HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070117Amendment 1.pdfqr::r:. -\\/:':::\'\ . ,...,- verlmo ZGO1Ji\:-\ 16 I~H 9: 49 ". \1)" "', l I ?~ (;' !(' U IlL! i : ::.:-~~ ,/~",, :lu'iiU:Verizon Northwest Inc. 20575 NW Van Neumann Dr. Suite 150 Beaverton, Oregon 97006 Mailcode: OR030156 Fax 503 629-0592 January 15 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington 83702 Boise, ill 83720 ~1= CQ - IT -1-99- O( :) l (.~- - Re: Infonnational Filing Regarding Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Verizon Northwest Inc. and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance are parties to an interconnection agreement for Idaho (the Interconnection Agreement" SBC Long Distance, LLC recently adopted the interconnection agreement between Verizon New York Inc. and AT&T Communications of New York, Inc. in New York (the "Adopted Agreement"). The Adopted Agreement that SBC Long Distance, LLC adopted contains an amendment with detailed provisions relating to, among other things a unitary rate for intercarrier compensation for certain types of traffic, as well as interconnection architecture arrangements (the "Unitary Rate Amendment ). The Adopted Agreement also contains an amendment with detailed provisions relating to among other things, DSO loop rates and resale discount rates (the "DSO Loop/Resale Discount Amendment"). The foregoing Unitary Rate Amendment and DSO Loop/Resale Discount Amendment to the Adopted Agreement each explicitly provides that the tenus of such Amendment shall be applicable to SBC Long Distance, LLC, along with each of SBC Long Distance, LLC's CLEC affiliates, as well as to a carrier adopting such agreement (along with each of such adopting carrier s CLEC affiliates), in each case for purposes of all of its arrangements with Verizon operating telephone companies, in all Verizon service territories. 1 2 See, e. g" the first paragraph of the Unitary Rate Amendment: "THIS AMENDMENT (this "Amendmenf'), effective as of August 1 , 2006 (the "Effective Date")(the terms of which originally were effective as of November 1, 2004), amends each of the Interconnection Agreements (the "Interconnection Agreements") by and between each of the Verizon incumbent local exchange carrier ("ILEC'? affiliates (individually and collectively "Verizon" or the "Verizon Parties ) and each of the AT&T wireline competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") affiliates (individually and collectively "AT&T' or the "AT&T Parties ; Verizon and AT&T are referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties ), but only to the extent the Interconnection Agreements referenced directly below were not already amended to address the same intercarrier compensation (including, without limitation, reciprocal compensation), interconnection architecture and related Ms. Jean Jewell January 15 , 2007 Page 2 Enclosed, for infonnational purposes only, is a copy of the Unitary Rate Amendment, as well as a copy of the DSO Loop/Resale Discount Amendment, which, as noted above, by their tenus apply to the Interconnection Agreement in Idaho. Verizon is making this infonnational filing to keep the Idaho Public Utilities Commission fully infonned of the applicable tenus between the parties in Idaho. If you have any questions or need additional infonnation regarding this matter, please contact me at 503-645-7909. Sincerely, I? 11U/f-:-i~Lwiller Verizon Regulatory Manager matters set forth herein. Attachment hereto lists, to the best of the Parties' knowledge, the Interconnection Agreements in effect as of the Effective Date (the original listing having been of Interconnection Agreements in effect as of November , 2004). For the avoidance of any doubt, this Amendment shall also amend each new Interconnection Agreement or adoption in any Verizon ILEC service area in which the Parties did not have an Interconnection Agreement prior to August , 2006, provided that in such instances the "Effective Date" of this Amendment shall be the date on which such Interconnection Agreement or adoption becomes effective. The term "affiliates," as used in this Amendment, shall have the same meaning as under Rule 405 of the Rules promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. (italics added for emphasis) See also the following provisions from Section 2(a) of the Unitary Rate Amendment: "... In order for the terms set forth in Sections 3 and 4 below to take effect, the following conditions precedent must be satisfied as of November 1 , 2004 (Le" as of the effective date of the like amendment to the predecessor Interconnection Agreement between the Parties in New York) (or in the case of another carrier adopting any of the Interconnection Agreements, as of the effective date of any such adoption and with respect to such carrier and all of its CLEC affiliates): . .. " (italics added for emphasis) See also the following provisions from Section 3(a) of the Unitary Rate Amendment: "... if for any calendar quarter during the Amendment Term the ratio of MOUs calculated on an aggregated basis across all jurisdictions of (I) all traffic subject to the Unitary Rate under this Amendment that is originated on the networks of the Verizon Parties and delivered to the A T& T Parties, to (ii) all traffic subject to the Unitary Rate under this Amendment that is originated on the networks of the A T& T Parties and delivered to the Verizon Parties (the "Aggregated Traffic Ratio ), is greater than five (5) to one (1), then the Unitary Rate applicable to all such traffic above a five (5) to one (1) Aggregated Traffic Ratio shall be zero (Le. bill and keep ), and the then-applicable Unitary Rate shall continue to apply to all such traffic up to and including a five (5) to one (1) Aggregated Traffic Ratio." (italics added for emphasis) See, e.the first paragraph of the DSO Loop/Resale Discount Amendment: "THIS AMENDMENT (this "Amendment"), effective as of August 1 , 2006 (the "Effective Date ), (the terms of which originally were effective as of September 1 2005), amends each of the Interconnection Agreements (each, the "Agreement"; collectively, the "Interconnection Agreements ) by and between each of the Verizon incumbent local exchange carrier ("ILEC'? affiliates (individually and collectively "Verizon" or the "Verizon Parties ) and each of the A T& T wireline competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC' affiliates (individually and collectively "AT&T" or the "AT&T Parties ; Verizon and AT&T are referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties ). Attachment hereto lists, to the best of the Parties' knowledge, the Interconnection Agreements in effect as of the Effective Date, (the original listing having been of Interconnection Agreements in effect as of September 1 , 2005). For the avoidance of any doubt, this Amendment shall also amend each new Interconnection Agreement or adoption in any Verizon ILEG service area in which the Parties did not have an Interconnection Agreement prior to August 1 , 2006, provided that in such instances the "Effective Date" of this Amendment shall be the date on which such Interconnection Agreement or adoption becomes effective. The term affiliates " as used in this Amendment, shall have the same meaning as under Rule 405 of the Rules promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended." (italics added for emphasis) See also the following provisions from Paragraph 1 of the DSO Loop/Resale Amendment: "For the avoidance of any doubt, this Amendment shall also amend each new Interconnection Agreement or adoption in any Verizon ILEC service area in which the Parties did not have an Interconnection Agreement prior to September 2005 provided that in such instances the "Effective Date" of this Amendment shall be the date on which such Interconnection Agreement or adoption becomes effective." (italics added for emphasis) II. f? E c? ! ' ' .: - ZOUl Y' :, 1./1 9: 49 AMENDMENT , , urn i ,~. /is'r:::;i' INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Tms AMENDMENT (this "Amendment"), effective as of August 1 2006 (the Effective Date )(the tenus of which originally were effective as of November 1 2004), amends each of the Interconnection Agreements (the "Interconnection Agreements ) by and between each ofthe Verizon incumbent local exchange carrier ("ILEC") affiliates (individually and collectively "Verizon" or the "Verizon Parties ) and each of the AT&T wireline competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") affiliates (individually and collectively "AT&T" or the "AT&T Parties ; Verizon and AT&T are referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties ), but only to the extent the Interconnection Agreements referenced directly below were not already amended to address the same intercarrier compensation (including, without limitation, reciprocal compensation), interconnection architecture and related matters set forth herein. Attachment 1 hereto lists, to the best of the Parties' knowledge, the Interconnection Agreements in effect as of the Effective Date (the original listing having been of Interconnection Agreements in effect as of November 1 2004). For the avoidance of any doubt, this Amendment shall also amend each new Interconnection Agreement or adoption in any Verizon ILEC service area in which the Parties did not have an Interconnection Agreement prior to August 1 , 2006 provided that in such instances the "Effective Date" of this Amendment shall be the date on which such Interconnection Agreement or adoption becomes effective. The tenn "affiliates " as used in tillS Arllendinent, shall have the saine meaning as under Rule 405 of the Rules promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Verizon and AT&T are Parties to Interconnection Agreements under Sectiolls 251 ana252oftIie'Ad. H "" -- WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Interconnection Agreements to reflect their agreements on certain intercarrier compensation (including, without limitation, reciprocal compensation), interconnection architecture and related matters, as set forth in Attachment 2 hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and the mutual promises and agreements set forth below, the receipt and sufficiency of which are expressly acknowledged each of the Parties, on its own behalf and on behalf of its respective successors and assigns hereby agrees as follows: AMENDMENT NO.1 TO NEW YORK INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 1 1. Amendments to Interconnection Agreements. The Parties agree that the tenus and conditions set forth in Attachment 2 hereto shall govern the Parties' mutual rights and obligations with respect to the provisions set forth therein. For the avoidance of any doubt, modifications to the Interconnection Agreements (in effect as of the Effective Date or as of November 1 , 2004 if an Interconnection Agreement was effective at that time) pursuant to Sections 3 , 4 and 5 of Attachment 2 hereto shall apply with respect to traffic exchanged by the Parties that is covered by the next bill rendered, on or after the Effective Date, in the ordinary course by each Party for the affected categories oftraffic, with respect to usage that is customarily and timely included in such bills, even if such traffic was actually exchanged on a date up to sixty (60) days prior to the Effective Date. 2. Conflict between this Amendment and the Interconnection Agreements. This Amendment shall be deemed to revise the tenus and provisions of the Interconnection Agreements to the extent necessary to give effect to the terms and provisions of this Amendment. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the tenus and provisions of any of the Interconnection Agreements, this Amendment shall govern; provided however, that the fact that a tenn or provision appears in this Amendment but not in an Interconnection Agreement, or in an Interconnection Agreement but not in this Amendment, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for rIDding, a conflict for purposes of this Section 2 3. Counterparts.This Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 4. Captions.The Parties acknowledge that the captions in this Amendment have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and in no way define or limit the scope or substance of any tenn or provision of this Amendment. 5. Joint Work Product. The Parties acknowledge that this Amendment is the joint work product of the Parties, that, for convenience, this Amendment has been drafted in final fonn by . _ ~~riz;on and that, a~cordingly, in the event ofambigui~ies ill this Amendment, no inferences shall be drawn against either Party on the basis of authorship of this Aniendnient. - . 6. Scope of Amendment.This Amendment shall amend, modify and revise the Interconnection Agreements only to the extent set forth expressly in Section 1 of this Amendment, and, except to the extent set forth in Section 1 of this Amendment, the tenus and provisions of the Interconnection Agreements shall remain in full force and effect after the Effective Date. AMENDMENT NO.1 TO NEW YORK INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 2 SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed and delivered by their duly authorized representatives under seal. THE AT&T PARTIES THE VERIZON PARTIES By:By: Printed: Stephen G. Huels Printed: Jeffrey A. Masoner Title: Vice President Global Access Management Title: Vice President - Interconnection Services Policy & Planning Date: July 6, 2006 Date: July 6, 2006 AMENDMENT NO.1 TO NEW YORK INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 3 Attachment 1 Interconnection Agreements Between The Parties as of August 1, 2006 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 2006 Massachusetts New York ACC INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon New Effective AGREEMENT UNDER England Inc.6/25/97 SECTIONS 251 AND 252 d/b/a VerizonOF THE Massachusetts, TELECOMMUNICATIONS f/kla New England ACT OF 1996 Telephone and Dated as of June 25, Telegraph1997 Company,by and between d/b/a Bell Atlantic NEW ENGLAND - Massachusetts TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY and ACC NAT!ONAL TELECOM CORP. FOR MASSACHUSETTS ACe INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon New York Effective AGREEMENT UNDER Inc. 8/01/06 SECTIONS 251 AND 252 .~ OFfHE- TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 by and between VERIZON NEW YORK INC. and ACC CORP. Amendment 3 ACC National Telecom Corp. Amendment 1 Ace Corp. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 4 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 Washington, DC California ACC INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTiON Verizon Effective AGREEMENT UNDER Washington, DC 6/8/98 SECTIONS 251 AND 252 Inc., OF THE f/kla Bell Atlantic - TELECOMMUNICATIONS Washington, D.ACT OF 1996 Inc. Dated as of June 8 1998 by and between BELL ATLANTIC - WASHINGTON, D.C., INC. and ACC NATIONAL TELECOM CORP. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION, Verizon California EffectiveRESALE Inc.1/23/97 AND UNBUNDLING f/kla GTEAGREEMENT California between GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED, CONTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. and : AT&T COMMUNICA"fIONS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. Amendment 3 ACC National Telecom Corp. Amendment 8 In,.nrnnr~t",ti .. .--. .--' ---- AT&T Communications of California, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 5 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 Connecticut (ACC assigned its Connecticut agreement to AT&T) Delaware AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Assigned Agreement: Verizon New York EffectiveInc., 6/10/98 d/b/a Verizon New York, f/kla New York Telephone Company, d/b/a Bell Atlantic - New York INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT UNDER SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 Dated as of June 10, 1998 by and between NEW YORK TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY d/b/a BELL ATLANTIC -NEW YORK and ACC LONG DISTANCE OF CONNECTICUT CORP. FOR CONNECTICUT AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTSAGREEMENT Verizon Delaware Effectivebetween Inc.9/30/97 Bell Atlantic -- Delaware,f/kla Bell Atlantic -Inc. Delaware, Inc.and AT&T Communications AT&T of Delaware, Inc. CommunicationsEffective Date: of Delaware, Inc. Se tember 30,1997 ACC Long Distance of Connecticut Corp. (AT&T Communications of New England, Inc., assignee) AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 6 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1,2006 Florida Idaho (AT&T adopted the terms of the Pathnet agreement) Illinois AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon Florida EffectiveRESALE Inc., 8/1/97 AND UNBUNDLING flkla GTE FloridaAGREEMENT Incorporated between AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES, INC. and GTE FLORIDA INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Adopted Agreement: Verizon Northwest AdoptionInc., Effective flkla GTE 7/10/01 Northwest Incorporated Interconnection, Resale and Unbundling Agreement Between GTE Northwest 'NCORPOR~TED and PATHNET, INC. AT&T Communications of the Southern States, Inc. Pathnet, Inc. (AT&T '""" Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., ado tee AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon North Inc.Effective . RESALE flkla GTE North 6/28/99 AND UNBUNDLING IncorporatedAGREEMENT Verizon Southamong Inc. GTE NORTH f/kla GTE South INCORPORATED, GTE Incorporated SOUTH INCORPORATED, dlbla GTE SYSTEMS OF ILLINOIS and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF ILLINOIS, INC. AT&T Communications of Illinois, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 7 Amendment 5 Amendment 2 Amendment 4 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Indiana INTERCONNECTION Verizon North Inc.Effective Amendment 2 RESALE fIkla GTE North 11/24/99 AND UNBUNDLING Incorporated AGREEMENT Contel of the between South , Inc. GTE NORTH d/b/a Verizon INCORPORATED AND North Systems CONTEL OF THE SOUTH, INC., d/b/a GTE AT&T SYSTEMS OF INDIANA Communications INC.of Indiana, Inc. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF INDIANA, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Maine Assigned Agreement:Verizon New Effective Amendment 3 England Inc.4/7/99 (ACC assigned its INTERCONNECTION d/b/a Verizon "'Ift :_~ ~~~~~-~-+ J\I"'-DCCIIIIC"'T ""'nCD l1li"';"0,.,a",.. ""!::I' """,.."."""""""""""" ". un....."n...... ...., to AT&T)SECTIONS 251 AND 252 f/kla New England OF THE Telephone and TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telegraph ACT OF 1996 Company, Dated as of April 7, 1999 d/b/a Bell Atlantic by and between - Maine NEWENGtAND TELEPHONE &ACC National TELEGRAPH COMPANY Telecom Corp. d/b/a (A T& T BELL ATLANTIC - MAINE Communications and of New England, ACC NATIONAL Inc., assignee) TELECOM CORP. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Maryland AGREEMENT Verizon Maryland Effective Amendment 4 between Inc.,8/1/97 Bell Atlantic -- Maryland f/kla Bell Atlantic - Inc.Maryland, Inc. and AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 8 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 Massachusetts Michigan AT&T Communications of Maryland, Inc. Effective Date: Au ust 1 1997 AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon New EffectiveAGREEMENT England Inc.4/13/98 d/b/a Verizon Massachusetts, f/kla New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, d/b/a Bell Atlantic - Massachusetts AT&T Communications of New England, Inc. AT&T !NTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION, Verizon North Inc.,RESALE f/kla GTE NorthAND UNBUNDLING IncorporatedAGREEMENT Contel of thebetween South, Inc.GTE NORTH d/b/a Verizon INCORPORATED AND North Systems CONTEL OF THE SOUTH, INC., d/b/a GTE SYSTEMS OF MICHIGAN and AT&T COMMUNCIATIONS OF MICHIGAN, INC. Agreement between AT&T Communications of New England, Inc. and New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, d/b/a Bell Atlantic - Massachusetts AT&T Communications of Maryland, Inc. Amendment 2 Effective 8/3/99 Amendment 4 AT&T Communications of Michigan, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 9 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 2006 AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS New Hampshire Assigne~ Agreement:Verizon New Effective Amendment 3 England, Inc.,6/10/98 (ACC assigned its INTERCONNECTION d/b/a Verizon New New Hampshire AGREEMENT UNDER Hampshire agreement to SECTIONS 251 AND 252 f/kla New England AT&T)OF THE Telephone and TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telegraph ACT OF 1996 Company, Dated as of June 10,d/b/a Bell Atlantic 1998 - New Hampshire by and between NEW ENGLAND ACC National TELEPHONE &Telecom Corp. TELEGRAPH COMPANY (AT&T d/b/a Communications BELL ATLANTIC - NEW of New England HAMPSHIRE Inc., assignee) and ACC NATIONAL TELECOM CORP. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS New Jersey AGREEMENT Verizon New Effective Amendment 4 between Jersey Inc.,9/15/97 (AT&T Bell Atlantic -- New f/kla Bell Atlantic - Communications Jersey, Inc.New Jersey, Inc. of New Jersey,and Inc-.,assigned its A T& TCommunications AT&T agreement to of New Jersey, Inc.Communications AT&T Effective Date:of New Jersey, Communications September 15 1997 Inc. (AT&T of New Jersey,Communications loP.of New Jersey, loP., assi nee AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 10 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 2006 AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon New York Effective AGREEMENT UNDER Inc. 8/01/06 SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 by and between VERIZON NEW YORK INC. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW YORK, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon South EffectiveRESALE Inc., 2/9/99 AND UNBUNDLING f/kia GTE SouthAGREEMENT Incorporated between AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES, INC. and GTE SOUTH INCORPORATED . AT & T-I NTERCON N ECT-IONAGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon North Inc.EffectiveRESALE f/kia GTE North 12/30/98 AND UNBUNDLING Incorporated AGREEMENT between GTE NORTH INCORPORATED and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF OHIO, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION, Verizon Northwest Effective New York North Carolina Ohio AT&T Communications of New York, Inc. AT&T Communications of the Southern States, Inc. AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 11 Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 4 Amendment 3 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 Pennsylvania (former Bell Atlantic) (AT&T adopted the terms of the TCG agreement) Pennsylvania (former GTE) RESALE AND UNBUNDLING AGREEMENT between GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Adopted Agreement: Verizon Adoption Pennsylvania Inc.Effective f/kia Bell Atlantic - 4/29/02 Pennsylvania, Inc. INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT UNDER SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 Dated as of February 3, 1997 by and between BELL ATLANTIC - PENNSYLVANIA, INC. and TCG - PITTSBURGH AT&T INTERCONNECTION-AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon North Inc.EffectiveRESALE f/kia GTE North 10/12/99 AND UNBUNDLING Incorporated AGREEMENT between GTE NORTH, INC. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. Inc., fikla GTE Northwest Incorporated 1/27/99 AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Amendment 2 TCG - Pittsburgh (AT&T Communications of Permsy!vania Inc., adoptee) Amendment 4 AT&T Communications of Pennsylvania, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 12 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 , 2006 AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Rhode Island Assigned Agreement:Verizon New Effective Amendment 3 England, Inc.4n/99 (ACC assigned its INTERCONNECTION d/b/a Verizon Rhode Island AGREEMENT UNDER Rhode Island agreement to SECTIONS 251 AND 252 f/kia New England AT&T)OF THE Telephone and TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telegraph ACT OF 1996 Company, Dated as of April 7, 1999 d/b/a Bell Atlantic by and between - Rhode Island NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND ACC National TELEGRAPH COMPANY Telecom Corp. d/b/a (AT&T BELL ATLANTIC -Communications RHODE ISLAND of New England and Inc., assignee) ACC NATIONAL TELECOM CORP. AT&T !NTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS South Carolina INTERCONNECTION Verizon South Effective Amendment 2 RESALE Inc.,7/14/00 AND UNBUNDLING f/kia GTE South AGREEMENT Incorporated between AT&T AT&T COMMUNICATI0NS OF Communications THE SOUTHERN of the Southern STATES, INC.States, Inc. and GTE SOUTH INCORPORATED AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Texas INTERCONNECTION GTE Southwest Effective Amendment 3 RESALE Incorporated 6/6/97 AND UNBUNDLING d/b/a Verizon AGREEMENT Southwest between GTE SOUTHWEST AT&T INCORPORATED AND Communications AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 13 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 2006 Vermont (ACC assigned its Vermont agreement to AT&T) Virginia (former Bell Atlantic) Virginia former GTE CONTEL OF TEXAS, INC. of Texas, loP., and f/kla AT&TAT&T Communications COMMUNICATIONS OF of the Southwest, THE SOUTHWEST, INC. Inc. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Assigned Agreement: Verizon New Effective England Inc.6/10/98 d/b/a Verizon Vermont f/kla New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, d/b/a Bell Atlantic - Vermont ACC National Telecom Corp. (AT&T Communications of New England, Inc., assi nee AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon Virginia Effective AGREEMENT UNDER Inc. 10/8/02 SECTIONS 251 AND 252 f/kla Bell Atlantic - H -OFTHE- Virginia lnc; TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 Dated as of October 8, 2002 by and between VERIZON VIRGINIA INC. and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF VIRGINIA, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION, Verizon South EffectiveRESALE Inc., 5/28/99 INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT UNDER SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 Dated as of June 10, 1998 by and between BELL ATLANTIC - VERMONT and ACC NA T!ONAL TELECOM CORP. Amendment 3 Amendment 3 AT&T Communications of Virginia, Inc. Amendment 2 AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 14 Attachment 1 to Amendment to Interconnection Agreements Interconnection A reements Between The Parties as of Au ust 1 2006 Washington Washington, DC AND UNBUNDLING AGREEMENT between GTE SOUTH INCORPORATED and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF VIRGINIA, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS INTERCONNECTION Verizon Northwest EffectiveRESALE Inc.9/25/97 AND UNBUNDLING f/kla GTEAGREEMENT Northwestbetween Incorporated GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. AT&T INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTSAGREEMENT Verizon Effectivebetween Washington, DC 8/25/97 Bell Atlantic -- Inc., Washington, DC, Inc. f/kla Bell Atlantic -. and. . Washington,D;C. AT&T Communications Inc. of Washington, DC, Inc. Effective Date: August 1997 f/kla GTE South Incorporated AT&T Communications of Virginia, Inc. Amendment 3 AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. Amendment 4 AT&T Communications of Washington DC, Inc. AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS - PAGE 15