HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190731Request to Cancel CPCN.pdfililil MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pT-r-c THE COMMLAW GROUP VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION July 31, 2019 Diana Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 REt Mitel Cloud Seruices, fnc - Reguest b @ncel Certifiab of Public Conveniene and Ilecessity and Withdraw Tariffs Dear Ms. Hanian, Please find enclosed for filing this letter by Mitel Cloud Seruices, Inc. (tlkla Mitel NetSolutions, Inc., "Mite!" or "the CompanyJ, through undersigned ounsel, hereby requesting cancellation of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity CCPCN') and the withdrawal of any tariffs on record, effective as soon as possible. lT/V Mitel received a CPCN to provide competitive local exchange seruice in Idaho in Case No.{N[-T-09-01, which was granted by Order No. 30995 on L129120L0. Mite!'s tariff for the provision of long distance interexchange seruice was accepted April 1, 2015. Mitel asserts that there are no customers whose seruice would be impacted by this cancellation. Mitel's business model has continued to evolve and develop since the CPCN was originally granted. Today, the Company serves its customers through VoIP and a variety of nomadic interconnected seruices as well as private business communication and collaboration solutions. Therefore, the CPCN granted by the Commission is no longer necessary. The public convenience and necessity will not be adversely affected by the action described herein. No customer is currently receiving regulated telecommunications seruices from the Company, and therefore, no customer will have seruice interruptions or disconnections. Mitel no longer provides regulated telecommunications seruices in Idaho and has not offered such seruices for several years. All services offered by the C,ompany are sold on a non-tariffed basis pursuant to individually negotiated commercial agreements with sophisticated business customers. Mitel does not serue any residential or mass market consumers. To the best of its knowledge, the Company is current on all repofting and fee remittance obligations. Wherefore, Mitel hereby requests the cancellation and withdrawal of its Idaho CPCN and tariffs as soon as the Commission can take appropriate administrative action. il{tilrF ,$il .il *ilt il ldaho Public Utilities Commission Otfice of the SecretaryBECEIVED JUL 3 I 201$ Boise,ldaho 1 420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, Virginia 22102 P 703.7 1 4.1 300 t 703.563.6222 W www.commlawgroup.com t mail@commlawgroup.com Page z Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to my attention at (703) 7L4-L3L3 or by email to ism@commlawgroup.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfu I ly subm itted, Jonathan S. Marashlian I !r;:rr LasIn COMMLAWGROUP.COM