HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegends Communications Inc.pdfLEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Title Page TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc. 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (888) 308-8583 This Price List contains the service descriptions and rates applicable to the furnishing of resold telecommunications services offered by Legends Communications, Inc. Legends ) within the State ofIdaho. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page I CHECK SHEET The Title Page and pages listed below are inclusive and effective as ofthe date shown. Original and revised pages as named below contain all changes from the original Price List that are in effect on the date shown on each page. Page Number Revision Page Number Revision Title Page Original Original Original.Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Indicates pages included with this filing. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page Number TITLE PAGE .................................................. Title CHECK SHEET............................................ ....... TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................ .... EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ..................................... PRICE LIST FORMAT ............................................. SECTION I - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SECTION2-RULESANDREGULATIONS........................... SECTION3-RATESANDSERVICES .............................. SECTION4-MISCELLANEODS ................................... SECTION 5- CONTRACTS AND PROMOTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Idaho~lt:tUtffiPe~ttcim%~I~ 2, 1999 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 3 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: C - To signify Changed Regulation. D - Delete or Discontinue I - Change Resulting in an Increase to a rate M - Moved from Another Price List Location N - New R - Change Resulting in a Reduction to a rate S - Matter Appearing Elsewhere or Repeated for Clarification T - Change in Text But No Change to Rate or Charge Z - Correction Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 4 PRICE LIST FORMAT Page Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the Price List. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc., the most current sheet number on file with the Commission is not always the Price List page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 2. 1. LA. 2. 1. LA. 1. 1. LA. 1. (a). A.I.(a). A.I.(a).I.(i). A.I.(a).I.(i).(I ). Check Sheets - When a Price List filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the Price List filing. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the Price List, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The Price List user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Issued: February 16, 1999 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 5 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Subscriber s or Customer s location to the Carrier s designated point of presence or network switching center. Aggregator - Any person or other legal entity that may be a Customer and, in the ordinary course of its operations, makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises, for telephone calls using a provider of operator services. Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer upon access to the Company s system to identify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use of his or her assigned Authorization Code. Authorized User - A person, firm or corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer or Subscriber to communicate utilizing the Company s services. Collect Billing - A billing arrangement whereby the originating caller may bill the charges for a call to the called party, provided the called party agrees to accept the charges. Commission - refers to the Public Utilities Commission of Idaho. Company - Legends Communications, Inc. ("Legends ), unless otherwise indicated by the context. Consumer - A person who is not a Customer initiating any telephone calls using operator services. Customer - The person, firm or corporation, or other entity which orders, cancels, amends, or uses service and is responsible for the payment of charges and/or compliance with Price List regulations. Customer Dialed Calling Card Call - A service whereby the End User dials all of the digits necessary to route and bill the call to a valid non-Premiere calling card or credit card. Customer Premises Equipment - Terminal equipment, as defined herein, which is located on the Customer s premises. Day Rate Period - After 8:00 am to, but not including, 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Debit Account - An account which consist of a prepaid usage balance depleted on a real time basis during each debit service call. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 6 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, cont Debit Card - A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with a Personal Account code and instructions for accessing the Company s network. Debit Service Call - A service accessed via a "800" or other access code dialing sequence whereby the Customer or Authorized User dials all ofthe digits necessary to route a call. Network usage for each call is deducted from the available balance on a Company-issued Debit Account. Evening Rate Period - After 5 :00 pm to, but not including, II :00 pm Monday through Friday, and on Sunday. LEC - Local Exchange Company. Legends - Used throughout this Price List to refer to Legends Communications, Inc. unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Night/Weekend Rate Period - After 11:00 pm to, but not including, 8:00 am Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, and Sunday to, but not including 5 :00 pm. Operator Dialed Surcharge - A charge applying to calls made when the user dials "00" only or any valid company operator access code and requests that the operator dial the destination number. Operator Station Call- A service whereby the caller places a non-Person to Person call with the assistance of an operator (live or automated). Person to Person Call - A service whereby the person originating the call specifies a particular person to be reached, or a particular station, room number, department or office to be reached through a PBX attendant. Special Access - Where access between the Subscriber or Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicated circuits. The cost of Special Access is billed to the Customer by the local exchange carrier, or other approved access provider. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued: February 16, 1999 MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, IdahO LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 7 SECTION 1- TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, cont Subscriber - The person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity which arranges for services ofthe Company on behalf of transient third party Customers or Authorized Users. The Subscriber is responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of this Price List. A Subscriber is also a Customer under the terms of the Price List. Switched Access - Where access between the Customer and the Carrier is provided on local exchange company circuits capable of accessing the local switched network. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the Carrier. Terminal Equipment - Devices, apparatus, and associated wiring, such as teleprinters, telephones or data sets. Third Party Billing - A billing arrangement by which the charges for a call may be billed to a telephone number that is different from the calling number and the called number. Travel Card - A proprietary calling card offered by Legends Communications, Inc. which is accessed by dialing a Company-provided access number. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 8 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company Legends is a resale common carrier providing intrastate direct dialed and travel card services to Customers within the State of Idaho. Legends' services and facilities are furnished for communications originating at specified points within the State ofIdaho under terms of this Price List. Legends provides for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the communications services provided herein in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this Price List. Legends may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Legends services. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Applicability of Price List This Price List is applicable to telecommunications services provided by Legends within the state ofIdaho. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise. Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 9 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Payment and Credit Regulations Payment Arrangements The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer for transmission of calls via the Company. The Customer agrees to pay to the Company or its authorized agent any cost(s) incurred as a result of any delegation of authority resulting in the use of his or her communications equipment and/or network services which result in the placement of calls via the Company. The Customer agrees to pay the Company or its authorized agent any and all cost(s) incurred as a result of the use of the service arrangement, including calls which the Customer did not individually authorize. All charges due by the Customer are payable to the Company or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Terms of payment shall be according to the rules and regulations of the agency and subject to the rules of regulatory agencies such as the Idaho PUc. Any objections to billed charges must be promptly reported to the Company or its billing agent. Adjustments to Customers' bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonab ly indicate that such changes are appropriate. Charges for installations, service connections, moves, and rearrangements, where applicable, are payable upon demand by the Company or its authorized agent. The billing thereafter will include recurring charges and actual usage as defined in this Price List. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page IO SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Payment and Credit Regulations, cont Deposits The Company reserves the right to examine the credit record ofthe Customer, using any lawful sources for determining credit standing. If the Customer s financial condition is unknown or unacceptable to the Company, the Customer may be required to provide the Company with a security deposit which the Company may apply against overdue charges. The amount of the security deposit shall be equal to three months' estimated usage but may vary with the Customer s credit history and projected usage. The Customer shall be apprized that after one year of service the Account shall be reviewed, and in the event that all amounts due have been paid within the terms and conditions ofthis Price List, the deposit shall be refunded in full with interest as required by law or regulations. If subsequent payment or usage patterns change, the Company may request an increase in or resubmission of the security deposit as appropriate. The Company may also require a security deposit before service is restored (along with the payment of overdue charges) from the Customer whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment of overdue charges. Such security deposit may be based on a new credit history (taking into account the discontinuance of service) and estimates of usage. The fact that a security deposit has been made in no way relieves the Customer from the prompt payment of bills upon presentation. Advance Payments For Customers whom the Company determines an advance payment is necessary, the Company reserves the right to collect an amount not to exceed one (1) month' estimated charges as an advance payment for service. This will be applied against the next month's charges and a new advance payment may be collected for the next month. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryCCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page II SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Payment and Credit Regulations, cont 3.4 Commercial Credit Card Payment Option Customers may choose to pay monthly bills via certain commercial credit cards accepted by the Company. Credit Card billed Customers will receive monthly call detail statements, which are separate from the credit card bills. If the Customer credit card company rejects billing, the Company will make three attempts - two by telephone and one by mail - to contact the Customer for alternative payment arrangements. If alternative payment arrangements are not made in seven days, the Customer s long distance service is discontinued. Payment Due Date and Late Payment Charges All bills are due upon receipt. Any bill outstanding and unpaid more than thirty (30) days after the date the bill is postmarked, shall be considered past due. A late payment fee of I.5% per month will be applied to any past due balance. Return Check Charge A return check charge of$25.00 or 5% ofthe balance due (whichever is greater) will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. Any applicable return check charges will be assessed according to the terms and conditions of the billing entity (i.e. local exchange company and/or commercial credit card company) and pursuant to Idaho law and Idaho PUC regulations. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont 2.4 Taxes and Fees 2.4.For Debit Card calls, state and local taxes are included in the stated rates in this Price List. For all other calls, state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items on the Customer s bill and are not included in the quoted rates and charges set forth in this Price List. 2.4.To the extent that a municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of government, or Commission imposes upon and collects from the Company a gross receipts tax, occupation tax, license tax, permit fee, franchise fee, or regulatory fee such taxes and fees shall, insofar as practicable and allowed by law, be billed pro rata to Customers receiving service from the Company within the territorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision or local agency of government. 2.4.The Company may adjust its rates and charges or impose additional rates and charges on its Customers in order to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi- governmental authorities to collect from or pay to others in support of statutory or regulatory programs. Such adjustments shall be listed in this Price List. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, IN C.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 13 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont 2.4 Taxes and Fees, cont 2.4.cant ' Pay Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company s expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97-371), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company s services. The Pay Telephone Surcharge, which is in addition to standard Price Listed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company s service, applies for the use ofthe instrument used to access the Company service and is unrelated to the Company s service accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i., using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Pay Telephone Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Pay Telephone Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a carrier that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. The Pay Telephone Surcharge does not apply to calls placed from pay telephones at which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call. Rate per Call $0. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Swetary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 14 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS cont Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies Interruption of Service Credit allowances for interruptions of service which are not due to the Company testing or adjusting, to the negligence ofthe Customer, or to the failure of channels equipment or communications systems provided by the Customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in Section 2.6 herein. No credit is issued for outages less than Yz hour in duration. Credit for outages greater than Yz hour in duration is issued for fixed recurring monthly charges only. Outage credits are calculated in thirty minute intervals. The amount ofthe credit is determined by pro- rating the monthly recurring charge for the time of the outage (in thirty-minute intervals). It shall be the obligation of the Customer to notify the Company immediately of any interruption in service for which a credit allowance is desired by Customer. Before giving such notice, the Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not within his or her control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any, furnished by the Customer and connected to the Company s terminal. Interruptions caused by Customer-provided or Company-provided automatic dialing equipment are not deemed an interruption of service as defined herein since the Customer has the option of using the long distance network via local exchange company access. Credit allowances for interruptions of service billed on a usage basis shall be limited to the rate applicable to the initial period of the call to compensate for re- establishment of the connection. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 IDO9900 Boise , Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 15 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies, cont 2 Inspection, Testing and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the facilities provided by the Company shall be made available to the Company for such tests and adjustments as may be deemed necessary for maintenance in a condition satisfactory to the Company. No interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. Liabilities of the Company The liability of the Company for any claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special, or consequential damage) for any interruption, delay, error omission, or defect in any service, facility or transmission provided under this Price List shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charges to the Customer for the period of service or the facility provided during which such interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect occurs. The Company shall not be liable for any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special, or consequential damage), for any interruption, delay, error omission, or other defect in any service facility, or transmission provided under this Price List, if caused by any person or entity other than the Company, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by any act of God, fire, war, civil disturbance, or act of government, or by any other cause beyond the Company s direct control. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 16 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Liabilities of the Company, cont The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer or other users of its service against any claim or loss, expense or damage, (i) for defamation, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name, or service mark, unfair competition, interference with or misappropriation or violation of any contract proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property, or entity arising from the material data, information, or content revealed to, transmitted processed, handled, or used by Company under this Price List, or (ii) for connecting, combining, or adapting Company s facilities with Customer s apparatus or systems or (iii) for any act or omission of the Customer, or (iv) for any personal injury or death of any person, or for any loss of or damage to Customer s premises or any other property, whether owned by Customer or others, caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance, location, condition, operation, failure or removal of equipment or wiring provided by the Company if not directly caused by negligence of the Company. 6.4 The Company will provide credit on charges disputed by Customer in writing that are verified as incorrect by Company. If objection in writing is not received by Company within a reasonable period of time after bill is rendered (as determined by current law and regulatory policy), the account shall be deemed correct and binding upon the Customer. 2.4.The included Price List language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation ofliability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By: IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, IN C.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 17 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Refusal or Discontinuance by Company Service may be suspended by the Company, without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Customer travel cards when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. Legends will restore services as soon as it can be provided without undue risk, and will upon request by the Customer, assign new travel card codes to replace ones that have been deactivated. Legends may refuse or discontinue service under the following conditions provided that, unless otherwise stated, the Customer shall be given notice to comply with any rule or remedy any deficiency: For non-compliance with or violation of any State, municipal, or Federal law ordinance or regulation pertaining to telephone service. For use of telephone service for any purpose other than that described in the application. For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to Legends or its agents for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by Legends or its agents. For noncompliance with or violation of Commission regulation or rules and regulations on file with the Commission. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 18 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Refusal or Discontinuance by Company, cont cont For nonpayment of bills, provided that suspension or termination of service shall not be made without five (5) days written notice to the Customer, except in extreme cases. Such notice will be provided in a mailing separate from the Customer s regular monthly bill for service. Without notice in the event of Customer or Authorized User use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect Legends' equipment or service to others. Without notice in the event of tampering with the equipment or services owned by Legends or its agents. Without notice in the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, Legends may, before restoring service, require the Customer to make, at his or her own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss in revenues resulting from such fraudulent use. Without notice by reason of any order or decision of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction which prohibits Company from furnishing such services. Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By: IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 19 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Limitations of Service Service will be furnished subject to the continuing economic availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment and subject to the provisions ofthis Price List. Legends reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service, upon written notice when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this Price List, or in violation oflaw. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. 8.4 Legends reserves the right to discontinue the offering of any service with proper notice or deny an application for service if a change in regulation materially and negatively impacts the financial viability ofthe service in the best business judgment ofthe Company. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 20 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Use of Service Service may be used for any lawful purpose for which it is technically suited. Customers reselling or rebilling Legends' Idaho intrastate service must have authority to provide interexchange services from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Terminal Equipment Company s facilities and service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or systems, such as PBXs, key systems, multiplexers, repeaters signaling sets, teleprinters, handsets, or data sets. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided. Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her premises, including personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of Company s service. Issued: February 16, 1999 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 21 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS cont Cost of Collection and Repair Customer is responsible for any and all costs incurred in the collection of monies due the Company including legal and accounting expenses. The Customer is also responsible for recovery costs of Company-provided equipment and any expenses required for repair or replacement of damaged equipment. Restoration of Service Restoration of service shall be accomplished in accordance with Idaho PUC and FCC rules and regulations. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 22 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, cont Rules Applicable to Toll-Free Services 13.1 The Company makes every effort to reserve toll-free (800/888)vanity numbers requested by Customers, but makes no guarantee or warranty that the requested number(s) will be available. 13.2 The Company will participate in porting toll- free numbers only ifthe account balance is zero and all charges incurred as a result of the toll free number have been paid. 13.3 If a Customer who has received a toll free number does not subscribe to toll-free 800/888 service within ninety (90) calendar days, the Company reserves the right to make the assigned number available for use by another Customer. 13.4 Toll free numbers shared by more than one Customer, whereby individual Customers are identified by a unique Personal Account Code, may not be assigned or transferred for use with service provided by another carrier. Subject to the limitations provided in this Price List, the Company will only honor Customer requests for a change in Resp. Org. or 800/888 service provider for toll free numbers dedicated to the sole use of that single Customer. Other Rules 14.The Company may temporarily suspend service without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Personal Account codes when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its service. The Company will restore service as soon as service can be provided without undue risk of fraud. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Eff~ctive Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho l'uolic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 IDO9900 t3oise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 23 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES General Legends provides direct dialed (I +), toll-free, calling card and operator assisted services for communications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho. The Company services are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate service. Customers are charged individually for each call placed using the Company s service. Charges may vary by service offering, mileage band, class of call, time of day, day of week calling volume and/or call duration. Customers are billed based on their use of Legends services and network. No installation charges apply. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 24 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between serving wire centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The serving wire centers of a call are determined by the area codes and exchanges of the origination and destination points. The distance between the Wire Center of the Customer s equipment and that of the destination point is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates found in BellCore V &H Tape and NECA FCC Price List No. Step I - Step 2 - Step 3 - Step 4 - Step 5 - Step 6 - Formula: Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the Wire Centers serving the Customer and the destination point. Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the Wire Centers. Obtain the Difference between the "H" coordinates. Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Add the squares ofthe "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Divide the sum ofthe square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Obtain the square root ofthe whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the Wire Centers. ( V1 - 2 + (H l - Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By: IDO9900 Boise. Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, IN C.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 25 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Timing of Calls Billing for calls placed over the network is based in part on the duration of the call. Timing for all calls begins when the called party answers the call (i.e. when two way communications are established.) Answer detection is based on standard industry answer detection methods, including hardware and software answer detection. Chargeable time for all calls ends when one of the parties disconnects from the call. Minimum call duration and additional increments for billing are specified in the description of each service. 3.4 No charges apply to incomplete calls. 5 When a call is established in one rate period and ends in another rate period, the rate in effect at the calling station applies to the entire call. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, IN C.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 26 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont 3.4 Rate Periods Unless otherwise specified in this Price List, the following rate periods apply to all services subject to time of day discounts: MON I TUES I WED THUR I FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM DAYTIME RATE PERIOD 5:00 PM* 5:00 PM EVENING RATE PERIOD EVE 11:00 PM* 11:00 PM NIGHTIWEEKEND RATE PERIOD 8:00 AM* * Up to but not including. Calls are billed based on the rate in effect for the actual time period(s) during which the call occurs. Calls that cross rate period boundaries are billed the rates in effect in that boundary for each portion of the call, based on the time of day at the Customer location. 3.5 Holiday Rates Calls on the following Company-recognized Holidays are rated at the Evening Rate Period rate unless a lower rate would normally apply. New Year s Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Memorial Day Applies to Federally observed day only When this Holiday falls on Sunday, the Holiday rate applies to calls placed on the preceding Friday. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 27 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Legends Direct Dial Service Legends Direct Dial Service is offered to business and residential Customers for both inbound and outbound, intraLATA and interLATA, calling over standard switched lines. Calls are billed in one (I) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (I) minute. The following rates are not time of day sensitive and apply 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Monthly Minutes of Use Per Minute Rate At Least Not More Than $0.130 000 $0.125 001 200 000 $0.I20 200 00I 300 000 $0.115 300 00I 400 000 $0.110 400 00I 500 000 $0.I05 500 00I 600 000 $0.100 600 00I 700 000 $0.095 700 00I 800 000 $0.090 800 00I 900 000 $0.085 900 001 OOO OOO $0.080 OOO OOI Over Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 28 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Legends Toll Free (i.e. 800/888) Service Legends Toll-Free Service is an offering that allows the calling party to charge each call to the called party without operator assistance. By the use of specially assigned prefixes, such as 800 or 888, the charge for each call is automatically billed to the Customer. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (I) minute. The following rates are not time of day sensitive and apply 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Monthly Minutes of Use Per Minute Rate At Least Not More Than $0.I50 000 $0.I45 00I 200 000 $0.140 200 001 300 000 $0.135 300 00I 400 000 $0.130 400 00I 500 000 $0.I25 500 00I 600 000 $0.I20 600 00I 700 000 $0.II5 700 00I 800 000 $0.110 800 00I 900 000 $0.105 900 00I OOO OOO $O.IOO OOO OOI Over Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 29 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Legends Debit (Prepaid) Card Service Legends Debit (Prepaid) Card Service allows Customers to place direct dialed calls between locations within the State of Idaho. Customers access the Company s network by dialing a toll- free number or other access dialing sequence and entering a Personal Account Code. The Company s system informs the Customer of the Available Usage Balance remaining in hislher Debit Account and prompts the Customer to place a call by entering a destination telephone number. Network usage for calls placed is deducted from the Available Usage Balance on the Customer s account on a real time basis as the call progresses. Customers purchase a Debit Card which assigns each Customer a Debit Account, provides each Customer with a Personal Account Code and lists instructions for accessing and using Company s service. Debit Cards are available in varying denominations. Purchase of a Debit Card entitles the Customer to use the Company s network for a number of minutes equivalent to the card denomination divided by the effective per minute rate. The Customer s right to utilize network usage within a given Debit Account associated with that Debit Account number. No minimum service period applies. Payment for Retail Debit Cards and Available Usage in a Customer s Debit Account is non- refundable. Retail Debit Card service rates are not distance or time of day sensitive in nature. Holiday discounts do not apply. Network usage for Debit Card Calls is deducted from the Available Usage Balance in Customer s Debit Account in full unit increments. For debiting purposes, the minimum call usage is one (I) unit. Per minute Rate Connect Fee Per Call Monthly Minutes of Use $0.350 $I.OO per connect Under IOO OOO $0.350 $0.50 per connect IOO OOO and Above Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 ~~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 30 SECTION 3 - RATES AND SERVICES, cont Legends Travel Card Service Legends Travel Card service is a travel service allowing Customers to originate calls via a Company-provided toll free number from non-presubscribed access lines. Customers may terminate calls to all valid telephone numbers within the State ofIdaho. Calls are billed in one (I) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one minute. Per Minute Usage Charges $0.25 Per Call Service Charge $0. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 !lhho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNI CA TI 0 NS, IN C.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 31 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Operator Services Operator Services are offered to Customers. Operator Services allow Customers and Consumers to place calls using operator assistance for call completion or billing. Usage charges and an appropriate service charge will be assessed on a per call basis, as stated in this Price List. For calls made using a telephone company card, acceptance ofthe card will be dependent upon the Company s ability to verify the card as valid. Only those cards accepted by the Company may be used for Operator Services. The Company reserves the right to verify acceptance of charge prior to billing charges to a third party number. 1.1 Operator services may be used by the presubscribed Customer and by the Aggregator and their respective Consumers (i., patrons, guests, invitees or employees) to complete Person-to-Person, Collect, Third-Party, and/or Calling Card calls. 1.2 Charges for Operator Assisted Calls include two components: a usage-sensitive component based upon the time-of-day rate period, mileage, and duration ofthe call; and a fixed service charge based upon the type of operator service provided. 1.3 The usage-sensitive portion of the charge for an Operator Assisted Call is set forth in Section 4.1.8 below. 1.4 The fixed service charge portions of the charge for an Operator Assisted Call is set forth in Sections 4.1.9 below. 1.5 The Company shall not bill the Customer for any surcharges or fees imposed by the Aggregator. With respect to charges imposed by the Aggregator for the use of the telephone, the Aggregator is responsible for charging a flat rate and for posting ofthe charge in plain view at each telephone. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 32 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, cont Operator Services, cont 1.6 Service may be suspended by the Company, without notice to the Customer or the Aggregator, by blocking traffic to certain countries, cities, or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Customer Authorization Codes, Calling Cards or credit cards, when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of service. The Company shall restore service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk, and shall, upon request by the Customer affected, assign a new Authorization Code to replace the one that has been deactivated. The Company reserves the right to validate the credit worthiness of Customers through available credit card, Calling Card, called number, Third Party telephone number and room number verification procedures. Where a requested billing method cannot be validated, the Customer/Consumer may be required to provide an acceptable alternate billing method or the Company may refuse to place the call. 1. 7 The Aggregator is responsible for payment of the Company s charges for all calls placed from the Aggregator s Premises except for Collect, Third Party, Calling Card and credit card calls. The Calling Card or credit card holder or local exchange company service subscriber is responsible for payment of the Company s charges for all calls billed to a Calling Card, credit card or a telephone line number, respectively. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 ~tlano Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 33 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, cont Operator Services cont 1.8 Per Minute Usage Charges Operator Station Per Minute Rate: 1.9 Per Call Service Charges $0.40 The following per-call charges apply in addition to the per minute usage rates when applicable. These charges apply in all rate periods. Service Charge Per Call Customer Dialed Calling Card Customer Dialed Credit Card Operator Dialed Calling Card Operator Dialed Credit Card Operator Station Billed Collect Billed to Third Party Person-to- Person All Billing Methods $1.25 $1.50 $3. $2.25 $3. $3. $6. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise. Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 34 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES cont Directory Assistance 1 A Customer may obtain assistance, for a charge, in determining a telephone number by dialing Directory Assistance Service. Rates A Directory Assistance Charge applies for each telephone number, area code, and/or general information requested from the Directory Assistance operator. No call allowance applies. Directory Assistance, per Request $0. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 35 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES cont Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Busy Line Verification and Interrupt services are offered in areas where the service may be obtained from the local exchange carrier. With Busy Line Verification (BL V), the Legends operator will contact the LEC operator to determine if the called number or line is in use. Only one BL V will be made per telephone call and an associated charge will apply whether or not conversation was detected on the line. The operator will not complete the call for the Customer initiating the verification request. Busy Line Interrupt (BLI) allows the Legends operator to contact a LEC operator to interrupt a telephone conversation in progress, upon the caller s request and after a Busy Line Verification occurs. Upon the caller s request, the Legends operator will contact the LEC operator, who will interrupt the busy line and inform the called party that there is a call waiting from the caller. The LEC operator will not complete the call, but will only inform the called party of the request. If the call is released the Legends operator will offer to complete the call for the Customer initiating the interrupt request. An applicable service charge and applicable per minute charges will apply to the completed call. Only one BLI attempt will be made per telephone call and a charge will apply whether or not the called party releases the line. 1 Busy Line Interrupt Charges: Busy Line Verification, per request $6. Busy Line Interrupt, per request $6. Issued: February 16, 1999 Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Boise, Idaho LEGENDS COMMUNICATIONS, INc.Idaho Price List No. I Original Page 36 SECTION 5 - CONTRACTS AND PROMOTIONS Demonstration of Service From time to time the Company may demonstrate service for potential Customers by providing free use of its network on a limited basis for a period of time, not to exceed one (1) month. Demonstration of service and the type, duration or quantity of service provided will be at the Company s discretion. Promotions - General From time to time, the Company may provide promotional offerings to introduce a current or potential Subscriber to a service not being used by the subscriber. These offerings may be limited to certain dates, times or locations and may waive or reduce recurring or non- recurring charges. Issued By:Thomas L. Childers, CEO 2500 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 365 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Effective Date: March 2, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 - 1999 IDO9900 Issued: February 16, 1999 Boise, Idaho