HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240305Decision Memo.pdf DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 - MARCH 5, 2024 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSIONER LODGE COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL FROM: JOHAN KALALA-KASANDA CHRIS BURDIN, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: MARCH 5, 2024 RE: IN THE MATTER OF THE NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICES OF MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC D/B/A VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES AND THE RESULTING AMENDMENT ON THE CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 337; CASE NO. MCM-T-23-01. BACKGROUND On November 1, 2023, Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC D/B/A Verizon Access Transmission Services (“MCI”) filed a notice with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) indicating that MCI will discontinue its provision of basic local exchange services to local residential and small business customers effective on or after December 31, 2023. The particular services affected will be bundled interexchange services and features such as caller identification, call forwarding. Voice mail will also be discontinued for these customers. On February 6, 2024, MCI provided an additional explanation of its notice and said that the standalone residential and small business interexchange service provided to large enterprises will not be discontinued at this time. The long-distance service will continue to be available as a stand-alone offering to all affected customers. As such, MCI will continue to exist as a wholly owned subsidiary of Verizon Communications Inc. and will continue to provide local telecommunications services in Idaho. MCI represents that the reason for discontinuing these services is because of a significant decrease in demand. The proposed discontinuance will enable MCI to streamline its retail offerings to maximize efficiencies and maintain a high level of customer service. The customers DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 - MARCH 5, 2024 affected by the discontinuance will have ample time to migrate to the alternative provider of their choice. MCI states that, in Idaho, it is authorized to provide local telecommunications services pursuant to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”) No. 337 issued by Commission Order No. 33663 in Case No. MCM-T-03-01. The notice submitted to the Commission is pursuant to Idaho Code section 62-612(2). STAFF ANALYSIS Staff examined the Company’s notice and determined that this action would simply amend the Company’s type of provided services on the CPCN and update the Company’s records with the Commission. Staff believes that the requested changes should be accepted. The Commission has jurisdiction over the issuance of CPCNs in Idaho. IDAPA Staff confirmed that the Company holds CPCN No. 337, which was issued pursuant to Commission Order No. 33663 in Case No. MCM-T-03-01. Staff verified and confirmed that MCI is registered with the Idaho Secretary of State as a foreign limited liability company with a principal address of One Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920-1025. Additionally, Staff believes that in filing its notice, MCI complied with all the requirements for the cessation of service in a service area. IDAPA (02). STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the Company’s changes and recommends approval. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve these changes? ________________________________ Johan Kalala-Kasanda I:\Utility\UDMEMOS\MCMT2301_jkcb.docx