HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221011Supplemental Filing.pdfLeonl". Nowalslqy Edward P. Gothard NOWALSKY & GOTIIARD A Professional Limited Liability Company Attonreys at Law 1420 Veterarrs Memorial Boulevard Metafuie, Louisiana 70005 Telephone : (504) 832-1984 Facsimile: (504) 83 I -0892 ;;iECI IVED ?ft?2 0[T I I P]1 2: 52 , r r r,? {*'*iJiunfihlt*' o * October ll,2022 VIA EIT{AIL Ian Noriyuki, Commission Seuetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Suite201-4. Boise,ID 83714 RE: Name Change - Magpas LLC to RingSquared Telecom LLC Supplement to Case No. I{AC-T-22-01 Dear Secretary Noriyuki: Per Staffrequesq please allowthis letter to firther clari& certaitr information surrounding the request for uame change. 1. On July 8,2021, Magpas Holdings LLC ('lvlagna5 Holdings'), Magna5's parent company, and Intenrational Telcom LLC entered into a Unit Purchase Agreement whereby Internatioual Telcom ageed to ptuchase the equity interest in Magrras from Magna5 Holdiugs. Pursuant to the Agreement Intemational Telcom acguired all of the ownership units of Magna5 and consuomated the tansaction on November 4,2027. Magnas LLC ('Magna5') provided notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission of their transfer of oumership/contol to International Telcom on December 13, 2021 (copy attached). 2. RingSquared Telecom LLC (fta Ivlagnas LLC) will cootinue as a telecommunications company providing the same seryices to its Idaho customers. 3. The day-to-day management of RingSquared (Ara Magnas) will remain in place as the ownership change occurred atthe parent company level. 4. The transastion was transparent and had no negative impact to Idaho customers. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, plcase do not hesitate to contact rmdersigned counsel. Siucerely, /V Becky Heggeluud Becky Heggelund Regulatory Assistant Leoal. Nowalslcy EdvEdP- Gothard NOWAISKY& GOTHARD A Professional Linited Liability Company Attomeys dl-aw 1420 Veterans Mem.orial Boulercd Metairiq Louisiana 70005 Tele,phono: (504) 832-1984 Facsimilq (504) 83 I -0892 ,RET f iVEs i$:i ira[ is Fi{ 9: ee ,,, rrFr il f"{.ri#r,iiB s r o H December 13,202L VIA OIIERMGIIT IVIAIL Jan Nodnrkl Cormission Secreary Idaho Fublic Utilities Conooission 1i331 W. Chinden BIvd., Suite 201-A Boiss ID 837L4 RE: Ivlagnas LLC-TransferofContolNotifioation Dea SeeotaryNoriyuki: \dagna5 LtC ClvIagnaf) hs"by uotifios thc Idaho Public Utilities Commission of the tansfcr of coatool of It[agnas to Idematioaal Tolcom, LLC ('lutemational Tclcom). I{egnas is a registeced providcr of loqg disance ad local exchmge semioes pusr:ant to authority gmored , in Case No. lv[AG-T-l 7-01, Ordcr No . 3 404l. daded 4fi AlLg " It is Magnas's tmde,rstandiug tlat fomal Cornissioo aplroval of the tarx*ction is not required- Accordiqgly, I\dagna5 strtmits this lotcr for infomafional In4poses to ensure tho codintting accrracy ofthe Board's reoords. On }rly 8, 2V21, N?agolrs Holilings IJ;Ctt flrrga5 Hoklings), Magna5's par€ot cotqpmy, and Intrrnational Telcom eutaroil into a lJnit h]rchase Agreemeot (the "fuleaeof) whereby International Telcona agrecd to puchase the cquity interest in Magpas from Magna5 Holdings. husuant to the Agreement Intcoational Teloom acEfred all of&e ovmcrship units of lGgpa5 and cousummatpd the taasactiou on Novem.b a 4,2AL Tho hmsactionrpill ensure tLE ooutinuity of operations for lvfagnaS to the ultimate bcnofit of sustome,rs who will cortinue to reoeivo rlrint€rnrpted access to tclocommunicatioas and infomation sewiccs. The trnsactioa will oaiy altrr lv{agpas's ovnrership. Ivlagna5's sustomsrs will contiaucto receivc sr&stantially the same servicos ard. tthp same rates, terms, and conditiors of senicE. There wiU be no distrption to my oustomer-frcing opcrations such as ordering; senricc installation, oustoma sorvice, md billing, ]l&ich will oontioue to be provided as before. Additionally, tho trausastion wiil result in no disnrption to any orrs.tomer-&cing operations srch as I Mrgoas HoldiDSF is a holdiug courpay ftu does not hold a connuicatious liceoses or povide commlnicatiols sorvicss intbis sBtc or othcnryise- Idaho hblic Ufilities Ccmmission Pagre Q.- Decea:lber I3,AUZL ordering; service installatioa, oustoncr sertrice, 6d lilling which will coutinue to be provided as before. ThetusactionwillhavenotadversceftoG oarheqlality ofwvicccr$oyedbylvlagnaS's custom€rs. Any firnre cLaarges will result from thc sornal course oftnrsiness operdiols, zts was the case priorto the tcansac.tioa ' ODcc the transastion is coupletd Iatemational Telcom will contiaue to be te&nicalln nanagedaUy, ad fnaacially wellqualified to be the ultitrEto orraer of Magnas. IJkwriso, \iagoa5 will coutinue 1o tr vs 1trs mnnegeri4 teqhrdcal, finalcial aud customctr cale gualtEcdions to provide bigh qrlality tclocomunications to cousma.crs thoughout Iowa Qrestions rogrardiag this uotificdion uay be directecl to: LeouNovralsry, Esq. Nouralslry & Gotbatd, APLLC 1420 Vetuar$ Ivlemorial Blvd Ivletairie, LA 70005 Bmait Inowalskv@nbglaw.om Counsel for Inteanatioual Tclcom, LLC Pleaso date-stanp and rstum tbe earolosod additional copy oftbis le'ttur iothp envelopc provided as widoce ofthc filing. ' Shouidyou have any Ercstions rqadiagthis mdtcr, pleasc do aothositdeto contact undersigned counsel, Sinccc,ely /^ ilr'ru LoonNovnlstrqy, fuq. /1t l\) Nowalsky & Crotbad, APLLC 1420 Vef€ras Memorial Blvd. MstairiqLA70005 Phoue (504)832-1984 B,IvIaiL laowalskv@nbglaw.com Ca:nscl for !t'eindional To1coar, LLC.