HomeMy WebLinkAboutInacom Communications Inc.pdfInacom Communications , Inc.Idaho Price List Original Title Page INACOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST Inacom' Toll-free Telephone Number: (800) 562-2745 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditionsapplicable to the IntraLATA and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Inacom Communications, Inc. within the State of Idaho. ISSUED BY: Effect ve: March 3 , 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola, President Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 MAR 3 - 1995 DATED: February 16, 1995 Boise. Idaho , j Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 1 Cancels Original Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Terms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of Service & Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATED: September 26, 1995 Ef f ect i v~~ C9,tb?mm~~ 5 I)ftjye of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 6 - 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, President Inacom Communications , Inc.10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho (T) (T) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 2 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Subscriber's or Customer's location to the Carrier's designated point of presence or network switching center. Authorized User - A person, firm or corporation, or any other enti ty authorized by the Customer or Subscriber to communicate utilizing the Company's services. Carrier or Company - Inacom Communications, Inc. unless otherwise indicated by the context. Commission - Refers to the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Customer - The person firm or corporation , or other entity whichorders, cancels, amends, or uses service and is responsible for the payment of charges and/or compliance with tariff regulations. Customer Premises Equipment Terminal equipment, herein, which is located on the Customer's premises. defined Day Rate Period - After 8: 00 am to, but not inc 1 uding , Monday through Friday. 5 : 00 Dedicated Access - See Special Access Origination/Termination. Evening Rate Period - After 5:00 pm to , but not including, 11:00 pm Monday through Friday, and on Sunday. Holiday - One of the following federally recognized holidays: New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (December 25). Inacom Used throughout this tariff to refer to Inacom Communications, Inc. unless otherwise indicated by the text. ISSUED BY: Effect ve: March 3, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola, President Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 MAR 3 - 1995 DATED: February 16 , 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications , Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 3 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' D . ) Night/Weekend Rate Period - After 11:00 pm to, but not including,8: 00 am Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, and Sunday to, but not including 5: 00 pm. Special Access Origination/Termination Where originating terminating access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicated circuits. The LEC provides these dedicated circuits from the Customer's location to the Company' point of presence. The rates and charges for dedicated circuits are determined by the LEC and the Customer is responsible for payment of these charges to the LEC. Subscriber - The person , firm, corporation, or other legal entity which arranges for services of the Company on behalf of itself or Authorized Users. The Subscriber is responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of this tariff. A Subscriber mayalso be a Customer when the Subscriber uses services of the Company. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where originating or terminating access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Groupcircuits. Terminal Equipment - Devices , apparatus, and associated wiring, such as teleprinters , telephones , or data sets. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls. ISSUED BY:George De Sola , President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha , Nebraska 68154 Effect ve: March 3, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 - 1995 DATED: February 16 , 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 4 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of Inacom Inacom services and resold facilities are furnished forintraLATA and interLATA communications originating specified points wi thin the state of Idaho under terms of thisprice list. Inacom installs , operates , and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and condi tions set forth under this price list. Inacom may act as the Customer's agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer's location to the Inacom network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company's services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this price list. Inacom reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond itscontrol, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this price list , or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmi t messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for fail ure to establishconnections. Effect ve: March 3, 1995DATED: February 16, 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 5 Limitations , (Cont' d. ) SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' D. ) Use All services and resold -facilities provided underthis price list are directly or indirectlycontrolled by Inacom and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities wi thout the express wri tten consent of theCompany. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior wri tten permission from the Company isrequired before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. presubscribed service is available from equal access locations only. Travel service is available from any originating location in the state. Services provided under this price list may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Effect ve: March 3, 1995DATED: February 16 , 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola , President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 6 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' D. ) Payment for Service ~ll charges due by the Customer are payable to Inacom or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company wi thin thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Adjustments to Customer'bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customers are responsible for all charges associated with their account , including all charges placed against TravelCard numbers. Customers claiming not to be responsible for more than five calls on any one statement may be required to accept a Travel Card number change issued by Inacom. Taxes All state and local taxes (i. e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Cancellation Customers must provide thirty days written notification to Inacom prior to cancellation. Customers are responsible forall charges, including fixed fees, which accrue up to thecancellation date. DATED: February 16 , 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola , PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: March 3, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications , Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 7 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT ' D. ) Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limitservice, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies Credit allowances for interruptions of service caused by service outages or deficiencies are limited to the initial minimum period call charges for re-establishing theinterrupted call. Reservation of 800 Numbers The Company will make every effort to reserve 800 vanity numbers for customers, but makes no guarantee or warranty that the requested number(s) will be available. 10 Portability of 800 Numbers The Company will participate in porting 800 numbers only if the account balance is zero and all charges incurred as a resul t of the 800 number have been paid. DATED: February 16 , 1995 Effect ve:March 3 , 1995 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 3 - 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola , PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha , Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 8 Cancels Original Page 8 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES General (T) Inacom provides direct dialed (1+), inbound "800" and travel card service for communications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho under terms of this price list. (T) (D) (D) Special access channels, if utilized, are provided and billedto the Customer by the local exchange telephone company. Charges for the special access channel are determined by thelocal exchange telephone company and the Customer is responsible for payment of these charges to the local exchange telephone company. Additionally, the Customer will be billed Local Loop installation and monthly recurring charges (on apass-through basis) in the event that the Local Loop charges are billed to Inacom as agent for the Customer. Timing of Calls Billing for calls placed over the network is based in part on the duration of the call. Timing for all calls begins when the called party answers the call (i. e. when two way communications are established.Answer detection is based onstandard industry answer detection methods, including hardware and software answer detection. Chargeable time for all calls ends when one of the parties disconnects from the call. Call durations and minimum calling periods are provided with each specific product as described inthis price list. There is no billing applied for incomplete calls. Material on this page was originally found on Page 12 DATED: September 26, 1995 ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola, President Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho (M) (M) (N) (N) (T) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 9 Cancels Original Page 9 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(T)(CONT'D. Ra te periods Unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this price list , allusage-based rates are subj ect to the following time-of -day, (T)day-of-week, and holiday rate periods: Day Rate Period - Applies to that portion of a call occurring from 8:00 AM to, but not including, 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Evening Rate Period - Applies to that portion of a call occurring from 5: 00 PM to , but not including,11: 00 PM Sunday through Friday. Night/Weekend Rate Period - Applies to that portionof a call occurring from 11: 00 PM to, but notincluding 8:00 AM all days, 8:00 AM to, but notincluding, 11: 00 PM Saturday 8: 00 AM to, but notincluding, 5: 00 PM Sunday. Holiday Rates - Apply to that portion of a call occurring on Company acknowledged Holidays. The rate is equivalent to the Evening Rate unless a lower rate would normally apply. Holiday rates apply on New Year Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When a call is established in one rate period and ends in another rate period, the rate in effect at the calling station applies to the portion of the call occurring within that rate period. When a unit of time is split between two rate periods , the rate applicable to that unit of time is based on the rate period in which it began. ISSUED BY: DATED: September 26, 1995 Effective: October 6, 1995 George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 10 Cancels Original Page 10 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(T)(CONT'D. Dete~ination of Mileage Usage charges for mileage sensitive services vary based on the type of service subscribed to by the Customer. For servicesutilizing switched access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance in airline miles between rate centers associated with the originating and terminatingstations. For services utilizing dedicated access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance inairline miles between the Inacom network access pointassociated with the station utilizing Dedicated Access Origination/Termination and the rate center associated withthe called/calling station. The distance between the originating and terminating points is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates of the servingwire centers as defined by BellCore (Bell Communications Research), in the following manner: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Formula: Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the servingwire center or network access point serving theCustomers location and the called/calling station. Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates. Obtain the difference between the "H" coordinates. Square the differences obtained in Step Add the squares of the "V" difference difference obtained in Step and Di vide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 byten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the originating and terminating locationsof the call. i -V i -H DATED: September 26 , 1995 ISSUED BY: Effective :ldfHo::/iUB~a;r:19.95-un e-: ommlSSlon Office of the SecretaryGeorge De Sola , President ACCEPTED FOR FILINGInacom Communications, Inc.10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska OCT 6 - 199568154 j~ Boise, Idaho f " "'__ 0 -- - Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11 Cancels Original Page 11 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT'D. Inacom SDN Service Inacom SDN Service allows Customers to place direct dialed calls to terminating locations. Customers are presubscribed to the Inacom network. Calls are placed by dialing 111+ II and the destination telephone number , including the area code ifapplicable. Customers may access Inacom SDN Service through switched or dedicated access facilities. Inacom SDN Service - Swi tched/Swi tched Access The following rates apply to Customers that access Inacom SDN Service via local exchange company provided switched access. For Inacom SDN Service, the minimum call duration for billing purposes is eighteen seconds. Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher six second increment for billingpurposes. Charges for all calls during a billing month are totaled and rounded to the nearest wholecent. In terLATA Day Evening Night/WkdMileageInitAdd' 1 Init Add' 1 Init Add' 1 Band Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec 6 Sec 292 0672 $ . 0224 0540 0180 0540 0180293-430 0672 0224 0540 0180 0540 0180 Material on this page was originally found on Page 14 DATED: September 26 , 1995 Effective: October 6, 1995 ISSUED BY:Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha , Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho (T) (M) (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (R)(M) (R) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D. ) Inacom SDN Service, (Con t ' d. ) Inacom SDN Service - Dedicated/Dedicated Access The following rates apply to Customers that access Inacom SDN Service via dedicated special accessfacilities. For Inacom SDN Service, the minimumcall duration for billing purposes is eighteen seconds. Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher six second increment for billing purposes. Charges for all calls during a billing month are totaled and rounded to the nearest whole cent. In terLATA Day Evening Night/WkdMileageInitAdd'l Init Add'l Init Add'l Band 18 Sec 6 Sec 18 Sec 6 Sec 18 Sec 6 Sec 292 0441 $ . 0147 0330 (R) 0110 0330 (R) 0110 293-430 0441 0147 0330 (R)0110 0330 (R)0110 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1- 1997 Boise, Idaho ... DATED: October 17 , 1997 Effect ve: November 1, 1997 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of FinanceInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 TMX: IOi9701 Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Inacom SDN Service, (Cont'd. Inacom SDN Service - Dedicated/Dedicated Access For calls originating via dedicated access and terminating to another location served withdedicated access, the follow rates apply. For Inacom SDN Service, the minimum call duration forbilling purposes is eighteen seconds. Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher six second increment for billing purposes. Charges for allcalls during a billing month are totaled and rounded to the nearest whole cent. (M) (T) (M) (N) (N) In terLATA (M) (T) Day Evening Night/Wkd Mileage Init Add' 1 Init Add' I Init Add' I Band 18 Sec 6 Sec 18 Sec 6 Sec Sec 6 Sec (T) 292 0246 0082 $ . 0171 0057 0171 0057 (R) 293-430 0246 0082 0171 0057 0171 0057 (M) (R) Material on this page was originally found on Page 16 DATED: September 26, 1995 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. (CONT' D. )SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, Inacom SDN Service,(Cont' d. Inacom SDN Cash-Back Discount (A) (B) (C) The Inacom SDN Cash-Back Discount programoffers Customers optional discounts standard Inacom SDN Service - Switched Access. Discounts are provided in the form of monthly check. Discounts apply to all " 1+ direct dialed domestic usage charges from all Customer locations and/or lines. Discount checks are paid one (1) month after the end of the billing month , providing the Customer has satisfied its payment obligations containedherein. Two optional Cash-Back discount programs are available to the Customer; a one year termoption and a two year term option. The Customer will receive the discounts defined in (D) below for the actual monthly usage, as calculated per billing cycle. Unless otherwise specified in this price list,the Inacom SDN Cash-Back Discount program cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount plan offered by the Company for Inacom SDN Services. * - All Material on this Page is new DATED: September 26, 1995 George De Sola, President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: October 6 , 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 ISSUED BY: Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D . ) Inacom SDN Service, (Cont' Inacom SDN Cash-Back Discount, (cont' (D)Monthly Discount Percentage Monthly Amount One Year Term Two Year Term $1,000 $1,999 000 999 000 999 000 999 000 999 000 999 10% 000 999 11% 000 999 12% 000 999 13% 10,000 and over 10%15% * - All Material on this Page is new DATED: September 26 , 1995 ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola , President Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. Inacom Communications, Inc. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT'D. Inacom SDN Service,( Con t ' d . ) Inacom SDN Volume Discount Plan (A) (B) (C) Inacom SDN Customers whose minimum monthly usage for Inacom SDN service is within the ranges listed in (F) below , will be eligiblefor a fixed discount percentage. The Customer discount eligibility will be based upon the Customer s monthly billing at the time the Customer requests entry into the plan. This plan will not be automatically given to Customers of record at the time of the planimplementation. The Company reserves the right to rescind oradjust the Volume Discount Plan if the Customer usage drops twenty-five (25%) percent below the minimum qualifying level. Ei ther the Customer or the Company can changethe applicable discount percentage if theCustomers usage increases or decreases fromthe initial commitment level. Only written requests will be accepted for increases in thediscount level. (D)Intrastate, interstate international and calling card usage will be included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount as well as the discount amount.(D) (D) (E)New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the SDN Volume Discount Plan. DATED: August 9, 1996 ' '--,.....-- Effective: August 19, 1996 Craig Madsen , Vice President of Financeldaho Public Utilities Comm~Inacom Communications, Inc. Office of the Secretary 10810 Farnam Drive ACCEPTED FOR FILING Omaha, Nebraska 68154 AUG 1 91996 I SSUED BY: e, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Inacom SDN Service, (Cont' d. Inacom SDN Volume Discount Plan, (cont' d. (F)Qualifying Levels and Discount Percentages Monthly billingdiscount plan:levels qualify for the Qualifying Levels (Monthl v Billinqs)$ 0.00 - $ 749. 750.00 - $ 999. 000.00 - $1,499. 500.00 - $2 499. 500.00 - $4 999. $5,000.00 - $7,499. $7,500.00 + DiscountPercentaqe 00% 00% 50% 10.00% 12.50% 15.00% 17.50% (C) (C) * Due to rounding in the billing system the actual discount percentage will actually fall within a range of plus or minus . 05% of the above mentioned discount percentage for each qualifying level (ie: 4.95% to 5.05% for the second qualifying level) (G)Unless otherwise specified in this price list, the Inacom SDN Volume Discount Plan cannot be used in conj unction with any other discountplan offered by the Company for Inacom SDNservices. DATED: August 9, 1996 ISSUED BY: Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 AUG 1 9 1996 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' Inacom SDN Service,(Cont' d. Inacom SDN Term Discount Plan (A) (B) (C) (D) Inacom SDN Customers who sign a two (2) year Term Discount Plan with Inacom for Inacom SDN service will be eligible for a fixed discount percentage, as listed in (F) below. The Customer discount eligibility will be based upon the Customer s monthly billing at the time of the Customer requests entry into theplan. The Company reserves the right to rescind or adj ust the Term Discount Plan if usage dropstwenty-five (25%) percent below the minimumqualifying level. Intrastate, interstate, international and calling card usage will be included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount as well as the discount amount. (D) (D) New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the Term Discount Plan. (E)Termination Penalty Customers who terminate the Term Discount Plan prior to the expiration of the two (2) yearterm, shall pay Inacom a short fall penalty inthe amount of forty (40%) percent of theCustomeraverage monthly usage, excludingtaxes, times the remaining months on the term. DATED: August 9 , 1996 Effecti ve: August " q pub1 9.3110 Ife Utili les mmlSSlon Office of the SecretaryCraig Madsen , . Vic~ President of Finance ACCEPTED FOR FILINGInacom Communlcatlons, Inc.10810 Farnam Drive AUG 1 9 1996Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. ) Inacom SDN Service, (Cont'd. Inacom SDN Te~ Discount Plan, (cont' d. (E)Te~ination Penalty, (continued) Example: A Customer cancels a two (2) Year Term Plan after only twelve (12) months. TheCustomeraverage monthly billing was$800.00, therefore the Customers termination penalty would be: (800.00 * 40%) * 12 Months = $3,840. (F)Qualifying Levels and Discount Percentages Term Discount Schedule - 2 Year Term Plan Qualifying Levels (Monthl v Billinqs)$ 0.00 - $ 499. $ 500.00 - $ 749. $ 750.00 - $ 999. 000.00 - $1 499.$1,500.00 - $2,499. $2,500.00 - $4,999.000.00 - $7 499. 500.00 + DiscountPercentaqe 00% 00% 50% 10.00% 12.50% 15.00% 17.50% 20.00% (C) (C) * Due to rounding in the billing system, the actual discount percentage will actually fall within a range of plus or minus . 05% of the above mentioned discount percentage for each qualifying level (ie: 4.95% to 5.05% for the second qualifying level) (G)Unless otherwise specified in this price list the Inacom SDN Term Discount Plan cannot be used in conjunction with any other discountplan offered by the Company for Inacom SDNservices. DATED: August 9 , 1996 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President ofInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionFinance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 9 1996 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) Inacom SDN Service, (Con t ' d. ) Inacom Software Defined Data Network Inacom Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) allowsend-to-end digital data transmission at speeds of , 64 and 384 kbps. SDDN provides for calling from on-network locations to either on-network oroff -network locations based upon the rates in the following tables. For Inacom SDDN Service, theminimum call duration for billing purposes is eighteen seconds, unless otherwise described below. Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher six second increment for billing purposes. Charges for all calls during a billing month are totaled and rounded to the nearest whole cent. (A)Inacom SDDN Low Speed On-Network to On-NetworkService& 64 kbps Day Evening Night/WkdInitAdd'l Init Add'l Init Add I 1 Mileage Sec.Sec.Sec.Sec.18 Sec.Sec.Band Period Period Period Period Period Period 0255 0085 $ . 0177 0059 0177 0059025500850177005901770059 (B)Inacom SDDN High Speed On-Network On-Network Service 384 kbps Day Evening Night/WkdInitAdd'l Init Add'l Init Add'lMileageSec.Sec.Sec.6 Sec.Sec.6 Sec. Band Period Period Period Period Period Period 0870 0290 0534 0178 0444 (R) 0148 (R)0870 0290 0534 0178 0444 (R)0148 (R) ISSUED BY: Effect ve: November 1 , 1997 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ~gx ;- 1997 DATED: October 17, 1997 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.2 * SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. Inacom SDN Service, (Cont' Inacom Software Defined Data Network, (cont' d. (C)Inacom SDDN Low Speed On-Network Network Service - 56 & 64 kbps Off- For Inacom SDDN Low Speed On-Network to Off- Network Service, the minimum call duration for billing purposes is thirty seconds. Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher six second increment for billing purposes. Day Evening Night/WkdInitAdd' 1 Init Add' I Init Add' 1 Mileage Sec.Sec.Sec.Sec.Sec.Sec. Band Period Period Period Period Period Period 1325 $ . 0105 $ . 1220 0084 $ . 1220 0084 1325 0105 1220 0084 1220 0084 * - All material on this page is new. DATED: August 9, 1996 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President ofInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionFlnance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 9 1996 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT'D. Inacom 800 Service Inacom 800 Service is an inward WATS service. It permits termination of intrastate calls from diverse geographic locations to Customer local exchange lines or to dedicated access facilities. With Inacom 800 Service, the Customer is billed for the call rather than the call originator. Inacom 800 Service - Business Line Termination The following rate applies to Customers whoseinbound 800 calls are routed directly to theCustomerexisting local exchange line. dedicated access terminations are required. Intrastate service is provided in conjunction withinterstate service. Calls are billed based on hours of usage. Fractional hours are rounded tothe nearest one-tenth of an hour. Charges aredetermined based on minimum average timerequirement. The minimum average time requirement is 30 seconds per Inacom 800 Service - Business Line Termination number. If the average duration per call is less than 30 seconds, billed will be based on the actual number of calls using an average duration of 30 seconds per call. The minimum payment period is one day. Ra tes Day Evening Night/Weekend Rate Per Hour of Use $18. 18. 18. Material on this page was originally found on Pages 11 & 17 DATED: September 26, 1995 Ef f ect i ve fdatfdCPbb~~jfftie~aom ~~~~ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho (M) (M) (T) (T) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. Inacom 800 Service,(Cont' d. Inacom 800 Service - Dedicated Access The following rate applies to Customers whose inbound 800 calls terminate over dedicated special access facilities. Intrastate service is provided in conjunction with interstate service. Calls are billed based on hours of usage. Fractional hours are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of an hour. Charges are determined based on a minimum averagetime requirement. The minimum average time requirement is 30 seconds per Inacom 800 Service Dedicated Access number. If the average duration per call is less than 30 seconds, billed will be based on the actual number of calls using an average duration of 30 seconds per call. The minimum paYment period is one day. Ra tes Day Evening Night/Weekend Rate Per Hour of Use $11.30 Inacom 800 Service Discount Schedule Customers subscribing to Inacom 800 Service Business Line Termination or Inacom 800 Service - Dedicated Access are eligible for the following discount schedules. There is no penalty imposed on the Customer, should the Customer terminate the 800service before the minimum time commitment isfulfilled. Commitment Period 6 Months 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months % Discount 15. 17. 20. 23. Material on this page was originally found on Page 18 DATED: September 26, 1995 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise. Idaho (M) (M) (N) (N) (T) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CeNT' Inacom Travel Card Service Per Call Surcharge $0. (M) (T) I (T) I (R) (M) Inacom Travel Card Service offers Inacom Customers the ability to place calls while away from the home or office using a special access code and personal identification number. Usage charges and a per call charge applies. (In addition to usage rates in Section 3.1 preceding) Material on this page was originally found on Pages 11 & DATED: September 26, 1995 ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6 1995 Idaho Public Utilities c'ommisslon Office of the SecretaryGeorge De Sol ~, P::--esldent ACCEPTED FOR FILINGInacom Communlcatlons, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive OCT 6 - 1995Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho Idaho Price ListSecond Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. Inacom Communications, Inc. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) INACALL 1+ Switched Service INACALL 1+ Switched Service is a flat rate outbound serviceutilizing switched access facilities. Customers must bepre subscribed to Inacom for this service. Calls are billed insix (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of eighteen (18) seconds. A one (1) year term plan is (T) ay~jlable to Customers based upon the terms and conditions provided below. INACALL 1+ Te~ Plan Conditions (A) (B) The Customer agrees to sign a Term Plan Agreement with Inacom for a minimum period one (1) year. Customer must demonstrate a minimum monthly billing level of $750.00 to (T) qualify for the Term Plan. By signing the agreement, the Customer commits to a minimum monthly billing level (before taxes) $750.00 for 1+ Switched Services.(T) Customers who terminate the Term Plan Agreement prior to the expiration of the term, shall pay Inacom a short fall penalty in the amount of the Customer I s minimum monthlybilling commitment of $750.00, excluding (T) taxes, times the remaining months on the term and any additional costs associated with the collection of said amount. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 - 1997 8oi$e. ldabc Effect ve: November 1, 1997DATED: October 17, 1997 Craig Madsen , Vice President of FinanceInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: TMX: IOi9701 Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) INACALL 1+ Switched Service, (Cont'd. INACALL 1+ Te~ Plan Conditions, (cont'd. (C)The Company reserves the right to waive the short fall penalties, at its discretion. (D)The Company reserves the right to rescind the Term Plan Agreement if billed usage dropstwenty-five (25%) percent or more below thecommitment level. In that event, the per minute rate would default to the standardrate. Per Minute Rates Standard Plan Rates: Monthl v Billinq Levels$ 0.00 - $ 199. $200.00 - $ 499. $500.00 - $ 749. Per Minute Rate $0.2690 (I)$0.2590 (I)$0.2490 (C) (I) Te~ Plan Rates: Monthlv Billinq Levels $ 750.00 - $4 999. 000.00 + Per Minute Rate $0.2390 (C) (R)$0.2190 (C) (R) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 1 - 1997 Boise. Idaho Effect ve: November 1, 1997DATED: October 17 , 1997 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications , Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha , Nebraska 68154 TMX: IDi9701 Inacom Communications , Inc.Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) INACALL 1+ Dedicated Service INACALL 1+ Dedicated Service is a flat rate outbound service utilizing dedicated access facilities. Customers must sign aone (1) year term plan with Inacom based upon the terms and conditions of the INACALL Dedicated Network Services Term Planprovided in Section 3.13. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six (6)seconds. Per call charges as well as monthly recurringcharges apply. Monthly Recurring Charge The monthly recurring charge provides the Customer with direct connection with the Company's Point ofPresence. The monthly recurring charge is appliedfor each dedicated access circuit, T- equivalent, that is connected to the network. Additionally, the Customer will be billed Local Loop installation and monthly recurring charges (on a pass-through basis) in the event that the Local Loop charges are billed to Inacom as agent for the Customer. Rate Structure (A)Per Minute Rates Monthly Billinq Levels $1,999.$2,000.$2,999.000.$4,999.$5,000. (B)Monthly Recurring Charge Per Minute Rate $0.1200 $0.1150 $0.1100 $0.1000 (R) (R) (R) (C) (R) (D) $110. Ideho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NaV 1 - 1997 Boise. Idaho DATED: October 17, 1997 Effect ve: November 1, 1997 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of FinanceInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha , Nebraska 68154 TMX: IDi9701 Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.14. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT'D. ) INACALL 1+ Dedicated Service, (Cont' (C) Rate Structure, (cont' d. (D) (E) INACALL 1+ Dedicated Customers whose minimum monthly usage for INACALL 1+ Dedicated serviceis within the ranges listed in Section2 (A) and who sign a one year discount termplan, will be eligible for the discountedrates. The Customer s discount eligibilitywill be based upon the Customer monthlybilling at the time the Customer requests entry into the plan. This plan will not be automatically given to Customers of record at the time of the plan s implementation. The Company reserves the right to rescind or adjust the Discount Plan if the Customer usage drops twenty-five (25) percent below the minimum qualifying level. Intrastate and interstate usage will included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount, as well as the discount amount. (F)New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the INACALL 1+ Dedicated volume and term discountplan. * - All material on this page is new. DATED: August 9, 1996 Effective: August 1d1tf6.putili~8Hiities Commission Office of the Secretary Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance ACCEPTED FOR FILINGInacom Communications, Inc.10810 Farnam Drive AUa 1 9 1996 Omaha , Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price ListSecond Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) 10 INACALL "800" Switched Service INACALL 800 Switched Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing switched access facilities. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from alllocations within the state of Idaho. With INACALL 800 Switched service, the Customer is charged for the call , notthe calling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of eighteen(18) seconds. Term Plans as defined in the INACALL 1+Switched Service, Section 3.8 of this tariff, also apply to this service. The Directory Listing Charge is a monthly charge the Company passes through to the Customer that allows the Customer to have the relevant 800 number listed in the 800 DirectoryAssistance service. 10.Rate Structure (A)Per Minu te Ra te : Standard P1an Rates: Monthly Billinq Levels$ 0.00 - $199. $200.00 - $499. $500.00 - $749. Per Minute Rate $0.2690 $0.2590 $0.2490 Te~ P1an Rates: Monthly Billinq Levels 750.00 - $4,999. $5,000.00 Per Minute Rate $0.2390 $0.2190 (B)Month1y Recurring Charge: Monthly Billinq Levels$ 0.00 - $199. $200.00 - $499. $500.00 + Monthly Charge $2. $1. 50 $0. $15.(C)Month1y Dir. Asst. Listing: DATED: October 17 , 1997 (T) (T) (N) (N) (N) (C) I (I)(I) I (I) (I) (C) (I) (R) (R) ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President ofInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: November 1, 1997 Idaho Public Utilities Comm;~o"Finance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING N Or\(xloi97o11997 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT' D. ) 11 INACALL "800" Switched PIN Service INACALL 800 Switched PIN Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing switched access facilities and afour (4) digit PIN number. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations within the state of Idaho. With INACALL 800 Switched PIN service, the Customer is charged for the call, not the calling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of thirty (30) seconds. Utilization of the PIN number results in the call being routed to a specifictermination point. 11.1 Rate Structure (A) (B) Per Minute Rate:$0.2190 $1. 50 (R) (R)Monthly Recurring Charge: DATED: October 17, 1997 ISSUED BY: Effective: Novembe.:r: ~1.9S1J.. mano l'u It mmucS D'mmrrnOlll . . Office of the Secret:rryCralg Madsen , , V1C~ Presldent of FlnanceACCEPTED FOR FILINGInacom Communlcatlons, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 NOV 1 - 1997Omaha, Nebraska 68154 TMX:IDi9701 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.17* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT'D. ) 12 INACALL Dedicated 800 Service INACALL Dedicated 800 Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing dedicated access facilities. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations within the state of Idaho. With INACALL Dedicated 800 service, the Customer is charged for the call , not thecalling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six (6) seconds. Percall charges as well as monthly recurring charges apply. Customers must sign a one (1) year term plan with Inacom based upon the terms and conditions of the INACALL Dedicated NetworkServices Term Plan provided in Section 3.13. 3 .12 .Monthly Recurring Charge The monthly recurring charge provide the Customer with direct connection with the Company s Point ofPresence. The monthly recurring charge is appliedfor each dedicated access circuit, T- equivalent, that is connected to the network. Additionally, the Customer will be billed Local Loop installation and monthly recurring charges (on a pass-through basis) in the event that the Local Loop charges are billed to Inacom as agent for the Customer. 3 . 12 .Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features (A)Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) The Customer is permitted to receive calls made to multiple 800 numbers on the same service group and to identify the 800 number that was dialed by the calling party. This service is only available on Dedicated Access and is available on a stand alone basis or inconjunction with Automatic Number Identification below. * - All Material on this Page is New DATED: September 26 , 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilitie5 Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 ~ 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 11. Cancels First Revised Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES , (CONT 'D. 12 INACALL Dedicated 800 Service, (Cont' d. 12.Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features, (cont' d. (B)Automatic Number Identification (ANI) ANI services provides the Customer with the ANI of the calling party, if the call originates from an Equal Access end office. The Company shall provide ANI on an 800 number and a service group basis. This service is only available on Dedicated Access. ANI isonly available in conjunction with Dialed Number Identification Service above. (C)800 Call Overflow This service permits calls made to a service group in which all trunks are busy to be forwarded to another telephone number at the same location predesignated by the Customer. This service is only available on DedicatedAccess. The nonrecurring and monthly charges shall be waived if the Customer subscribes to this service for the same routing arrangements for interstate service. (D)Rate Structure (1)Per Minute Rate: Monthl y Billinq Levels Per Minute Rate $1,999.$0.1200 (R) $2,000.999.$0.1150 (R) $3,000.999.$0.1100 (R) $5,000.00 $0.1000 (C) (R) (D) (2)Monthly Recurring Charge $110. ISSUED BY: Effect ve: November 1, 1997 Idaho Public Utilities tAmmissRm Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Offite tlf the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED fOR flUNG 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ~q 'ti 11 - 1997 DATED: October 17, 1997 Boise, Idaho Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Flnance ACe OffIce of the Secretary EPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 9 1996 Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.18. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT ' D . ) 12 INACALL Dedicated 800 Service,(Cont' d. 3 . 12 .Dedica ted 800 Services Enhanced Features, (con t' d. ) (D)(continued)Rate Structure, (3 )Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features Installation Charqe With ANI Delivery Without ANI Delivery Monthl v Recurrinq Charqe With ANI Delivery Without ANI Delivery 800 Call Overflow Per Minute Charge $450. $200. $ 85. $ 75. See Sect. 10.1 (A) (E)INACALL Dedicated 800 Customers whose minimum (N)monthly usage for INACALL Dedicated 800 service is within the ranges listed in Section 12.2 (D) (1) above and who sign a one year discount term plan, will be eligible for the discounted rates. The Customer discount eligibility will be based upon the Customer monthly billing at the time the Customer requests entry into the plan. This plan will not be automatically given to Customers of record at the time of the planimplementation. (N) (F)The Company reserves the right to rescind or adjust the Discount Plan if the Customer usage drops twenty-five (25) percent below the minimum qualifying level. (G)Intrastate and interstate usage will included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount, as well as the discount amount. (H)New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the INACALL Dedicated 800 Service volume and termdiscount plan. Material on this page was originally found on Page 11. DATED: August 9 , 1996 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President ofInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boj~. fdahu (M) I (C) (M) (C) Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.19* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. 13 INACALL Dedicated Network Services Term Plan 13.Cus tomer Commi tmen t The Customer agrees to a minimum of 000 minutesof use per month. INACALL 1+ Dedicated and INACALLDedicated 800 Service billings are combined for calculation of total monthly usage. 3 .13 .Shortfall Penalty: Shortfall in minimum billing (less than 25,000 minutes per month) will be charged and added to Customer s current total monthly usage. 13. Shortfall Penalty, per minute rate:$0.1050 Penal ties for Early Discontinuance: Early discontinuance in service will result in the imposition of the following penalty fees: (A) (B) (C) $500.00 minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial monthsbilling will be rounded to the nearest fullmonth; A Point of Presence (POP) connection charge of $110.00 shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month; Any applicable monthly Local Loop charges shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial month'billing will be rounded to the nearest fullmonth. This applies only when the local loop is billed directly to the Customer by the Company; * - All Material on this Page is New DATED: September 26, 1995 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola , President Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska ISSUED BY: 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.20* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. 13 INACALL Dedicated Network Services Term Plan,(Cont' d. 3 .13 .Penal ties for Early Discontinuance:,(cont' d. In addition , early discontinuance penalties apply to the following Enhanced Features: (D)If the Customer is using Enhanced 800 Services(ANI Delivery/DNIS Option/800), an $85. minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month; (E)If the Customer is using Enhanced 800 Services (DNIS Option/800), a $75.00 minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month. 13.Term Plan Renewal The Term Plan Agreement will not automatically renew itself at the end of the one (1) year period. If the Customer chooses to continue the Dedicated Term Plan Discount, a new term plan must be signed. Rules and regulations in effect at the time of the new term plan signing will be applicable. 13.Waiver of Penal ties The Company, at its discretion, may waive the Shortfall penalty and any or all of the Penaltiesof Discontinuance, provided in 3.13.2 and 3.13.above. * - All Material on this Page is New DATED: September 26, 1995 ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissioltGeorge De So 1 a, Pre s i den t Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.21* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CeNT'D. ) 3 .14 INACALL Calling Card Service INACALL Calling Card Service allows the Customer to place calls within the State of Idaho while away from the home or office. The Customer must dial an 11800 II number and a special access code before completing the call. Calls are billed insix (6) second increments with a minimum initial callingperiod of one (1) minute. Per minute charges as well as a per call surcharge apply to all INACALL Calling Card services. 3 .14.Enhanced INACALL Calling Card Services The following calling card features are beingoffered by the Company to Customers of INACALLCalling Card Service. Enhanced Calling Card Services are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum initial calling period of one (1)minute. Enhanced calling card service rates are applied on a stand-alone basis and are not combined with any other usage rates. In addition other non- regulated calling card services may be offered to the Customer. (A)Call Delivery Call Delivery Message is an automated service that will deliver recorded messagesvia the telephone. There are two delivery options for the messages, IMMEDIATE delivery and FUTURE delivery. Should the Customer choose, Call Delivery - Confirmation is also available, at additional cost. The Customer is provided instructions on how to receive Call Delivery Confirmation during the initial Call Delivery - Message phase. * - All Material on this Page is New ISSUED BY:George De Sola, President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 DATED: September 26, 1995 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.22* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. ) 14 INACALL Calling Card Service,(Cont' d. 3 . 14 . 1 Enhanced INACALL Calling Card Services,(cont' d. (B)Teleconferencing There are three (3) basic options for INACALLTeleconferencing: (1)Meet-Me Conference is an optional featurethat allows customers to join theparticipants by dialing their own personal teleconferencing 800 number; (2 )Dial-Out Conference is an optionalfeature that coordinates prearranged operator originated conference calls bycontacting and connecting theparticipants. (3 )Call- In Conference is an optional featurethat allows a participant to join a conference in progress by using theirCalling card. (C)Personal Speed Dial List The Personal Speed Dial List allows the Customer to set up and change a list of theirmost frequently dialed domestic andinternational telephone numbers, for the convenience of speed dialing. * - All Material on this Page is New DATED: September 26, 1995 ISSUED BY:George De Sola , PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.23* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' 14 INACALL Calling Card Service, (Cont' d. 3 .14 .INACALL Calling Card Service (A)Calling Card Rates Per Minute Rate $0. Per Call Surcharge Direct Dialed Operator Assisted $0. $0. (B)Enhanced INACALL Calling Card Features (1) (2 ) Call Delivery - Message Per Minute $0. Call Delivery - Confirmation $0. (3 )Teleconferencing 1st Minute/Participant $2. Add'l Minute/Participant $0. (4)Personal Speed Dial List No Charge * - All Material on this Page is New ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionGeorge De Sola, President Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 DATED: September 26, 1995 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D. ) 15 INACALL Account Code Service An arrangement whereby the Company, by means of multi-digitAccount Codes, provides the Customer with the capability to allocate usage charges to separate cost centers. The Customer shall be required to input appropriate codes before the callis processed. The Customer may order either non-validated or validated Account Codes. This service is only available to Customers using INACALL 1+ Switched Services. 15.Non-validated Account Codes Non-validated Account Codes are used by the Customer to categorize and secure communications expenditures and access. The Customer notifies the Company as to how many digits, from two (2) to four(4), shall be dialed and the Company'network shall only authorize calls which are associated wi th an Account Code with the correct number ofdigits. The Customer controls the assignment of the actual numbers to be dialed. Monthly Recurring Charge (Per Account Group) $ 0.(R) 15.Validated Account Codes Validated Account Codes are verified by the sequence of the digits dialed. The Customer islimited to three (3) or four (4) digits for eachaccount code. The caller must know the pre- assigned account code to complete the call. Monthly Recurring Charge (Per Account Group) $ 2.(R) Nonrecurring Charges Installation $ 5. $ 5. (R) Charge for Code Changes Effect ve: November 1 , 1997DATED: October 17 , 1997 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Idaflo Public Ut111ties C61T11'n1ss1ue Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 N&VctO1.. 1997 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.25* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' 16 INACALL Employee Advantage INACALL Employee Advantage provides service to Inacom employees within Idaho at a discounted rate. Calls are billedin six (6) second increments with a minimum initial billing period of thirty (30) seconds. Calls are rated on a Peak and Off -Peak periods based upon the time frames established below. 16.INACALL Employee Advantage - Per Minute Rates Peak $0.1800 $0.1000Off-Peak 16.Ra te periods Peak From 8:00 AM to, but not including, 5: 00 PM , Monday through Friday. Off-Peak All remaining times of the week not covered above. * - All Material on this Page is New ISSUED BY: Effective: October 6, 1995 Idaho Public Utilities Commission George De Sola , President Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha , Nebraska 68154 OCT 6 - 1995 DATED: September 26, 1995 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11.25. Cancels Original Page 11.25. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D. ) 17 INACALL Home Business Advantage INACALL Home Business Advantage service willbe billed (T)utilizing the same rates and rate periods as those specified in INACALL 1+ Switched Service. (T) (D) (D) DATED: October 17 , 1997 ISSUED BY: Effective: November 1, 1997 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCraig Madsen, Vice President of lnance Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 tt&IJD~or 1997 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' 18 INACALL Bill Manager Service (T) Customers of INACALL service may request the Company to provide them with additional billing capabilities depending on the INACALL product the Customer subscribes to. 18.Enhanced Billing Manager Service (T) The Enhanced Billing Manager service provides various summary billing detail reports based uponthe customers needs. The reports provided by this service are in greater detail than the normal monthly billing detail. 18.Multi-Location Billing Service (T) The Customer may request the Company to provide aMulti-Location monthly bill, if the Customer has more than one billing location within the State of Idaho. 18.Other Monthly Billing Fees (T) (A)There will be a monthly billing fee forBusiness Accounts when their billing fallsbelow the $100 per month threshold. (B)There will be monthly billing fee for INACALL Employee Advantage Service accounts when the employee s billing falls below the$25 per month threshold. ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILlN( AUG 1 9 1996 DATED: August 9, 1996 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 11. Cancels Original Page 11. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D . ) 18.Rate Structure (T) (T) 18 INACALL Bill Manager Service, (Cont' d. (A)Enhanced Billing Manager Service - ~ Additional Monthly Charqe Inbound Only Report $ 1. $ 1. $ 2. Outbound Only Report Combination Report Diskette Copy $ 2. $10. Account Code Summary Report (B)Multi-Location Billing Service Monthly Charge $ 7. (C)Other Monthly Billing Fees Business Account Monthly Fee Employee Advantage Monthly Fee $ 2. $ 2. ISSUED BY: Effective: August 19, 1996 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCraig Madsen, Vice President 0 lnance Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 AUG 1 91996 DATED: August 9, 1996 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.27.1 (*) SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' D. ) 19 INACALL Partner Program INACALL PArtner Program provides outbound and inbound serviceto affiliated companies within Idaho at discounted rates. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial billing period of eighteen (18) seconds. 19.Per Minute Rates Switched outbound and inbound service $0.2390 $0.1000Dedicated outbound and inbound service * - All material on this Page is new. ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Inacom Communications , Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effect ve: November 1 1997 Idaho ~ublic Utilities CommissionFinance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Nav 1 - 1997 TMX: IDi9701 DATED: October 17 , 1997 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.28* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 20 INACALL Plus Switched Service - ~ INACALL Plus Switched Service is a flat rate outbound serviceutilizing switched access facilities. Customers must be pre subscribed to Inacom for this service. Calls are billed insix (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six (6) seconds. one (1) year term plan is available to Customers based upon the terms and conditions provided below. 20.INACALL Plus Te~ Plan Conditions (A)The Customer agrees to sign a Term Plan Agreement with Inacom for a minimum period ofone ( 1) year. (B)Customers who terminate the Term Plan Agreement prior to the expiration of the term, shall pay Inacom a short fall penalty in the amount of the Customer I minimum average monthly billing, excluding taxes, times theremaining months on the term and any addi tional costs associated wi th the collection of said amount. *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 61998 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9BO1,tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.29* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 20 INACALL Plus Switched Service,( Con t I d . ) 20.INACALL Plus Te~ Plan Conditions,(con t I d. ) (C)The Company reserves the right to waive the short fall penal ties, at its discretion. (D)The Company reserves the right to rescind the Term Plan Agreement if billed usage drops twenty-five (25%) percent or more below the commitment level. In that event, the per minute rate would default to the standardrate. 20.Rates Per Minute Rate:$0.2190 *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sew;tary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 2 6 1998 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications , Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9BO1.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.30* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT I D . ) 21 INACALL Plus Dedicated Service INACALL Plus Dedicated Service is a flat rate outbound service utilizing dedicated access facilities. Customers must sign aone (1) year term plan with Inacom based upon the terms and conditions of the INACALL Plus Dedicated Network Services TermPlan provided in Section 3.25. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six(6) seconds. Per call charges as well as monthly recurring charges apply. 21.Monthly Recurring Charge The monthly recurring charge provides the Customer with direct connection with the Company I s Point ofPresence. The monthly recurring charge is appliedfor each dedicated access circuit, T- equivalent, that is connected to the network. Additionally, the Customer will be billed Local Loop installation and monthly recurring charges (on a pass-through basis) in the event that the Local Loop charges are billed to Inacom as agent for the Customer. 21.2 Rate Structure (A)Per Minute Rate $0.1000 (B)Monthly Recurring Charge $110. *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 2 6 1998 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9801.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.31* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT 'D. ) 21 INACALL Plus Dedicated Service,(Cont' d. 21.Rate Structure,(con t ' d. ) (C) (D) INACALL Plus Dedicated Customers whose minimummonthly usage for INACALL Plus Dedicated service is within the ranges listed in Section 21.2 (A) and who sign a one year discount term plan, will be eligible for the discountedrates. The Customer I discount eligibilitywill be based upon the Customer I monthlybilling at the time the Customer requests entry into the plan. This plan will not be automatically given to Customers of record at the time of the plan's implementation. The Company reserves the right to rescind or adjust the Discount Plan if the Customer' usage drops twenty-five (25) percent below the minimum qualifying level. (E)Intrastate and interstate usage will included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount, as well as the discount amount. (F)New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the INACALL Plus Dedicated volume and term discount plan. *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998 Boise, Idaho Effective: September 26, 1998 . . Issued: September 16 , 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9801.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.32* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 22 INACALL Plus "800" Switched Service INACALL Plus 800 Switched Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing switched access facilities. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations within the state of Idaho. With INACALL Plus 800 Switched service, the Customer is charged for the callnot the calling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six (6) seconds. Term plans as defined in the INACALL plus SwitchedService, Section 3.2 a of this tariff , also apply to this service. The Directory Listing Charge is a monthly charge the Company passes through to the Customer that allows the Customer to have the relevant 800 number listed in the 800 Directory Assistance service. 22.Rate Structure (A)Per Minute Rate:$0.2190 (B)Monthly Recurring Charge: ( C)Monthly Dir. Asst. Listing:$ 15. 00 *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 I SSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9801,tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.33* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT ' D . ) 23 INACALL Plus Toll Free Switched PIN Service INACALL Plus Toll Free Switched PIN Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing switched access facilities and a four (4) digit PIN number. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations wi thin the state of Idaho. With INACALL PI us Toll Free Switched PINservice, the Customer is charged for the call, not the callingparty. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of thirty (30) seconds. Utilization of the PIN number results in the call being routed to a specific termination point. 23.Rate Structure (A)Per Minute Rate:$0.2190 (B)Monthly Recurring Charge:$1. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998 *All material on this page is new. Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9BO1.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.34* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT I D . ) 24 INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service is a flat rate inbound calling service utilizing dedicated access facilities. This service permits the Customer to receive incoming calls from all locations within the state of Idaho. With INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 service, the Customer is charged for the call,not the calling party. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum initial calling period of six (6)seconds. Per call charges as well as monthly recurring charges apply. Customers must sign a one (1) year term plan with Inacom based upon the terms and conditions of the INACALL Plus Dedicated Network Services Term Plan provided in Section 25. 25.Monthly Recurring Charge The monthly recurring charge provide the Customer with direct connection with the Company I s Point ofPresence. The monthly recurring charge is appliedfor each dedicated access circuit, T- equivalent, that is connected to the network. Additionally, the Customer will be billed Local Loop installation and monthly recurring charges (on a pass-through basis) in the event that the Local Loop charges are billed to Inacom as agent for the Customer. *All material on this page is new. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998 Boise Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 idi9801.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.35* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT I D . ) 25 INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service,(Cont I d. 25.Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features (A)Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) The Customer is permitted to receive calls made to multiple 800 numbers on the same service group and to identify the 800 number that was dialed by the calling party. This service is only available on Dedicated Access and is available on a stand alone basis or inconjunction with Automatic Number Identification below. (B)Automatic Number Identification (ANI) ANI services provides the Customer with the ANI of the calling party, if the call originates from an Equal Access end office. The Company shall provide ANI on an 8 a a number and a service group basis. This service is only available on Dedicated Access. ANI is'only available in conjunction with Dialed Number Identification Service above. (C)800 Call Overflow This service permits calls made to a service group in which all trunks are busy to forwarded to another telephone number at the same location predesignated by the Customer.This service is only available on DedicatedAccess. The nonrecurring and monthly charges shall be waived if the Customer subscribes to this service for the same routing arrangements for interstate service. *All material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective:September 26 , 1998 Idaho P~blic Utilities CommissionFinance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998idi9801.tms ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Inacom Communications, Inc. 10 81 a Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.36* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 25 INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service,(Cont I d. 25.Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features, (cont I d. (D) (E) Rate Structure ( 1)$0.1000Per Minute Rate: (2 )Monthly Recurring Charge $110. (3 )Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features Installation Charge With ANI Delivery Without ANI Delivery Monthl V Recurrinq Charqe With ANI Delivery Without ANI Delivery 800 Call Overflow Per Minute Charge $450. $200. $ 85. $ 75. $0.2190 INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Customers whose minimum monthly usage for INACALL PlusDedicated 800 service is wi thin the ranges listed in Section 3.25.2 (D) (1) above and who sign a one year discount term plan, will beeligible for the discounted rates. The Customer I s discount eligibility will be based upon the Customer's monthly billing at thetime the Customer requests entry into theplan. This plan will not be automatically given to Customers of record at the time of the plan I s implementation. (F)The Company reserves the right to rescind or adjust the Discount Plan if the Customer I usage drops twenty-five (25) percent below the minimum qualifying level. *All material on this page is new. Effective:September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionFinance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E~BO~tm9 1998 Issued: September 16 , 1998 Craig Madsen, Vice President of Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.37* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 25 INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service,(Cont I d. 25.Dedicated 800 Services Enhanced Features, (cont I d. (G)Intrastate and interstate usage will included in the calculation for the monthly usage amount, as well as the discount amount. (H)New Customers must provide proof of previous monthly billing statements to qualify for the INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service volume andterm discount plan. 26 INACALL Plus Dedicated Network Services Te~ Plan 26.Customer Commitment The Customer agrees to a minimum of 25,000 minutesof use per month. INACALL Plus Dedicated and INACALL Plus Dedicated 800 Service billings are combined for calculation of total monthly usage. 26.Shortfall Penalty: Shortfall in minimum billing (less than 25,000 minutes per month) will be charged and added to Customer I s current total monthly usage. Shortfall Penalty, per minute rate:$0.2190 26.Penal ties for Early Discontinuance: Early discontinuance in service will result in the imposition of the following penalty fees: *AII material on this page is new. ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen, Vice President Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Effective: September 26, 1998 f F Idaho Public Utilities Commissionlnance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S EP,9SitnG 199B Issued: September 16, 1998 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.38* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES ( CONT I D . ) 26 INACALL Plus Dedicated Network Services Te~ Plan,( Con t ' d . ) 26.Penal ties for Early Discontinuance: (cont' d. (A) (B) (C) A $500.00 minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial monthsbilling will be rounded to the nearest full month; A Point of Presence (POP) connection charge of $110.00 shall be multiplied by the number ofmonths remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month; Any applicable monthly Local Loop charges shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial month'billing will be rounded to the nearest fullmonth. This applies only when the local loop is billed directly to the Customer by the Company; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec;etary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 6 1998 *All material on this page is new.Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Inacom Communications , Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: idi9801.tms Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.39* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT I D . ) 26 INACALL Plus Dedicated Network Services Te~ Plan,( Con t I d . ) 26.Penal ties for Early Discontinuance:,(cont I d. In addition, early discontinuance penalties apply to the following Enhanced Features: (D)If the Customer is using Enhanced 800 Services(ANI Delivery/DNIS Option/800), an $85. minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be mul tiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month; (E)If the Customer is using Enhanced 800 Services (DNIS Option/BOO), a $75. 00 minimum monthly discontinuance fee shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term; any partial months billing will be rounded to the nearest full month. 26.Te~ Plan Renewal The Term Plan Agreement will not automatically renew itself at the end of the one (1) year period. If the Customer chooses to continue the Dedicated Term Plan Discount, a new term plan must be signed. Rules and regulations in effect at the time of the new term plan signing will be applicable. 26.Waiver of Penalties The Company, at its discretion , may waive the Shortfall penalty and any or all of the Penalties of Discontinuance, provided in 3.26.2 and 3.26. above. *AII material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 ISSUED BY: Effective: September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCraig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FiLING 10 81 a Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 S~CO1.gs 6 1998 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.40* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT I D . ) 27 INACALL Plus Calling Card Service INACALL Plus Calling Card Service allows the Customer to place calls within the State of Idaho while away from the home oroffice. The Customer must dial an 11800 II number and a special access code before completing the call. Calls are billed insix (6) second increments with a minimum initial callingperiod of one (1) minute. Per minute charges as well as a percall surcharge apply to all INACALL Plus Calling Cardservices. 27.Enhanced INACALL Plus Calling Card Services The following calling card features are being offered by the Company to Customers of INACALL PlusCalling Card Service. Enhanced Calling Card Services are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum initial calling period of one (1)minute. Enhanced calling card service rates are applied on a stand-alone basis and are not combined with any other usage rates. In addition other non- regulated calling card services may be offered to the Customer. (A)Call Delivery Call Delivery Message is an automated service that will deliver recorded messagesvia the telephone. There are two delivery options for the messages , IMMEDIATE delivery and FUTURE de 1 i ve ry . Should the Customer choose , Call Delivery Confirmation is also available, at addi tional cost. The Customer is provided instructions on how to receive Call Delivery Confirmation during the initial Call Delivery - Message phase. *All material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Craig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILINC 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 SEP 2 61998 idi9801.tms ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.41 * SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT ' D . ) 27 INACALL Plus Calling Card Service, 27.Enhanced (cont'd. (B) (Cont' d. INACALL Plus Services,Calling Card Teleconferencing There are three (3) basic options for INACALL Plus Teleconferencing: (1) (2 ) (3 ) (C) Meet-Me Conference is an optional featurethat allows customers to join theparticipants by dialing their own personal teleconferencing 800 number; Dial-Out Conference is an optionalfeature that coordinates prearranged operator originated conference calls bycontacting and connecting theparticipants. Call- In Conference is an optional featurethat allows a participant to join a conference in progress by using their Call ing card. Personal Speed Dial List The Personal Speed Dial List allows the Customer to set up and change a list of theirmost frequently dialed domestic andinternational telephone numbers, for the convenience of speed dialing. *All material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCraig Madsen, Vice President of Finance Office of the SecretaryInacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 ISSUED BY: ~~~1.2s 6 1998 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.42* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT I D . ) 27 INACALL Plus Calling Card Service, (Cont I d. 27.INACALL Plus Calling Card Service (A)Calling Card Rates Per Minute Rate $0. Per Call Surcharge Direct Dialed $0. Operator Assisted $0. (B)Enhanced INACALL Plus Calling Card Features ( 1)Call Delivery - Message Per Minute $0. (2 )Call Delivery - Confirmation $0. (3 )Teleconferencing 1st Minute/Participant $2. Add'l Minute/Participant $0. (4 )Personal Speed Dial List No Charge *All material on this page is new. ISSUED BY: Effective: September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 SEP 2 61998 idi9801,tms Issued: September 16 , 1998 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.43* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT ' D . ) 28 INACALL Plus Account Code Service An arrangement whereby the Company, by means of multi-digit Account Codes , provides the Customer with the capability to allocate usage charges to separate cost centers. The Customer shall be required to input appropriate codes before the call is processed. The Customer may order either non-validated or validated Account Codes. This service is only available to Customers using INACALL PI us Switched Services. 28.Non-validated Account Codes Non-validated Account Codes are used by the Customer to categorize and secure communications expenditures and access. The Customer notifies the Company as to how many digits, from two (2) to four(4), shall be dialed and the Company I s network shall only authorize calls which are associated wi th an Account Code wi th the correct number ofdigits. The Customer controls the assignment of the actual numbers to be dialed. Monthly Recurring Charge (Per Account Group) $ 0. 28.Validated Account Codes Validated Account Codes are verified by the sequence of the digits dialed. The Customer islimited to three (3) or four (4) digits for eachaccount code. The caller must know the pre- assigned account code to complete the call. Monthly Recurring Charge (Per Account Group) $ 2. Nonrecurring ChargesInstallation Charge for Code Changes $ 5.$ 5. *All material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective:September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionFinance Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S~Pe8o 6 1998 ISSUED BY:Craig Madsen , Vice President of Inacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.44* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,( CONT ' D . ) 29 INACALL Plus Bill Manager Service Customers of INACALL Plus service may request the Company to provide them with additional billing capabilities depending on the INACALL plus product the Customer subscribes to. 29.Enhanced Billing Manager Service The Enhanced Billing Manager service provides various summary billing detail reports based upon the customers needs. The reports provided by this service are in greater detail than the normal monthly billing detail. 29.Multi-Location Billing Service The Customer may request the Company to provide aMulti-Location monthly bill, if the Customer has more than one billing location within the State of Idaho. 29.Other Monthly Billing Fees (A)There will be a monthly billing fee for Business Accounts when their billing falls below the $100 per month threshold. (B)There will be monthly billing fee for INACALL Plus Employee Advantage Service accounts when the employee I s billing falls below the $25 per month threshold. *All material on this page is new. I SSUED BY: Effective: September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Craig Madsen , Vice President of Finance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 SEP 2 6 1998idi9801,tms Issued: September 16, 1998 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Original Page 11.45* SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES,(CONT' D. 29 INACALL Plus Bill Manager Service, (Cont' d. 29.Rate Structure (A)Enhanced Billing Manager Service Additional Monthly Charqe Outbound Only Report $ 1. Inbound Only Report $ 1. Combination Report $ 2. Account Code Summary Report $ 2. Diskette Copy $10. (B)Multi-Location Billing Service Monthly Charge $ 7. (C)Other Monthly Billing Fees Business Account Monthly Fee $ 2. *All material on this page is new. Issued: September 16, 1998 Effective: September 26, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionCraig Madsen , Vice President of Flnance Office of the Secretary Inacom Communications , Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 S~~802"J) 1998 ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List First Revised Page 12 Cancels Original Page 12 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Late Payment Charge A late fee of 1.5% per month will be charged on any past duebalance. The Company reserves the right to waive this charge at its discretion. Return Check Charge A return check charge of $25.00 or 5% of the balance due (whichever is greater) will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. Any applicable return check charges will be assessed according to the terms and conditions of thebilling entity (i. e. local exchange company and/or commercial credi t card company) and pursuant to Idaho law and Idaho Public Utility Commission regulations. Material on this page was originally found on Page (T) (M) (T) (M) (T) (T) (M) (T) I (I) (M) DATED: September 26 , 1995 I SSUED BY: Effective: October 6 , 1995 Idaho Public Utilities CommissiON Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 6 - 1995 George De Sola, PresidentInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha , Nebraska 68154 Boise. Idaho Inacom Communications, Inc.Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 13 Cancels First Revised Page 13 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES , (CONT'D. Directory Assistance Directory Assistance is available to Customers of Inacom Service. A Directory Assistance charge applies to each callto the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whetherthe Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance, Per Call $0.(I) ISSUED BY: Effect ve: November 1. 1997loahol"ublic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary Craig Madsen, Vice President of Flnance ACCEPTED FOR FILINInacom Communications, Inc. 10810 Farnam Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOV 1 - 1997 TMX: IOi9701 DATED: October 17 , 1997 Boise. Idaho