HomeMy WebLinkAboutIncomnet Communications Corp.pdfIncomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Title Page This price list replaces National Telephone & Communications, Inc. Price List in its entirety Incomnet Communications Corporation TELECOMMUNICA nONS PRICE LIST Incomnet' Toll-free Telephone Number: (800) 569-4682 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLA T A and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Incomnet Communications Corporation within the State of Idaho. Issued: January 15, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ~ c' Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page Cancels Original Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents....................................... ............... TermsandAbbreviations ................................................ RulesandRegulations .................................................. Description of Service & Rates ........................................... GrandfiitheredServ~es ...............................................(T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 2 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - A local channel for voice, data, or video communications which connects the Customer location to a location of the Company. Account - The Customer who has agreed, verbally or by signature, to honor the terms of service established by the Company. An account may have more than one access code billed to the same Customer address. Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or End User upon access to the Company s system to notify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use of his or her assigned Authorization Code. Calling Card - A billing convenience whereby the End User may bill the charges for a call to an approved local exchange company-issued Calling Card. The terms and conditions of the local exchange company shall apply to payment arrangements. Commission - Refers to the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Company - Incomnet Communications Corporation (Incomnet), unless stated otherwise. Company s Point of Presence - Location of the serving central office associated with access to the Company s network. Customer - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses service under the terms and conditions of this tariff and is responsible for the payment of charges. Customer Dialed Calling Card Call - A service whereby the End User dials all of the digits necessary to route and bill the call. Dedicated Access - A method of reaching the Company s services whereby the Customer is connected directly to the Company s Point of Presence without utilizing services of the local switched network. Issued: January 15, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 3 Cancels Original Page 3 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' End User - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses the service of the Company under the terms and conditions of this tariff. The End User is responsible for payment unless the charges for the service utilized are paid by the Customer. Equal Access - A form of dialed access provided by local exchange companies whereby interexchange calls dialed by the Customer are automatically routed to the Company s network. Presubscribed Customers may also route interexchange calls to the Company s network by dialing an access code supplied by the Company. (D) (D) Initial And Additional Period - The Initial Period denotes the interval of time allowed at the rate specified for a connection between given service points. The Additional Period denotes the interval of time used for measuring and charging for time in excess of the Initial Period. LATA - Local Area of Transport and Access Special Access - See Dedicated Access. Switched Access - A method for reaching the Company through the local switched network whereby the End User uses standard business or residential local lines. Terminal Equipment - Telecommunications devices, apparatus and associated wiring on the Premises of the Customer. Travel Card - A billing mechanism which enables the Customer to access the service of the Company while away from home or office. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 4 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of Incomnet Incomnet's services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLATA and interLATA communications originating at specified points within the state ofIdaho under terms of this price list. Incomnet installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this price list. Incomnet may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer s location to the Incomnet network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this price list. Incomnet reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions ofthis price list, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. Issued: January 15 , 1999 Effective: January 25 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 5 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations, (Cont' All services and resold facilities provided under this price list are directly or indirectly controlled by Incomnet and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Presubscribed service is available from equal access locations only. Travel service is available from any originating location in the state. Use Services provided under this price list may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. Issued: January 15, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 6 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 2.4 Payment for Service All charges due by the Customer are payable to Incomnet or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customers are responsible for all charges associated with their account, including all charges placed against Travel Card numbers. Customers claiming not to be responsible for more than five calls on anyone statement may be required to accept a Travel Card number change issued by Incomnet. Taxes All state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Cancellation Customers must provide thirty days written notification to Incomnet prior to cancellation. Customers are responsible for all charges, including fixed fees, which accrue up to the cancellation date. Issued: January 15, 1999 Effective: January 25, 1999 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator ACC~~TEf cretary2801 Main Street III NG Irvine, California 92614 J AN 2 5 1999 ISSUED BY: Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 7 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Refunds or Credits for Service Outages or Deficiencies Credit allowances for interruptions of service caused by service outages or deficiencies are limited to the initial minimum period call charges for re-establishing the interrupted call. 800 Numbers The Company will make every effort to reserve "800" vanity numbers on behalf of customers, but makes no guarantee or warrantee that the requested "800" number(s) will be available or assigned to the customer requesting the number. 2 If a Customer accumulates undisputed past-due charges, the Company reserves the right not to honor the Customer s request for a change in 800 service to another carrier (e. , " porting" of the 800 number), including a request for a Responsible Organization (Resp. Org.) change, until such time as all charges are paid in full. 800 numbers shared by more than one Customer, whereby individual customers are identified by a unique Personal Identification Number, may not be assigned or transferred for use with service provided by another carrier. Subject to the limitations provided in Section 2., the Company will only honor Customer requests for change in Resp. Org. or 800 service provider for 800 numbers dedicated to the sole use of that single Customer. Issued: January 15, 1999 Effective: January 25, 1999 ISSUED BY: Idaho Public Utilities CommissionDale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal AffaIrs CoordInator Office of the Secretary2801 Main Street ACCEPTED FOR FILING Irvine, California 92614 JAN 2 51999 Sfli,(", rdaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 8 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES General Incomnet offers 1 + outbound, inbound "800" and travel card service to its Customers for communications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho under terms of this tariff. Intrastate service is offered in conjunction with interstate service. 1.1 Public Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company s expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97 - 371), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company s services. This surcharge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access the Company service and is unrelated to the Company s service accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i., using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a carrier that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge does not apply to calls placed from pay telephones at which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call. Rate per Call $0. Issued: January 15, 1999 ISSUED BY: Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator Office of the Secretary 2801 Main Street ACCEPTED FOR FILING Irvine, California 92614 JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 9 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Calculation of Distance U sage charges for mileage sensitive services vary based on the type of service subscribed to by the Customer. For services utilizing switched access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance in airline miles between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating stations. For services utilizing dedicated access, mileage measurements for rate schedules are based on the distance in airline miles between the Incomnet network access point associated with the station utilizing Dedicated Access Origination/Termination and the rate center associated with the called/calling station. The distance between the originating and terminating points is calculated by using the "V" and H" coordinates of the serving wire centers as defined by BellCore (Bell Communications Research), in the following manner: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Formula: Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the serving wire center or network access point serving the Customer s location and the called/calling station. Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates. Obtain the difference between the "H" coordinates. Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Add the squares ofthe "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Obtain the square root ofthe whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the originating and terminating locations ofthe call. ) + (Hl - Issued: January 15 , 1999 ISSUED BY: Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dale DeForge, RegulatorylLegal Affairs Coordinator Office of the Secretary2801 Main Street ACCEPTED FOR FILING Irvine, California 92614 J A N 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 10 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Timing of Calls Long distance usage charges are based on the actual usage of the Company s network. Chargeable time begins when the calling and the called station are connected. Chargeable time ends when the calling service point terminates, thereby releasing the network connection. If the called party hangs up but the calling number does not chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by signal from the called party location or by automatic timing equipment in the telephone network. Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, the minimum call duration for billing purposes is eighteen (18) seconds. 3.4 Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, usage is measured and rounded in six (6) second increments for billing purposes. The Company shall not bill for unanswered calls. Issued: January 15 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 5 1999 Boise. Idaho ' ' Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page Cancels Original Pa&e . SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Rate Periods The following time-of-day and day-of-week rate periods are applicable to all calls.(D) (D) MON TUE WED I THUR FRI SAT I SUN 8:00 AM DAYTIME or PEAK RATE PERIOD 5:00 PM* 5:00 PM EVENING or OFF PEAK RATE PERIOD 11:00 PM* 11:00 PM NIGHTIWEEKEND or OFF PEAK RATE PERIOD 8:00 AM* * Up to, but not including Calls are billed based on the rate in effect for the actual time-of-day rate period(s) during which the call occurs. Calls that cross rate period boundaries are billed the rate in effect in that boundary for each portion of the call. tdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 12 Cancels First Revised Page 12 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 200f Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 13 Cancels Original Page 13 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Residential 800 Service Residential 800 Service allows Customers to receive incoming calls from anywhere within the State of Idaho. The Customer, not the calling party, will be billed for the call. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. Per minute rates as well as an installation fee and a monthly recurring fee is associated with this service. This service is designed for Customers with less than $50 of 800" usage per month. Rate Structure DAY EVENING NI GHT /WEEKEND Initial Add'Initial Add'Initial Add' 30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec. 1100 0222 0945 0189 0945 0189 Installation Fee $10. (D) Monthly Service Fee $ 3. 6.4 Prompt Pay Discount See Section 3.9 for the present Prompt Pay Discount applicable to Residential 800 Service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 14 Cancels Original Page 14 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Business 800 Service Business 800 Service allows Customers to receive incoming calls from anywhere within the State ofldaho. The Customer, not the calling party, will be billed for the call. Calls are billed , in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Per minute rates as well as an installation fee and a monthly recurring fee is associated with this service. This service is designed for Customers with greater than $50 of 800" usage per month. Rate Structure DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND Initial Add'Initial Add'Initial Add' 18 sec.6 sec.18 sec.6 sec.18 sec.6 sec. 0900 0300 0900 0300 0900 0300 Installation Fee $50. (D) Monthly Service Fee $10. 7.4 800 Portability Fee $50. (D) Vanity Number One Time Fee $50. Prompt Pay Discount See Section 3.9 for the present Prompt Pay Discount applicable to Business 800 Service. ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: O ~~~ission ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Issued: October 9, 2001 idi 0.104Boise, rda~o Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 15 Cancels Original Page 15 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 16 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Prompt Pay Discount Customers who pay their bill within the allowed time frames, as provided on the bill, and have usage of more than $10.00 for residential service or $25.00 for business service , will receive a discount on their next months telephone usage. Customer will be given instructions on the bill as it relates to the total amount the Customer is required to pay. The Prompt Pay Discount is only applicable to Dial-, Residential 800, Business 800, Dial-l "Flag" Travel Card Service No Surprises and Half Price Club Service. Prompt Pay Discount Percentage 10.00% Issued: January 15, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: January 25 , 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 17 Cancels Original Page 17 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) 'daho ~fbIiC Utilities CommissionACCE PT f the Secretary FOR F/LINC SEP 3 - 1999 Material previously found on this page now found on Page Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 18 Cancels Original Page 18 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 , 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 280 I Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19 Cancels Original Page 19 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, RegulatorylLegal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 20 Cancels Original Page 20 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic~ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Material previously found on this page now found on Page 58 S E P 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Effective: September 3, 1999Issued: August 24, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 21 Cancels Original Page 21 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Material previously found on this page now found on Page Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 23 Cancels Original Page 23 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page 68 a 0 U IC tlhtles Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 24 Cancels Original Page 24 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission AC Office of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 25 Cancels Original Page 25 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 26 Cancels Original Page 26 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise. Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, RegulatorylLegal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 27 Cancels Original Page 27 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise. Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 28 Cancels Original Page 28 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 29 Cancels Original Page 29 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page 71 . , daho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30 Cancels Original Page 30 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) ,., Material previously found on this page now found on Page 72 Idaho Public U mmlSSlon Office of the Secretary CCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 31 Cancels Original Page 31 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) I,' Material previously found on this page now found on Page 73 Idaho Public Utilities C ' Office of the ommlssrOIl ACCEPTE ecretary OR FILING OCT 1 9 200t Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 32 Cancels Original Page 32 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Material previously found on this page now found on Page 74 Idaho Pub,. . IC 'tIes Commission Office of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 200t Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 33 Cancels Original Page 33 Incomnet Communications Corporation SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Issued: July 17, 2000 ISSUED BY: Effective: July 27, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission . . Office of the SecretaryJoyce StI~es, Corporate ComplIance DIrector ACCEPTED FOR FILING2801 MaIn Street Irvine, California 92614 J U L 2 7 2000 idiOOO3 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 34 Cancels Original Page 34 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This Page Intentionally Blank) Issued: July 17, 2000 ISSUED BY: I d a h 17- Vu~fi!i omiti u~rl m ~ 7?s ~~00 Office of the Secretary Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director ACCEPTED FOR FILING 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 J U L 2 7 2000 idiOOO3 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 35 Cancels Original Page 35 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This Page Intentionally Blank) Issued: July 17, 2000 ISSUED BY: Effective: July 27, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director ACCEPTED FOR FILING2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 J U L 2 7 2000 idiOOO3 Boise. Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 36 Cancels Original Page 36 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This Page Intentionally Blank) Issued: July 17, 2000 ISSUED BY: Effective: July 27, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission . . Office of the SecretaryJoyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance DIrector ACCEPTED FOR FILING 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 J U l 2 7 2000 idiOOO3 Boise. Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 37 Cancels Original Page 37 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This Page Intentionally Blank) Issued: July 17, 2000 ISSUED BY:Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Effective: July 27, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 2 7 2000 idiOOO3 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 38 Cancels Original Page 38 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Material previously found on this page now found on Page 60 Boise. Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 39 Cancels Original Page 39 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic~ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Material previously found on this page now found on Page Boise. Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi99 0 3 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 40 Cancels Original Page 40 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Material previously found on this page now found on Page Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 41 Cancels Original Page 41 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Material previously found on this page now found on Page Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 42 Cancels Original Page 42 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 43 Cancels Original Page 43 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank).(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 44 Cancels Original Page 44 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank).(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Effective: September 3 , 1999Issued: August 24, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 45 Cancels Original Page 45 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page 75 Idaho Public u" Off ti/rtres Commission ACCE PTE~h Secretary R FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 46 Cancels Original Page 46 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Effective: September 3 , 1999Issued: August 24, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 47 Cancels Original Page 47 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 48 Cancels Original Page 48 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 t;;l;,;"" . Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 49 Cancels Original Page 49 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 8oise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 280 I Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 50 Cancels Original Page 50 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank)) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission ACCE of the Secretary D FOR FILING OCT 1 9 200f Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 51 Cancels Original Page 51 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Comm ' . Off ISSlon ACCEPT the Secretary FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 , 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 52 Cancels Original Page 52 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (This page intentionally blank)) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Comm - . Off iSSion ACCEPT the Secretary FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Ejl.jj~. idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 53 Cancels Original Page 53 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public UtilT Material previously found on this page now found on Page 79 Office of ~ ' es Commission ACCEPTE ecretary OR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 54 Cancels Original Page 54 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Material previously found on this page now found on Page Idaho Public Utilities Com ' . Office of th mIsSIon ACCEPT ecretary FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 54. Cancels Second Revised Page 54. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' i Plus/i Preferred is a switched service which includes outbound calling, toll free inbound calling and travel card service. Customers nay be billed direct or through the LEC. Outbound and inbound calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum period for billing purposes ofthirty (30) seconds. Travel Card calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes of sixty (60) seconds. Calls are neither time of day nor mileage sensitive. (T) (T) (T) i Plus/i Preferred Outbound rate per minute:$0.140 Inbound toll free rate per minute:$0.140 Travel Card Rate per minute:$0.249 '~aho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 31- 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: January 24, 2001 Effective: February 3 , 2001 ISSUED BY:Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idiO1O2 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 54. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Incomnet Portfolio Service Incomnet Portfolio Service is a switched service targeted primarily at business Customers with identical pricing of inbound toll free service and outbound calling. This service is targeted at business Customers with at least $50.00 in monthly billed interstate, intrastate and international usage, excluding taxes and surcharges, per Customer account. Customers select a Monthly Revenue Commitment (MRC) based on calling patterns. Customers will be billed the difference between actual usage and the monthly minimum should billing in any given month fall below the stated minimum. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum period for billing purposes ofthirty (30) seconds. There is no monthly recurring charge. Calls are neither time of day nor mileage sensitive. In addition to inbound and outbound service, Portfolio Service includes a Travel Card for away from home calling. There is no per call charge associated with Travel Card service. Travel Card calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes of sixty (60) seconds. Inbound & Outbound Service Per Minute Rate:$0.140 Travel Card Service Per Minute Rate:$0.199 (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offic€ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3 , 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 54. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Gold Gold is a switched service which offers direct dial outbound calling, toll free inbound calling and travel card service. A monthly recurring charge applies in addition to usage charges. 32.1 i-Gold Direct Dial Outbound Service Gold Direct Dial Outbound Service is a time-of-day sensitive usage product. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes of thirty (30) seconds. 32.2 i-Gold Toll Free Inbound Service Gold Toll Free Inbound Service calls are billed in six (6) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes ofthirty (30) seconds. Rates are neither time-of- day or mileage sensitive. 32.3 i-Gold Travel Card Service Gold Travel Card Service calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes of sixty (60) seconds. (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 292000 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 19, 2000 Effective: September 29 2000 ISSUED BY:Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idiOO05 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 54.4 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Gold, (Cont' Rate Per Minute: Peak $0.2500 Off-Peak $0.1200 (N) (N) 32.4 Rates Monthly Recurring Charge Rate Per Month:$5. Outbound Service Peak Off-Peak Monday - Friday, 7:00 am-7:00* pm All other times of week * Up to, but not including Inbound Service Rate Per Minute:$0.140 Travel Card Service Rate Per Minute:$0.2490 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 29 2000 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 19, 2000 Effective: September 29 2000 ISSUED BY:Joyce Stiles, Corporate Compliance Director 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idiOO05 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 54. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Mexico Advantage Calling Card Mexico Advantage Calling Card is a prepaid calling card service targeted toward Customers with substantial usage to Mexico. Calls are originated by dialing an access telephone number, followed by a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Prepaid Calling Card accounts maintain a balance which is depleted on a real-time basis as calls are placed. Calls are billed in thirty (30) second increments after an initial period for billing purposes of thirty (30) seconds. There is no per call surcharge. All calls must be charged against a Mexico Advantage Calling Card that has sufficient available balance. Calls in progress will be terminated by the Company if the balance on the Prepaid Card is insufficient to continue the call. Cards may be purchased in denominations of$10., $20.00 and $50.00. Intrastate Rate Per Minute:$0. (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 , 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 55 Cancels Second Revised Page 55 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE & RATES, (CONT' Directory Assistance (T) Directory Assistance is available to Customers of Incomnet. A Directory Assistance charge applies to each call to the Directory Assistance Bureau. Up to two requests may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Directory Assistance, Per Call $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT li~~e91 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List First Revised Page 56 Cancels Original Page 56 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES Sure$aver Service * Sure$aver is a prepaid debit card service. The initial card is purchased for $20., which includes a one-time non-refundable $10.00 installation and set-up fee. Customers are allowed to increase the preauthorized limit at the point of sale or by making a call to Customer Service. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. Sure$aver service will expire after any six (6) month period of no activity. "No Activity" is defined as no calls made or no funds added to your account in any six month period. service expires , any remaining funds will be forfeited and the Sure$aver account will be closed. Rate Structure Prepaid Service Limit Prepaid Limit (A) Up to $99. (B) $100.00 + Rate Per Minute $0.2500 $0.2000 This service originally grandfathered October , 1998 and is available for existing customers only, Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise. Idaho (D) (D) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 57 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Half Price Club * The Half Price Club is an Optional Calling Plan through which a Customer can receive a discount of 60% on all intrastate and interstate Dial-l calls. Calls originated from the Customers presubscribed access line to other presubscribed Incomnet Dial-l Customers will receive the 60% discount after the total monthly usage exceeds $10.00. Loyal Incomnet Customers will receive a 65% Discount for applicable calls during the second year and a 70% discount each year thereafter. Half Price Club calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after an initial period, for billing purposes, of one (1) minute. Calls made by Half Price Club Members to non- Incomnet customers will be billed at the rates provided in Section 3.1. The non-Incomnet customer calls are eligible for the Prompt Pay Discount as described in Section 3.9. Dial-l "Flag" Travel Card Services as well as any " 10xxx" calling service is not applicable for the Half Price Club Discount. *This service originally grandfathered March , 1997 and is available for existing customers only. (M) (T)(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 - 1999Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: August 24, 1999 Boise. Idah Effective: September 3, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, RegulatorylLegal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Effective: September 3, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3 iOi~ Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 58 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' EasyOne * EasyOne Dial-l Service EasyOne service provides the Customer with the option ofhaving all Incomnet Dial- service billed on the Customers normal Local Exchange Company monthly bill. Customers who choose this option receive a 30% discount off of the Dial-l rates provided in Section 3.1 of this tariff. Calls will be billed in six (6) second increments with a nllnimum call duration, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. EasyOne Flag Card EasyOne Flag Card Service allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a 1-800 access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any interstate or intrastate 10cation. Calls are billed in six (6) second mcrements with a nllnimum call duration, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. (A)Rate Structure DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND Initial Add'Initial Add'!.Initial Add' 30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec. 1167 0233 1167 0233 1167 0233 This service grandfathered effective September , 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page 20 Issued: August 24, 1999 ISSUED BY:Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise. Idaho (N)(M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 59 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' EasyOne, (Cont'd. ) * EasyOne WorldWide Service EasyOne WorldWide Service is an EasyOne service designed for Customers with significant international calling. This service is billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial billing period of one (1) minute. Customers who choose this service for international calling receive a 50% discount off the Dial-l rates provided in Section 3.5.1 of this tariff. EasyOne WorldWide Service Flag Card Service is billed at the same rates as EasyOne Flag Card. 3.4 EasyOne Express EasyOne Express is a service designed for Customers with significant international calling. Calls, billed on a Customer s Local Exchange Company bill, are billed in six (6) second increments with an initial billing period of eighteen (18) seconds. The intrastate component of this service is billed at the same rates as EasyOne Dial- Service. This service grandfathered effective September 3, 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page ISSUED BY: Effective: September 3, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dal gula Affi dina Office of the Secretarye e .orge, fte tory eg aITS oor toIACCEPTED FOR FILING 2801 Mam Street Irvine, California 92614 S E P 3 - i199903 Issued: August 24, 1999 Boise. Idaho (N)(M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 60 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Simply Makes Sense * Simply Makes Sense Outbound Service Simply Makes Sense is a switched outbound service billing in one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. Customers are billed usage pIus a monthly recurring charge (MRC). Customers who select this program are eligible for several different discount programs. All Customers will receive a certificate for a rebate at the time Simply Makes Sense service is selected. Each certificate applies to a rebate term of s:ix consecutive months beginning on the date the certificate is sent to the Customer. The certificate may be mailed to the company at anytime during the rebate term up through two months after the rebate term. It will be applied only if the Customer incurs $25.00 in average monthly billing. The rebate amount is calculated on the total amount of intrastate and interstate usage accrued over the s:ix consecutive months and applied to the 7th, 8th or 9th month' billing. The rebate amount will show as a lump sum line item discount amount on the Customer s bill. The rebate amount is limited to and will not exceed the total amount of the bill receiving the rebate (excluding taxes and monthly recurring charges), and the month the rebate is applied is not included in the rebate term. New rebate certificates are sent to Customers as the previous ones are used. The new rebate term will start the month following the rebate month. Standard Credit Customers who meet the above criteria will receive a 15% discount on one month's interstate billing. This service grandfathered effective September 3, 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page ISSUED BY: Effecti'Mah$flm~bf1fjJ ~J?~sion Offic-e of the Secretary Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinatof\CCEPTED FOR FILING2801 Main Street SEP 3 - 1999 Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 (N)(M) (M) (N) Effective: ~_embetl6l~til!)~mission Offic~ of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINGDale DeForge, Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 61 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Simply Makes Sense, (Cont' ) * 4.4.Simply Makes Sense Outbound Service, Cont'd. Expanded Credit Any Customers who select Simply Makes Sense, meet the above criteria and also utilize Incomnet pager service are eligible for an additional one time 5% discount. Service Representative Credit Customers who select Simply Makes Sense as their long distance service will receive an additional 5% discount for becoming a registered service representative with Incomnet. Customer Referral Credit - "TFN" Customers who select Simply Makes Sense and who are also registered service representatives will receive an additional discount equal to 5% ofthe monthly long distance usage generated by qualified referrals to Incomnet. Directory assistance, non-recurring or recurring fees and taxes are not eligible for the monthly discount. The TFN product base amount is the total usage ofthe Incomnet's registered representatives referral Customers enrolled on the Simply Makes Sense Program. For a representative to qualify, the TFN base amount must be equal to or greater than $50 per month. The TFN discount is limited to and will not exceed the total amount of the registered service representatives' monthly billing excluding taxes and MRCs. This service grantlfathered effective September , 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: August 24, 1999 ISSUED BY: SEP 3 - 1999 idi9903 Boise, Idaho (N)(M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 62 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATBERED SERVICES, (CONT' Monthly Recurring Charge:$1.00 (N)(M) (M) 4.4 Simply Makes Sense, (Cont'd. ) * Simply Makes Sense Outbound Service, (Cont' Usage Rates DAY NON-DAY Per Minute Rate $0,1700 $0,1700 This service grandfathered effective September 3, 1999 and is available to existing customers only.(N) Material now found on this page previously found on Page 40 ISSUED BY: Effective: 1di!fti)~~€ffiii?He~ ~~J?mission Offic-e of the Secretary Dale DeForge, Regu1atory/Legal Affairs Coordinator ACCEPTED FOR FILING 2801 Main Street SEP 3 - 1999 Irvine, California 92614 idi9903 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 24, 1999 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 63 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Simply Makes Sense, (Cont' ) * Simply Makes Sense Travel Card Service Simply Makes Sense Travel Card Service allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a toll-free access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any intrastate or interstate location. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of one (1) minute. There is no per call surcharge. Per Minute Rates: DAY NON-DAY Per Minute Rate $0.2333 $0.2333 This service grandfathered effective September , 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page ISSUED BY: Effective: September 3, 1999 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dale DeForge Regulatory/Legal Affairs Coordinator. Offic~ of the Secretary 2801 Main S~eet ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG Irvine, California 92614 S E P 3 - JW9903 Issued: August 24, 1999 Boise. Idaho (N)(M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 64 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Incomnet Choice World Family of Services Incomnet Choice World Family of Services is an intrastate add-on to an interstate and international switched service targeted toward Customers with higher international usage than interstate usage. Billing is in one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. All Customers will receive a certificate for a rebate at the time Incomnet Choice World service is selected. Customers who redeem the certificate will have their accrued credits applied to the fourth month's usage billing. Each Customer who remains on the Incomnet Choice World service for three (3) consecutive months will receive a credit equal to the number of interstate minutes billed in the fourth month, up to a maximum credit of 100 interstate minutes. The credit can be applied to the fourth month's usage only. The credit amount is a one time enrollment bonus which will show as a lump sum line item discount amount on the Customer s bill. Incomnet Choice World Basic Service Incomnet Choice World Service allows customers to place direct dialed calls billed one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. Per Minute Rate:$ 0. Incomnet Choice World Travel Card Incomnet Choice World Travel Card Service allows Incomnet Choice World Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a toll-free access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any intrastate or interstate location. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of one (1) minute. There is no per call surcharge. Per Minute Rate: $ 0. This service grandfathered effective September , 1999 and is available to existing customers only. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: August 24, 1999 Effective: September 3, 1999 I~~ho Public Utilities Commission Dal gu1 ILe Affi din Office of the Secretarye e .orge, e atory. g alfS oor at9~,",~CPTED FOR FILING 2801 Mam Street Irvine, California 92614 ISSUED BY: SEP 3 - 1009903 Boise, IdaOO (N)(M) (M) (N) Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING q~ToI14) 2001 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 65 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dial-l Service * Dial-l Service is designed for business use. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. No minimum usage commitment is required. Calls originate from Customer-provided standard business or residential switched access lines. Customers may make calls from either a presubscribed access line or by dialing the carrier s "10xxx" access code. Rate Structure DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND I Mileage Initial Add'Initial Add'Initial Add' Band 18 sec.6 sec.18 sec.6 sec.18 sec.6 sec. 0690 0230 0600 0200 0480 0160 11-1180 0260 0860 0220 0540 0180 23-1520 0340 1310 0270 1130 0210 56-124 1730 0410 1530 0310 1180 0260 125-292 1820 0440 1610 0370 1130 0310 293+1910 0470 1600 0400 1290 0330 Prompt Pay Discount See Section 3.9 for the present Prompt Pay Discount applicable to Dial-l Service. The rates as described above are not applied to calls originating and terminating within the same county. This service is not available to new residential customers effective September 8, 1997. This service is not available to new business customers effective October 19, 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise, Idaho (M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 66 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Dial-l "FLAG" Travel Card Service Dial-l "FLAG" Travel Card Service allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a 1-800 access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any interstate or intrastate location. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. Rate Structure DAY EVENING NI GHT /WEEKEND Initial Add'l. .Initial Add'Initial Add' 30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec.30 sec.6 sec. 1667 0333 1667 0333 1667 0333 Prompt Pay Discount See Section 3.9 for the present Prompt Pay Discount applicable to Dial-l "Flag Travel Card Service. This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page (T) (M) (M) (N) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 1 9 2001 Issued: October 9 , 2001 Boise, Idaho Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCTiJ~04001 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 67 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D. Sure$aver Gold Service Sure$aver Gold is a prepaid debit card service. There is an activation fee of$15 for the initial purchase of the card. Customers are allowed to increase the pre authorized limit at the point of sale by calling Customer Service and providing a credit card number that will be automatically charged to auto-refill the card whenever the balance falls to $15.00. The card will be refurbished with a minimum of $50.00. The customer can also refill the card by completing and mailing a cash-customer refill form directly to Incomnet. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, ofthirty (30) seconds. The minimum initial activation amount for all cards is $25 not including the initiation fee. Sure$aver Gold service requires an initial set-up fee, which covers the initial establishment of service, the creation of the Customer Record and the validation of any credit card, if applicable. Sure$aver Gold service will expire after any six (6) month period of no activity. " Activity" is defined as no calls made or no funds added to your account in any six month period. If service expires, any remaining funds will be forfeited and the Sure$aver account will be closed. Rate Structure Prepaid Service Limit Prepaid Limit (A) Up to $99. (B) $100.00 + Rate Per Minute $0.2500 $0.2000 Installation & Set Up Fee $15. Monthly Statement Fee F or a monthly fee, Customers of Sure$aver Gold will receive a monthly statement of all Sure$aver Gold usage. Monthly Fee $2. This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise, Idaho (T) (M) (N) (M) Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho Public Utifities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT !li%l~gO1 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 68 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' No Surprises - Business * No Surprises - Business is a flat rate outbound product that permits business Customers to receive discounts on their intrastate service based upon the amount of their monthly bill and the promptness of their payment. Payments are considered to be prompt if paid within 21 days of invoicing. No Surprises calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes of eighteen (18) seconds. No Surprises is offered only in conjunction with interstate servIce. Customers of this service are required to sign a one year contract for this service. If within the first ninety (90) days of the service, the Customer wishes to leave the plan, and return to their original carrier, Incomnet will reimburse the Customer for the cost incurred to switch back to the original carrier. Per Minute Rates Initial 18 Sec. Period $0.0544 Add' 6 Sec. Period $0.0181 Prompt Pay Discount Monthly Billing Level $600 or more per month $300 to $599. Less than $300 per month Discount % 20% 15% 10% This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise, Idaho (T) (M) (M) (N) Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 0 C T ldij) 1ZOO1 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 69 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Simple Choice Simple Choice is a direct dialed outbound service that provides the Customer with a time of day sensitive usage product. Simple Choice calls will be billed in six (6) second increments after an initial calling period, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. 10.1 Time of Day Rate Periods Simple Choice will be rated utilizing Day and Non-Day rate periods. Day 7:00 AM to, but not including, 7:00 PM Monday through Friday. Non-Day 7:00 PM to, but not including, 7:00 AM Monday through Friday. Weekend All other times of the week not identified above. 10.2 Per Minute Rates Initial Add' 18 Sec.6 Sec. Period Period Day $0.0900 $0.0300 Non-Day $0.0630 $0.0210 Weekend $0.0630 $0.0210 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise. Idaho (T) (M) (M) (N) Effective: Octoner .19 ,')001 . . rlfan1l' rul11,c' Ufffities CommISSion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OqJi !1~4 2001 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 70 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Simple Choice, (Cont' 10.3 Simple Choice Bonus Service Simple Choice Customers, that also subscribe to the 800 Call Me service, as defined in this tariff, will have the installation fee waived. 10.4 Simple Choice Travel Calling Card Simple Choice Travel Calling Card allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a 1-800 access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any interstate or intrastate location. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, ofthirty (30) seconds. Rate Structure Initial 30 Sec. Period $0.1165 Add' 6 Sec. Period $0.0233 10.5 Simple Choice International Simple Choice International is an outbound switched service billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period, for billing purposes, of one (I) minute. Calls are billed at a flat rate regardless of time-of-day or mileage. Per minute rate:$0.1500 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise, Idaho (T) (M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 71 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Executive No Surprises * 11.1 Executive No Surprises Outbound Service Executive No Surprises is a flat rate outbound product that permits business Customers to receive discounts on their intrastate service based upon the amount of their monthly bill and the promptness of their payment. Payments are considered to be prompt if paid within 21 days of invoicing. Executive No Surprises calls are billed in six (6) second increments after an initial period, for billing purposes of eighteen (18) seconds. Executive No Surprises is offered only in conjunction with interstate service. (A) Initial 18 Sec. Period $0.0544 Add' 6 Sec. Period $0.0181Per Minute Rates (B)Prompt Pay Discount Monthly Billing Level $600 or more per month $300 to $599. Less than $300 per month Discount % 20% 15% 10% (C)$5.Monthly Recurring Fee This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. (T) (M) (M) (N) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Material now found on this page previously found on Page Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 72 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Executive No Surprises, (Cont'd. ) * 11.2 Executive No Surprises Toll Free Service Executive No Surprises Toll Free Service allows Customers to receive incoming calls from anywhere within the State ofIdaho. The Customer, not the calling party, will be billed for the call. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of eighteen (18) seconds. Per minute rates as well as an installation fee and a monthly recurring fee is associated with this service. This product is only offered in conjunction with Executive No Surprises Outbound Service. Initial Add' 18 Sec.6 Sec. Period Period (A)Per Minute Rates $0.0544 $0.0181 (B)Portability Fee $50. (C)Vanity Number Fee $50. This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. (T) (M) (M) (N) Material now found on this page previously found on Page 30 td8ho Public Utili mmlSSlon free of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: October 9, 2001 Effective: October 19, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 73 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Executive No Surprises, (Cont' ) * Executive No Surprises Travel Card Service Executive No Surprises Travel Card Service allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a 1-800 access number followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any interstate or intrastate location. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of thirty (30) seconds. (A)Rate Structure Initial Add' 30 sec.6 sec. 1458 0292 (B)Prompt Pay Discount Monthly Billing Level $300 or more per month Less than $300 per month Discount % 20% 15% This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. (T) (M) (M) (N) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 9 200t Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9 2001 Wlie. I~BEffective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 74 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT'D. Executive No Surprises, (Cont'd. ) * 11.4 Term Commitment For each month during the term of this Executive No Surprises agreement, the Customer agrees to a minimum monthly billing level of $50, exclusive of monthly recurring fees and/or taxes. In the event that the monthly usage is lower than $50. the Customer shall pay the Company for actual usage and in addition to the actual usage, the customer shall pay the difference between the actual usage amount and the $50.00 minimum amount. Customers of this service are required to sign a one year contract for this service. within the first ninety (90) days of the service, the Customer wishes to leave the plan and return to their original carrier, Incomnet will reimburse the Customer for the cost incurred to switch back to the original carrier. In the event the Customer chooses to cancel service with the Company after ninety (90) days, the Customer shall be responsible for paying an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Customers average monthly usage excluding taxes, monthly recurring fees or discounts as calculated from the preceding month(s) usage prior to the Customer cancellation of service, or the $50.00 minimum monthly usage fee whichever is greater multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term of this agreement. The early termination fee will have a maximum per month fee of $250 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term of the agreement. This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. (T) (M) (M) (N) fd8ho Public Utilities Comm ' . Off' fSSlon ACCEPT o the Secretary 0 FOR FILING OCT 1 9 2001 Material now found on this page previously found on Page Boise, Idaho Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 (N) Idaho P~blic Utilities . AC Office of the s Comm/s5 Effective: October ~~flo~FORe~7l" OCT 1 9 20Ot Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 75 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Incomnet Choice USA Family of Services * Incomnet Choice USA Family of Services is an intrastate add-on to an interstate and international switched service targeted toward Customers with higher interstate usage than international usage. All Customers will receive a one-time certificate for a rebate at the time Incomnet Choice USA service is selected. Customers who redeem the certificate will have their accrued credits applied to the fourth month's usage billing. Each Customer who remains on the Incomnet Choice USA service for three (3) consecutive months will receive a credit equal to the number of interstate minutes billed in the fourth month, up to a maximum credit of 100 interstate minutes. The credit can be applied to the fourth month's usage only. The credit amount is a one time enrollment bonus which will show as a lump sum line item discount amount on the Customer s bill. 12.1 Incomnet Choice USA Basic Service Incomnet Choice USA Basic Service allows Customers to place direct dialed calls billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. Per Minute Rate:$ 0. 12.2 Incomnet Choice USA Travel Card Service Incomnet Choice USA Travel Card Service allows Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a toll-free access number followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any intrastate or interstate location. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of one (1) minute. There is no per call surcharge. Per Minute Rate: $ 0.25 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise Idaho idi 0104 (T) (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Co .Office of the mmlssiOIi ACCEPTED FO ~7UN( Effective: October 19? ~dot 9 200f Boise. Idaho Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 76 SECTION 4 - GRANDFATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Incomnet Choice International Select Incomnet Choice International Select is a switched service billing in one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. This service is targeted toward Customers with higher international usage than interstate usage to those select countries as indicated in FCC Tariff No. 4. 13.1 Incomnet Choice International Select Basic Service Incomnet Choice International Select Basic Service allows Customers to place direct dialed calls billed in one (1) minute increments with an initial period for billing purposes of one (1) minute. Per Minute Rate:$ 0. 13.2 Incomnet Choice International Select Travel Card Incomnet Choice International Select Travel Card Service allows Incomnet Choice International Select Customers to place calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing a toll-free access number, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any intrastate or interstate location. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments with a minimum call duration, for billing purposes, of one (1) minute. There is no per call surcharge. Per Minute Rate:$ 0. This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Page Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 idi 0104 (T) (M) (M) (N) Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 77 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Prepaid Calling Card Service - Ultima I Ultima I is a prepaid calling card service that enables an end user to place calls against a predetermined dollar amount associated with a PIN or prepaid card. Calls are originated by dialing an access telephone number, followed by a PIN. Prepaid Calling Card accounts maintain a balance which is depleted on a real-time basis as calls are placed. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments, with a thirty (30) second minimum call duration. All calls must be charged against an Ultima I Card that has sufficient available balance. Calls in progress will be terminated by the Company if the balance on the Prepaid Card is insufficient to continue the call. Ultima I service may be accessed through touchtone telephones only. Calls to 700, toll free 900 and 976 numbers and calls requiring operator assistance and the quotation of time and charges cannot be completed using this service. Air to ground and high seas service may not be completed. The Company is not liable or responsible for theft, loss or unauthorized use of cards or card numbers. The Company will not refund or issue credit on the unused portion of the Ultima I Card. Expiration dates are printed on the cards. Cards will expire on the expiration date or six (6) months from the first use or last recharge, whichever comes first. There is no refund or credit on the unused portion of the Ultima I Card. Customers may pay for this service via check, money order or commercial credit card. If the balance ofthe card falls below $10., Customers have the option of selecting an automatic recharge through a commercial credit card. The initial card value is $10.00. Per Minute Rate:$0.249 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Pages 49 and 50 Issued: October 9 2001 Effective: October 19 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 ~i a~m ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 (T) (M) (M) (N) .... Effective: October 19 2001Idafio Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT liJl~QQ1 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 78 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Prepaid Calling Card Service - Ultima II * Ultima II is a prepaid calling card service that enables an end user to place calls against a predetermined dollar amount associated with a PIN or prepaid card. Calls are originated by dialing an access telephone number, followed by a PIN. Prepaid Calling Card accounts maintain a balance which is depleted on a real-time basis as calls are placed. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments, with a thirty (30) second minimum call duration. All calls must be charged against an Ultima II card that has sufficient available balance. Calls in progress will be terminated by the Company if the balance on the Ultima II card is insufficient to continue the call. Ultima II service may be accessed through touchtone telephones only. Calls to 700, 800 900 and 976 numbers and calls requiring operator assistance and the quotation oftime and charges cannot be completed using this service. Air to ground and high seas service may not be completed. The Company is not liable or responsible for theft, loss or unauthorized use of cards or card numbers. The Company will not refund or issue credit on the unused portion of the Prepaid Calling Card. Expiration dates are printed on the cards. Cards will expire on the expiration date or six (6) months from the date of first use or last recharge, whichever comes first. There is no refund or credit on the unused portion of the Ultima II Card. Customers may pay for this service via check, money order or commercial credit cards. If the balance of the card falls below $10., Customers have the option of selecting an automatic recharge through a commercial credit card. The initial card value is $25.00. Per Minute Rate:$0.1750 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Pages 51 and Issued: October 9 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice PresidentlCFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 \1) (T) (M) (M) (N) Effective: 1~~Jcp1a~c \RnittgCbbmmission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT i!i ~1 6~01 Incomnet Communications Corporation Idaho Price List Original Page 79 SECTION 4 - GRAND FATHERED SERVICES, (CONT' Select USA * Select USA is a Residential switched direct dial service targeted at Customers with higher interstate usage than international usage. This tariff represents the intrastate component. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes of thirty (30) seconds. A monthly recurring charge (MRC) applies in addition to usage charges, if usage in any given month (not including the MRC, taxes or other surcharges, assessments and fees) is less than $10.00. All Customers will be billed directly by the Company. Travel Card Service is available with Select USA. Rate per minute: Monthly Recurring Charge: Travel Card Rate per Minute: $0.140 $3. $0.250 Select World* Select Wodd is a Residential switched direct dial service targeted at Customers with higher international usage than interstate usage. This tariff represents the intrastate component. Calls are billed in six (6) second increments with an initial period for billing purposes ofthirty (30) seconds. A monthly recurring charge applies in addition to usage charges. All Customers will be billed directly by the Company. Travel Card Service is available with Select Wodd. Per minute rate: Monthly Recurring Charge: Travel Card Service: $0.140 $3. $0.250 This service available to existing Customers only effective October 19, 2001. Material now found on this page previously found on Pages 53 and Issued: October 9, 2001 ISSUED BY:Stephen A. Garcia, Vice President/CFO 2801 Main Street Irvine, California 92614 Boise, Idaho (T) (M) (T) (M) (N)