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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210108Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DANIEL KLEIN DATE:JANUARY 7,2021 RE:LINGO COMMUNICATIONS NORTH,LLC'S REQUESTFORCANCELLATIONOFCERTIFICATEOFPUBLICCONVENIENCE ANDNECESSITYNO.514;CASE NO.INX-T-20-01. BACKGROUND On December 21,2020,the Commission received a letter from Intessera Consulting Group on behalf of Lingo Communications North,LLC.(Lingo)indicating that due to corporate reorganization Lingo has transferred its customers to its affiliate Matrix Telecom,LLC.and has ceased operations in Idaho.Lingo wishes to voluntarilywithdraw its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and cancel any tariffs on file with the Commission.Lingo was granted Certificate No.514 in May of2013.(Case No.INX-T-13-01) STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Lingo be granted its request and that Certificate No.514 be withdrawn without prejudice and cancel any tariffs on file with the Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Should Certificate No.514 be withdrawn and Lingo's tariffs be cancelled? Daniel Klein Udmemos/lNX-T-20-01 Lingo withdrawal of cpen2 DECISIONMEMORANDUM -1 -JANUARY 7,2021