HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210820Notice of Name Change.pdfverizot{RECEIWD 2021Aagust20, PM 5:08 IDAEO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 5055 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30022 Karl Tucker Dlrector State & Local Gov't. Affairs 121117894217 ka rl.tuc ker@verizon.com August 20,2021 Via Electronic MaiI f\n(nt- f- 2-, - O IMs. Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83714-0074 Re: MClmetro Access Transmission Serryices Corp.'s Notice of Name Change Dear Ms. Noriyuki MClmetro Access Transmission Services Corp. dlblaYeiznn Access Transmission Services ("MClmetro Corp.") respectfully notifies the Idatro Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of its name change to MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services ("MClmetro LLC") as the result of its conversion from a corporation to a limited liability company on July 31,2021. MClmetro Corp. has registered the new name with the Idaho Secretary of State and the corresponding registation document(s) are attached. MClmetro Corp. respectfully requests the Commission to amend it Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, Certificate No. 337, to reflect this change in corporate name. The conversion to a limited liability company did not result in a change to the rates, terms and conditions of the services that MClmetro Corp. offers to customers. Updated tarifftitle pages changing the corporate name are attached. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions concerning this notice. Sincerely, Karl Tucker Attachment MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE NO. 1 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE NO. 1 T LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC dlbla Yerizon Access Transmission Services This tariff contains the rules, regulations, descriptions and rates applicable to the furnishing local exchange telecommunications services offered by MClmetro Access Transmission of Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") within the State of ldaho to residentialand small business (i.e., mass market) customers. Localexchange telecommunications services offered to large business and enterprise customers are not contained in this tariff, but instead can be found in Company Tariff No. 3. T T Date lssued: 08120121 Effective Date: OB\23D1 Edwin Reese Analyst-Govt Relations 1300lStreet NW Suite 500w Washington, DC 20005 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 69th REVISED PAGE NO.2 CANCELS 68th REVISED PAGE NO.2 T Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1 2 3 4 5 o 6.1 7I o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE CHECK SHEET Pages 1 - 160 inclusive of this Tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprised all changes from the original Tariff in effect on the date indicated. Paqe Revision 4*69* 45 38 Original 2 3 Original Original I 1 1 1 1 1 1 *New or Revised Page Edwin Reese Analyst-Govt Relations 13001 Street NW, Suite 500w Washington, DC 20005 Date lssued: 08120121 Effective Date: 08123121 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERTZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO, 2 4TH REVISED PAGE NO. 1 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE NO. 1 T ACCESS SERVICES TITLE PAGE IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, service stiandards, and rates applicable to the furnishing of service and facilities for telecommunications services provided by MClmetro Access Transmission Service LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Servi@s, with principaloffices at22001Loudoun County Parkuray, Ashburn, VA2O147. This tariff applies for services furnished within the state of ldaho. This tariff is on file with the ldaho Public Service Commission, and copies may be inspected, during normal business hours, at the Company's principal place of business. MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERZION ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF INTRASTATE CHARGES APPLYING TO ACCESS SERVICES BET\A/EEN FIXED POINTS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO T T lssued: OBl2Ol2'l Effective: 08123121 Edwin Reese Analyst-Govt Relations 1300 lStreet NW, Suite 500w Washington, DC 20005 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 * New or Revised Page IDAHO TARIFF NO. 2 13TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 CANCELS 12TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 T CHECK SHEET Pages 1 - 85 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff in effect on the date indicated. Paoe No.Revision4* 13 * I Original 1 4 Original 1 Original Original 1 Original 1 2 2 Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1 Original Original Original 1 Original 1 3 1 1 1 Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Edwin Reese Analyst-Govt Relations 1300lStreet NW Suite 500w Washington, DC 20005 lssued: 08120121 Effective: 08123121 STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denneyl Secretary of Sfafe Business Office 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC 1 VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920.1025 August 9,202'l Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filing information below and notify our office immed iately of any discrepancies. Flle # : Filing Type: Status: Duration Term: Registered Agent: CT CORPORATION SYSTEM STE G 921 S ORCHARD ST BOISE, tD 83705 4373/12 Foreign Limited Liability Company Active-Existing Perpetual Filing Date: Annual Report Due lmage #: Receipt #: 48t09t2021 08t3112022 80631-9020 000528730 Principle Addrees: Mailing Address: MClmetro Access Transmission Servirl VERIZON WAY ONE VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920-1025 BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920 Congratulations on the successful filing of your Foreign Registration Statement for MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLG in the state of ldaho on the date shown above. You must file an Annual Report with this office on or before the Annual Report Due Date noted above and maintain a Registered Office and Registered Agent. Failure to do so will subject the business to Administrative Dissolution/Revocation. Denney ldaho Secretary of State Processed By: Business Division Phone: 208-3U-2301 ' Email: business@sos.idaho.gov * Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION McrMETRo AccESr r*o*t MrsstoN sERvrcES LLc Filing Number: 4373412 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that an application for Foreign Registration Statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 9 August 2021 Lawerence Denney Secretary of State Processed by: Business Division I ililfl flil] til ililil illil ilt llll ilrilil ilril ilil ililr ilil ilril rffi rrril ililr rulJllllll STATE OF IDAHO Afice of the secretary of state, Lawerence Denney FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT (LlIullTED LTABTLTTY COMPANY) ldaho Secretary of State PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-.0080 (208) 334-2301 Filing Fee: S100.00 Signaturo of individual authortred by lho entiily lo sign: John Townsend For Office Use Only .FILED- File #: 0004373412 Date Filed: 819120218:04:23 AM 08/09/2021 Foreign Registration Statomont (Limited Uability Company) Select one: Standard, Expedited or Same Day Service (see desoiptions below) Expedited (+$40;filing fee $140) 1. The name this limit€d liaHlity company will use in ldaho is: Type of Limited Liability Company Entity name MClmetro Access Transmission SeMces LLC Foreign Limited Liability Company MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC 2. Home Jursldic-tion The jurisdiction of formation is:DEI.AWARE 3. Tho stroet addrBs of lB domBtc principal ofilce (if rsqukod by the laws of the Jurtsdlcdon of fomEtlon) b:StreetAddress 1209 ORANGE STREET WLMINGTON, DE 19801 4. The mailing addrese of its dornestic pdncipal office (if requircd by the laws of lhe jurisdMon of formation) is: Mailing Address 1209 ORANGE STREET WLMINGTON, DE 19801 5. The compl€t€ strost address ofthe pdndpal offca b: Principal Office Address ONE VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920 6. The malling addr68 of lhe prlncipal ofice la: Mailing Address 1 VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920..1025 CT GORPORATION SYSTEM Commercial Registered Agent Physical Address 921 S ORCHARD ST STE G BOTSE, tD 83705 MalllngM&ess 921 S ORCHARD ST STE G BOISE, tD 83705 S t amrm that the registered agent appointed has consented to serve as registered agent for this entity. 7. R€gblsr€d Ag6nt Namo ard Address Registered Agent Narns ilte Addrees John Townsend Manager 1 VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920.1025 8. Govemors Page I of3 DateSign Here Iililililililttiltilillilililll Job Tite: Managcr Page 2 of3 Delaware TDCo G:F' I\cCNN (-c C(c NCNF' C C NoooP' oo U. H U aooBo r|. 0J B os art 0Jrto tr OJ{o Bo5oo Uo D Do Page 1 The First State z , ,TEEEnEr n. BWL@K, SECRETARY OE STATE OE TIIE STAr't OF DET.AWARE, DO IIEREBY CERTTW "MCTMETRO ACCESS rRilIStr,sSrOIv SERVTCES LLC" IS DWY FOATAD UNDER THE I.AWS OE THE STATE O? DEI.ANARE AITD TS IN @OD ST,IIDING ,IID I{AS A WGAL EXISTENCE SO I'AR AS THE RECOR;DS OF THIS OFETCE SEOW, AS OF TEE TIIIRD DAy OF AUGUST, A.D. 2027. AND I DO TIEREBY EIURTHER CERTTFY THAT TITE N{NI,AL TeJ(gS TIAW BEEN PAZD TO DATE. 29000s7 8300 sR# 20212878439 Authentication : 203831917 Date:08-03-21 Page 3 of3 You may verifo this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denney I Secretary of Stafe Business Office 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES CORP. 1 VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920-1025 August 4,2021 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filing information below and notify our office immediately of any discrepancies File #: 629313 Filing Name: MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES CORP. Filing Type: Foreign Business Corporation Status: lnactive-Withdrawn Amendment Type: Withdrawal of Foreign Registration Statement Filed Date: 08104120219:27 AM lmase #: 80631-2323 This will acknowledge the filing of the attached Withdrawal of Foreign Registration Statement with an effective date as indicated above. When conesponding with this office or submitting documents for filing, please refer to the file number given above. Denney ldaho Secretary of StateProcessed By: Brisiness Division Field Name Changed From Changed To RA Changed lnactive Date Filing Status CT CORPORATION SYSTEM 921 S ORCHARD ST BOISE ID 83705 None Active-Good Standing NO AGENT AGENT RESIGNED OR INVALID BOTSE tO 83702 814120219:27:07 AM lnactive-Withdrawn Phone: 208-3U-2301 t Email: business@sos.idaho.gov * Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov State of ldaho STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL OF MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES CORP. Filing Number: 629313 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that a Statement of Withdrawal from this State has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY, and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Statement of Withdrawal and attach hereto a duplicate of the Application for such Certificate. Dated: 4 August 2021 Lawerence Denney Secretary of State Processed by: Business Division I llililt il1il ril ililil tillll ll illl Mlilt ilil llilt ilil lilfl ilill Iilil ilil illil ilil ilil til STATE OF IDAHO Office of the secretary of state, Lawerence Denney WITHDRAUI'AL OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT ldaho Secrehry of State PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0080 (208) 33+2301 Filing Fee: $20.00 0004369005 For Office Use Only .FILED- File #: 0004369005 Date Filed: 8t4l202'l 9:27:07 AM Withdrawal of Foreign Registration Statem€nt Select one: Standard, Expedited or Same Day Service (see desoiptions below) Expedited (+$40; filing fee $60) 1 . The name of the entity in ifs home lurisdidion is: MClmetro Access Transmission Services Corp. 2. Th€ nams th€ ontty used in ldaho ls: MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES CORP. The file number of this entity on the records of the ldaho Secretary 0000629313 of State is: 3. Th6 6nliM3 jurisdMon of formation b: DELAWARE 4. The address lo wtrich service of procBs may be made l,o the entv (aftEr the withdrawal) is: 1 VERIZON WAY BASKING RIDGE, NJ 07920.1025 5. Agr€om€nts E fn" entity is not transacting business in the State of ldaho, and withdraws its registration to do business in this state. E fn" entity revokes the authority of its registered agent in the State of ldaho to accept seMce of process on its behalf in this state. I fne entity agrees to notify the ldaho Secretary of State of any changes to the address provided above for servic€ of process. The wlthdrawal must be Blgned by an offcar or director of a corporation. a member or manager of an LLC, or a partner of an LP. PaulL. Mattbla 08/M/2021 Sign Here Signe/s Tite: Vice President Date Page I of1