HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180621Petition.pdfPhilip J. Wood, Jr. Verizon State Government Affairs June 20, 2018 By Federal Express Ms. Carolee Hall Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise,ID 83702-5983 REC IIVHD ?il10 JUH 2l fiH 9: 02 tLJ,i1.t.ir:; PUBLICi; I l-lTl [:$ COH{M lSSlON verizon{ 417 Walnut Street 1"t Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-777-5619 philip.j.wood.jr@ verizon.com -fute*rt- 'f - )?-o I Re: Numbering Waiver Request of MClmetro Access Transmission Services Corp. Dear Ms. Hall: Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 52.15(g), MClmetro Access Transmission Services Corp. dlblaYerizon Access Transmission Services ("MClmetro"l) respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") overturn the Neustar Pooling Administrator's ("PA") denial of MClmetro's request for a one-thousand block of sequential numbers in the Pocatello, ID rate center so that MClmetro can fulfill a specific customer request. If the Commission grants the requested waiver, MClmetro will be able to obtain the contiguous numbering resources required to serve its customer. Confidential Attachment A hereto2 is a copy of a letter from MClmetro's customer requesting a one-thousand block of contiguous numbering resources (with specified NXX limitations) in the Pocatello, ID rate center. The request is necessary to meet the customer's strategic plan for centralizing its voice services throughout the country while integrating them within its existing dial plan. MClmetro cannot satisfy the request with its existing numbering inventory. On June 14,2018, MClmetro submitted to the PA a "Thousand Block Application Form Part lA" (Attachment B hereto) seeking 1,000 sequential numbers served by the BOISIDMAXTX switch within the Pocatello, ID rate center. MClmetro also submitted an accompanying "Months to Exhaust and Utilization Certification Worksheet - TN Level" (Confidential Attachment C hereto3). Attachment D is the PA's June 14, 2018 rejection of MClmetro's request for I MClmetro was formerly known as MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC. The Commission acknowledged MClmetro's new name and amended its certificate in a December 6,2016 order in Case No. MCM- T-03-0r. 2 Confidential Attachment A is being filed confidentially on yellow paper and under seal because it contains customer-specific confidential information and is competitively sensitive. 3 Confidential Attachment C contains confidential utilization numbers and growth forecast information and is being filed confidentially on yellow paper and under seal due to the competitively sensitive data it contains. numbering resources because MClmetro did not meet the necessary months-to-exhaust ("MTE") and utilization requirements under 47 C.F.R. $ 52.15(g) (less than six MTE andT1%o or more utilization) to enable the PA to grant the request. In cases where a service provider is not able to meet a specific customer request with available numbering inventory, the FCC has determined that state utility commissions have jurisdiction to grant a waiver pursuant to FCC 0l-362 (December 28,2001), Section tV,9[1[ 51-66. In 1[66 thereof, the FCC recommends that the state utility commission respond within 10 business days of a waiver request. MClmetro respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously approve its request for a waiver and direct the PA to assign to MClmetro the requested 1,000 sequential numbers within the Pocatello, ID rate center's BOISIDMAXTX switch so that it can meet its customer's need to put the numbers in service. The Commission's directive can be emailed or faxed to: John Auerbach Pooling Administrator NeuStar, Inc. Email: john.auerbach@neustar.biz Fax: 925-363-7684 We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Pl.^I*, ), r^Jo-J, )n' l<o Philip J. Wood, Jr. Enclosures CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT A (filed under separate cover) ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B TrackinsNumber: 208-POCATELLO-ID'l099247 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part 1A Revised: January 4, 2016 Type of Application: lndividualBlock Request l7 New r changei r General Application Information 1.I Contact Information Block Applicant: c-ompany McTMETRo AccESS TRANSMtssroN sERVrcEs LLc - rDName: Headquarters 15 Chestnut Street AddTCSS: Citv: Worcester State: MA ZIP: 01609 Contact Name: Dvan Adams contact 15 Chestnut streetAddTCSS: Citv: Worcester State: MA ZIP: 01609- -J - Phone: 978-249-6000 Fax: E-mail: dvan.adams@verizon.com Disconnect ZIP:W Parent Company's ocN 7229 Pooling Administrator: ii Contact Name: John Auerbach Con-tact 1g00 sutter St. ste.7g0 1.1.LlLlt tr sJ . Citv: Concord State: CA Phone: 925-363-8706 Fax:925-363-7684 E-mail: iohn.auerbach@neustar.biz 1.2 General Information: Check one : No LRN needed LRN needediii: NPA:;!oB LATA: 6s2 OCNiU:-@- ATTACHMENT B Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested : 1 Switch Identification (Switching Entity/POI")BOISI Rate POCATELLO 1.3 Dates: Requested Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8.6) Yes X No _ Expedited Explanation: tr By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant. Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request will still be processed in the order received. 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requesting the Thousands-Block : a) Type of Service Provider : CAP OR CLEC (LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) b) Primary Type of Service Blocks to be used for Wireline c) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment preference (Optional) 5 208-417- d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment , if any e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(s) you will be keeping (the remainder of the blocks will be given to the pool) 1.5 Type of Request Initial block for rate center : Yes _If Yes, attach evidence of authorization and proof of capability to provide service within 60 days. Growth block for rate center : Yes X If Yes, attach months to exhaust worksheet r' By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willing to accept a block in reci and explicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block effective date. Type of change (Mark all that apply) r oCN: Intra-companyi*T Switching Id T Part lB r oCN: Inter-company*T Effective Date Date of Applicarion,ii:-@ll l:lJ,::j"o utt"t";;, 5t201I ATTACHMENT B 1.6 Block Return : Is this block Contaminated: Yes No _ If Yes how many TNs are NOT available for assignment :_ Have all new Intra SP ports been completed in the NPAC: Yes _ No _ Has this block been protected from further assignment: Yes _ No _ a) b) c) d) Disconnect block : Yes -If Yes, list NPA-NXX-X Remarks: I hereby certify that the above information requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines ATIS-0300066 available on the ATIS web site (www.atis.org/inc) or by contacting inc@atis.org as of the date of this application. Dvan Adams Signature of Block Applicant Specialist Title 0611412018 Date Instructions for filling out each Section of the Part 1A form: Section 1. 1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached, in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator's name, address, phone, fax and e-mail. Section 1.2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment or for an Location Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section. If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA. The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA), which is a three-digit number that can be found in the Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv (iconectivrM; LERGTM Routing Guide*i. The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN of its parent company. An OCN is a four-character alphanumeric NECA-assigned Company Code or a four-character alphanumeric identifier assigned by the iconectivrM Telecom Routing Administration (TRA). In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied. The Switch Identification. Explanations of these terms may be found in the footnotes. Section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands-block. Change block : Yes If Yes, list NPA-NXX-X ATTACHMENT B Section 1.4 Service Providers should indicate their type, e.g.,local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange carrier, CMRS or VoIP. Also indicate the primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used. Service Providers may indicate their preference for a particular thousands-block, e.g.,321- 9XXX, or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e.g., 321-6XXX. Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands- blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC. Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updated/current information in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over l0Vo contamination (101 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pool except when a service provider is exiting the market or is exchanging a block that was identified as being over l0%o contaminated. If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated, the PA shall seek a new block holder. If question c and,/or d have a response of No, the request for return shall be denied. The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date. Footnotes: ildentify the type of change(s) in Section L5. iiThe Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms. iiiA CO Code application will also need to be submitted to the PA. i'Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be used as OCNs. Companies with no prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524-1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s). Since multiple OCNs and/or Company Codes may be associated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to TRA (732-699-6100). uThis is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This is the 11 character CLLITM Code of the switch /POI. 'iRate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center. uiiAcknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application will be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application. An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. 'iiiPlease ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be associated with this block(s) is/will be active in the PSTN prior to the effective date of the block(s). i* Select if you are the curuent Block Holder. * Select if you are not the curent Block Holder *iCommon Language@ and Telcordia@ are registered trademarks and CLLITM, LERGTM Routing Guide and iconectivrM are trademarks and the Intellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT C (filed under separate cover) ATTACHMENT D To: Cc: From: Subject: ATTACHMENT D john.auerbach@neustar.biz Code Administrators; Lacv. Shunda M; Adams. Dyan K PA Part3@neustar.biz lEl , 208-POCATELLO-ID-1099247 - DENIED PAS - Part 3 Confirmation Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:18:13 PMDate: Pooling Administration System Dated l4 June 2018 Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines (TBPAG) - Part 3 Revised: January 4,2016 Poolin g Administrator's Response/Confi rmation Tracking Number : Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 208- POCATELLO.ID. 1099247 06114t2018 06t14t2018 Effective Date: Date of Response:06t14t2018 Service Provider Name: (LERGTM Routing Guidel) oCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID Pooling Administrator Contact Information: John Auerbach Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator John Auerbach Name (print) Email: MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVIGES LLC .ID 678B 7229 925-363-8706 Fax: john.auerbach@neustar.biz Block Assigned: 925-363-7684 NPA-NXX orNPA- NXX-X: Block Reserved : ATTACHMENT D Block Reservation Expiration Date Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated (Yes or No): If yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (l- l 000): Switch Identification (Switching/POI)2: Rate Center: BOISIDMAXTX POCATELLO X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new block is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. lf you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. _ Request Withdrawn. Explanation: _ Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator Explanation: Remarks I Telcordia@ is a registered trademark and LERGTM Routing Guide and iconectivTM are trademarks and the Intellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. dba iconectiv. 2 Thir is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the Common Language@ Location Code (CLLITM Code; of the switching entity/Pol shown on the Part lA form. Common Languag"@ is a registered trademark and CLLI is a trademark and the IntellectualProperty of Telcordia Technologies,Inc.