HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140429Application for Name Change.pdf.DocuSign Envelope lD: CEE9CDED-9DCD-4FB4-9F79-1775958984F6 ffruH Via Overnight Mail Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-00745 Re: Companv Name Change: lntelePeer, lnc. to Airus, lnc. Dear Ms. Jewell, Please accept this letter as lntelePeer, lnc.'s request to change its corporate name to Airus, lnc. lntelePeer, lnc. is authorized to provide local exchange telecommunications services and intrastate interexchange services pursuant to authority granted by the Commission in Docket No. lPl-T-09-01, Order No. 31704. This name change is not an element of a larger transaction. No changes have been made to the Company's corporate organization or ownership. Moreover, the change of the Company's name does not affect the rates, terms and conditions under which lntelePeer's customers would receive service. lmportantly, lntelePeer currently does not have end user communications customers in the State of ldaho. The Company requests that its authorization in ldaho be reissued or otherwise revised to reflect its new name. Airus is a Delaware corporation, registered with the ldaho Secretary of State to transact business as a foreign corporation. A copy of the Company's amended formation documents is appended as Attachment 1. A copy of the Company's amended foreign corporate qualification document is also provided in Attachment 1. . Revised copies of the Company's approved tariffs in ldaho are appended asAttachment 2. The tariff material mirrors what is currently on file with the Commission. The Company information should be amended to the following: Airus, lnc. 840 South Canal, 7th Floor :.9 .DocuSign Envelope lD: CEE9CDED-9DCD-4F84-9F79-'l 775958984F6 Error! No text of specified style in document. Page Two Chicago, lL 60607 Contact: VP, Regulatory Affairs Phone: 3t2-878-4L60 Custom er Service: 3L2-87 8-4L62 Email : resulatorv@airustel.com ln the event that the Company needs to take any further action to effectuate this name change or if there are any questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned at 3t2.878.4L64 or via email at regulatorv@airustel.com. Please date-stamp and return the enclosed copy of this letter in the envelope provided as evidence of the filing. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter. Cordially, /-Docusigned by: I 9*h" "tt. Ooi \- or*..r,*-*a... Julie Musselman Oost Vice President, Regulotory Affairs ond Controct Monagement Attachments .DocuSign Envelope lD: CEE9CDED9DCD.4FB4-9F79-1 775958984F6 Attachment 1 Amended Delaware Formation Documents Amended State Qualification Documents Stato of Bla*azrScertalrr of St,ltc4lrdc.to o{ Cozzplratlonr T*ft i'80?"i""ft ,rfu!;H&y'tfr,v 737478827 - 1231278 Err,E CERTIFICATE OE AMENDMENT TO AMENDED ANII RESTATEI) CERTII'ICATE Otr INCORPORATION OF INTELEPEER,INC. IvruLgrgeRn fNc., (the "Corporatlon') a corporation organized and existing undet and by virtue of the provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the,,DGCL"\, DOES HEREBY CERTTXY: ['mst: The name of the Corporation is IntelePeer, Inc. and that this Corporadon was originally incorporated pursuant to the DGCL on October 5, 2006 under the name Voex, [:nc, An Amended and Restated Certificate of lncorporation of the Corporation was filcd with the Sccretary of State of Delawarc on January 31,2012. A Certificate of Mergcr was liled with the Secretary of Sate of Delaware on July 23,2012 which amended the Amended and Restated Certificatc of Incorporation of the Corporation. $ecoNu: That the Board of Directors duly adopted resolutions proposing to amend the Amended and Restated Cefiificate of Incorporation, declaring said amendment to be advisable and in the best interests of this Corporation and it stockholders, and authoriziug the appropriate officers of this Corporation to solicit the consent of the stocliholders therefor, which resolution setting forttr the proposed amendment is as follows: RESOLVED, that Article I of the Amendcd and Restated Cerlificate of Incorporation of this Corporation be arnended and restBted in its entirety as follows: ..AEIISLE.I "The name of this Corporation is Ains,Inc. (the "Corporation")." Ttrnu: The foregoing amendment was approvcd by the holders of the requisite number of shares of said Corporation in accordance with Sections 228 and 242 of the DOCL. Founru: The foregoing amendment has been duly adopted in accordance with Section 242 ofthe DGCL. lRematnder ofpage intentionally leJt blank) AlabaraSec. 0f State E[El:B=ch'nn*ErE+iH vat'q'ffi i+OleE 6 Pg File ie5.00Ei[" l:ffi Totat -ltfloo 06/0El In Wrxpss WnEf,Eor, IntclePeer, Inc, has caused this Gertilicate of Amertrncnt of Ccrtificeh of Incorporation o bc signcd by its President this ,.l2th. dry of Decsmbet, 2013. InmlBPpn& INc. By: Slgtnt*rcpa$to Certlll ca tc ol,l mu&n e nt t o Amendcd and Rotlaled C a t {l cu e ol I ncorporu I on ot lntelePeer, Ina fllabaraSiee. 0f Etate Entltv Chanoe94a-35:3 ' FtcDate Li8Vl0lkTire l7fitl40lAe 6 Ps File t95.00Aehn t.O0Exp l.oo 18)61, --ii;;ad Bamlcle Sfate of ldaho AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOBITY OF TNTELEPEER, lNC. File Number C 183995 .. ,.... l, BEN YSURSA, Seoretary of the State, herebyeerttfy that an Application for Amended Certilicate of Authority, has been received in.his offlce,and is found to conform to law. : ,; i,.,.,:l ACCORDINGLY andEi virtue ol the authority,vgsted in me,bfjlaw, I issue this Amended Certificate of Aqtlonty to reflect the name ctgri$e from NTELEPEER, lNC. to AIRUS, lNC. and attach ffirat6 a duplioale of the applicatlon forduch amended certificate. Dated: January 29,2014 {t* n/cr,^,aA- SECRETARY OF STATE APPLI CATI ON FOR AM EN DE D FILED EFFECTIVE CE RTI FI CATE OF AUTHORITY (l nstructions on back of application)I0lt JAll29 ilt E: 23 st(;lrt iAR Y rJt- 5 lAl E STATE OF I[)AHO To he Secretary of State of the State of ldaho; Pu rsuant to Seclion 3&1 -1 504, ldaho Codg, the u ndersigned Corporation hereby applios br an amended certificate of authori$ to taneact business in he Strateof ldaho and forthatpurpose submiBthefullowing statement. Compleb only applicable items. 1. A Certificah of Authorlg was issued to the oorporation by yourofrce on, fgfg autmiulng itto transacd business in the Sbte of ldaho under the name of: lntelePeer,lnc. 2. lts orporaE name has been changed to:Airus, !nc. The namewhich it shall use hereafter in the State of ldaho is: Alrus,llrc. 4. lt has changed its jurisdic{ion of incorporation, without a change of corporate Uentrty to: 5. Theaddreseof its principaloffice is amended to: 222 South Rlwplde Ple?a, Sults 2730 Chlcago, lL 60606 Ddaware ffid: 1t16f2014 Corporation Name:Alns, !nc. TypedNarm: Capactty: Bdan C. Kalas Ailomeyat Law IDflTI SEI*ETTT T sIfrIEst le9le9tl 65:BEC[: 61il Efr ilPiE{ }lt t{lt$lf $,8= tltr flElDEIle c/rz ??{ DocuSign Envelope lD: CEE9CDED-9DCD-4F84-9F79-1775958984F6 Attachment 2 Replacement Tariff Materials