HomeMy WebLinkAboutCANCELLED Ionex Communications North Tariff No 2.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Title Page Cancels Original Title Page lonex Communications North, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 91~ 200l ""--"" . ....' " '.... .."' ' IONEX COMMUNICATIONS NORTH, INC. 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (T) LOCAL SERVICE TELEPHONE TARIFF FILED WITH The State of Idaho Public Utility Commission ISSUED: July 29 2002 EFFECTIVE: August 9,2002 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission uTTlce ot the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING S E P 1 2 2001lonex Communications North, Inc. Boise, Idaho TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering Page numbers appear in the upper left-hand corner of the sheets. Pages are numbered sequentially. From time to time new pages may be added to the tariff. When a new page is added between existing pages, a decimal is added to the preceding page number. For example, a new page added between pages 5 and 6 would be numbered 5. Page Revision Numbers Revision numbers also appear in the upper left-hand corner of pages. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th Revised Page No. 14 cancels the 3rd Revised Page No. 14. Paragraph Numbering SeQuence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level, as shown by the following example: (a) (a). (a).I.(i) (a).I.(i).(1) ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. Cancels Original Page No. lonex Communications North, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION OF TARIFF ..................................................................................... .......... 1 APPLICATION........................................... """"""""""""""""""""""""""" .......... GENERAL REGU LATIONS ..................................................................................... .......... 2.4 GENERAL DEFINITIONS............................................................................ .......... TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................ .......... UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY......................................................... ........ LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY..........,...,...........................,...."""""""""" ........ OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER ........................................................ ........ PAYMENTS AND CHARGES ,...,.......".,.,......................,..."..".."........,..... ........ DISCONNECTION OR REFUSAL OF SERVICE ......................"............... ........ NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................... ........ ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF SERVICE ........................................... ........ SHORTAGE OF EQUIPMENT OR FACILITIES """""""""""""""""""'" ........ TAXES, CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND FEES..................................... ........ CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS..........,.......",.,..,.,........,....,........,..................... ....... . IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. ........ SERVICE AREAS ................................................................................................ .... ........ EXCHANGE CLASSIFICATIONS ...........................................,................... ........ SPEC IAL ARRANG EM ENTS .................................................................................. ........ SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ...........................................................,.......... ........ COMM ERC IAL SERVICE........................................................................................ ....... . 5.4 LOCAL SERVICE ........................................................................................ ........ LOCAL 21 SERVICE OFFERING """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" ........ BASIC EXCHANGE BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERING............................. ........ CALL TRACING .".....,................................................................................. ...,.... PER-CALL PAYPHONE SERVICE CHARGE............................................. ........ LISTINGS """"""""""""""""""""""""""".............................................. ........ BILLING AND COLLECTION ...............................................,...................... ....,... COMMERCIAL RATES AND CHARGES................................................................ ........ 6.4 INSTALLATION CHARGES ..............................."..............................,......,. ........ CUSTOMER LINE CHARGES .................................................."................ .....33. QWEST EXCHANGES..................................................,............................. .....33. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE...................................,..............,.................... ..,..... (T) CONSU M ER S E RVIC E ............................................................................................ ........ LOCAL SERVICE ....",..............................................................................,.. ........ BASIC EXCHANGE CONSUMER SERVICE OFFERING.......................... ........ ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12,2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 1 st Revised Page No. Cancels Original Page No. lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLIN SEP 1 2 2001 7.4 Boise, Idaho TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CALL TRACING """""""""""""""""""""""""""..................,.,............... ........ PER-CALL P A YPHON E SERVICE CHARGE............................................. ........ LISTINGS .................................................................................................... ........ BILLING AND COLLECTION .................................................................,..., ........ CONSUMER RATES AND CHARGES ................................................................... ........ 8.4 INSTALLATION CHARGES """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"......... ...,... .40 CUSTOMER LINE CHARGES """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" ........ QWEST EXCHANGES......................................................... """"""""""'" ...... .. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE....................,........,.......................................... ,..,.. .. (T) (N) SPECIAL SERVICES AN D PROGRAMS ................................................................ ........ SPECIAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS ................................................... ........ ISSUED: August 31 , 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. Ionex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2 2001 Boise, Idaho 1. APPLICATION OF TARIFF - . APPLICATION General This tariff applies to the furnishing of Local Exchange Services defined herein by lonex Communications North, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or Ionex ). Local Exchange Services are furnished for the use of End Users in placing and receiving local telephone calls within the local calling area. Tariff Applies The provision of Local Exchange Services is subject to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules and Regulations and Terms and Conditions specified in this tariff, and may be revised, added to or supplemented by superseding issues. Services Subiect to Availability lonex reserves the right to offer its Customers a variety of competitive Services as deemed appropriate by the Company. Service will be available as facilities mechanized ordering, billing, provisioning, ability to purchase tariff items for resale and maintenance systems among Local Exchange Carriers (LEC's) and Certified Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) permit. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG lonex Communications North, Inc.SEP 1 2 2001 Boise, Idaho2. GENERAL REGULATIONS GENERAL DEFINITIONS Commercial Service (Business), Service provided in offices, stores, factories , and all other places of a strictly business nature. Consumer Service Denotes Service provided when the main station is located in a private residence. Customer Premises All space in the same building occupied by a Customer and all space occupied by the same Customer in different buildings on continuous property. Exchange Area An area for which a separate Local Rate Schedule is provided. Exchange Service The furnishing of equipment and facilities for telephonic communication within Local Service Areas in accordance with the provisions of this tariff. Local Exchange Service Service which provides for exchange telephonic communication , including access to Emergency Services (911 and 0), within the Local Service Area at rates and under regulations as provided in this tariff. Local Service Area That area within which a Customer for Exchange Service can make telephone calls without the payment of a toll charge. A Local Service Area may be made up of one or more Central Office Areas or Exchange Areas. TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Business Access Line The telecommunication line from the Central Office switching point up to and including the termination on the Business Customer s premises in either a terminal block, or other point of termination. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. lonex Communications North, Inc. ommlSSlon Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2 2001 TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued)Boise, Idaho Business Customer A person partnership, or corporation who wishes to purchase Telecommunication Services for business purposes. Business Office The office of the Telephone Company which handles Subscriber billing, collections and applications for Service. Call Transfer A feature that allows any incoming calls to be transferred to another number. Call Holding A feature that allows placing a call on hold and consulting with a Third Party, then returning to the original call. Call Forward Busy A feature that automatically forwards calls to another number when the dialed number is busy. Call Forward Don t Answer A feature that automatically routes calls to another line if the dialed number is not answered. Call Forward Variable A feature that allows forwarding of all incoming calls to another telephone number. Call Park A feature that allows calls to be put on hold in a 'parking zone' until they are answered by the correct party. 10 Call Pickup A feature that offers the ability to answer any line within a specified group of lines. 11 Call Tracing feature that allows for the identification and recording of the telephone numbers of some or all of the incoming calls to the telephone line of a Customer. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 Original Page No. Ionex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fit.IN SEP 1 2 2001 TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued\Boise, Idaho 12 Call Reiection A feature that enables a Customer to reject call attempts from Calling Parties by dialing a code and the telephone numbers of calls to be rejected. 13 Call Waiting A feature that sends a tone that informs the Customer that a second call is waiting; and the caller hears a ringing sound , not a busy signal. 14 Caller ID and Blocking A feature that displays the phone number and/or name of the incoming caller and allows a Customer to block their own phone number and/or name from displaying on called parties equipment. Compatible equipment is required for this feature. 15 Central Office Exchange The territory served by a Central Office or a group of Central Offices, and one of which may serve any part of the exchange. 16 Central Office Features These are features such as Automatic Call Back, Call Trace, Caller 10 and Related Blocking Features Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting, Selective Call Forward , Selective Call Rejection , Dial Call Waiting, Directed Call Pickup, Distinctive Alert, Abbreviated Access, Answer Supervision, Caller Identification Bulk Message Waiting, Message Delivery Service. This list is not all-inclusive. 17 Centrex 21 Central Office based business communication Service that provides capabilities similar to those offered on a Private Branch Exchange, but without requiring switching equipment on the Business Customer s premises. 18 Commission The Idaho Public Utility Commission. 19 Conference Plus A feature that establishes a conference call within up to five other participants without the need for Operator assistance. 20 Continuous Redial A feature that automatically redials the last number dialed. If the number is busy,special tone indicates when it becomes available. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. Cancels Original Page No. Ionex Communications North, Inc. . . Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2 2001 TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIA TlaNS (Continued\Boise, Idaho I (T) 21 Contract The agreement between The Company and a Customer for the furnishing of Company Services. 22 Customer The person, firm , or corporation responsible for the payment of charges and compliance with the regulation of the Company. 23 DID - Direct Inward Dial I (T)A feature that enables completion of an incoming call directly to an extension station without Operator assistance. 24 IDgital Data Service (Intrastate), Digital transmission for transmitting data end-to-end within the state. 25 Directory Listing Information contained in the Telephone Company owned telephone directory, including reasonable advertising, whereby Telephone Users may ascertain the telephone number of other Subscribers. 26 Disconnection Discontinuance of telecommunication Service made at the request of the Customer or at the option of the Company for nonpayment of Service or other valid reason. The facilities so disconnected by the Company may be made immediately available for use by another Subscriber. 27 Exchange unit established by the Company for the administration of communication Service in a specified area, It consists of one or more Central Offices together with associated plant used in furnishing Access Line Service in the area. 28 Exchange Area The territory served by an Exchange. 29 Exchange Service The Telecommunication Service provided within a Local Calling Area, or Exchange Area, in accordance with the tariff of Owest. (T) 30 Extended Area Service Interchange telephone service provided within Calling Areas, or Exchange Areasin accordance with the tariff of Owest.(T) ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 Original Page No.1 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Ionex Communications North, Inc. TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued\Boise, idaho 31 Hunting A feature that forwards incoming calls to the next line in a group, hunting until an open line is reached. 32 ISDN Network architecture that enables one-to-one digital connections. 33 Last Call Return A feature that dials the last call received, whether it was answered or not. 34 Listing Local Calling Area That area throughout which an Exchange Service Business Customer at a given rate may make a call without the payment of a Toll Charge. A Local Calling Area may be made up of one or more Exchange Areas. 35 Local 21 The same as Centrex 21 (see definition above). 36 Local Telephone Service Exchange Service available within the Exchange Area for communication between Subscribers located within that Exchange Area only. 37 Message Waiting Indication A feature that allows the Customer to know when voice messages are waiting. 38 Minimum Contract Period The minimum length of time for which a Customer is obligated to pay for Service facilities, whether or not retained by the Customer for such minimum length of time. 39 Non Recurring Charge A one-time charge associated with certain installations, changes or transfers of Services either in lieu of or in addition to Recurring Monthly Charges. 40 PBX Services private switching system serving an organization , business, company, or agency and usually located on a Customer premises. 41 PBX Trunk A line that connects a Private Branch Exchange to a Central Office. ISSUED: Apri111, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 2 2001 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 11 TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued), Boise. Idaho 42 Point of Demarcation Point of connection to which the Company is responsible. 43 Private Contract An Agreement between the Company and a Business Customer for the furnishing of Service. 44 Service Charges The non-refundable charges that apply to Customer initiated requests for the establishment of telephone Service, for the subsequent changes to that Servicefor reconnecting Service which has been temporarily disconnected for nonpayment, or for the establishment of other miscellaneous Services. 45 Single Line A single Access Line servicing a Customer. 46 Speed Calling A feature that allows dialing a 1 or 2 digit code instead of dialing the complete number in order to place a call. 47 Switch unit of dial switching equipment which provides interconnection between Access Lines. 48 Three Way Calling See Conference Plus (above). 49 Telecommunications Services The provision of facilities for the transmission and reception of messages impressions , pictures and signals by means of electricity, electromagnetic waves or any other kind of energy, force variations or impulses , whether conveyed by cable, wire, radiation through space, or transmitted by means of other media within a specific area or between designated points, 50 Termination Char9! A special charge applied under certain conditions defined in Private Contract with a Business Customer when the expiration of the Minimum Contract Period terminates Services. Any Termination Charge shall be specified in the Private Contract and made known in advance to the Business Customer. ISSUED: Apri111 , 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 12 Cancels Original Page No. 12 Ionex Communications North, Inc. TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continuedl LJ ,IC !,lieS lommlssion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2 2001 Boise, Idaho I (T) 51 Toll Trunks A single transmission path connecting two switching systems. 52 The Telephone Company Qwest Communications , Inc.(T) UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY General The Company undertakes to provide the Services offered in this tariff on the terms and conditions and at the rates and charges specified. Service Provided The Company will provide Local Exchange Services consisting of furnishing switched communication in connection with one-way and/or two-way information transmission points within a Local Calling Area. Minimum Period of Service Service will be provided for a minimum period of a least one month , 24-hours per day. Geo~hic Availability Service will be provided in the Exchanges specified in this tariff where facilities billing capability, and the ability of lonex to purchase the tariff elements for resale are available. Terms and Conditions Written Service Orders Customer may be required to enter into written Service Orders which shall contain or reference a specific description of the Service ordered , the rates to be charged , the duration of the Services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff. The Customer will also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Company. Service After Expiration of Order At the expiration of the initial term specified in each Service Order or in any extension thereof, Service shall continue on a month-to- month basis at the then current rates unless terminated by either Party upon written Notice. Any termination shall not relieve the Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Service Order and this tariff prior to termination. The rights ISSUED: August 31,2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12,2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 Original Page No. 13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary - .~ ~- c SEP 1 2 2001 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Boise, Idaho and obligations which by their nature extend beyond termination of the term of the Service Order shall survive termination. the such Notification of Service-Affecting Activities The Company will provide the Customer reasonable notification of Service- affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Such activities may include, but are not limited to: equipment or facilities additions removals or rearrangements of equipment, and routine preventive maintenance. Generally, such activities are not specific to an individual Customer, but affect many Customers' Services. No specific advance notification period is applicable to all Service activities. The Company will work cooperatively with the Customer to determine the reasonable notification requirements. With some emergency or unplanned Service-affecting conditions, such as an outage resulting from cable damage, notification to the Customer may not be possible. Provision of EcrnlPment and Facilities Service Commencement Date The Company shall use reasonable efforts to make available Services to a Customer on or before a particular date, subject to the provisions of and compliance by the Customer with the regulations contained in this tariff. The Company does not guarantee availability by any such date and all not be liable for any delays in commencing Service to any Customer. Company Furnished Facilities The Company shall use reasonable efforts to maintain facilities and equipment that it furnishes to the Customer. The Customer may not nor may the Customer permit others to rearrange disconnect , remove , attempt to repair or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities or equipment installed by the Company, except upon the written consent of the Company. Facility SubstitutionThe Company may substitute, change or rearrange any equipment or facility at any time and from time to time, but shall not thereby alter the technical parameters of the Service provided to the Customer. Use of Company Facilities and EQuipment Equipment the Company provides or installs at the Customer premises for use in connection with the Services the Company offers shall not be used for any other purpose other than that for which the Company provided it. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 14 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ACCEPT D FOR FILIN SEP 1 2 2001 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Misuse of Company Facilities The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of Service Charges, as set forth herein , for visits by the Company s agents or employees to the premises of the Customer if the Service difficulty or problem results from the misuse or damage to the equipment or facilities furnished pursuant to this tariff by the Customer. Company Responsibility for EQuipment The responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of facilities offered under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such facilities. Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for the transmission of signals by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defect in such transmission; or the reception of . signals by Customer- provided equipment. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY 1. Service Liability Limited Liability The Company liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit by a Customer, or by any others , for damages associated with the installation, provision, termination , maintenance repair or restoration of a Service , and subject to the provisions following, the Company s liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate charge for the Service for the period during which the Service was affected. This liability for damages shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the Customer under this tariff as a Credit Allowance for Interruptions. Acts of Other Communication Utilities The Company is not liable for any Act or Omission of any other communications utility or for damages associated with Services not provided by the Company. Indemnification The Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless against any claim , loss or damage arising from the use of Service offered under this tariff, involving: Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright arising from any communication; ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 15 Idaho Public Utilities Commission-umce oj the SecretaryACCEPTED FOf~ FH.../NG SEP 1 2 2001Ionex Communications North, Inc. Boise, Idaho Claims for patent infringement arising from combining or using the__Service furnished by the Company in connection with facilities or equipment furnished by others; or All other claims arising out of any Act or Omission of others in the course of using Services provided pursuant to this tariff. Use in Explosive Atmosphere The Company does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to its Services when used in an explosive atmosphere. The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the Customer and Authorized User from any and all claims by any person relating to the Services so provided. No License Under Patents No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppel with respect to any Service offered under this tariff. The Company will defend the Customer and Authorized User against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the Customer or Authorized User of Services offered under this tariff and will indemnify such Customer or Authorized User for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. Excused Failures By Company The Company s failure to provide or maintain Services under this tariff shall be excused by governmental orders , civil commotion preemption of existing Services to restore Services in compliance with Part 64 Subpart 0, Appendix A, of the FCC's Rules and Regulations, Acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Company s reasonable control. Validity of Disclaimers The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a Court of Law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a Court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the Court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 16 ,"I ~ ," " Qff ~~ -" pf tht\ S~i)tij~afY , . ~, .' ACCEJ~~T~C FOR FiliNG f. : ':::~ ; :~"'-: . ". ' s~~ 1 ~ 2001lonex Communications North, Inc. BQi$fl, 'LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY (Continuedl Temporary Suspension For Repairs ----.,-.. The Company shall have the right to make necessary repairs or changes in its facilities at any time and will have the right to suspend or interrupt service temporarily for the purpose of making the necessary repairs or changes in its system. When such suspension or interruption of Service for any appreciable period is necessary, the Company will give the Customers who may be affected as reasonable notice thereof as circumstances will permit, and will perform the work with reasonable diligence, and if practicable at times that will cause the Customer the least inconvenience. When the Company is repairing or changing its facilities it shall take appropriate precautions to avoid unnecessary interruptions of communications or Customer s Service. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER Customer Responsibilities Charges The Customer is responsible for payment of all applicable charges pursuant to this tariff. Damages from Customer Conduct The Customer is responsible for damage to or loss of the Company s facilities or equipment caused by Acts or Omissions of the Customer or the noncompliance by the Customer with these regulations , or by fire or theft or other casualty on the Customer premises , unless caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the employees or agents of the Company. Indemnification of Company for Claims Customer shall indemnify, defend , and hold harmless the Company from and against all claims, actions, damages , liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney s fees for: Negligence Any loss, destruction or damage to property of the Company for any Third Party, or the death or injury to persons, including, but not limited to employees or invitees of either Party, to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligent or intentional Act Omission of the Customer, its employees , agents, representatives or invitees; or ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 17 a 0 U IC !! les .ommlSSlon Office oJ the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING SEP 1 2 2001Ionex Communications North, Inc. 08LIGA TIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Continued\Boise, Idaho Infringement Any claim, loss , damage , expense or liability for infringement of any copyright, patent, trade secret, or any proprietary or intellectual property right of any Third Party, arising from any Act or Omission by the Customer, including, without limitation, use of the Company Services and facilities in a manner not contemplated by the Agreement between the Customer and the Company. Customer EQuipment Provided by Customer Customer provided terminal equipment on the Customer premises, and the electric power consumed by such equipment shall be provided by and maintained at the expense of the Customer. Com pati bility The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer-provided equipment connected to Company equipment and facilities is compatible with such equipment and facilities. The magnitude and character of the voltages and currents impressed Company-provided equipment and wiring by the connection operation or maintenance of such equipment and wiring must be such as not to cause damage to the Company-provided equipment and wiring or injury to the Company s employees or other persons. Any additional protective equipment required to prevent such damage or injury shall be provided by the Company at the Customer s expense. Interconnection of Facilities Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities and equipment of the Company used for furnishing Local Exchange Services and the channels , facilities or equipment of others shall be provided at the Customer s expense. Inspections Upon reasonable notification to the Customer, and at a reasonable time , the Company may make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the Customer is complying with the requirements set forth in the section for installation, operation and maintenance of Customer-provided facilities , equipment and wiring in the connection of Customer-provided facilitiesand equipment to Company-owned facilities and equipment. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 18 Cancels Original Page No. 18 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Idaho PubliC'. ; jj-j;ii;p" Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 2001 Boise, Idaho Corrective Action If the protective requirements for Customer-provided equipment are not being complied with , the Company may take such action as it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment , and personnel. The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for further corrective action. Within ten days of receiving this Notice, the Customer must take corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken. If the Customer fails to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of Service , to protect its facilities, equipment and personnel from harm. PAYMENTS AND CHARGES Billing and Collection General The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for facilities and Services furnished by the Company to the Customer. Billing Cycle The Company will establish a monthly billing date for each Customer account and shall bill all charges incurred by, and credits due to the Customer under this tariff. Recurring Charges are billed monthly, in advance of the month in which Service is provided , except for usage sensitive charges which will be billed monthly for the preceding billing period. Bills are due by the payment due date shown on the bill. Establishment and Maintenance of Credit Establishment of Credit The Company is not obligated to provide Service to any individual or firm that owes for Service previously rendered the Company at the same or a different address, until arrangements have been made to liquidate such previous indebtedness to the Company. Nor is the Company obligated to continue to provide Service to any individual or firm whose credit with the Company is or becomes doubtful, in the opinion of the Company. Applicants for telephone service vvho are required to make a deposit may be fe€tuired to pay in advance of instal-lation and/or construction charges.In order to insure the payment of all charges due for its Service, the Company may require any Customer to establish and maintain his credit in one of the following \vays: (D) ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12, 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 1st Revised Page No. 19 Cancels Original Page No. 19 lonex Communications North, Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary i~' (\ u ~- ' SEP 1 2 2001 By furnishing credit references acceptable to the Company. By means of a cash deposit. Reserved For Future Use Initial Deposit The amount of deposit required shall not be more than the average charge for t\vo months' local exchange service plus two months' estimated toll service billed by the Company. Increased Deposit The Company may require the Customer to increase the amount of the deposit at any time , if the toll charges billed to the Customer by the Company exceed the amount estimated under the following circumstances: 2:. ;.; -2-;. 8-:..2:.;. (al.us -tom er s... wit IJ...s i * .. (6)... men th.s.. .se rv ice. f.. Gf-......a-.... .G-u-st Gm e r .....-wi t-h-,-at.......I€ ast _no- six-. --ffiooths-ef se rv i G e,-th €-.f€q u ked... €I ef)Gs It...ffi.ay-b e -.i RG (-eased by.......th€- -..Ge.rnp any.......lf...- tGH--'Ghar~-s -...bmeti.....-by.- . Ge.rnpaA.y..-are..... at, ..~east- -tw e A .ty -f.~ v€..... pe fG eB-t- -( 2:59/01 a Ad-.. a.. ..-rn'lnlrn urn .....ef- .$2.Q.....OQ.....h 19' h€f-- tAaf1"~ ig1~y est4mated..-.duFffig.-t M--. tAf€€...... ffi'()A tRs,..... J*fer --te-.-fRe Company request for an additional deposit. (b) Customers with less than six (6) months selvice. For a customer vlith less than six consecutive months of service, the required deposit may be increased by the Company if toll charges billed by the Company are at least twenty five percent (25%) and a minimum of $20.00 higher than originally estimated during the month prior to the Company request for an additional deposit and satisfactory explanation for the higher charges as an unusual situation is not found to exist by the Company. Reserved For Future Use A deposit may be made at any Company business office or authorized agent. 8.2 Reserved For Future Use +-Ae-GGffi.paf1y....wHl-ffiaffi.t-affi....reG0r-G.s-.wh'~Gh--shGw...tAe'-Aame-aRG-.-ad.dfes-5 ef.---eaG-A--dep0SHGf--t-he--ameuAt......aA€I--date--ef---the--.depesit..-an4-eaffi tr-af1saGtlen.......GGAG€fnln9..-..-t-he-d.ep0s.it;.._.-..U-AGlaimed....-def)Gsits.--shaH-- d ~ sf) G sed-e f...iR.. .aGG0r€lanG e-. with...aw-; ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12, 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 392-4601 I (D) (T) (D) (T) (D) (T) (D) Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 20 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 20 lonex Communications North, Inc. Reserved For Future Use Reserved For Future Use Reserved For Future Use Discontinuance of Service for Failure to Establish Credit Service may be discontinued for failure to establish or maintaincredit, set forth in 2.A above, twelve days after the Companyhas mailed Notice requiring the Customer to do so. 2.1 Service Charge For Reconnection Where Service has been discontinued for failure to establish maintain credit as set forth in 2.A above, the applicableRestoration of Service Charges ($35.00) shall apply. (T) Returned Check Charges The Customer will be assessed a charge of $15.00 for each check, draft, orelectronic funds transfer submitted by the Customer to the Company which afinancial institution refuses to honor. Minimum Period Charae The Minimum Period for flat rate Service is one month. When a Service isdiscontinued prior to the expiration of the Minimum Period, the Minimum PeriodCharge will apply. In addition all Nonrecurring Charges associated with theprovision of the Service will be billed. ISSUED: September 19, 2002 EFFECTIVE: September ~O, ~9~2ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth General Counsel IEiaho PI~bhc Ut~htJ~s Commission OffIce of tile ~ecretary15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 ACCEPTED FOR FiLINGAddison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 SEP 3 0 2002 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 21 ""- 1.- n..LI:- I ,.. ,"'...." . ..."",.. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP1 2001Ionex Communications North, Inc. Boise, IdahoDISCONNECTION OR REFUSAL OF SERVICE By the Company Without Notice The Company may immediately disconnect or refuse the Service without Notice only under the following circumstances: Hazardous Condition In the event of a condition on the Customer Premises determined by the Company to be hazardous to the Customer, to other Customers, to the Company s equipment, to the public, or to the Company s employees; Adverse Effects In the event of Customer s use in such a manner as to adversely affect the Company s facilities or the Company s Service to others; Tampering In the event of tampering with facilities furnished and owned by the Company. 8y the Company After Prior Written Notice: In addition to the reasons set forth in paragraph 2.1 above, the Company may disconnect or refuse Service after providing prior Written Notice as specified in paragraph 2.7.4 below for any of the following reasons: Failure to Pay Failure to pay the Customer bill for Local , Long Distance or Miscellaneous Services when due; Failure to Maintain Credit Failure of a Customer to establish and maintain credit as required by paragraph 2. Failure to Make Proper AlWlication Failure of a Customer to make proper Application for Service; Violation of Rules Customer s violation of the Company s Rules and Regulations onfile with the Commission; ISSUED: April 11 , 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 22 Cancels Original Page No. 22 lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILl' G S E P 1 2001 DISCONNECTION OR REFUSAL OF SERVICE (Continued\i-l!"" .j,..I"i,.",00'-=, JUOM"" Failure to Grant Access Failure of the Customer to permit the Company reasonable access to its facilities; Failure to Fulfill Contract Obligations Failure of the Customer or prospective Customer to fulfill the contractual obligations imposed upon him or her as conditions of obtaining Service by a contract filed with, and subject to, the regulatory authority of the Commission; Failure to Grant Right-of-wav Failure of the Customer or Prospective Customer to furnish permits or certificates of right-of-way specified to be furnished in the Company s Rules filed with the Commission as conditions for obtaining Service, or the termination of those permissions or rights; When Required bv Governmental Authoritv When necessary for the Company to comply with any Order or request of any governmental authority with jurisdiction. Only One Written Notice of Disconnection Only one written Notice will be provided to the Customer if multiple violations occur under paragraph 2.2 above. Method of Giving Notice of Disconnection The Notice of pending disconnection required by these Rules shall be written Notice setting forth all reasons for the Notice, and the final date by which the account is to be settled or specific action taken. The Notice shall be considered rendered to the Customer when deposited in First Class U.S. Mail with postage prepaid. The final date shall be no less than seven (7) days after the Notice is rendered, excluding Sundays and legal holidays or in the case of deposits twelve (12) days . The Notice will include a toll free or collect number where a Customer can obtain additional information. Subsequent to the written Notice as described hereinabove , the Company will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Customer to make payment arrangements at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled disconnect in accordance with Commission Rules. (D) No-Disconnection Periods The Company will not disconnect service on a Friday, Saturday, or legal holiday, or after 2:00 P.M. except where an emergency exists. ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12,2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 Original Page No. 23 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Ionex Communications North, Inc. Billing Disputes and Disconnection Boise, Idaho In the event of a dispute concerning a bill, the Company will: investigate the dispute promptly; advise the Customer of the investigation and its results; attempt to resolve the dispute; and withhold disconnection of Service until the investigation is completed and the Customer is informed of the results. If, after the Company has completed the investigation and made findings , the Customer is satisfied , the Customer must submit payment in full of any bill that the Company concludes is still due. If the Customer still feels there is a dispute , the matter shall be handled as an informal complaint against the Company and disposed of pursuant to the applicable Rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Emergency Medical Conditions Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, the Company shall postpone the disconnection of Service to a Residential Customer for a reasonable time and in accordance with Commission Rules , if the Customer produces verification from a physician, or a public health or social services official , which states that telephone Service is essential due to an existing medical emergency of the Customer, a member of the Customer s family or any permanent resident of the premises where Service is rendered. This written verification shall identify the medical emergency and specify the circumstances. Initial verification may be by telephone if written verification is forwarded to the Company within five days. Ifthe written verification is not received within five days, Service may be disconnected prior to the expiration of the period of postponement. Disconnection At Customer s ReQuest Contracts for Service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the contract period provided advance Notice is given to the Company and upon agreement to pay all charges due for the Service furnished , plus any Termination Charges which might be applicable. Where a Contract for Service is canceled before establishment of the Service is completed, a charge not to exceed the Installation Charge will be applied if all or a portion of the facilities have already been installed. Transfers of Service No minimum or Termination Charge will apply (unless otherwise stated specifically in this Tariff) where a new Customer takes over the Service of a former Customer, provided the Service is to be furnished at the same location without interruption and that the new Customer assumes all unpaid charges on the original contract. Minimum and Termination Charges will apply for any new Service furnished under the original contract which is not retained by the new Customer. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 24 Cancels Original Page No. 24 lonex Communications North, Inc. 10 Events Beyond Customer s Control No minimum or Termination Charge will apply in the event the Service terminated because of condemnation, destruction , or damage to property byfire or other cause beyond the control of the Customer. 11 Restoration of Service 7. 11 . 11. 11. Before Service Termination Completed If any Customer Service is restored after having beendisconnected in accordance with this Tariff, but a CompanyService Order to terminate such Service has not been completedwhen such Service is restored, the Customer will be required to pay a $35.00 Restoration of Service Charge. After Service Termination Completed When a Customer Service has been disconnected accordance with this tariff and the Service has been terminatedthrough the completion of a Company Service Order, Service willbe re-established only upon the basis of an Application for NewService. Only After Receipt of all Amounts Owed If Service has been suspended or discontinued for nonpaymentService will be re-established upon receipt of payment of all charges due, which includes charges for services and facilitiesduring the period of suspension and which may include a Service Restoration Fee of $35.00. If the Customer has a history ofpayments returned for insufficient funds , the Company mayrequire payment by cash, money order or certified check. If suchpayment is made by personal check, restoration of Service will be affected upon clearance of the check by the bank. 12 Cancellation of Ar!J)lication For Service When the Customer cancels an Application for Service prior to the start of Service or prior to any special construction, no charges will be imposed exceptfor those specified below: 12.Company Incurred Installation Expenses Where , prior to cancellation by the Customer, the Company incursany expenses in installing the Service or in preparing to install the Service that it otherwise would not have incurred, a charge equalto the costs the Company incurred, less net salvage, shall apply,but in no case shall this charge exceed the sum of the charge for the minimum period of Services ordered, including InstallationCharges, and all charges others levied against the Company thatwould have been chargeable to the Customer had Service begun. ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30,2002ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 2002 b,,;~, Irl;:ho Idaho C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 25 Cancels Original Page No. 25 lonex Communications North, Inc. 12 Cancellation of Application For Service (Continuedl 12.Special Construction Expenses Where the Company incurs an expense in connection with special construction, or when special arrangements of facilities or equipment have begun before the Company receives a Cancellation Notice, a charge equal to the cost incurred, less net salvage, applies. 13 Changes in Service ReQuested If the Customer makes or requests material changes in circuit engineering, equipment specifications, Service parameters, premises locations or otherwise materially modifies any provision of the Application for Service, the Customer Installation Fee shall be adjusted accordingly. NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS To Customer In lieu of the location where the Service is provided , the Customer may designate on the Service Order an address to which the Company shall mail or deliver all Notices and other communications, including the bill. To Company All Notices to the Company should be sent in writing to: IONEX COMMUNICATIONS NORTH , INC Local Customer Service 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison , Texas 75001 (T) Notices in Writina All Notices or other communications required to be given pursuant to this tariff will be in writing. Notices and other communications of either Party, and all bills mailed by the Company, shall be presumed to have been delivered to the otherparty on the third business day following placement of the Notice, communication , or bill with the US Mail or a private delivery service, prepaid and properly addressed, or when actually received or refused by the addressee whichever occurs first. Q!!ligation to Notify of Changed Address The Company or the Customer shall advise the other of any change to the address designated for Notices , other communications or billing, by following the procedures for giving Notice set forth herein. ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2002 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel '~aho Public Utilities Commission15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Office of the SecretaryAddison, Texas 75001 ACCEPTED FOR FILING (214) 646-2300 SEP 3 0 2002 Boise. Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 26 Cancels Original Page No. 26 lonex Communications North, Inc. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF SERVICE Neither the Company nor the Customer may assign or transfer its rights or duties in connection with the Services and facilities provided by the Company without the written consent of the other Party, except that the Company may assign its rights and duties (a) to any subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the Company, (b) pursuant to any sale or transfer of substantially all the assets of the Company, or (c) pursuant to any financing, merger or reorganization of the Company. SHORTAGE OF EQUIPMENT OR FACiliTIES The Company reserves the right to limit or to allocate the use of existing facilities or additional facilities offered by the Company when necessary because of lack of facilities or due to some other cause beyond the Company s control. The furnishing of Service under this tariff is subject to the availability on a continuing basis of all the necessary facilities and is limited to the capacity of the Company s facilities as well as facilities the Company may obtain from other carriers to furnish Service from time to time as required at the sale discretion of the Company. TAXES. CHARGES. ASSESSMENTS AND FEES 11.The Customer is responsible for payment of any sales , use , gross receipts, excise, occupation license or local state and federal taxes, charges assessments or fees, however designated (excluding taxes on the Company net income) imposed on or based upon the provision, sale or use of the Company s Services. All such taxes, charges, assessments or fees are listed as separate line items on the Customer s bill. 11.In the event that any regulatory agency, legislative body or Court of competent jurisdiction promulgates regulations or modifies existing ones including, without limitation , regulations regarding pay phone compensation , access charges and/or universal service ("Regulatory Activity ), the Company reserves the right, at any time, and upon ten (10) days Notice to: (i) pass through to the Customer all, or a portion of, any charges or surcharges directly or indirectly related to such Regulatory Activity; or, (ii) modify the rates, including any rate guarantees , and/or terms and conditions contained in this Tariff to reflect the impact of such Regulatory Activity. 11.3 In compliance with IPUC Order No. 29101 , a monthly surcharge is assessed on each residence and business line. The surcharge contributes towards funding for the Idaho Universal Service Fund and, unless otherwise modified , changed or canceled by the IPUC, shall be assessed at the rate of $0.13 per business line and $0.08 per residential line Effective October 1 , 2002. , T) ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2002 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel Idaho Public Utilities Commission 15305 Dallas Parkway Suite 1500 Office of the Secretary Addison, Texas 75001 ACCEPTED FOR FILING (214) 646-2300 SEP 3 0 2002 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 27 Cancels 1st Revised Page No. 27 lonex Communications North, Inc. I~aho U IC tl lies ommlSSlon Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 ,- 2003 CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Boise. Idaho 12.To Company Employee A Customer or prospective Customer may initiate a complaint with the Company on a relevant matter by telephone, in person, or in writing directed to the Company at any of its offices. The Company s response to the complaint will generally be in the same form used by the Customer. However, the Company may respond to written complaints by telephone or personal visits when it believes such communication will be effective in resolution of the issues. 12.Supervisory Review The Customer may at any point during resolution of the complaint seek review by a Supervisor or Manager. 12.PUC Review Upon investigation and final resolution by the Company, if the Customer wishes further review, the Customer should direct all appropriate information to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington O. Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 (800) 432-0369 IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 13.Telephone Assistance Discount In accordance with the Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) Idaho Code 956-901 , the Company will provide a monthly discount to eligible Subscribers of Residential Basic Local Exchange Service in the amount of a state credit of $3.50 and a credit in an amount authorized by the FCC. In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the grade of Residential Service subscribed to by each individual. 13.Funding The cost of the program shall be funded from a uniform monthly surcharge on each Business and Residential Access Line, excluding those residential access lines receiving ITSAP credit. The current surcharge rate as set by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission per Commission Order 29214 is $0.12 per End User Effective May 1 , 2003. This surcharge will be explicitly stated on Customer billings each month. , T) ISSUED: April 21 , 2003 EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 27. ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 3 0 2004 Ionex Communications North, Inc. DISPUTE RESOLUTION This Section applies to any dispute, controversy, or claim, whether based in contract tort, equity, statute or any other legal theory, between the Customer and the Company arising out of, or relating to, any Service, product, facilities , charge , advertising, representation, Act or Omission of the Company, or any other dispute, controversy, or claim arising from the relationship between the Parties that either the Customer or the Company has against the other, regardless of the date of accrual and even if the dispute, controversy, or claim arises after Service has terminated (hereinafter collectively referred to herein as "Dispute" or "Disputes ). All Disputes must be resolved as described in this Section. BY ORDERING AND/OR CONTINUING SERVICES PROVIDED IN THIS TARIFF, THE CUSTOMER AGREES THAT ANY DISPUTE WILL BE RESOLVED BY THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND NOT BY A JUDGE OR JURY IN COURT. If the Customer has a Dispute with the Company, the Customer must first call the Company s Customer Service Department, at the number listed on the Customer invoice, to attempt to resolve the Dispute. The Customer must describe the Dispute and provide the Company with any supporting documentation reasonably requested by the Company. Likewise , if the Company has a Dispute with the Customer it will notify the Customer by letter sent to the Customer s billing address and attempt to resolve it before pursuing arbitration. (N) If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute within 60 days of the initial notice , either Party may request arbitration as described below. MANDATORY ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES: ANY DISPUTE OF ANY KIND BETWEEN THE CUSTOMER AND THE COMPANY, OR ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT PRIVY OR AFFILIATED ENTITY OF EITHER PARTY, WILL BE RESOLVED BY FINAL AND BINDING ARBITRATION AS PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION ACT, NOT STATE LAW, GOVERNS THIS PROCESS , INCLUDING THE ARBITRABILITY OF ANY DISPUTE UNDER THIS TARIFF AND THE REVIEW OF ANY AWARD. ISSUED: January 18, 2004 EFFECTIVE: January 30, 2004 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 27. l~aho Public Utilities Commission ~P. ' ACCEPTED FOR FiLl JAN 302004 lonex Communications North, Inc. DISPUTE RESOLUTION (Con~inuedl The arbitration will be conducted by and under the then-applicable Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") at the nearest AAA Case Management Center or other location as agreed upon by Customer and Company. A single neutral arbitrator engaged in the practice of law will conduct the arbitration. The arbitrator will be selected according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association , alternatively, may be selected by agreement of the Parties, who will cooperate in good faith to select the arbitrator. All expedited procedures prescribed by the applicable Rules will apply. All required fees and costs will be paid equally by the Parties as set forth in the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator s decision and award will be final and binding, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court with jurisdiction. No Dispute may be joined with another lawsuit, claim, dispute, or arbitration brought by any other person, or resolved on a class-wide basis. The arbitrator may not award damages that are barred by this tariff and may not award punitive damages. (N) If any Party files a judicial or administrative action to resolve a Dispute without first complying with the provisions of this Section and another Party successfully stays such action and/or compels arbitration, the Party filing that judicial or administrative action must pay the other Party s costs and expenses incurred in seeking such stay and/or compelling arbitration, including attorney s fees. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the Customer may file a complaint with the Commission as described in Section 2.12. If any portion of this Section is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Section and this tariff shall remain in full force and effect. ISSUED: January 18, 2004 EFFECTIVE: January 30, 2004 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 1 st Revised Page No. 28 Cancels Original Page No. 28 lonex Communications North, Inc. , dies ommlssion OffIce OT rhe Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 2 2001 3. Service Areas Boise, Idaho EXCHANGE CLASSIFICA TlaNS General lonex offers Local Exchange Service within the Qwest Exchange Areas and Local Calling Areas. Exchange Areas are divided into Northern LATA and Southern LATA and Rate Groups 1 and 2. (T) Pursuant to the Qwest tariff, the Exchange Access Line availability determines the Rate Group in which an Exchange is placed: (T) Local Callin Area North North South South Rate Grou Exchan e Access Line Availabilit 5000 5001 and reater 2500 2501 and reater ISSUED: August 31, 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12,2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 29 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FO!~ FiliNG S E P 1 2001 Boise, Idaho 4. Special Arrangements SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Contracts lonex may offer Customized Service Packages under special arrangements on a case-by-case basis. Service offered under this tariff provision will be provided to Customers pursuant to a special contract that shall be filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission prior to becoming effective. Unless otherwise specified , the regulations for such special arrangements will be in addition to the applicable regulations and prices in other sections of this tariff. Promotional Offerings lonex may offer Services at a reduced rate, free of charge, or offer incentives including gift certificates and coupons for promotional, market research or rate experimentation purposes. Such offerings will be for a limited duration. Any such offering will be filed as a tariff amendment with the Idaho Public UtilitiesCommission for review prior to becoming effective. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 30 Cancels Original Page No. 30 lonex Communications North, Inc. 5. Commercial Service Office of the Secn3t~ry ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 2 2001 LOCAL SERVICE Boise, Idaho lonex Local Calling is provided to Business Customers as a flat fee Commercial Service. The flat fee provides the Customer with unlimited calling to points within the Local Calling Area. In those Exchanges Hste€f in paragraph 3.and~Customers may I (D)choose either Local 21 Service (a bundle of Services) or purchase Basic Exchange Business Service and select individual features to create their own custom designed bundle of Services. LOCAL 21 SERVICE OFFERING Local 21 Service provides a standardized bundle of Services at a single price per line. The standard features included in the Company s Local 21 Service offering are:Hunting Call Identification and Blocking Call Forward -- Don t Answer Call Forward -- Busy Call Forward Busy -- Don t Answer Call Forward VariableCall Waiting Speed Calling (30) Speed Calling (8) BASIC EXCHANGE BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERING Basic Exchange Business Service allows the Customer to purchase basic Service at a single price per line and then to add individual features in order to create a customized bundle of Services. The following features may be added to Basic Exchange Business Service: Hunting Call Forward -- Don t Answer Call Forward Busy -- Don t Answer Call Waiting Speed Calling (8) CALL TRACING Call Identification and Blocking Call Rejection Call Forward -- Busy Call Forward Variable Speed Calling (30) Call Trace Allows a Called Party to initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. Call Trace is available on a usage-basis only. After receiving the call which is to be traced , the Customer dials a code and the traced telephone number is automatically sent to the Company for further action. The Customer originating the trace will not receive the traced telephone number. The results of a trace will be furnished only to legally constituted law enforcement agencies or authorities upon proper request by them. Manual Trap and Trace is available wherefacilities permit. ISSUED: August 31 , 2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12, 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2 Original Page No. 31 a 0 ~ IC ti1ities Comml~~io OffIce of the SeeretaryACCEPTED FOR FILIN;J S E P 1 2 20Ionex Communications North, Inc. Call Tracing Rates Call Tracing - Manual Call Tracing - Automatic Boise, IdabfJ No Charge $1 .00 per activation PER-CALL PAYPHONE SERVICE CHARGE There is a per-call Service Charge of $0.30 for all originating payphone traffic. LISTINGS Customers shall provide the Company with information for all listings. Primary Listings The Customer will receive a single White Page and a single Yellow Page listing at no additional charge. Additional Listings The term Additional Listing denotes any White Page listing, regardless of form, in addition to the Primary Listing. A monthly rate applies for each Additional Listing. Additional Business Listings may be any of the following: Private Listings - Non-Published Service Private Listing Telephone Numbers are not listed in either the Company s directories or Directory Assistance Records available to the general public. Incoming calls will be completed by the Company only when the Calling Party places the call by number. The Company will adhere to this practice notwithstanding any claim of emergency the Calling Party may assert. The provision of Private Listing does not create any relationship or obligation direct or indirect, to any other person than the Customer. The Company liability, if any, for gross negligence or willful misconduct in releasing or publishing Private Listings or the right of the Customer to seek any legal remedy available for the same is not limited by this tariff. In the absence of gross negligence willful misconduct, the Company s liability, if any, for releasing or publishing Private Listings shall not exceed the monthly charges which the Customer may have made for such unpublished Service for the period during which the Service was affected. Semi-Private Listings - Non-Listed Service Semi-private Listing Telephone Numbers are not listed in the Company s directories but are included in Directory Assistance Records available to the general public. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 32 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 32 lonex Communications North, Inc. BilliNG AND COllECTION Terms and Conditions lonex s billing terms are net twenty (20) days. Customer s second statement will be captioned with a Reminder Notice of the Past Due Amount. Fourteen (14)days after receiving their second statement they will be sent a Disconnect Notice granting ten (10) days to pay. A Collection Representative will call the Customer after the Customer has received the Disconnection Notice. If the Customer doesnot remit payment within the allotted ten (10) days to pay, a CollectionRepresentative will give them one final call before suspending their Service. IfPayment Arrangements are made at this time no suspension in Service will bemade. If lonex does not receive a response by 5:00 p.m. on the tenth day,Service will be suspended by the following workday. Reconnection In the event Customer s Service is suspended for non-payment, Customer will berequested to remit payment for the balance in full before reconnection as well as a $35.00 Restoration of Service Fee. If Customer s Service is suspended morethan once , a credit check will be completed before reconnection of Service. (T) Service Termination by Customer In the event Customer requests termination of lonex s Service and reconnection to The Telephone Company, Customer will be charged a $50.00 Reconnect Fee. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 0 2002 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30 2002ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 33 Cancels Original Page No. 33 Ionex Communications North, Inc. 6. Commercial Rates and Charges INSTAllATION CHARGES These charges are nonrecurring and apply to various Customer requests for connecting,moving or changing Service. They are in addition to any other scheduled rates andcharges that would normally apply under this tariff. Service Order Charae This charge is for receiving, recording and processing information necessary to execute a Customers' request for Service. One Record Charge applies for allchanges and/or additions ordered and provided at the same time for the sameCustomer. PIC change, per Primary Line, Trunk or Port Nonrecurring Char~ $5.(N) Change Charges Changes va'Y depending on custom arrangement requested by the Customer ICB Service Order Charge for Install/Change of Basic Features, Directory Listings and PAV Codes $10,(I) Service Order Charge - Basic or Complex Lines/Features $30, $30. (N) (N)Basic Line Connection Charge for New Installations (per Line) *** Complex Line Connection Charge for New Installations (per Line)Existing NRC Complex Feature Installation Charge (per Feature)Existing NRC Complex Feature Change (Analog Trunk, Telebranch Market Expansion Line, BRI , Centrex) $5,(N) Complex Feature Change Charge (PRI, T-1 Trunks Private Lines) $50.(N) Basic Lines are Residential or Business Local Exchange Lines served with dial tone; *** Complex Lines are Trunks, ISDN, Centrex, Telebranch, Market Expansion Lines, and Private Lines;1) Service Order Charge applies on all requests, For multiple request types, only the highest Service OrderCharge is applied, There are unlimited Moves, Adds or Changes allowed per Service Order Charge. 2) Line Connection Charge applies per new line installed and is in addition to Service Order Charge, 3) Complex Features Change Charge is per feature and is applied in addition to Service Order Charge. (N) ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: Septe4M~~~i ~ooas CommissionISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel Office of the Secretary15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Addison, Texas 75001 S E P 3 0 2002(214) 646-2300 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 33. Cancels Original Page No. 33. lonex Communications North, Inc. 6. Commercial Rates and Charges INSTAllATION CHARGES (Continuedl Service Order Char~(Continuedl Reserved For Future Use Reserved For Future Use line Connection Charaes Charges for connection or reconnection of Customer s line(s) to The Telephone Company s Central Office will be based upon that which is charged Company by The Telephone Company. These charges will be passed through to Customer as Non-Recurring Line Connection Charges. local 21 Rates line Connection Charges North - $43.00 per line South - $52.00 per line Basic Exchange line Connection Char~ Individual Line - North - $43.00 per line Individual Line - South - $52.00 per line CUSTOMER liNE CHARGE A Customer Line Charge (CLC) is assessed on all business and residential local lines. The charge reimburses the Company for ILEC Subscriber Line Charges and other expenditures associated with the provision of the telephone infrastructure that enables End Users to make and receive interstate long distance calls. Monthly Rate Single Line, Business Service (per line) Non-Primary Business Line or Trunk, each Multi-line Business Line or Trunk, each - including 1 st line $6. $9. $9. QWEST EXCHANGES Two alternative programs are available for election by the Customer: Local 21 Rates or Basic Exchange Business Rates. (M) (M) , M) , M) (M) (M) (M) ISSUED: September 19, 2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30,2002 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel Idaho P~bHc Utilities Commission 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Office of the Secretary Addison, Texas 75001 ACCEPTED FOR FILING (214)646-2300 SEP 30 2002 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 34 Cancels Original Page No. 34 lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 2003 8oise~ IdahoLocal 21 Rates Local 21 Rates are available under either a three (3) year contract or a five (5) year contract. Election of these rates must be made at the time the contract is executed. Local 21 Rate includes all features described in paragraph 5.2 - LOCAL 21 SERVICE OFFERING. The following rates are per Access Line: Three (ID Year Rate Three (3) year minimum term contract rate: North - Rate Groups 1 and 2 - $46.00 monthly South - Rate Groups 1 and 2 - $46.00 monthly Five (ID Year Rate Five (5) year minimum term contract rate: North - Rate Groups 1 and 2 - $46.00 monthly South - Rate Groups 1 and 2 - $46.00 monthly (I) (I) Basic Exchange Business Rates Commercial Customers who do not elect Local 21 Rates will be billed for Basic Exchange Business Rates. These Customers will be charged the following rates (less any applicable discount set forth in paragraphs 6.3 Term Discounts for Basic Exchange Business Rates and 6.3.4 Special Feature Discounts below): Business Flat Rate - Per Month North - Group 1 - $21.49 per line North - Group 2 - $24.49 per line South - Group 1 - $26.63 per line South - Group 2 - $32.13 per line Individual Features - Per Month - Per Line Hunting Group Group 2 Call Forward -- Don t Answer Call Forward Busy -- Don t Answer Call Waiting Speed Calling (8) Call Identification CalilD Blocking CalilD Blocking per call Call Forward -- Busy Call Forward Variable Speed Calling (30) Call Rejection South NorthN/A $8. N/A $4. N/A $4. $4.00 $2. $5.50 $5.50 $7.50 $4. $4.38 $3. $7.95 $7. $2.00 $2.N/C N/C $3.00 $4. $5.50 $3. $5.47 $5. $4.50 $4. (I) ISSUED: February 21, 2003 EFFECTIVE: March 6, 2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 35 Cancels Original Page No. 35 lonex Communications North, Inc. LLL no LI' "' "" '\oIQIIU I UIJII\, Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 2003 Boise, IdahogWEST EXCHANGES (Continued), Special Features ISDN Month-to-Month without Usage Allowance ISDN Month-to-Month with Usage Allowance ISDN Month to Month - Flat Custom Ringing - 1st # Custom Ringing - Add!. # Custom Ringing - Service and Equipment Charge Directory Listings Change in Primary Listing Additional Listings Private Listings Semi-Private Listings South North Non-Recurring $ 39.10$ 39.00 $110. $ 68.10$ 68.00 $110. $184.10$184.00 $110. (D) 7.45 N/A$ 5.25 N/A $ 10.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A South North Non-RecurringN/A N/A $ 20.N/A N/A $ 6.$ 1.25$ 4.00 $ 25.00-S $5.00- $ . 75$ 2.50 $ 25.00-S $5.00- Term Discounts for Basic Exchange Business Rates Any Customer taking Service under the Basic Exchange Business Rate will qualify for a discount from all the tariff charges in effect at the time that the Customer enters into a contract with the Company by agreeing to anyone of three minimum term contracts. Those term discounts are as follows: One (1) year contract rate Three (3) year contract rate Five (5) year contract rate 1 % Discount 40/0 Discount 60/0 Discount ISSUED: February 21, 2003 EFFECTIVE: March 6, 2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 36 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 36 lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 2003 Boise, Idaho gWEST EXCHANGES (Continuedl Special Features Discounts Regardless of the length of the term, all Basic Exchange Business Customers will receive a 40/0 discount from the tariff rates for the following features: ISDN DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICES I Custom Ringing (D) Directory Assistance Directory Assistance Charge applies per Directory Assistance call. The Customer may make two (2) requests for a telephone number per call. The Directory Assistance Charge applies regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Operator is able to supply the requested number. Each Directory Assistance call (intraLA T A, interLA T A, National)$1. ISSUED: February 23,2003 EFFECTIVE: March 6,2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No.3 7 Idaho Public Utilities Commission vTTlce OT tile Mcretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2 2001Ionex Communications North, Inc. Boise, Idaho 7. Consumer Service LOCAL SERVICE lonex Local Calling is provided to Consumer Customers as a flat fee Residential Service. The flat fee provides the Customer with unlimited calling to points within the Local Calling Area. BASIC EXCHANGE CONSUMER SERVICE OFFERING Basic Exchange Consumer Service allows the Customer to purchase basic service at a single price per line and then to add individual features in order to create a customized bundle of Services. The following features may be added to Basic Exchange Consumer Service: Hunting Call Forward -- Don t Answer Call Forward Busy -- Don t Answer Call Waiting Speed Calling (8) CALL TRACING Call Identification and Blocking Call Rejection Call Forward -- Busy Call Forward Variable Speed Calling (30) Call Trace Allows a Called Party to initiate an automatic trace of the last call received. Call Trace is available on a usage-basis only. After receiving the call which is to be traced , the Customer dials a code and the Traced Telephone Number is automatically sent to the Company for further action. The Customer originating the trace will not receive the traced telephone number. The results of a trace will be furnished only to legally constituted law enforcement agencies or authorities upon proper request by them. Manual Trap and Trace is available where facilities permit. Call Tracing Rates Call Tracing - Manual Call Tracing - Automatic No Charge $1.00 per activation PER-CALL PAYPHONE SERVICE CHARGE There is a per-call service charge of $0.30 for all originating payphone traffic. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1 2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 752040 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page No. 38 Cancels Original Page No. 38 Ionex Communications North, Inc. liSTINGS Customers shall provide the Company with information for all listings. Idaho Public Utilities Commls~ion Office of the Secretr:! ED FOF~ ~';'ILIN SEP 1 2 2001 Primary listings The Customer will receive one Primary Listing in the alphabetical section of the directory which serves the Customer s location at no charge. Additional listings The term Additional Listing denotes any White Page listing, regardless of form , in addition to the Primary Listing. A monthly rate applies for each Additional Listing. Additional Listings may be any of the following: Private listings - Non-Published Service Private Listing Telephone Numbers are not listed in either the Company s directories or Directory Assistance Records available to the general public. Incoming calls will be completed by the Company only when the Calling Party places the call by number. The Company will adhere to this practice notwithstanding any claim of emergency the Calling Party may assert. The provision of a Private Listing does not create any relationship or obligation direct or indirect , to any other person than the Customer. The Company liability, if any, for gross negligence or willful misconduct in releasing or publishing Private Listings or the right of the Customer to seek any legal remedy available for the same is not limited by this tariff. In the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Company s liability, if any, for releasing or publishing Private Listings shall not exceed the monthly charges which the Customer may have made for such Unpublished Service for the period during which the Service was affected. Semi-Private listings - Non-listed Service Semi-private Listing Telephone Numbers are not listed in the Company s directories, but are included in Directory Assistance Records available to the general public. BilliNG AND COllECTION Terms and Conditions lonex s billing terms are net twenty (20) days. Customer s second statement will be captioned with a Reminder Notice of Past Due Amount. Fourteen (14) days after receiving their second statement they will be sent a Disconnect Notice granting ten (10) days to pay. A Collection Representative will call the Customer after the Customer has received the Disconnection Notice. If the Customer does not remit payment within the allotted ten (10) days to pay, a Collection Representative will give them one final call before suspending their Service. If Payment Arrangements are made at this time , no suspension in Service will be made. If lonex does not receive a response by 5:00 p.m. on the tenth day, Service will be suspended by the following workday. (MT) ISSUED: August 31,2001 EFFECTIVE: September 12 2001 ISSUED BY: Alisa Head, Tariff & Regulatory Manager 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, Texas 752040 (972) 392-4601 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 39 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 39 Ionex Communications North, Inc. BilliNG AND COllECTION (Continued), Reconnection In the event Customer s Service is suspended for non-payment, Customer will be requested to remit payment for the balance in full before reconnection as well as a $35.00 Restoration of Service Fee. If Customer s Service is suspended more than once, a credit check will be completed before reconnection of Service. (T) Service Termination by Customer In the event Customer requests termination of lonex s Service and reconnection to The Telephone Company, Customer will be charged a $50.00 Reconnect Fee. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 0 2002 hlJl~..., ,.;~ho ISSUED: September 19,2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2002 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addhon, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 3 rd Revised Page No. 40 Cancels 2nd Revised Page No. 40 lonex Communications North, Inc. 8. Consumer Rates and Charges INSTAllATION CHARGES These charges are nonrecurring and apply to various Customer requests for connecting, moving or changing Service. They are in addition to any other scheduled rates and charges that would normally apply under this tariff. Service Order Charge This charge is for receiving, recording and processing information necessary to execute a Customers' Request for Service. One Record Charge applies for all changes and/or additions ordered and provided at the same time for the same Customer. PIC change, per Primary Line, Trunk or Port Nonrecurring Char~ $5,(N) Change Charges Changes vary depending on custom arrangement requested by the Customer ICB Service Order Charge for Install/Change of Basic Features, Directory Listings and PAV Codes $10,(I) Service Order Charge - Basic or Complex Lines/Features $30. $30. (N) (N)Basic Line Connection Charge for New Installations (per Line) *** Complex Line Connection Charge for New Installations (per Line) Existing NRC Complex Feature Installation Charge (per Feature)Existing NRC Complex Feature Change (Analog Trunk, Telebranch Market Expansion Line, BRI, Centrex) $5.(N) Complex Feature Change Charge (PRI, T-1 Trunks, Private Lines) $50.(N) Basic Lines are Residential or Business Local Exchange Lines served with dial tone; *** Complex Lines are Trunks, ISDN, Centrex, Telebranch, Market Expansion Lines, and Private Lines; 1) Service Order Charge applies on all requests, For multiple request types, only the highest Service Order Charge is applied. There are unlimited Moves, Adds or Changes allowed per Service Order Charge. 2) Line Connection Charge applies per new line installed and is in addition to Service Order Charge, 3) Complex Features Change Charge is per feature and is applied in addition to Service Order Charge, (N) ISSUED: September 19, 2002 EFFECTIVE: SeP1fdW~f~bflc !J~~QfCommisstGnISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel Office of the Secretary 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Addison, Texas 75001 SEP 3 0 2002(214) 646-2300 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 40. lonex Communications North, Inc. 8. Consumer Rates and Charges INSTAllATION CHARGES (Continuedl I (M) Reserved For Future Use line Connection Charges Charges for connection or reconnection of Customer s line(s) to The Telephone (M)Company s Central Office will be based upon that which is charged Company by The Telephone Company. These charges will be passed through to Customer as Non-recurring Line Connection Charges. Basic Exchange Line Connection Char~ North - $50. South - $30. (M) CUSTOMER liNE CHARGE A Customer Line Charge (CLC) is assessed on all business and residential locallines. The charge reimburses the Company for ILEC Subscriber Line Chargesand other expenditures associated with the provision of the telephoneinfrastructure that enables end users to make and receive interstate longdistance calls. Single Line, Primary Residential Service Non-Primary Residential Line Each Additional Residential Line Monthlv Rate $6. $7. $7. (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING Sf? 3 0 2002 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: September 19 2002 EFFECTIVE: September 30 2002ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 41 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 41 lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 2003 QWEST EXCHANGES Boise, idaho Basic Exchange Consumer Rates Consumer Customers will be billed for Basic Exchange Consumer rates. These Customers will be charged the following rates (less any applicable discount set forth in paragraphs 8.2 Term Discounts for Basic Exchange Consumer Rates and 8.3 Special Feature Discounts below: Consumer Flat Rate - Per Month North - Group 1 - $ 8.47 North - Group 2 - $ 9. South - Group 1 - $11. South - Group 2 - $17. Individual Features - Per Month- Per Line Hunting Call Forward -- Don t Answer Call Forward Busy -- Don t Answer Call Waiting Speed Calling (8) Call Identification CalilD Blocking CalilD Blocking per call Call Forward -- Busy Call Forward Variable Speed Calling (30) Call Rejection Special Features South North South $8. 00 $1. $1. $5. $2. $6. $1. N/C $ . $3. $3. $4. North N/A $1. $1. $4. $2. $5. $1. N/C $ . $3. $3. $4. Custom Ringing - 1st # Custom Ringing - Add\. # $ 5.00 N/A $ 2.50 N/A Non-Recurrin (D) N/A N/A Non-Recurrin $ 8. $ 6. $25.00-S $5.00- $25.00-S $5.00- Directory Listings Change in Primary Listing Additional Listings Private Listings Semi-Private Listings South North N/A N/A $ 1.25 $4. $ . 75 $2. ISSUED: February 21, 2003 EFFECTIVE: March 6, 2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page No. 42 Cancels 1 st Revised Page No. 42 lonex Communications North, Inc. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 2003 gWEST EXCHANGES (Continuedl BOI'i~ '~h'.)1., t ., I Term Discounts for Basic Exchange Consumer Rates Any Customer taking Service under the Basic Exchange Consumer Rate will qualify for a discount from all the tariff charges in effect at the time that the Customer enters into a contract with the Company by agreeing to anyone of three minimum term contracts. Those term discounts are as follows: One (1) year contract rate Three (3) year contract rate Five (5) year contract rate 1 % Discount 40/0 Discount 60/0 Discount Special Feature Discounts Regardless of the length of the term, all Basic Exchange Consumer Customers will receive a 40/0 discount from the tariff rates for the following features: (D)(D)I Custom Ring!!Jg DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICES Directory Assistance Directory Assistance Charge applies per Directory Assistance call. The Customer may make two (2) requests for a telephone number per call. The Directory Assistance Charge applies regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Operator is able to supply the requested number. Each Directory Assistance call (intraLA T A, interLA T A, National)$1. ISSUED: February 21 , 2003 EFFECTIVE: March 6, 2003 ISSUED BY: Russell C. Merbeth, General Counsel 15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1500 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 646-2300 Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page No. 43 lonex Communications North, Inc. ommlSSIOI1 OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FlliN SEP 1 2 2001 9. Special Services and Programs Boise, Idaho SPECIAL SERVICES AND PROGRAMS Reserved for Future Use. ISSUED: April 11, 2000 EFFECTIVE: May 1,2000 ISSUED BY: Sue E. Weiske, General Counsel 5710 LBJ Freeway, Suite 215 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 392-4601