HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220418Amended Application.pdfE3Llngo AprilL8,2O22 Via Email Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 North Washington Boise, lD 83702 RE: Matrix Telecom, LLCdlbla Matrix Business Technologies dlbla Trinsic Communications dlbla Excel Telecommunications dfb/a VarTec Telecom dlbla Clear Choice Communications d/b/a Lingo Amended Notice of Change in Corporate Name - Case No. MAT-T-Z,2-OL Dear Ms. Noriyuki: This supplemental letter and included Exhibits and replacement tariffs are submitted to notify the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")that MatrixTelecom, LLCdlb/a Matrix Business Technologies dlbla Trinsic Communications d/b/a Excel Telecommunications dlbla VarTec Telecom dfbla Clear Choice Communications d/b/a Lingo ("Company'') is changing its corporate name from Matrix Telecom, LLC to Lingo Telecom, LLC and is cancelling the dlbla Matrix Business Technologies. The Company was granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) No. 468 in Case No MAT-T-07-01. Attached as Exhibit A is a copy of the registration of Lingo Telecom, LLC on file with the tdaho Secretary of State. Attached as Exhibit B is a copy of the bill message notifying ldaho customers of the name change. lncluded with this filing are the Company's replacement local and access tariffs as follows: - Local Exchange Services Tariff No. 9 cancels and replaces Tariff No. 6- Local Exchange Services Tariff No. 10 cancels and replaces Tariff No.7 (Business Services)- Local Exchange Services Tariff No. 11 cancels and replaces Tariff No. 8 (Residential Services)- Access Services Tariff No. 12 cancels and replaces Tariff No. 5 The Company respectfully requests the Commission to change the Company's corporate name in all Commission records to Lingo Telecom, tt9 dlb/a Trinsic Communications d/b/a Excel Telecommunications dlblaYarTec Telecom dlbla Clear Choice Communications dlb/a Lingo on the earliest possible date. Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to the attention of Suzanne Pagana, Managing Associate Consultant, at 407-740-3012 or via email to spagana@inteserra.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, encta President - Government Affairs and Compliance tms: lDx2202a Enclosures AV/sp ,.1 .: . .-:':1^|4\t!: I .. \1. i _ .:: \ ..'l'-'I I Lingo . 9330 LBJ Freeway, Suite 944, Dallas, TX 75243 . 888.445.4646 r lingo.com AMENDMENT OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATETiENT Tr[c 30, Chapter 21. ldaho Code Bac FSm {cer 330.00 + fi10.00 fol maor,rd ptoceesing (ftOg$fgt49g[). t. Entlty nryn: Matdx Telecom, LLC 2. mceofry lrrtcirmndcdto:Telecom, LLG r ll the ner nme b nd rvailrblr or prmlrcibh in ldahq lho ftuns b bc ueed in ldrho b: 8. Thecnlilylp.Lan ndedb: El Eurh*t Comomlhn ttlboploflCotpordion tr LknbdLl.DlryFhrhenhD E UrnaO HebfiUCoqaty trottrc tr B.rrd Partnd3hlp tr Ccncrel C@pcralhtc Arcocirtion tI Lintrd PrtumHp (ncbChg r lknitcd li,&illy limtxl pafinnhip tr $aUlory Ttnst, SuCnesr Tlu( orOorman-buy Burim*Trust trao(,t N Io,otttto l-r-\NE NoN l- l- ?E l- E naaI F. ttr urC Ho u, OonIctIF'{ o!t u.t P CTt r':\.r'arJi r.t',lrt!::.J !'lrt iJn t.:lil.t, tlii*j, ".:tc'.l{. Thacntilfri'nl8dcthn bmctldcdb; 5. Ttc fiGct rid nCiE rffics(lrl of l3r gln{rel fficc lremurdcd t r st30 LB.l , Suite 944 lritJrn ::$'l Dallas, D( 75243 lifel!{ rr{$ru', rl C.t!fi"ml 6. Tho nernq ctpacly, rtd mailirtr addrc* dhc go'rcrnor(rt E ancndcd ta r)$ttaikl {'.;,tir.j(r'l?;i&'..i{rti9$; {N0nr*) TypcdNmc: William MOnis ;Cirr#"ihri ti..;l,ri.:$.;i hilrlrahSigitdure: Cryecitf CFO on behalf of lrnpadTdeoom. LLC 4,aot Utaat(Er.t2ltrf, Ofiice of the Secretary of Stete Certificate of Fact The rrndcrsignod, as Socrctary of Statc of Torag docs hcreby ccrtiry that on October 13,2021, Matrix Teloconr, L[.C, a Domestic Limited Liability Company GfC) (file numbcr 802357352), chrnged its narre to Lingo Tdocorn LIC. It is furths ccrtifid that the antity status in Toras is in existence. In testimony whcreo{, I have hereunto srgnd my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of Stte at my office in Austin, Tocas on November O4, 2021. John B. Scor Secraary of Stetc Corpom,oms Scction P.O.Bo( 13697 Austin,Toos 78711-36n Phonc: (512) 153-5555 Prcparcdby: SOS-WEB John B. Scoft Socrctary of Statc Comc vMt u on lhe intenut ot hnps://www.ns.texas.gov/ Fax: (512) 463-5709 Dia[ 7-t-l hr Rclay ScrvirsTID:10267 Doormcnt lDlm760m3 BillMessage Corporate Name Change Please note thot we have chonged our corporote nome from Matrix Telecam, LLC, to Lingo Telecom, LLC. and there ore no changes wlth your seruices, ond you wlll contlnue to see Lingo brond on your invoices.