rate Maximum Res Bus Res Bus Res Bus Automatic Callback $3.00 $3.00 $ .75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00 Automatic Recall $3.00 $3.00 $ .75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00 Call Fwd Busy Incoming $2.00 $3.00 Call Forward Don't Answer $2.00 $3.00 Call Forward Don't Answer Incoming $2.00 $3.00 Call Forwarding Busy $2.00 $3.00 Call Pick Up $2.00 $3.00 Call Pick Up Directed $2.00 $3.00 Caller ID - Number Only $4.95 $5.95 Caller ID - Name & # $5.50 $6.50 Caller ID - Per Call (*67) Blocking No Charges Caller ID - Per Line Blocking $1.00 $1.00 Caller ID - Per Call Unblocking No Charges Cancel Call Waiting (*70) No Charges Call Trace Automatic (COT) $1.00 $1.00 Manual No Charges Dial Call Waiting $2.00 $2.00 Distinctive Ringing/ Call Waiting Access $2.00 $3.00 Do Not Disturb $2.00 $3.00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 31 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), Continued 1. Rates Monthly Per Use Rate Rate Maximum Res Bus Res Bus Res Bus Make Busy $2.00 $3.00 Selective Call Acceptance $2.00 $3.50 Selective Call Forwarding $2.00 $3.50 Selective Call Rejection $4.00 $4.50 Stop Hunt $1.00 $1.00 Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding $.75 $.75 $6.00 $7.00 Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling $.75 $.75 $6.00 $7.00 Voice/Data Protection $2.00 $3.00 Voice/Data Protection Usage Sensitive $.75 $.75 $6.00 $6.00 Wake Up Service $2.00 $2.00 2. Conditions a. Advanced Custom Calling Features are available only to those Subscribers who are served from a Central Office equipped to provide such services. b. Calling Name and Number Deliver, Blocking and Anonymous Caller Rejection require an additional piece of Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) to fully activate feature. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 32 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 2. Conditions, continued c. Selective Call Forwarding, Selective Call Rejection, Selective Call Acceptance, and Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting provide Customers with four different options for treating incoming calls. Each feature is capable of holding a list of up to 12 directory numbers (DNS) that should receive screening treatment. Once a Customer has programmed the list and turned on the feature, the switch will screen each incoming call and direct the call to the treatment specified by the feature. d. For those Advanced Custom Calling Features billed on a per usage basis excluding Call Trace, a maximum amount as listed above will be billed once the per usage charges reach or exceeds the maximum. e. From time to time, the Company may offer special promotions to its customers. These offerings will generally consist of a reduced price, a waiver of installation charges, or a free service with a purchase of another service. These offerings may be limited to certain dates and locations, and will be for limited time periods. When such an offering is made, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission will be notified and a copy of the offering notice will be provided to them. 3. Obligation of the Company a. Limitation of Obligation with Respect to Privacy Concerns The Company shall be held harmless by the Subscriber in cases where the Subscriber's telephone number is transmitted via the Caller ID CLASS Feature to another Subscriber who subscribes to that service, and the Subscriber has not blocked the transmission of his telephone number. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 33 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 4. Obligation of the Subscriber Under no circumstances should any Subscriber to the Caller ID Advanced Custom Calling Feature use telephone numbers delivered to the Customer for purposes of marketing any service, or for the sale of those numbers to any interested party. Permitted uses of the number information received through the Caller ID service include: Billing and collection, routing, screening, and completion of the originating Subscriber's call or transaction, or for services directly related to the originating Subscriber's call or transaction. Caller ID information can be used only to market goods and services to existing Customers, and only to market goods and services to existing Customers that are directly related to those the existing Customer already uses. Notification of illegal procedures having been given herein, the Company shall be held harmless by all parties in cases where Subscribers of the Company use this information in an unauthorized manner, as described above. 5. Definitions Automatic Callback - allows the Subscriber to automatically return a call to the number of the phone that last called. By dialing the access code (*66) push-button or 1166 rotary, the callback feature will automatically dial the last calling number. The feature can be deactivated by dialing (*86) push-button or 1186 rotary. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 34 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Automatic Recall - allows the Subscriber who calls a busy number to dial an access code (*69) push-button or 1169-rotary to be alerted, by way of a distinctive ring, when the number is no longer busy. When the user picks up their phone, they will be connected automatically to the previously busy number. To deactivate the Automatic Recall feature, the user can dial (*89) on a push-button phone or 1189 on a rotary phone. Call Forward Busy Incoming - allows a Subscriber to have incoming calls (those which originate outside the group) forwarded to another number when the called number is busy. The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#90) push-button (1190 rotary), and deactivate the feature by dialing (#91) push-button (1191 rotary). Call Forward Don't Answer Incoming - allows a Subscriber to have incoming calls (those which originate outside the group) forwarded to another number if the Subscriber does not answer after a preset number of ringing cycles which are set by the Company. The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (#92) push-button and deactivate the feature by dialing (#93) push-button. Call Forwarding Busy - allows a Subscriber to have all calls (incoming or intragroup) forwarded to a predetermined alternate number when the called number is busy, i.e. the Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*90) push- button or 1190 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*91) push-button or 1191 rotary. The alternate number can be any dialable number and can be modified only at the Central Office. If the alternate location is not a local call, the Subscriber will be billed for each call diverted. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 35 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Call Pick Up – allows a subscriber to answer calls that are directed to other phones within their pickup group. The access code to activate the feature is (*8) for a push-button phone. Call Pick Up Directed - allows a Subscriber to answer a call directed to another line which has been answered or is ringing by dialing a preset access code (#60) and the telephone number of the line to be answered. Both the originating line and the line to be answered must be equipped with the feature. Call Trace (COT) Automatic (COT) - allows a Subscriber to have the last incoming number automatically traced. The results of the trace are not provided directly to the Subscriber; they are output to the Company. The Company, at the Subscriber’s request, will forward the results to the police after a case number has been assigned by the police. The access code for this feature is (*57) push-button or 1157 rotary. Manual (COT) - allows a Subscriber to request the Company to trace incoming calls. This is usually in response involving law enforcement entities. Caller ID - Name and Number - allows for the automatic delivery of a calling party's name and telephone number to the called Customer, after the first ring but before the call is answered. The name and number are displayed on Customer provided equipment. The name displayed shall be the name associated with the calling telephone number as shown on the Company's records. The Company, in its discretion, may abbreviate or limit that name for display purposes. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 36 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Caller ID - Name and Number, continued The Company does not assure name accuracy, and it shall not be liable to any party for errors, omissions or mistakes. The Company's sole obligation shall be to reasonably correct errors in names when notified in writing of such errors. The calling telephone name and number is only available in those areas where appropriate signaling network connections exist to forward the calling party's name and number. The calling name and number is also not available when incoming calls have been handled by an operator or charged to credit cards. Number delivery for calls originated from a PBX will display the main PBX number only. If the caller's number is a multi-party line, or is blocked, the number will not be displayed. Caller ID information transmitted via Caller ID may not be sold or given to another party without the caller's consent. Caller ID information may only be used for: a) routing or completion of calls, b) billing of calls, c) account management purposes, d) services directly related to the call or transaction, e) verification of calling party identity and f) marketing products or services that are directly related to those previously acquired by the Subscriber from the number delivery services Subscriber. Caller ID Subscribers failing to comply with any of these conditions will have their service terminated. Caller ID - Number - same as "Name and Number" except only the calling party's number is delivered. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 37 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Caller ID Per Call (*67) Blocking - allows a Subscriber to block delivery of his/her name and number when calling someone with Caller ID capabilities. The activation code for this feature is (*67) push-button or 1167 rotary. This feature is provided free of charge from suitably equipped central offices. Caller ID - Per Line Blocking - provides a permanent indicator on a Customer's line. Once block is established on the Customer's line, the private status can be deactivated by the Customer on a per call basis. Caller ID - Per Call Unblocking - allows a Subscriber who has Caller ID - Per Line Blocking to unblock delivery of his/her name and number when calling someone with Caller ID capabilities. The activation code for this feature is *82 (1182 rotary). This feature is provided free of charge where available. Cancel Call Waiting – allows the subscriber to cancel Call Waiting before or during one telephone call. The Access code to cancel Call Waiting is (*70) push-button or 1170 rotary. Dial Call Waiting - allows a Subscriber with a line equipped with the feature to direct a Call Waiting tone or a Distinctive Ringing signal to a line equipped with Distinctive Ringing. The feature is activated by dialing a preset access code (#81) (1181 rotary) and the telephone number the line to which the signal is directed. Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Access – allows a subscriber to receive a Distinctive Ringing signal or an audible Call Waiting tone from a line equipped with Dial Call Waiting. If the call line is idle, a distinctive ringing signal will be heard. If the called line is busy, the called line receives a Call Waiting tone. The access code for this feature is (*8) push-button or 1181 rotary. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 38 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Do Not Disturb - allows Subscribers to prevent incoming calls from ringing at their stations. Only callers who have the Subscriber's Personal Identification Number (PIN) can override the Do Not Disturb feature. To activate the feature, the Subscriber can dial (*78) push-button or 1178 rotary. To deactivate the feature, the Subscriber can dial (*79) push- button or 1179 rotary. Subscribers with push-button phones can change their PIN by dialing the access code (#87) push-button or 1187 rotary. Fixed Calling - after dial tone is obtained, if the caller does not commence dialing within a predetermined length of time, a call will automatically be placed to a number previously selected by the Subscriber. If the number is long distance, the Subscriber is liable for any charges. Make Busy - allows the line to appear busy, even when not engaged. To activate the feature, dial (*58) push-button or 1158 rotary. Dialing (*59) push-button or 1159 rotary will deactivate the feature. Selective Call Acceptance - allows Subscribers to specify a list of numbers from which they are willing to accept calls. Calls from numbers not contained on the list are routed to an appropriate announcement. The access code for this feature is (*84) push-button or 1184 rotary, and is used to add or delete numbers from the list of acceptable calls. Selective Call Forwarding - permits the Subscriber to create a list of calling numbers that are to be call forwarded. If a call is received from a Directory Number on the screening list, the call is forwarded to the designated forwarded number. All other calls are treated normally. The access code for this feature is (*83) push-button or 1183 rotary. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 39 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED D. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Stop Hunt - allows a Subscriber to stop an existing hunt sequence at a designated point or line. The access code to activate the feature is (*50) push-button or 1150 rotary. To deactivate the feature, dial (*51) push-button or 1151 rotary. Usage Sensitive Call Forwarding - causes all calls attempting to terminate to a Subscriber's line to be directed to an alternate line, whether the Subscriber's line is busy or idle. The feature differs from standard Call Forwarding in that the Subscriber is charged on a usage basis rather than a flat rate basis. The access code to activate the feature is (*72) push-button or 1172 rotary. To deactivate the feature, the access code is (*73) push- button or 1173 rotary. Usage Sensitive 3-Way Calling - allows a Subscriber to add a third party into an existing conversation by dialing an access code (*71) push-button or 1171 rotary. The feature differs from standard 3-Way Calling, in that the Subscriber is charged on a per usage basis rather than a flat rate basis. The access code to activate the feature is (*74) push-button or 1174 rotary. To deactivate the feature, the access code is (*75) push-button or 1175 rotary. Voice/Data Protection - allows a Subscriber to inhibit intrusion features (e.g., Call Waiting and Operator Verification) when the Subscriber's line is busy. Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically caused by the interruption tones associated with such features. The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*97) push-button or 1197 rotary and deactivate the feature by dialing (*98) push-button or 1198 rotary. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 40 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED F. ADVANCED CUSTOM CALLING FEATURES (ACCF), CONTINUED 5. Definitions, continued Voice/Data Protection Usage Sensitive - allows a Subscriber to inhibit intrusion features (e.g., Call Waiting and Operator Verification) when the Subscriber's line is busy. Voice/Data Protection prevents data transmission errors typically caused by the interruption tones associated with such features. This feature differs from standard Voice/Data Protection in that the feature remains in effect for the duration of only one call upon activation, and the Subscriber is charged on a per usage basis. The Subscriber can activate the feature by dialing (*94) pushbutton or 1194 rotary. Wake Up Service - allows a Subscriber to dial an access code, receive a second dial tone, and then dial a time at which a wake-up call is desired. At the entered time, a call is automatically attempted to that line and, when the call is answered, a tone or an optional announcement is applied to that line. The Subscriber can access the feature by dialing (*76) push-button and can cancel the request by dialing (*77) push-button. E. VOICE MAIL SERVICE 1. Rates Monthly Per Usage Rate Rate Basic: $3.95 One 1-minute greeting message Ten 1-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 7 days IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 41 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED E. VOICE MAIL SERVICE, CONTINUED 1. Rates, continued Monthly Per Usage Rate Rate Basic + 10: $5.95 One 2-minute greeting message Twenty 1-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 10 days Premium: $6.95 One 2-minute greeting message Twenty 2-minute incoming messages Storage on new and old messages 14 days Special Features (Business Subscriber Only): Out Calling $.75 Voice Forms $5.95 2. Conditions Voice mail is offered from suitably equipped central offices only. Voice mail is not offered from central offices that are not equipped to offer the service. Voice mail is offered to residence and business subscribers, except Special Features, which are offered to business subscribers, and is offered as a service that can automatically answer a telephone line after a certain number of rings, or as a voice mailbox with a separate telephone number that calls may be forwarded to. For a voice mailbox, that calls can be forwarded to, the subscriber must also order the call-forwarding feature described above on the line that calls will be forwarded from. Rates apply as stated above for call forwarding. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 42 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED E. VOICE MAIL SERVICE, CONTINUED 2 Conditions, continued Voice mailboxes can store and save messages in differing degrees, depending on the level of service ordered by the subscriber. Credit for service interruption will be provided if service is interrupted for a period exceeding twenty four (24) hours. The credit shall be the monthly amount for service divided by 30 days times the number of days that service is continually interrupted. The Telephone Company is not responsible for lost or dropped messages. Periodically, the Telephone Company will update the software supporting voice mail service. During this period, voice mail will not be operational. This period will not exceed 24 hours; therefore, credit for service not received will not be allowed for regular software upgrades. Voice mail can be programmed to answer a subscriber’s telephone line after a set number of rings. A subscriber has access to a voice mailbox by dialing a seven- or ten-digit access number followed by a personal identification code. The subscriber can then retrieve messages and save them or erase them. The subscriber can also program a personal greeting that will play when voice mail answers a telephone line. The standard mailbox features include forwarding to the mailbox on no answer (subscriber selectable for 2 to 5 rings), forwarding to the mailbox on busy line, and a new message indication (stutter dial tone). Subscribers using call waiting may not choose to have calls forwarded to voice mail on a busy signal. These subscribers will be interrupted with a call waiting tone burst for as many rings as the subscriber selects for no answer forwarding. If the subscriber does not answer the call waiting tone, the second caller will be forwarded to voice mail. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 43 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED E. VOICE MAIL SERVICE, CONTINUED 2 Conditions, continued From time to time, the Telephone Company may offer special promotions to its customers. These offerings will generally consist of a reduced price, a waiver of installation charges, or a free service with a purchase of another service. These offerings may be limited to certain dates and locations, and will be for limited time periods. The Commission will be notified of any offering and a copy of such offering will be provided to the Commission. 3. Definitions Voice Mail – a service using electronic receiving and storing capabilities to receive calls directed to it and store information offered by the caller. Out Calling – a service that allows the subscriber to provide the calling party not wishing to leave a message with a dial tone so that another local call can be made. This is accomplished by a message instructing the caller to dial an access code which, when dialed, provides the local dial tone. Only local calls can be made through the use of this access code. Voice Messages and Menus – a service that provides facilities to compose, send, and manipulate voice messages. It also allows the subscriber with assistance from the Company to establish voice menus or sets of actions to be offered to the calling party. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 44 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED F. SERVICE CONNECTION, MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES 1. Rates Business Residence Service Order $10.00 $10.00 Line Connection $15.00 $15.00 Premise Visit $40.00 $40.00 2. Conditions a. These charges are intended to cover the expense incurred by the Company in conjunction with the following: 1. Establishment of service; 2. Change in location of a service to other premises; 3. Transfer of service from one Customer to another; 4. Change of telephone number at Customer's request; 5. Installation of auxiliary equipment; or 6. Restoral of service disconnected for nonpayment or failure to establish credit. b. Charges shown are in addition to installation charges shown under other Tariff schedules. c. Charges shown in this schedule are based on work being performed during regularly scheduled working hours of the Company's employees. Work performed with overtime labor costs will be performed at direct cost to the Customer. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 45 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED F. SERVICE CONNECTION, MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES 2. Conditions, continued d. No charges will apply under the following circumstances: 1. Service to which no monthly rates apply; 2. Public telephones installed at the initiative or option of the Company 3. Definitions Service Order Applicable to work done in receiving, recording and processing information necessary to execute a Customer's request for the establishment of service. It is also applicable for Customer's request for additions, moves or changes to existing service. Premises Visit Applicable if a Company employee must visit the Customer's premises to move or change a service drop or standard network interface at the Customer's request. Not applicable when a Company employee is on the Customer's premises for any other business purpose. Line Connection Applicable for work done in the Central Office or work involving Central Office equipment necessary to provide a network access line or make changes to an existing network access line. If service requires work in more than one Central Office area, this charge applies for each office. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 46 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE 1. Rates Installation Monthly Charges Rates Instrument implemented actual cost Business rate Central office Implemented actual cost Business Rate Features: Coin signaling $2.21 Call screening $2.00 Special number $5.00 2. Conditions a. Payphone service includes lines to which coin, coinless, card reader or a combination of telephones may be attached. b. Payphone service is a business exchange access line composed of the serving central office line equipment, all outside plant facilities needed to connect the central office with the customer’s premises, and the network interface device (NID) at the demarcation point These facilities are company provided and maintained and provide access to and from the telecommunications network for long distance service and local calling. c. A maximum of one customer provided instrument implemented pay telephone may be connected to any one instrument. d. Extensions to a payphone service provider are not permitted. e. The multiline business subscriber line charge, in the interstate tariff, is applicable to all payphone lines. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 47 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, Continued 3. Responsibility of the Customer a. The customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of the customer-provided instrument, plus all ancillary equipment, such as booths, shelves, lighting, directories, etc., used in conjunction with this service. b. The telephone instrument plus all ancillary equipment must comply with the requirements of all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations concerning disabled, handicapped, and/or hearing impaired persons. c. The customer shall be responsible for the payment of charges for all local and toll messages originating from or accepted at this service, including directory assistance calls. d. The customer is responsible for any taxes on the customer owned equipment or calls made from that equipment. e. The customer provided instrument must be registered in compliance with Part 68 of the FCC’s Rules and Regulations or be connected behind an FCC registered protective coupler under Part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations and have the following operational characteristics: 1. operator access without charge and without using a coin 2. directory assistance access 3. ability to complete local and toll calls 4. 911 access where available at no charge, without using a coin 5. 800/888 access without charge and without a coin 6. must allow any end user to access their preferred long distance carrier by dialing the appropriate long distance carrier access code. These codes must conform to the industry standard formats of 10XXX or 101XXXX. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 48 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, Continued 3. Responsibility of the Customer, continued f. Instruments must be labeled or there must be posted in close proximity to the instrument, information including: 1. Name, address and (local or toll free) telephone number of the private pay phone owner. 2. Procedure for reporting service difficulties and method of obtaining refunds 3. A statement that the instrument is not owned by the Local Exchange company and that the charges for calls made on the instrument are not regulated 4. Dialing instructions 5. Operational characteristics such as pre-pay or post-pay 6. Emergency dialing information including dial tone first, coin free 911, or other emergency access, and 7. Where calls are timed, the time limits per call. g. Customers who elect not to subscribe to Selective Class of Call Screening will be fully responsible for all calls billed to the customer’s exchange access line. The company shall have no responsibility to adjust any such charges and/or release customer from paying any such charges. Customer will hold the telephone company harmless from and against any liability or loss resulting from all calls billed to customer’s exchange access line. h. The included exculpatory language does not constitute a determination by the commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the commission recognize that it is a court’s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court’s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 49 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO i. The customer is responsible for compliance with the FCC’s rules and regulations and the State Commission’s rules and regulations regarding the use of customer provided pay telephones. III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, Continued 4. Violation of Regulations a. Where any customer owned pay telephone is in violation of this tariff, the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect the network and will promptly notify the customer in writing of the violation. b. The customer shall immediately discontinue use of the customer owned pay telephone, or correct the violation and notify the Company in writing that the violation has been corrected. The customer has five (5) days to convey written notification. c. Failure of the customer to discontinue such use or to correct the violation will result in the suspension of the customer service until such time as the customer complies with the provisions of this tariff. 5. Instrument Implemented Payphone Service Instrument implemented payphone service is offered for use with a customer provided pay telephone. All attachments of a customer provided instrument to the network must be made pursuant to the rules and regulations set forth in this Tariff and as required by State and Federal commissions. 6. Central Office Implemented Coin Line a. Central office implemented coin line provides coin signaling. It is a line side connection from the local exchange switch to the point of demarcation at the customer premise. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 50 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, CONTINUED 6. (Central Office Implemented Coin Line, continued) b. Features are additives to the operation of a flat rate access line that provide for CO implemented coin line service. The company offers those features that are provided by the functionality of the Company’s switches. c. Validation may be performed through Originating-line screening (OLS). OLS enables operator service providers to determine whether there are billing restrictions on the exchange access line from which a call originates. OLS service delivers codes on operator assisted calls to identify calls originating from privately owned payphones, inmate locations, and hotels/motels, etc. Rates for this service are found in the appropriate interstate access tariff, when facilities and services are available. d. CO Implemented coin line features are provided by the telephone company per the technology available from the company’s facilities. It shall be the responsibility of the payphone owner to assure technical and operational compatibility with the coin line features offered by the telephone company. 7. Features and Functions a. CO coin line signaling provides signaling on the line notifying the line that the called party has answered and provides an electrical signal on a CO Implemented line indicating to the payphone equipment to collect or return coin(s) to the calling party. This feature is an additive to the CO implemented coin line. b. Special number assignment is a specific number requested by the customer. This service is available where facilities are available and it is technically feasible to provide. This feature is an additive to the CO implemented coin line or to the instrument implemented payphone service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 51 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, CONTINUED 7. Features and Functions, continued c. Selective class of call screening will be provided where such facilities are available at the customer’s option. Selective class of call screening treatment enables the customer to restrict outgoing operator handled calls placed over the telephone company’s network from the service point to only those calls which are charged on a called telephone, a third number or a calling/credit card. 8. Definitions a. Billed number screening: allows the customer to identify to the telephone company that they will not accept any third-number and/or collect calls for billing to their telephone number. The Company places information regarding this screening restriction into a database that is normally accessed by operator service providers prior to such calls being completed. When customers have indicated that they do not wish to accept billing for any third-number or collect calls, the database will not validate charging for such a call. The operator service provider can then decide whether to complete the call based on this information provided in the database. Billed number screening can be ordered to screen third number billed calls, collect calls, or both. b. Central Office (CO) implemented coin line: Access line that provides coin signaling. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 52 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED G. PAYPHONE SERVICE, CONTINUED 8. Definitions, continued b. Demarcation point: The point of connection, provided and maintained by the telephone company, at which the station wiring becomes dedicated to an individual customer’s use. For an individual customer dwelling, this point of connection will generally be the modular jack incorporated into the customer side of the Network Interface Device (NID);. The drop wire and the network protector will continue to be provided by, and remain the property of, the telephone company. The demarcation [point is usually the point at which the telephone company wiring connects with the customer’s wiring. c. Network Interface Device (NID): A device wired between the telecommunications protector and the inside wiring to isolate the customer’s equipment from the network. H. TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS 1. Rates Monthly Rate Optional Hunting Service per line or Trunk in a group so arranged $4.00 2. Conditions Trunk hunting service arrangement is equipment located in the Company’s central office arranged to select the next available line of a Customer’s group of hunting lines, when the line associated with the called number of the Customer is busy. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 53 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED I. LONG DISTANCE MESSAGE RESTRICTION 1. Rates Monthly Rate Long Distance Message Restriction - Residence $2.00 - Business $3.00 2. Conditions a. Long Distance Message Restriction – An arrangement which permits Local Exchange Service line users to dial local service area calls but prevents the origination of long distance calls. b. Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service is provided for use only on individual network access Line service and only where the Customer has other network access Line service on the same premises arranged for unrestricted use of the telecommunications network. J. VACATION SERVICE Rates Monthly Per Access Line: ½ x Residence Access Line Rate Conditions Upon request from a subscriber having any class of exchange service, except service stations, the service may be suspended for a period of one month or more. No outward or inward service is provided during the period of suspension. Only one period of suspension of not to exceed four months is allowed in any calendar year. If the period of suspension exceeds four months, at the option of the Company, the service may be disconnected and non-recurring service connection charges will be made for reconnecting service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 54 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED VACATION SERVICE, CONTINUED Temporary suspension of service may begin and terminate on any day of the month, provided notice is given sufficiently in advance for arrangements to be made. Bills are rendered at regular billing dates during the period of suspension and are due and payable when rendered; or the total amount of the expected suspension charges may be paid at the beginning of the suspension. If the subscriber has not made further arrangements with the Company when the paid-for suspension service expires, at the option of the Company the subscriber’s service may be discontinued. Non-recurring service connection charges will be made for reconnecting service. K. DIRECTORY LISTINGS 1. Rates Monthly Rate Additional or Alternate Listing – Business $1.50 - Residence 1.00 Directory Listings, Continued Cross Reference or Duplicate $1.00 Extra Lines, per line 1.00 Non-List 1.00* Non-Publish 1.50* Foreign Exchange 1.00 * Per Order #22377 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 55 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED K. DIRECTORY LISTINGS, CONTINUED 2. Conditions The regulations for directory listings, as provided in this section, apply only to that section of the directory containing the regular alphabetical list of names of subscribers. A. Primary Listing One listing without charge, termed the Primary Listing, is provided as follows: 1. For each separate subscriber service. When two or more main station lines or PBX trunk lines are consecutively operated, the first number of the group is considered the primary listing. 2. For each semi-public service. 3. Non-listed telephone numbers are listed in the information file, but are not listed in the company’s directory. They will be given out upon request. 4. Non-published numbers are not listed either in the directory or the information file and are not to be given out to anyone unless authorized by court of law. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 56 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED L. DIRECTORY LISTINGS, CONTINUED B. Restrictions Names in directory listings shall be limited to the following: 1. In connection with residence service: a. The individual names of the subscriber, or b. The individual name of a member of the subscriber’s family, or c. The individual name of a permanent member of the subscriber’s household, or d. Dual (joint) listings for customers who share the same surname and reside at the same address. 2. In connection with business service. a. The individual name of the subscriber, or b. The name under which the subscriber is actually doing business, or c. The name under which a business is actually being conducted by someone other than the subscriber and which the subscriber is authorized by such other to use, or d. The individual names of the officers, partners, or employees of the subscriber, or e. The names of departments when such listings are deemed necessary from a public reference viewpoint. The Company may require that the subscriber provide the Company with written permission for the insertion or continuance of listings. The Company may refuse to accept or may delete listings of a business that the subscriber claims to represent. The Company may refuse to accept or may delete a listing that includes the trade name of another. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 57 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED M. OFF-PREMISE EXTENSION SERVICE 1. Rates Installation charge Monthly Rate Continuous Property Actual Cost No Charge Continuous Property- Applicable Additional Network Non-Recurring $4.00 Interface Charges Non-Continuous Applicable Residence Property Non-Recurring Access Each Location Charges Line Rate 2. Conditions Off-premise extension service, where the extension is located in a different building on the same continuous property as the main access line termination, may be installed by the Company. The installation charge will be negotiated between the subscriber and the Company. The subscriber is responsible for the maintenance of any subscriber-owned wiring. No recurring monthly charge will apply in this situation. Continuous property extensions are defined as those where the drop to the additional access point comes directly from the premises of the main access line termination and does not come out of the distribution cable. Continuous property extensions requiring an additional network interface are defined as those where the drop to the additional access point comes out of the distribution cable and requires an additional network interface. When off-premise extension service is provided on Non-continuous property, each location is treated as an access line termination and the applicable access line rates will apply at each location. Installation will be performed based on all applicable non-recurring service connection elements. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 58 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICE, CONTINUED N. INTRAEXCHANGE PRIVATE LINE 1. Rates Installation Monthly Rate Per Channel Termination Actual Cost Business Access Line Rate 2. Conditions The Company will furnish and maintain Private Lines, where facilities are available and within the Exchange Area, for communication between stations not connected to the telephone network. The channel terminal rate will apply for each termination within the exchange area. O. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES 1. Real Estate Subdivisions Line extensions into real estate subdivisions will be made by the Company provided 60% of the estimated total cost of such extension is advanced to the Company by the subdivider. The amount so advanced will be refunded to the subdivider when 50% of the estimated total telephone services are connected within the subdivision during a period of five years from date of agreement. The subdivider shall notify the Company in writing when the 50% hook-up has been attained. Final evaluation will be made by the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 59 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES, CONTINUED O. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES, CONTINUED 2. Temporary or Speculative Service a. Line extensions and/or additions to provide service to an applicant engaged in temporary or speculative business will be made on the condition that applicant pays to the Company the total cost of the construction and removal of the line necessary in furnishing the service, less the salvage value of the material used. b. If a Subscriber maintains for thirty-six consecutive months a service installation which was originally established on a temporary or speculative basis, and if his or her business or operation at the end of that time has proven its permanency to the satisfaction of the Company, there will be refunded to the Subscriber an amount equal to the difference between the payment made and the normal line extension charge which would have been applicable at the time the Subscriber’s service was installed. c. In no event shall service installation be classed as temporary or speculative for more than six years. Refund provisions apply at the end of not more than six years. 3. Saving Clause a. Arrangements may be made, other than as provided for above in this schedule, in the following cases subject to prior authorization of the Idaho Public Commission. b. Where the applicant requests a particular type of construction or a specific route for extensions to meet the applicant’s special requirements and where the construction or route so requested differs from the normal standards of the Company and is not required by law. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 60 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES, CONTINUED O. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES, CONTINUED c. Line extensions involving underground crossings of railroads, highway or power lines, submarine cable, or along river crossings. d. Where construction is required to provide service on a seasonal basis, or to provide Foreign Exchange Service, or to meet other unusual conditions. e. Any other line extension and/or additions involving unusual or disproportionately large construction expenditures as compared to the usual line extension. 4. Connection with Subscriber-owned Equipment a. Local line access will be supplied at the rates described in the “Access Line Service” section of this Tariff. b. Service Call: If a trouble report results in a service call and the trouble is found to be in the Customer-provided equipment the customer will be billed at a rate of $40.00 per hour. 5. Conditions a. Customer-provided terminal equipment or communication systems (CPE) used in conjunction with telephone service shall not interfere with any of the service offerings of the Company, endanger Company employees or the public, damage or require the alteration of Company facilities, interfere with the proper functioning of Company facilities, or impair the operation of the telephone network. Upon notice from the Company that the CPE is causing or is likely to cause such hazard or interference, the Customer shall make whatever changes are necessary to correct the problem. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 61 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO III. NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES, CONTINUED O. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES (CONTINUED) b. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation maintenance of any CPE. The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of all Company charges for visits by the Company to the Customer premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from Customer-provided equipment or facilities. c. Where CPE is connected to Company facilities, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing, operation and maintenance of such facilities in a manner suitable for telephone service. The Company shall not be responsible for the through transmission of signals generated by the CPE or, for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission, or the reception of signals by CPE. d. The Company shall not be responsible to the Customer if changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company render any CPE obsolete or require modification or alteration of such equipment or otherwise affect its use or performance. e. Where CPE is used with telephone service in violation of any of these conditions, the Company will take whatever action is necessary to protect the network and will promptly notify the Customer of the violation in writing. The Customer shall discontinue use of the equipment or correct the violation. Written confirmation of the corrective action taken will be supplied to the Company within 10 days. Failure of the Customer to comply with these requirements shall result in suspension of the Customer's service until the Customer complies with the provision of this tariff. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 62 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO IV. LIFELINE A. GENERAL A federal program applicable to qualifying low-income subscribers to single party residential service of the Company. B. RATES 1. Baseline Lifeline is a reduction or credit in the local service charges normally paid by qualifying low-income consumers. The reduction to the normal residential one-party rates are as established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). These reductions or credits are from the normal residential one-party service subscribed to by the consumer. In addition to the Federal Service Discount, the State may provide an additional discount for eligible consumers, pursuant to Idaho code Title 56, Chapter 9. In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the service subscribed to by each individual. C. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. To qualify for Lifeline Service, an applicant must meet all of the requirements established by the FCC. a. The consumer must be a head of household whose gross income is at or below one hundred and thirty-five percent (135%) of the Federal Poverty Limit. b. The customer must be recertified annually by the appropriate state agency. c. The premises at which the residential service is requested is the applicant’s principle place of residence. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 63 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO IV. LIFELINE (CONTINUED) C. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, (CONTINUED) d. Only one telephone line (wireline or wireless) per household is eligible for the credit. A “household” is any individual or group of individuals, related and unrelated, who are living together at the same address as one economic unit. An “economic unit” consists of all adult individuals contributing to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household. E. REGULATIONS 1. The regular service connection charge, move and change charge, and regulations applicable to the service offerings specified in the tariff will apply. The service connection charge and move and change charge to change to or from this program due to eligibility status will be waived. 2. The Company will offer Lifeline assistance only during such periods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company from Federal and/or State revenue sources. V. IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (ITSAP) A. A state program applicable to qualifying low-income residential subscribers ITSAP provides eligible recipients with a reduction in costs of residential basic local exchange telephone service. B. SURCHARGE RATES The monthly surcharge is set at the amount ordered by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 64 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO IV. ITSAP (CONTINUED) C. CONDITIONS 1. A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute toward funding for the Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (ITSAP). The ITSAP surcharge will not be assessed on ITSAP-eligible subscribers’ bills 2. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changed by the Commission. VI. IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SURCHARGE A. RATES The monthly surcharge is set at the amount ordered by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. B. CONDITIONS A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute toward funding for an Idaho Universal Service Fund. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changed by the Commission. VIII. CONCURRENCES Midvale Telephone Company concurs in the filed tariffs of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company dba CenturyLink, together with amendments and successive issues thereof, for the purpose of providing message toll telephone service between its points when no other telephone company jointly provides the message toll service with the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Midvale Telephone Company Customer Service Contact: (800) 462-4523 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff Number 4 Original Sheet Number: 65 Issued July 27, 2012 Effective August 27, 2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company By: Stephen G. Child Title: CEO IX. EXCHANGE MAPS The following exchange maps are attached to this tariff. Midvale – page 66 Warren – page 67 Lakeview – page 68 Stanley – page 69 Yellow Pine / Warm Lake – page 70 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 66 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 67 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 68 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 69 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 70 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Aug. 13, 2012 Aug. 27, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary