HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060927Supplement to application.pdfINLAND CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY Corporate Offices 103 S. 2nd St. P.O. Box 688 Roslyn WA 98941 Telephone: (509) 649-2500 Fax: (509) 649-3300 RECEIVED 1000 SEP 21 M'\ 9: ~\ ,' ;'. 'i if'PLu u r-U;;;J,-. \." ,.: r~" "'851 \; UTILI-I \t:~ \., Nt..l September 26, 2006 Via Federal Express ovemiC/ht deliveru lNC-c)6-0~- Ms. Jean Jewel, Executive Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 (208) 375-7382 Dear Ms. Jewel: Enclosed please find one original and seven (7) copies of the Petition ofInland Cellular for Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Supplement to be added to the Petition of Inland Cellular for Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("Petition ) that was filed on June 26 2006. Inland Cellular Telephone Company ("ICTC") is the sole general partner of Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership (dba Inland Cellular). ICTC is submitting the Petition on behalf of the partnership. If there are any questions concerning the foregoing, please contact me at (509) 649-2500. Thank you for your consideration of this Petition. Sincerely, ames K. Brooks Treasurer / Controller Enclosurescc: Grace Seaman (IPUC Staff) ".", Before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission RECEIVED 200& SEP 21 AN 9: 51 Inland Cellular r.iiC" \(" .I h n t" '-! l)L~ I ' ~( " " ; UTILITIES CCH~~iVil~SIU\, Case No. INC-06- In the Matter of the Petition of For Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Under 47 U.C. 9214(e)(2) PETITION OF INLAND CELLULAR FOR DESIGNATION AS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER - SUPPLEMENT On June 29, 2006, Inland Cellular Telephone Company ("ICTC"), on behalf of Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership d/b/a Inland Cellular (hereinafter referred to as Inland Cellular" or the "Partnership ), filed a Petition to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission IPUC") for Designation of Inland Cellular as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC" pursuant to Section 214(e)(2) of the Telecommunications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act"), 47 US.C. 9 214(e)(2), and Section 54.201 of the Federal Communications Commission s ("FCC" rules, 47 c.F.R. 954.201. To benefit the residents and promote business growth within Inland Cellular s Idaho service area, benefit the State, further competition, and to provide lifeline service, ICTC requested that Inland Cellular be designated as eligible to receive all available support from the federal Universal Service Fund ("USF") including, but not limited to, support for rural, insular and high-cost areas and low-income customers. On August 29 2006, Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") Staff requested further clarifications and noted deficiencies to the Petition. This filing is a supplement made to clarify the June 29 2006; correcting any deficiencies that were contained therein. In support of this Petition, the following is respectfully submitted: Name and Address of Petitioner The name and address of Petitioner is Inland Cellular Telephone Company, 103 South 2nd Street, P.O. Box 688, Roslyn, Washington 98941. James K. Brooks shall be the designated representative with the same mailing address as Petitioner. Official documents to be sent electronically, are to be sent to jbrooks~inlandnet.com. II.Typographical Error In the June 29, 2006 filing, the paragraphs were out of sequence, jumping from paragraph 7 to paragraph 10. This was merely a typographical error and the paragraphs should have remained in sequence. III.Paragraph 13. Voice Grade Access In the June 29 2006 filing, paragraph 13 read as follows , " The Partnership provides voice grade access to the public switched network through interconnection arrangements with local telephone companies. The Partnership offers its subscribers this service at bandwidth between 300 and 3 000 hertz as required by 47 c.F.R. 54.101(a)(I), thereby providing voice grade access." The applicable interconnection agreements (and/or reciprocal traffic exchange agreements) referred to are with Qwest, Verizon and Inland Telephone Company. It is anticipated to have a traffic exchange agreement with TDS by year-end 2006. Inland Cellular holds 20 000 numbers groups (208-790 and 208-791) in Lewiston, Idaho, a 10 000 numbers group (208-827) in Orofino, Idaho, a 10 000 numbers group (208-507) in Grangeville, a 10 000 numbers group (208-669) in Moscow, Idaho, 13 000 numbers groups (509-330, 509-336-1000 through 1999, and 509-338-1000 through 2999) in Pullman Washington, and 4 000 numbers groups (509-552-000 through 0999 509-552-2000 through 2999, and 509-751-6000 through 7999) in Clarkston, Washington. These numbers groups were acquired from and assigned by Neustar through the North American Numbering Plan and through them and the agreements, Inland Cellular customer s can call the Cottonwood Grangeville, Moscow, Lewiston, Lapwai, Leon and Lenore wire centers in Idaho as local calls and through wholesale rates terminate to all other Verizon exchanges; a charge not explicitly passed on to Inland Cellular customers. As customer demand increases, Inland Cellular applies for more numbers. IV.Paragraph 14. Local Usage In the June 29 2006 filing, paragraph 14 read as follows , " The Partnership has a variety of rate plans that provide local usage consistent with 47 C.R. 9 54.101(a)(2). To date the FCC has not quantified a minimum amount of local usage required to be included in a universal service offering, but has initiated a separate proceeding to address this issue.lo As it relates to local usage, the October 1998 NP RM sought comment on a definition of the public service package that must be offered by all ETCs. Specifically, the FCC sought comment on how much, if any, local usage should be required to be provided to customers as part of a universal service offering. I I In the First Report and Order the FCC deferred a determination on the amount of local usage that a carrier would be required to provide.12 Any minimum local usage requirement established by the FCC will be applicable to all designated ETCs, and the Partnership will comply with any and all minimum local usage requirements adopted by the FCC or the IPUC. As a cellular provider , " local usage plans" are difficult to determine since most plans include toll and roaming; features generally requested and wanted by consumers. Inland 10 See Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc.CC Docket No. 96-, DA 02-174 at para. 11 (C.c.B. reI. Jan. 25, 2002) Guamcell'J; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice o/Proposed Rulemaking, 13 FCC Rcd 21252 (1998) October 1998 NPRM' II See October 1998 NPRM, 13 FCC Rcd at 21277-21281. 12 See First Report and Order 12 FCC Rcd at 8813. Cellular does keep what are close to a "minimum" local usage plans in its prepaid offerings. Although seldom subscribed to, the Q150 plan s geared toward consumers that generally only want local calling. For a one-time set-up fee of$20 and $19.95 a month, the customer receives 150 minutes of use, is charged $0.28 for additional minutes and charged $0.18 per minute of long distance usage. An alternative for a "minimum" local usage plan may be the Tek Pale For $29.95 per month, the customer receives 200 anytime minutes, unlimited incoming calls unlimited cell-to-cell (Inland Cellular) calls, unlimited nights and weekend minutes and is charged $0.18 per minute for long distance. Although the monthly rate is $10.00 greater, it affords the customer with much greater minutes. The term "local" is still precarious for Inland Cellular, since local service is anywhere within the Inland Cellular service territory which includes the portion in Idaho relating to this filing as well as a large portion of the eastern side of State of Washington. What Inland Cellular believes to be its most popular rate plan is its US.A. 500 Plan. For $44.95 per month the customer receives 500 anytime minutes, 50-state roaming, 5 000 incoming minutes, 5 000 cell-to-cell (Inland Cellular) minutes and no long distance. Local usage is really not determined by what is offered by Inland Cellular in its calling plans but by what the consumer wants, needs and fits their diverse lifestyles and calling patterns. For the cellular provider, it is all about consumer choices and competition as emphasized by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Paragraph 22. Lifeline and Link-up Advertising In the June 29, 2006 filing, paragraph 22 read as follows , " Pursuant to Section 54.201 of the FCC's rules, 47 C.R. 954.201, the Partnership will advertise the availability of each ofthe supported services detailed above, throughout its licensed service area, by media of general distribution. The methods of advertising utilized may include television, radio newspaper, magazine, direct mailings, public exhibits and displays, bill inserts, and telephone directory advertising. (The) ETC designation will also enable Inland Cellular the ability to offer and advertise the availability of Lifeline and Link-Up Assistance Programs. 10.Inland Cellular s marketing efforts will be similar to what is currently being done in another jurisdiction where the Partnership has received the ETC designation. Inland Cellular s over-all marketing expenses for 2005 were approximately $1.7 million and are budgeted to be approximately $1.85 million. As previously mentioned, cellular is a highly competitive business, requiring constant advertising to attain and retain customers. 11.There is no set budget for ETC advertising; it all falls into the marketing budget. Inland Cellular makes specific ETC advertising bi-annually, for a one-week period; placing advertisements in all known publications within its designated ETC service area. This advertising has included placing ads in weekly and sometimes bi-weekly publications in small rural towns. Depending upon the publication, the ads have been as large as a half page and as small as three columns. Attached as Exhibit A, is a copy of the ad, in its actual size, as seen in the Franklin County Gazzette. This is a weekly publication and it cost Inland Cellular approximately $400 to run this for two consecutive weeks. This is an example of the ad that we also placed in 18 other publications throughout the Inland Cellular designated ETC service area. 12.Besides the bi-annual publications, Inland Cellular has created posters for our commercial sales offices. These posters are 2 Y2 feet by 3 feet and cover the "Lifeline and Link- up Programs" portion of the ad and start out with "Do you qualify for a discount?" These posters are not currently in our Moscow and Lewiston sales offices for fear that we would have to explain to our Idaho customers why we cannot offer these programs to them. Inland Cellular customer care representatives are also aware and are prepared to offer these programs to qualifying customers. Attached as Exhibit's Band Bl , are the forms that were prepared by our attorney to certify a customer for qualification. VI.Paragraph 26. Two-year plan. 13.In the June 29, 2006 filing, paragraph 26 read as follows , " Its two-year plan 2006 and 2007, involves an estimated investment of $2, 1 00 000 in Idaho; budgeted sites or site improvements at Genesee, Kamiah, Nuxall (near Kooskie), Troy, Track (outside of Moscow), Highway 95 North and Highway 95 Summit. These sites will increase the availability of service for rural Idaho and although not specifically addressed by the FCC or the IPUC, the majority of the Idaho sites should be data capable (lXRTT platform) and then upgraded to broadband data capable (EVDO) in the near future. Inland Cellular has budgeted for 19 sites to be upgraded to EVDO (approximately $1 500 000) in 2006-2007, but have not committed to which sites. This is in addition to the aforementioned $2 100 000 in Idaho sites. In addition, traffic loads are constantly reviewed and additional carrier investment is added when the need is determined. 14.To expand on Inland Cellular s budget to cover the years 2007 and 2008 , it is now known, that the EVDO upgrade will not happen until 2007, with 6 known sites in and around Lewiston and Moscow being the first to be upgraded. As previously stated, lXRTT was the first step for data capabilities, however the upgrade also increased efficiencies and distance of coverage. Inland Cellular believes that the EVDO upgrade will further those efficiencies and distances as well as give Inland Cellular its initial steps toward providing broadband services over the cellular network. 15.It is also now known, that although budgeted for 2006, the Troy (covering Troy and over-lap Joel), Track (outside of Moscow), Highway 95 North (covering Joel and Viola) and Highway 95 Summit (covering Potlatch and Onaway) sites will not be built until 2007. This is normal for Inland Cellular since it operates practically debt free and redirecting funds toward other sites, sites that require improvement, expansion or new sites that are needed because of demand, is standard operating procedure. As emphasized previously, cellular is a highly competitive industry and in order to answer demand, the Company must have this flexibility in order to remain competitive. 16.The Genesee site should be able to cover Genesee, Kendrick and Juliaetta, and Inland Cellular s Orofino site would also over-lap Juliaetta. 17.Aside from the hold-overs from the 2006 budget, Inland Cellular has current proposed new sites for 2007 and 2008, at Grangville (covering Grangeville and portions of White Bird and Elk City), Lapwai, Culdesac and Lewiston for an estimated $1.4 million investment. This is not a complete list since the capital improvement budget for 2008 has yet to be completed and approved. 18.Besides capital improvements, Inland Cellular has budgeted expenses for facilities, trunks, numbering resources, special access circuits, E911 , etc, of approximately $3. million and $4.2 million for 2007 and 2008, respectively, and for plant operations and maintenance expenses, $600 000 and $650 000 for 2007 and 2008, respectively. These budgeted expense figures are for the total of Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership with approximately forty percent of these expenses attributable to Idaho operations. VII.Paragraph 27. The Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies. 19.In the June 29, 2006 filing, paragraph 27 read as follows , " Inland Cellular has battery back-up and a standby generator at the central office, as well as at all cell sites. The generators are checked regularly and are alarmed for failure. Inland Cellular maintains redundant routes to connect to the outside world should one route be cut-off. Inland Cellular has technicians on call should trouble develop at any time. 20.The battery back-up can sustain power for no less then 4 hours. Initially, when the power is lost, an alarm signals to the monitoring company (wirelessly) the power outage and a crew is dispatched to the location. 21.On a local network basis, should a cell-site go completely dead, the service is out. This can be likened to if a wireline switch or carrier cabinet were to go completely out; a true catastrophic event. There is no re-routing if the location is dead. Unlike a wireline customer however, the wireless customer could receive service from any of Inland Cellular roaming partners should their service remain in tact and a signal can be obtained. The wireless customer could also get into their automobile with their cellular phone until a signal is indicated on their device. So as to provide the best possible service, Inland Cellular try s to over-lap it's cellular site signals. 22.Should one of Inland Cellular s regulated microwave facilities that transport signals between cell sites and back to the switch go completely dead, the customer may be completely stranded. This would be similar to a complete cable cut between a wireline subscriber cabinet and the wireline central office. The customer is generally without service until the cut is repaired. Unlike the wire line customer, the cellular subscriber may obtain signal from any of Inland Cellular s roaming partners should their service remain in tact and a signal can be obtained. The wireless customer could also get into their automobile with their cellular phone until a signal is indicated on their device. 23.As was stated, should a route go down between the switch location and Lewiston, which is Inland Cellular s main connection to the world, there is a redundant route. This scenario did happen this year and the redundancy worked; automatically re-routing traffic to the alternative route. 24.Inland Cellular constantly monitors the traffic on its cell sites in order to minimize congestion and dropped calls. As we near the 75 percent capacity mark, even if spiked, the site is evaluated for anomalies and additional carrier is added to the site if the site is capable and deemed appropriate. If the site is deemed to not be capable, an additional site is added in the over-lapping vicinity. Such is the case in Lewiston with currently four sites. It is planned in early 2007 to add an addition site in Lewiston as well as one in Washington near Asotin that will be capable of serving a portion of the west side of Lewiston (up to the airport). VIII.Paragraph 28. A Commitment to Consumer Protection and Service. 25.In the June 29, 2006 filing, paragraph 28 read as follows , " Customer service is very important to Inland Cellular. It is the one portion of our business that we believe distinguishes us from our competition in a highly competitive business. Although it can be time consuming, we like for our customers to have a face for them to talk to should questions arise. Pursuant to FCC regulations, Inland Cellular must certify that it complies with the Consumer Proprietary Network Information rules, set forth in 47 CFR 964.2001 through 64.2009, to protect consumer information. 26.As members ofthe Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association CTIA"), Inland Cellular is aware of, agrees to comply with and will become signatories to CTIA', Consumer Code for Wireless Service. According to the Code, wireless carriers will: 1. Disclose rates and terms of service to consumers; 2. Make available maps showing where service is generally available; 3. Provide contract terms to consumers and confirm changes in service; 4. Allow a trial period for new service (no less than 14 days); 5. Provide disclosures in advertising; 6. Separately identify carrier charges from taxes on billing statements (Truth in Billing); 7. Provide customers the right to terminate service for changes to contract terms; 8. Provide ready access to customer service; 9. Promptly respond to consumer inquiries and complaints from government agencies, and; 10. Abide by policies for protection of consumer privacy. 27.It is Inland Cellular s belief that it currently complies with the CTIA Code. For Idaho, Inland Cellular has customer service locations in Moscow and two in Lewiston. The office in Moscow is located in the Renaissance Mall, at 627 W. Pullman Road. Its office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The office in Lewiston, located at 1332 G Street, is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 m. The office in Lewiston, located at 2331 Thain Grade, Suite 101 , is open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Besides having local telephone numbers, customer support may also be reached toll free at (800) 248-8822. IX.Paragraph 29. Description of the Local Usage Plans 28.In the June 29, 2006 filing, paragraph 29 read as follows , " Inland Cellular offers many calling plans for consumers to choose from that should fit their calling needs. The post- pay plans range from $29.95 for unlimited minutes of in-network calling (within the Inland Cellular calling area network cell-to-cell) per month and 200 other minutes to $789.95 for 5 000 minutes of in-network calling per month, 5 000 minutes of incoming calls per month and 8 000 minutes of calling per month within the 50 United States for no additional charges (i.e. no toll or roaming when on another carriers network). Exhibit (C) lists the various calling plans offered by Inland Cellular and are posted on its web site (www.inlandcellular.com)as well as the coverage areas and other service offerings. 29.The previous paragraph should be corrected to mention the post-pay plan of $19.95 for 150 minutes of non-toll usage. The monthly charge could also be $0., if the customer elects to have pre-pay service and only charges their phone with minutes as needed at $0.10 per minute. Rates for the various incumbent local exchange carriers ("ILEC' s ) are included as Exhibits Cl (Verizon), C2 (Qwest), C3 (Inland Telephone Company), C4 (Potlatch Telephone Company) and C5 (Citizens Telephone Co. d/b/a Frontier Communications) for comparative purposes as well as Inland Cellular s rate plans (Exhibit C). Although the majority of these ILEC's offer expanded coverage at an additional charge, they still do not afford the customer with the convenience of mobility or the calling area that Inland Cellular can provide. Statement of Need 30.Many residents of Idaho live in rural areas where it is cost-prohibitive for a competitive wireline telecommunications company to offer service. As a result, consumers generally have only one service provider from which to choose. The Partnership seeks to offer citizens of Idaho in its service area an alternative to traditional wireline service. In order for the Partnership s network to expand into underserved areas, federal high-cost funding must be provided so that needed infrastructure can be fully deployed and competitive service can be delivered. 31.By granting ETC status to the Partnership, this Commission will expedite the provision of competitive telephone service to the people living in remote areas and provide a meaningful choice for many subscribers who have access to only one service provider. XI.Grant of ICTC's Application Would Serve the Public Interest 32.In areas served by non-rural LECs, the Commission can designate Inland Cellular as an ETC upon finding that the company meets the nine-point checklist and that it agrees to advertise the supported services.16 In areas served by a rural telephone company, the Commission must also determine whether granting ETC status to a competitor would serve the public interest.17 In numerous cases decided by the FCC and state commissions, the answer has been in the affirmative. 33.Designation of the Partnership as an ETC will promote competition and facilitate the provision of advanced communications services to the residents of rural Idaho. Residents in many rural areas have long trailed urban areas in receiving competitive local exchange service and advanced telecommunications services. In many rural areas, no meaningful choice of local exchange carrier exists. 34.To date, a number of wireless carriers have been designated as ETCs in multiple states.19 Recognizing the advantages wireless carriers can bring to the universal service program the FCC has found that "imposing additional burdens on wireless entrants would be particularly harmful to competition in rural areas, where wireless carriers could potentially offer service at 16 See Cellular South Licenses, Inc.Docket No. 01-UA-0451 (Dec. 18 2001) (Mississippi). 17 See 47 U.C. 9214(e)(2). 18 See, e., Western Wireless Corporation Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Wyoming, 16 FCC Rcd 48 55 (2000) ("Western Wireless ), aff'24 CR 1216 (Oct. 19 2001) Western Wireless Recon. Order ); Smith Bagley, Inc., Final Order Utility Case No. 3026 (Feb. 19 2002) (New Mexico). 19 See, e., Yelm Telephone Company et al., Order Designation Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Docket Nos. UT-970333 et al. (Dec. 23 , 1997) (Washington); Guamcell, supra; Cellular South Licenses, Inc., supra; NE. Colorado Cellular, Inc.Docket No. 00A-315T (Dec. 2001) (Colorado); Minnesota Cellular Corporation s Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Docket No. P5695/M-98-1285 (Oct. 27, 1999) (Minnesota). much lower costs than traditional wire line service. ,,20 One of the principal goals of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was to "promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and high-quality services for American telecommunications consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies.21 Competition in rural areas increases facilities and spurs development of advanced communications as carriers vie for a consumer's business. 35.The FCC recognized that rural customers will benefit from the increased availability of wireless service in its initial decision designating Western Wireless as an ETC in the State of Wyoming, observing: "Designation of competitive ETCs promotes competition and benefits consumers in rural and high-cost areas by increasing customer choice, innovative services, and new technologies.22 Similarly, in designating the cellular carrier Smith Bagley, Inc. as an ETC in Arizona, the state commission found competitive entry to provide additional consumer choice and a potential solution to "health and safety risks associated with geographic isolation.,,23 By designating a wireless carrier as an ETC, the IPUC will foster competition and provide a meaningful choice of services and service providers to the residents of Idaho. 36.The public interest standard under Section 214(e)(2) for designating ETCs in territories served by rural telephone companies emphasizes competition and consumer benefit 20 First Report and Order 12 FCC Rcd at 8881-82. 21 Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law, 104-104, 100 Stat. 56 (1996). 22 Western Wireless Corporation; supra 16 FCC Rcd at 55. 23 Smith Bagley, Inc., Order Decision No. 63269, Docket No. T-02556A-99-0207, at p. 12 (Dec. 2000) (Arizona). not incumbent protection. In considering the impact that Western Wireless' ETC designation in Wyoming would have on rural telephone companies, the FCC said: We do not believe that it is self-evident that rural telephone companies cannot survive competition from wireless providers. Specifically, we find no merit to the contention that designation of an additional ETC in areas served by rural telephone companies will necessarily create incentives to reduce investment in infrastructure, raise rates, or reduce service quality to consumers in rural areas. To the contrary, we believe that competition may provide incentives to the incumbent to implement new operating efficiencies, lower prices, and offer better service to its customers. Further, Congress has mandated that universal service provisions be "competitively neutral" and necessary to preserve and advance universal service.See 47 US.C. 9 253(b). The Partnership will provide consumers with wider local calling areas, mobile communications, a variety of service offerings, high-quality service, and competitive rates. By offering customers new choices, the incumbent LECs will have an incentive to introduce new, innovative, or advanced service offerings. 37.In most rural areas, wireless telephone service is today a convenience, but it will not emerge as a potential alternative to wireline service unless high-cost support is made available to drive infrastructure investment. Indeed, without the high-cost program it is doubtful that many rural areas would have wireline telephone service even today; in fact there are areas within Inland Cellular s service area where wireline service is not available today. Provision of high-cost support to Inland Cellular will begin to level the playing field with the incumbent LECs and make available for the first time a potential competitor for primary telephone service in remote areas of Idaho in the Idaho 1 (B-2) RSA and the Idaho 2 (B-2) RSA. 24 Western Wireless, supra 16 FCC Rcd at 57. 38.The consumer benefits of designating a competitive ETC are already becoming evident. In South Dakota, shortly after WWC License, LLC entered the market as a competitive carrier, the incumbent LEC lowered its prices and upgraded its switch. Competitive carriers in Arizona and Mississippi have earmarked high-cost support funds for additional channel capacity, new cell sites, and expedited upgrading of facilities from analog to digital. 39.With high-cost support, Inland Cellular will have an opportunity to create a network that is capable of convincing customers to rely on wireless service as their primary phone. XII.High-Cost Certification 40.Under FCC Rule Sections 54.313 and 54.314, carriers wishing to obtain high-cost support must either be certified by the appropriate state commission or, where the state commission does not exercise jurisdiction, self-certify with the FCC and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") their compliance with Section 254(e) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.47 c.F.R. 99 54.313 , 54.314. ICTC has attached hereto its affidavit containing certifications pursuant to IPUC Order No. 29841. ICTC respectfully requests that the IPUC issue a finding that the Partnership has met the high-cost certification requirement and that the Partnership is, therefore, entitled to begin receiving high-cost support as of the date it receives a grant ofETC status in order that funding will not be delayed. WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 214(e)(2) of the Act, ICTC respectfully requests that the Commission, (1) enter an Order designating the Partnership as an ETC for its requested ETC service area as shown on the map in its previous Exhibit A, and (2) certify to the FCC that the Partnership will use the support for its intended purpose. 25 See, e.g. Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc. Petition for Waiver of FCC Rule Section 54.314, CC Docket 96-45 (filed Feb. 6 2002). Respectfully submitted Inland Cellular Telephone Company As General Partner for Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership BY'Cl. Gregory A. Maras Secretary INLAND CELL ULAR ADVERTISEMENT Inland Cellular (Inland Cellular is the trade name of both Eastern Sub-RSA Limited Partnership and Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership) has been a local cellular telephone provider in eastern Washington since approximately 1992. In Washington, Inland Cellular s service area covers the eastern half of Grant County and the majority of Adams. Asotin, Columbia, Garfield. Lincoln, Whitman. and WallaWaliil Counties Imd ~'minorportion ofFrank1i~Cpu~ty. During the intervening years, we have worked hard to build a cellular system that would provide high quality telecommunications services to the communities we serve. We have done this, notwithstanding the higher costs of serving rurai areas in the State of Washington and are always striving to provide even better service. We have served and intend to continue to serve ,th residential and business customers in our service , area with high quality telecommunications services at attractive ,and affordable rates, In addition to our basic cellular telephone services, we offer throughout our service area advanced telecommunications services, including special calling features. The basic services offered by Inland Cellular in the aforementioned calling area are comprised of several components. At a minimum, these include: Service Offered Single-party, voice grade access to the public switched network, including a range oflocal usage from 0 minutes to unlimited calling (basic general service) montWy. MontWy Calling Plan Charges Residence ,- Range from $0 to $789.95 per month Business - Range from $0 to $789.95 per month .The montWy charge may be $0 with a Pre-Paid Calling Plan; calling plans very based on customerpreference. Access to emergency 911 services - There is no additional charge by Inland Cellular to end user customers f~r the ability to access emergency 911 services.. Access to operator services - There is no additional charge by Inland Cellular to end user customers for the ability to call the operator. However, the call may involve a charge, depending on the service , requested and the rates of the company whose operator handles the call, as well as location of the call origination. Access to Directory Assistance - There is no additional charge by Inland Cellular to end user customers for the ability to call the Directory Assistance. However, the call may involve a Directory Assistance charge. the amount of which, depends on the area called and the rates of the company whose operator is accessed, as well as location of the call origination: Lifeline and Link-Up Programs: Do you qualify for a discount? Inland Cellular participates in the Federal Lifeline and Link-Up programs. You may qualify if: Your household income is at or below 135% of tile Federal poverty guidelines; or; You participate in one of the following 'programs: ~ Low-Income Home EnergyAssis~nce Program (LIHEAP) or any Official Home Energy, Assistance Program; ,. - ... n Urtr8o ExfI-njz;r /!; CERTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FEDERAL LlFELINE/LINK-UP SUPPORT I certify that I qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up Support and am currently participating in one or more of the programs listed that I have checked below and have provided proof of my participation. I certify that I qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up Support under the Federal income requirements for qualification listed and checked below and have provided proof of my qualifications. It is understood that by participating in the Lifeline/Link-Up program, the support that I receive is not an actual payment to me but a discount that will appear on my monthly bill. Participating in Lifeline does not protect me from collection procedures if I do not pay my phone bill. If I voluntarily elect toll blocking, Inland Cellular may not collect service deposit in order to initiate Lifeline service. This discount, as well as the criterea for participation in the Lifeline/Link-Up program, may change and I may no longer qualify or the amount of support may increase or decrease. As the Certifying Subscriber, (i) the service is for me and not a member of the household; (ii) I am not listed as a dependent on someone else s tax return; and, (iii) the service address is my primary residence.If for any reason I should no longer participate in any of the programs or qualify by income, it is my responsibility to notify Inland Cellular. I further certify that the service that I receive from the Inland Cellular is my main line of service and I do not receive Lifeline Support for any other telecommunications service. I understand that if I no longer qualify for support for any reason, I am not entitled to receive such support and that in order to continue to receive this support, I must annually certify my eligibility and that the Inland Cellular may randomly require proof of eligibility in the interim. I further understand that if I have made any misleading statements in order to receive support, I will be liable for any support received and service may be discontinued as well as be subject to Federal perjury. DLoW-lncome Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or any DsuPPlemental Security Income (SSI)Official Home Energy Assistance Program Federal Public Housing Assistance or Section 8 DTempOrary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) DMedicaid National School Lunch free lunch program DFOOd Stamps Household Income At or Below 135% of the Federal Poverty Gudelines Consumers living on Indian reservations or tribal lands may establish eligibility by participating in any of the following additional programs: DBureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) general assistance Head Start (If Income Eligible) DTribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)DFree meals under the National School Lunch Program Name of ReDortina Service Carrier Sianature of Certifvina Subscriber Date Printed name of Certifying Subscriber Service address of Certifvina Subscriber Mailing address of Certifying Subscriber TeleDhone number of Certifvina Subscriber Social SecuritY No. of Certifying Subscriber FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Company Service Market Printed name of Customer Care Rep Sianature of Customer Care ReD Proof of eligibility from customer is required (check all that apply: Deopy of document to verify participation in any of the above listed programs DThiS form signed under penalty of perjury that consumer receives benefits from one of the federal programs that comprises the federal eligibility criteria. Deopy of tax return for year. Dease Number DOther Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 u.C. ~~ 502. 503(b). or fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code,18 U.C. ~ 1001. ExH1I3:J:r /; / ATTACHMENT A For Inland Cellular Internal Distribution ONLY CONSUMER DOCUMENT A TION REQUIRED FOR LIFELINE INCOME ELIGIBILITY When requesting Lifeline based on income eligibility (i., the consumer s household income is at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines), the consumer must provide documentation of income eligibility at the time of enrollment. Anyone of the following documents are acceptable to be used by Inland Cellular to verify income eligibility for Lifeline: ~ Federal , State or Tribal Tax Return; or Divorce Decree documenting income; or Child Support Document documenting income; or Federal or Tribal Notice Letter of Participation in the Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Documents Spanning Three Recent Consecutive Months for: ~ Income Statement from Employer or Paycheck Stub; or ~ Social Security Statement of Benefits; or ~ Veterans Administration Statement of Benefits; or ~ Retirement/Pension Statement of Benefits; or ~ Unemployment/Worker s Compensation Statement of Benefits. 2006 Estimated Income Requirements for a Household AT or BELOW 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines Size of Family Unit 48 Conti go us States Alaska Hawaiior Household &DC $13 230 $16 538 $15 215 $17 820 $22 275 $20,493 $22,410 $28 013 $25,772 $27 000 $33 750 $31 050 $31 590 $39,488 $36 329 $36,180 $45,225 $41 607 $40 770 $50,963 $46 886 $45 360 $56,700 $52 164 For each additional 590 $57 381 279person, add IN L A N D C E L L U L A R CA L L I N G P L A N S A N D P R E P A I D S E R V I C E Mi n u t e s Mo n t h l y Ad d ' 50 S t a t e In c o m i n g Ce l l t o Lo n g 50 0 N i g h t & Vo i c e St a n d a r d Ad d ' Fr e e Pl a n Li n e s We e k e n d Ad d ' In c l u d e d Ra t e Mi n s Ro a m i n g Ca l l s Ce l l . . Di s t a n c e Mi n s Ma i l Ma i l Li n e s Mi n s Te k P a k 20 0 $ 2 9 . $ 0 . N/ A Un l i m i t e d Un l i m i t e d Un l i m i t e d In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A A. 3 5 0 . 35 0 $ 3 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A A. 5 0 0 . 50 0 $ 4 4 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A A. 7 5 0 . 75 0 $ 6 4 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A A. 1 0 0 0 * 10 0 0 $ 8 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A A. 1 2 5 0 . 12 5 0 $ 1 1 4 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 A. 1 5 0 0 . 15 0 0 $ 1 3 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 S. A . 3 0 0 0 . 30 0 0 $ 2 8 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 A. 4 5 0 0 . 45 0 0 $ 4 3 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 A. 6 0 0 0 . 60 0 0 $ 5 8 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 A. 8 0 0 0 . 80 0 0 $ 7 8 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d $9 . 20 0 Tw i n s U . A. ' + + 50 0 $ 6 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A Tr i p s U . A. . + + 10 0 0 $ 9 9 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A Qu a d U . A: + + 12 5 0 $ 1 2 4 . $ 0 . In c l u d e d 50 0 0 50 0 0 In c l u d e d In c l u d e d N/ A N/ A NO T E : A l l a p p l i c a b l e F e d e r a l , S t a t e , a n d l o c a l t a x e s , s u r c h a r g e s , a n d f e e s w i l l a p p l y . NO T E : S e r v i c e i s n o t a v a i l a b l e i n a l l a r e a s . W e h a v e a g r e e m e n t s w i t h o t h e r s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s i n m o s t a r e a s a c r o s s t h e U . S. S e r v i c e i n t h o s e a r e a s i s p r o v i d e d b y a di f f e r e n t c a r r i e r a n d I n l a n d C e l l u l a r d o e s n o t g u a r a n t e e t h e i r s e r v i c e . To g e t s e r v i c e o n a U . A. p l a n , y o u m u s t h a v e a T r i - Mo d e C O M A p h o n e t h a t i s c o m p a t i b l e w i t h o u r s e r v i c e a n d h a s t h e m o s t c u r r e n t P R L l o a d e d . S e e s t o r e f o r de t a i l s . .* Ap p l i e s o n l y t o c a l l s m a d e o r r e c e i v e d w i t h i n o u r H o m e S e r v i c e A r e a o n o u r t o w e r s . C e l l t o c e l l c a l l s t o o t h e r I n l a n d C e l l u l a r c u s t o m e r s w i t h i n o u r H o m e S e r v i c e Ar e a o n l y . W e e k e n d s : 12 : 0 1 a . m. S a t u r d a y t o m i d n i g h t o n S u n d a y . N i g h t : 7 : 0 1 p . m. t o 6 : 5 9 a . m. M o n d a y - Th u r s d a y ; M o n d a y 1 2 : 0 1 a . m. t o 6 : 5 9 a . ; F r i d a y 7 : 0 1 m. t o 1 2 : 0 0 a . ++ Sh a r e d m i n u t e s Mo n t h l y In l u d e d Lo n g Ro a m i n g Mi n i m u m Pr e p a i d P l a n Se t u p F e e Ac c e s s Ad d ' i M i n s Vo i c e M a i l Fe e Mi n u t e s Di s t a n c e Ra t e Re p l e n i s h Q P l a n 15 . In c l u d e d Q 1 5 0 $ 1 9 . 15 0 15 . In c l u d e d Q 3 0 0 $ 2 9 . 30 0 15 . In c l u d e d Q 5 0 0 $ 3 9 . 50 0 15 . In c l u d e d NO T E : A l l a p p l i c a b l e F e d e r a l , S t a t e , a n d l o c a l t a x e s , s u r c h a r g e s . a n d f e e s w i l l a p p l y . AL L C A L L I N G P L A N S I N C L U D E C A L L W A I T I N G , C O N F E R E N C E C A L L I N G , A N D C A L L F O R W A R D I N G . Fi l e n a m e : S E R V I C E R A T E S . xl s c'5 Exhibit C1 NON-RURAL LEC WIRE CENTERS LEC: Verizon Northwest, Inc. - ill - SAC 472416 Wire Center:Bovil Deary Genesee Moscow Orofino Peck Pierce Potlatch (GTE) Weippe Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 6 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA mriU ZONE 2 ZONE 3 BOVILL Basic Callinq Service None Bovill Deary None Moscow, 10Residence One-Party $11.PotlatchBusiness One-Party 15. Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callinq Service Bovill None None None Moscow, 10 Residence One-Party $14.Deary Potlatch Business One-Party 19.43 Business Multi-Line 21. Central Office Located Trunk 14. CentraNetR CustoPAK 34. Public Access Line 19.43 Coin Line Service 21.48 Community Plus Service Bovill None None None None Residence One-Party $19.Deary Business One-Party 38.Moscow, 10 Business Multi-Line 41.Potlatch Central Office Located Trunk 34. CentraNetR CustoPAK 54. Premium Callinq Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 9 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 CORA Basic Callina Service None Cora Garfield, WA None Moscow, IDResidence One-Party $11.WellesleyBusiness One-Party 15.PotlatchBusiness Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callina Service Cora None Wellesley None Moscow, IDResidence One-Party $14.Garfield, WA Potlatch Business One-Party 18. Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Cora None None None NoneResidence One~Party $19.Garfield, WA Business One-Party 38.Moscow, ID Business Multi-Line 41.Potlatch Central Office Located Trunk 34.Wellesely CentraNetR CustoPAK 54. Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 10 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 DEARY Basic CallinQ Service None Deary Bovill None Moscow, 10Residence One-Party $11.PeckBusiness One-Party 15.PotlatchBusiness Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community CallinQ Service Deary None None None Moscow, 10Residence One-Party $14.Bovill PeckBusiness One-Party,19.PotlatchBusiness Multi-Line 21. Central Office Located Trunk 14. CentraNetR CustoPAK 34. Public Access Line 19.43 Coin Line Service 21.48 Community Plus Service Deary None None None NoneResidence One-Party $19.Bovill Business One-Party 38.Moscow, 10 Business Multi-Line 41.35 Peck Central Office Located Trunk 34.Potlatch CentraNetR CustoPAK 54. Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 11 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 EVERGREEN Basic Callin9 Service None Evergreen Farmington Potlatch Plummer! Residence One-Party $11.Worley Business One-Party 15.Tensed!Rock Creek Business Multi-Line 17.Bluebell St. Maries Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callinq Service Evergreen None Tensed!Potlatch Plummer! Residence One-Party $14.Farmington Bluebell Worley Business One-Party 18.Rock Creek Business Multi-Line 20.St. Maries Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Evergreen None None None None Residence One-Party $21.Farmington Business One-Party 37. Business Multi-Line 40.T ensed!Bluebeli Central Office Located Trunk 34.PlummerlWorley CentraNetR CustoPAK 54.42 Potlatch Rock Creek St. Maries Premium Callinq Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and Extemal Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 12 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 GENESEE Basic Callinq Service None Genesee None Moscow, 10 NoneResidence One-Party $11.35 Business One-Party 15. Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callinq Service Genesee None None Moscow, 10 NoneResidence One-Party $14. Business One-Party 18. Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Genesee None None None NoneResidence One-Party $19.Moscow, 10 Business One-Party 38. Business Multi-Line 41. Central Office Located Trunk 34. CentraNetR CustoPAK 54. Premium Callinq Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 17 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE 8Bg8 ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 MOSCO Basic Callina Service None Moscow, ID Moscow!Genesee Bovill Residence One-Party $11.Garrison, WA Potlatch Cora Business One-Party 20.Pullman, WA Wellesley Deary Business Multi-Line 23. Central Office Located Trunk 16. CentraNetR CustoPAK 36. Community Callina Service Moscow None None Genesee Bovill Residence One-Party $18.Moscow!Potlatch Cora Business One-Party 39.Garrison, WA Wellesley Deary Business Multi-Line 43.Pullman, WA Central Office Located Trunk 37. CentraNetR CustoPAK 57. Public Access Line 39. Coin Line Service 41. Community Plus Service Moscow, ID None None None None Residence One-Party $20.Moscow! Business One-Party 40.Garrison , WA Business Multi-Line 45.Pullman, WA Central Office Located Trunk 38.Bovill CentraNetR CustoPAK 58.Cora Deary Genesee Potlatch Wellesley Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21, 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1, 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE 8BE8 ZONEO ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 OROFINO Basic CallinQ Service None Orofino Peck Weippe PierceResidence One-Party $11. Business One-Party 15. Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community CallinQ Service Orofino None Peck Weippe PierceResidence One-Party $14. Business One-Party 18. Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Orofino None None None NoneResidence One-Party $16.Peck Business One-Party 29.Pierce Business Multi-Line 32.Weippe Central Office Located Trunk 25. CentraNetR CustoPAK 45. Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Venzon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 21 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 PECK Basic Callina Service None Peck Orofino None DearyResidence One-Party $11.Pierce Business One-Party 15.Weippe Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community CallinQ Service Peck None Orofino None Deary Residence One-Party $14.Pierce Business One-Party 18.Weippe Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Peck None None None None Residence One-Party $16.Deary Business One-Party 29.Orofino Business Multi-Line 32.Pierce Central Office Located Trunk 25.Weippe CentraNetR CustoPAK 45. Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and Extemal Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 22 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 PIERCE Basic Callina Service None Pierce None Weippe Peck Residence One-Party $11.Orofino Business One-Party 15. Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community CallinQ Service Pierce None None Weippe Peck Residence One-Party $14.Orofino Business One-Party 18. Business Multi-Line 20.35 Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Pierce None None None None Residence One-Party $16.Orofino Business One-Party 29.Peck Business Multi-Line 32.Weippe Central Office Located Trunk 25. CentraNetR CustoPAK 45. Premium CallinQ Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 26 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION .M.Ig AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 POTLATCH Basic Callina Service None Potlatch Cora Evergreen BovillResidence One-Party $11.35 Moscow, ID DearyBusiness One-Party 15.Wellesley Tensed!Business Multi-Line 17.BluebellCentral Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callino Service Potlatch None Cora Evergreen BovillResidence One-Party ,$14.Moscow. ID DearyBusiness One-Party 18.Wellesley Tensed!Business Multi-Line 20.BluebellCentral Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Potlatch None None None NoneResidence One-Party $19.49 Bovill Business One-Party 39.Cora Business Multi-Line 42.Deary Central Office Located Trunk 35.Evergreen CentraNetR CustoPAK 55.Moscow, ID T ensed!Bluebell Wellesley Premium Callino Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21, 2005 Issued by Venzon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 37 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 WEIPPE Basic Callina Service None Weippe None Pierce PeckResidence One-Party $11.Orofino Business One-Party 15. Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callina Service Weippe None None Pierce PeckResidence One-Party $14.Orofino Business One-Party 18. Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Weippe None None None NoneResidence One-Party $16.Orofino Business One-Party 29.Peck Business Multi-Line 32.Pierce Central Office Located Trunk 25. CentraNetR CustoPAK 45. Premium Callinq Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21, 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 38 LOCAL SERVICE NETWORK ACCESS LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS LOCAL CALLING AREA MEASURED RATE LOCAL CALLING AREA UNLIMITED USAGE EXCHANGE AND MONTHLY SERVICE SERVICE OPTION RATE AREA ZONE 0 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 WELLESLEY Basic Callinq Service None Wellesely Palouse, WA Moscow, 10 None Residence One-Party $11.35 Cora Potlatch Business One-Party 15.Pullman, WA Business Multi-Line 17. Central Office Located Trunk 10. CentraNetR CustoPAK 30. Community Callinq Service Wellesley None Cora Moscow, 10 None Residence One-Party $14.Palouse, WA Potlatch Business One-Party 18.Pullman, WA Business Multi-Line 20. Central Office Located Trunk 13. CentraNetR CustoPAK 33. Public Access Line 18. Coin Line Service 20. Community Plus Service Wellesley None None None None Residence One-Party .$20.Palouse, WA Business One-Party 40.Cora Business Multi-Line 45.Moscow, 10 Central Office Located Trunk 38.Potlatch CentraNetR CustoPAK 58.Pullman, WA Premium Callinq Service Not Available Not Available Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21, 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and External Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Section 4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 1 2005 Boise, Idaho I.P.C. PRICE LIST No. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 39 LOCAL SERVICE LOCAL MEASURED USAGE RATES CONDITIONS Usage charges apply to calls from Basic Calling, Community Calling, and Community Plus Services. No usage charges apply to Premium Calling Service. Usage will not be charged on calls placed to Operators, 911 (Emergency Service), Directory Assistance, Company Service or Repair Offices, nor on calls that access Interexchange Carrier lines/trunks that have been registered with the Company for the purpose of placing long distance calls. Any routes in the expanded calling area that are over 23 miles are billed at Zone 3 rates. RATES Zone 0 Immediate Exchange Initial Additional Minute Minute $0.$0. 0.07 Zone 1 10 Miles Zone 2 11-16 Miles Zone 3 17-23 Miles Advice No. 05- Issued: November 21 , 2005 Issued by Verizon Northwest Inc. By David S. Valdez, Executive Director - Public Policy and Extemal Affairs Effective: December 1 , 2005 Exhibit C2 NON-RURAL LEC WIRE CENTERS LEC: Qwest Corp. - ill Wire Centers:Cottonwood Craigmont Grangeville Kamiah Kooskia Lapwai Lewiston Nez Perce Qwest CorporationExchange and Network Services Catalog No.SECTION 5 Page 3 Release 1 Effective: 8- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Issued: 7- 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES EXCHANGE AREAS (Cont' EXCHANGE AREA RATE GROUPS 1. Exchange Access Line facilities are connected or rearranged according to therates specified in this section. 2. The rates for exchange service vary according to the number of exchange access lines that can be called on a local basis. The exchange access line availabilitydetermines the rate group in which an exchange is placed. Those cities whichhave a smaller exchange access line availability base are classified in a lower rate group than those with a larger exchange access line calling availability. 3. Exchange Area Rate Groups EXCHANGE AREA RATE GROUP Cottonwood Craigmont Grangeville Kamiah Kooskia Lapwai Lewiston Nez Perce RATE GROUP EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE AVAILABILITY 0 - 5 000 001 - 25 000 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NID2005-010 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued: 7- Qwest CorporationExchange and Network Services Catalog No.SECTION 5 Page 1 7 Release 1 Effective: 8-05 I Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE MEASURED RATE SERVICEC. Rates and Charges (Cont' 2. Measured Service Access Line Rates and Charges(1) NONRECURRING CHARGE MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP . Business - Basic Measured $43.$20.$20. - Basic Measured Hunting or Key 43.20.20. . Residence - Basic Measured 27.11.40 11.40 - Budget Measured 27.9.40 9.40 (1)One-party/individual grade of service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NID2005-010 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued: 7- Qwest CorporationExchange and Network Services Catalog No.SECTION 5 Page 1 8 Release 1 Effective: 8- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 2.4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont' PREMIUM FLAT RATE SERVICE A. Description Premium Flat Rate Service is a one-party/individual service for which a fixed charge is made regardless of the number of local messages completed. B. Rates and Charges 1. Premium Flat Access Line Rates and Charges NONRECURRING CHARGE MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP . Business - Premium Flat $43.$27.40 $30.40 - PremIUm FlatlBasic 911 Service 43.12.25 14. - Premium Flat Hunting or Key 43.31.55 35. . Residence - Premium Flat 27.14.16. NOTICE THE INFORMA nON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NID2005-010 Qwest Corporation Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.SECTION 5 Page 29 Release 1 Effective: 8- NORTHERN IDAHO Issued: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1, 2005 Boise, Idaho 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS (Cont' E. Rates and Charges 1. Farmer Line Service . Each connection of customer- owned Farmer Line to Company- owned facilities (NR1), residence . Customer-owned and installed telephone connected to a farmer line circuit, each customer (NR 1 . Exchange access residence (LSF) 2. Party Line Service(1) . Business - Two-party . Residence - Two-party - Four-party (1) NONRECURRING CHARGE $27. 20. 27. 43. 27. 27. Service available to existing customers only. MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP $ 5.$ 5. 22.24. 13.25 12. 14. 12. NOTICE THE INFORMA TION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NID2005-010 Exhibit C3 RURAL LEC WIRE CENTERS LEC: Inland Telephone Company SAC 472423 Wire Centers:Leon Lenore INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY I.P.c. No. Original Sheet No. 26. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE LOCAL MEASURED RATE SERVICE DEC 5 - ' t"' 10. SECRETARY JAM l.~ ' RATES Measured Service Usage Rates Rate Per MinuteLeon Lenore First 90 minutes/month N/C N/C After first 90 minutes/month $0.$0. Measured Service Access Line Rates Monthly RateLeon Lenore Residence - Individual Line $16.$16. Measured Service Usage Charges Measured service usage charges are based upon rates shown above and are applicable to local originated messages completed on a dial station-to-station basis. The rate for each minute is the rate in effect at the beginning of each minute. Measured service usage charges accumulate on a monthly basis commencing on the billing date. Calls to directory assistance are not subject to measured service usage charges. Measured Service Components Minutes of Use Measured Service Usage rates as shown elsewhere in this tariff are for each minute or any fraction thereof after the first 90 minutes/month for which there is no charge. The monthly rates for this service do not contemplate the provision of monthly billing detail. When billing detail is furnished, it must be arranged for in advance. The following charge per call will be assessed. In addition, the following service and equipment one time charge will also apply. Non-recurring Char~e Char~e Detail billing, per call Each Service Order Required $0. $4.(N) Issued by: Inland Telephone Com~any By: John Coonan, Treas/Contoller INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY c. No.Original Sheet No. 26. LOCAL MEASURED RATE SERVICE CONDITIONS (l':l) Measured service available for only residential customers on an individual line basis only. Network access line service and measured service will not be provided on the same customer premises. The customer has no property rights to the continuance of service through any particular wire center and the Company may change the wire center designation of a customer whenever it deems it necessary in the conduct of its business. Wire center service area transfers and wire center additions do not constitute a rate change. Timing of Local Messages Chargeable time begins when connection is established between the calling station and the called station. Chargeable time ends when the calling station hangs up, thereby releasing the network connection. If the called station hangs up, but the calling station does not chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatic timing equipment in the telephone network. Chargeable time does not include time lost because of faults or defects in the connection.(N) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE DEC5 - 'JAN 1 - ' 10. SECRETARY Issued by: Inland Telephone Company By: John Coonan. Treas/Contoller Exhibit C4 RURAL LEC WIRE CENTERS LEC: Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc. SAC 472230 Wire Centers: Juliaetta Kendrick Troy GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 1 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE GENERAL 1. The local exchange access line provides for the connection of the Central Officeswitching equipment with the Customer s termination point. 2. Inside the Base Rate Area (BRA) only one-party access Une service will be provided toserve new applications for service. 3. On the effective date of this tariff all customers in the exchange will have one-partyservice only. 4. Touch Calling Service is provided with each class of service at no additional charge. DEFINITIONS 1. Access Line-a circuit directly connecting the Central Office switching equipment with the subscriber termination point. 2. Base Rate Area (BRA)-A specific area within which urban grades of exchange service are furnished at rates quoted in the Local Exchange Service Tariff without extraexchange line mileage charges. MONTHLY RATES - EACH ACCESS LINE Exchanae Class of Service Monthlv Rate Troy Business One-party Key Trunks PABX Trunks $19. $28. $37. Residence Residence One-party $12. One-party $17. Key Trunks $26.48 Multi-Line Trunks $26.48 One-party $11. Kendrick/Julietta Business NOTE: Rates for Basic Local Exchange Access line Service for customers qualifying for the Idaho Telephone Assistance Program (ITAPS) may be found on Sheet 2 of this section. In addition, the above listed rates do not include a monthly surcharge applicable to allbusiness and residence customers except those qualifying for the program. BY:(ZL EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUl22 '02 JUl26 ' 11,,"'" ,.n. ~'J ~e'C~~" ~V' GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Sixth Revised Sheet 2 Cancels Fifth Revised Sheet 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SURCHARGE CONDITIONS A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute towards funding for an IdahoUniversal Service Fund. The surcharge rate will remain in effect until otherwise modified, canceled, or changedby the Commission. RATES Monthlv Rate Trans. Code Residence Business $0. $0. USFSR USFSB IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (lTSAP) Rate Per Month ITSAP Surcharge Amount Per End User $0.(R) This surcharge is billed to Residential and Business end-users to reimburse each carrier of Residential basic local exchange service for the total amount of telephone assistance discounts provided , as well as, the carrier s and administrator expenses of administering the ITSAP. IDAHO PUBUC UTIlmeS COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE APR 1 0 t MAY 1'" ' Jf1 SECRETARY ISSUED: March 15, 2006 ::~lce Letter NO. Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 First Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE TOTAL TALK PACK General Total Talk Pack is an optional service package. The package permits a customerto receive services and features for a flat monthly rate, for each Total Talk Packsubscriber line provided. Total Talk Pack includes the following services: Residential or Business One-Party Line (includes Touch Tone capability)(T) Three-Way Calling & Call Waiting (Custom Calling Services) Caller ID Deluxe, Anonymous Call Rejection, & Priority Ringing (AdvancedCalling Services) Inside Wire Protection Plan (deregulated service) Conditions and Limitations 1. . Rules, regulations, and limitations as specified elsewhere in the Company s tariffsfor each individual service will apply as part of this bundle. Total Talk Pack customers may terminate their enrollment in the Plan at any time upon notice to the company. Unless terminated by the Total Talk Pack customer or the Company, a customer will remain enrolled in the Plan, as amended from time-to-time, with any applicablechanges in rate, for as long as the Plan continues to be offered by the Company. Service Charges, as described in Section 9 of this tariff, apply to requests for newand additional Total Talk Pack lines, and moves of existing lines. Service Charges will not apply when the Total Talk Pack replaces existing Local Exchange Service or if the customer requests a change from the Total Talk Pack back to LocalExchange Service. Total Talk Pack customers are not eligible for discounts or promotional offerings(outside of this bundle) associated with the Custom Calling and Advanced Calling Services included in the Plan, unless specifically provided for in a promotionaloffering. Customers must also subscribe to TDS True Talk's Total Talk Pack. IDAHO ~UBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONEFFECA'PHiOVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: September 10, 2004 Advice Letter No BY:SEP20 'ocr 12 ' to. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 First Revised Sheet 12 Cancels Original Sheet 12 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE TOTAL TALK PACK (Continued) Conditions and Limitations (Continued) The Plan may not be combined with any other optional toll calling plan service except for those specified in this offering. Customers enrolled in the Plan, who fail to pay the entire rate per month, will haveall existing Total Talk Pack services converted to the applicable tariff rates. Service Charges will not apply for converting services back to tariff rates. Such customers will not be permitted to re-enroll in this Plan until such time as all associated unpaid balances are satisfactorily paid in full. Rates 1 Rate Per Month Troy Residence Local Bundle, per line Kendrick-Julietta Residence Local Bundle , per line Troy Business Local Bundle, per line Kendrick-Julietta Business Local Bundle, per line $26. $25. (N) $36. $35.(N) Customers must also subscribe to TDS True Talk's Total Talk Pack to be eligible for this rate. ISSUED: September 10, 2004 ::~ ce Letter Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTn~lNiO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE SEP 2 0 'OCT 1 2 ' tn. SECRETARY Exhibit C5 RURAL LEC WIRE CENTERS LEC: Citizens Telephone Co. ofID DBA Frontier Communications ofIdaho - SAC 474427 Wire Centers:Elk City (partial) White Bird (partial) CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO 3 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905 Cancelling 1st Revised Original Sheet No. Sheet No. SCHEDULE NO. A- NETWORK ACCESS LINE SERVICE RATES Local Exchange Network Access Line (1) Business Monthly Billing Each network access line One Party and Centrex $35.B1/BCMT PBX Trunk 61.45 PBX TK (I) Key Line and Centrex 52.BKSLlCKL T Multi-Line 43.MLB Budget Measured Service (2)27.B 1 USS Public Access Line (3)35.PAL Coin SupervisionfTransmission PTCST (1 )In addition to the rates stated above, surcharges in Schedule No. Z, trouble isolation charge under Rates A3 B9, and service connection charges in Schedule No. A-5 also apply. (2) (3) Plus usage, see RATES A3 B3 where facilities are available. See Condition A8. (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (D) (D) (f) Issued: February 11 , 1999 Advice Letter No. 10-99- Issued By F. Wayne Lafferty Vice President Telecom - Regulatory Affairs Effective: March 3 1999 CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO 3 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905 Cancelling 151 Revised Original Sheet No. Sheet No. SCHEDULE NO. A- NETWORK ACCESS LINE SERVICE RATES (continued) Local Exchange Network Access Line (1) (continued) Residence Monthly BillingRate Code Each network access line One Party Multi-Line $17.(I) 26.RKSL (I) 21.MLR (I) 13.R1 USS (I) Key Line Budget Measured Service (2) (D) (D) (1 )In addition to the rates stated above, surcharges in Schedule No. Z, trouble isolation charge under Rates A3 B9, and service connection charges in Schedule No. A-5 also apply. (1) (2)Plus usage, see RATES A3 B3 where facilities are available. Issued: February 11 , 1999 Issued By F. Wayne Lafferty Vice President Telecom - Regulatory Affairs Effective: March 3, 1999 Advice Letter No. 10-99- AFFIDAVIT CONTAINING CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO IPUC ORDER NO. 29841 Gregory A. Maras, being of lawful age, state that I am Secretary of Inland Cellular Telephone Company, general partner of Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership (d/b/a Inland Cellular)("Company ), that I am authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this Affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, I hereby certify to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) for use by the Commission in providing the certification to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and Universal Service Administrative Company required by 47 c.F.R. 99 54.307, 54.313 and/or 54.314, as follows: (1) That the Company will use federal high-cost universal service fund support only for the provision, maintenance and upgrading of the facilities and services for which the support is intended; (2) That the Company meets substantially the applicable service quality standard as well as those requirements contained in IPUC Order 29841 and/or 47 c.F. 9 54.202(1 )(i); (3) That the Company s operating procedures are adequate to ensure compliance with the Customer Proprietary Network Information rules and regulations as set forth in 47 c.F.R. 99 64.2001 through 64.2009, as well as those found in 47 c.F.R. 9 54.202(3) and IPUC Order 29841; (4) That the Company substantially maintains the ability to function in emergency situations under the standard found in 47 C.R. 9 54.202(2) and IPUC Order 29841; and (5) That the Company will publicize the availability of its applicable telephone assistance programs in a manner reasonably designed to reach those likely to qualify for service and in a manner which, in the Company s judgment, include advertisements likely to reach those who are not current customers of the Company within the Company s designated service area. I certify under penalty ofpeIjury under the laws of the State ofIdaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 26th day of September 2006, at Roslyn, Washington. INLAND CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY As general partner of and on behalf of Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership (d/b/a Inland Cellular) BY:t;' re . y . Maras Its: Secretary BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE --:-HJames K. Brooks, hereby certify that I have, on this 1Jl!!day of September, 2006 served the foregoing PETITION FOR INLAND CELLULAR FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER - SUPPLEMENT upon all parties believed to be of interest in this proceeding. A copy of the foregoing PETITION FOR INLAND CELLULAR FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER - SUPPLEMENT filed today was placed in the United States mail, first-class postage pre-paid, to the following: Ms. Jean Jewel, Executive Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83702 Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee Rebecca Miles, Chairman Post Office Box 305 Lapwai, Idaho 83540 Frontier Communications Ingo Henningson, Manager, Regulatory Post Office Box 708970 Sandy, Utah 84070-8970 Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc. TDS Telecom Gail Long, Manager, External Relations Post Office Box 1566 Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Conley Ward, Esq, IT A Legal Counsel Givens Pursley LLP Post Office Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701 Qwest Corporation Theresa Jensen, Director-Regulatory 1600 - 71 st Avenue Room 1806 Seattle, Washington 98191 The Coeur d' Alene Tribe Chief James Allen, Tribal Chairman 850 A Street Post Office Box 408 Plummer, Idaho 83851 Verizon Northwest, Inc. David Valdez, Vice President 1800 41 st Street Post Office Box 1003 Everett, Washington 98206 Inland Telephone Company Douglas Weis, President Post Office Box 171 Roslyn, Washington 98941