HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060912Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice.pdfMorgan W. Richards, Jr. Bar No. 1913 Richards Law Firm 804 East Pennsylvania Lane Boise, Idaho 83706 208-345-8371 Email: mwrlaw~cableone.net RECEIVED 2006 SEP I 2 At110: II m/\HG I::U8l. UTILITIES COMftAlSSION Barry L. Hjort Colorado Bar No. 19551 Guillory & Hjort 2111 West Boulevard Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 303-550-4772 Email: rollsroyal~aol.com BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF INLAND CELLULAR FOR DESIGNATION AS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS UNDER 47 US.c. SECTION 214(e)(2) Case No. INC-06- MOTION FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc., through its undersigned counsel, files this Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice and states as follows: 1. Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Rules of Procedure Rule 43.05(b) the undersigned local counsel petitions the Commission for admission of the undersigned applying counsel, for the purpose of the above captioned matter. 2. Applying counsel certifies that he is an active attorney in good standing with the bar of the State of Colorado, that he maintains the regular practice of law at the above noted address, and that he is not a resident of the State of Idaho or licensed to practice in Idaho. He will be directly involved with the representation of Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc. in this matter. He has not been publicly disciplined, nor are there any proceedings pending to discipline him in any jurisdiction. 3. Both undersigned counsel certify that a copy of this motion has been served on all other parties to this matter and that a copy of the motion, accompanied by a $200 fee has been provided to the Idaho State Bar. 4. Local counsel certifies that the above information is true to the best of his knowledge after reasonable investigation. Local counsel acknowledges that that his attendance shall be required at all Commission proceedings in which applying counsel appears unless specifically excused by the Commission. DATED this , 1721.llay of September, 2006. Barry L. Hjort Guillory & Hjort 2111 West Boulevard Rapid City, SD 57701 303-550-4772 ----M-e-y- w Local Counsel Morgan W. Richards, Jr. Richards Law Firm 804 East Pennsylvania Lane Boise, ID 83706 208-345-8371 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Barry L. Hjort, hereby certify that I have, on this LlSJaay of September, 2006 served the foregoing MOTION FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE upon all parties listed in the Certificate provided with the Inland Cellular Application. A copy of the foregoing MOTION FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE filed today was placed in the United States mail, first class postage pre-paid, addressed to the following: James K. Brooks, Treasurer/Controller Inland Cellular Telephone Company 103 S. 2nd St., PO Box 688 Roslyn, W A 98941 Ms. Jean Jewel, Executive Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee Rebecca Miles, Chairman P. O. Box 305 Lapwai, ID 83540 Citizens Telecommunications DBA Frontier Communications of Ingo Henningson, Manager 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 Conley Ward, Esq. Givens Pursley LLP P. O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Qwest Corporation Theresa Jensen, Director-Regulatory 1600 71st Avenue, Room 1806 Seattle, W A 98191 The Coeur d' Alene Tribe Chief James Allen, Tribal Chairman 850 A Street PO Box 408 Plummer, ID 83851 Verizon Northwest, Inc. David Valdez, Vice President 1800 41 st Street O. Box 1003 Everett, W A 98206 Inland Telephone Company Douglas Weis, President O. Box 171 Roslyn, W A 98941