HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090414Revised Application.pdfT E LE COM JupithA. Riley, J.D. .... PROFESSIONALS, INC.5909 Northwest Expressway, Suite 101 Oklahoma City, . OK 73132 April 10, 2009 Idaho Public. Utiltìes. Commission Telecommunicatíons Division 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83720-0074 (208) 334,.0300 Re:ReplacementFíling -iNetworks Group, Inc. -: ING-T-,09-0l Dear Commissiol1: Enclosed please find one. oríginal and 3 copies of a replacement fílíng ofeLEC . Idaho Tariff No.1 and anJXC Idaho PríceLíst No. 1. Also .enclosed is a replacement Applícation. with the items ofclarífícation requested by Commission Staff. We respectfully submit this Applícatìon, withtheunderstançling that the Commission retained the.origil1al signatures.on oríginal Exhibits submitted previously. Those Exhibits are not included in this fiing The su.bmitted replacement Applícation minus Exhibits, and the replacement tariffs. are to he used to replace in theítëntiretythe inormatìon submitted previously. Should there be any questions oradditíonal informatìon is needed, please contact me at (405) 755-8177 ext 25 orbyenìailat amckay(gtelecomplìance.net Please acknowledge. this filing by fie-stamping the enclosed duplicaté letter and returing in the self-addressed and stamped.envelope provided. Sincerely, .GZ¿;cd/1/ê1f~AlícíaG. McKay, . fl......... · Regulàlory Agent . . ..ii .. EncloSures Off.ice(4051755c8177 (8001 406:4777. . Fax.(4Ó51755-8377 E-mailjrìley(telecorrpliance.net BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION E In the Matter of the Application of ) iNetworks Group, Inc. for a Certificate ) of Publíc Convenience and Necessity to ) Provide Resold Basic Local Exchange ) And Resold Interexchange Telecommunications ) Services throughout the State of Idaho. ) iOß~ APR '4 PM 12= 46 Docket No.:ì D i1~~LOJF~::.~~tl;h\1 UTtLlTIt:) ~",,_i ¡'", .:b-T-òct-ó ( APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION iNetworks Group, Inc. (hereinafter "Applicant"), by the undersigned and pursuat to Idaho Code of the Publíc Utilities Commission ("Commission"), hereby petitions the Commission for the issuace of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide Resold Local Exchange and Resold Interexchange Telecommunications Services throughout the State of Idaho. In support of ths Application, the Applicant provides the following information: I. Form of Business Ths Applícant is a foreign for-profit corporation incorporated in the State of Ilinois on January 16, 2002. A copy of the Applicant's Aricles of Incorporation is attached hereto as EXHIBIT A. Applícant has obtained permission to do business in the State of Idaho as evidenced by EXHIBIT B, which is a copy of the Certificate of Authoríty issued by the Idaho Secretar of State. Applicant maintans a príncipal business address at: 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2510 Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: (312) 212-0822 Facsimile: (312) 212-9201 Toll Free: (866) 363-6387 Email: info(finetworksgroup.com The Applícant shareholders and officers are listed below. The Officers are located at the above principal address. Names/Address Shares Owned % of Shares Issued %N oting Control David J. Smat, 1000 PresidenVlLreasurer 80% 80% Raymond Cowley, 250 Senior Vice Pres., and Secretary 20% 20% The Applicant CT Corporation Systems, located at 1111 West Jefferson, Suite 530, Boise, ID 83702 as its Registered Agent in the State ofIdaho. The Applicant has no affiliates, subsidiares or a parent company. II. Statement of Proposed Services: iNetworks Group Inc. is a reseller of telecommuncations services with no pre-paid service offerings. The Applicant provides resold local exchange, interexchange, dedicated point- to-point private line service and dedicated Internet access to business customers only. The Company's voice product offerings include local dial tone, local callng features, bundled feature packages, 1 + outbound long and inbound toll free service. All services are offered over both switched and dedicated facilities including Intergraded Services Digita Network (ISDN). The Company's data product offerings provides bandwidth staing and T-l (1.544 Mbps) and proceeds into the high speed optical carier networks up to OC 192. All operator services and access to 911 services wil remain with the underlying carier. The Company will not provide alternate operator services. The Company intends offer service throughout all exchanges curently served by it's underlying cariers of Citizen's, Qwest and Verizon. A map of the service territories is included as EXHBIT C. 2 III. Statement of Public Interest Grant of ths Application will fuer the public interest by expanding the availabilty of competitive telecommuncations services in the State of Idaho. In addition, intrastate offeríng of these services is in the public interest because the services will provide Idaho customers with access to new technologies and service choices, and can permit customers to achieve increased efficiencies resulting in cost savings. The public will benefit directly through use of competitive services, and indirectly, due to the Applicant's in this market will increase incentives for other telecommunications providers to operate more efficiently, offer more innovative services, reduces their prices, and improve their quality of services. IV. Statement of Financial Abilty The Applicant possesses the requisite financial, managerial, and techncal capacities to provide the proposed services. Attched as EXHIBIT D are the 2006 and 2007, as well as the 2008 statements for the Applicant for Januar to June. This exhibit is submitted in sealed envelope and filed purSUant to Idaho Code § 9-340D(l)(a)(b). iNetworks Group, Inc. is not a publicly traded company, as such, iNetworks Group, Inc. does not file financial statements with the SEC. The statements contain sensitive financial information, which iNetworks Group, Inc. protects from disclosure. This information is not generally available to those inside the Company without specific need-to-know, and the Compåny keeps it in a secure location to prevent inadvertent disclosure. This information has not been released previously. Public disclosure of the information would cause undue har to iNetworks Group, Inc. and would prove detrmental to iNetworks Group, Inc.' s competitive position in the marketplace; and due to the sensitive nature of this information, it is appropriate for the Commission to límit access to the information. The confidential information is being provided for the sole use of the Commission in. exercising 3 their respective governental fuctions by examining the Application. There is no legitimate purose to be served in disclosing this propríetary material to any person other than the appropríate reviewing staffs of the Commission. V. Statement of Managerial Abilty The Applicant is providing as EXHIBIT E the biographies of the Príncipals who will have primar management responsibilty for the Applicant's operations. These biographies demonstrate that Applicant possesses the requisite management and techncal expertise to provide the telecommunications services for which it seeks authority. VI. Tariff Filngs Attached hereto as EXHIBIT F, please find the Applicant's proposed Local Exchange Services Tarff. Also attached as EXHIBIT G, is the Applicants price list for Interexchange Services. VII. Contact Information Contact information for the Applicant is as follows: Customer Inquiries/Complaints Regulatory Matters Raymond Cowley Sr. Vice President/Secretary 125 S. Wacker Dríve, Suite 2510 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 212-0822 Fax: (312) 422-9201 Email: info(ßinetworksgroup.com Judith A. Riley Regulatory Counsel 5909 NW Expressway, Suite 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73132-5103 Phone: (405) 755-8177 Fax: (405) 755-8377 Email: jriley(ßtelecompliance.net A toll free number for customers is: 866-363-6387 VIII. Statement of Interconnection Agreement The Applicant is curently in negotiations to complete Interconnection Agreements which will be filed with the Commission pursuant to Commission Rules and Regulations. 4 ix. Affidavit of Compliance with Commission Rules The Applicant has reviewed all Commission Rules of Procedure, Customer Relations Rules and Idaho Statues and agrees to comply with all requirements. The Affdavit of David J. Smat is attached as EXHIBIT H. X. Statement of Commission Authority Acknowledgement The Applicant has reviewed and acknowledges that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission has Delegated Authoríty for area code relief and that the Applicant will comply with Commission Order 30425 and any and all applicable Rules and Regulations of the Commission. XI. Statement of no Escrow Account or Security Bond The Applicant does not collect deposits or require advance payments from Customers and therefore respectfully requests waiver of the Commission Escrow Account and/or Securty Bond requirement. WHEREFORE, Applicant, iNetworks Group, Inc. respectfully requests the Idaho Public Utilties Commission grant it a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide Resold Local Exchange and resold Interexchange Telecommunications Services throughout the State of Idaho. In addition, Applicant requests confidential information submitted as Exhibit C and waiver of the Surety Bond requirements. Respectfully submitted, ~ . / . G\"Í\~ Judith A. Riley, Regulatory 0 sel On b alf of iNetworks Group, nco 5909 NW Expressway, Suite 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73132-5103 Phone: (405) 755-8177 Fax: (405) 755-8377 Email: jrileytßtelecompliance.net 5 INETWORKS GROUP, INC. ING-T -09-01 REVISED CPCN APPLICATION: FOR EXHIBITS A-E AND H, SEE ORIGINAL APPLICATION FOR EXHIBITS F AND G, SEE REVISED PROPOSED TARIFFS