HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150320Notice of Name Change.pdfLance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attomeys At Law I 725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alphareffa, Georgia 30005 Also Admitted in New York Email : lsteinhart@telecomcounsel. com March 16,2015 VIA E-MAIL TO: Jean.Jewell@puc.Idaho.eov ONLY Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Steet Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) 334-0300 ?il!5lif,R 20 P!'1 L: 05 lil, . '"l-li lLl'l-ir:;J i,iit,t, rr.il,ii-', 'Telephone: (770) 232-9200 Facsimile: (770) 232-9208 TTN -T-oq -o I Re: Mitel Cloud Services, lnc. fMa Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. DearMs. Jewell, Please be advised that Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. has changed its name to Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. Attached please find for filing Mitel NetSolutions, Inc.'s Idaho PUC Tariffs No. 1 and 2 reflecting the name change ofthe company. I have also attached Mitel NetSolutions, Inc.'s Amended Certificate of Authority issued by the Department of State. Please acknowledge this filing with a retum e-mail. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Attorneys for Mitel Cloud Services, lnc. fMa Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. Enclosures cc: Jon Brinton Lanice'J.M. Steinhart Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. APPLICATION FORAME CERTIFICATE OFAUTH (l nstructlons on back of application) To the Secretary of State of the State of ldaho: Pureuantto Section 30-1-1504, ldaho Code, the undersigned Corporation hereby applies br an amended certificate of authorlty b transact business in the State of ldaho and for that purpose submits the fotlarving etatement Gomplete only applicable items. 1 . A Certificate of Authority was issued to the corporation by your offiice on:0512,1t2002 authorizing it to transact buslness in the Slate of ldaho under the name ot Mitel Net$olutions, lnc, 2. lts mrporate nama has been changed to:Mitel Cloud Servies, lnc. The namewhich it shalluse hereafter ln the StatE of ldaho ls: Mltd Cloud SeMcss,lnc. 4. lt has changed its Jurisdiction of incorporation, without a change of corporate identity to: S. The address of its principaloffice is amended to: Ddled, Lligl.?.o.,{- coporationNane: -----fE--'- X stgnatro, TypedName: Capaclty:President Mitel Cloud Services, lnc. Jon Brinton Eg gEE Seoelary of gate use only ID}.HO $E[RE?AR1' OT STATE S312tl/20L5 B5: SO'trE: t?16 IIT: E3.5BB BII: L462?2[1g 30.00 = 30.0CI llr,lF:Iff' LEET #2le ?0.00 = 20-00 EXPEDITE C #3 t,P{bqqb Office of of State Certificate of Fact The undersigned as Secretary of State of Texas, does hereby certify that on February 18, 2015, Mitel NetSolutions, Inc., a Domestic For-Profit Corporation (file number 115765700), changed its name to Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. In testimony whereo{ I have herzunto signed my nanrc officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of Stateat my oftice in Austin" Texas on February 19, 2015. @ the Secretary Corporations Section P.O.Box 13697 Austin, Toss 7871 l-3697 Phone: (512) 463-5555 Pre4aredby SOS-WEB Cotne vtsit us on the intenrct at http://www.sos.state.tx.us/ Fax (512) 453-5709 TID:10254 Coby Shorter,III Deputy Secretary of State DiaI 7-l.l forRelay Services Dmrment 59224650W02 @im- Coby Shorter,Itr Deputy Secretary of State Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys At Law 1725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 Also Admitcd in Ncw York Telephoae: (7 7 0, 232-9200 Facsimilc: (7 7 0) 232-9208Email: lstei February 19,2015 YIA OVEBNIqHT DELIVERY Idaho Secretary of State Division of Corpotations 450 North 4e Street PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0080 Re: Amended Certificate of Authority for Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. f&/a Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. Dear SirlMadam: In connection with the above-referenced company, enclosed please find the following documentation: I. Original and one copy of Mitel NetSolutions, Inc.'s Application for Amended Certificate of Authority; 2. Certificate of Existence issued by the State of Texas; and 3. Check in the amount of $50.00 in payment for the following: $30.00 Filing Fee along with $20.00 Expedited Services Fee. Please return the approval of the filing in the enclosed ovemight delivery package with an affixed prepaid retum label. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at(7'10)232-9200 or via e-mail at info@telecomcounsel.com. Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys for Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. f{</a Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. Enclosurescc Jon Brinton