HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016Annual Report.pdfINL ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION YEAR ENDED -T I OF INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY NAME -±,:D ) 2) CD CD CD C rr Pfl ROX 171.ROSIYN,WA ADDRESS 98941 TO THE - FOR THE 2016 Exact name of utility: ANNUAL REPORT OF SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2016 COMPANY INFORMATION lnland Telephone Company Address of principal office:103 South Second Street, Roslyn, Washington 98941 Telephone Number (509) 649-2211 Cities or towns served: Colton, Dewatto, Prescott, Roslyn, Ronald,& Uniontown. Washinoton & Gifford, Leon & Lenore, ldaho Name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account: James K. Brooks Treasurer Address of office where corporate books are kept and phone number:Same as principal office Organized under the laws of the State of:Washington Date of organization: 07102163 Form of organization (proprietorshi p, association, corporation) :Corporation lf a Subchapter S Corporation, please specify:N/A Name and address of controlling company,if ar Western Elite lncorporated Services, P.O. Box 687, Roslyn, Washinqton 98941 Names of affiliated companies. Give address and description of business: (1) R & R Cable Co., P.O. Box 610, Roslyn,WA 98941 -cable television comoanv. (2) lnland Long Distance Telephone Company, P.O. Box 904, Roslyn, WA 98941-long distance resale, (3) Newport Hills Land Co., lnc., P.O. Box 687, Roslyn, WA-land company, (4) Easton Ridge Land Co., lnc., P.O. Box 687, Roslyn,WA-land comoanv, (5) R & R Heiohts Land Co., lnc., P.O. Box 687, Roslyn, WA-land company, (6) Moses Lake Views Land Co., lnc., P.O. Box 687, Roslyn, WA- land company, (7) Central Cascade Land Co., lnc. P.O. Box 687, Roslyn, WA 98941-land company OFFICERS Report below the title, name and office address of each general officer of the utility at the end of the year. lf there were any changes during the year, show the name, title, and address of the previous officer and the date of change. Title President Name Douglas W. Weis Address P.O. Box 171, Roslyn, Washington 98941 Vice President Secretary Jerred R. Weis P.O. Box 171 Wash 98941 GregoryA. Maras P.O. Box 171, Roslyn, Washington 98941 Treasurer James K. Brooks P.O. Box 171, Roslyn, Washington 98941 Assistant Secretary Jessica A. Berry P.O. Box 171. Roslvn. Washinoton 98941 Rev 3/02 Page 1 DIRECTORS List tne name of each person who was a member of the Board of Directors at any given time during the year: (Fees related to meetings only.) Term Expired or Current Term Meetings Attended This year Fees Paid Name and Address Douglas W. Weis Continuous None Gregory A. Maras Continuous None James K. Brooks Continuous None Justin D. Weis Continuous None Jerred R. Weis Continuous None Nolan W. Weis Continuous None Name of Chairman of the Board: N/A Name of Secretary (or Clerk) of Board:Gregory A. Maras Number of Meetings of the Board during the year: MANAGERS List the name of each person who performed management duties for the Company during the year, and the total wages and bonuses paid to those persons: (Do not include Director fees in these amounts.) 1 1 I 1 1 Name Douglas W. Weis Title Wages and Bonuses Paid President Gregory A. Maras Secretary James K. Brooks Treasurer/Controller Rev 3/02 Page2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please provide important information such as changes in accounting or depreciation practices, extensions of additions to the system; disposal of any substantial portion of the property of the utility; reorganization, mergers, or consolidations with other companies; leases executed; other contracts or agreements entered into; changes made in articles of incorporation or amendments; the occurrence of contingency losses or gains. Rev 3/02 Page 3 BALANCE SHEETAssets and Other Debits Balance Eegrnnrngol Year Balance at Endot Year lncreaseor(uecreaselI ltrc O? ACCOUnI Current Assets1120 Cash and Equivalents1130 Cash1140 SpecialCashDeposits1150 Working Cash Advances1160 Temporary lnvestments1180 TelecommunicationsAccts. Receivable1181 Accts. Rec. Allow. -Telecommunications't190 Other Accounts Receivable1191 Accounts Receivable Allow. - Other1200 Notes Receivable1201 Notes Receivable Allowance1210 lnterest & Dividends Receivable1220 MaterialandSupplies1280 Prepayments1290 Prepaid Rents1300 Prepaid Taxes1310 Prepaid lnsurance1320 Prepaid Directory Expenses1330 Other Prepayments1350 Other Current Assets Noncurrent Assets140'l lnvestment in Affiliated Companies1402 lnvestment in Nonaffiliated Companies1406 Nonregulatedlnvestments1407 Unamortized Debt lssuance Expense1408 Sinking Funds1410 Other Noncurrent Assets1438 Deferred Maintenance & Retirements1439 Deferred Charges1500 Other Jurisdiction Assets - Net Property, Plant and EquiPment2001 Telecommunications Plants in Service2002 Prop. Held for Future Telecom. Use2003 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Short Term2004 Telecom. Plant under Constr. - Long Term2005 Telecom. Plant Adjustment2006 Nonoperating Plant2007 Goodwill Depreciation and Amortization Accounts3100 AccumulatedDepreciated3200 Accum. Depre. - Held for Future Use3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating3400 Accumulated Amortization - Tangible3410 Accum. Amort. - Capitalized Leases3420 Accum. Amort. - Leasehold lmprovements3500 Accumulated Amortization - lntangible3600 Accumulated Amortization - Other 620,545 1,096,725 476 1E0 1 700 70,328 270 709 27 960 --o55r -0'25'5- -,:tr6- -TF5m' -T776T .-----20;gm- 157 6E2 166,222 I 540 50 0-T1E:rf -rff,o-do'T,O76F5r 27,040,232 -'zE-3'Eg.-5,TI5T59- 37,510,983 1 70 751 312,104 380,098 18,877,915 18,972,761 -6'2Tr 94,846 -w 25,893 135 556 602 46 17,702,152 24,163,855 950 0851 Rev 3/02 TOTAL ASSETS Page 4 6,461,703 BALANCE SHEET Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity Balance Beginning of Year Balance at End of Year lncrease or Title of Account (Decrease) 401 0 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 4100 4',110 4120 4130 Gurrent Liabilities Accounts Payable Notes Payable Advance Billings and Payments Customer Deposits Current Maturities - Long -Term Debt Current Maturities - Capital leases lncome Taxes - Accrued Other Taxes - Accrued Net Current Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Current Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Accrued Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Funded Debt Premium on Long-Term Debt Discount on Long-Term Debt Reacquired Debt Obligations Under Capital Leases Advances from Affiliated Companies Other Long-Term Debt Other Liabilities & Deferred Credits Other Long-Term Liabilities Unamort. Oper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Unamort. Nonoper. lnvest. Tax Credits - Net Net Noncurrent Defer. Oper. lncome Taxes Net Noncur. Defer. Nonoper. lncome Taxes Other Deferred Credits Other Juris. Liab. & Def. Credits - Net Stockholders' Equity CapitalStock Additional Paid-ln Capital Treasury Stock Other Capital Retained Earnings 250,669 260,605 I 936 2,416 2,640 224 663,400 1 ,132,800 469,400 20 20 86,445 83,701 (2,744) 0 0 0 490,216 504,893 14,677 13,825 14,425 600 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 9,078,551 14,428,319 5 349 768 0 0 0 431 0 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 1,011,744 1,304,210 292 466 0 0 0 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 93,150 7,175 93,1 50 0 7 175 0 6,004,56'1 6,331 ,917 327 356 TOTAL LIAB. & OTHER GREDITS 17 152 24,{63,855 6,461,703 Rev 3/02 Page 5 cl,oo)d lo- .., (r,oor- € (, (trio,q G'lrto- @tf\ $ta.,(\loto N O)(f) (f) o)o(o @ ooroo)@_(o oooc{o C\i(f, c\ic{ c!$@- F.roto @ ot- Or-st\ro (f) o@tJ)o,l c.,o)@ (f)(oto @(f) ooooo$t- o(f) @_s @o,o{c{ c{ t-s(o- lo- CoN ds1() (o oooc{$odo,o, c.i o @-st- N@o- (oo, o) tt- (o @s 1r)o)\o (r, (o o(f,(ot-o(ot (or\1r). N @o(f) @ o(oo. c.)(os t-(o(oolo(f, $o @@(o o,@O)o@ @to(o- @o,lo-N c!t-s- - roO)6tlf)6t ootoo,ryNt--- oo)N. NN @ o,o@6 Or fE; g)PE6_o{trt o3 E go otr(! -.tlEEg6!'E s,L& b Nro. NN 0r(,EEEPt.= EE oo Or- (f)ot- olltsEE 8gc> fi'Fbo oo,c!-NN @-oIo t,tr(! (f, (o (o(o (o 1r).so$ o@rOo]f,los (o(orJ) @(f) tfo$-rr,(f, @O)o-(\lN UII tIIJo =z Jo- .9a6r(E6o EEo0. =E=(,E3oh5trUI lro Lo J z (o oo)oo. No,o)t-(ot @@(oo{ c\i O)(r) CO O)o(o oorOo, @_ @ oooooooooooo,@o)o,@ rO ct)@o- ooNl()(Y) rr)F-- @ No(r) ot o 2,ooo z 5o- J Fo E't LsEE'E 'E'E o- e g= E, *,Eggu g$EEEggggEIEE,*gsgB*gsi* I S- - 611 a. lO (O - N 6r, V r C\ tr1 gt r N F r F - N F r N 69 1. (O - r r C.1 OI - - r r - r N N N (\l F F r N (9 (Y) - C{ $ t() (O r (\ N N N N (r) $ @ O O,E - r - F r F F - F r C-,1 N N N C{ N <o (O (O tr, {o $ t S S rt $ $ rt @ @ @< c\I N N N C! N C{ N C{ C! C! AI N N C! N 6I N N C! N N N N N N N c\I N N N N oG'cr. @!oo)at ttiNj t- o)o,(oL No c') ot al,oL =EoooLo- oco ()Eo.E J Eoo-fEo)oo-oo !oE o coo-coo).ctat,o =o Eo (!o -9 Go-c o oco Eofa(Uocoo0)Lo-o)t{ or .{GI ItoG'N @ art o zfooo zIo- o ct t(o\s $(o\s o o o o o o o o o @t* (f)(o l1 oo @!tq(.) (f)loe\l(o\to o.i ooo o$lot\ F-Nc., t N€ooq(\t -g ,g Egg,,ggEEEggggEEEg,sgsEE*ssi* oo - (\l (') t lr) (o rNC) tF N rOO - N rFFFN F r N (Y) lrt @-F FN O - F r r - F N C! N (\l F r - N (O (O - Crl $ l.l) (o - N N N N N (r) !t oo oo O) - r - F -- F F- rNN NN N N (r)<Y)(O(Y)(v){ $ $ rt $ * $ t(o(o@N N N N N N C\ C\I N C! N C! N C! N N NN N N N N N N N N (\I N 6I N c\I N ooo(ooa $1() I oNo? @ (o$ o, (o$cr) c.i lo o 111111 o 11 OL firt I (f,oEt, E c.i;i0)(\l EEEF"3F Et. ,ktroo>r5EDE.= EE E"q,EL E Egf;sE *i****I r()lO(o- r1111 rONlO o -.EtlE g5gEU,tr&b o zfooo =Jo-:r 269eu.9.dE =63oo =oOIo<urO J I.IJ lLoao 2 o(o <f)a?(or() t$c? @ro (oo lON o)(a\ o o(,.E oo .E cg o-otro G.9 3 E EoogoF o .!!o.> at,c (oN.N (rr-o NN!t(9(r, o@No00ot r-rf)s-oN(f)$l$l*l$l (a @- ood FoF s5 g, ggg,, gBBEHggggEgEg, r gs g i* s oroo)@-(o ooolo(o $(f)Not o(f,o(o- $ (a (f) (o @ (r)(oro @(', ooooo(f)r()@ c.)lf)\ C\t ooo(o ry(f)r-N. sO@ o,$o) (o(o o)- o) o(oo(o s c\tt- l.r)_t- = o)t-o(9s oo rriN ttrOlooo)(a oorOa.(f)rto_ OL9u I*ETmc, t- o, o,cr) e_* te;E!* N CDor- !ONr() t- r t- c!(a o): C\l(r)F* F- N (oo)or- ood olot- (f)@r rO(a co- o) o)o,rO @ (f,$o- (f,(o olr, c.i N$-oo)@ r-o) o(oI P-E.= .E859c)cl' olf) c.i r- (",No_ sN @o(,,oTL ood l(,o, @_(o oo-t oo+ o,o,t-(orON ood (f)(olO @(a oooi ol.c) Gi olo a.i roo,N rON tr .9.st gE oo ro ol €. G' ooo|o (f, @rOr o, oooooo@(a(o o,$r(,_ N oooq)o)o- -(a rO_ N (o$ c.io(f) st-o c.iNlo- oo co (E'5o CLoo!to (E E o() .=oo lu o .!2o.>(Etr r=$ E .E,b o lao(Eo c.E EL Eoo oF zoFso IJJto-tuoo IJJF {o =e-c)o=(r=<oql) o< EItFz IJJlro Lo z +jC =oooo -coooLo ooL o G'o o)Lo-o)'tf, (5Jp .2E .E .9 oo(UnoiE€*o N (r) $ tJ) (O r N (9 *if r C.,l l.() O r N F r - r (\ F r N (Y).t (O r r - r - s - N N (\1 (\l r F F 6l (f) (f) r N rt tO (O - C! N C\l N N (f, $rrr rrFNC!NNC{c\l(O(f)(f)(oCA$$$tt$$$$N N C{ N N N N N N c\l c\I C{ c\I N N C\I N N N N C{ c\l 6I N N N N N ro(o\()N cl, ** o)q(0 +[ (f,r-rto(\t@ @oo o,r F*t-ro- oo(f,oF* o(oo CO o)I r o FI ** o(f,o) t() slelslnlslel'-rFIrrl +ri*{.{.t**+it [ff -FFFFFI oo(oros- @C\t ** (o@ **** (9o(f, ** (o(oc\l- *i OL3r IG tr'Eu.rLEG, e2 E. E E EE E!* E:s .9.st gE oo C!$@_ @ C\I o 9- E Eg S'FEE o)rOo $Nt- o o EfE0)oIo- E.ooLoo-oo6E8o,.9ooo,(,(E .=.'coo-f !o)oo-oo-c(uE o c(E o-.c=o=o,oco'=8k ()>(UFoo e.E oaEE8-:Ld.9 ;:.q€o^E}Ja-(/,o=Ed (EE EE>:r-.o(E.Ea*Z.eb ol 1?urgs!o o-s:ooc., Fr p (oo)0? No) ool\ro- (v)tq (v, FoF ll l|l $so- @ slf, ry oos oo)(Y) o, oooi o@|.r) (f)$ ll ood ood ooric! oolo oodoq N oro c.i orO a,i olO c.i rI o 'lu[F[ ooo FI oOoo o (E'6ocEOCLEo6 E+!t S16 E* rgg,,ggEggggggEgEg,rgsgg*g B- al S rO (O r (\l (f) \t r C\l |{) O F C\l - F r F 6l r r C.J (9 *t (O r -tu i r F F r C! C.,l (rl N r r r (\l (9 (v) r N S l() (o r N N N Ol N (A SE - - r F r F r F r N C',1 C\l C\ N c\l (A (f) (f) (O (O {- t. sr sl s. $ s. s.<f N c\I N N N N N N N N C\I e\I (\I N c\I OI C! N N (\I N 61 (\I N N N N N ->cootro (E oEtoo o zoF oIIJ G,o- UJoo UJF ==-r Cl,o=(r=<o -(J=.)o< IJJtrFz IJJ l!oI(t, z INVESTMENTS Report below the investments in Accounts 1401 , 1402 and 1406. ldentify each investment as to the account in which included. Minor amounts in Account 1406 may be grouped by classes. Date Acouired - Book Cost of lnvestments Disposed of This vear Book Cost of lnvestments Held at End of YearDescription 1402-MCt 2005 45 640 1 406-CPE/BldgsA/ehicles/ !nternet Equipment Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative Capital Certificates 24 629 Totals 2 142 057 RECEIVABLES Itemize amounts show in Accounts 1 180, 1 190 and 1200. For notes receivable list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Minor amounts in Account 1210 may be combined. Amount at End of YearNotes Accounts Various 2 071 788 0 Name of Companv 1 180-Due From Customers Reeeivable Receivable 118,410 1 190-Other fuR-lnterexchange Carriers & Exchange Carrier Association 1 1 9O-Other A/R-Affiliated Companies 1190-Other A/R 207 670 808 606 60,277 Totals 1,194,963 Rev 3/02 Page 10 NOTES PAYABLE For Notes Payable, list each note separately and include the maturity date and interest rate. Name of Creditor Date of Note lnterest Rate Due Date Face Amount Totals ACGOUNTS PAYABLE Report below allAccounts Payable amounting to more than $100.00 Name of Creditor Trade Payables 0 Amount 260,605 Totals 260,605 Rev 3/02 Page 1 1 lo(o(a @oC\t o)t-(o (f)s s@$tq t-oto c") oto(o- r.c, s$rt\ C\l(f, @dNc? oq 6t C\ltr (oroo o, s|r,toq r s@-sC\l so)(oq c\t l()t@(o(9 st-(, C\i @o o s(olo oq (aolo F-(\l s@t-o(\i (f) (f,o Nr sc\tNnN tostoolort t-6to l() ro ro@c\lo1o so)$q 6t (\to$. @ s$o,oq c\l o)(f)(o- ct) sr@q 6l N(f, @r-N(9 @r(o-so,(f) NNroo(f) s@(oaN lo$lo @ sc.,lo\ o d!trit @@\rvlo (9o)F-- N s@ F- F-(\i |-o@- so(onl o N. (f,o|r, $q c{rro xEl o) o cD o, o) o) o, o) o) o, o) o) o) o, =l = ar = N C! N N N C\ N 6l N C{ Ol N N Crl.=l .\HAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6l x N i( N c\l N N c! c! N N N c\l N N c! N (U==o(I)(t)(l)(l)(l,(l)(l)(l)(l)(l)(l)(u0) =;+oooooooooooooo El p$EHHHH$iHFxHHFFH g8 E 8 = 9 E f; ?E OE5 E E gE 8 (, 8o srOsC\t C =-,9glE rl EIvlolgI olEl o=!EE !to--- r N EIg E8t fol EI .=lEI EEI Eo-l F ED EE.!l:.E8=>o rrrr +jc)oooo -cooo Lo @oo o)c'= oEa E'c(! Lo-o Efc c:,oooooieE Eq-c -L orPcoo-=JO LLcD(5-o-9atc> 3'q,euiHg B€o(,,_cfeoE.E'-oE>OerEoEoloo'-e b.P(E0 O)gEoo->-cEo'E(E(1)O (r, bEtsfg6(otr _o9-E.E 2(UEgL0oo5>6E == o (Dt !,trGel\(\t F!todul(oo$ =EEuI 6rFt1d(jrr,(\1 JO Nto tr o0(, c\t oo)o(L o) (o r.c) r.r,- ro(o@ Ftort-a lo r- c.j (o o) @ort- (o (oro,(oos-(9 l-o aoo.!P cr LL-E ^l6.=l o o o ,o o ,rl o I o u, o ,o o B R p 23El R X B E E H H E g E H H E g I 8 8 eoEl r u) I E tL tL LL - tL LL tt tL tL tL tL tL I 89I 3 3 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 3oOl E E E LL ]L LL t! LL ]L LL LL LL lL tL l.L LL LL o o)@@(oo) - o c! @r{)nl r t-o,o) o,@o- o@I\ F-r.() lf,o,lO @(ort? rONlO (o@q c{c\t@ lr,@$ No)rO $(f,lO $t-@(\to, r (ao) o)_ @$(f)_ r otrOo o,NF. r @@oroNo e.i C\t@o c.i@r() o) 1^()rOdN- NorO (9rO(o- r ot*(o- NN r-(o$- @c! @rO(o F-sf ooo+C{C\l $o)@-$@ ooo_ o)c\l: (at-t- F-@(o Ee0,trN E PE<E o 8o c\o (f) oE. GAPITAL STOCK Report below the particulars called for oncerning common and preferred stock at end of year, designating separate series of any general class. Show totals separately for common and preferred. For each class of preferred stock, show the dividend rate and whether dividends are cumulative or noncumulative. Show details in a footnote of capital stock sold during the year. lnclude number of shares, consideration received, premium or discount, and expenses incurred. Glass & Series of Stock Common Stock Number of Shares Authorized 10,000 Par Value per Share Outstanding per Balance Sheet 10 Shares 9,315 Amount 93,150 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Item INCOME & RETAINED EARNINGS STATEMENT TotalCompany ldaho Only TotalOperating lncome (from page 15) TotalOperating Expenses (from page 17) 7100 Other Operating lncome and Expense 7210 Operating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7220 Operating Federal lncome Taxes 7230 Operating State and Local lncome Taxes 7240 Operating Other Taxes 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating lncome Taxes-Net7200 Operating Taxes (Total) 7310 Dividend lncome 7320 lnterest lncome 7330 lncome from Sinking and Other Funds 7340 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 7350 Gains/Losses from the Disposition of Certain Property 7360 Other Nonoperating lncome 7370 SpecialCharges7300 Nonoperating lncome and Expense 7410 Nonoperating lnvestment Tax Credits-Net 7420 Nonoperating Federal lncome Taxes 7430 Nonoperating State and Local lncome Taxes 7440 Nonoperating Other Taxes 7450 Provision for Deferred Nonoperating lncome Taxes-Net 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 5,585,720 4,717,801 20 159,343 220,939 380,302 2,507 137 109,525 16,161 5,347 (15,085) 118,592 (20,592) (20,5e2) 288,365 3,580 291,945 0 (1 1,540) 669,041 586,921 20 26,917 23,754 50,691 260 0 13,300 16,161 555 (1,565) 28,711 0 0 7510 7520 7530 7540 7500 lnterest on Funded Debt I nterest Expense-Capital Leases Amortization of Debt lssuance Expense Other lnterest Deductions lnterest and Related ltems 35,616 436 35,453 7610 Extraordinary lncome Credits 7620 Extraordinary lncome Charges 7630 Current lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net 7640 Provision for Deferred lncome Tax Effect of Extraordinary ltems-Net7600 Extraordinary ltems 7910 lncome Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Differences-Net 7990 Nonregulated Net lncome AMOUNT TRANSFERRED TO RETAINED EARNINGS 0 11,526 Rev 3/02 Page 14 323,316 36,213 Item OPERATING REVENUES Total Company ldaho Only Local Network Services Revenues 5001 Basic Area Revenue 5002 Optional Extended Area Revenue 5003 Cellular Mobile Revenue 5004 Other Mobile Services Revenue 5010 Public Telephone Revenue 5040 Local Private Line Revenue 5050 Customer Premises Revenue 5060 Other Local Exchange Revenue 5069 Other Local Exchange Settlements Network Access Seruices Revenues 5081 End User Revenue (SLC) 5082 Switched Access Revenue (lnterstate) 5083 Special Access Revenue 5084 State Access Revenue (lntrastate) Long Distance Network Services Revenues 5100 Long Distance Message Revenue - All Miscellaneous Revenues 5230 Directory Revenue 5240 Rent Revenue 5250 Corporate Operations Revenue 5261 Special Billing Arrangements Revenue 5262 Customer Operations Revenue 5263 Plant Operations Revenue 5264 Other lncidental Regulated Revenue 5269 Other Revenue Settlements 5270 Carrier Billing & Collection Revenue Uncollectible Revenues 5301 Uncollectible Revenue - Telecommunications 5302 Uncollectible Revenue - Other 620,980 105 85 617 239,868 2,265,063 1,802,405 484,642 510 8 783 20 188 11 711 320 46,965 2,437 5,585,720 87 043 0 10,899 25,347 364,924 138,750 36,972 3 1 073 0 (1 3s) 30 4,601 466 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES Please identify the following revenues: NECA USF $339,099 To what account were they booked? 669,041 A/C 5082.13-lnterstate Switched Access Revenue-USF (ldaho only) State USF $27,604 To what account were they booked? NC 5084.12-lntrastate Switched Access Revenue-USF (ldaho only) Rev 3/02 Page 15 OPERATING REVENUES Item TotalCompany ldaho Only Plant Specific Operations Expense 6110 Network Support Expenses 61 12 Motor Vehicle Expense 6113 Aircraft Expense 6114 Special Purpose Vehicles Expense 6115 Garage Work Equipment Expense 6116 Other Work Equipment Expense 6120 General Support Expenses 6121 Land and Building Expenses 6122 Furnilure and Artworks Expense 6123 Office Equipment Expense 6124 General Purpose Computers Expense 6210 Central Office Switching Expenses 6211 Analog Electronic Expense 6212 Digital Electronic Expense 621 5 Electro-Mechanical Expense 6220 Operators System Expense 6230 Central Office Transmission Expenses 6231 Radio Systems Expense 6232 Circuit Equipment Expense 631 0 lnformation Origination/Termination Expense 6311 Station Apparatus Expense 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange Expense 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense 6362 Other Terminal Equipment Expense 6410 Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 6411 Pole Expense 6421 Aerial Cable Expense 6422 Underground Cable Expense 6423 Buried Cable Expense 6424 Submarine Cable Expense 6425 Deep Sea Cable Expense 6426 lntrabuilding Network Cable Expense 6431 Aerial Wire Expense 6441 Conduit Systems Expense 1 089 113 23,682 2,461 568 59 219,545 38 054 410 71 33 597 5 790 94 218 166 718 16,238 27 908 427 176 41.473 7,846 321 22,627 4,622 456 170 87,477 TOTAL PLANT SPECIFIC OPERATIONS EXPENSE 1,453,646 224,587 Rev 3/02 Page 16 Item OPERATING REVENUES Total Gompany ldaho Only Plant Nonspecific Operations Expense 651 0 Other Property/PlanVEquipment Expenses 6511 Property Held for Future Telecomm. Use Expenses 6512 Provisioning Expense 6530 Network Operations Expense 6531 Power Expense 6532 Network Administration Expense 6533 Testing Expense 6534 Plant Operations Administration Expense 6535 Engineering Expense 6540 Access Expense 6560 Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 6561 Depreciation Expense-Telecom. Plant in Service 6562 Depreciation Expense-Property Held for Future Use 6563 Amortization Expense - Tangible 6564 Amortization Expense - lntangible 6565 Amortization Expense - Other Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses Customer Operations Expense 6610 Marketing 661 1 Product Management 6612 Sales 661 3 Product Advertising 6620 Services 6621 Call Completion Services 6622 Number Services 6623 Customer Services Total Customer Operations Expense 6710 6711 6712 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6790 Gorporate Operations Expense Executive and Planning Executive Planning General and Administrative Accounting and Finance External Relations Human Resources I nformation Management Legal Procurement Research and Development Other General and Administrative Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable Total Corporate Operations Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5.343 756 36,773 3,389 100,429 14,205 30,308 4,287 90,389 12,785 103 15 183,257 18,979 1,296,',116 123,202 16,251 0 182 0 1,759,151 177 618 4214,060 7 939 549 807 561,806 824 57,028 58.273 174,074 23,336 433,269 58,083 25,900 3,472 43,630 5,849 23,077 3,094 243,248 32,609 943,198 '126,443 Rev 3/02 Page 17 4,717,801 586,921 (oc\tNoe3R -:c)sI 6.sop I* Edtq -gDrG(,:o 9'raa6 o .f> f(!Eo- C\t o o r o o o o o @ oo)o(L s Eo .9,coz LoEo !.oE)o-coz !'= aL.. o)ocED: i=(/,.qd F9euo+JOEoz o o lo(\I o o o o C\t o o o o o o o oxEtrE<O -']() z- oL) oo)F ..geoo -(l)a, -oo'Eoo-a6€EU'EapEoiEtro Er o;cb o EOEobEEh=o.6 - E EEtJzt- q.: ()qb..orSgEtr!(u.E--.cEEooo uoro B5 5.OFF =ooEi56 roN o Loo!obBg=oEHhi.=oc-EoEbFE Eedrzor.u N o o o f.->. C\lEo(L IF o Ed.,L =co =Jt oc =o9,o9 Pi;'-o 5o (\lo(oc!t(5(L I '-b = EF>J+ ooE =ooF Eoo- Eoo ooc J EoEo (5o- Eoo ttoc Joco-cCLooF .9 -of(L --oft Eoa EI dfl (L .=l n r gl= E5l xc) HIE g (Jl u, (JOl r c(lO = _l(5 C).E s :lEo'= <--OOoi:E EE-E(, rJJ lU to a! .9E .s out o'EFO<-trci6 LlJ oOoi-gtr=ogJ(oSEFN Z-IIJ '9ob ,ll Eoooa oo.E ooo(,o o Eo o o o Eo (E(, 'do -go poo-.gaoIUoo (U oL x.=lol rElol 8l slol ol .=lo1JI FI ol -l8I E,olU,olo<lo 5 CL ELtErExl;lo' ILI -Llt(EZ lo:'t e -lEOEartr-clll o oOAT,E ONE8Noo =oo& o .l> f(E =o- t(,ti =a(5 o = totn =aoo Lo Eco C) $NN @oN o0) xrEoL(L -co'= o Loo, .E !oo =c =o L.ocfooLo !tt o-c(5 15 ioo)J aio Io (EL E0)o Io 0) E(5z oOoFC OJl, -9OZ'0r 6,t Urrbxl Iy-ltr) EgEoo<st@F- No(q ot F(oN @(\ts_EfrFsI 6.chE otr BElf e6 F- o r BREP2oa6 o .f> :r(o>(L @ og)o(L N(oN oo ..2coz Lo 1f,o-c.9. -o:,o-Coz .C'= aL..oOC,E'= 'E .n .!2 iJ:a9eb7i-oohaz t- o o oc!(\l o r c\t o oLfoogsOE -q)aao'Eoo-o6€E .1,.=a,g lhaoa!tro)EDO*c6o Eoq:FEEg d6 EE=:r6tJzt o', (->qb..o€t,eEtri(E(E--.EtEoooX,L.Euoo ECEEt.o .oo,:ts8r!OO oC\tc{ o (9 o rOc\t r()N o o o o o o @ o.c)o-go9g# '6 =dt t-(9N @ sfo E(5(L I N, -b- =Ph=J+ xAtvE<E2oocJ aO0)F E(5o- Eoo oo.cJ6oiELo c(Uo- Eo C) oo.sJo Lo-co-ooF .o -o)(L --o)t Eoa Er d =l (L .=l ,i r 8I EEglJ (l)'-il q a\ mlE s 8l 3E(lO = _l(5o.E s :lEo'- <-YoO(JEEeiE()IUTU o =otl=co>J+ ooooo o Eo o:o o tr .9 G(, '6o -go |r,r-(o Eoo.g Jo[! Eo (E oc BIolr!ld slsl ol ol .Elol;l:l 8l bcrl (,)ol q)<lo 5 EL CLt!rExl5e' ILIrullE 7 I o.l't e -lE0,Li,EEj!| 0 0)oa-N. to lE .9!,.; .9,<EFO<.cci6 uJ(,,(roi-gtr=o-uJ(o<EtrH Z-lll .()ob .Gt Eoooo oo as o s o oo>9bBe: - ,t lU9E 6-o.= o E-C r\ c hc-oo'63 !1oOO.Y!smzou o or E HEEP=o@& o +efrE =o- oo PRo(L I oOoFe. OJ!, -9OZ'o6E, u,,6xl I-! -l o) EgEoo< t()g =at,oo = oo- F -co'= aoo 5o (U Lcoo Uoso Ecoo oo Eoz o-co =EocoJ (o (f)@ @o(\l Aoo x c) IL 6lo(o ot =l=ll =l=ll \z z z -z tsE>.= ^< J olLIo)lHolol_t (El*lol (UEl .o6l F Uolc,lPl -sBg'EI Ool bU,lc EIol_tolFl -ggo(Ubs o) o(,)o(L (o oN (9zufoot UJ =oFofo tro UJFI! o- =o(JoJ ol!otIIJo =:)z z z ,,i 5 2:t(trlol_t(trlololJlb 6'-oo 4 z.:- No(9 ot@rr-(orlOsrNro o!(5o o)LocoJ N o-coE coc)J +rEEgE: !06.= 9,3 E<bi E =]UotuooZo =o)zELu -ct9 9Eruq --lFtoLL o)@t\(olr)t(9 ANNUAL REPORT FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES COTTIIPLIANCE Rule IDAPA Rule IDAPA Please provide copies of: Summarv of Customer Relations Rules for Telephone Coroorations ldaho Teleohone Solicitation Act Notification Method of Notification: Mailed separately to customers Yes XNo lncluded in directory Date of notification Yes X No December, 2015 throuqh December ,2016 Alternate method of notification None Rule IDAPA Record of Complaints: Number received by Company Category of complaints (if known): Deposit Disputes Charges on Bill Denial/Termination Quality or Availability of Service Carrier Selection/Assign ment Miscellaneous Rev 3/02 4 0 2 1 1 0 0 Page 20 CERTIFIGATE FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2016 County of Kittitas WE, the undersigned Douglas W. Weis, President and James K. Brooks Treasurer of the lnland Telephone Company utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing return has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers, and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business affairs of said utility for the period covered by the return in respect our knowledge, information and to each and matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of President Douglas W Treasurer/Controller James K. Brooks Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this I -\ day of ,2017 Notary Public Pamela R. Nelson PAMELA R. NELSON STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC rilY Co[lMlssloN EXPI RE s o9{$'19 My Commission expires ccr\saltar Rev 3/02 Page21 ss ) ) ) zoo 9, ==sA]\L.' AOoE Hp$EF-X@pFPe .J ,r O lll =.o-rnJgH Lo I o o!ttro ELootr o o E(uz 2 =c(; lz2CEA EFtrF C2;2F ozo l-^k:T,Eu: E*.tJ.oE o=o o'FN FJtr Ja 1bil E = ftE3tJ tE o-ou.r 9tDol-o:-J. o lJ.o ocDoo- F. oN $ E trot Eoo z o--oa UJzo-o-uJJuJ oz Jz NOOONA990rOO99i F- ' (oF- (r)(O6D O) FO !tF (o oi;CD (r' @@I (, CIF'artFo- ar, I\,G .{ AIFor.d.,) Ntolj(r) o3rl\ (r, ol r.lot) o o rout otn cDr\rFo)ocrr@(o('ro)@_ i-_ (D- O_ (v)-o)orotoo)OFOc)T() t(rtlorooo)Noo)o-otroo(o+rtoc.itoNets-(O <)ooooo ( Or(OF-(\lO(ooo) (\ltosN O(oFONOFFOIOt-F_ S-@_ N_ lO-lr)(O-t-N(r) (")-N F'to !iNF' oro|orioN o oro(r,- otN (r, rr,o(\tooNtlr)oc!tttf, rt d o)o)ooo(D (Dao6o, F- ooo rt to c, c, c,I'- (D N.T (\l@(\toolr)!t€ool(Drtrtdr (\l loodN ooo-N E tf lo 'dN ro o)|r) oqo o oto? roo t oooo@oooosoooQ(a(o()o- c.,r- \ *-(ot@ olN(O(O6- o!t !t-N (,L, d(t f, aoc, G)o- 6{rot6l@o I(,ltja'ro oro\o(n rootogrio).,' oNrooo(D@rrtCDFst(o(otcDo)ridN dFjcc;O)F@NIOF (l)$ForooN(OO @SFOI O, 'rirto dal (vr6$o(oo)NFtr)StNF-<>6lortOO)ddF- JFjdF-F(OC{!t- sE'o!o;oN NIDodU' Nto '.t(rtN a@rQra, o (\ttNl'-ddd ooooct(O F-oo (\l lo (O@i-CtC,o) (o ato_ co_ \oo)aort DDl,,-t ort\ 0lloto- loro Nt riao oro d !'6qoo NOOOOOOOC.T-FrOO(O cD oorN (oo_ YN- dJco +-o) No(aS- o o;toao O(,)(\It-NO)O)@O)C7,(Dl-(.)_ t-: o_ lr,- (o- O)lr)(v)If)FF\(t}OC)@tft--N Ftoo- N to o6(roo@(Oi-t_ (D- c!_roeNNN NN\t,e on' ;sic.isrjrciF-<cto,P=SP:9 9:PPReN &NE&NR R (!(!(E(!(E(E(E art) ro () lr) ro () () veesoooSSgs t . =f,t o EoIJE E'tr 6ooo oz aoEEae =f6xooF_q_v -.9ddExFF REOCPEE *EE:EIS g5#$EEE hoooooXtoo,lloF^EN al N (\t 6l(.)NNNNN ^*fiE , , €gEE€ Ee**E$tcE g$; EE gfg E*rrtrtr6- -E-tr)r)@F Io@@@@@ i f63Ea gc & Estfi[g*:EEi-E=Isgx ; * x HE oco EoCLoo 6 =oo =ootEo6o(Loalt aooN F' o.cl Eo(,oototCuI lEo oE o]t ooI o CL .goFGEltJ !FE(r,ss 32a- -o-a=ooIat co 6 oCIo o, .E d(E oo EE o ul odE8.oo-too E r't o EEe tro 6oooo6 Eoc EoF attdE3.oo+oo EET o I*e = 9g.oE E EBE o.ro3z o6.921 ttE6- E.Eioo9o(,<E9OoII G EIt o(,p a ao qot Noot(Eo- G IE oot abIta,ot t-o(\l I 6 EoE co(, z o..oo UJ =oTGUI u.tFoz 5z aaC' F-c) NO@!to- ol-o) lsONN- ool aoo?o) toO- .; o9 o)oENtoa- E-o6tolr) F.N (roro6r aos_ .loaDo(o (vro?o dll(r)oONo_ tNl\- o)o\ o (\(v)F.(\I (v)o @(\@ (')otF- \t(olJ)hjott o)o)o)_ l,) (t- tlloo-o E ENFl ro E) roolo" F) N|o\ro(.,N totr,-tlo{ E'Dd FDro- !to oo(lo(')ootootto,o_ao-t-aro)oFNCD@@NO{P Froo- ro n! F(\l(7rt|r)(Ot\@O) 88o e Eo =Eco() E =-lt,sEgEig$g+g 6co Eoo.oo 6I oo EootEo6oooo rooN (t o..t Eo.Joo€oEc UJ 6o oEF ol! oooE9 at.9o E g E 'ii- z z o-.oo tlu o-Ffo- =-toL 6oF rt _9E o IU o-JEg.aJo E,*€ iisp,t t- tro a!Locoo 6 oa! E 6oF odE8.(,o+oo EE€ o E;E- g .9 Etoo Gpos eeeE E EFE o.tro.z o92 ttr6- =.E3E eE 9O(,lt (a oo)o(L G EIE o(,tECbEo a' ea. F-oN $ .Egot Eo(, z o-.oC'ulzoEo-utJ UJFozIz ooo(roo(\oqooo(a cD lo oloo t o).or- t' rt@N roo orl\arl o)60F,NOI FNgr ('Jr.J criT\O (t,o,6 aoC'6{ !t @oo)d o g)-t{t o@+-oc)N o (,NN..i FoN++ 9'oo-|oNN ooti). No o E r)o) o oo o o o E' o oeo@s999(O@ tJ)-o- rr,- @- t_(v)@ rOlo) ()(\l F-_ rll3lll N(,t?. .\lao(\{ N tooro-o C'.D@rio|/, @N rt D. Frrlo- tsl o F t, NF(D- D o ooN rtco-N No(D- t olo) NtE. N Noo- o * Ng, o.?- ao!to6{ !t6t\gr CIF. o Nf,\N (oq(oNo OOO-OO(OO-OO(O(o(ortN6NOOOr--(oF-@sN(oN @Fct-NNN otF c, 0d @ao(\t !t aoro- o)o(o @o@oo(t) Nloq F {!tF. o)NN !rOq oo o DNN D!io-DF'!' oo I o o E' ooo@oooo(n -F-@- (o- (o_ F- ONo, oll,ro @(oFNG' roctdo o)!t od!t oo)ao-F(n6 Dq FIrl) Nto-Fo o)r.,D. rot'o 0eN (Io)- !tro!t o@t- NNo,- tlot oro.+- I@aooN\ taolo. o!t 6!(rto-lo arl- ooo(o3o3o3ooE r_ CD_ N- t\_ rr-6lF- ro N F-F(oOl{ot (oo6dsF- n o- Ng)D ao 0 @a9sa906@ N@F_6- O-O-o(o s(,O) lf) F-(?, c\i o -+-t)NIDN oot (oNs !tlo\tt oloo- NisNd Gddcr;6iri$rid F-adoio -rr(!N(\IC!c\INN NN(\Io (Y,lf) (O t'-6idsridFdojPESP: ttrJ) J =UJo UJutE lrJo =z 50- It.9 Eoo .E =g o. do(, .9o E o Ico,coooe,e &olDE L6tt1L OtQ=6f €BEEE xx@N B^Eti E E g'e' -96rra6:.EEEE8E3: =i--;O!rF EE€YY58E ifil;iE E +e I =F-NNooc. alErrrkkkkgPo(Jooooooxxt ijco E.s ElrJ E8urrs aL Eir oogc-QOlEE*OE(r.1-E.=6e:b5E'zEFooxx(i)N g,3 9g I9.9s E "l* 5s-58: BE 3E E E g! E g g 3S EqbeEEEEEnEE,E EEEEfrfifiafii+,uEo*flP-9SSPPRR-Q:E:clNoswssrss!fl6kkkkkkkkkkkE,:o()ooooooooooxx N 6o ='66l!toCLCL:o EoEoo xx N oEo Etoo 6I oo EoodEo E &oo (o oN ar) oll Eooooiiottrul Go q F olt dooEoEe -9oFtt .Es lll.z z o.-o(, tru,Fo =Ffo-z =tolr eo Eoooo .E .D.E s 6oF 3E _38 o uJ odES.aJo+oo d r'3 iiu P.;3 = o Goaoo G eo tr 6oF odEB.oo+oopEr oF- T*EdEoP;T- 9v.oP E EFE o.co =z 9E E 6-rE 5_gOLo(,<E9Oolr \t 0,o)oo- a EgtsooEEeb-oEo.eq. ts oN rt aaa'N ctI ar,o)I rororo+o s-(o (") .{aoaoo{qolo -@ ao@to_ a; (grONtI)- rl_ -toC)F oooo E' o o o o FtI N oororrt F) o-of) N (tN d? a'l @ttoct FO(oro FO oooo ct o cl ()oo)oF ta,("- Lr-o(ooY9 oooo C' cttojPESr(\("r!t()(ON 6ra,o(l o (!Nto E ct o G(,oooo o 6N'tiLo E t,o6 l 3(,t) 6o =6B9 EEE.N.^E .fEgE E Eg=EE EEfiE:3 !s*SEE =oooo9rNOOqtt(r(o<c)dro(7, d.E =cfG EE * 89, BE.$E EEEtEE;HEb,$ESEoXorAIE f,*EEEEiE E,g,g"8,E€tE=xxxxxx'9FNNN(7r\lO--F--Fdoooooo 0 (!Eoooo a! 6t! tr 8Eo=io aDdE3. cro+oo E rot f;*g- EoF o ut Eo .Eoooo6 eoZ 20. oF 6o E(,o.Lo 66o(,(, [*, 9 p.o E EE$E Po 9E os6s oo EooE Eo Etoo (o C'N (, o.o Eoa)oo€oECul 6o ot olt C;ootro CL.goFttr.gE 'ii. z EcG.r.E3EOL6(,<E 9Ool! 6 EoIt oo 2 o.-oo UJ2o!o.utJutFoz Jz !o 0,cnG(L F- oN s (E trot, co(, z o-.o(, uJzoEo.uJJ UJFoz 5z o)a roo!, d,NF otoF.N rorl NN(t !tc{ lo.'t +N aoNlsN !t !tN')(\.- t\- Ol-O@t-_(t, roF(\t art oto) f, t-(o D\o toFnlt) E' oo r) tt-o NOOOONOOOO(!(\ () F-(')- (a- at_ o_NF tr) (Ot- I roc(rr- lo to!t (o(oF6c{ n,o) -!t_art oarl roG' (o c,@F'(: o-d) .D (\lao to6r o)c, (, oo) Eio !tgt ta).oF o (oo)+ o)q (t, o(\l ao@ d o,aotlo- ot FtOrrolo_ (t-ro@ -1\E€6Nr.jc( oNoo(.) (t, t6 ct oslC' No!'.'t t.o G,' o nl E sf(CrO-OOOOOO(oo o F-c)- (rl- F-- ('r_ 6N Ooo (n aot-!t aoodN F(n\6 rtoo_ Fo f, ao@oc)NaoNar, ao.,iao NroNd !trociso ooooFto(D_ t--\t (D(\l (., $o- @(, ooo@ d(o (,lro rtr, (osoooNooo0t()(a (o s(o- (,_ cD_ s_oo) ro o)C.,l (Y) O No)r.l roo N(rt(r(Irt-.OOrOFC.,lFF-rC\,lC!C!doiP:ro{(OrCu)(OF. orJ)I o og o J FUJo lrJo2luo.xul(,zF d uJro .iEc c'5 .9€E^ f,fl e E$EE EeA E EE trEe*EF-[ E: Eu*S6gEgBiEE* EEEEEEiEfrEEE $.9,8"8,8€Es'gegEoE XFF-FFF(rov,o96600600@@@@'8EEEEE3333E BEg oE E#EiE 'F; EEe,g.E36EO8 E EEE6* ESgTE i;ra 8.4 [gigIgIg .t Eg Eo(,)Ec!baot $[tro G ooooo 6G tr eEOEJO odE8. cro+oo E r't o I*e = 6oF o ul co Goooo6 u,o 6oF od=a. cro-lOo E rot ;*g. 9 p.o P E E#F o.EO =z 9E o 6 =o6 =6oGEo Gtoo aooN F' oltEotooii(!E uJ 6o o.CF ol! C,oocoE CLgoFttc!:uJ. z tco- =.E3E rEqOol! @oo,(5(L .! EIEEo(, !tEtEoEa. P{ F oN tl ooFl o to c,lo o''q NF o NNN N al NN ,or?olo ooqon osar-NF-- (O- -FF$ t6rtE ao o)rotNOrj otN l,,FN(n!to+Ei o9a I c, ct o o aro G{NG, olol.). C'N c, o)loft- @!tN art o O O O O t- ((, (\ o o o o lf o N o F o'rtrb lr) CD(,O O d) .O(l cDNo) @ o (l o),rrd rrl t', o (rt!t roro 6a'ro- N C)c,qN F c)ot !t @ o:(on,c{ !t.o art !lrl'(r,d @o)-tar- \tN FFNooo@- ro- o, c,trt-N C' otI N G'orq (t oNq !t lo@drc; oooF-(D od otF(no a o- D o olq D Toor- o)oN (\atoo-t16 6t!tclr.tFIN o O (O Ct O O @ @ O O O O @ O - rt F O OlN O NC)O) OF-(", GON N t(DN F- -t7)tr) tON6iJ c,t rt F o F Notlo. N oFN ooN -t-oFa" -OG.{ rt C' 'D (ONrro!t- o_ 6:6aN? orsoC) G)oo,Ol-e$ t-a\ O)F,\6id ll' (,lort@- ?-FO)ar, !,q ro v@e(7' lo((,- lr)-rONCD No,c ao9Ir(t, ao o o)D (ooN @ Ro300:Stoooo$otxsoE{ O t- a C',1- (r_ -- o O- (r.@NN r._ F_ g F(\I(v)tl (r(ONaO (DNN(\Iat otN(\c! N; si ri s ri lri F- at d I = S P : P I 5 P P R r!|r)OFN Oolooo8 o,o..8 fi,rEo o f 1ELttt trXo^O "ri.gEED--)rlrg EH*5EE<0o=o6gr.EI E,tsS9'=6 2 .EEEii PE8.g.5'E .9,i1 0Hhi=9EE5b8 ;ctt.l B$.grEo acafiEacEu*EgEr;HEE EEEEsg}FFEIjIjI;EE ooo.E odo o6t0)(!0" =o xx(l' (O@(o x G o ozF dlrlo.o oCo gooo oEootct 3=a d,[! f;sl- tro .E oeloo .E 6a! ts 6oF o UJ IEOEJO oq.'E B, C'O-lOo E ro€ Ese .9 Eoctoo G g,o E 6oF 9p.oE E EEE o,eoJ3 o.:ouz o.c6I oo EooGto Etoo rooN (tt Eot)ooiiottc lrJ tgo oEF olt dooEoEcgo t,tr .EE 'ii=z !,c6-r.E5.sOLrE 9Oolt o otl oo z o-.oo utzoIo-uIJlUFoz Jz t-ooloo. a-tEEooECet!ooot t-oN tl 6 Cot coo z o-.oo UJzo-o-UJJ UJ ozI2 o,(r'll .', {"olt oq EIo!t o)Ero. o| o $r.)j cl tt(',Nd Nt-l,)(,N o o !t Nroo6 roNC'd o)c)oot o ot NDot rri ry Noc-o ry o oo oo oocl ooot-Y (\lcrooO)lr)N (,s_(oN (to\!t !t o)@N 9909 @N @(,F.rl at)o,o-o otNobloos-?_ (o_(D-ooo(\l oo co ? ct,F--O(o_ o (r-@ (r, (o@o)(Y) (")\t- {_ (\tFO)t('rFFcrtlot ott- l"\ o)o)@- N ocr c,@rt(\{(, rooo) oortN-(o oto(r,N A'roq o roq o)t N '.tN o .,l No(,' rolotct 0lon !{ noqD N\D!t NF.DIt o @tsooN('?o(ottJdooN(\l co@c{(\l(o@lf,- ? 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E2 N(7' r!o=33U(0llo, o)N(\t (Elr oGOc}@NN$l o (\l('r\tlo(() l-c! N (\tclNclN $,1(t) 2G, o EIE Go- o 6 a!o.e gG g [;gggggiiggggEItEg ggggggggg#igf,gg EOo.n@ ao RI-E5ErOOCL€oE^EE Eg€o€EE3lLl or&9:9EtEoolLl,) oooEoEC!ooFEd,EllJ 6Fc atS 'ii.!- =22. sO-AE98 co EL'c(,ooo tro (E oooo a!or! tr eEOEJO odE8,oo+oo E ro€ 3esdE.)p;t- 6oF o lrl Eo 6 oooo6po: oJ0.JJoF 6o .gIJoCLo totnoa,(, iispE€ = 9g.oP E EFF o.EO =z 9s oa6s o ut EooEtt6'Itoo (o oN r,t EoC'oo totg uJ 6o osF ol! d(, oEoECIgoFEE!5 'ii- z tc6- =.E5.9 rH9Ool!