HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeartline Communications Inc.pdfHeartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Title Sheet Title Sheet Idaho Telecommunications Tariff This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of service and facilities for telecommunications services provided by Heartline Communications,Inc., hereinafter in the text of this tariff referred to asHeartline" with principal offices at 16416 Northchase, Suite 290, Houston, Texas , 77060. Heartline ' s toll free telephone number for customer service inquiries is 800/569-2200. This tariff applies for services furnished within the State of Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public utilities Commission, and copies maybe inspected during normal business hours at the Company principal place of business. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Barrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications , Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Check Sheet Sheets 1 through 16 inclusive of this tariff are effective as ofthe date shown at the bottom of the respective sheet (s). Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. SHEET REVISION OriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginal Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAR 6 -- 1995 Boise. Idaho . -_ Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Table of Contents Title Sheet................................................. Cover Check Sheet.................................................... 1 Table of Contents.............................................. 2 Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations.................. Section 2 - Rules and Regulations.............................. Section 3 - Description of Service........................... . Section 4 - Rates............................................. 15 Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications , Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Symbols The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicatedbelow: D - Delete or Discontinue. I - Change Resulting In An Increase to A Customer s Bill. M - Moved From Another Tariff Location. N - New. R - Change Resulting In A Reduction to A Customer s Bill. T - Change In Text or Regulation But No Change In Rate or Charge. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Idaho Public Utilities CommissionJoseph R. Harrott, President Office of the SecretaryHeartline Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Tariff Format Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner of the sheet. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each sheet. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with theIPUC. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rdrevised Sheet 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the IPUC follows in their tariff approval process, the most current sheet number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Consul t the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. Paraqraph Numberinq Sequence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to itsnext higher level: 1.1.A.1. (a).1.1.A.1. (a) .1.1.A.1. (a) .I. (i).1.1.A.1. (a) .I. (i). (1). Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Idaho Public Utilities CommissionHeartline Communications, Inc. Office of the Secretary16416 Northchase, Suite 290 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Houston, Texas 77060 MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Tariff Format (Cont'd. Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the IPUC , an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff, with a crossreference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by anasterisk (* ). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it ( i . e ., the format, etc. remains the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current on file with the IPUC. Issued:February 17 , 1995 Effective: Idaho Public Utilities CommissionJoseph R. Harrott, President Office of the Secretary Heartline Communications, Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FI L! NG16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 MAR 6 - 1995 Issued by: Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P. U. C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations Access Line - An arrangement which connects the customer s location to a Heartline Communications, Inc. switching center. Authorization Code - A numerical code, one or more of which are available to a customer to enable him/her to access the carrier, and which are used by the carrier both to prevent unauthorized access to its facilities and to identify the customer for billingpurposes. Company orHeartline " . Carr ier Heartline Communications,Inc. , Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders service and is responsible for payment of charges due and compliance with the Company's tariff regulations. Day - From 8: 00 AM up to but not including 5: 00 PM local time Monday through Friday. Evening - From 5: 00 PM up to but not including 11: 00 PM local time Sunday through Friday. Holidays - Heartline Communications, Inc.' s recognized holidays are New Year s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Night/Weekend - From 11: 00 PM up to but not including 8: 00 Sunday through Friday, and 8: 00 AM Saturday up to but not including5: 00 PM Sunday. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Section 2 - Rules and Regulations Undertakinq of Heartline Communications, Inc. Heartline Communications, Inc.' s services and facilities are furnished for communications originating at specified points within the State of Idaho under terms of this Tariff. Heartline Communications, Inc. installs, operates and maintains the communication services provided herein under in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under thisTariff. It may act as the customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers orenti ties, as legally defined in Idaho Public utili ties Commission rules and regulations, when authorized by the customer to allow connection of a customer s location to the Heartline network. The customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. Limi tations Service is offered subject to the availability of facilities and the provisions of this Tariff. Heartline reserves the right to discontinuefurnishing service, or limit the use of servicenecessitated by conditions beyond its control or when the customer is using service in violation of the law or the provisions of this Tariff. All facilities provided under this Tariff aredirectly controlled by and the customer may nottransfer or assign the use of service facilities, except with the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Issued:Effective: Issued by: February 17, 1995 Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290 Houston , Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Section 2 - Rules and Requlations (Cont' d. ) Limitations (Cont'd. Prior written permission from the Company isrequired before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this Tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees ortransferees, as well as all conditions for service. Liabilities of the Company The below tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitationof liabili ty imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing bythe Commission recognizes that it is a court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court' s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Heartline s liability for damages arising out of mistakes, interruptions , omissions, delays, errors or defects in the transmissions occurring in the course of furnishing service or facilities, and not caused by the negligence of its employees or its agents, in no event shall exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to thecustomer for the period during which the aforementioned faults in transmission occur. Issued:Effective: Issued by: February 17, 1995 Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications , Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Section 2 - Rules and Requlations (Cont 'd. ) Liabili ties of the Company (Cont' d. ) Heartline shall be indemnified and held harmless by the customer against: (A)Claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted over the Company s facilities. (B)All other claims arising out of any act omission of the customer in connection with any service or facility provided by Heartline. Interruption of Service Credit allowance for the interruption of service which is not due to the Company testing or adjusting, negligence of the customer, or to the failure of channels or equipment provided by the customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in 2.3. 1 herein. It shall bethe obligation of the customer to notify the Company immediately of any interruption in service for which a credit allowance is desired. Before giving such notice , the customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission by the customer with his control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any, furnished bythe customer and connected to the Companyfacilities. The Company's service and facilities are provided on a monthly basis, unless ordered on a longer basis and are provided 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. For purposes of credit computation, every month shall be considered to have 720 hours. Issued:Effective: Issued by: February 17, 1995 Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 10 Section 2 - Rules and Requlations (Cont'd. Interruption of Service (Cont ' d. ) No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of a continuous duration of less than two hours. The customer shall be credited for an interruption of two hours or more at the rate of 1/720th of the monthly charge for the facilities affected for eachhour or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues. Credit Formula:Credi t =--A- x B 720 A II - outage time in hours. B" - total monthly charge for affected facility. 2 .Restoration of Service The use and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the priority system specified in part 64, subpart D ofthe Rules and Regulations of the Federal CommunicationsCommission. Returned Checks If Company receives a check from a Customer in payment for service rendered or for any other reason of indebtedness and which is returned from the bank due to insufficient or uncollected fundsclosed account, apparent tampering, missing signature or endorsement, or for any other reason, The Company shall apply a service charge of $10.00. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 11 Section 2 - Rules and Requlations (Cont' d. ) Restoration of Service (Cont' d. ) Returned Checks (Cont' d. ) The charge shall be applied to Customer s monthly billing in additional to any other charges which may apply under this Tariff. Payment rendered by check, which is subsequently dishonored shall not constitute payment until such time as repayment is made by valid means. The requirements of this paragraph shall applicable only to new Customers who apply for service after the effective date of this Tariff. The charge shall be applied to Customer s monthly billing in additional to any other charges which may apply under this Tariff. Payment rendered by check, which is subsequently dishonored shall not constitute payment until such time as repayment is made by valid means. The requirements of this paragraph shall applicable only to new Customers who apply for service after the effective date of this Tariff. Deposits The Company does not require a deposit from the customer. Taxes All state and local taxes (i.e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Issued:February 17 , 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Com~issiol1 Office of the SecretalY ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet Section 3 - Description of Service Heartline One Plus Service Flat rate service that residential customers. is pre-subscribed to business Travel Service Allows customer to gain access to their long distance service from anywhere nationally to anywhere nationally via discount service billed back to users office account. Inbound 800 Wats Permits called party to have a toll free number for customer use and billed to the called party. Timinq of Calls The customer's long distance usage charge is based on the actual usage of Heartline ' s services. Usage begins when the called party picks up the receiver. When the called party picks up is determined by hardware answer supervision in which the local telephone company sends a signal to the switch or the software utilizing audio tone detection. When software answer supervision is employed, up to 60 seconds of ringing is allowed before it is billed as usage of the network. A call is terminated when the calling party hangs up. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications , Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290 Houston , Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 13 Section 3 - Description of Service (Cont'd. Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate center involved. The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical andhorizontal coordinates that are produced by Bell Communications Research in their NPA-NXX V & H CoordinatesTape and Bell's NECA Tariff No. FORMULA : (V1 - V2)2 + (H1 - H2)2 Calculation of Distance (Cont' d. ) EXAMPLE:Distance between Miami and New York City - Miami New YorkDifference 351 997 354 529 1,408-879 Square and add:11,249,316 + 772,641 = 12,021,957 Divide by 10 and round:12,021,957 / 10 = 1,202,195.= 1,202,196 Take square root and round:202,196 = 1,096.= 1,097 miles Minimum Call Completion Rate A customer can expect a call completion rate of not less than 99% during peak use periods for all FGD services. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Heartline Communications, Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 14 Section 3 - Description of Service (Cont' d. ) 14 Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate center involved. The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical andhorizontal coordinates that are produced by Bell Communications Research in their NPA-NXX V & H CoordinatesTape and Bell's NECA Tariff No. FORMULA : (V1 - V2)2 + (H1 - H2)2 EXAMPLE:Distance between Miami and New York City - Miami New YorkDifference 351 997 354 529 1,408-879 Square and add:11,249,316 + 772,641 = 12,021,957 Divide by 10 and round:12,021,957 / 10 = 1,202,195.= 1,202,196 Take square root and round:202,196 = 1,096.= 1,097 miles 15 Minimum Call Com~letion Rate A customer can expect a call completion rate of not less than 99% during peak use periods for all FGD services. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott, President Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Heartline Communications, Inc. Office of the Secretary16416 Northchase, Suite 290 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Houston, Texas 77060 MAR 6 - 1995 Boise, Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P.C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 15 Section 4 - Rates Heartline One Plus Service Usage Charge: Day Evening Night/Weekend $ . 2500 2500 2500 Installation Charge: $10. Recurring monthly charge per account: $10. Travel Service . Usage Charge: DayEvening Night/Weekend Per Call Charge $ . 2500 2500 2500 5000 Inbound 800 Wats Usage Charge: DayEvening Night/Weekend $ . 2500 2500 2500 Installation charge: $50. Recurring monthly charge per account: $10. Issued:February 17 , 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott , President , . a 0 U IC II lues ommlSSIOI1Heartl~ne Commun~cat~ons, Inc. Office of the SeCi;~l3ry16416 Northchase, Su~te 290 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGHouston, Texas 77060 MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho Heartline Communications, Inc.ID P. U. C. - Tariff No.Original Sheet 16 Section 4 - Rates (Cont' d. ) Special Promotions and Discounts The Company will, from time to time, offer special promotions to its customers waiving certain charges. These promotions, will for the purpose of bettering the overall service to the customer, requires IURC approval and will not run longer than 90 days in any 12 month period. Exemptions and Special Rates Discounts for Hearinq Impaired Customers telephone toll message which is communicatedusing a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) by properly certified hearing or speech impaired persons or properly certified business establishments or individuals equipped with TDDs for communicating with hearing or speech impaired persons will receive, upon request, credit on charges for certain intrastate toll calls placedbetween TDDs. The credit to be given on a subsequent bill for such calls placed between TDDs will be equal to applying the evening rate duringbusiness day hours and the night/weekend rate during the evening rate period. Discounts do not apply to surcharges or per call add on charges foroperator services when the call is placed by a method that would normally incur the surcharge. Issued:February 17, 1995 Effective: Issued by:Joseph R. Harrott , President Heartline Communications , Inc. 16416 Northchase, Suite 290Houston, Texas 77060 Idaho Public Utiliti3s Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 6 - 1995 Boise. Idaho