HomeMy WebLinkAboutiTelsa USA Inc.pdf. - PAGE TITLE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise. Idaho iTELSA (USA), Inc. 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 650 Miami, FL 33131 This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, rates, and charges applicable to the provision of telecommunications service by iTELSA (USA), Inc. ("iTELSA"), with principal offices at 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 650, Miami, FL 33131. This tariff applies to services furnished within the State of Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and copies may be inspected, during normal business hours, at the Company s principal place of business. Issued: February 1998 Effective: March 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise. Idaho . ..-.. . CHECK SHEET Pages 1 through 6l , inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. PAGE REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE 2 ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Boise. Idaho CHECK SHEET CONT. PAGE Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Effective: March 30, 1998 PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet ..................................................................................................................................... Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. Explanation of Symbols................................................................................................................... Tariff Format............................................ ........................................................................................ Application of Tariff........................................................................................................................ 1 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................... RULES AND REGULATIONS ........................................................................................ Undertaking of the Company............................................................................................. Limitations........................................................................................................................ . Use .....................................................................................................................................2.4 Liability of the Company ................................................................................................... Responsibilities of the Customer ....................................................................................... Interruption of Service ....................................................................................................... Termination of Service ...................................................................................................... Restoration of Service ........................................................................................................ (Reserved for Future Use J ................................................................................................ ..10 Payment for Service...........................................................................................................11 Deposits............................................................................................................................ ..12 Advance Payments .............................................................................................................13 Taxes ..................................................................................................................................14 Right to Backbill for Improper Use ...................................................................................15 Payphone Compensation Surcharge ....................................................... ......................... ..16 Returned Check Charge................................................................................................... ..17 Agents of the Company .....................................................................................................18 Cost of Collection and Repair.................. ........................................................................ ..19 Take or Pay Provision Applicable to Carriers/Resellers (Wholesale Customers) .............20 Toll Free Services .............................................................................................................. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ....................................................................................... Timing of Calls ..................................................................................................................3.2 Minimum Call Completion Rate........................................................................................ Calculation of Distance..................................................................................................... . Time of Day Rate Periods.................................................................................................. Holiday Rates..................................................................................................................... Promotions and Discounts ................................................................................................. Service Offerings ............................................................................................................... RATES AND CHARGES.................................................................................................. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE 4 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho CONTACT INFORMATION Customer complaints, bill inquiry, new service or disconnect requests: iTELSA (USA), Inc. 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 650 Miami, FL 33131 Toll Free 800-864-1313 Commission contact - tariff information: Bob Sklar Vice President 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 650 Miami, FL 33131 305-372-8722 Commission contact - complaints: Bob Sklar Vice President 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 650 Miami, FL 33131 305-372-8722 Idaho agent: Corporation Service Company 200 N. 23rd St. Boise, ID 83702 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following symbols are reserved for the purposes indicated below: D - Delete or discontinue I - Increase in rate or charge M - Moved from another tariff location N - New R - Decrease in rate or charge T - Change in text but no change in rate or charge or regulation C - Change in regulation Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering: Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 4 and 5 would be 4. Page Revision Numbers: Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file. For example, the 4th revised Page 4 cancels the 3rd revised Page 4. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the Commission follows in the tariff approval process, the most current page number on file is not always the tariff page in effect. Consult the check sheet for the page currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence: There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 2. 1. LA 1.1.A.1 1. LA. 1. (a) (a).I A.l.(a).I.(i) A.l.(a).I.(i).(1) When a tariff filing is made, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on the check sheet if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc. remains the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. SERVICE AREA The Company offers service throughout the entire state of Idaho Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE 6 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho .... J APPLICATION OF TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, rates, and charges applicable to the provision of telecommunications service by iTELSA (USA), Inc. ("iTELSA"), within the State of Idaho. Service is furnished subject to facility availability, transmission conditions, atmospheric conditions, and other like conditions. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho DEFINITIONS Access Line: A local channel for voice, data, or video communications which connects the Customer location to a location of the Company. Access Code: A pre-defined series of numbers used by the Company to permit Presubscribed Customers to route interexchange calls to the Company s network. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through use of any assigned Access Code. Account: The Customer who has agreed, verbally or by signature, to honor the terms of service established by the Company. An account may have more than one authorization code billed to the same Customer address. Authorization Code: A pre-defined series of numbers which are used by the Company to prevent unauthorized access and to identify the Customer for billing purposes. To be dialed by the Customer or End User upon access to the Company s Switch to notify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through use of any assigned Authorization Code (see also "Personal Identification Number Authorized User: A person, firm, or corporation that is authorized to use the Company s services. Available Usage Balance: The amount of usage remaining on a Debit Account at any particular point in time. Each Debit Account has an Initial Account Balance which is stated either in U. dollars or Call units, depending on the type of service. The Available Usage Balance is depleted as services provided by the Company are utilized by the Customer. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DEFINITIONS (CONT. Called Station: The terminating point of the call (i.e. the called number). Calling Party: Any individual who uses the services provided. Calling Station: The originating point of the call (i.e. the calling number). Carrier: A company that provides communications circuits. Company: iTELSA (USA), Inc. Commission: Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Customer: Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that orders service under the provisions and regulations of this tariff. The Customer is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with this tariff. Debit Account: An account which consists of an Authorization Code and a pre-paid usage balance depleted on a real-time basis during each Debit Service Call. Debit Card: A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with an Authorization Code and instructions for accessing the Company s network (see also "Prepaid Phone Card" Debit Service Call: A service accessed via a "800" or other access code dialing sequence whereby the Calling Party dials all of the digits necessary to route a call. Charges for each call are deducted from the Available Usage Balance of the Debit Account. Dedicated Line: A method of reaching the Company s services whereby the Customer is connected directly to the Company s Point of Presence without utilizing services of the local switched network. Direct Dialed Call: A call requiring no operator assistance. A direct dialed call is completed and billed to the telephone number from which the call originated without the assistance of an automated or live operator. This includes calls forwarded by call forwarding equipment. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE 9 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho DEFINITIONS (CONT. End User: Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses the service of the Company under the terms and conditions of this tariff. The end user is responsible for payment unless the Customer is responsible for the charges for the service utilized (see also "Authorized User" and "Calling Party Equal Access: A form of dialed access provided by the local exchange companies whereby interexchange calls dialed by the Calling Party are automatically routed to the Company s network. Presubscribed Customers may also route interexchange calls to the Company s network by dialing an Access Code supplied by the Company. FCC: Federal Communications Commission. Initial Account Balance: The amount of Available Usage Balance on a Debit Account upon issuance and before any depleting call activity. Incomplete Call: A call where the transmission between the calling and the called station is not established (e.g. busy, no answer, etc. iTELSA: Refers to iTELSA (USA), Inc. LATA (Local Access and Transport Area): A geographic area within which local telephone companies may offer telecommunications services (local or long distance). Local Exchange Carrier (LEC): A telephone company utility that provides local telecommunications services to a specific geographic area for business and residential Customers. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DEFINITIONS (CONT. Marks: A collective term to mean such items as trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos copyrighted words, artwork, designs, pictures or images, or any other device or merchandise to which legal rights or ownership are held or reserved by an entity. Non-recurring Charges: One-time charges that apply for a specific work activity (e.g. installation or change to an existing service). On-Line Billing: Method of billing where the bill is sent by electronic mail. Other Common Carrier (OCC): A common carrier other than the Company. Personal Identification Number (PIN): A numeric code, one or more of which are available to a Customer to allow access to the carrier and which are used by the carrier to prevent unauthorized access and to identify the Customer for billing purposes (see also "Authorization Code Point of Presence (POP): The physical location where a long distance carrier terminates its long distance circuits. Prepaid Phone Card: A calling card sold with a preset balance debited according to use (see also Debit Card" Presubscribed Customer: Customer in an equal access area that has selected a long distance carrier that the Customer can access by dialing " 1 +" the 1 0 digit long distance number. Private Line: A direct channel specifically dedicated to a Customer s use between specified points. Recharge: A method of replenishing a Debit Account's Available Usage Balance with additional minutes of usage as authorized and paid for by the Customer. Reseller: A long distance company that does not own its own transmission lines. Retail Customer: Customer that acqUIres service for end-use. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho DEFINITIONS (CONT. ...... . Sponsor: A corporation or other legal entity that exclusively permits the use of its Marks to the Company for use with the Company s services, and contracts with the Company for the marketing of the services described herein. Subscriber: Customer. Switch: An electronic device that allows circuit sharing, routing, and control. Switched Access: A method for reaching the Company s network through the local switched network whereby the Calling Party uses standard local business or residential lines. Terminal Equipment: Telecommunications devices, apparatus and associated wiring located at the premised of the Customer. Travel Card: A billing mechanism which enables the Customer to access the service of the Company while away from home or office. l: A digital transmission link with a capacity of 1.544 Mbps (1 544 000 bits per second). T- lines are used for dedicated local access to long distance facilities. Uncompleted Call: A call where the transmission between the calling and the called station is not established (e.g. busy, no answer, etc. Underlying Carrier: A provider of telecommunications services whose network the Company uses to provide telecommunications services to the Customers. Wholesale Customer: Customer that acquires service for resale to retail Customers or to other wholesale Customers. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company provides telecommunications services through the resale of services of other authorized carriers to Customers for the transmissIOn of voice, data, and facsimile, and other special service on a switched and dedicated basis. All services are to be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. The Company installs, operates and maintains the communication services provided hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. The Company may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Company s network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangements. The Company s services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis (unless the Customer and Company agree otherwise), and are available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Limitations 2.2.Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment, and subject to the terms ofthis tariff. 2.2.The Company reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the end-user or Customer uses the service in violation of law or in violation of the terms of this tariff. 2.2.The Customer may not transfer or assign the use of the service or facilities, except with the express consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Limitations (Cont. 2.4 All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions for service. 2.2.The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. 2.2.The Company reserves the right to block access to wireless phone and pager numbers that subscribe to a "calling party pays" service. Use Customers may only use the services provided under this tariff in a manner consistent with the terms of this tariff and the laws of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the service. 3.2 Services provided under this tariff shall not be used for unlawful purposes. 2.4 Liability of the Company The included tariff language does not constitute a determInation by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 2.4.Except as stated in this section 2.4, the Company shall have no liability for any damages arising out of or related to services, events, acts, rights, or privileges related to this tariff. This tariff does not limit the liability of the Company for gross negligence or willful misconduct. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. 2.4 2.4. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. _.-.~-. ..... .- J Liability of the Company (Cont. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE TO THE RESELLER OR ANY OTHER PERSON, FIRM OR ENTITY IN ANY OTHER RESPECT INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, FOR ANY DAMAGES, EITHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL , INCIDENTAL ACTUAL, PUNITIVE, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OF ANY KIND OR WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF FORESEEABLE ARISING OUT OF ANY MISTAKE, ACCIDENT, ERROR, OMISSION INTERRUPTION, OR DEFECT IN TRANSMISSION, OR DELAY, INCLUDING THOSE WHICH MAYBE CAUSED BY REGULATORY OR JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES , ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE SERVICES OF OR THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY PURSUANT TO THIS TARIFF INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY FAILURE TO PROVIDE TIMELY OR ACCURATELY PROVISION OR INSTALL ANY PORTION OF THE SERVICES OR CONDITIONS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM ACTION BY REGULATORY OR JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES. THE COMPANY'S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM OR LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, EXCEPT FOR THE COMPANY'S GROSS NEGLIGENCE, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE MONEY ACTUALL Y P AID TO THE COMPANY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT BY CUSTOMER FOR THE SPECIFIC SERVICES THAT GIVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE AL TERNA TIVE ROUTING WITH RESPECT TO ANY TRANSMISSION CAPACITY PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THIS TARIFF. NO ACTION OR PROCEEDING AGAINST THE COMPANY MA Y BE ME COMMENCED MORE THAN TWO YEARS AFTER THE SERVICES ARE RENDERED. THE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE COMP ANY'S OBLIGATION TO GIVE A CREDIT OR REFUND, AT THE COMPANY'S SOLE DISCRETION, BASED ON THE ORIGINAL CHARGES FOR THE SERVICES. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise. Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. 2.4 Liability of the Company (Cont.) 2.4.The Company s liability for damages shall not exceed the amount that the Customer has actually paid the Company for the period of service during which such mistakes omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occur. 2.4.4 THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE DESCRIPTION, QUALITY MERCHANTABILITY, COMPLETENESS , OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE IN CONNECTION WITH ITS NETWORK OR OF THE SERVICE OR LOCAL ACCESS OR AS TO ANY OTHER MATTER, ALL OF WHICH WARRANTIES BY THE COMPANY ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED. 2.4.In no event will the Company be responsible for any indirect, consequential incidental, or special damages. 2.4.The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company furnishing any part of the service. No agents or employees of other carriers or companies shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. 2.4 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Liability of the Company (Cont. The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer against any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect special, or consequential damage) for defamation, libel, slander, invasion infringement of copy-right or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, tradename or service mark, unfair competition, interference with or misappropriation or violation of any contract, proprietary or creative right or any other injury to any person or property or entity arising out of the material, data, information or content revealed to transmitted, or used by the Company under this tariff; or for any act of omission of the Customer; or for any personal injury or death of any person caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance, location, condition, operation, failure presence, use or removal of equipment or wiring provided by the Company, if not directly caused by negligence of the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: fire, floods, and other catastrophes; acts of God; atmospheric conditions and other natural phenomena; acts of government; court orders; national emergencies; war; civil disturbances; labor problems; third party acts and omissions (including failure of performance for reasons beyond the control of common carriers, interexchange carriers, local exchange carriers, suppliers and subcontractors); and other causes beyond its reasonable control, including failures and fluctuations in any equipment. The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or refund as a result of loss or theft of Debit Cards, Authorization Codes or Access Codes issued for use with the Company s services. Nor will the Company be liable for any claim, loss or refund on any unused balance remaining on a Debit Card provided to a Customer. The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss or refund on any unused portion of the usage balance remaining in a Debit Account provided to a Customer before or after the expiration date assigned to each Debit Account. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Responsibilities of the Customer 5.1 (Reserved for future use 5.2 (Reserved for future use (Reserved for future use Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. 2.5 Responsibilities of the Customer 5.4 (Reserved for future use The Customer shall be responsible for securing its telephone equipment against fraudulent use of the Company s service. The Customer shall be responsible for payment of all applicable charges for services provided by the Company and billed to the Customer s accounts, even if those calls originated by fraudulent means from the Customer s premises or remote locations. In addition, the Customer shall be responsible for all calls charged by fraudulent means to the Customer s account. (Reserved for future use Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Responsibilities of the Customer (Cont. The Customer shall be liable for: Loss of Company equipment or facilities at the Customer s premises due to theft, fire, flood, or any other casualty or criminal act. Reimbursing the Company for damages to facilities and equipment caused by the negligent or willful acts of the Customer or its authorized users employees, agents, or contractors. Charges incurred with other companies for service at the Customer s premises or on the Customer s equipment. Payment of Company charges for calls or service originated at the Customer number; accepted at the Customer s number (i., collect calls); or placed through the Customer s calling card or authorization/PIN number. The Customer shall provide access to its premises for any installation, repair maintenance, inspection, testing, or removal of equipment associated with the Company s service. The Customer shall ensure that authorized users comply with the provisions of this tariff. The Customer is responsible for all charges billed by other carriers for use in connection with Company s service. Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between carriers is the responsibility of the Customer. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. . ; Interruption of Service Upon Customer request, the Company may, at its discretion, credit a Customer account for service interruptions which are not due to the Company s testing or adjusting, Customer s negligence or willful acts, or to the failure of Customer provided facilities or equipment. Before requesting a credit, the Customer will take reasonable steps to verify that the trouble could not have been prevented by the Customer and is not in the Customer s wiring or equipment. Credit for interruptions will not exceed the rate of 11720th of the monthly charge for the facility affected for each hour or major fraction thereofthat the interruption continues. Calculations the credit shall be made in accordance with the following formula: Credit = A/720 x B A" = outage time in hours B" = total monthly charge for affected facility Without incurring liability, the Company may interrupt service at any time for inspection, testing, maintenance, or repair. When possible, the Company will notify Customers of the cause and expected duration of the interruption at least 24 hours in advance. Upon reasonable notice, access to the facilities provided by the Company shall be made available to the Company for tests and adjustments as may be deemed necessary by the Company for maintenance. The Company will not grant any allowances for interruptions for Inspection, testing, maintenance, or repair. The Company may discontinue service, or any part thereof, without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to and from certain countries, cities, NXX', or by blocking calls that use certain authorization codes or calling card accounts when the Company deems it necessary to prevent fraud or other unlawful use of its services. The Company may restore service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Termination of Service Without incurring any liability, monetary or otherwise, the Company may terminate or withhold service for any of the following reasons after seven (7) days written notice and 24 hours diligent attempt to contact the customer (unless otherwise specified): Failure to timely pay any charges applicable under this tariff. Violation of any provision ofthis tariff. Without notice for violation of any law, rule, regulation, or policy of a government authority having jurisdiction over the service. Without notice for an order or decision of a court, public utility commission, federal regulatory body, or other government authority prohibiting the Company from providing service. Without notice for dangerous conditions which may cause imminent harm to persons or substantial damage to property. Without notice for illegal use, unauthorized use, or theft of service. For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to Company or its agents for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment owned by Company or its agents. When the Available Account Balance is depleted to a level insufficient to place a one minute call to the destination of least cost. When the established expiration date of the Debit Account is reached. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. 10. 10.2 10. Boise Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Restoration of Service A reactivation charge may apply if the Company restores service for a Customer deactivated under section 2.7. The reactivation charge shall equal the applicable set-up fee. (Reserved for Future Use) Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer for transmission of calls via the Company. The Customer agrees to pay to the Company any cost( s) incurred as a result of any delegation of authority resulting in the use of Customer s communications equipment and/or network services which result in the placement of any calls via the company. The Customer agrees to pay the Company or its authorized agent any and all cost(s) incurred as the result of the use of the service arrangement, including calls which the Customer did not individually authorize. All charges due from the Customer are payable to any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. The agency may be a LEC, credit card company, or other billing or collection service. Terms of payment shall be subject to the rules and regulations of any regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. If notice of a disputed charge IS not received within three (3) years after an InVOICe is issued, the invoice shall be considered correct and binding on the Customer. The Customer may not withhold undisputed amounts. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 8 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. 10.4 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Payment for Service (Cont. An account becomes past due if the Customer fails to pay within 15 days after the invoice date, unless the Customer and Company agree otherwise. Bills are due and payable upon receipt. Interest at the lesser of (1) one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (unless the Customer and Company agree otherwise), or (2) the highest rate allowed by law per month shall accrue on any unpaid amount starting 30 days after the Invoice date. A past due account may subject the Customer s service to deactivation. The Company will give the customer at least seven days written notice and the Company will make diligent attempts to contact the customer for 24 hours prior to deactivation of service. Failure to receive a bill will not exempt a Customer from prompt payment of any sums due. Renewal of Customer Available Usage Balances made by charges to commercial credit cards are subject to the terms and conditions of the issuing commercial credit card company and those of Company s credit card processing agent. Charges for installation, service, connections, moves, and rearrangements, where applicable, are payable upon demand by the Company or its authorized agent. The billing thereafter will include recurring charges and actual use as defined in this tariff. Service is installed upon mutual agreement between the Customer and the Company. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 8: 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Deposits The Company does not require deposits from retail Customers. Advance Payments The Company s prepaid phone cards and recharges of such cards require advance purchase by the retail Customer before use. Taxes The Customer is responsible for payment of all applicable federal, state, and local taxes charges, and assessments. All taxes (e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, excise tax, municipal utilities tax, etc.) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. For pre-paid services, taxes and fees are included in the rates and charges stated in the Company s rate schedule for this service, unless otherwise specified. The Company may allocate the taxes, charges, and assessments on a prorated basis among Customers within a taxIng jurisdiction. Right to Backbill for Improper Use Any person or entity which uses or appropriates the Company s services, whether directly or indirectly, in any unlawful manner or by providing misleading or false information to the Company shall be liable for an amount equal to the charges that would have applied to a Customer s actual use of services. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho . . RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Payphone Compensation Surcharge The Company reserves the right to assess a per call surcharge for compensation of payphone service providers. The surcharge amount may vary according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. (Reserved for Future Use) Agents of the Company Agents of the Company must meet the Company s standards to ensure quality of service and marketing representation. Agents may be required to meet training specifications or other standards imposed by the Company. Cost of Collection and Repair The Customer is responsible for any and all costs incurred in the collection of monies due the Company. Customer is also responsible for recovery costs of Company-provided equipment and any expenses required for repair or replacement of damaged equipment. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: February 20 , 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities GommlSSlon Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Boise. Idaho Effective: March 30, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. 2.20. 20. 2.20. Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT. Toll Free Services The Company will make every effort to reserve 800/888 toll free vanity numbers for Customers, but makes no guaranty or warranty that the requested number(s) will be available. 800/888 numbers shared by more than one Customer, whereby individual Customers are identified by a unique Authorization Code, may not be assigned or transferred for use with service provided by another carrier. Subject to the limitations provided in this tariff, the Company will only honor Customer requests for a change in Resp. Org. or 800/888 service provider for 800/888 numbers dedicated to the sole use of that single Customer. If a Customer who has received a toll free number does not subscribe to 800/888 service within ninety (90) days, the Company reserves the right to make the assigned number available for use by another Customer. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Company offers direct dialed (1 +) service, inbound 800/888 number service, travel card service, prepaid card service and directory assistance service for communications originating and terminating within the state under the terms of this tariff. Intrastate telecommunications service is available 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week. The Company will give at least 10 days notice to Customers and the Idaho PUC before increasing rates or other changes. The notice to customers will be either individual notice or a public notice in the newspapers in the Company s Idaho service areas. Timing of Calls Billing of retail Customers for calls placed through the Company s service is based in part on the duration of the call as follows, unless specified otherwise in this tariff: Call timing begins when the called party answers the call (i., when two way communications are established). Answer detection is based on standard industry detection methods, including hardware and software detection. Chargeable time for a call ends when either party disconnects from the call. Minimum call duration may vary by service and is specified in Section 3 of this tariff. Billing increments may vary by service and is specified in Section 3 of this tariff. The Company will not charge retail Customers/end-users for unanswered (uncompleted) calls. Minimum Call Completion Rate The Customer can expect a call completion rate (number of calls completed / number of calls attempted) of not less than 98% during peak use periods for all Feature Group D services and not less than 95% during peak use periods for all prepaid phone card services. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. . '- .. Calculation of Distance ("V & H" U sage charges for mileage-sensitive products are based on the airline distance between serving wire centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The service wire centers of a call are determined by the area codes and exchanges of the origination and destination points. The distance between the wire center of the Customer and that of the destination point is calculated by using the industry standard vertical (") and horizontal coordinates (" coordinates. Step 1: Obtain the V and H coordinates for the wire centers serving the Customer and the destination point. Step 2: Obtain the difference between the V coordinate of each wire center. Obtain the difference between the H coordinates. Step 3: Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Step 4: Add the squares ofthe V difference and the H difference obtained in Step 3. Step 5: Divide the sum of the squares obtained in Step 4 by 10. Round to the next higher whole number if a fraction remains from the division. Step 6: Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if a fraction remains. Formula: Mileage = . / )2 + (H Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. 3.4 Time of Day Rate Periods The following rate periods apply to all service offerings, unless otherwise specified. The rate periods (Day, Evening, Night/Weekend) are indicated below in Eastern Standard Time: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 8:00 am Day Rate Period 5:00 pm 5:00 pm Evening Rate Period Eve 11:00 pm 11:00 pm Night/Weekend Rate Period 8:00 am * Up to, but not including Holiday Rates The Company may designate certain holidays on which rates may be lower. The Company currently does not designate any holidays. Promotions and Discounts The Company may conduct special tests or pilot programs and promotions at its discretion to demonstrate the ease of use, quality of service, and to promote the sale of its services. The Company may also waive a portion or all of a processing fee or installation fee for winners of contests and other occasional promotional events sponsored or endorsed by the Company. From time to time the Company may waive all processing fees for a Customer. The Company will notify the Commission of promotions and will include the terms, rates, and conditions of the promotions. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise. Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings Switched Outbound Direct Dial Service This service provides Customers with direct dial (1 +) long distance calling. Calls originate via switched access facilities. Calls are billed in: 1 minute increments with a 1 minute minimum, 30 second increments with a 30 second minimum, 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum, or 6 second increments with a 6 second mInImum. Dedicated Outbound Service This service provides Customers with direct dial (1 +) long distance calling. Calls originate via dedicated access facilities. Calls are billed in: 1 minute increments with a 1 minute minimum, 30 second increments with a 30 second minimum, 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum, or 6 second increments with a 6 second minimum. All charges associated with the dedicated access facilities are the responsibility ofthe Customer. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings (Cont. Switched Inbound Service Switched Inbound Service is available to business and residential subscribers for incoming calls. Calls originate from any interstate or intrastate location over a toll- free number (e. g. 800/888"and terminate to a Customer-provided business or residential switched access line. Call charges are billed to the Subscriber rather than to the originating caller. Calls are billed in: 1 minute increments with a 1 minute minimum, 30 second increments with a 30 second minimum, 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum, or 6 second increments with a 6 second minimum. 7.4 Dedicated Inbound Service Dedicated Inbound Service is available to subscribers for incoming calls. Calls originate from any interstate or intrastate location over a toll-free number (e. 800/888"and terminate to a Customer-provided dedicated access line. Call charges are billed to the Customer rather than to the originating caller. Calls are billed in: minute increments with a 1 minute minimum, 30 second increments with a 30 second minimum, 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum, or 6 second increments with a 6 second minimum. All charges associated with the dedicated access facilities are the responsibility of the Customer. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings (Cont. Prepaid Phone Card Services The iTELSA Prepaid Phone Card services allows Customers to pay a fixed dollar amount in advance for long distance calling over iTELSA's network. Customers use an 800/888" number for access from touch tone phones. Customers can place domestic and international long distance calls using the service. Cards are decremented for each minute of use as set forth in the rate tables. As calls are placed charges for the calls are deducted on a real-time basis until the full amount of the card is exhausted. Customers will be notified in advance of the exhaustion of the card. expiration date, if applicable, is printed on the card. The rates paid by the Customer until the card is exhausted are the rates in effect at the time the card is purchased. The following types of calls may not be completed using the Prepaid Phone Card: * Calls to 700, 800 888, and 900 numbers * Operator assisted Calls * Calls requiring time & charges Promotional Phone Card Program The Promotional Phone Card Program furnishes prepaid phone cards. The minimum order can be as low as 25 cards. Calls are billed in one minute increments with a one minute minimum. Promotional Phone Cards may have one of the following expiration dates: 6 months after first use, 6 months after activation, 12 months after first use, 12 months after activation, 18 months after first use, 18 months after activation, or a specific date printed on the card. Promotional Phone Card Program Recharge Promotional Phone Card Program Recharge allows the retail Customer to recharge the card by purchasing additional time. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise. Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings (Cont. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Activation Program The Activation Program provides prepaid phone cards. Calls are billed in I minute Increments with a 1 mInute minimum. Activation Program cards may have one of the following expiration dates: 6 months after first use, 6 months after activation, 12 months after first use, 12 months after activation, 18 months after first use, 18 months after activation, or a specific date printed on the card. 7.5.4 Activation Program Recharge Activation Program Recharge allows the retail Customer to recharge the card by purchasing additional time. (Reserved for Future Use) 7.5.Bundled Usage Program Recharge Bundled Usage Program Recharge allows the retail Customer to recharge the card by purchasing additional time. Issued: February 20 , 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, IdalJo DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings (Cont. (Reserved for Future Use) Unbundled Usage Program Recharge Unbundled Usage Program Recharge allows the retail Customer to recharge the card by purchasing additional time. (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (CONT. Service Offerings (Cont. Travel Card Service Travel Card Service allows the Customer to place calls within the state while away from the home or office. The Customer must dial a toll-free 800/888" number and an Authorization Code before completing the call. Calls are billed in: 1 minute increments with a I minute minimum, 30 second increments with a 30 second minimum, 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum, or 6 second increments with a 6 second minimum. Directory Assistance Service Directory Assistance allows the customer to find long distance telephone numbers. Directory Assistance charge of $0.85 applies to each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number(s). Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES This section sets forth the rates and charges applicable to the Company s services. The rates and charges apply to intrastate services and facilities. All rates and charges are expressed in S. dollars. All rates are per minute. Calls which overlap rate periods will be charged according to the rates applicable to the time recorded in each period. Switched Outbound Direct Dial Service (Day) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20 , 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission ORIGINAL Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. 1 Switched Outbound Direct Dial Service (Evening) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities CommissionPAGEOffice of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise. Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Switched Outbound Direct Dial Service (NightlWeekend/Holiday) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Dedicated Outbound Service (Day) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILIN MAR S 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, \dabo RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Dedicated Outbound Service (Evening) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities GOmmlSSlon PAGE Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho , ..... RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Dedicated Outbound Service (NightlWeekend/Holiday) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Switched Inbound Service (Day) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission ORIGINAL Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 8 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Switched Inbound Service (Evening) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission ORIGINAL Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise. Id~o RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Switched Inbound Service (NightlWeekend/Holiday) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commi88ion Office of the Slefllt8ORIGINALACCEPTED FOR F LINQ MAR 8 0 iTELSA (USA), Inc. 8aise,. .". RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. 4.4 Dedicated Inbound Service (Day) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho t'ublic utilities commiSSion PAGE Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR S 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise. Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. 4.4 Dedicated Inbound Service (Evening) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 8 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, IdeM RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. ,-,,-,-,..,... ..._.. 4.4 Dedicated Inbound Service (NightlWeekend/Holiday) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 045 070 095 120 101 145 046 071 096 121 102 146 047 072 097 122 103 147 048 073 098 123 104 148 049 074 099 124 105 149 050 075 100 125 106 150 051 076 101 126 052 077 102 127 053 078 103 128 054 079 104 129 055 080 105 130 056 081 106 131 057 082 107 132 058 083 108 133 059 084 109 134 060 085 110 135 061 086 111 136 062 087 112 137 063 088 113 138 064 089 114 139 065 090 115 140 066 091 116 141 067 092 117 142 068 093 118 143 069 094 119 100 144 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities CommissionPAGEOffice of the secretllr ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FLING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, 'clabo RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Promotional Phone Card Program Recharge Recharge Rate1 0.1502 0.1553 0.1604 0.1655 0.1706 0.1757 0.1808 0.1859 0.19010 0,19511 0.20012 0.20513 0.21014 0.21515 0.22016 0.22517 0.23018 0.23519 0.24020 0.24521 0.250 Merchant Bank Surcharge (for Recharge/Activation billed to a credit card): $0.40 + 7% of recharge amount 1st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0.25, $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45 , $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount of the surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise. ~daho RATES AND CHARGES (CaNT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Activation Program (Day) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 100 225 350 0.475 101 600 126 0.725 151 850 176 0.975 105 230 355 0.480 102 0.605 127 0.730 152 0.855 177 0.980 110 235 360 0.485 103 0.610 128 0.735 153 0.860 178 0.985 115 0.240 365 0.490 104 0.615 129 0.740 154 0,865 179 0.990 120 245 370 0.495 105 0.620 130 0.745 155 0.870 180 0.995 125 250 375 500 106 0,625 131 750 156 0.875 181 000 130 255 380 505 107 0.630 132 0.755 157 0.880 135 260 385 510 108 0.635 133 0.760 158 0,885 140 265 59 0.390 515 109 0.640 134 0.765 159 0.890 145 270 395 520 110 0,645 135 0,770 160 0.895 150 275 0.400 525 111 650 136 0.775 161 900 155 280 0.405 530 112 0.655 137 0.780 162 0,905 160 285 0.410 535 113 0.660 138 0.785 163 0.910 165 290 0.415 540 114 0.665 139 0.790 164 0.915 170 295 0.420 545 115 0.670 140 0,795 165 0,920 175 300 0.425 550 116 0.675 141 800 166 0.925 180 305 67 0.430 555 117 0.680 142 0.805 167 0.930 185 310 0.435 560 118 0.685 143 0.810 168 0.935 190 315 0.440 565 119 0.690 144 0,815 169 0,940 195 320 0.445 570 120 0.695 145 0.820 170 0.945 200 325 0.450 575 121 700 146 0.825 171 950 205 330 0.455 580 122 0.705 147 0,830 172 0,955 210 335 0.460 585 123 0.710 148 0.835 173 0.960 215 340 0.465 590 124 0.715 149 0.840 174 0.965 220 345 0.470 100 0.595 125 0.720 150 0.845 175 0.970 1st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0.25, $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45, $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount of the surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Activation Program (Evening) Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 100 225 350 0.475 101 600 126 0.725 151 850 176 0,975 105 230 355 0.480 102 0,605 127 0,730 152 0.855 177 0.980 110 235 360 0.485 103 0.610 128 0.735 153 0.860 178 0.985 115 240 365 0.490 104 0.615 129 0.740 154 0.865 179 0,990 120 245 370 0.495 105 0.620 130 0.745 155 0.870 180 0,995 125 250 375 500 106 0,625 131 750 156 0.875 181 000 130 255 380 505 107 0.630 132 0.755 157 0.880 135 260 385 510 108 0.635 133 0.760 158 0.885 140 265 59 0.390 515 109 0.640 134 0,765 159 0.890 145 270 395 520 110 0,645 135 0.770 160 0.895 150 275 0.400 525 111 650 136 0.775 161 900 155 280 0.405 530 112 0.655 137 0.780 162 0,905 160 285 0.410 535 113 0.660 138 0.785 163 0,910 165 290 0.415 540 114 0.665 139 0.790 164 0.915 170 295 0.420 545 115 0,670 140 0.795 165 0.920 175 300 0.425 550 116 0,675 141 800 166 0,925 180 305 0.430 555 117 0.680 142 0,805 167 0.930 185 310 0.435 560 118 0.685 143 0.810 168 0.935 190 315 0.440 565 119 0,690 144 0.815 169 0,940 195 320 0.445 570 120 0.695 145 0.820 170 0.945 0.200 325 0.450 575 121 700 146 0.825 171 950 205 330 0.455 580 122 0.705 147 0.830 172 0.955 210 335 0.460 585 123 0.710 148 0,835 173 0.960 215 340 0.465 590 124 0.715 149 0.840 174 0,965 220 345 0.470 100 0.595 125 0,720 150 0.845 175 0.970 1st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0.25 , $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45 , $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount of the surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Rate1 0.1002 0.1053 0.1104 0.1155 0.1206 0.1257 0,1308 0,1359 0.140 10 0.145 11 0,150 12 0.155 13 0.160 14 0.165 15 0.170 16 0.175 17 0.180 18 0.185 19 0.190 20 0.195 21 0.200 22 0.205 23 0.210 24 0.215 25 0.220 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Activation Program (NightIWeekend/Holiday) Rate 26 0.225 27 0,230 28 0.235 29 0.240 30 0.245 31 0,25032 0.255 33 0.260 34 0.265 35 0,270 36 0.275 37 0.280 38 0.285 39 0,290 40 0.295 41 0.300 42 0.305 43 0,310 44 0.315 45 0.320 46 0,325 47 0.330 48 0.335 49 0.340 50 0,345 Rate 51 0.350 52 0.355 53 0.360 54 0.365 55 0.370 56 0.375 57 0.380 58 0.385 59 0.390 60 0.39561 0.40062 0.40563 0.41064 0.41565 0.42066 0.42567 0.43068 0.43569 0.44070 0.445 71 0.45072 0.45573 0.46074 0.46575 0.470 Rate76 0.47577 0.48078 0.48579 0.49080 0.495 81 0.500 82 0,505 83 0.510 84 0.515 85 0,520 86 0,525 87 0.530 88 0.535 89 0.540 90 0,545 91 0.550 92 0.555 93 0.560 94 0.565 95 0.570 96 0.575 97 0.580 98 0.585 99 0.590 100 0.595 Rate 101 0,600 102 0.605 103 0.610 104 0.615 105 0,620 106 0.625 107 0.630 108 0.635 109 0.640 110 0.645 111 0.650 112 0.655 113 0.660 114 0,665 115 0.670 116 0.675 117 0.680 118 0.685 119 0.690 120 0,695 121 0.700 122 0.705 123 0,710 124 0.715 125 0.720 Rate 126 0.725 127 0.730 128 0.735 129 0.740 130 0.745 131 0.750 132 0,755 133 0,760 134 0.765 135 0.770 136 0,775 137 0.780 138 0.785 139 0.790 140 0,795 141 0,800 142 0.805 143 0.810 144 0.815 145 0.820 146 0.825 147 0.830 148 0.835 149 0.840 150 0.845 Boise, Idaho Rate 151 0.850 152 0,855 153 0.860 154 0.865 155 0.870 156 0,875 157 0.880 158 0.885 159 0.890 160 0.895 161 0.900 162 0.905 163 0.910 164 0.915 165 0.920 166 0,925 167 0.930 168 0.935 169 0.940 170 0,945 171 0.950 172 0.955 173 0,960 174 0.965 175 0.970 Rate 176 0.975 177 0.980 178 0,985 179 0.990 180 0.995 181 1.000 1 st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0.25 , $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45 , $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount of the surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Effective: March 30, 1998 PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont.) 5.4 Rate1 0,1002 0.1053 0.1104 0.1155 0.1206 0.1257 0.1308 0.1359 0.140 10 0,145 11 0.150 12 0.155 13 0.160 14 0,165 15 0.170 16 0.175 17 0.180 18 0.185 19 0,190 20 0.195 21 0.200 22 0,205 23 0.210 24 0.21525 0.220 Activation Program Recharge Rate 26 0.225 27 0,230 28 0.235 29 0.24030 0.245 31 0.250 32 0.255 33 0.260 34 0.265 35 0,270 36 0,275 37 0.280 38 0.285 39 0.290 40 0.295 41 0.300 42 0.305 43 0,310 44 0.315 45 0.320 46 0.325 47 0.330 48 0.335 49 0,340 50 0.345 Rate 51 0.350 52 0.355 53 0,360 54 0.365 55 0.370 56 0.375 57 0.380 58 0.385 59 0.390 60 0.39561 0.40062 0.40563 0.41064 0.41565 0.42066 0.42567 0.43068 0.43569 0.44070 0.44571 0.45072 0.45573 0.46074 0.46575 0.470 RechargeRate Rate76 0.475 101 0.60077 0.480 102 0.60578 0.485 103 0.61079 0.490 104 0.61580 0.495 105 0.620 81 0.500 106 0.625 82 0.505 107 0,630 83 0.510 108 0,63584 0,515 109 0.640 85 0.520 110 0.645 86 0.525 111 0.650 87 0.530 112 0.655 88 0.535 113 0,660 89 0.540 114 0.665 90 0.545 115 0.670 91 0.550 116 0.675 92 0.555 117 0.680 93 0.560 118 0.685 94 0.565 119 0.690 95 0,570 120 0,695 96 0.575 121 0.700 97 0.580 122 0.705 98 0,585 123 0.710 99 0.590 124 0.715 100 0.595 125 0.720 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Rate 126 0.725 127 0,730 128 0.735 129 0.740 130 0.745 131 0.750 132 0.755 133 0.760 134 0,765 135 0.770 136 0.775 137 0.780 138 0.785 139 0.790 140 0.795 141 0.800 142 0,805 143 0.810 144 0.815 145 0.820 146 0.825 147 0.830 148 0,835 149 0.840 150 0.845 BoiS!!, Idaho Rate 151 0,850 152 0.855 153 0.860 154 0.865 155 0,870 156 0.875 157 0.880 158 0,885 159 0,890 160 0.895 161 0.900 162 0,905 163 0.910 164 0.915 165 0.920 166 0,925 167 0.930 168 0.935 169 0.940 170 0.945 171 0,950 172 0.955 173 0.960 174 0,965 175 0.970 Rate 176 0,975 177 0.980 178 0.985 179 0,990 180 0.995 181 1.000 Merchant Bank Surcharge (for Recharge/Activation billed to a credit card): $0.40 + 7% of recharge amount 1 st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0., $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45, $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount ofthe surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Effective: March 30, 1998 PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ORIGINAL ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont.) Rate1 0,1002 0.1053 0.1104 0.1155 0,1206 0,1257 0.1308 0.1359 0.140 10 0.145 11 0.150 12 0.155 13 0.160 14 0,165 15 0.170 16 0.175 17 0.180 18 0.185 19 0.190 20 0.195 21 0,200 22 0.205 23 0.210 24 0.215 25 0.220 Bundled Usage Program Recharge Rate 26 0.225 27 0.230 28 0.235 29 0.240 30 0.245 31 0,250 32 0.255 33 0.260 34 0.265 35 0,270 36 0.275 37 0.280 38 0.285 39 0,290 40 0.295 41 0.300 42 0.305 43 0,310 44 0.315 45 0.320 46 0,325 47 0.330 48 0.335 49 0,340 50 0.345 Rate 51 0.350 52 0.355 53 0.360 54 0.365 55 0.370 56 0.375 57 0,380 58 0.385 59 0.390 60 0.39561 0.40062 0.40563 0.41064 0.41565 0.42066 0.42567 0.43068 0.43569 0.44070 0.44571 0.45072 0.45573 0.46074 0.46575 0.470 RechargeRate Rate76 0.475 101 0.60077 0.480 102 0.60578 0.485 103 0.61079 0.490 104 0.61580 0.495 105 0,62081 0,500 106 0,625 82 0.505 107 0.630 83 0.510 108 0.635 84 0.515 109 0.640 85 0.520 110 0.645 86 0.525 111 0.650 87 0.530 112 0.655 88 0.535 113 0.660 89 0.540 114 0.665 90 0,545 115 0.670 91 0,550 116 0.675 92 0.555 117 0.680 93 0.560 118 0.685 94 0.565 119 0.690 95 0.570 120 0.695 96 0.575 121 0.700 97 0,580 122 0.705 98 0.585 123 0.710 99 0.590 124 0,715 100 0.595 125 0.720 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Rate 126 0.725 127 0.730 128 0.735 129 0.740 130 0.745 131 0.750 132 0,755 133 0.760 134 0.765 135 0.770 136 0.775 137 0.780 138 0.785 139 0.790 140 0.795 141 0.800 142 0.805 143 0.810 144 0.815 145 0.820 146 0.825 147 0.830 148 0,835 149 0.840 150 0.845 Boise, Rate 151 0.850 152 0.855 153 0,860 154 0.865 155 0.870 156 0.875 157 0,880 158 0.885 159 0.890 160 0.895 161 0,900 162 0.905 163 0.910 164 0,915 165 0,920 166 0.925 167 0.930 168 0,935 169 0,940 170 0.945 171 0,950 172 0.955 173 0.960 174 0,965 175 0.970 Rate 176 0.975 177 0.980 178 0,985 179 0.990 180 0.995 181 1.000 Merchant Bank Surcharge (for Recharge/Activation billed to a credit card): $0.40 + 7% of recharge amount 1st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0.25 , $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45 , $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00, or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount of the surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Effective: March 30, 1998 PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission ORIGINAL Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc. Boise, Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretafJ ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Boise. Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. Rate1 0.0302 0.0313 0.0324 0.0335 0.0346 0.0357 0.0368 0,0379 0.038 10 0.039 11 0,040 12 0.041 13 0.042 14 0,043 15 0.044 16 0.045 17 0,046 18 0.047 19 0.048 20 0,049 21 0.050 22 0,051 23 0.052 24 0.053 25 0.054 Unbundled Usage Program Recharge Recharge Rate 26 0.055 27 0.056 28 0,057 29 0.058 30 0.059 31 0,060 32 0.061 33 0.062 34 0.063 35 0.064 36 0,065 37 0.066 38 0.067 39 0,068 40 0.069 41 0.070 42 0,071 43 0.072 44 0.073 45 0.074 46 0.075 47 0,076 48 0.077 49 0.078 50 0.079 Rate 51 0,080 52 0.081 53 0,082 54 0.083 55 0.084 56 0,085 57 0.086 58 0.087 59 0,088 60 0.08961 0.090 62 0.09163 0.092 64 0.093 65 0,094 66 0.095 67 0.09668 0,09769 0.098 70 0,099 71 0.100 Merchant Bank Surcharge (for Recharge/Activation billed to a credit card): $7% of recharge amount 1st Minute Surcharge: Company may assess a per call surcharge as follows: $0., $0., $0. $0.20m $0., $0., $0., $0.40, $0.45, $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0., $0. $0., $0., $1.00 , or equal to the charge for the first minute of use (the amount ofthe surcharge will vary by rate plan). Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Effective: March 30, 1998 PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryORIGINALACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 iTELSA (USA), Inc.Boise. Idaho RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Prepaid Phone Card Services (Cont. (Reserved for Future Use) RATES AND CHARGES (CONT. Travel Card Service Day IEven i nglN ig htlWeekend/Hol iday Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 085 110 135 160 101 185 086 111 136 161 102 186 087 112 137 162 103 187 088 113 138 163 104 188 089 114 139 164 105 189 090 115 140 165 106 190 091 116 141 166 107 191 092 117 142 167 108 192 093 118 143 168 109 193 094 119 144 169 110 194 095 120 145 170 111 195 096 121 146 171 112 196 097 122 147 172 113 197 098 123 148 173 114 198 099 124 149 174 115 199 100 125 150 175 116 200 101 126 151 176 102 127 152 177 103 128 153 178 104 129 154 179 105 130 155 180 106 131 156 181 107 132 157 182 108 133 158 183 109 134 159 100 184 Set-Up Fee: up to $50.00 per Customer Monthly Recurring Charge: up to $10.00 per Customer Issued: February 20, 1998 Effective: March 30, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President PAGE ORIGINAL iTELSA (USA), Inc. Payphone Compensation Surcharge: See Section 2. Directory Assistance Service Per call: $0. Issued: February 20, 1998 Issued by: Ronald Tolliver Title: President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 0 1998 Boise. Idaho Effective: March 30, 1998