HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100419Application.pdfStateside Communications 12015 E 46th Avenue, Suite #415 Denver, Colorado 80239 303-551-8224 D C("'t;i'i.ì....".,.,lL,... 10lll APR 19 At1 to: 41 April 14,2010 Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington 83702 POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 0IL-t-IO-Of RE: Stateside Communcations' Application for Certificate of Authority to Provide Telecommunications Service in Idaho Dear Commission, Than you for allowing Jilapuh Inc. d//a Stateside Communications this opportunity to apply for CLEC service, in Idaho. We promise to abide by the policies and regulations required by the Commission and State at all times. Stateside Communications is seeking the permission of the Idaho Public Utilty Commission for operation as a Competitive Local Exchange Carer (CLEC) statewide. And to offer an unegulated service, Voice over Internet Protocols (V oIP) statewide. Stateside Communications has CLEC certification in thee other states, Texas, Georgia, & Colorado, and has submitted applications in four other states, Oregon, Louisiana, Kentucky, & Ohio. Our goal for operation in Idaho is to be able to provide a quality; competitive, reduced cost service that meets the customer's needs and offers an option to what is curently available. Stateside is seeking a good and long-term relationship with Idaho's Public Utility Commission, Secretar of State, Deparent of Revenue, and residents and businesses in the State of Idaho. Your permission granted wil be respected and cherished. Than you for this opportty to apply for our CLEC certification, in Idaho.s~ Añ r Director Stateside Communications F:l:(:-E: 'h1¡ri I'" UJ..~¡; U 'j;.n 10= tlB Stateside Communications 12015 E 46th Avenue, Suite 415 Denver, Colorado 80237 303 -5 51-8224 ~:LL.:- lO-o( April 14, 2010 Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington 83702 POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re: Application for authority to operate as an Interexchange Carer and/or Competitive Local Exchange Carrier by Stateside Communications. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION New local telecommunications providers applying for a Certificate of Public convenience and Necessity to provide basic local exchange service in Idaho must submit the following information: 1. Proposed Services A narative description of the telecommuncation services provided by the Applicant and the geographic area and market to be served by the company. Other items of interest are whether the company is a facilities-based provider ora reseller, or some combination thereof; what general plans the company has to build facilities in the future; to which markets the provider will appeal; how the provider wil market its products; whether the company curently provides or has a history of providing other services in Idaho; how the corporate family is structured. ANSWER: Stateside communications is seeking the permission of the Idaho Public Utilty Commission for operation as a Competitive Local Exchange Carer (CLEC) (CPCN) statewide. And to offer an unegulated service, Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) statewide. Stateside Communcations has CLEC certification in two other states, Texas, and Georgia, and has submitted applications in five other states, Colorado, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia, and Oregon. Our goal for operation in.Idaho is to be able to provide a quality; competitive, reduced cost service that meets the customer's needs and offers an option to what is curently available. Stateside is seeking a good and long-term relationship with Idaho's Public Utility Commission, Secreta of State, Deparment of Revenue, and residents and business in the state of Idaho. II. Form of Business ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: 1. Name, Address and Form of Business Jilapuh Inc. d//a Stateside Communications 12015 E. 46th Ave. Suite 420 Den.ver, CO 80239 Telecommuncations a. If the applicant is a corporation, (1) a short statement of the character of public service in which it may engage, Reseller ofVoIP though an Incumbent Local Exchange Carier (2) the name of the state in which it is incorporated, Georgia (3) its principal business address and its principal business address within Idaho, Principal business- 12015 E 46th Ave Denver, CO 800237/Registered Agent (4) a certified copy of its aricles of incorporation, See accompanying State of Georgia Certificate of Existence. Exhibit 1 & 2 (5) if not incorporated in Idaho, a certificate of good stading issued by the Idaho Secretary of State of Idaho, and See accompanying Certificate of Authority of Jilapuh, Inc by Secretar of Sate, Idaho. Exhbit 3 (6) name and address of registered agent for service in Idaho. JoAn Sutherland, 6684 Comanche Street, Bonners Ferr, ID 83805 2. If a corporation, the names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of applicant ownng the greatest number of shares of common stock and the number of such shares owned by each, as follows: Name and Shares Percentage of Percentage of Voting Address Owned All Shares Issued Control and Outstanding CEO Stan Roberson, 12015 ~52% E.46thAve.#415 Denver, CO 80239 CFO Cresandra Battle, 12015 20% E. 46th Ave. #415 Denver, CO 80237 President Valerie Wilson, 12015 8% E. 46th Ave. #415 Denver, CO 80237 \1 Board of et r¿ 20% Director ANSWER:See accompanying Aricles of Facts. Exhibit 1 2. Names and addresses of the offcers and directors of applicant. ANSWER:BOARD OF DIRECTORS -Chairman: Robert McDuffe, Washington, DC 20018 -Bar Butler, Columbus, SC 29210 -Patrick Masicot, St. Thomas, Virgin Island 00805 -Yolanda Watt, Richton Park, IL 60471 See accompanying Board Members. Exhbit 1 3. Name and address of any corporation, association, or similar organization holding a 5% or greater ownership or a management interest in the applicant. As to ownership, the amount and character of the interest must be indicated. A copy of any management agreement must be attched. ANSWER: N/A 4. Names and addresses of subsidiaries owned or controlled by applicant. N/ A III. Telecommunication Service ANSWER: ANSWER: 1. The date on which applicant proposes to begin constrction or anticipates it will begin to provide service. May 27th, 2010 upon certificate by the state. 2. A wrtten description of customer classes and customer service ( s L that the applicant proposes to offer to the public. Stateside Communications wil offer an unegulated service, Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) statewide. Provide a quality, competitive, reduced cost service that meets the customer's needs and offers an option to what is curently available. IV. Service Territory ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: ANSWER: 1. A description sufficient for determinng whether service is to be offered in a paricular location; and the names of all incumbent local exchange corporations with whom the proposed utility is likely to compete. Stateside Communications will offer statewide coverage and be most competitive with Verizon, Fair Point, AT&T, and Qwest. 2. Written description of the intended maner of service, for example, resold services or facilities based. A general description of the property owned or controlled by applicant. Wil resell finished services of other Idaho certified cariers, and will purchase (lease) unbundled network elements form other Idaho certified cariers. 3. A statement describing with whom the applicant is likely to compete. Other telecommunications companies that offer uneguated service, Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) statewide. 4. A description of the propert owned by the applicant clarfies the applicant's proposed services and operation. No equipment or propert is owned in Idaho. Stateside Communications will offer Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP). V. Financial Information 1. Curent detailed balance sheets, including a detailed income and profit and loss statements of applicant reflecting curent and prior year balances for the twelve months ended as of the date of the balance sheet, or if not readily available, for the period since the close of the preceding calendar year. ANSWER:See accompanying letter of credit to support star-up. Exhibit 4 2. If a balance sheet and income statement are not available, the applicant must submit financial data suffcient to establish that it possesses adequate financial resources to provide the proposed services. VI. "Ilustrative" Tariff Filngs Proposed initial taiff and price sheets setting forth rates, rules, terms, and regulations applicable to the contemplated service. ANSWER:Example: . Average Revenue per customer per month: $23.50 (including business) Fixed Utilty Fund: 1.5% 911 Fund: $0.50 per lin.e per month Idaho Special Cost: 1.8% Low income Fund/ Elderly & Disabled: $0.10 per line per month TRS Relay Fund: $0.12 per line per month PUC Administrative Costs: $1.85 per customer Prepayments reserve costs: $36.00 per customer x 300 customers business and wireless Biling will be handled by an outsourced company, such as BeQuick VII. Customer contacts 1. Contact information for the Applicant. a) The name, address, and telephone number and electronic mailng addresses (if available) of the person( s) responsible for consumer inquiries and complaints from the public. ANSWER:Angela Moore, Director, Stateside Communications 12015 E. 46th Ave Suite 415 Denver, CO 80237 amoore(§iilapuhninc.com 303-551-8205 ANSWER: ANSWER: b) A toll-free number for customer inquiries and complaints. 866-824-1430 c) The name, number and electronic mailng addresses (if available) of the person(s) designated as a contact for the Commission Staff for resolving complaints, inquiries and matters concernng rates and price lists or taffs. Roelio E. Peña, Attorney At Law 4845 Pearl East Circle, Suite 101 Denver, CO 80239 rpena(fboulderattys.com 303-415-0409 VIII. Interconnection Agreements ANSWER: 1. Statements of whether the applicant has initiated interconnection negotiations and, if so, when and with whom. Stateside Communications has not previously entered into an interconnectivity agreement. Stateside Communications is curently in the process of obtaining an interconnection agreement though counsel with AT&T, Qwest, Sprint and/or Verizon to operate in all of the CLEC certified states. (Colorado, Oregon, Ohio, and Louisiana, Texas, & Georgia) IX. Compliance with Commission Rules ANSWER: A written statement that the applicant has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with them or a request for waiver of those rules believed to be inapplicable. See accompanying statement to agree with Commission Rules. Exhibit 5 X. Escrow Account or Security Bond ANSWER: 1. If a company requires advance deposits by its customers, the company must submit a signed copy of an escrow account with a bonded escrow agent or a security bond. The escrow or bond shall be sufficient to meet customer deposit refuds in case of company default. Wil request advance payment for line service. See accompanying Letter of Credit. Exhibit 4 2. At the Commission's discretion, an additional deposit may be required to keep customers whole in case of company default. ANSWER:Jilapuh d//a Stateside Communications wil accept a conditional telecommuncations authority from the Commission based on the terms and conditions that have been set for other providers that have had a financial assurance requirement included in their authority. 3. The Commission will review the individual requirement of establishing an escrow or security account by the Company upon good showing by the Company for a period of two years. ANSWER:Jilapuh d//a Stateside Communications will accept a conditional telecommuncations authority from the Commission based on the terms and conditions that have been set for other providers that have had a financial assurance requirement included in their authority. Cc: Stan Roberson, Jilapuh, Inc., CEO Angela Moore, Stateside Communcations, Director Rogelio Peña, Stateside Communcations, Counselor l~ ( Jilapuhn Inc. 12015 East 46th Avenue, Suite 415 Denver, Colorado 80237 ARTICLES OF FACTS Years of Operations 1997 tfiroUIfi 2010 A Private Corporation registered for profit in Georgia, in good standing. Our Duns number is: 808454917 Jilapuhn Inc. has been a holding Corporation out of Georgia since 1997. Jilapuhn holds the fastest growing Virgin Islands Credit Unions. The history of this Corporation started as a CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier) and Interconnectivity Corporation registered in Georgia. Under Jilapuhn's CLEC licensing, telecommunication services were established in Georgia, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama and the Virgin Islands. Jilapuhn Inc. stil holds its registration as a CLEC in Georgia and Texas. Jilapuhn's holdings include Her Majesty's Credit Union in the Virgin Islands; Tradewinds Financial Services, a check cashing service in Denver, Colorado; and Stateside Communications, a telecommunications CLEC, in Denver, Colorado. There are currently 18 employees between Colorado and the Virgin Islands. Jilapuhn's corporate office is in Denver, Colorado. The Denver headquarters is located in the North East Executive Park in Denver, Colorado. Executives CEO: Lt. Stan Roberson, Denver, Colorado, 80237 (303) 551-8225 Air Force Lt. Stan Roberson has over 12 years of experience in banking and telecommunication and over 20 years of experience in information technology systems. He is an aircraft pilot and small business owner. He is the owner of Jilapuhn Inc. holding Corporation, and has owned and operated Jilapuhn Inc. since 1997, while serving in the U S Armed Forces. He is a graduate of Auburn University, 1994. CFO: Cresandra Battle, Hampton, Georgia, 30228 (303) 551-8225 Ms. Battle is a retired business owner with over 30 yearsof Executive management experience. She has held the position of CFO for Jilapuhn Inc. since 1997. President: Valerie Wilson, Riverdale, Georgia, 30274 (303) 551-8225 Ms. Wilson has 13 years of telecommunication experience and works in the telecommunications Industry as a billing specialist. This year, 2010 is Ms Wilson's fifth year as President of Jilapuhn Inc. EXHIBIT 1 T' ARTICLES OF FACTS Jilapuhn Inc. Board members Jilapuhn Inc. Board of Directors Chairman: Robert McDuffie, Washington, DC 20018 (303) 551-8225 Mr. McDuffie owns two businesses in the Washington, DC area and works with children and nonprofit organizations to help children. Mr. McDuffe has been a business owner for over 24 years and show profits at the end of each quarter: Mr. McDuffe has been Chairman of the board since 2005. Barry Butler, Columbus, South Carolina 29210 (303) 551-8225 US Army Captain Barry Butler is accomplished with over 20 years of experience in telecommunications technology and service operations and has held his position on the board since 2008. Patrick Masicot, St. Thomas, Virgin Island 00805 (303) 551-8225 Mr. Masicot has over 20 years of experience in information technology and has held her position on the board since 2008. Yolanda Watt, Richton Park, Ilinois 60471 (303) 551-8225 Ms. Watt has owned a small business for more than 12 years and has been a board member since 2008. For financial information about Jilapuhn Inc. and its holding corporations, please contact John Williams, Comptroller at (303) 551-8225, or 1-888-271-0037 St. Thomas, Vi 00805. Stan Roberson 12015 East 46th Avenue, Suite 415 Denver, Colorado 80237 303-551-8206 State of Idaho I I CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF JILAPUHN, INC. File Number C 186756 I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: April 1, 2010 L~ SECRETARY OF STATE BY~~ EXHIBIT 3 -." :.:,~~;~~1~ diet: d'tge~t¿ j et:eáit CViolZ iirt/here Every Member is Royalty" P.O. Box 172353 Denver, CO 80217 IROCABLE LETIR OF CREDIT Irrevocable Lett of Cret No. 1-1095 Public Utities Commsson 1560 BroadwaSte 250 Denver, CO 80202 De Public Utities Commion: At the reues'and on the intions of om member Staside Communcations, we heby esli our irvocable lett of credit number 1 ~ 1095 in your favor for the acun of an authori you to drw on Het Majes's Credit Union an amoun not to exce Fif Thousd Dollar ($50,000.00) Funds unde th letter of cret are avaiable to you agai a sight dI on us whch mus be maked "Drwn unde Her Majes's Cret Union Irvocle Lett of Credt Number 1-1095 da Febru 17, 2010. Ea dr must be acmpaed by: (1) a wrtt stateent by your du1y purrt auori offcer to th effect th either (a) Stateside Communcatins is in defat of its payment obligaons equa to the amount of the acompaned dr or (b) StadeCommuncations ha faied to rela th letter of crt in a tiely fashion as requied by its agren pendg replament satiactory to YOU; and (2) the origi of ths lettr of crt whch wi be retued to you followi notaon hern by the credt unon of the amoun of suh dr or, if the amount of the dr is in the fu amount of th lettr of crt, the letter wi be retaed by the credt unon. Dr so drwn and acmpaned with your beneficia staement wi be honore by . thscredtunonifpreseted to our offce at 12015 E 46th Ave, Ste420, Denver, CO 80239, on or prior to the close of busess on the expiron da. . The expirtion of th lettr of cret is Febru 17, 20 i 1, however the credit wi be autmaticay renewed without amendment for succive peods of one year uness at lea 60 days prior to the expiron of eiter intial peod or renewa term we noti you by registere letter or overnght courer servce tht we elect not to reew th crèL Upon receipt by you of such notice not to renew you may drw under th lettr of credit by your sight dr on us accompaed by your signed statement as set fort above. www.hmcu.net . 1.888.271.0020 EXHIBIT 4 ..,.-.- Upon payment to you of any amount demanded hereunder, we sba be fuy dichaged on our obligation under ths letter of credit with reect to such amount, and we shal not therer be obligated to mae any fuer payments under ths letter of credt in resect of such amount to you or to any other persn. . Th letter of credit sets fort in fu our understadig and such underdi sha not in any way be modied amended, amplified or lited by reference to any document. instrent or agrment referred to herein. Th leter of credt is subject to the Uniform Cusoms and Prtice for the Documenta Credits, 1993 Revision, iCC Publication No. 500 ("the Uniform Cuom"). Th letter of credt sh be deemed to be a contrt mae under the laws of the Terrtory of the Virgi Islands and shl, as to maers not governed by the Uniform Cuoms, be governed by and constred in acrdce with the laws of said Terrtory. . Ths lettr of credt istrferale. Sincely, Accountig and Fince Her Majes's Credt UnionBy: \ Title: ff G1 Y2 . / A-cçí~f" ( ¡J- I AFFIDAVIT STATEOFCOLORAO § §COUNTY OF DENR § 1. My name is Sta Roberson, I am the Chief Executive Offcer. of the ApplicantJilapuh Inc and Stateside Communcations. . 2. I swear or af that I have personal knowledge of the fac stted in this Application for a Servce Provider Certifcate of Operating Authority, that I am competent to testify to them, and that I have the authority to make ths Application on behal of the Applicat. I fuer swear or af that. all of the sttements and representatons made in this Application for á Servce Provider Certficate of Opertig Authority are tre and corrct. I swear or af that the Applicant understads and will comply with all requirements of law applicable to a Service Provider Certficate of Operating Authority. Sta Roberon Typed or Prited Name EXHIBIT 5