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February !8,2021
Via Email
Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary
ldaho Public Utilities Commission
472 North Washington
Boise, lD 83702
RE Lingo Communications North, LLC
Consummation of Transfer of Customers &
Request for Cancellatlon of Certlficate of Public Convenience and Necessity
Case INX-T-20-01
Dear Ms. Noriyuki:
Enclosed for filing is a replacement transmittal requesting cancellation of ldaho telecommunications
authority submitted on behalf of Lingo Communications North, LLC ("Lingo North" or "Company"). This
filing, made pursuant to discussion with Mr. Dayne Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, and in compliance
with ldaho Administrative Code, submits the request of the Vice President - Government Affairs and
Compliance of Lingo North for cancellation of the ldaho telecommunications authority of the Company.
Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to the attention of Carey Roesel,
Consultant, at 407-740-3005 or via email to croesel@inteserra.com. Thank you for your assistance in
this matter.
/s/ Carev Roesel
Carey Roesel
tms: lDx2001b
February 16,2021
Via Email
Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
472 North Washington
Boise, ID 83702
RE Lingo Communications North, LLC
Consummation of Transfer of Customers &
Request for Cancellation of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
Case INX-T-20-01
Dear Ms. Noriyuki:
This supplemental letter is submitted to notifu the Commission that the intemal reorganization
and transfer of customers as described in the Notification of Internal Reorganization and
Transfer of Customers filed with the Commission on August3,2020 ("Transaction") has been
completed and the customers of Lingo Communications North, LLC ("Lingo North") were
transferred to its affiliate Matrix Telecom, LLC ("Matrix") effective October 1,2020. Lingo
North states that all of its customers are now being served by Matrix, it has ceased operations in
the state of Idaho, and hereby respectfully requests cancellation of its telecommunications
authority, granted pursuant to Certificate No.5l4 in Case No. INX-T-13-01, and any tariffs on
frle with the Commission effective December 31,2020.
Matrix will make the necessary amendments to its Price Guides to reflect this Transaction and
post updated Price Guides on its website at www.linso.com.
Any questions you may have regarding this frling should be directed to the attention of Carey
Roesel, Consultant, at407-740-3005 or via email to croesel@inteserra.com. Thank you for your
assistance in this matter.
/s/ Alex Valencia
Alex Valencia
Vice President - Government Affairs and Compliance
trns: IDx2001b
400 E. Las colinas Blvd. I suite 500 | Dattas, TX 7s039 | Fax: 866.418.97s0 | www.tingo.com