HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntellicall Operator Services Inc IXC.pdfPAGE:TITLE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING DEC 3 0 1998 2nd REVISED Boise. Idaho NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INe. d/b/a ILD (Acceptance Stamp) Intellicall Operator Services, Inc., Inc. d/b/a ILD ILD" 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 905 Dallas, TX - 75240 This tariff applies to the operator assisted services provided by ILD to for calls that originate and terminate in Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Service Commission and copies may be inspected during normal business hours at ILD's principal place of business at the address noted noted above. (T) ISSUED:DECEMBER 17,1998 EFFECTIVE:DECEMBER 30, 1998 ISSUED BY:GREGORY E. HALL TITLE:VICE PRESIDENT Page Idaho Public Utilities Ctmtmissiln Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 7 -- 2008 12th Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Soile, Idaho CHECK SHEET PAGE NUMBER REVISION EFFECTIVE DATE Page 1 121h Revised*September 7, 2008 Page 2 1 sl Revised December 30, 1998 Page 3 3rd Revised September 27 ,2003 Page 4 2nd Revised December 30, 1998 Page 5 2nd Revised December 30, 1998 Page 6 1 sl Revised December 30, 1998 Page 7 1 sl Revised December 30, 1998 Page 8 3rd Revised July 24, 2005 Page 8.2nd Revised July 24, 2005 Page 8.2nd Revised July 24, 2005 Page 8.2nd Revised July 24, 2005 Page 8.4 1 sl Revised November 7, 2007 Page 8.Original September 17, 2007 Page 8.1 sl Revised November 7, 2007 Page 9 2nd Revised September 27, 2003 Page 10 3rd Revised November 7, 2007 Page 11 41h Revised*September 7, 2008 Page 12 Original March 26, 2008 Page 13 Original March 26, 2008 Issued:August 29 2008 Effective:September 7, 2008 Issued By: Dennis Stoutenburgh Title: President PAGE: I ST REVISED Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 3 0 1998 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INe. d/b/a ILD ISSUED: ISSUED BY: Check Sheet Section I. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4 Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. DECEMBER 17 1998 GREGORYE. HALL TABLE OF CONTENTS Contact Information Tracking and Numbering Service Area Deposit Requirements Termination of Service Service Offering Price Sheets EFFECTIVE : TITLE: Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) DECEMBER 17, 1998 VICE PRESIDENT Page 3rd Revised Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 272003 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho 1.1 1.2 1.2. 1.3 Contact Information Customer complains, bill inquiry, new service or disconnect requests:(T) Toll free: 1-800-226-2606 Commission contact - tariff information Marsha Pokorny Manager, Regulatory Compliance 5000 Sawgrass Village Circle, Suite 30 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (407) 971-6801 Commission contact - complaints: Lorraine Morris 3230 W. Commercial, Suite 360 Oakland Pk, FL 33309-3400 (800) 458-4950 (T) Idaho Agent: CT Corporation System 300 North 61h Street Boise, ID 83702 Tracking The following symbols are used in this tariff for the purpose indicated. D- Delete or discontinue I - Increase in rate or charge Moved from another tariff location New R - Decrease in rate or charge T -Change in text but no change in rate, charge or regulation Change in regulation Effective: September 27, 2003Issued: September 22, 2003 Issued By: Marsha Pokorny (T)Title: Manager, Regulatory Compliance (T) PAGE: ND REVISED Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 3 0 1998 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INe. d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) 1.2 ISSUED: ISSUED BY: Service Area ILD will provide service from all points in Idaho (T) Deposit Requirements No deposits or advance payments are required to obtain service. Termination of Service The rules as found in IDAPA 31.4.3 apply. Service OfferIng Telecommunications and associated operator services are for intrastate and interstate calls are offered from subscriber locations in Idaho 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Services are subject to the provision of a valid billing number. for payment. Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. ILD uses vertical and horizontal coordinates produced by NECA in its Tariff No. 4. (T) DECEMBER 17 1998 GREGORY E. HALL EFFECTIVE: TITLE: DECEMBER 30, 1998 VICE PRESIDENT PAGE: ND REVISED Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 3 0 1998 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INe. d/b/a ILD 1.2. 1.3 6.2 ISSUED: ISSUED BY: (Acceptance Stamp) Service Offering Cont' Formula .f \ (Vj- V,)' +(Hj-H,)') 11 0 Minimum Call Completion - Customers can expect a call completion rate of not less than 90% during peak periods. Description of Services Offered ILD's operator services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ILD is a non-facilities based telecommunications service provider that provides interexchange telecommunications/operator services from points of origin within Idaho to termination points in Idaho, other parts of the United States and to foreign countries. These services will primarily be used by callers at hotels, motels, hospitals, truckstops and convenience stores whose owners subscribe to ILD's services. The services are furnished USIng high quality transmission facilities purchased or leased from other carriers. ILD provides its services through a network of full service call centers located in San Antonio TX and Las Vegas, NV and DEX 600 switches in Los Angeles, CA and Dallas, TX The operator centers are staffed by experienced operators with appropriate technical support so as to provide users with quality telecommunications services 24 fours a day, 365 days a year. Calls may be routed through either of the DEX switches to the appropriate operator center, enabling ILD to receive end user calls ITom subscriber locations around the US and to efficiently process and rate such calls according to options selected by the calling party DECEMBER 17, 1998 EFFECTIVE: (T) (T) GREGORY E. HALL TITLE: DECEMBER 30, 1998 VICE PRESIDENT PAGE: I ST REVISED Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING DEC 3 0 1998 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, me. d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) ISSUED: ISSUED BY: Service Offering Cont'd Liability ofILD (T) The tariff language below does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance forfiling by the Commission recogmzes that it IS a court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. The Company s liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a Customer, Subscriber or any other, for damages associated in any way with the installation, provision, termination, maintenance repair, restoration or use of services governed by this tariff, including any and all equipment and facilities incidental to or associated with such services, the Company s liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal tot he charge applicable under this tariff to the period during which services were affected. This liability for damages shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the Customer under other provisions of this tariff if any, as a credit allowance. The Company is not liable for any damages caused in whole DECEMBER 17 1998 EFFECTIVE:DECEMBER 30, 1998 GREGORY E. HALL TITLE:VICE PRESIDENT PAGE: I ST REVISED '~aho Public Utilities GommlSSJon Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F'LlN~ DEC 3 0 1998 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY: INTELLICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INe. d/b/a ILD ISSUED: ISSUED BY: --- . . . ,- .(Acceptance Stamp) . .- _ ...... Service Offering Cont'd Liability ofILD- Cont'd (T) or in part by, or associated with, any service (including but not limited to channels, maintenance, repaIr or restoration) or equipment which it did not furnish. In the event the Company is subjected to any liability or damages for its acts or omiSSions, other than willful misconduct notwithstanding the provision of the two preceding sections, the Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Subscriber and Customer against all claims, losses, or damages arising in whole or in part trom, or in any way associated with, the installation, repair, restoration or use of services governed by the is tariff, including any and all equipment and facilities incidental to or associated with such services. The Company s failure to provide, maintain or restore service under this tariff shall be excused by labor difficulties governmental orders, civil commotions, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond the Company s reasonable control, subject to the Credit Allowances in this tariff, if any, applicable to InterruptIOns III service. In the event any provision of this tariff, either in whole or in part is deemed unreasonable, declared invalid, or for any reason found or held to be inapplicable, either as a general matter or in the circumstances, the terms of the contract between he Company and the Subscriber shall control. ILD will give at least 10 days notice to customers and the Idaho PUC before making any changes in rates or charges. The notice to customers will be either individual notice or a public notice in the newspapers in ILD" Idaho service areas. The notice will describe the nature of the rate changes. (T) DECEMBER 17 1998 EFFECTIVE:DECEMBERE 30, 1998 GREGORYE. HALL TITLE:VICE PRESIDENT Page 3rd Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERA TOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Idaho Public Utilities CommIssion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 24 ZO05 Boise, . Idaho INTRASTATE RATES Rate Plan A Per Minute Rates Day 1 sl Min. Add'MILEAGE 23- 56-124 125-292 293-999 $0.230 $0.300 $0.390 $0.460 $0.490 $0.520 Service Charges Bong Calling Card Bong Credit Card Station-to-Station 3rd Party Person-to-Person Prison Collect Operator Dialed Charge Subscriber Surcharge Non-Subscriber Surcharge $0.230 $0.260 $0.340 $0.410 $0.440 $0.470 $1. $1.50 $2. $2.35 $4. $3. $1.15 $1.25 $3. Evenin Night 1 sl Min.Add'1 sl Min.Add' $0.200 $0.200 $0.160 $0.160 $0.240 $0.220 $0.180 $0.180 $0.320 $0.270 $0.260 $0.210 $0.370 $0.310 $0.300 $0.260 $0.420 $0.370 $0.330 $0.310 $0.440 $0.400 $0.360 $0.330 (N) ISSUED:July 14 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 24 , 2005 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh TITLE: President Page 8.1 2nd Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 4 2005 Boise, Idaho INTRASTATE RATES 1.3 Rate Plan B Per Minute Rates MILEAGE DaypI Min Add' 23- 56-124 125-292 293-999 $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO Service Charges Bong Calling Card Bong Credit Card Station-to-Station 3rd Party Person-to- Person Prison Collect Operator Dialed Charge Subscriber Surcharge Non-Subscriber Surcharge $0 AOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $1.20 $1.50 $2. $2.35 $4. $3. $1.15 $1. $3. Evenin Night 1 sl Min.Add'1 Sl Min.Add' $OAOO $0 AOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $0 AOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO $OAOO (N) ISSUED:July 14 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 24, 2005 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh TITLE: President Page 1 sl Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 _4 2005 Boise. Idaho 7.1 INTRASTATE RATES 1.4 Rate Plan C Per Minute Rates MILEAGE Day 1 sl Min Add' 23- 56-124 125-292 293-999 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 Service Charges Bong Calling Card Bong Credit Card Station-to-Station 3rd Party Person-to-Person Prison Collect Operator Dialed Charge Subscriber Surcharge Non-Subscriber Surcharge $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $1. $1.50 $2. $2.35 $4. $3. $1.15 $1. $3. Evenin Night 1 sl Min.Add'1 sl Min.Add' $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 $0.500 (N) ISSUED:July 14, 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 24, 2005 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh TITLE: President Page 2nd Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERA TOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 2 4 ZO05 Boise, Idaho INTRASTATE RATES 1.5 Rate Plan D Per Minute Rates MILEAGE Day 1 sl Min Add' 23- 56-124 125-292 293-999 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 Service Charges Bong Calling Card Bong Credit Card Station-to-Station 3rd Party Person-to-Person Prison Collect Operator Dialed Charge Subscriber Surcharge Non-Subscriber Surcharge $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $1. $1.50 $2. $2.35 $4. $3. $1.15 $1. $3. Evenin Night 1 st Min.Add'1 sl Min.Add' $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 $0.600 (N) ISSUED:July 14 2005 EFFECTIVE: July 24, 2005 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh TITLE: President Page 1 st Revised 8.4 " .. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 7 - 2007 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD INTRASTATE RATES 1.6 Rate Plan l2A Boise, Idaho IntraLA T A/InterLA T A Rates er Minute - Calls billed in 1 minute increments. Milea 9999 Ist Min 2900 DAY Add. Min 2900 EVENING 1 sl Min 1.2900 1.7 Rate Plan l2A- Service Char Person To Person Calling Card $12.50Collect $12.50Third Party $12.50 0- Operator Dialed $1.99 Surcharge 1.8 Automated $5. Rate Plan l2B - Inmate Add. Min 2900 erator Live Assisted $5. $6. $6. $7. $7. $9. $1.99 NIGHT Ist Min 1.2900 Add. Min1.2900 (I) IntraLATA/InterLATA Rates er Minute - Calls billed in 1 minute increments. Milea 9999 lsl Min 5000 DAY Add. Min 0.5000 EVENING Ist Min 5000 1.9 Rate Plan l2B- Service Char Calling Card Collect Third Party 0- Operator Dialed Surcharge Person To Person ISSUED:October 29, 2007 Automated ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh Add. Min 0.5000 erator Live Assisted $3. NIGHT lst Min 5000 Add. Min 5000 EFFECTIVE: November 7, 2007 TITLE: President Page Original NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD INTRASTATE RATES 1.10 Rate Plan 801 IDahO I'ubhc Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 7 2007 BofJe,. ... IntraLATAlInterLATA Rates er Minute - Calls billed in 1 minute increments. Milea 9999 ISI Min 6500 DAY Add. Min 6500 EVENING Isl Min 6500 11 Rate Plan 801- Service Char Person To Person Calling Card $12.50 Collect $12. Third Party $12. 0- Operator Dialed $1.99 Surcharge 12 Rate Plan TMMOO-800 Automated $5. Add. Min 6500 erator Live Assisted $5. $3. $6. $7.50 $7. $9. $1.99 NIGHT Isl Min 6500 IntraLATAIInterLATA Rates er Minute - Calls billed in 3 minute increments. Milea 9999 1'1 3 Min 3.4500 DAY Add. 3Min 3.4500 EVENING 1 sl 3Min 3.4500 13 Rate Plan TTMOO-800 Service Char Person To Person Calling Card $12.Collect $12.50 Third Party $12. 0- Operator Dialed $4. Surcharge ISSUED:September 7, 2007 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh Automated $5. Add. 3Min 3.4500 erator Live Assisted $5. $6. $6. $4. $7. $7. $9. $4. Add. Min 6500 NIGHT 1'1 3Min Add. 3Min3.4500 3.4500 EFFECTIVE: September 17, 2007 TITLE: President Page 1 sl Revised Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 7 - 2007NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERA TOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho INTRASTATE RATES 1.14 Rate Plan TTMMAX IntraLA T A/InterLA T A Rates per Minute - Calls billed in 3 minute increments. Mileage 9999 lsl Min 1750 DAY Add. Min l750 EVENING 1 sl Min Add. Min1750 5.1750 NIGHT lsl Min 5.1750 Add. Min l750 l5 Rate Plan TTMMAX Service Charges Person To Person Calling Card $12. Collect $12.Third Party $12. 0- Operator Dialed $4. Surcharge 1.16 Rate Plan TTM800- Automated Operator Live Assisted $5.$5. $6.50 $6. $4. $7. $7. $9. $4. (N) IntraLATA/InterLATA Rates per Minute - Calls billed in 1 minute increments with a 5 minute initial perod. Mileage 9999 1 sl 5 Min 9500 DAY Add. Min 1.9900 EVENINGIs1 5 Min Add. Min9500 1.9900 NIGHTIs1 5 Min Add. Min9500 1.9900 1.17 Rate Plan TTM800-2 Service Charges Person To Automated Operator Live Person Assisted Calling Card $12.$5.$5.$7.50 Collect $12.$6.$7.50 Third Party $12.$6.$9.(N) ISSUED:October 29 2007 EFFECTIVE: November 7 2007 ISSUED BY: Dennis Stoutenburgh TITLE: President Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 2nd Revised :~~ SEP 272003 NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise. Idaho MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE (MTS)(N) Outgoing long distance service whereby the customer accesses the Company underlying Carrier s network on an equal access or dial-up basis. In non-equal access areas, the customer will gain access to the Company s underlying carrier network by dialing a 101XXX access code which will be provided by the Company. Each call has a four (4) minute minimum. Plan 0 - ~s a flat rated product that is charged on a per minute of usage basis, with a four (4) minute minimum call. The rate per minute is fixed no matter the time of day the call is made or the place or origination of the call or the number called. Calls are billed in full minute increments and partial minutes are rounded to the next highest billing increment. Rate per minute: $0.25 (four (4) minute minimum)(N) Effective: September 27, 2003Issued: September 22 , 2003 Issued By: Marsha Pokorny (T)Title: Manager, Regulatory Compliance (T) Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 7- 2007 3rd Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho RATE PLAN ILDAS Dav Evenin~Ni!!ht Mileage 9999 1 st 3 Min. $5.8050 Add'l Min $1.9350 1st 3 Min $5.8050 Add' $1.9350 1st 3 Min. $5.8050 Add' $1.9350 (I) Per Call Charges The following per call service charges apply as applicable and are in addition to the per minute charges (above) Person To Person Calling Card $12. Collect $12.Third Party $12. 0- Operator Dialed $1.99 Surcharge Automated Operator Live Assisted $5.$5. $6. $6. $7. $7.50 $9. $1.99 Issued:October 29, 2007 Effective: November 7 2007 Issued By: Dennis Stoutenburgh Title: President Page Idaho P~blic Utilities Cemmissiln Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . SEP 7 -- 2008 4th Revised NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERA TOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise. Idaho 10.SURCHARGES AND FEES The Company, at its discretion, will pass through the costs of any regulatory fees or assessments to the end user customer (such as Universal Service Fund, etc.), as allowed by law. Cost Recovery Charl:e - The Company will impose, at its discretion, a Cost Recovery Charge of $0.81 to offset its costs incurred in complying with regulatory obligations imposed by state regulatory bodies. This charge is not a tax or fee imposed by a government entity. Bill Statement Fee - The Company will charge a $2.99 Bill Statement Fee on all calls which are billed to (I) the customer s local exchange carrier bill (LEC bill). The customer will have the option of paying for the call by other means (credit card or coin), and therefore will not be charged the Bill Statement Fee on these types of calls. Payphone Compensation Surcharee - Effective October 15 2004, ILD will increase the Payphone Compensation Surcharge to $0.60 (includes administrative fee) for each coinless payphone-originated call. The increase will be applicable for both long distance, global calling card and operator service calls. The Payphone Compensation Surcharge for prepaid calling card calls will increase to $0.99 per call (includes administrative fee) Lon!! Distance Bill Processine Fee - ILD offers a range of invoicing options to its customers. Invoice options include direct paper billing, e-mail, data files and transfer of detail to secured FTP sites. All forms invoicing, except for paper billing, will be offered at no charge to the customer. Paper invoices will be charged at a rate of$1.95 per invoice. The invoicing options will be provided to the customer when service is requested. If the customer does not make an election, ILD will assume the customer requires a traditional paper bill and will provide such bill in accordance herewith until an alternate method is requested by the customer. PropertvlPremise/Location Imposed Fee A charge, when assessed to the end user, which is passed through by the Company to the customer. The amount of each customer s surcharge is designated by the customer and incorporated into the contract between IOS and the customer. The maximum surcharge is $7.00; $3.00 for inmate phone. Non-Subscriber Surchar!!e - A Non-Subscriber Surcharge of$3.50 is applicable to intrastate operator assisted calls billed to a Domestic End User Customer Account that is not pre-subscribed to IOS as the Primary Long Distance Carrier. Issued:August 29 2008 Effective:September 7, 2008 Page Idaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secret-ary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 4 - 2008 Original NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD Boise, Idaho 11.RATE PLAN ILDA66 Day Evenin Ni~ht Milea 9999 1st 3 Min. $5.8200 Add'l Min $1.9400 1st 3 Min. $5.8200 Add' $1.9400 1st 3 Min. $5.8200 Add' $1.9400 Per Call Char The following per call service charges apply as applicable and are in addition to the per minute charges (above) Person To Automated Person erator Live Assisted Calling Card Collect Third Party $14. $14. $14. $5.$12. $12.50 $12. $14. $14. $14. *ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW Issued:March 26, 2008 Effective:April 4, 2008 Issued By: Dennis Stoutenburgh Title: President Page Idaho Public UtiUties Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 4 -- 2008Original NAME OF UTILITY: INTELICALL OPERATOR SERVICES, INC, d/b/a ILD 8oiM, Idaho . -... 12. MESSAGE TOLL SERVICES (MTS) . Outgoing long distance service whereby the customer accesses the Company underlying Carrier s network on an equal access or dial-up basis. In non-equal access areas, the customer will gain access to the Company s underlying carrier network by dialing a 101XXX access code which will be provided by the Company. Direct Dial - Billed in 6 second increments with an 18 second mlmmum. Rate per minute: $0.1040 Global Calling Card - Billed in 6 second increments with an 18 second minimum. Rate per minute: $0. Toll Free - Billed in 6 second increments with an 18 second mlmmum. Rate per minute: $0.1214 Directory Assistance - $1.40 *ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW Issued:March 26, 2008 Effective:April 4, 2008 Issued By: Dennis Stoutenburgh Title: President