HomeMy WebLinkAboutLDMI Telecommunications Inc CANCELED Replaced by No 3.pdfLDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Title Page COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF (This price list, Idaho Price List No., filed by LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel cancels and replaces in its entirety, the current tariff on file with the Commission Idaho Price List No., issued by Long Distance of Michigan d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel) INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF OF IDAHO LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel This tariff is filed in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. All services contained in this tariff are competitive. This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of service and facilities for interexchange telecommunications services provided by LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel ("LDMI"). This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Copies may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company s principal place of business. LDMI's Toll-Free No.: 800-374-5364. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 1 Cancels Original Page 1 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF CHECK SHEET Pages of this tariff, as indicated below, are effective as ofthe date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE Title REVISION Original First Original Original Original Original Original Original Original First Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * - indicates those pages included with this filing. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 3 0 2006 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 6/21/06 Effective: 6/30/06 Aloysius T. Lawn, IV, Executive Vice President 6805 Route 202 New Hope, P A Advice Letter No. 2006- LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 2 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Title Check Sheet Table of Contents Symbols Tariff Format SECTION 1.0 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations SECTION 2.0 - Rules and Regulations SECTION 3.0 - Description of Service and Rates SECTION 4.0 - Miscellaneous Services Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 3 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) (D) (I) (M) (N) (R) (T) To signify changed regulation. To signify discontinued rate, regulation or text. To signify increased rate. To signify material relocated from one page to another without change. To signify new rate, regulation, or text. To signify reduced rate. To signify a change in text, but no change in rate or regulation. When changes are made in any tariff sheet, a revised sheet will be issued canceling the tariff sheet affected. Changes will be identified on the revised sheet(s) through the use of the above-mentioned symbols. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING OCT 1 2 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 10/12/02Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 4 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc., the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 2. 1. LA. 2. 1. LA. 1. 2. 1. LA. l.(a). 2. 1. LA. 1. (a). I. A.l.(a).I.(i). (a).I.(i).(1 ). Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The Check Sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross- reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 5 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 1- TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - A local channel for voice, data, or video communications which connects the Customer location to a location of the Company. Account - The Customer who has agreed, verbally or by signature, to honor the terms of service established by the Company. An account may have more than one access code billed to the same Customer address. Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or End User upon access to the Company s system to notify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use of his or her assigned Authorization Code. Commission - Refers to the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Company - LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel, unless stated otherwise. Company s Point of Presence - Location of the serving central office associated with access to the Company network. Customer - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses service under the terms and conditions of this tariff and is responsible for the payment of charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 6 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 1- TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' End User - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses the service of the Company under the terms and conditions of this tariff. The End User is responsible for payment unless the charges for the service utilized are paid by the Customer. Equal Access - A form of dialed access provided by local exchange companies whereby interexchange calls dialed by the Customer are automatically routed to the Company s network. Presubscribed Customers may also route interexchange calls to the Companys network by dialing an access code supplied by the Company. LATA - Local Area of Transport and Access. LDMI - Refers to LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel. Switched Access - A method for reaching the Company through the local switched network whereby the End User uses standard business or residential local lines. Terminal Equipment - Telecommunications devices, apparatus and associated wiring on the Premises of the Customer. Travel Card - A billing mechanism which enables the Customer to access the service ofthe Company while away from home or office. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 7 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking ofLDMI LDMI's services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLATA and interLATA communications originating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this price list. LDMI installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this price list. LDMI may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the LDMI network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions ofthis price list. LDMI reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this price list, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise. Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 8 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations, (Cont' All services and resold facilities provided under this price list are directly or indirectly controlled by LDMI and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent ofthe Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location ofthe service or facilities. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Presubscribed service is available from equal access locations only. Travel service is available from any originating location in the state. Use Services provided under this price list may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 9 Cancels Original Page 9 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 2.4 Payment for Service All charges due by the Customer are payable to LDMI or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customers are responsible for all charges associated with their account, including all charges placed against Travel Card numbers. Customers claiming not to be responsible for more than five calls on anyone statement may be required to accept a Travel Card number change issued by LDMI. 2.4.Return Check Charge A return check charge of $20.00 will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. Any applicable return check charges will be assessed according to the terms and conditions of the billing entity (i.e. local exchange company and/or commercial credit card company) and pursuant to Idaho law and Commission regulations. 2.4.Late Payment Fee The Company reserves the right to assess a late payment fee of $5 .00 plus 1.5% per month on any past due balance. A balance is considered past due if unpaid thirty (30) days following the date of the bill listing amounts owed by the Customer. Any applicable late payment fees will be assessed according to the terms and conditions of the Company or its billing agent and pursuant to Idaho state law. (I) Taxes All state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 3 0 2006 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 6/21/06 Effective: 6/30/06 Aloysius T. Lawn, IV, Executive Vice President 6805 Route 202 New Hope, PA Advice Letter No. 2006- LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 10 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Cancellation Customers must provide thirty days written notification to LDMI prior to cancellation. Customers are responsible for all charges, including fIXed fees, which accrue up to the cancellation date. Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies Credit allowances for interruptions of service caused by service outages or deficiencies are limited to the initial minimum period call charges for re-establishing the interrupted call. Billed Monthly Minimum Charge All long distance customers will be billed a minimum monthly usage charge of $4.00 if the Customer usage is less than the monthly minimum charge of$4.00. Administrative Fee Customers requesting a change from one rate plan to another rate plan will be required to pay an administrative fee of $5.00 per occurrence. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2200Z Boise. Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 IDiO202 10/12/02 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 11 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES General LDMI provides direct dialed (1+), inbound toll-free, and travel card service for communications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho under terms of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 12 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES, (CONT'D. Timing of Calls Billing for calls placed over the network is based in part on the duration of the call. Timing for all calls begins when the called party answers the call (i.e. when two way communications are established.) Answer detection is based on standard industry answer detection methods, including hardware and software answer detection. Chargeable time for all calls ends when one of the parties disconnects from the call. Minimum call duration for billing purposes is eighteen seconds unless otherwise specified in the individual rate schedules of this tariff. Calls are measured and billed in six (6) second increments (after the initial eighteen seconds) unless otherwise indicated in this tariff. Any partial six (6) second increment is rounded up to a full increment. There is no billing applied for incomplete calls. Rate Periods None ofLDMI's services are time-of-day sensitive. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2 200Z Boise, Idahe Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 13 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES, (CONT' Outbound Service 3.4.General Description Outbound Service is offered to Residential and Business Subscribers for outbound calling. Outbound Service utilizes Customer-provided switched access lines. Usage Rate Per Minute:$0.2250 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 14 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES, (CONT' Inbound Toll-Free (8XX) Service General Description LDMI's Inbound Toll-Free Number Service is an 8XX number service available for Customer use twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Service is terminated over standard Customer-provided switched access lines. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Interstate service. Reservation of Toll-Free Numbers The Company will make every effort to reserve toll-free vanity numbers on behalf of Customers, but makes no guarantee or warranty that the requested toll-free number(s) will be available or assigned to the Customer requesting the number. Toll-Free Number Portability If a Customer accumulates undisputed delinquent charges, the Company reserves the right not to honor that Customer s request for a change in service, including a request for Resp. Org. change, until such charges are paid in full. The Customer does not retain rights in toll-free numbers which are shared with other Customers of the Company. Shared toll-free numbers are not portable. Usage Rate Per Minute:$0.1950 Idaho P~b'it Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 22002 Boise. Idahe Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 15 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES, (CONT' Travel Service General Description Travel Card Service is available in conjunction with other LDMI services, or as a stand-alone offering. The service is typically used for originating telephone calls while away from home or office. Service is accessed by dialing the Company-designated toll-free access number, a valid authorization code, and the destination number. Travel Card Service is billed in six (6) second increments after a minimum call duration of thirty (30) seconds. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with Interstate service. Usage Rate Per Minute:$0.2500 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 /DiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 16 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AND RATES, (CONT' FoneTel Services Description of Rates Switched services are available to business and residential subscribers under the following rate plans. Calls in each rate plan are billed in initial and additional increments with minimum billing increments as specified. No charge is made for uncompleted calls. Basic 1+ Calling Plan Basic 1 + Calling offers InterLA T AlIntraLA T A service to residential and business customers with no monthly service or installation charges. Calls are billed in full minute increments rounded to the next highest full minute of call duration. A Usage Rate Per Minute Rate:$0.19 Basic Toll Free Service (800/888) Basic Toll Free Service is available to customers with a need for toll free service. Calls are billed in initial minimum call durations of one (1) minute and additional increments of one (1) minute rounded to the next higher minute. A Usage Rate Per Minute Rate:$0. Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissiOfl ACC OffIce of the Secretary EPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 1 22002 Boise, Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202 LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications, also d/b/a FoneTel Idaho Price List No. Original Page 17 COMPETITIVE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Directory Assistance Directory Assistance is available to Customers of LDMI Service. A Directory Assistance charge applies to each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance, Per Call $0. Contract Services At the option of the Company, service may be offered on a contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the Customer not contemplated in this tariff. The terms of each contract shall be mutually agreed upon between the Customer and the Company and may include discounts off of rates contained herein, waiver of recurring or nonrecurring charges, charges for specially designed and constructed services not contained in the Company s general service offerings, or other customized features. The terms of the contract may be based partially or completely on the term and volume commitment, type of originating or terminating access, mixture of services or other distinguishing features. Service shall be available to all similarly situated Customers for a fixed period of time following the initial offering to the first contract Customer as specified in each individual contract. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 2200Z Boise. Idaho Issued: By: 10/02/02 Effective: Jerry Finefrock, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs 8801 Conant Avenue Hamtramck, MI 48211 10/12/02 IDiO202