HomeMy WebLinkAboutLightyear Network Solutions LLC.pdfLIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 1 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 This price list, Idaho Price List No.1, filed by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC, cancels and replaces, in its entirety, the current price list on file with the Commission, Idaho Price List No. issued by Light year Communications, Inc. TITLE PAGE LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC TELECO:M1v1UNlCA TIONS PRICE LIST Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC Toll-free Number: 800-393- 7300 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLA T A and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Lightyear Network Solutions LLC within the State of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 11- 2004 Boise, Idaho . ""'-""-' .., ) Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs 3rd Revised Page 2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 2 Issued: October 3 , 2007 Advice Letter 2007-Effective: October 13 2007 CHECK SHEET Pages of this tariff, as indicated below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Original 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. 3rd Rev.1 sl Rev.Is1 Rev. Original 1 sl Rev.Original Original 1 sl Rev.Original 2nd Rev.1 sl Rev.Original Original 2nd Rev.Original Original 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. Original 1 sl Rev.66.Original Original 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. Original 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. Original Is1 Rev.68.1 Original Original Original Original Original 1 st Rev.69.Original 1 sl Rev.Original 69.Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1 sl Rev.Original Original Is1 Rev.Original Original 1 sl Rev.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.4 Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original 1 st Rev.1 sl Rev.74.Original Original 1 sl Rev.74.Original 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. 1 sl Rev.1 sl Rev. 1 sl Rev. 1 st Rev. 1 sl Rev. 1 sl Rev. 1 sl Rev. * - Indicates pages included with this filing. Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ", . .,~,:,.; 'ii:!. '" OCT 1 3 20U! Printed in the u.S. Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 2. Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 CHECK SHEET, (CONT'(N) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 100 Original 101 Original 102 Original 103 Original 104 Original 105 Original 106 Original 107 Original 108 Original (N) * - Indicates pages included with this filing. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOf~ FiLING 0 C T 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho '"'-'-'.. .. .., '0" 'n ~'" _ Printed in the U.IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John 1. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 3 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Page Check Sheet Table of Contents Explanation of Symbols Price List Format SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company Use Limitations2.4 Payment for Service Cancellations Other Rules Taxes Liability of the Company Responsibilities of the Customer10 Customer Liability for Unauthorized Use of the Network Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: April 21 , 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONT' SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES Timing of Calls Dedicated W-Flex Intrastate Program3.3 Dedicated S-Flex Intrastate Program 3.4 T -Flex Switched Intrastate Program 5 Q-Flex Switched Intrastate Program Local PRI Intrastate Long Distance Plan OverDrive Dedicated Long Distance Plan Reserved for Future Use Reserved for Future Use 3. 1 0 Reserved for Future Use11 ISDN PRI and BRI Services12 Reserved for Future Use13 Switched Services Program14 Flex Plan Service 3.15 Flex Plan Options - Direct Dialed and Toll Free16 Reserved for Future Use 1 7 Reserved for Future Use18 Reserved for Future Use19 Reserved for Future Use20 Reserved for Future Use21 Reserved for Future Use22 Reserved for Future Use23 Reserved for Future Use24 Reserved for Future Use25 Reserved for Future Use26 Reserved for Future Use27 Reserved for Future Use28 Reserved for Future Use29 Reserved for Future Use30 Reserved for Future Use 3.31 Reserved for Future Use 3.32 Reserved for Future Use3.33 Roundtable Conference Services 3.34 Lightyear Calling Card Service 3.35 Driver Long Distance Plan SECTION 4.0 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Directory Assistance Operator Services Printed in the U. Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 4 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 4 Effective: May 1 , 2005 (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2005 Boise. Idaho ",..__ LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONT' SECTION 5.0 - GRANDF A THERED SERVICES Direct Dial 1 + Service Switched Toll Free (i.e. "800/888") Service Dedicated Direct Dial 1 + Service5.4 Dedicated Toll Free (i.e. 800/888) Service Residential Service Ultima Card Affinity Group Schedules/ UNITY Residential Un iRate Service American Business Network (Affinity Plan #3)10 Plan Services11 Combo Long Distance12 Cornerstone NDP Service13 Dedicated Elite Program14 Dedicated Saver Program15 Dedicated Sprint SP Service516 Dedicated Toll Free Service 1 7 Dedicated WP Service18 Prepaid Calling Card Services19 Sprint Cornerstone SDP Service20 Switched Elite Program21 Switched Maximizer Service22 Switched MRC Service 5.23 Switched Prime Program24 Switched Saver Program 5.25 Switched Sprint SRC Service 5.26 U Rate Service 5.2 7 Xpress Service Printed in the U. --...--,.. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 4. Effective: October 2, 2004 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Ideho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 5 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 2004 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) (D) (I) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) (Z) To signify Changed Regulation. Delete or Discontinue Change Resulting in an Increase to a rate Moved from Another Price List Location New Change Resulting in a Reduction to a rate Matter Appearing Elsewhere or Repeated for Clarification Change in Text But No Change to Rate or Charge Correction fmaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 6 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 PRICE LIST FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the Price List. When anew page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision N urn bers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th Revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd Revised Page 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc., the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the Price List page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the page currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 1.1.A. 2. 1. LA. 1. 1. LA. 1. (a). (a).I. (a).I.(i). (a).I.(i).(1 ). Check Sheets - When a Price List filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the Price List filing. The Check Sheet lists the pages contained in the Price List, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (* There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i.e., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The Price List user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 7 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 2004 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Available Usage Balance - The amount of usage remaining on a Debit Account at any particular point in time. Each Debit Account begins with an initial usage amount which is depleted as services provided by the Company are utilized by the Customer. Calling Card - A proprietary card through which service is accessed by dialing a company-provided access number, and which enables the Customer or User to place calls over the network and to have the charges for such calls billed to the Customer s account. Carrier or Company - Whenever used in this tariff , " Carrier" or "Company" refers to Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC unless otherwise specified or clearly indicated by the context. Credit Card - "Credit Card" means any card, plate, coupon book, or other single credit device that may be used from time to time to obtain credit. Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders or uses Lightyear s service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with Price List regulations. Debit Account - An account which consists of a pre-paid usage balance depleted on a real time basis during each Debit Service Call. Debit Card - A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with a Personal Account Code and instructions for accessing the Carriers network. Debit Service Call- A service accessed via a Toll Free (i.e. "800/888") number or other access code dialing sequence whereby the Customer or Authorized User dials all of the digits necessary to route a call. Network usage for each call is deducted from the available usage balance on a Company-issued Debit Account. Dedicated Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicated circuits. The cost of these dedicated circuits is billed by the access provider directly to the end user. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office ~2f the SecretaryACCEPTtD FOR FiLING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 8 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 1.0 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' LATA - Local Access Transport Area (LATA) denotes a geographical area established by the U.S. District Court within which a local exchange company provides communications services. Lightyear - Refers to Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC Network - Refers to the Company s facilities, equipment, and services provided under this tariff. Personal Account Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or Authorized User upon access to the Carrier s network which identifies the Debit Account from which charges for service shall be debited and which validates the caller s authorization to use the services provided. Renewal - A method of replenishing a Debit Account's Available Usage Balance with additional minutes of use as authorized and paid for by the Customer. Senrice(s) - Refers to all telecommunications services and other services related thereto provided by the Company to Customers or Users. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits and the connection to the customer is a LEC-provided business or residential access line. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. User (or End User) - Any person or entity that obtains the Company s services provided under this tariff regardless of whether such person or entity is so authorized by the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 9 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company Lightyear s services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLA T A and interLA T A communications originating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this tariff. Lightyear installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. Lightyear may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Lightyear network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Use Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. --' LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 10 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations 3.4 Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff. Lightyear reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. All services and resold facilities provided under this tariff are directly or indirectly controlled by Lightyear and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Presubscribed service is available from equal access locations only. Travel service is available from any originating location in the state. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Off! )+'" C:;';),("'r~ ,"', ~" l 'c, (1: J ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 11 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 2.4 Payment for Service All charges due by the Customer are payable to Lightyear or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customers are responsible for all charges associated with their account, including all charges placed against Travel Card numbers. Customers claiming not to be responsible for more than five calls on any one statement may be required to accept a Travel Card number change issued by Lightyear. Cancellation Customers must provide thirty days written notification to Lightyear prior to cancellation. Customers are responsible for all charges, including fixed fees, which accrue up to the cancellation date. Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Company makes every effort to reserve Toll Free vanity numbers, but makes no guarantee or warranty that it will be available. The Company may temporarily suspend service without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Personal Account codes when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. The Company will restore service as soon as service can be provided without undue risk of fraud. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho .. , Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 12 Cancels Original Page 12 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Taxes For all services other than Debit Card Services, state and local taxes (i.e., gross receipts tax, sales tax municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Public Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company s expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97-371), an undiscountab1e per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and intemational calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company s services. This surcharge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company s service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access the Company s service and is unrelated to the service accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coin1ess phones owned by 10cal telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i. using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a carrier that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge does not apply to calls placed from pay telephones at which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call. Rate per Call $0.(T , Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho " .-"--"-""- ,.. -'" .' - Printed in the U. S . IDiO402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company Except as otherwise stated in this section, the liability of the Company for damages arising out of either: (1) the furnishing of its Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions interruptions, delays, or errors, or other defects, representations, or use of these Services, or (2) the failure to furnish its Services, whether caused by acts or omission, shall be limited to the extension of allowances to the Customer for interruptions in Service as set forth in this tariff. Except for the extension of allowances to the Customer for interruptions in Service as set forth in this tariff, the Company shall not be liable to a Customer or third party for any direct indirect, special, incidental, reliance, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or profits, for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any act or omission, failure to perform, delay, interruption, failure to provide any Service or any failure in or breakdown of facilities associated with the Service. The liability of the Company for errors in billing that result in overpayment by the Customer shall be limited to a credit equal to the dollar amount erroneously billed or, in the event that payment has been made and Service has been discontinued, to a refund of the amount erroneously billed. Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho "'--~"" "" LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 14 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' 8.4 The Company shall not be liable for any claims for loss or damages involving: Any act or omission of: (1) the Customer, (2) any other entity furnishing Service equipment or facilities for use in conjunction with Services or facilities provided by the Company; or (3) common carriers or warehousemen; Any delay or failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond the Company s control, including but not limited to, acts of God, fires, floods earthquakes, hurricanes, or other catastrophes; national emergencies, insurrections riots, wars or other civil commotions; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; criminal actions taken against the Company; unavailability, failure or malfunction of equipment or facilities provided by the Customer or third parties; and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof; Any unlawful or unauthorized use of the Company s facilities and Services; Libel, slander, invasion of privacy or infringement of patents, trade secrets, or copyrights arising from or in connection with the transmission of communications by means of Company-provided facilities or Services; or by means of the combination of Company-provided facilities or Services with Customer-provided facilities or Services; Breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company facilities; Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' 8.4 (cont' Changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company that render any equipment, facilities or Services provided by the Customer obsolete, or require modification or alteration of such equipment, facilities or Services, or otherwise affect their use or performance, except where reasonable notice is required by the Company and is not provided to the Customer, in which event the Company s liability is limited as set forth in this tariff; Defacement of or damage to Customer premises resulting from the furnishing of Services or equipment on such premises or the installation or removal thereof; Injury to property or injury or death to persons, including claims for payments made under Workers' Compensation law or under any plan for employee disability or death benefits, arising out of, or caused by, any act or omission of the Customer, or the construction, installation, maintenance, presence, use or removal of the Customer facilities or equipment connected, or to be connected to the Company s facilities; Any intentional, wrongful act of a Company employee when such act is not within the scope of the employee s responsibilities for the Company and/or is not authorized by the Company; Any representations made by Company employees that do not comport, or that are inconsistent, with the provisions of this tariff; Any noncompletion of calls due to network busy conditions; Any calls not actually attempted to be completed during any period that Service is unavailable. Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 16 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1, 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the Customer or User from and against any and all claims, loss, demands, suits, expense, or other action or any liability whatsoever, including attorney fe~s, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by the Customer or by any other party, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, including environmental contamination, whether owned by the Customer or by any other party, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate maintenance, presence, condition, location, use or removal of any Company or Customer equipment or facilities or Service provided by the Company. The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Company shall be indemnified defended and held harmless by the Customer from and against any and all claims, loss demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, including attorney fees, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, including environmental contamination, whether owned by the Customer or by any other party, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation operation, failure to operate, maintenance, presence, condition, location, use or removal of any equipment or facilities or the Service. The Company assumes no responsibility for the availability or performance of any cable or satellite systems or related facilities under the control of other entities, or for other facilities provided by other entities used for Service to the Customer, even if the Company has acted as the Customer s agent in arranging for such facilities or Services. Such facilities are provided subject to such degree of protection or nonpreemptibility as may be provided by the other entities. Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho ,. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John 1. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 17 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability of the Company, (Cont' Any claim of whatever nature against the Company shall be deemed conclusively to have been waived unless presented in writing to the Company within thirty (30) days after the date of the occurrence that gave rise to the claim. THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS , EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. -- -'---- IDiO40Ja LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John 1. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 18 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of the Customer 9.4 The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders; for complying with tariff regulations; for the placement of any stickers or tent cards provided by the Company or as required by law; and for assuring that Users comply with tariff regulations. The Customer shall ensure compliance with any applicable laws, regulations, orders or other requirements (as they exist from time to time) of any governmental entity relating to Services provided or made available by the Customer to Users. The Customer is also responsible for the payment of charges for calls originated at the Customer s numbers which are not collect, third party, calling card, or credit card calls. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred for special construction and/or special facilities which the Customer requests and which are ordered by the Company on the Customer s behalf. If required for the provision of the Company s Services, the Customer must provide any equipment space, supporting structure, conduit and electrical power without charge to the Company. The Customer is responsible for arranging access to its premises at times mutually agreeable to the Company and the Customer when required by Company personnel to install, repair maintain, program, inspect or remove equipment with the provision of the Company Services. Idaho ;!blic Utilities Commission Of/Ice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho ---, , LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 19 Dated: Febrqary 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of the Customer, (Cont' The Customer shall ensure that the equipment and/or system is properly interfaced with Company facilities or Services, that the signals emitted into the Company s Network are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power, and signal level for the intended use of the Customer and in compliance with the criteria set forth in this tariff, and that the signals do not damage equipment, injure personnel, or degrade Service to other Customers. If the Federal Communications Commission or some other appropriate certifying body certifies terminal equipment as being technically acceptable for direct electrical connection with interstate communications service, the Company will permit such equipment to be connected with its channels without use of protective interface devices. If the Customer fails to maintain the equipment and/or the system properly, with resulting imminent harm to Company equipment, personnel, or the quality of Service to other Customers, the Company may, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Customer s expense. If this fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety, the Company may, upon written, terminate the Customer s Service. The Customer must pay the Company for replacement or repair of damage to the equipment or facilities of the Company caused by the negligent or willful acts of the Customer, Users, or others, by improper use of the Services, or by use of equipment provided by the Customer Users, or others. The Customer must pay for the loss through theft of any Company equipment installed at Customer s premises. The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for Services and equipment provided under this tariff. Printed in the U. Idaho ~'!blic Utilities Commission ACe ~~T E~h ~W~7 LI N MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel -Original Page 20 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1, 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Responsibilities of the Customer, (Cont' The Customer is responsible for compliance with the applicable regulations set forth in this tariff. The Customer shall indemnify and save the Company harmless from all liability disclaimed by the Company as specified in this tariff, arising in connection with the provision of Service by the Company, and shall protect and defend the Company from any suits or claims against the Company and shall pay all expenses and satisfy all judgments rendered against the Company in connection herewith. The Company shall notify the Customer of any suit or claim against the Company of which it is aware. Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 21 Dated: Febrqary 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Liability for Unauthorized Use of the Network 10.Unauthorized Use of the Network Unauthorized use of the Network occurs when: (1) a person or entity that does not have actual, apparent, or implied authority to use the Network, obtains the Company Services provided under this tariff; or (2) a person or entity that otherwise has actual apparent, or implied authority to use the Network, makes fraudulent use of the Network to obtain the Company s Services provided under this tariff, or uses specific services that are not authorized. The following activities constitute fraudulent use: Using the Network to transmit a message, locate a person, or otherwise give or obtain information, without payment for the service; Using or attempting to use the Network with the intent to avoid payment either in whole or in part, of any of the Company s tariffed charges by either rearranging, tampering with, or making connections not authorized by this tariff to any service components used to furnish the Company s Services or using fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers false credit devices or electronic devices; Toll free callers using the Network with the intent of gaining access to a Customer s outbound calling capabilities on an unauthorized basis; and U sing fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices or electronic devices to defraud or mislead callers. Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the SeCi"etary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1,- 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 22 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1, 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Liability for Unauthorized Use of the Network, (Cont' 10.Unauthorized Use of the Network, (cont' Customers are advised that use of telecommunications equipment and Services including that provided under this tariff, carries a risk of various forms of telecommunications fraud (including, but not limited to, toll, PBX, and Centrex clip-on" fraud perpetrated by Users' who gain access to a Customer s facilities account numbers, security or authorization codes, etc. ). Customers should take all necessary steps to restrict access to their facilities, including the equipment and services provided hereunder, and to detect and prevent unauthorized use of the equipment and services provided by the Company under this tariff. Furthermore Customers must notify the Company verbally or in writing of unauthorized use or charges appearing on the Customer s bill. All charges will be deemed correct and authorized if such notice is not received by the Company within thirty (30) days from the date of issuance of the Customer s bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 23 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Liability for Unauthorized Use of the Network, (Cont' 10.Liability for Unauthorized Use Except as provided for elsewhere in this tariff, the Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for Services provided under this tariff. This responsibility is not changed due to any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer s service or Customer- provided equipment by Users or other third parties, the Customers employees, or the public. The Customer is responsible for payment of all outbound call charges arising from calls placed to a Customer s 800 service number, whether or not such calls are authorized or fraudulent, where the User gains access to the Customer s outbound calling equipment and services. The Customer is liable for all costs incurred as a result of unauthorized use of the Network, including Service charges and any direct, indirect, special, incidental reliance, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages. The Company will take reasonable steps, upon verbal or written notification that fraud has occurred, or is believed to have occurred, to assist the customer in identifying the nature and/or source of the fraud, and in terminating the fraudulent use of the Customer s service. The Company will also assist the Customer in facilitating changes in phone numbers and assist the Customer in identifying the perpetrator( s) of the fraud for purposes of purposes of pursuing civil remedies. The Customer is responsible for payment of any charges related to the suspension and/or termination of Service, and any charges for reconnection of Service, incurred as a result of unauthorized use of the Network. Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission QjfiCe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho .. -- LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 24 Cancels Original Page 24 Issued: April 21 , 2005 Effective: May 1 2005 SECTION 2.0 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Customer Liability for Unauthorized Use of the Network, (Cont' 10.Liability for Calling Card Fraud The Customer is liable for the unauthorized use of the Network obtained through the fraudulent use of a Company Calling Card, provided that the unauthorized use occurs before the Company has been notified. The Customer must give the Company notice that unauthorized use of a Company Calling Card has occurred or may occur as a result of loss, theft or other reasons. For the purposes of this section , " notice" occurs when the Company receives a verbal or written confirmation that unauthorized use of a Company Calling Card has occurred or may occur as a result of loss, theft or other reasons. The limitations on liability in this subsection will not apply to pre-paid or debit cards. 10.4 Liability for Credit Card Fraud The Customer is liable for the unauthorized use of the Network obtained through the fraudulent use of a Credit Card. The liability of the Customer for unauthorized use of the Network by Credit Card fraud may be limited by state or federal law, and the Customer shall seek indemnification from the organization or company issuing such card for unauthorized use thereof. Cancellation of Dedicated Circuits Requests for termination of dedicated circuits must be made in writing to the Company no later than 30 days prior to the requested termination date. All outstanding charges must be paid in full prior the requested termination date. Charges will continue to accrue up to and including the last day of the billing period that includes the requested date of termination. In the event the Customer has signed a term agreement, and requests termination of dedicated circuits prior to the expiration of the term of the contract, early termination penalties will apply as set forth in the Customer s contract for serVIce. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2005 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. ..,u "-- "..,.. --.---'---- (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John 1. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 25 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES Timing of Calls 1.1 Long distance usage charges are based on actual usage of Lightyear s network. 1.2 Usage measurement and rounding is specified on a per-product basis in Section 3 ofthis Price List. 1.3 There will be no billing applied for incomplete calls. Idaho Public Utilities Commission n ff~()=! of the Secretary ACCEP"fED FOR FILING hAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. -, .. ,.,- - .. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 26 Cancel Original Page 26 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Dedicated W-Flex Intrastate Program The Dedicated W-Flex Intrastate Program is offered outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. Service is provided in one, two or three year terms. Volume discounts are also available. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Dedicated W -Flex intrastate service is offered in conjunction with W -Flex interstate and international servIce. Direct Dialed Per Minute Rates TermlUsage Month-to-Month 1 Year $500+ $0.0675 $0.0675 $1000+ $0.0625 $0.0599 None $0.0799 $0.0750 Toll Free Per Minute Rates TermlUsage Month -to-Month 1 Year None $0.0899 $0.0850 $500+ $0.0799 $0.0799 $1000+ $0.0750 $0.0699 (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 77) (M. (M, Id8ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 - .,. """" LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 27 Cancels Original Page 27 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Dedicated S-Flex Intrastate Program The Dedicated S-Flex Intrastate Program is offered for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level orto change to a different Light year service. Dedicated S-Flex Intrastate calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Dedicated S-Flex intrastate service is offered in conjunction with S-F1ex interstate and international servIce. Direct Dialed - Per Minute Rates Flex Plan A Flex Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment , Per Minute RateNone $0.11230 $250.00 -$500.00 $0.1043 Toll Free - Per Minute Rates F1ex Plan A Flex Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment None $250.00 - $500. Per Minute Rate $0.11430 $0.1061 (Material previously found on this Page has been moved to Page78) Printed in the U. Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDiO402 (M, (M, , , " . .. .., " LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 181 Revised Page 28 Cancels Original Page 28 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Flex Switched Intrastate Program The T -Flex Switched Intrastate Program is a long distance service available for outbound and inbound calling via switched access lines. Service is available on a month to month or term basis. Discounts are also available based on usage commitment. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. A Monthly Recurring Charges is also applied. The T -Flex Switched Program intrastate service is offered in conjunction with T -Flex Switched Program interstate and international services. Direct Dial Per Minute Rates Term/Usage Month-to- Month 1 Year 2 Years Rate $0.224 $0.158 $0.129 Toll Free Per Minute Rates Term/Usage Month -to-Month 1 Year 2 Years Rate $0.165 $0.223 $0.171 Monthly Recurring Charge Monthly Recurring Charge $5. (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 79) Printed in the U. Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho - '-' .-. "- . ,- ) IDi0402 (M. (M, LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 29 Cancels Original Page 29 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' , Q-Flex Switched Intrastate Program The Q-Flex Switched Intrastate Program is offered to Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Special rates are available on the Customer s total monthly term and! or usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Flex Switched intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Q-Flex Switched interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed - Per Minute Rates TermlUsage None $500+000+ Month-to- Month $0.135 $0.125 $0.115 1 Year $0.130 $0.120 $0.110 2 Years $0.125 $0.115 $0.105 3 Years $0.120 $0.110 $0.100 (B)Toll Free - Per Minute Rates TermlUsage None $500+000+ Month-to- Month $0.155 $0.150 $0.145 1 Year $0.150 $0.145 $0.140 2 Years $0.145 $0.140 $0.135 3 Years $0.140 $0.145 $0.130 (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 80) Id'aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. --... -.., ....- ' 0 , IDi0402 (M, (M, LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 30 Cancels Original Page 30 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Local PRI Intrastate Long Distance Plan The Local PRI Intrastate Long Distance Plan is an optional long distance service plan available local PRI Customers for outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling. Service is available on a term basis only. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. The Local PRI Intrastate Long Distance PIan is offered in conjunction with Local PRI Interstate and International Long Distance Plans. Service is provided where facilities are available. Service may not be available in all areas. Direct Dial Per Minute Rates Term/Usage 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Per Minute Rate $0.0650 $0.0599 $0.0550 Toll Free Per Minute Rates Term/Usage 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Per Minute Rate $0.0800 $0.0750 $0.0699 (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 81) (M, (M, Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING - 0 =:-OCT 2,- 2004 . " Boise, Idaho -, ---,...., ,.. Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: April 21, 2005 Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 3 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 31 Effective: May 1 , 2005 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' OverDrive Dedicated Long Distance Plan OverDrive Dedicated Long Distance Plan is a long distance service available to customers for outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. Service is available on a month to month or term basis. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. OverDrive Dedicated Long Distance intrastate service is offered in conjunction with OverDrive Dedicated Long Distance interstate and international services. Service is provided where facilities are available. Direct Dial Per Minute Rates Term Month-to-Month 1 Year 2 Years Rate $0.0650 $0.0599 $0.0550 Toll Free Per Minute Rates Term Month-to-Month 1 Year 2 Years Rate $0.0800 $0.0750 $0.0699 Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 "- 2005 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 32 Cancels Original Page 32 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 83) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretanl ACCEPT D FOR FILING OCT 2.- 2004 Boise, Idaho ."~-' "'0 ... Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 33 Cancels Original Page 33 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 84) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho -..~~.-... ...', "",'.- ...,:. - -, Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 34 Cancels Original Page 34 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 85) Idaho Pubiic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 35 Cancels Original Page 35 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 86) Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . ....-" --. IDiO402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 181 Revised Page 36 Cancels Original Page 36 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 87) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in theU. S .IDi0402 , 0.. ", (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 37 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' ISDN PRI and BRI Services Lightyear s Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) provides ISDN connectivity for Lightyear customers through the interexchange network. ISDN provides for the simultaneous transmission of voice, data or video on ISDN lines at 56/64 kbps. Customers are responsible for the dedicated access 544 mbps connection for Primary Rate Interface or the switched access Basic Rate Interface. Switched access BRI lines must be PIC'd to Lightyear s specified underlying carrier. PRI usage is billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum duration of six (6) seconds. BRI usage is billed six (6) second increments after a minimum duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Service is offered only from areas where it is technically available. ISDN PRI and BRI intrastate service is offered in conjunction with ISDN PRI and BRI interstate and international ISDN PRI and BRI service. Rates: (A)Switched Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Per Minute Rate:2100 (B)Dedicated Primary Rate Interface (PR!) Per Minute Rate:$0.1550 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offi~e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. ----- LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23, 2004 Idaho Price List No. 181 Revised Page 38 Cancels Original Page 38 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 88) Printed in the U. S . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Gteive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 39 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Switched Senrices Program Switched Services Program is offered to Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. The Switched Services Program intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Switched Services Program interstate and international service. (A)Switched Senrices Program Rates Direct Dialed Per Minute Rate:$0.1490 Toll Free Per Minute Rate:$0.1490 Calling Card Per Minute Rate:$0.099 Idaho Pl!blic Utilities Commission Qff!~~ ~f the. SecretaryACCEPT ED FOH FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 40 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Flex Plan Service Flex Plan Service is a long distance service available to both existing and new long distance Customers for outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Service is available on a month to month or term basis. Discounts are also available based on usage commitment. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Flex Plan Intrastate Service is offered in conjunction with FlexPlan interstate and international service. Service is provided where facilities are available. Service may not be available in all areas. (A)Direct Dial Per Minute Rates TermlUsage None $500 $1,000+ Month-to-Month $0.313 $0.221 $0.181 1 Year $0.284 $0.201 $0.164 2 Years $0.261 $0.184 $0.151 3 Years $0.241 $0.170 $0.139 4 Years $0.224 $0.158 $0.129 (B)Toll Free Per Minute Rates TermlUsage None $500 000+ to-$0.312 $0.231 $0.205 1 Year $0.284 $0.210 $0.186 2 Years $0.260 $0.193 $0.171 3 Years $0.240 $0.178 $0.158 4 Years $0.223 $0.165 $0.146 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 41 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Flex Plan Options - Direct Dialed and Toll Free The following FlexPlan Options are available to current Lightyear Customers only for outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Service is available on a month to month basis. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. FlexPlan Options Intrastate Service is offered in conjunction with FlexPlan interstate and international service. Service is provided where facilities are available. Service may not be available in all areas. Option A Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. U sage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Monthly recurring charge applies. Direct Dialed Toll Free Monthly Recurring Charge Per Minute Rate $0.189 $0.189 None Option B One year term commitment required. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Monthly recurring charge applies. Direct Dialed Toll Free Monthly Recurring Charge Per Minute Rate $0.179 $0.179 None Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOf~ FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 42 Cancels Original Page 42 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 89) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 43 Cancels Original Page 43 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 90) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 '" (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 44 Cancels Original Page 44 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 91) Idi3ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING " . ,: . ' OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho " ) Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 45 Cancels Original Page 45 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 92) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 46 Cancels Original Page 46 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 93) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sf.'cretarvACCEPTED FOR FfLING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho '0. .., ".", -0 Printed in the U. S .IDiO402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 47 Cancels Original Page 47 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 94) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPT D FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho , - Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23, 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 48 Cancels Original Page 48 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT'D. Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 95) Printed in the U. S . Idf1ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG OCT 21 .. 2004 Boise, Idaho ._.._...,.._--_...-_.....--..,...~.._ IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 49 Cancels Original Page 49 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 96) Idaho Public Utilities Commission ; Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 50 Cancels Original Page 50 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 97) Printed in the U. S . Idaho Public Utilities Commission ff' ' , ne, l".h., ~ 0(' ",~-I-", 'II"'vI , !i\"J""J,\_lW) ACCEPTED FOH FILING OCT 21~ 2004 Boise, Idaho ...,.._-,--,........, IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 51 Cancels Original Page 51 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 98) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACC PTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 52 Cancels Original Page 52 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 99) Printed in the U. S . Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 53 Cancels Original Page 53 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 100) Id,aho P~blic Utilities Commission qffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . .. -. IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 54 Cancels Original Page 54 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 101) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPT FOf-'( FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 55 Cancels Original Page 55 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 102) Idgho Public Utilities Commission f; "0 n /:J c;"I"l1t"'H\",.,' Lv "co" .,LU ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) " ':'-, - LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 56 Cancels Original Page 56 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 103) Idilho P~blic Utilities Commission Off,ce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 57 Cancels Original Page 57 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 104) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secre't(Jt' ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 21- 2004 Boise, Idaho , ,.. " ..'" - Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) ... . -.. ' i LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 58 Cancels Original Page 58 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 105) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho , . ' i Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 59 Cancels Original Page 59 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 106) Printed in the U. S . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1: Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. 181 Revised Page 60 Cancels Original Page 60 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 107) Printed in the U. S . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 61 Cancels Original Page 61 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 108) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U.IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 62 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services (A)General Roundtable Conference Services are available to Customers who wish to hold telephonic meetings with multiple voice or video connections simultaneously. (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service provides the Customer with the ability to hold a conference with multiple participants via telephone. The Customer makes a reservation specifying the conference bridge time (or periods of time) and number of lines required. Additional Conference Calling Features may be requested at that time (as listed below). The Conference Call may be selected as either automated or attended. The Company provides the Customer with a Conference telephone number and a security code when the Customer makes the Conference Call reservation. The Customer may select between using a toll or a toll-free method of access. At the scheduled date and time, each participant dials the designated dial- in number. Participants will be prompted to enter the conference security code using a touch- tone phone, or provide the host name and company name to the operator. Once the security code is entered, the caller is added to the Conference. Tones will indicate entrances to/exits from the Conference once it is underway. If a toll call access method is selected, each Conference participant will be billed by their designated toll carrier for transmission into the teleconference bridge. My Call Conferencing Service provides the Customer with a permanent dial-in number and passcode which can be used twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, without intervention by an attendant or administrator. The Customer may contact a Conference Attendant during any Conference Call to use enhanced features or to answer questions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secreta ACCEPTED FOH F(LING MAR 1 ,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 63 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (cont' Conference Types (a) (b) Automated Meet Me - The Company provides the Customer with a Conference telephone number when the Conference Call reservation is made. At the scheduled date and time, each participant dials into the Conference Call using this number. An Automated Conference Attendant will greet and acknowledge each participant's entry into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. Each Dial In Conference participant will be billed by their designated toll carrier for transmission into the Conference bridge. Automated Meet Me Toll Free - The Company provides the Customer with a toll-free Conference telephone number when the Conference Call reservation is made. At the scheduled date and time, each participant dials into the Conference using this number. An Automated Conference Attendant will greet and acknowledge each participant's entry into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. (c)Operator Assisted Dial Out - At the scheduled date and time for the Conference, a Company Conference Attendant calls each participant and places them into the Conference. Tones may be used instead of announcements to indicate entrances to/exits from the Conference once it is underway. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John 1. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 64 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Senrices, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Senrice, (cont' Conference Types, (continued) (d)Attendant Meet Me - The Company provides the Customer with a Conference telephone number when the Conference Call reservation is made. At the scheduled date and time, each participant dials into the Conference Call using this number. A live attendant will greet each participant and take the host and company name to enter the participant into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. Each Dial In Conference participant will be billed by their designated toll carrier for transmission into the Conference bridge. (e)Attendant Meet Me Toll Free - The Company provides the Customer with a toll-free Conference telephone number when the Conference Call reservation is made. At the scheduled date and time, each participant dials into the Conference using this number. A live attendant will greet each participant and take the host and company name to enter the participant into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 65 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Senrices, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Senrice, (cont' Conference Types, (continued) (1)MyCall Conferencing - With MyCall Conferencing, service is available for use at the Customer s discretion twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week without the need to make a reservation. The Company provides the Customer with own bridge number and a permanent pass code. An Automated Conference Attendant will greet and acknowledge each participant's entry into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. Each Dial In Conference participant will be billed by their designated toll carrier for transmission into the Conference bridge. Touchtone enhanced features are available with this servIce. (g) MyCall Conferencing Toll Free - With MyCall Conferencing Toll Free service is available for use at the Customer s discretion twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week without the need to make a reservation. The Company provides the Customer with own toll free bridge number and a permanent pass code. An Automated Conference Attendant will greet and acknowledge each participant's entry into the call. Tones will signal entrances to and exits from the Conference once it is underway. Touchtone enhanced features are available with this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ~iAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 66 Cancels Original Page 66 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (cont' d. Application of Rates and Charges (a)Usage Charges Conference Call usage charges are billed in one minute increments. All Conference Calling Service toll free charges are billed to the Customer who has arranged the call. Charges are based an actual (versus reserved) usage. Billing for each station begins when connected to the bridge. Billing ends when the station is disconnected. Usage minutes are totaled into call type categories for rating, and invoicing purposes. Rating is rounded to the next nearest whole minute within each call type category. Conference Type 1 + M yCall Conferencing Toll Free MyCall Conferencing Attendant Meet Me Toll Free Meet Me Dial-out Operator Assisted 1 + Automated Meet Me Toll Free Automated Meet Me Rate Per Minute $0. $0. $0. $0. $0.25 $0. $0.20 Combination Conference Price is based on services provided (b)Cancellation of Reservation No charge will be assessed for Conference Calls that are canceled or rescheduled. (c)Overbooking No penalty will be assessed for Conference calls for which excess lines have been reserved. (Some material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 66. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDiO402 (T) (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 66. Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (cont' d. Features - Descriptions The following features are available for all Audio Conference Calling Services at the rates and charges shown below. Additional non-telephonic services, such as overnight mail, typed transcripts or tape recordings, duplicate tapes, foreign language interpretation, and certified stenographer reporting are available at additional cost. (a)Participant Prenotification - Allows a Conference Attendant to notify all participating callers of the date and time of a scheduled call upon at least hours' advance notice by the Customer. (b)Full Time Operator Monitor - Provides for a live operator to attend the entire conference call. (c)Electronic Question and Answer/Polling - Electronic Question and Answer allows the Customer to conduct an orderly Question and Answer session. Participants indicate via touch -tone keypads that they wish to ask a question. This option must be requested at the time the Conference Call is reserved. Polling allows a Conference Call1eader or Conference Attendant to conduct an opinion poll or survey by asking participants to indicate their responses via touch-tone keypads. Customers must provide the Conference Attendant 24 hours advance notice to establish this feature for the call. Id,aho Pl~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 21- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (T) (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 181 Revised Page 67 Cancels Original Page 67 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (cont' (T) Features - Descriptions, (continued) (d) (e) (t) Printed in the U. S . Communications Line - Provides a separate line of communication between the Customer and a live operator only, for use during the Conference Call. This line is separate from the lines used by the Conference Call participants, and other participants cannot hear Communications Line conversation. RSVP Line - Provides a separate line for callers to respond to a Conference Call invitation via a toll-free line, and to leave recorded messages. Digital Tape Playback Voice Capture - Provides for the Conference Call to be recorded (captured), in order for Customers to be able to play back the Conference Call at their convenience. (g) 800 Digital Tape Playback - Allows Customer or those whom the Customer designates to listen to replay of a recorded Conference Call at their own convenience. The playback will be made available for a specified period of time. Callers dial a pre-arranged toll-free number and enter a passcode to access the recorded Conference Call. (h)Digital Tape Playback - Allows Customer or those whom the Customer designates to listen to replay of a recorded Conference Call at their own convenience. The playback will be made available for a specified period of time. Callers dial a pre-arranged and enter a passcode to access the recorded Conference Call. Each caller will be billed by their designated toll carrier for transmission during the Playback. The feature is available on a 1 + or toll-free basis. Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office 01 the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 8t Revised Page 68 Cancels Original Page 68 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (cont' d. (T) Features - Descriptions, (continued) (i) (j) (k) Printed in the U. S . Standing Reservations - Provides an on-going reservation for a Conference Call at a specified time at regular intervals as designated by the Customer. Subconferencing - Allows Customers to designate participants to conference privately within a Conference Call and then return to the main call. Conference Security Lock Out - Blocks the ability to enter into an on- going Conference Call by pressing the touch pad to lock the Conference Call, or by pressing *0 to summon the operator, and request that the Conference be closed to additional callers. (I)Participant List - Facsimile - At the Customer s request Conference Coordinator will compile and distribute Conference Call participant lists via facsimile. (m)Broadcast/Listen Only - Provides the Customer with the option to put participants into a "listen only" mode during the Conference Call, so that participants can here the Customer but their own voices cannot be heard. The Customer may start and stop this feature at anytime or at multiple times during the Conference Call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23, 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 68. Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (B)Roundtable Audio Conference Calling Service, (co nt' d. Features - Rates and Charges (a)Standard Features The following standard features are available on every type of conference call: Participant Roll Call On Hold Music One Touch Operator Assistance ("*" + " (b)Optional Features no charge no charge no charge The following features are available at Customer request: Participant Prenotification Full Time Operator Monitor Electronic Question & Answer QueuinglPolling Communications Line RSVP Line Digital Tape Playback Voice Capture 800 Digital Tape Playback Meet Me Digital Tape Playback 1 + Digital Tape Playback Standing Reservations Sub-Conferencing Conference Security Lock Out Passcode Conference Participant List - Fax Back Broadcast / Listen Only $2.00 per person 1 O~ add'l per minute 1 O~ add'l per minute $30.00 per call $50.00 per call $20.00 per call $0.55 per minute $0.33 per minute $0.33 per minute no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge no charge Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fi LI NG OCT 2,- 2004 Printed in the U. S . Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (N) I(N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 69 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (C)Roundtable Video Conference Calling Service The Company offers three Service options associated with Roundtable Video Conference Calling Service: Basic Service - With Basic Service, users may dial in to a pre-configured Multipoint Control Unit at the scheduled conference time. Callers will see themselves on the video screen until the site is connected. Video sites may interact as they become connected. Assistance may be obtained by calling Lightyear s Technical Help Desk or the Video Reservations Center. Enhanced Service - With Enhanced Service, a Lightyear Roundtable Video Operator is available for assistance during the video conference. The Video Operator will greet users/attendees, assure proper connections, and provide assistance and answer questions as needed. A Video Operator will, upon request, conduct a roll call prior to the start of the conference. Premium Service - With Premium Service, all features of Basic and Enhanced Service are provided. In addition, the subscriber to Premium Service can utilize Continuous Presence which allows conference participants to see up to sixteen other locations simultaneously on the receive monitor of their video conferencing system. Idmho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 11- 2004 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 69. Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (C)Roundtable Video Conference Calling Service, (co nt' d. Application of Rates and Charges The following services are available for Video Conference Calling Services at the rates and charges shown below. Additional non-telephonic services, such as video taping, transcription, and provision of additional copies are available at additional cost. (a) (b) Printed in the U. S . Video Conference Rates Conference Types Basic Service Enhanced Service Premium Service Video Communication Rates Communication Charges Network - 112/128 Kbps (2 Channel) Network - 336/384 Kbps (6 Channel) (c)Audio Bridging Rates Audio Bridging Charge Operator Assisted Toll Free Meet Me 1 + Meet Me Location Rates Per Minute $0. $1.00 $1. Location Rates, Per Hour $48. $144. Participant Rates Per Minute $0. $0. $0. (d)Optional Features (available at customer request) Voice Capture Permanent Standing Reservation $20.00 per call No charge Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sacretary ACCEPTED FOR FIL!NG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 69.2 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Roundtable Conference Services, (Cont' (D)Facsimile Services Facsimile Services All calls are billed in one (1 ) minute increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) second increments up to a minute. Following are the rate and charges for transmission of facsimiles: F ax Broadcast Peak (7:00am - 5:30pm) Non-Peak (5:30pm - 7:00am) Fax on Demand Direct Dial Toll Free $0.25 per minute $0.23 per minute $0.55 per minute $0.55 per minute Id.aho r P!~bJic Utilities Commission Jffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho IDiO402 (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 70 Dated: February 20, 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Lightyear Calling Card Senrice Lightyear s Calling Card Service provides telecommunications services and optional enhanced services to customers while traveling away from the office or home. Customers must dial a toll-free access number followed by their authorization code to make a call or use the service. A monthly credit limit will be assigned to each card for fraud protection. Customers have the option of raising or lowering the limit amount to best suit their calling practices. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) increment after the initial minimum period of eighteen (18) seconds. Various rate options are available based on term commitments as shown below. (A)Lightyear Calling Card Senrice - Rates and Charges Plan M (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.2500 $0.1990 (b)Per Call Senrice Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0.25 Plan 24 (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.1990 $0.1990 (b)Per Call Senrice Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 71 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Lightyear Calling Card Service, (Cont' (A)Lightyear Calling Card Service - Rates and Charges, (cont' Plan 36 (a) (b) Plan 48 (a) (b) Plan 60 Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.2500 $0.1990 Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.1750 $0.1750 Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.1690 $0.1690 (b)Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 72 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Lightyear Calling Card Service, (Cont' (A)Lightyear Calling Card Service - Rates and Charges, (cont' Plan 72 (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY:$0.1590 NON-DAY:$0.1590 (b)Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Plan 84 (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY:$0.1490 NON-DAY:$0.1490 (b)Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Plan 96 (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY:$0.1450 NON-DAY:$0.1450 (b)Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Plan 108 (a)Per Minute Rate: DAY: NON-DAY: $0.0990 $0.0990 (b)Per Call Service Charge: Per Lightyear Calling Card Call:$0. Printed in the U. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 73 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Lightyear Calling Card Senrice, (Cont' (A)Lightyear Calling Card Senrice - Rates and Charges, (cont' 10.Enhanced Senrice Charges Certain enhanced services are available in conjunction with the Lightyear Calling Card. Applicable day and non-day interstate rates apply in addition to the following service charges: Senrice Voice Mail, per new message Fax Mail, per new page Speed Dial, per card - monthly charge Broadcast voice, per message, per address Minimum charge per event Broadcast fax, per message, per address Minimum charge per event Conference Calling - set-up fee Cost per minute, per leg Information Services - usage only Senrice Charges $0. $0. $0. $0. $35. $0.30 $35. $1. $0.30 $0.40 11.Expedited Delivery Charge Normal deliver of a calling card is seven to ten business days. Overnight delivery will be provided at the following additional charge: Expedite charge for overnight delivery:$25.00 plus $2.00 per card Idaho Pu bl ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR II": 2004 Printed in the U. Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Idaho Price List No. Issued by: John J. Greive, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Original Page 74 Dated: February 20 2004 Effective: March 1 , 2004 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Driver Long Distance Plan The Driver Long Distance Plan is a long distance service available to both existing and new long distance business Customers for outbound (direct dial) and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Service is available on a month to month or term basis. Discounts are also available based on usage commitment. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Driver Long Distance intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Driver Long Distance interstate and international services. Service is provided where facilities are available. Service may not be available in all areas. Direct Dial Per Minute Rates TermlUsage Month-to- Month 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years None $0.260 $0.240 $0.230 $0.220 $0.210 Toll Free Per Minute Rates TermlUsage Month-to- Month 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years None $0.250 $0.240 $0.230 $0.220 $0.210 $500 $0.210 $0.200 $0.180 $0.165 $0.150 $500 $0.190 $0.180 $0.170 $0.160 $0.150 Printed in the U. $1,000+ $0.150 $0.140 $0.130 $0.120 $0.110 000+ $0.150 $0.140 $0.130 $0.120 $0.110 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 ,- 2004 Boise, Idaho LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74.1 Issued: October 3 2007 Effective: October 13 , 2007Advice Letter 2007- SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service 36.1 General Lightyear Virtual VoIr Prepaid Calling Card Services (the "Card") allows Users to place calls from locations other than their normal place of business, or residence. The User dials either a local access number or a toll-free number, and an automated voice prompt will instruct the User to enter the card number. After validation of the card number, the automated voice prompt will instruct the User to enter a 4-digit pin number. The voice prompt will inform the User of the dollar amount remaining on the card. After the User dials the number, the automated voice prompt will then announce the number of minutes remaining on the card based on the location of the number dialed. Other features and services can be accessed by pressing the "*,, key. With one minute remaining before the card expires, the User will hear an automated warning announcement. With 30 seconds remaining before the card expires the User will hear another automated warning announcement before the call is terminated. The Card is also available for interstate and international calling. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 ZO07 Boise, Idaho Printed in the u.S. (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. Issued: October 3, 2007 Advice Letter 2007-Effective: October 13 , 2007 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.Regulations By registering and using the card, the User agrees to the prices, charges, terms and conditions of this Service. If, upon receipt of the Card, the User does not agree to the prices charges, terms and conditions, the User should not use the card and should cancel the service immediately by calling Lightyear s Customer Service Department. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of the User s account number (sometimes called a PIN) and! or password. The User is responsible for all uses of the account, whether or not actually or expressly authorized. Any unauthorized access of the User s Lightyear account that is the result of the User s negligent handling of any Lightyear account number or password is expressly the liability of the User. The User will not be reimbursed if the Card is used fraudulently or without the User permission. Users should notify Lightyear immediately, in writing, by electronic mail or by calling the Lightyear User support line, if the Card is stolen or if the User becomes aware at any time that their Service is being stolen or fraudulently used. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in the termination of Service and additional charges to the User. Lightyear does not warrant or guarantee that the User will have availability of the toll or access number from all locations within North America. The Lightyear Virtual VoIP Service is strictly limited to use within the jurisdictions where Lightyear has authority to provide the Service. Availability and access to the Service may also be limited by Force Maj eure events or by service outrages of other carriers or network providers of Lightyear that are not within the control of Lightyear. Lightyear assumes no obligation or responsibility for unavailability of service in these situations. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 ZO07 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. Issued: October 3 2007 Advice Letter 2007 -Effective: October 13 2007 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.2 Regulations, (cont' The following are restrictions on the use of this Service: Lightyear offers its services subj ect to availability of facilities, limitations of service offerings, and the provisions of the agreement provided to the User with the Card. The User cannot resell or transfer the Service to any other person for any purpose, or make any charge for the use of the Service. Services provided by Lightyear under the agreement will not be used: (1) For any unlawful purpose; (2) For making telephone calls that use automatic dialing devices and terminate into electronic information services, pay-per-call services, or other domestic or international audio text services; or (3) For international call-back offerings using uncompleted call signaling to any country, when that country has prohibited such an offering by statute or regulatory decision. Lightyear may (1) deny, for any lawful reason, a User s request for Service, or (2) limit or allocate the facilities available to or utilized by any Service, if necessary, to manage its network in an efficient manner; meet reasonable service expectations; furnish service to existing and future Users based on forecasted User requirements; or for any other lawful reason. Lightyear may, without notice (consistent with governing laws or regulations), block traffic to or from specific countries, country codes, cities, city codes, local telephone exchanges ("NXX exchanges ), individual telephone stations, groups or ranges of individual telephone stations, or calls using certain User authorization codes whenever Lightyear deems it necessary to take such action to prevent (1) the unlawful use of service; (2) nonpayment for service; (3) the use of service in violation of this Agreement; or (4) network blockage or the degradation of service furnished to Lightyear s User or other Users. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 ZOO? Printed in the U.Boise, Idaho (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74.4 Issued: October 3, 2007 Effective: October 13, 2007Advice Letter 2007 - SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.2 Regulations, (cont' Lightyear may terminate the Service at any time in its sole discretion, if any charge to User credit card on file with Lightyear is declined or reversed, User s credit card expires and User has not provided Lightyear with a valid replacement credit card or in case of any other non- payment of account charges. If Service is terminated because of a declined or expired credit card or reversed charges by the credit card company, the User fully liable to Lightyear for all charges accrued before termination and for all costs incurred by Lightyear in collecting such amounts, such as (but not limited to) collection costs and attorney s fees. User is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished, and anyone authorized by User to use the service. This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the service undertaken or caused by third parties. If Lightyear hires a collection agency to collect, or attempt to collect, any charges owed Lightyear, User will be liable to Lightyear for an additional payment equal to 35% of the charges owed, where permitted by applicable law. If Lightyear incurs any fees or expenses including attorneys' fees, in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed Lightyear other than by hiring a collection agency, User will be liable to Lightyear for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred. Lightyear reserves the right to discontinue furnishing services, cancel the account, and!or block access to Lightyear network, without incurring any liability, immediately and without notice if Lightyear deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect Lightyear s personnel, agents, facilities, or services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 1 3 2007 Printed in the u.S.Boise, Idaho (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. Issued: October 3 , 2007 Advice Letter 2007-Effective: October 13 , 2007 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.3 Terms of Service The Card is offered on a monthly basis which begins on the date that Lightyear activates the Service and ends on the day before the same date in the following month. The minimum term length is one (1) month. The Card is a prepaid calling service. The card is unusable until registered and loaded. Each time the Card is used, a per minute charge based on the call destination will be deducted from the Card. A schedule of rates by destination is located in this Tariff, and at http://vcard.lightyear.net. If aU ser does not use all ofthe dollars/minutes within the monthly bill cycle they were purchased, the dollar/minutes will expire and will not roll over to the next month regardless of whether the minutes were part of the initial purchase or are-charge of minutes. Lightyear is not responsible for any long distance charges incurred by the User when dialing a local access number. User should verify with their current Local Carrier and review their existing local and long distance plan to guarantee that no long distance charges will be charged to User s account. User should not dial a "1" when dialing a local access number. Lightyear is not responsible for any airtime or other charges from User s mobile phone service provider. Calls made to 311, 411, 711 and 911 , as well as 500, 700, 800/888 , 900 and 976 numbers and calls requiring operator assistance and!or the quotation of time and charges cannot be completed using the Lightyear Virtual VoIr Prepaid Calling Card. Air to ground and high seas service may not be completed. Calls may not be completed using a rotary telephone service. Lightyear does not offer collect calls via this Service. The Service cannot be accessed via a pay telephone. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 2007 Boise, Idaho Printed in the u.S. (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. Issued: October 3 2007 Advice Letter 2007 -Effective: October 13, 2007 SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.3 Terms of Service, (cont' The User must provide Lightyear with a valid credit card number at the time the Service is activated. The credit card used to load and register the Card will be charged automatically each month with the same dollar amount originally purchased or as modified by the User until such time as the User cancels the Service through http://vcard.lightyear.net, or by calling Lightyear s Customer Service Department. If the credit card expires, or User closes the credit card account, or User s billing address changes, or the credit card is cancelled and replaced because ofloss or theft, User must advise Lightyear immediately. If User s credit card is cancelled or determined to be invalid, Service will be disconnected immediately upon e-mail notice to User. Service will be restored upon request once a valid credit card is presented. Lightyear will electronically invoice all charges on a monthly basis, in advance, to User credit card, including but not limited to: re-charge fees, disconnection fees, and monthly Service fees, and any applicable taxes and regulatory fees. If Lightyear changes its rates, the recurring monthly charges affected by such change will be, assessed at the new rate for the full billing period during which the new recurring charge rate became effective. This credit card authorization will remain valid until thirty (30) days after Lightyear receives written notice from the User terminating Lightyear 's authority to charge the credit card, whereupon Lightyear may charge User a disconnect fee and any other outstanding charges and terminate the Service. All payments must be made in United States Currency. The Card has no cash value, and there are no refunds, returns or exchanges associated with the Card. No refund will be provided ifthe Card is cancelled before usage is depleted. The discontinuance of service( s) by Lightyear pursuant to these provisions does not relieve User of any obligation to pay Lightyear for charges due and owing for service( s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 2007 Boise, Idaho Printed in the u.S. (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. Issued: October 3, 2007 Effective: October 13 2007Advice Letter 2007- SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.Rates and Charges The minimum call duration is one minute. For usage decrement purposes, the length of each metered call is rounded to full minute increments. If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the nearest whole cent. If the computed charges for taxes and surcharges include a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the nearest whole cent. Generally, timing of metered calls begins when the called party or an automated answering device (such as an answering machine or a facsimile machine) answers the call, and ends when one of the parties disconnects from the call. However, some foreign carriers (with whom Lightyear must interconnect in order to terminate calls to foreign countries) designate a call as "answered" when the called party's line rings or after a certain number of rings, and will charge Lightyear for a completed call. In these situations, Lightyear will charge for the call as if it were answered by the called party. The User may select one of the following rate options as the Monthly Recurring Rate to be charged automatically each month to the User s credit card. A User may select a higher priced option at any time free of charge. However, a fee will be assessed if User elects to purchase a lower priced monthly rate option. Applicable taxes and regulatory fees are assessed in addition to the rates and charges shown below. The minimum term for the Card is one (1) month from the date of activation. Customers must allow up to two (2) full business days for a card cancellation request to be processed. Any charges that become due and payable upon cancellation will be billed directly to Customer s credit card. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 2007 Printed in the U.Boise, Idaho (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: Linda Hunt, Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Issued: October 3 2007 Advice Letter 2007 -Effective: October 13, 2007 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 74. SECTION 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.36 Virtual VoIP Prepaid Calling Card Service, (Cont' 36.4 Rates and Charges, (cont'A. Monthly Recurring and Recharge Rates Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Fee to Decrease Monthly Recurring Rate Monthly Recurring Rates $24. $49. $74. $99. $4. There is no fee to set up the Service with the Card. However, a User may re- charge the card (purchase additional minutes) by choosing blocks of service at the rates posted at the time of re-charge. Users can only re-charge once per day, and the cut off for a day is Midnight EST/EDT. The maximum re-charge amount in anyone month cannot exceed $100.00. Fees for Re-Charge blocks of service Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Usage Rates Usage Rate per minute Directory Assistance, per call DID Access $0. $0. Printed in the u.S. $5. $10. $15. $20. 800 Access $0. $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 3 2007 BoiSe, Idaho (N) (N) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 75 Cancels Original Page 75 Issued: April 21 , 2005 Effective: May 1 , 2005 SECTION 4.0 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Directory Assistance Directory Assistance is available to Customers of Lighty ear. A Directory Assistance charge applies to each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance, Per Call $0.(I) Operator Services The Company offers operator assisted ("0+") calling for specialized billing or call placement arrangements. When service is billed through another entity (i.e. the local exchange company) the terms of the billing entity apply. The following payment options are available to end users of Lightyear s service: (A)Collect Calls - This option allows a call to be billed to the called number, provided that the called station accepts responsibility for payment of charges. (B)Calling Card Calls - This option enables an end user to charge a call to a valid telephone company calling card. (C)Third Number Billing - This option allows a call to be billed to a telephone number identified with a station other than the calling or called telephone number, provided that the third party number is not restricted from receiving such charges. (D)Originating Number Billing - This option allows the end user to bill a call to the calling telephone number. End user accepts responsibility for payment of charges. Originating Number Billing may not be accepted from pay telephones and other restricted telephone numbers. All direct dial calls are billed to the originating line. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 "- 2005 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 76 Cancels Original Page 76 Issued: April 21 , 2005 Effective: May 1 , 2005 SECTION 4.0 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (Cont' When service is provided to casual users through aggregator locations or to presubscribed customers the following applies. Usage Charges Per Minute Day Evenin2 Nie:htlW eekend Mileage Initial Each Initial Each Initial Each Minute Add'Minute Add'Minute Add' Minute Minute Minute $0.2300 $0.2300 $0.2000 $0.2000 $0.1600 $0.1600 11-$0.3000 $0.2600 $0.2400 $0.2200 $0.1800 $0.1800 23-$0.3900 $0.3400 $0.3200 $0.2700 $0.2600 $0.2100 56-124 $0.4600 $0.4100 $0.3700 $0.3100 $0.3000 $0.2600 125-292 $0.4900 $0.4400 $0.4200 $0.3700 $0.3300 $0.3100 293+$0.5200 $0.4 700 $0.4400 $0.4000 $0.3 600 $0.3300 Per Call Service Charge: Operator Station to Station Operator Person to Person 3rd Party Billed LEC Calling Card Operator Dialed Surcharge Per Call $2. $3. $2. $0. $1. Idaho Pub\ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIL'NG MAY 1 '- 2005 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. (R) (R) (R) (R) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 77 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES Direct Dial 1 + Service Direct Dial 1 Service allows Customers to make 1 + direct dialed calls from presubscribed telephones. This service is available from equal access end offices only. Customers access the service via switched access lines. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) second increment after the initial minimum period of eighteen (18) seconds. Direct Dial 1 + Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment four levels. Plan M is a basic month-to-month service. Plan 12 offers a discount off of Plan M rates to Customers who commit to a .12 month service term. Plan 24 offers discounted rates to Customers that commit to a 24 month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. (A)U sage Charges Per Minute Plan M Plan 12 Plan 24 Plan 36 DAY $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 NON-DAY $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 26) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho ., .." - '- .. Printed in the U.IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 78 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Toll Free (i.e. "800/888") Service Switched Toll Free Service provides an in-bound Toll Free calling service to Light year Customers. The Light year Customer is billed for each Toll Free call, rather than the call originator. Calls terminate to the Light year Toll Free Customer via switched access lines. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) second increment after the initial minimum period of eighteen (18) seconds. Switched Toll Free Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment. Plan M is a basic month-to-month service. Toll Free Plan 12 offers a discount off of Plan M rates to Customers who commit to a 12 month service term. Toll Free Plan 24 offers discounted rates to Customers that commit to a 24 month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. (A)Usage Charges Per Minute Plan M Plan 12 Plan 24 Plan 36 DAY $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 NON-DAY $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 27) Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 : (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 79 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dedicated Direct Diall + Service Dedicated Direct Dial 1 + Service allows Customers to make 1 + direct dialed calls. Customers access the service via dedicated or special access T -1 (1.544 Mpbs) lines. Service is available only where T- 1 access is available. The Customer is responsible for payment charges associated with the dedicated T -1 circuit. Such charges are normally billed by and paid directly to the access provider (i.e. local exchange carrier). If the Customer requests that Light year order and bill the T -1 circuit, Light year will add a administrative charge equal to 25% of the monthly recurring charge for the circuit to the bill. For usage billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) second increment after the initial minimum period of six (6) seconds. Dedicated Direct Dial 1 + Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment. Plan M is a basic month-to-month service. Plan 12 offers a discount off of Plan M rates to Customers that commit to a 12 month service term. Plan 24 offers discounted rates to Customers who commit to a month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. (A)U sage Charges Per Minute Plan M Plan 12 Plan 24 Plan 36 DAY $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 NON-DAY $0.1 090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 28) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 80 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' 5.4 Dedicated Toll Free (i.e. 800/888) Service Dedicated Toll Free Service provides an in-bound Toll Free calling service to Light year Customers. The Light year Customer is billed for each Toll Free call, rather than the call originator. Calls terminate to the Light year Toll Free Customer via dedicated T-l (1.544) access lines. Service is available only where T -1 access is available. The Customer is responsible for payment charges associated with the dedicated T -1 circuit. Such charges are normally billed by and paid directly to the access provider (i.e. local exchange carrier). If the Customer requests that Lightyear order and bill the T -1 circuit, Light year will add a administrative charge equal to 25% of the monthly recurring charge for the circuit to the bill. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) second increment after the initial minimum period of six (6) seconds. Dedicated Toll Free Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment. Plan M is a basic month-to-month service. Toll Free Plan 12 offers a discount off of Plan M rates to Customers who commit to a 12 month service term. Toll Free Plan 24 offers discounted rates to Customers that commit to a 24 month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. (A)Usage Charges Per Minute Plan M Plan 12 PIan 24 Plan 36 DAY $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 NON-DAY $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 29) Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 81 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Residential Service This service is available to Residential Customers only (the customer s phone number must be assigned to a residential address). To qualify for the service, customers may have no more than two (2) phone lines at the residential address. In addition, no more than thirty (30) percent of the customer s phone use can occur during the daytime calling period. Intrastate service is provided only to customers on Light year s companion interstate Residential Service offering. Residential Service is available to Customers in three plans. Service is accessed via switched access circuits. Calls are billed in full minute increments with a minimum call duration of one minute. Customers may choose the plan that best serves their calling patterns. Residential service may be billed by the Company or a billing agent (such as the local exchange carrier). Calls are billed in full minute increments.F or this service, the applicable rate periods (Day, Evening, Night/W eekend) are indicated in the chart below. (A)Usage Charges Per Minute Plans Plan A Plan B Plan C Day $0.2760 $0.2960 $0.2960 Evening $0.2760 $0.2590 $0.2590 NightlW eekend $0.2760 $0.2590 $0.2430 Rate Periods: Day Rate Evening Night/W eekend Times: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Sunday through Friday 5 :OOpm to 11 :OOpm * All days - 11 :OOpm to 8:00am Saturday 8 :OOam to Sunday 5 :OOpm * * To, but not including (Material on this page has been moved from Page 30) Iā‚¬laho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG , ... OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 82 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 Ultima Card SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Light year s Ultima Card provide telecommunications services and optional enhanced service to customers while traveling away from the office or home. Customers must dial an 800 toll-free access number followed by their authorization code to make a call or use the service. A monthly credit limit will be assigned to each card for fraud protection. Customers have the option of raising or lowering the limit amount to best suit their calling practices. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) increment after the initial minimum period of eighteen (18) seconds. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. No Term Commitment (A) Printed in the U. S . Per Minute Rate DAY: NON-DAY: $0.2500 $0.1990 (B)Per Call Service Charge Per Card:$0. Twenty-four (24) Month Term Option: (A)Per Minute Rate DAY: NON-DAY: $0.1990 $0.1990 (B)Per Call Service Charge Per Card:$0. Thirty-six (36) Month Term Option: (A)Per Minute Rate , DAY: NON-DAY: $0.2500 $0.2500 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 31) 'd~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 , 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 83 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' IDtima Card, (Cont' 7.4 (A) (A) Forty-eight (48) Month Term Option: Per Minute Rate DAY: NON-DAY: Sixty (60) Month Term Option: Per Minute Rate DAY: NON-DAY: Affinity Group Card $0.1990 $0.1990 $0.1750 $0.1750 This card is only available for billing to a commercial card account established with the Affmity Group. (A)Per Minute Rate DAY:$0.2500 NON-DAY:$0.2500 (B)Per Call Service Charge Per Card:$0.25 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 32) Printed in the U. S . Idaho P~blic Utilities Coml"l1ission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 84 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Affinity Group Schedules/ UNITY Residential The Affmity Group Schedules/ UNITY Residential provide 1 + outbound calling services to customers via switched access originating facilities. Service is available to the members of Affmity Groups. Rates vary based on the number of members in the Affmity Group. Calls are billed in full minute increments with a minimum call duration of one minute. Schedule #1 - No Minimum Group Size(A) Per Minute Rates:Day Evening Night/W eekendPlan AI0 $0.2770 $0.2770 $0.2770Plan BI0 $0.2960 $0.2380 $0.2380 Plan C 1 0 $0.2960 $0.2380 $0.2240 Schedule #2 - Minimum Group Size of 100 Members (A)Per Minute Rates: Day Evening Night/W eekend PIan AI00 $0.2440 $0.2440 $0.2440 Plan B 1 $0.2590 $0.2120 $0.2120 Plan CI00 $0.2259 $0.2120 $0.2010 Schedule #3 - Minimum Group Size of 500 Members, (con (A)Per Minute Rates:Evening $0.2180 $0.2010 $0.2060 Night/W eekend $0.2180 $0.2010 $0.2010 Plan A500 Plan B500 Plan C500 Day $0.2180 $0.2300 $0.2300 Rate Periods: Day Rate Evening Night/W eekend Times: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Sunday through Friday 5 :OOpm to 11 :OOpm * All days - 11 :OOpm to 8:00am Saturday 8:00am to Sunday 5:00pm * To, but not including (Material on this page has been moved from Page 33) Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 21~ 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 ,... - ....,_.. (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 85 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' UniRate Service UniRate Switched Access UniRate Switched Access Service provides customers with both outbound and inbound (800) calling at one price. Calls originate and terminate over switched access facilities. Service is available in equal access areas. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. (A)Per Minute Rate: Term Commitment Monthly 6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months 30 months 36 months Per Minute Rate $0.1790 $0.1690 $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 $ 0.1290 (B)UniRate Switched Access 800 Option - The following apply to customer who choose the UniRate 800 option: Installation Fee: Minimum Monthly Usage Fee: $50.00 per reserved 800 number $20.00 per 800 number (Material on this page has been moved from Page 34) Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 86 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' UniRate Service, (Cont' UniRate Direct Access UniRate Direct Access Service provides customers both outbound and inbound (800) calling at one price. Outbound calls originate over dedicated access facilities. Inbound- 800 calls terminate to the Customer over dedicated access facilities. The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges (non-recurring and recurring) associated with the dedicated access line. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. (A)Per Minute Rate: Term Commitment Monthly 12 months 24 months 36 months Per Minute Rate $0.1 090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $ 0.0790 (B)UniRate Direct Access 800 Option - The following apply to customer who choose the UniRate 800 option: Installation Fee:$50.00 per T-l installed (C)U niRate Direct Access 800 Service - The following apply to customer who choose the UniRate 800 option: Installation Fee: Minimum Monthly Usage Fee: $50.00 per reserved 800 number $20.00 per 800 number (Material on this page has been moved from Page 35) Id-aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 87 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' American Business Network (Aff'mity Plan #3) American Business Network is offered to affmity groups for their associated members, organizations agencies or similar entities (herein referred to as "members ). The service provides both direct dial 1 + and in-bound 800 calling. AffInity Groups must commit to a two-year term agreement and to signing up at least 2 500 member commercial accounts with Light year within three months of subscribing to this service. Each individual account must bill a minimum of $100 in Light year services per month. Light year reserves the right to revert rates to the Direct Dial 1 + monthly rates for affmity groups that fail to meet these minimum requirements. A monthly service fee applies to each account. This service fee is billed to the Affmity Group organization. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. (A)Usage Charges (A) (B) Per minute rate:$0.1 090 Monthly Service Fee, per account:$6. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 36) lelaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 88 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDF A THERED SERVICES, (CONT' Plan Services Plan Services are offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched or dedicated access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year product. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate and international service. 12.Switched Access Service (A)Per Minute Rate: Plan Volume Commitment $0-$249. $250 & Over Time of Day Rate PeriodDay Non-Day$0.1390 $0.1390$0.1290 $0.1290Plan A PIan B 12.Dedicated Access Service (A)Per Minute Rate: Plan Volume Commitment $0-$1999. $2000 & Over Time of Day Rate PeriodDay Non-Day $0.0850 $0.0850 $0.0690 $0.0690Plan A Plan B (Material on this page has been moved from Page 38) Id~ho ~~b!ic Utilities Commission Orfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,~ 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 89 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Rate per minute: Direct Dial Service Toll Free Service $0.0633 $0.0733 $0.0544 $0.0644 (M) (M) Combo Long Distance This service is available to new Light year local exchange Customers who select Light year as their presubscribed long distance carrier. Intrastate service is provided in conjunction with interstate and international service. (A)Per Minute Usage Rates Month-to- Month One Year Term (Material on this page has been moved from Page 42) Idiiho P~blic Utilities Commission Ofri~2..Ef the SecretaryACCEPI tJ) FOF~ FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho , " Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 90 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Cornerstone NDP Service Cornerstone NDP Service is offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched or dedicated access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Cornerstone NDP intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Cornerstone NDP interstate and international service. (A)Switched Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan NDP Plan A NDP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $100.00 - $300. $300.01 - $500. Per Minute Rate $0.1390 $0.1390 (B)Dedicated Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan NDP Plan A NDP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $1500.00 - $3000. $3000.01 + Per Minute Rate $0.1290 $0.1290 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 43) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission ':i f g'"D'I" ,lIl "(;,,Io;;la ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 91 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dedicated Elite Program The Dedicated Elite Program is offered to off-net Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. To be eligible for this program, a Light year long distance customer must be a local customer of either Light year Network Solutions, LLC Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Elite intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Elite interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Elite Rates Plan Elite Plan A Elite Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $1000.00 - $1999. $2000.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 44) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S . IDi0402 - " (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 92 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dedicated Saver Program The Dedicated Saver Program is offered to qualified current Light year Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. Only current Light year long distance customers who have less than six (6) months remaining on their current term plan, if applicable, and who are considered in good standing, are eligible for this program. For purposes of the Saver Program customers in good standing are derIDed as those who have paid their bills no later than fifteen (15) days past the date due for three consecutive months. Saver Program customers who lose good standing status must move either to their previous plan or to another plan of their choosing and for which they qualify. For purposes of this Program, a customer will be considered to have lost good standing status if more than one bill within a three (3) month period is not paid by fifteen (15) days past the date due. The minimum term of service for dedicated Saver Program customers is eighteen (18) months. Saver Program customers must have at least six (6) months' service under their current plan before becoming eligible for a lower rate under the Saver Program. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer qualifies for this service. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. The Saver Program intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Saver Program interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan Saver Plan A Saver Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $0.00 - $1999. $2000.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 45) Id.aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise. Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 93 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDF A THERED SERVICES; (CONT' Dedicated Sprint SP Service Dedicated Sprint SP Service is offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may proj ect usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify proj ected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Dedicated Sprint SP intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Dedicated Sprint SP interstate and international service. (A)Dedicated Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan SP Plan A SP Plan B SP Plan C SP Plan D Minimum Monthly Commitment No Minimum $10.00 - $1000. $1000.01 - $2000. $2000.01 + Per Minute Rate $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 46) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office oJ the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS,. LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 94 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D~) Dedicated Toll Free Service Dedicated Toll Free Service provides an in-bound Toll Free calling service to Light year Customers. The Light year Customer is billed for each Toll Free call, rather than the call originator. Calls terminate to the Light year Toll Free Customer via dedicated T-1 (1.544) access lines. Service is available only where T -1 access is available. The Customer is responsible for payment charges associated with the dedicated T -1 circuit. Such charges are normally billed by and paid directly to the access provider (i.e. local exchange carrier). If the Customer requests that Lightyear order and bill the T -1 circuit, Light year will add a administrative charge equal to 250/0 of the monthly recurring charge for the circuit to the bill. For billing purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest six (6) second increment after the initial minimum period of six (6) seconds. Dedicated Toll Free Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment. Plan M is a basic month-to-month service. Toll Free Plan 12 offers a discount off of Plan M rates to Customers who commit to a 12 month service term. Toll Free Plan 24 offers discounted rates to Customers that commit to a 24 month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after the initial minimum period of six (6) seconds. (A)Rates and Charges Plan M Plan 12 Plan 24 Plan 36 Per Minute Rate NON-DAY $0.1 090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 DAY $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 47) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2,- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 95 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dedicated WP Service Dedicated WP Service is offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via dedicated lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Dedicated WP intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Dedicated WP interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan WP Plan A WP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $10.00 - $999. $1000.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 48) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2;- 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDiO402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 96 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Prepaid Calling Card Services Light year Prepaid Calling Card Services allows users to place calls from locations other than their normal place of business. The Customer dials a toll-free number, and an automated voice prompt will instruct the user to enter the 14-digit authorization code. At this time, the voice prompt will inform the user of the number of minutes remaining on the card, and request the user to dial the destination number. With two minutes remaining before the card expires, the caller will hear an automated warning announcement. Calls are measured in one (1) minute increments. Service is paid for in advance of actual usage. Charges for the service are deducted from the available balance on the pre-paid card. Calls to 500, 700, 800/888, 900 and 976 numbers and calls requiring operator assistance and the quotation of time and charges cannot be completed using the Prepaid Calling Card. Air to ground and high seas service may not be completed. Calls may not be completed using rotary telephone service. All calls must be charged against a Prepaid Calling Card that has sufficient available balance. A Customer s call will be interrupted with an announcement one minute before the balance is about to be depleted. Calls in progress will be terminated by the Company if the balance on the Prepaid Calling Card is insufficient to continue the call. The Company does not refund any unused balances in a Prepaid Calling Card Account. Intrastate service is provided in conjunction with interstate and international service. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 49) Id~ho P~bljc Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 97 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Prepaid Calling Card Services, (Cont' (A)Promotional Prepaid Calling Cards Promotional Prepaid Calling Cards are offered to organizations or commercial entities Sponsor ) for distribution to their members, patrons or customers. The marketing vehicle and expiration period is selected by the Sponsor upon j oint agreement between the Company and the Sponsor. The Sponsor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for the use of any trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. The Sponsor must distribute the Prepaid Calling Cards free of charge to end users. At the option of the Sponsor, these cards may not be replenishable. The Company reserves the right to approve or reject any image and to specify the customer information language and use of the Carrier trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. Cards may be purchased in various denominations of dollars or minutes. Promotional Prepaid Calling Cards are non-refundable and non-rechargeable. All cards will expire twelve months following fIrst use or the expiration date on the card (normally three years), whichever comes fIrst. Promotional Prepaid Calling Card service may be discontinued or refused without notice when the established expiration date on the Prepaid Calling Card is reached. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 50) Printed in the U. S . Id-aho P~b!ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2;- 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 98 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDF A THERED SERVICES, (CONT' Prepaid Calling Card Services, (Cont' (B)Retail Prepaid Calling Cards Retail Prepaid Calling Cards are offered in bulk purchases to the Company s agents for purposes of resale to end users. A minimum of 1000 cards is required per order. Cards are available in 10 , 20, 30, and 40 minute increments. Retail Prepaid Calling Cards are renewable. End users may renew the cards at point purchase or via the telephone through the use of a verifiable commercial credit card. All cards will expire twelve months following first use or the expiration date on the card (normally three years), whichever comes fIrst. Prepaid Calling Card service may also be discontinued or refused without notice under the following conditions: For non-payment of any amount past due to the Company by the Customer including non-payment of a Prepaid Calling Account Renewal of a fully-depleted balance. When the Available Usage Balance of a non-renewable account is Depleted to a level insufficient to place R one-minute call to the location of least cost. When the established expiration date of the Prepaid Calling Account is reached. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 51) "'.aha P~bljc Ytilities Commission Office or the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING , :"'... " . "a.' OCT 2 - 2004 Boh;e, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 99 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' 18, Prepaid Calling Card Services, (Cont' (C)Lightyear Prepaid Calling Card Service Light year Prepaid Calling Card Service rates are not distance or time of day sensitive in nature. Holiday discounts do not apply. Network usage for Prepaid Calling Card Calls is deducted from the Available Usage Balance on the Customer s card in full minute increments. For debiting purposes, the minimum call usage is one (1) minute. Promotional Prepaid Calling Cards - Sponsor rate: Pre-printed cards $0.10 per minuteCustomized cards $0.15 per minute Retail Prepaid Calling Cards- Retail rate $0.50 per minute (Material on this page has been moved from Page 52) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 100 Issued: September 23, 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Sprint Cornerstone SDP Service Sprint Cornerstone SDP Service is offered to Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched or dedicated access lines in those service areas for which Sprint is Light year underlying transport provider. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. The Sprint Cornerstone SDP intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Sprint Cornerstone SDP interstate and international service. (A)Switched Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan SDP Plan A SDP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $100.00 - $249. $250.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.1 090 $0.0990 (B)Dedicated Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan SDP Plan A SDP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $1500.00 - $3000. $3001 + Per Minute Rate $0.1390 $0.1290 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 53) Idaho P~b!ic Utilities Commission O!fl~~_?f ,the Secretary ACCEPI to FOH F~LING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 , , (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John 1. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 101 Issued: September 23 , 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Elite Program The Switched Elite Program is offered to off-net Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. To be eligible for this program, a Light year long distance customer must be a local customer of either Light year Network Solutions, LLC or Ameritech. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer 'may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Elite intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Elite interstate and international service. (A)Switched Elite Service - Rates Direct Dialed and Toll Free Elite Service Plan Minimum Monthly Commitment $100.00 - $249. $250.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.1890 $0.1790 Elite Plan A Elite Plan B (Material on this page has been moved from Page 54) la-aha P~bljc Utilities Commission Offl~e of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOF~ FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise Idaho Printed in the U.IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 102 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Maximizer Service Switched Maximizer Service is offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original proj ection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Switched Maximizer intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Switched Maximizer interstate and international service. (A)Switched Maximizer Service - Rates Plan Plan Ul Plan U12 Plan U24 Plan U36 Minimum Term Commitment Month-to-Month 12-Month Term 24-Month Term 36-Month Term Per Minute Day Rate Non-Day Rate$0.1250 $0.1590 $0.1190 $0.1490 $0.1090 $0.1390 $0.0990 $0.1290 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 55) Id,aho P~b/jc Utilities Commission 2fllcG Ef the SecretaryACCt:PTE:D FOR FiliNG OCT 21-: 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi040Z (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23, 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 103 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched MRC Service Switched MRC Service is offered to Customers for outbound' or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verifyprojected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. A flat monthly recurring charge will apply. Switched MRC intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Switched MRC interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan MRC Plan A MRC Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $10.00 - $499. $500.00 + (B)Monthly Recurring Charge: Per Minute Rate $0.1390 $0.1290 $1. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 56) Printed in the U. S . IdiJho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING OCT 21- 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 104 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Prime Program The Light year Switched Prime Program is offered to Customers for outbound calling via switched access lines. The Light year Switched Prime Program provides a package of interstate, intrastate, and international calling plans, with a number of options available depending on the Customer preferences and calling patterns. This Service is available only in areas served by Vartec Communications. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. (A)Direct Dialed Rates Plan Prime A Prime B Prime C Prime D Prime E Per Minute Rate $0.178 $0.160 $0.134 $0.115 $0.1 06 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 57) Id~ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: JohnJ. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 105 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Saver Program The Switched Program is offered to qualified current Light year Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched or dedicated access lines. Only current Light year long distance customers who have less than six (6) months remaining on their current term plan, if applicable, and who are considered in good standing, are eligible for this program. For purposes of the Saver Program, customers in good standing are derIDed as those who have paid their bills no later than fifteen (15) days past the date due for three consecutive months. Saver Program customers who lose good standing status must move either to their previous plan or to another plan of their choosing and for which they qualify. For purposes of this Program, a customer will be considered to have lost good standing status if more than one bill within a three (3) month period is not paid by fifteen (15) days past the date due. The minimum term of service for dedicated Saver Program customers is eighteen (18) months. Switched Saver Program customers must have at least six (6) months' service under their current plan before becoming eligible for a lower rate under the Saver Program. Rates are based on the Customer total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer qualifies for this service. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. The Saver Program intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Saver Program interstate and international service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Elite Rates Plan Saver Plan A Saver Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $10.00 - $99. $100.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.1890 $0.1790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 58) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office 0'( thf\. Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 2,~ 2004 - Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 106 Issued: September 23 2004 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Switched Sprint SRC Service Switched Sprint SRC Service is offered to Customers for outbound and inbound (toll-free) calling via switched access lines in those service areas for which Sprint is Light year s underlying carrier. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level or to change to a different Light year service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. A flat monthly recurring charge will apply. Intrastate Switched Sprint SRC intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate and international Switched Sprint SRC service. (A)Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan SDP Plan A SDP Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $10.00 - $999. $1000.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.1390 $0.1290 (B)$1.Monthly Recurring Charge: (Material on this page has been moved from Page 59) Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 21-:'.2004 Boise, Idaho Printed in the U. S .IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23, 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 107 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' U Rate Service U Rate Service is offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll-free) calling via switched or dedicated access lines. U Rate Service is offered under several Plans based on term commitment. Plan U-l is a basic month-to-month service. Plan U-6 offers a discount off of Plan U-l rates to Customers that commit to a 6 month service term. Plan U -12 offers discounted rates to Customers who commit to a 12 month service term, etc. If a Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the service agreement term, the Customer is assessed a penalty equal to the difference between the appropriate shorter commitment Plan and the Plan under which the Customer has been billed, times the cumulative billed minutes of use from the time service was initiated to the time service was discontinued. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. U Rate intrastate service is offered in conjunction with U Rate interstate and international service. (A)Switched Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan Plan Ul Plan U12 Plan U24 Plan U36 Minimum Term Commitment Month-to- Month 12-Month Term 24-Month Term 36-Month Term Day Rate $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 (B)Dedicated Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan Plan Ul Plan U12 Plan U24 Plan U36 Minimum Term Commitment Month-to-Month 12-Month Term 24-Month Term 36-Month Term Day Rate $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 60) Printed in the U. S . Per Minute Non-Day Rate $0.1590 $0.1490 $0.1390 $0.1290 Per Minute Non-Day Rate $0.1090 $0.0990 $0.0890 $0.0790 Id'aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M) LIGHTYEAR NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC Issued by: John J. Greive, VP - Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel Issued: September 23 , 2004 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 108 Effective: October 2, 2004 SECTION 5.0 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Xpress Service Xpress Rate Plans are offered to Customers for outbound or inbound (toll- free) calling via switched or dedicated lines. Rates are based on the Customer s total monthly usage commitment, as demonstrated at the time the Customer chooses this service. Alternatively, the Customer may project usage where no prior comparable service applies. The Company reserves the right to verify projected usage after three months of billing. If the Customer s usage is greater or less than the original projection, the Customer will be given the option to continue service at the appropriate rate level orto change to a different Light year service. Switched access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of eighteen (18) seconds. Dedicated access calls are billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of six (6) seconds. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest penny on a per call basis. Xpress Rate Plan intrastate services are offered in conjunction with Xpress Rate Plan interstate and international services. (A)Switched Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan Xpress Plan A Xpress Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $0.00 - $499. $500.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.1390 $0.1290 (B)Dedicated Direct Dialed and Toll Free Rates Plan Xpress Plan A Xpress Plan B Minimum Monthly Commitment $0.00 - $499. $500.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.0850 $0.0690 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 61) Printed in the U. S . Id~ho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2004 Boise, Idaho IDi0402 (M) (M)